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Show UTAH carlclh) Tores WEEKLY If INDUSTRIAL "Best in the Long Run" Salt Lake City Robert C. UemmelL, general manager of the Utah Copper, Co. bas announced the following increase in wages: At Bingham all day-labformerly paid more than $3.25 a day receive an advance of 75 cents per r day, and all paid. $3.23 per less or receive'ari advance of 70 day cents per day. This change will become effective as of July 16th. At the Garfield concentrating mills and leaching plant wage changes are as follows: r All formerly paid more than $3.25 per day will receive an advance r of 75 cents, and all paid $3.25 or less will receive an advance of 60 cents per day. These changes are effective as of July 16th. Mr. Gura-niesays that present conditions do not justify increase made but a living wage requires it and the company is basing increase on future prospects.';?'" Salt Lake City Crop conditions in Utah are not seriously below normal, in spite of the drouth, and there is no occasion for alarm on the part of the sugar industry, according to J. W. Jones, sugar beet expert for the United States Department of Agriculture. The month of July will witness an actual reduction in the volume of unsold copper surplus which has been piling up since last November. A company has been incorporated for the purpose of prospecting and developing the oil territory in the Moab valley and in the vicinity of Valley Cty. Roosevelt Granite school to get $7,549.98 worth of improvements. Salt Lake 6 buildings soon to be erected here at cost of $30,-00- Mileage Raised and Prices Cut Wagons That Stand The Strain REVIEW day-lado- day-labo- Safety Tread, 6000 miles Silvertown Cord, 8000 miles day-labo- ll Dealers in "THE DOUBLE LIFE BATTERY" Shuman's Garage W. W. Shuman, Prop. ni jsw DR. R. A. LEWIS DRUG CO. T Office Phone, 89. .V TRRMONTON. UTAH SHAW & IVERSON UNDERTAKERS FOWLER, Proprietor THE FAMILY HOTEL - TKEMONTON, UTAH J f ull 0 5 We Try to Satisfy Conveyance Bell Phone 9 Blk. Utah B. A. Clem Auto Transfer Anytime MrTi?vc n hT) Ann I Phone No. 18 McGUIRE D. ALVA L A W Y E R Practices in All State Courts, FeaoVr Courts and before the United States Land Office. NOTARY PUBLIC H enf 28 - - 1 remonton. Utah Bear River Valley Real Estate & . Insurance Agency N. E. IVERSON, Manager ' "., - o uck "Wagons- are - Coal mine up in Maple canyon. being tilfoe We Sell Them, Let Us Show Them to You. Box Elder Implement Company Opposite ThompsonScott Drug Co. C mi syiwreiJi iwmzi ximmi lewiuar opened . Ogden Preliminary surveys of proposed irrigation canal from Bear River being made. Sandy $20,000 apartment house for vhool teachers to be built. Losing the conservative farmer vote the only hope of the North Dakota league is to line up. the Companies operating as reciprocal of intei insurance exchanges in Utah now number eight, some of which never before operated in the state. Lava Hot Springs State Bank to A HOME PRODUCT Yes, more than that, it is a QUALITY PRODUCT. Jr Auto rti - 0 aX0a0 1 Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Anyplace, separate show room Tremonton rurniture co. I Sign Paiuting a Specialty PHONE 3 J . GARLAND, UTAH Haul Anything, o o iabor vote. Painting, Calsomining and Paperhanging Garland. EMBALHEKS ' (tail W. CHAMBERS, $ UNDERTAKERS LICENSED H. CODDINGTON J. and Burial Supplies. Utah. 0CaaKia0COSOC Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Good, Quick Service. All Work Guar DR. f 2 General Blacksmithing Htiteed. Lire cf Caskets factory. Parowan Mr. N. E. Shaw, 54.A-Day Phone, 14 Tremonton, W.E. BERNDT Fielding, V 2 Where you get the best to eat, good service and courteous attention. to be improved. Ogden Project proposed to Irrigate nearly all of Weber county. Salt Lake $50,000 improvements to iie made at Wilks theatre. Oil reported struck at 400 ft. in Gus tavesou Oil Go's, well in Diamond Fork field. Salt Lake Orders issued for stage line to Uiuta. Silversmiths report scarcity of Dar silver. One New York factory employ ing 1000 less hands in manufacture of silver ware. Ogden $40,000 improvements to be made to Shupe Williams Candy Co's LICENSED EMBALMERS AND xeerienced!Kuneral Directors BURIAL SUPPLIES. Night Phones: Mr. N. E. Iverson, 77.A-- SHIELD HOTEL LANE D Mantua $20,000 club house to be built at fish hatchery near here. While educated, college and technical help is abundant there is increasing scarcity of farm and common labor over the