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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1929 BEAR RIVER VALLET LEADER their agents the 6olemn duty of keep- Iy a land of rabbit's foot to keep at the present time. Stocks of wheat in store in U. S. markets have been ing pace with their products and away bad luck. their own powers of discrimination increased to over 142 million bushels, Subscription Rate One Year, in advance 12.00 between what is in good and what is New Yorkers never stand to watch the largest stocks on record. This bad taste. It behooves the retailer the train come in; they stand to watch combined with the 225 million bushSix Months, in advance., ,. - 100 in els of Canadian wheat in store make .50 to educate his sales force, his adver- somebody work. Three months, in advance and himself. tising the largest market stocks of wheat department Entered at the. Pnstiffiee at Tre isnt' at all essential unless in North American markets ever reThose who produce or purvey the Flattery Mat Class Second monton, Utah, as clothing, household furnishings, books, you are trying to marry a rich old ported. Offeringsf rom these stocks ter. are meeting keen competition from music and art objects to the public widower. should come up to the popular standAustralia and Argentina, where the Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Deal with the manager when possi combined harvest promises to be over ard, and if they can keep several Thursday of each week. jumps ahead of it both they and the ble. Underlings may be as unrea 400 million bushels this season. If sonable as you are. present estimates are borne out from buying public will gain by Published by 35 to 50 million bushels more wheat But there are all of representatives THE LEADER PUBLISHING CO. will be available for export from Auswhich some bear on influence groups tralia and Argentina this season than the public taste who do little or nothIncorporated was shipped out from the 1928 haring to cultivate taste; some are them vest. While lake navigation has reA GOOD PLACE selves deplorable examples of lack of stricted shipments of Canadian wheat TO LIVE it. .Nevertaeiesg they exert an influ' Work from inland points, large amounts for and with your home town. ence, undoing much of the good work have been stored in U. S. and eastern Beautify it. Improve it Make it at- accomplished by those who improve Canadian markets which are readily tractive. Help make it the kind of a the public taste by improving their available for export. Stocks of Ca own. They account for some of the town that you really want to live in. nadian wheat in U. S. markets total "The best advertisement of your remarkably ugly but very fashionable nearly 50 million bushels, with about business is the town you live in if it's things which still find buyers. 60 million bushels at eastern Cana Much of the bad taste shown comes the kind of a town it should be. dian points. The market situation in Slow Towns get reputations as well as from believing it eood taste to have Europe remains practically unchang men. Repitition makes reputation. immutable tastes or of having too imed. A revision upward of about 15 Make your town's reputation one that plicit faith in the tastes of others. million bushels has been made in the will attract favorable attention. It estimate of the German wheat crop will thus draw people and where peo DEADLY A weaker tone developed in the and moderate quantities are being Traffic accidents kill a few thou ple come there is prosperity. exported, mostly to England. me domestic wheat market re Help rid Tremonton of one eyesore sands of men, women and children an- wheat market during the week endafter another. Clean up vacant lots, nually, causing the setting up of ex- ing December 29, influenced by the flected the weakness in the general and plant them in gardens. Make a tensive safeguards for the protection slow demand for the unusually large situation and was also influenced by cluttered-u- p yard a disgrace and an of human life. still available in North Amer- a slow milling demand for most A citizen is killed by assassins in surplus unpainted house a reproach. Cut the ica and prospects of a record supply classes of wheat. Receipts of spring weeds, clean the streets and fix the a foreign land, and diplomatic rela- in the southern hemisphere, according wheat at Minneapolis showed a decidsidewalks. Wash the store windows tions between two nations are strain- to the grain market review of ed further decrease but milling in and discountenance the flaring sale ed and the indignation of millions is the U. weekly S. Bureau of Agricultural Ecoquiry was of small volume and local sign. Be fair to your public officials aroused to the point of violent out- nomics. Prices declined, the May de- stocks were increased. Premiums and pay your taxes without grumbling break. held fairly steady but basic prices deof the lowest livery reaching point so that they may give the best servAn epidemic of infantile paralysis the season to date on Durum and clined about a cent per bushel. No. 1 ice possible back to you. breaks out with the resultant loss of other dark northern, 12 protein, was quotwheat. dullness spring Holiday Make public opinion too hot for life of several hundred children, and prevailed, however, and ed at the close of the week in that was trading those who knock, refuse to cooperate me nawon organizes every resource of small volume and the market market at 2 to 4 cents under the May genfor general good and who will not to combat the disease. was quoted erally inactive. Prices were not ma price of6 $1.14, 13 p But help. at 2 to cents over the May, and insects, which terially changed from a week ago. Tremonton should be a town where yearly cause the death of millions of 10 to 14 cents over; at Duluth demand for the recslow folks are friendly, where progressive-nes- s human lives and destroy vast quanti- ordA stocks export No. 1 dark northern was of wheat in store in North 13 protein is appreciated, where good roads ties of man's food supplies, attract America and increased the at quoted Minneapolis May price competition to make it accessible, where proper san- the concern of one or two