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Show Wesley Carter LIVE STOCK NOTEsj Piano Tuning MMMMMMMIMMMMt SHORT Player Piano Adjusting Prompt Nervu-- Pork liosrs Is a pretty fair business to follow now, provided you raise your feeds and every attention that we can give to make the best of hogs will pay us well in the future. We haye just received a car of I ahuiuc oran ana anons ana a car of Steam Rolled Barley. You can't beat us on Flour and Feed. We have the best at the lowest prices. e All Work Phone Grow Into the sheep business not go into it. Beginners should start on don't leave tj yOU your rig in the 13 middle of the a rather small scale and increase tho size of the flocks as experience la gained. st Rye pasture ment if you depend upon it as a sole ration but stock should have grain and other roughage. Why not store your winter Coal NOW? TREMONT COAL O . Alfalfa hay is rich in protein, a muscle-fwhich idle nutriment horses are not so much in need of. orming Cattle that are fed silage do not shrink In transit any more than do those receiving dry roughage alone. The Banking Habit Each calf needs a separate pail, for calves like all other animals differ in their speed of eating. paper. When you get the Banking Habit you have an asset that is of the greatest value to you. When breaking the colt, see that all parts of the harness are strong and OnellxtraBuyer The pocket leaks. The bank preserves your money intact. The banking habit teaches you economy. You learn that money grows. This habit makes for permanence in a depositor. You feel you have a stake in the community, and you are careful of your , Why some farmers continue to breed to the scrub stallions is a mystery. fit well. financial standing. Just a little better than you thought, in the heart of Outside Rooms is registered in the HolsteinFriesian Association of America as Battlebore, We have reduced the Titan now get the world s standard o-pl- Vermont nJy Earl's Barn. SERVICE, control of cotton wilt dairy cow by the United States Department or Agriculture.) - Demonstrations conducted by the 'United States department of agriculture on the control of cotton wilt, '.which have been in progress for sev-ieryears, resulted last year in the 'planting of a larger acreage of cotton than ever before with : al wilt-resista-nt 1 i J to JrSlC ul $3.00 Two facts stand out prominently as reasons for the increased production and use of milk. The first is that milk as purchased on the market usually supplies food material together elements with the more economically than either meal or eggs. The second reason is thai the dairy cow Is the most economical producer of animal food. One greal law of food conservation is to turn Inedible feeds into edible foods in the cheapest possible manner. The dairy cow will utilize coarse materials, inedible to humans such as grass, cornstalks and hay and will turn them into milk. Other farm animals also are converters of coars roughage Into edible foods, but are not so efficient as the dairy cow. growth-producin- good - g for scours in calf This Is good for scours In calves: One ounce of formaldehyde (use 40 per cent formaldehyde), 16 ounces of water, mix, give one teaspoonful for each pound of milk fed to calf, stir In the milk. Cut down on the amount of milk being fed. This for two feeds Is generally enough. Fole dose of castor ol low with If constipated. i is no "joker" in this price. We are you one story in this advertisement and then leaving it for our dealers THERE to break he sad news that the advertised price won't buy a tractor unless you pay extra lot of necessary features. The Titan for won't dealer charge you extra for "starting and service" before he can deliver the tractor. He won't show you a machine stripped .of many essential parts belt pulley, fenders, platform, governor, drawbar, tools and then tell you that you can have these things by paying extra for them. The Titan at this advertised price is a complete 3 -- plow kerosene tractor. Then there is another thing. We are not experimenting at your expense when we sell you a Titan There is real farm machine and tractor manufacturing ing experience back of it. We have been in the farm machine business for 88 years and have been supplying tractors for 14 years. Not another company in the world knows the farmer's power and machine requirements as the Harvester organization does. 10-2- 0. Would you entrust your bank account to a man who had never had any experience in handling money? Will you risk your farm profits in a tractor built by designers whose knowledge of farming is limited to books and a drawing board? It will pay you to think about these things when you buy your tractor. W Plant Destroyed by Wilt ;an actual saving greatly In excess of ithat of any previous year. The great .possibilities of this work are shown by 'reports from two cotton planters in South Carolina who state that their having last year through growing cotton was approximately FEED GRAIN TO YOUNG CALF Cotton nt !115,000. ... Don't be a rossu; IV- uowriu - - Tli A Starting and Instruction Service Another "joker" of some tractor concerns is to charge you a large "starting and service" fee extra. This is another way of getting a low price for adver-- t Changed From Whole to ' Skimmed Milk Little Grain Should Be Put in Youngster's Mouth. sing purposes. But you can't get the tractor without paying this charge. They make it compulsory. The International dealer givei tfou thit iervice Free tractor without ashing you to pay extra (or it when you bay a Titan 1 Mchools inaugurated by us, also benefitTitan purchaiers in all partt of the country. When the calf Is changed from whole milk to skim milk, It will bePlace a little gin to eat grain. grain In Its mouth after each feeding of milk. It will soon learn to eat the The grain grain without assistance. should not be fed with the milk. The calf should be allowed to masticate the grain. InternationalOFHarvester Company V r AGO When . vou know and of friends you like. $1,000 Caih F.O.B Factory $1,050 on Time sizes, equipped with safety shield, is mounted of the steady directly on the crank-shaTitan engine and delivers