country. Salt Lake Emigration Canyon road OFFICti: OVER THOMPSON-SCOT- To do the heavy work on the farms in this community requires the very best wagon of the clearest, toughest timber, mechanically perfect. one-stor- y DENTIST - erect $25,000 building. mill Salt Lake Old modern into be to converted building warehouse) costing from $15,000 to Sierra-Nevad- "Prids ofUtsh" a $20,0'00. Cedar City A plan is on foot to construct a road up Parowan Canyon. Condition surrounding copper indusft try gradually improving. . new mgn g EQUAL TO ANY FLOUR level for electrolytic copper reached in sales for September shipment at 20 We also sell bran, shorts, 4 cents per pound. Higher prices appear 4 and other millstuffs. . inevitable. State to erect power line from Cedar 1 City to St. George to supply electrical for machinery and trucks used f1 energy in highway construction. 1 Salt Lake $154,203.26 contracts let for street paving here. St. George Contracts let to build 29 GARLAND, UTAH miles of road between Enterprise and ft Diamond Valley. Old silver mines of Utah gradually being reopened, mines which continued operations preparing to increase production, while new companies are being formed for the purpose of developHarry Darton, Prop. ing properties in proved districts. A place to g,r a Clean Shave or a Contract for construction of Iron section of Cedar-LonHair-cu- t. Valley county Stylish National forest road let for $64,000. Green River Record wool shipment Courteous Attention to Our Customer." of 128,000 pounds made here. YOUR PATRONAGE INVITED Salt Lake Road to Zenith mine ready for hauling. Concrete cooling tanks at Quicksilver) Mines Co. plan in Jersey valley completed and furnaces again discharging the ipiick. FLOUR I Don t DecideUntilYouKnowTheOwen The Owen costs I GARLAND I MILLING CO. i Units. I Palace Barber Shop Wesley Carter : J. P. Ogden, wife and child left Player Piano Adjusting Phone 99 " Tremonton, Utah for Provo, where they go to Sunday Service Prompt reside, the former having decided to All Work Guaranteed engage in'the manufacture of cider at Is Phone The Leader Is the paper that Tremonton, Utah that place. They made the trip In a Sited with news live news of folks of the new Fork truck, purchased Stewart-RitchiHead The Leader for the news. Motor Co. of this city. you know and of friends you like. e h At last farmers are able to secure the perfected Light and Power. This plant is the Owen. Until the Owen came, farmers had to be content with makeshift units. Crude, too small, expensive to operate. Still many bought these temporary units. They could no longer content themselves with lterosene lamps and the lack of electric power. Many hesitated, waiting for just such a plant as the Owen. Now those who have already bought units are I Piano Tuning as much to operate as other Cheaper per horsepower than kerosene lamps one-fift- should care for, the engine starts automatically. Even the lubrication is automatic. Aside from the matchless convenience thi3 automatic control offers, it also multiplies the life of the batteries overcoming costly replacements formerly necessary. As a result the Owen costs you but as much to operate as other units. It offers you illumination and power at less per candle-powthan kerosene lamps. The Owen' has a "silent valve" engine which cannot leak. Compresreplacing them with this final-typ- e sion remains perfect. plant. Each day we are receiving orGrinding of valves and ders from farmers who scraping of carbon are have been waiting. unnecessary. The Owen's success It will light as high as has been instant. It is 100 lamps without flick a new conception. It ering. It has more caoffers you betterments such as have never pacity for running a water system, churns, been offered by any other plant cream separators, washing machines, 'millThe Owen starts and stops itself. It is ing machines, electric fans, irons and toasters. completely automatic. No running down to the cellar to turn it on or off. When the Dozens of such reasons as this should urge batteries are partially discharged, the engine you to know the Owen before you decide. starts automatically. When they are fully Come in and let us explain the many Owen features to you. A post-car- d or a telephone charged, it stops automatically. When you call will bring us to call on you. require more current than the batteries G. S. H0RSLEY, Salesman . C. F. HARTMAN, District Agent Phone 270J one-fif- th er BRIGHAM, UTAH |