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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER PQOCEEDINGS lOTM AISLE Midi THDFTY This OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX model is. now recognized as threaded ""XT' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS . The Board of County Commissioners met in regular Session Monday. Willard S. Hansen of Fielding, representing, the Ukon Water Company asked for a franchise to construct, operate and maintain a waterworks system on certain roads a'J bridges Same was in Box Elder County. granted. Thomas Haws, road supervisor of Plymouth, requested the Commissioners to purchase more laud and enlarge the 1'lyniouth gravel pit. Matter referred to Commissioners Capener and Sweeten for investigation, Joha Peterson, road supervisor m" Penrose, met with the Board and requested them to gravel a portion of road in his district. Mr. Peterson was authorized to gravel one fourth mile of road in question. The following resolution relative to the tax levy for the year 1919 was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION. WHEBBA8, the Board of Education of Box Elder Courty has, by law required, prepared a statement, and estimate of the amount necessary for the support and maintainance of the schools under its charge for the school year commencing on the 1st day of July, 1919, and ,for the purchase of school sites and the erection of school buildings, also the amount necessary to pay the interest accruing during such year on bonds .issued by .. said Boards; also the amount of sinking funds necessary for the redemption, of bonds and, , ... ., WHEREAS, a said,, Board : of Education has caused - the , said, .statement, .to be certified as by law required, and the same has been forwarded to the princi pal officials of . Box. : Elder County, Utah, and, WHEREAS, the laws of this State require that the Board, of County Commissioners shall levy, such precent as shall, as. nearly, as may, ..raise, the amount required by; the said; Board of. Education. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the levy on all taxable property within Box Elder County, for the. year 1919, for the purpose of supplying, the needs and requirements ..of the said Board of Education, as . aforesaid, ; be and the same is hereby fixed at (5 mills. on the dollar. The following tax levy-wamade:a .. For general County- purppses,. 1.8 mills on the dollar. ; ':':: .!; i For- - the care, aiaintainance. and r- lief of the indigent sick and otherwise. dependent poor,. .25 mills on the dollar. For the partial support o" roomers who are dependent .upon their own efforts for the maintainance of their children, .25 mills on. the .dollar For the purpose of providing a sinki ing fund for the payment of $175,000.' 00, County road bonds and for the pay: ment of interest thereon .4 mills on the ; Touring Car, $1075; Roadster, ($1075; Sedan, $1650; Coupe, $1650 F.O.B.r'ontiac, Mich. Additional for wire wheel equipment $75.00 Call MR. BARROW, Phone 18, for demonstration SEE THE SENSIBLE SIX BEFORE YOU BUY MINION : - . ing exponent of light automobile construction, and weight as such delivers economies in gasoline, tires and maintenance unequal-e- d in any other car. high-power- OF.- AUTO SALES CO. . . EMERY BILL MACK QUILL ) BINDING TWINE fl Direct from Factory It is smooth, strong, and guaranteed full yard-ag- e per ball. It will be sold at factory cost plus one small direct handling charge. Price guaranteed to lie less than any equal twine sold. purchases of vfBuy from our pre-wmowers at $77.00. Rakes, binders, and headers at cqrespOIcl-"''"'- '' p ar .r-- 5-fo- ot ing reductions. Crops forecast a very light harvest; buy what you must have from your own Commercial Institu tion. New grain bags will cost about half as much as last season. We will have them direct from Cal cuttaa limited : number. the price and chances of getting it next winter. now is wise considering We are gaateful for the patronage given our Meat and Brigham store. Farmers1 Cash Union Brigham, Utah dollar. For the construction and maintain: It is mighty hot, but he who stores coal - Market - and , Tremonton Utah Phone 35 David Holmgren, Mgr. Phone 54.,.:.... :, ; Nephi Hansen, Mgr. Something Different! THAT'S WHAT THIS PLACE auce of state roads in Box Elder County, 1.5 mills on: the dollar. . . BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF UTAH. WIDE TERRITORY TO RAISESWINE In the Matter of the Appli-- ) cation of the CITY OF) TREMONTON, for permis-- j sion to increase its rates fori Hogs Can Be Grown Profitably ; in. Different Sections of United i States. Case No. 209 water. ADVANTAGES GF CORN BELT Notice is hereby given that the application of for the permission of the City the Public Utilities Commission of Utah, to increase its rates for water, will be heard before the Commission, at Tremonton, Utah, on Wednesday, the 20th day of August, 1919, at 11 o'clock A. M. By order of the Commission. Dated at Salt Lake City, this 5th day of August, 1919. T. E. BANNING, South Has Great Abundance of Crops Which Have Large Value in Rais- Ing Pigs East Also Is Peculiarly Adapted to Industry. by the United States Depart- (Prepared OF HEARING NOTICE ment of Agriculture.) The first place in hog raising in the United States is easily .with the sections, where corn is the first grain thought of when the fattening: of hogs is considered. It is, however, fallacious to argue that hog raising will not give" profitable returns outside of the corn belt. " The corn belt has great advantages for econom ical pork production, but