govern- from a 6 cents over and 10 to 15 record in harvest prospective mental departments, provoke an occa- the southern itary methods are conducive to cents over. Best grade of Durum domare the hemisphere where attractiveness is con- sional "swat the flv" or "clean-up- " wheat were in good demand but ordisidered an asset, where education fits campaign ana cusiurD not the public s inating factors in the wheat market nary quality sold slowly. No. 1 amfor the future, where recreations are peace of mind The mnsnnitn anil ber of good color, 13 protein, was plentiful for all, where government is) the fly are the most destructive at 3 to 8 cents over the May quote and popular, where living: mies of man. They convey to man price in that market and at 2 to 14 conditions are good, where the helpcents over at Minnapolis. The better ..... f malaria, sleeping sickness, cholera. n 10 avtnnflni inV wivt ao .w. tln lu typhoid and other deadly diseases. caickucu w win grades of cash wheat at Winnipeg nate, where employment is plentiful, Other insects destroy wheat and cotwere fairly steady with No. 1 northSunday, Monday, Tuesday where investments are sound, where ton crops, murder man's livestock or ern Manitoba quoted December 28 at intolerance is unknown, and church contaminate food supplies. And the Renee Adoree and Conrad Nagel in $1.17, which would compare in a spires point the way to heaven. only defense the public makes against No. 1 dark "THE 'MICHIGAN KID" general way with 14 i That's the kind of a home town we his most powerful and destructive enat at northern, quoted Minneapolis The most thrilling, exciting, realis $1.24 to $1.2914. A slack flour dewant! emies is to screen his house and spray tic iorest tire ever screened. Also a mand was his fields anrl nrdinrrlo restricting the inquiry for UUULI IAS IK comedy and news reel. winter wheat and the market ruled a convention of merchants it At Sometimes a is the son dull. Premiums for soft winter wheat Wednesday and Thursday was me consensus 01 opinion mat tne of an optimist. pessimist were materially reduced but best protaste of the American people has im- -, "BRINGING UP FATHER" tein types of hard winter sold at fairin recent A and is proved greatly years fetching costume is any costume Jigprs and Maggie are coming to ly steady premiums. 12 protein No. still growing more discriminating. that will fetch a man. life on these two days. Dons' miss 2 hard winter was quoted at Kansas Several speakers at the convention ' one if you want to laugh. this City at 3 cents under to 1 cent over An auto is a necessity unless you gave most of the credit to newspa-- j the sold at May price of $1.14. 13 pers, magazines, the radio, movies, want to get run over by one Friday and Saturday 1 to 6 cents over the May. There was schools and museums and their educa-- : Rex Bell in practically no export demand, altional influence upon the general pubOne time you certainly pay as you a few cars of lower grades though I lic. COWBOY" "THE GIRL-SHgo is when you ride on a train. were sold at $131. No. 2 hard winBetter taste among buyers imposes A wild west romance that thrills ter low protein was quoted at Omaha on manufacturers and merchants and With some people religion is mere- at $1.08 and 13 protein, smutty, at, '.; everyone. it WEAKER TONE IS DELELOPED IN WHEAT MARKET Large Surplus Meeting Demand; Feed Grains Are Steady germ-carryin- 14, health-fulnes- 14, s, nt tini-w- uii-Lu- Next Week at LIBERTY THEATRE . $1.12 per bushel. No. 2 hard winter sold at St Louis at $1.16 to $1.17. Soft red winter wheat sold at the lowest prices on the crop at St Louis, where demand was very limited. No. 2 soft red winter was quoted at the close of the week at $1.37 to $1.37. The weakness at St Louis had a de- pressing influenie upon Ciniinnati market where soft winter wheat prices declined 3 cents, No. 2 soft red winter being quoted at $1.37 to $1.38. Pacific coast markets were also reflecting the holiday dullness but the demand from export flour mills was $1.17 holding prices steady at around west-erto $1.18 per bushel for ?oft and white wheat at Portland. Ocean vessel space for March and Aprli is scarce and mills were reported to be a unable to obtain sufficient space to meet requirements. Western red wheat was quoted at Portland at $1.1 per bushel. California markets were reported practically unchanged. No. 2 hard winter in bulk was reported steady at Los Angeles at $2.10 per 100 or $1.27 per bushel. No. 2 hard winter and No. 2 northern spring was quoted at Denver at 84 to 94 cents per bushel. Local Hay Market Demand slower, prices slightly-lower- ; alfalfa and timothy $17.00 f. o. b. shipping poiet; alfalfa in Idaho, quoted at $9.00 to $15.00 per ton in stack, depending on desire of farmers to sell and quality of hay offered; 30O tons from Teton Basin, Idaho, moved into Wyoming and Utah. F eel lEBBl Here is your opportunity to get a FREE Dinner set or any part of one that you may need. Every family breaks dishes and needs new ones, but why pay cash for them when you can get them FREE at the Crescent Gas & Oil Co. from "Adam, the Gas Man" ! Tremonton, Utah Phone 102 ! Be sure and read descriptive circular and then ask the station salesman for your coupons and information on how to get your free dishes. Y Coupons given on all Retail Purchases tit r;3 A MM li MustGo Must Be Sold order to facilitate clear ing of our stocks we have forced down our prices to a point that should move This great every coat. event will include big, burly ulsters, trim Chesterfields, and warm raglans. All coats you will be proud to wear next winter. V Every coat a wonderful bargain at the regular selling price. Think, then, of the saving. you take your choice now at Tn Third A VARIETY OF TOPULAR COLORS Overcoats up to $20.00 d a J X T" , reduced to JJD Overcoats up to $25.00 reduced to J) Vtf (fl1 A 3U reduced to Overcoats up to $30.00 (fcOO ZL(' Overcoats up to $33.00 reduced to d0l j)Dv $r 'Jtt O ALL BOYS' AND JUVENILE COATS REDUCED BEAUTIFUL MODELS Women's and Misses' sizes. It is unusual to find such high grade coats offered at such drastic reductions, every coat is of beautiful quality material, most of them trimmed with exquisite fur. 'ISHBURNi 5$ |