the full power to the 0 can be quickly driven machine. The Titan backed into the belt because of the location of the pulley and the belt clears the front wheels and other parts of the tractor by a generous margin. It is not necessary to dig holes for the front wheels to get Leit clearance. The THan The designers did nof overlook it in pulley was not put on as an afterthought. the first place. Some tractor builders committed this very serious error, due to lack of farm knowledge and experience. To remedy this error, they designed a small make-shi- ft pulley, in one size only, attached it in an awkward place, and friction clvtch pulley is furnished charge you $35 to $40 for it. The Titan 10-2v)ithout extra charge. low-spee- d, AMERICA inc. MIC Throttle Governor Some tractors are sold without governors because, perhaps, the designers did not know that one was needed. Which is the best economy to pay an operator a salary just to sit on the tractor and adjust the fuel to the load variations when engaged in belt work or let a throttle governor do it without extra cost? do it automatically, perfectly. The Titan throttle governor saves fuel, prevents grain losses by delivering uniform power to your thresher and lengthens the life of both tractor and driven machines. Vou get this governor without extra charge. rWoiarTt Some tractor builders put a hook and eye affair on the and call it a drawbar! tail end of their tractors They seem to have overlooked the fact that a farm tractor not only pulls plows but also mowers, hay loaders, grain binders, harvester-thresher- s, etc., each requiring different hitch adjustment. Perhaps they didn't know about these Look at the Titan drawbar. other machines. MntA tli. nrnvidnnfl for a wide, ranee, of adjust ment both up and down and sidewise. The Titan drawbar (its every need and it is furnished without extra cost. LIaWUal FVnr1T'C ITCIlUCId om tractors "he desiBiers evidently did not know that the drive wheels throw dirt, dust or mud over the operator and machine unless fenders prevent has such fenders. They are it. The Titan also a "safety first" feature. The state of Michigan has passed a law prohibiting the sale of fenderless tractors. Titan fenders are furnished without the " $40 to $50 extra charge made by the manufacturers. 0 "low-price- Some tractor designers apparently never sat In a tractor seat ten hours a day or more, jolting over rough fields, so tliey can't appreciate what a relief it is for the tractor operator to rest himself row-anthen by standing up, without less of time. Vou will appreciate the Titan furnished regularly platform that enables you to do this. It is a comfort feature tractorno extra cost. with every Titan Ploffyrn 1 IdLlUIIIl 10-2- 0 10-2- 0 rP 1 a complete set of sixteen tools is furnished with every Titan 0 This handy tool-k- it is provided in spite of the fact that Tiian tractors get out of order less frequently than any other tractors in the woild. Some tractor concerns whose tractors really need frequent adjustment and repairs, furnish nothing but two or three wrenches. They tell you that their product is so good that it doesn't need adjustment. Do you believe this? As a matter of essential features fact, they omit necessary tools for the same reason they Iomit theTitan 10-2TK described aboveto make a low "camouflage price" tool hit is furnished without extra charge. 1 10-2- 0. OU1S 10-2- 0 is of folks 10-2- two-ounc- j that is the paper live news 0 is economical Mixture of Formaldehyde and Water It Recommended Cut Down the Amount of Milk Fed. N-..- The Leailer filled with news tractor tor $i,uuu. ft Demonstrations Have Resulted in Utilizes Coarse Materials, Inedible to Humans, and Turns Them Into Planting Larger Acreage of Re- Food Material. sistant .Variety. ' Pf ONE Friction Clutch Pulley David Holmgren, Owner ,1: Graining and Calsomining Sign Writing, A large, wide friction clutch pulley, made in five His Dam: Lillia, No. 399249. w BEAUTY When you buy a TITAN the original price includes: No. 184907. j Moun- price $225. You can ow His Sire: Natoma Valley o Hengerveld, .(Prepared FURSE - i Hengerveld, Sustenance No. 238104 i A. A. Worn and defaced Furniture restored to it's original Forests of the Caucasus. The forests of the Caucasus in Rns eia are estimated at 12.000.000 aires chiefly in the Black Sea territory which is at the rate of nearly 20 acres co each inhabitant. The forests ot western Siberia hav.- been scarcely explored, but they are stated to be 200 000.000 acres in extent, more than hall being in an absolute state of nature. 10-2- 0 Sold at Auction? I In any style to please the most particular owner by corner-A- ll Still Serving Our Famous tain Trout Dinners. REPAINTED CARS business. Utah 10-2- The White Red Cross Calf Ion Tremontox. Wo CwMfflage in This Price Titan 0 Do You Remember He is Kept at General Boot and Shoe Repairing BRIGHAM, UTAH Not on the Sole of Tremonton Statfe Bank He Get Tint Buyer sewed in I., minutes by Champion Goodyear Welt System. Hotel Boothe sale often pays the entire expense of the ad. ; E. WILCOX. Prop. DRUG CO T Half at a Avoid giving spoiled feed to the horses. This bank encourages you to get the habit of depositing your earnings. We will take your money, keep it safely, and pay you for the privilege. Get the banking habit. Get the habit of banking with ns. THOMPSON-SCOT- Put an id in this piper, then, regardless of the weather, the fellow you want to reach readi your announce-ment- a while seated at his fireside. If he la a prospective buyer you'll hive bun at your sale. One extra buyer often pays the entire expense of the ad. ana it's a poor ad that won't pull that buyer. An ad in this paper reaches the people you are after. Bill may be a necessity. but the ad is the thing that docs the business. Don't think of having a apeclsl sale without using advertising space in this Beef feeders found long ago that In order to secure profitable and consistent gains all their cattle should be dehorned. Tremonton. L'tah Electric Shoe Shop road and go to a fence-poto read a sale bill do you? Then don't expect the other fellow to do it. will be a disappoint- Guarantied com-ple- te |