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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1929 RIVER VALLEY LEADER hitherto been preempted by her brother on the score of "cheapening" SuWriDtian Rates imitation. One Year, in advance $2.00 Before woman's "emancipation" Six Months, in advance $1.00 many activities were limited to the .50 male sex, not because it was peculiarThree, months, in advance ly and specially equipped for them, e Entered at the Postoffice at Tre- - but because custom so demonton, Utah, as Second Class Mat creed. Now that the barriers are liftter. ing, women should be free to enter COMPARISON OF any fields that appeal to them. The PREPARED FEEDS Published at Tremonton, Utah, on fact that such fields have hitherto imis man been of special each week. preserves Thursday of material. If woman can enter them and win out, she will have earned her Surest Way to Find Values Published by THE LEADER PUBLISHING CO. position and in such case it would Is to Compare Costs. not lie in the mouth of any man to Incorporated criticize her. Woman and man are subject to dif With so many prepared feeds for TIME ferent limitations. But many lines of live stock on the market, and numer activity invite competition, and it is ous salesmen offering them, the farm to woman "imitate" for Man spends much thought and permissible er is sometimes at a loss to know the effort in devising ways and means of man in following them. Woman s en value of these feeds when compared in a number of fields has been trance time. all inventions Virtually saving A type- elaved by restrictions imposed by man, to natural live stock feeds grown on are conceived as writer advertisement reads: "To save and the fact that the latter was in his farm. The surest method of determining time is to lengthen life." All men first does not give him the right to are interested in living longer but exclusive possession, now that such these values Is to compare the costs, and the complete chemical analysis of they are more immediately interested barriers have been removed. an doing more in less time. the prepared feeds as given on the ine last clipper snip, and more outside of the sacks In which they are recently the steamship, the railroad, sold, with the chemical analysis of the automible and the airship were all feeds and the conceived in the cause of saving time. commercial concentrates. This Is the The cotton gin, the farm tractor, the For Sale. Rhode Island Red Spring statement of E. J. Maynard, associate harvesting machine, the telephone, ' 38tf animal husbandman at the Colorado g the radio all. the countless frys. Call 6y2. and production - increasing Agricultural college. Will buy veal, cows and hogs. Phone A distinction should be drawn by machines in the mills of the world and 36tf the feeder . the various stages of the printing 44J1. Garland between . prepared feeds press were adopted by the world be- STRAWBERRIES For Sale Call S. sold under a trade name and commercause they saved time. 39 cial concentrates such as cottonseed C. Peterson, Pfrone 84.a.l-- 5 During the early years of modern linseed oil industrialism labor opposed the adop- BABY CHICKS of the heavy varieties meal, dried beet cake, beet molasses and pulp. These g tion of machines because for sale now. Call F. B. Barlow, are In workers feared the machines would 39 and Saturday. Friday the of commodmanufacture standard of work. soon them deprive They learned that the machines were Team For Sale Weight 1400 lbs. ities and have a definite composition each well matched. Call M. L. with which feeders are familiar. They directly instrumental in creating more and better work. Today labor wel- NELSON, 134 J. Garland. have a place la fattencomes the invention of a machine rations which has been established ing 4 sows for SALE bred FOR yearling which will perform a mental task exearly fall litters Leland J. Han by years of practical feeding and quicker and perhaps better than can work. are 6it perimental usually They hone oy4. sen., be done by hand. high In either carbohydrates or proMuch is heard about trend to the There was a large black dripper left tein, and for this reason are often "white collar" job. Perhaps there has at my home the? ngiht of the M. I. A. conveniently used In balancing been a drift away from manual labor,, Owner kindly call and get same. day. rations. can but labor goes where it find work. Mrs. H. G. ScottIf there is a tendency toward the menPrepared feeds on the other hand tal and clerical occupations it has been Will the person who borrowed the may be of simple or complex compobecause there is more work of that long handled shovel from me at sition. Thy niay contain only mokind. When a machine is evolved that Riverside Cemetery kindly return lasses and a cut bay. or they may con40 tain other