it also has its disadvantages. The cheapness and abundance of corn in this section have often led farmers to use it as the exclusive grain feed. Breeding stock so First, August fed does not thrive well and is not so prolific as when given a varied ration,, and when used for fattening, an exclusive corn diet is not generally profitable. Source of Supply. The few states comprising the corn belt are the source of supply for a great amount of swine products, especially hams and bacon, that are con sumed in other portions of the coun try Yet the advantages of these corn-bestates are little, if at all, superior to those of many others outside of that district. The South has an abundance of vegetation. Cowpeas, soy beans, velvet beans, and peanuts are leguminous crops peculiar to that section jwhich have great value In pig Corn grows readily in all raising. parts- of. the South, and in the sub tropical, sections,. Jhe experience of feeders with cas's'aVa seems to indicate, that it has considerable value for In addition there is porkproduction. generally an abundant water supply; the climate is mild and there is a long period during which green feed is available; tfuis the expense of shel ter: and winter: feeding is greatly les sened. ;j. cora-growi- Secretary. 7th; Last, August 14th. MEN! . lt If you - ' ; You will have to HURRY get one of those 100 Suits we have on sale : . r Hog Raising in East The East is, peculiarly adapted to hog raising in?' view of the fact that markets for ;fresh pork and cured products mayibe found in local communities as Svell as in the larger titles and the various coast resorts. As regards feeds, corn is being grown successfully in; the East, and In some sections the average yield per acre is greater, than that of the middle West. Clover,; blue grass, and many other forage : crops. "especially adapted for swine production grow rapidly in nearly every section of the East In the antrucking sections there is wasted unmarketof vast a 'quantity nually able products that might be used with profit in feeding hogs. In the extreme West the alfalfa of the irrigated valleys and the clover of the coast districts offeree splendid foundation for successful, pork: production. In , most of these regions there is an abundance of small grain, particularly barley, that may often be fed economically while In some localities corn is a successful crop. For the. construction and maintain ance of County roads in - Box Elder r County, 1 mill on. the dollar. For the purpose of encouraging the destruction of . bear, mountain lion, cougar, gray wolf, coyote, lynz and wild cats; and. creating; a fund to be known as- the bounty ;fund 5 mills, on USEFUL RAKE D the dollar, and 'all' sheep, and; goats in said county- and .4 .mills, on the dollar Device Is Handy for Use Among on all range horses and cattle in said Plants Just Appearing Nails" : Used for Teeth. . county. I.- - J. Frampton representing the In destructilbe Sign Company of Colum Finding the ordinary garden rake too coarse to use among the plants "bus, Ohio,met with the Board and reappearing, I made a rake and quested then; to place signs on all cross just used it where I could not handle a Matter Box Elder County. roads in larger rake. The illustration clearly ataken under advisement. Wire shows the whole construction. Dependent mother, Rhoda Archibald nails are placed as far apart as suita- was allowed an increase of $10.00 per month. j. Annie Jorgensen was. allowed $20.00 per month from .the indigent fund. . FINE-TOOTHE- at Face Value Liberty Bonds Accepted in Exchange for Merchandise of (cjollv Ihc House . MOT JACK'S VIEW, HOWEVER D I F- -' vfyij!f TT II If JJJrUll II . 0 "k ..... .. 11 L , I IV ..,. forai:r dollar spcnt-mX- S . ................ ..1.... One Country, One l.lAlA..iA Flag u n Nil The Construction of. a Garden Rake Head in Which. Nails Are Used for the Teeth.. g section should ble. rThe have, the tooth holes" bored out to prevent splitting when the teeth' are driven In. "By hiving tooth-holdeequipped With teeth of different sizes and set at various distances agart a combination rake Is" obtained. James: . M. Kane In "Popular Science Monthly FERENT FROM MOST PLACES. tooth-holdin- have the biggest variety of Fresh Vegetables' and Fruits of any place We ; ; i in town. We are the largest Seed Dealers in the county. We buy everything the farmer grows in the way of grain. .We sell Feed, Flour, Groceries, Seed Sacks, Etc. Magazine. RIGHT Ffne-.Cro- f ought to have your trade. LANDVATTER BROS. Telephone 7 IS NEEDED Wet, Soggy Swamp Land Never Plants Cannot Stand Wet Feet s We. DRAINAGE Oliver 1 Pro-duce- s ps - Few people can stand wet feet. Exactly the same th(ng is true of most land never "Reggy: nmrrled nn heiress, hut. he crops. .Wet, soggy swamp fine" crops. . There are many have him let won't money she produces any ays farms all :'over the county which could to BDflUd." if Onions for tnsOmniaf'V "Lucky dog- - He married not only be, maffe to produce bumper, crops Lie Takes Many Shapes. IT tl'OUIIII''! Willi llll'll!MIII ll.v rillijj'ejr were properly '.' drained. The a rich wife, but a prudent one. ... It is not only the tongue that can raw (iiioim at tin Inst iiieirrffi the farmer, who has a fariaon which both falsehoods. A turn of the eye ing speuk of out Give this n thorough.. (rial, not feet his crops can Wp and day. ;he as be head may r n shake of the The Leader job department' turn but for a week or two. once has land that will grow splen only, iuvwet, ( much of a lie ns any ever spoken. out anything from a dodger to a book did crops. ...i.L- -- |