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Show DECLARES FORD DECLARES Utah Don IS "Wa Miss Edna Nelson of Thatcher visited in Ogden a few days this week. MURDER" i B. F. Miller has begun the erection Whirlwind of Question Fall to Shake of buildings on the lot which he recently purchased in the Shuman addition. Comf-wae of ruoii who Sues hiM.ion 6ecufc ne vvas Louise and Esther Summers, Fred Caned "AiMruiueC and Tillie Hacr, and George Oetz, left Saturday morning for Peoria, 111. Electric Shoe Shop Trejiontox. Mt Clemens, Mich. The high Ideal-Isof Henry Ford has freshened the libel proceedings of the cne and has brought into the weari-Hom- e arguments of counsel and the, dull repetition of new quality. For a week the man who has been described ftg everything from an "anarchist" to the greatest patriot of his day, has been on the stand facing a merciless fire of questions, Jlurjiig the reading of an article written, hy John Reed pn. Henry Ford, in the Metropolitan find pu.bjisheil Magazine, the Rudienee in the court room chamber violated all precedent by breaking into applause and Mr. Ford, visibly embarrassed, raised his hand in protest. Tribune counsel had endeavored to quote. ar.!graphs from the R,eed article but imd been compelled, by objection of Ford attorneys, to introduce the interview in its entirety.. In the main It was highly complimentary to Mr. Ford. ''Make farmer Independent." "What I want to do," Mr. Ford was quoted as saying, "is to make the farmer as independent as I am ; independent of the b.aks, indp.pen.d.p.Ht of" the fPHS? wiepejidpnt of the railroads." the audience, many of them from tltt surrounding farms of this community, showed visible evidence of its appreciation of that ideal. Twice Mr. Ford, wearying of the questions having to do, with, his know-Igdgaf hisMry, said "Oh, I'll admit that I'm an Ignorant idealist If you Mis. J. L. Maxwell of Moab is visiting here with her sister Mrs. Alma Ford-Tribu- 't be a fossil j subscribe for The Leader, and know what is going on. Farnsworth. DeVerne Watkins returned home last week from overseas duty, having received his discharge from the service. s, Probate and Guardianship REPAINTED CARS notices. Consult In any style to please the most particular owner by County Clerk or respective fur further- particulars. signers - A. A. FURSE Nptice to Creditors. Estate of Annetti H. Thompson, Pe Worn and defaned Furniture restored to it's original cease. Creditors will prese.pt claims with, vouchers to the undersigned at Tremonton, B. F. D. No. 1. on or before the 1st day of December, A. D. 1919. BEAUTY Graining and Calsomining Sign Writing, JUNIUS THOMPSON, Administrator of Annetti Thompson, Pec(jasef, the W. J. M. LOWE, Attorney for Estate. Date of first publication July 31st. Last August 28th, 1919. E 9 N H H -it fi orieain,i) i.t)4n-R4i , U elimination, improve sptjci-le- biSft Eiek roiiovo itca headjRitsr, ieusnossi correct cc:sti?3tion, They net erinptly, a Tosaees,w iy, fj C5 Ahisi h Notice to Creditors. Estate of Soren Thompson, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with yoiirlier to Jhe undersigned jjt Trg- ? fin Pr feef8re P- fWilfVP: fithg liit day. of puepmbep, JUNIUS THOMPSON, the Executor of Soren Thompson, Deceased. W. J. LOWE, - Your E5e. an a flfOMfPN-SfJOT- DRUG CO T Hotel Boothe BRIGHAM, UTAH Just a little better than you thghi, ?n the hear of ; - business, Not on the corner-A- ll Outside Rooms Still Serving Our Famous Monn-rSitli'TW- Pincf8. Lpge Directory. Dora. BrtjWB, rVfc s?e'i Sheriff 's Sale on the 1st day of August, 1919, at twelve r of tllS q'clpcH ngon, at tjje frIlt House in Court City, Brigham County Box Elder County, State of Utah, all the right, title, and interest of the above named defendants, of ,in and to the following described prop r.cmontpn, Box er! v. situated 'in Tj bq gold a Elder bounty, Utah, : Lots Eleven (11) Twelve (12) Thirteen (lgj and FbUitoen (14) of Block Seven (7), Plat "A" Tremonton McKinle Camp No. 10198, Modern Woodmen cf America, meets the First 1919. tend. Visting neighbors invited. Dated this 8th day of July, A. .JOB. WILLING, Sheriff Box Elder County. BY JOSEPH R. OLSEN, Deputy, Louis Christensen ' Venerable Consul. TEEMS OF SALE: CASH. Pleisini Jewelry Designs ! . Miss Martha Meister who recently underwent an operation at the Dee hospital, Ogden, for removal of tumor, is reported as getting along nicely. Harry Furse and mother left Tuesday by auto far Bexhurg and Idaho Falls, Idaho, where they will visit for ten days. of Bailey, superintendent & LtgUt of the Utah sales power E. R. Pc-we- Co., .w&s i FOR SUMMER Tte particular Class of Jewelry is prettier, more altactive and less expensive than any other line of Jwelry. TK DESIGNS AND STYLES WERE NEVER StkRTISTIO OR CLEVER AS THIS YEAR Our diiply of Cuff Pins, Bar Pins, Waist Sets, Belt Pins,tc., are more than pleasing and will add I charm to the summer frock. , D. Mrs. Maud Letha and. Dewey vtk Lwe, on and daughters and J. A. Hun to Rockland, Idaho, returned and Monday. Friday morning saker, motored We Want You the printing this paper we do job work of any kind. When in need of anything in this line be sure To See