feeds such as produces the work of a hundred work- same. Jos Hadfield, phone 46a3 corn, barley, men it automatically increases the PLENTY OF MONEY to lend on dried beet pulp, mill screenings or number of men required to market its the right kind of real estate. NOR sweepings, reground oat hulls, straw product. MAN LEE, Brigham City. 7tf molasses, limeed meal or cottonseed BEAR ua man-mad- time-save- STOCK FISHBURNG ..m NEW? m TTirmM n.m.i4. ml HhUigJI r from loote buHotu; atom enJ belt loop By ROBERT W. SERVICE Ihml inaccurate ttz 'ner com ton annoyance rip: nurki"!: and rs. ...WANT COLUMN.. farm-grow- n well-know- n labor-savin- last-nam- labor-savin- well-know- n 74-a-- 2, f farm-grow- n meal ON GETTING ALONG with possibly some minerals, FOR SALE Good building lime usually salt and charcoal. c $12.00-peton. "If a concentrated feed Is needed Sugar 18tfd and a Every community .has its members Co., Garland, Utah. prepared feed js considered, It woh can not get along with their felcan be compared to other feeds availWe our guarantee Painting, Paper low citizens. Many offices, stores and Tinting, paper Cleaning. able on the basis of the protein and factories have persons on the staff Hanging, it contains," says May who are incompatible with their fellow Prices Reasonable Ned Wilkinson carbohydrate 38p nard. workers. Every man and woman and son Although the analysis of a feed Is knows somebody he or she "can't FOR SALE REAL ESTATE often given on a digestible nutrient bear." Stock 365 acre For (Sale by owner, be used In No two persons re alike, and every ranch at Standrod, Utah, Box Elder, basis, this basis cannot n nation and race has traits peculiar to County; 100 head Stock Cattle with comparison of feeds or itself. Sometimes the point of dis- reserve right; 50 head ewes. ordinary commercial concentrates with agreement is opinion, such as reli- brick house, pleasant place to live in most prepared feeds. gious, race or national prejudice. Be- winter and summer. Terms to right tween individuals attitude, habits, per- people. O. D. Mclntrie, Naf, Idaho, Lambs Preferred by 41 sonality and tastes may be the cause R. F. D. Standrod, Utah. for dislike. Sometimes people disgust Experienced Feeders r others and often they their Lost A black valise, supposedly fellows. Women are said to be more between Tremonton and Garland on Experienced feeders usually prefer prone to take presonal dislikes to the night of June 2, containing several lambs of 60 pounds each or below, pro others than are men, but among men articles of clothing, a box of poster vided the lambs are not stunted cull there is often heard the remark, "if it colors, and several miscellaneous art runts. Young, thrifty lambs usually wasn t for the law." icles. Finder please return to Lynn do not leave the range under 60 But this is a large world and one Evans, Downey, Idaho, and any shippounds each. The weights mostly person has no more right to it than ping expenses will be refunded includ available are between 60 and 70 another. Since it is no longer feasible ing a reward. each. pounds to lead the life of a recluse or hermit ' Iambs are always a fa or to retire . to the recesses of a NOTICE FOR BIDS monk's monastic cell, people must Notice is hereby given that the vonte in tne leea lots, mere is no learn to conquer their dislikes and Board of County Commissioners of reason to believe, however, that aversions. It isn't easy and it isn't Box Elder County, will receive bids, d lambs are pleasant, but it is frequently necess- at the office of the Board, Court not good, profitable gainers and are ary. Workmen have been successful in House, Brigham City, Utah, on or considered by many feeders as abso abolishing many undesirable working before Monday, June 17, 1929, at 2 lutely . satisfactory. conditions,, but they have never o'clock P. M. for the following: The place where the lambs were evolved a sure method of ridding on apLoading and hauling gravel themselves of undesirable working proximately nine miles of county road raised ismore Important than the face companions. between Grouse Crek and Lucin, Box color. Thrifty mountain range lambs People make life easier and sweeter Elder County. The gravel to be spread are much to be preferred over "pot for themselves by seeing the one good approximately six hundred yards per bellied" desert lambs with wool full trait in the person who has a dozen mile. Gravel pit is located approxi- of burs. There are all sorts of vari bad traits. mately 15 miles North of Lucin and is ations between these two extremes. so located that the haul does not ex- trices and available supply are ac ceed 4 miles one way and 5 miles the cording to the T WOMEN IN NEW FIELDS desirability of the of other. fering. Box Elder County to receive and After the lambs arrive on the farm Woman, being sister to man, may be spread the gravel. seem to be a number of methods there to criticism for many things, but open Right is reserved to reject any and of those persons do her injustice who all bids. getting them accustomed to new conditions. Some feed dry hay, salt would discount her efforts to attain Board of Counly Commissioners, proficiency in certain fields that have By P. Russell Wight, County Clerk. and water, and turn on a short blue grass pasture for a few daysv Others feed a dry feed and then an hour or more on rank growing weeds or after growth In the meadow. Corral the lambs for two hours and then dry r Utah-Idah- home-grow- even-ange- Black-face- d white-face- smooth-bodie- - feed. COMMUNITY BUILDERS As the business houses grow, so prows the Community. Towns like Tremonton, where a close liason is maintained between Bank and Business, thus insuring the development that wisely invested capital always brings, owe much to thesewo community builders. Tremonton Banking Co. Himself one of those who first prospected the gulches and benches of the Klondike, Mr. Service has given us a 4 smashing story, an epic of the gold rush, written with almost biographical i fire. A tremendous drama of superb That priceless feeling of comfort! Here are trousers that are styliih and com- fortable, too. magnitude, embrac- ing a range of characters that hold the , They are carefully tailored, of course, on the long leisurely lines, so popular today. reader in unabated interest to the intense climax. Our Dutches! Trousers look well and they assure that priceless feeling of solid comfort," very minute you wear them! 0 Priced ct ISTcw Sprint Starting in THE B. R. V. LEADER $3.00 to $6.00 SALE OF ANIMALS FOR DAMAGES State of Utah, Country of Box Elder, ss. In the Bear. River Precinct of said County. I have in my possession the following described animals, which, if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at My Correll, in Bear River Precinct, on the 14 day of June, 1929, at the hour of 2 P. M. Description of Animals 1 brown Mare, two years old branded D, on left thigh. Said animals are held by me to the payment of $2.00 damages done by said animals mpon the pre rr.ises of LeKay Thorson on the 3rd day of June, 1929. ERASTUS PETERSEN, Poundkeeper of Bear River Precinct, SALE OF ANIMALS FOR DAMAGES State of Utah, County of Box Elder, ss. Ln the Rawlins Precinct of Said County. I have in my possession the described animals, which, if not claimed and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the hiehest bid der at my Corral, in Rawlins Precinct, on the 17 day of June, 1929, at the hour of 1. Description of Animals Oneb ay saddle horse. two white hmd feet, branded OC on left thiirh. une Diack saddle horse shod on all 4 feet, branded 81 on left thigh. aia animals are held bv me to secure the payment of $2.50 damairfcs done by said animals upon the premise of Roy Anderson on the 5th day of June, ivzy. Azra Harris, Poundkeeper of Rawlins Precinct., . Negligee Straws by TOWNSEND-GRAC- B From all parts of the tropics come the native weaves for nogligee straws fashioned by into the newest styles for the t of 1919. The vogue for that extra hat' sum with rhe careless air, yet becoming and comfortsoft' able, you secure in TOWNSEND-GRAC- E straws the best in material and styles TOWN-SEND-GRA- 1 Live Stock Notes Unlimited Money to Too much grain at the start may result In death of some of the lambs. LOAN Feed damaged grain to your hogs and convert grain losses Into pork profits. Altogether too many pigs have been run on pasture without any or a very small amount of grain. Pigs fed on hulled oats or hulled oats and corn eat less tankage than when fed corn as the only grain. The water supply of the ewe flock should be clean and fresh and of moderate temperature. Free access should be given to salt. take an annual ventoryand all would find It to do so should not forget the He may be an asset or a liability, he has to be fed and an annual has to be paid on him. Farmers who on Irrigated Land. 6V6 per cent. No commissions. JOHN J. SHUMWAY Phones: B. A V. 69.a-2- ; Bell, 129 Federal Farih Loans Interest Rate Also all kinds of tire and Automobile Insurance for tax Apply Tigs weighing from 100 to 150 pounds are the best size. Smaller pigs are not so well able to look after themselves running among the steers and seldom do at well. As soon as the pigs are fat enough for market they should be sold and replaced by thin JAMES BROUGH Secretary and Treasurer Garland National Farm Loan Association GARLAND for Beauty with PAIRaOLBVE" say the world's greatest beauty experts: 5 well dog. In- "Wash your face UTAH LinaCavalieri of Paris Mmc.JacobsonofLondon EliseBoc of Berlin S. Pess I of Vienna Mme. de Neuville of St. Moritz SPECIAL 4 Dozen Cakes for WE GIVE 2Mf DISCOUNT STAMPS |