Us THE featuring Experienced men must know livestock buying with a knowledge of weight, price, the amount and quality of meat the live animals will yield. JACK A Each manufacturing operation must be done with expert skill and scientific precision. A highly perishable product must be handled with speed and care to avoid loss. also a GEORGE OVEY corned', entitled Alert wisdom and judgment must be used in getting stocks of goods into the open channels of demand through our four hundred branch houses. Branch house organizations must show activity and energy to sell at the market in the face of acute competition from other large packers, and hundreds of small ones. "Jerry's Jam" This is the first time this pcp ular little comedian has been in Tremonton in two years. The American made a special effort to get this little faugh producer. All these requirements of intelligence, loyalty, devotion to the task, are met in the personnel of Swift & Company. Yet the profit is only a fraction of a cent per pound with costs at minimum. Wednesday-Thursd- ay American How can the workings of this delicate human mechanism be improved upon? Do you believe that Government direction would add to our efficiency or improve the service rendered the producer and consumer? Want to Buy or Sell Land? If so see us. We have city houses of all kinds, lots dry and irrigated farm lands. We have two modern homes near the heart of Tremonton for sale Swift "Dollar". send you It will interest you. Address Swift & Company, Chicago, 111. Union Stock Yards, Let GARDNER great story of the days of the real West. A story of the outdoors. Full of heart interest, thrills, and enter tainment. Chemists, engineers, accountants, and other specialists are required to take care of our intricate problems. fl fcl HEM DESERT A "Perfection Picture" attention. 8 100 miles will be improved by the deFedcrease in maintenance expenses. eral aid amounting to $250.0110 had been allotted to Dallas County for its highway development, and it is expected that a large unniber of motor trucks will be assigned to assist in the construction work. The favorable reception of the big bond issue is this conn ty is expected by officials of the Bureau of Public Roads, United States a Department of Agriculture, to have on similar effect proposals favorable, Road building in Texas is elsewhere. at high tide. Btate highway engini eers estimate that more than 2U,0()0, 000 worth of roads are now under construction. Despite its scope Swift & Company is a business of infinite details, requiring infinite A League of, Haesa,, w ereBared-E?9W W th hut. Ihai is the way he sees the situation today. "We must either," be said, "tccepi (he covenant ot peace or democracy must aria and stand guard for ever at the threshold of liberty." "War Is Murder." He hammered tuat fact home tod with H he always a.4.u,$d., "War is murder." "1 was a murderer," he said, "I was a helper of murder. When the crisis came we all took a hand. But it is nil the same. War is murder." "What do you mean by murder." "1 mean killing people." "Killing people to protect the Interests of the people?" "Killing anybody or anything. 1 don't know what else war Is. War is murder. There is-- a far better way.' "What is the better way?" "Why, to educate people. To teach them to think tor themselves." A long examination was conducted which sought to quii Mr. Ford concerning his views on history, based on a remark which he once made that "1 wouldn't give five cents for all the history ever written." "I don't think much more of It now than I did then," testified Mr. Ford. "The war showed us that history didn't last a week. All the things they told us would happen didn't happen. They went ahead, knowing what wai meant, and made the same mistakes all over again. The history we write today is the thing that counts. I'm not Interested In yesterday." The Flag of Nations. The much discussed flag of a League of Nations, which It has been statod Mr. Ford was having made in his fac tory before tbe United States entered the war. was brought into court. The testimony developed the fact that Mr. Ford did not originate the design o. the flag and had never seen the ban, ter Itself. He saw a small drawing of It one In St. Paul's Cathedral, h trolt, be said, but had never heard ol It again and knew nothing about It He denied emphatically that he ever aid ha would raise this flag above the Stars and 8trlpes, and said the statement that he reverenced this banner above the flag of his country wui "A terrible thing to say about an Am erlcan," prepare to attend the state uuiverbjty brass. when the term opens. It is a Perfection Picture, of the sort that is shown iu the big theatres inC. Rohde the has bought Henry terest of Robert Burge in the black- of the large cities where pictures must smith business aud the same will now stand the acid test. However, this lie conducted by Mr. Rohde and J.. may not mean much to Total patrons, name of and to make these statements better Cameron Smith, under the understood, the management of the Smith & Rohde. American will refund the admission N. E. Shaw returned Monday after price to any person not one hundred an absence of Bix weeks, during whlcn percent delighted with it. he visited Chicago, Boston, Columbus, With this feature will be shown a Niagara, George Ovey Comedy, "Jerry's Jam." Philadelphia, New York, Kansas City, Wichita and other cftles This is the first time this popular little throughout the East. He purchased a comedian has appeared in Tremonton at the large stock of furniture for his nrm, in two years. Remember, making his selections from several of American next Wednesday and Thursthe leading factories. While in Colum day, adv. bus he attended the Methodist church Votes for Big Bond Issue. centinary convent ion, at which more than 100,000 persons were in atten- The largest bond issue ever submitted in any county in Texas and ore of dace. the largest vote anywhere in the country was ratified by a big majority recently in Dallas County, Texas. It provides $6,500,000 for a complete belt line around the county, with 11! roans radiating from Dallas to all sections, to keep in mind and 6 intermediate roads connecting-thradial highways. The system pro fact that in addition to vides for 332 miles of road, and in adnewsdition feeder roads amounting to about Delicate Mechanism unassuming, courteous and patient, Henry Ford made a deep Impression on the audience. Not once did lie lose his temper under th Reckling of opposing jittonieys, even whn jitiii'. qiittstions verged on the edge of insult. But vvhen the examination touched on syhjects which are close to hi heart, the League of Nations, wur and the happiness and prosperity of humanity, counsel found him eagerly alert. at cheap. TREMONT REALTY CO. With Tremori t Coal Co. Swift & Company, U. S. A. COMMON WIKHHAZEL FINE FOR SORE EYIS S6 SHOWS amis X Of DOUM BY Of MCAT PMDUCTt SALE mio roe THi ANIMAl rou LAeee AND PREISHT KMAINt IC0MPAKY t Bead The Leader for tbe news. this city last Saturday business. Utile," Quiet, fendants. Townsite. N. E. Shay, Clerk. " pisitilf. W. T. Hudson and Ella Hudson, his wife, and State Bank of Tremonton, a corporation, and Otto Meek, De- modern Woodmen or America ml VtertlPwys ?cfe moflrt ai fnterml SfoH, $Seaubra urged to at- Miss June Iverson went to Bear River City Friday to keep house fon! . . uvu vi oijl mi um-iuuriug tilt? weeks. Aamsy- fas Ist&te, Date of first publication July 31st. wish." Last August 28th, 1919. "What is an idealist?" queried Tribune counsel. ornate goodness of the man Tj his kindly eyes with a new up lighted IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE as he leaned forward an anFIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF light, swered slowly, "J think an, idealist is THE STATE OF UTAH, IN AND ne W!H ti make peopjfe' happy FOR BOX ELDER COUNy. I think I (o that a and prosperous. ' - Last week a small house was moved off the lots at the eorner of First Xonh. and First West streets, owned by E. J. Winzeler, preparatory to beginning the erection of a modern home by Mr. Winzeler. CITY and VICINITY LEAGUE OR WAR Cullen & Sercomb Plow Wheat Land By August 15th. Stubble land that is to be sown to winter Wheat should be plowed by tae middle of August. The United States Department of Agriculture and State experiment stations have made many tests. Those of the past year corrob E. WILCOX, Prop. orate the earlier ones. "The earlier Half Sole sewed in 15 minutes by the plowing the larger the yield," has been accepted doctrine for years. Champion Goodyear Welt System. Other things being equal, it holds good. General Boot and Shoe Repairing "THE MAN OF THE DESERT." One of the best program features ever filmed is "The man of the Dei sert" with Jack Gardner in the lead. Mrs. Sidney A. Ellswood spent TuesWith beautiful settings iu the Great day in Bear River City. Outdoors, with nature as the background, this feature in one of the most Dave Cook and Pearl Haws spent a Mixs Octavo Holmgren who has beeij that one could hope to bee. few days last week, in Idaho. as a bookkeeper at the employed MANUFACTURER MAKES IT The difference between ' ' The Man of Cash Union for several the Desert" and most other W. H. Cash of Howell is doing busi- Farmers' CLEAR HE BfcLIEVES COVEN-- ; ures months, has resigned her positico to is the difference between ness in town today. ANT 1$ A GKfcAT STEP. gold and New Display Boom. The Tremonton Auto Sales Co. has occupied the addition to the State Bank building and now has on display Groceries, Fresh and Clean at the low- a number of Oakland ears, ready for est prices. the inspection of all who are contemQUICK. LiUKUU When rou want a plating the purchase of a ear. The room permits of an attractive quick lunch, eome here. Best Food display and adds to the appearance of at reasonable prices. the new cars therein. CANDY AND CONFECTION Aft ? Package Grocery and Lunch Room y I 1 1 If B M 1 It is surprising how quickly eye inis helped flammation by common witchhazel, camphor, hydrastis, etc., as mixed in Lavoptik eye wash. O.ie elderly lndy, who had been trouble with ehronic eye inflammation for many years, was greatly helped in two days. We guarantee a small bottle of Lavop tik to help ANY CASE weak, strained or inflamed eyes. Aluminum eye cup FREE. Thompson Scott Drug Co. adv. |