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Show IP Tores (Goodrich Run" "Best in the Long year. Approximately 35 ears of pears will be shipped out of Utah this year. It is estimated that in Weber county this year the loss of sugar beets will be 30,000 tons, due to the water shortage and that other crops will be heavily damaged. Rich ore struck in Emerald mine. The formation is identical with tnai existing n the Grand Central. Othei? well known neighbors are the Ontinnial Eureka aud the Old Mammoth. In spite of water shortage Ogden manufacturing making big gains. Salt Lake Contract for construction of basement and foundation for the sexton 's new home in City cemetery was awarded to J. F. and H. E. and Prices Cut Safety Tread, 6000 miles Silvertown Cord, 8000 miles - -- Schraven Dealers in "THE DOUBLE LIFE BATTERY" 8 n development. ip'! Prince Consolidated mine to sink a new shaft. Alta railroad has been making'good v W. W. earnings. Ogden Representatives of 20 Targe canal companies have indorsed plans'J of Weber county irrigation committee! for a comprehensive survey of land rec lamation possibilities of Ogden anoJ Weber river districts. ' . Park City miners get same wages as those at Eureka. Duchesne Transportation company to run an auto stage lino from Salt Lake City to Vernal and from Helper to Vernal. The sugar crop of the U. S. for 1919 is estimated at 2,216,000,000 pounds, or 147,000,000 pounds more than average for six years, while beet sugar exceeds record crop of 1915-1by about 75,000' tons. France and other countries face( Shuman, Prop. DR. R. A. LEWIS DENTIST OFFICE: OVER THOMPbON-SCOT- 4 DRUG CO. T Office Phone, 89. 'J REM ON TON. UTAH SHAW & IVERSON UNDERTAKERS SHIELD HOTEL LANE & FOWLER, Proprietors here you get the best and courteous attention. THE FAMILY HOTEL UTAH TREMONTON, V to cat, good service To do the heavy work on the farms in this community requires the very best wagon of the clearest toughest timber, mechanically perfect. on o low bid of $2,500.; Western producers are not falling over themselves to support the Ken-yobill or any bill to place big industries under government ownership, regulation. operation or too much Give the great west a free field for Shuman's Garage fX Wagons That Stand The Strain Apple yield of Utah this j'ear will lie about 81,000 boxes short of that lit 1918, and a total of 408,000 boxes; but that peaches will run 802,000- bushels, as compared with 735,000 bushels last Mileage Raised 8 u LICENSED EMUALMERS AND Exeerienced! Kuneral Directors BURIAL SUPPLIES. Night Phones: Mr. N. E. Iverson, 77.A-2 Mr. N. E. Shaw, 54.A-Day Phone, 14 Tremonton, 2 Utah. omomomooKmomo UNDERTAKERS i sugar shortage. Iron Springs mining company organized. Surface indications of a mosly favorable nature exist. Two large out crops of hematite and magnetite, in places twenty feet wide, show, iji tions of being 1700 feet long, Farm experts rank condition of f crop in Utah this year at 85, compared with a condition of 70 last year. l ion is estimated at 892,000 bushels as compared with 735,000 bushels for O o n uch Wagetms are.' the WTN and SVilAWPT We Sell Them, Let Us Show Them to You. r Box Elder Implement Opposite ThompsonScott Drug Co. Pro-due- W. E. BERNDT Fielding, Utah General Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Good, Quick Service. All Work GuarWe Try to Satisfy anteed. H. CODDINGTON Painting, Calsoraining LICENSED EMBALMEBS 1918. Ogden Satisfactory bMs not being received for construction of section of Warm road in the Targhee National forest, it has been decided to' do the work by force acSEPARATE SHOW ROOM A count. Tintic Standard's output is now two Tremonton Farniture Co. S carloads per day and it will not be increased until after the completion of the new railroad. About the lone of men is at work underground. The work of putting the new equipment in to running order lias been delayed a few days. Reclamation of 60,000 acres of land is contemplated in a reservoir project planned in carbon county. The propit is osition is known as the Pleasant Valley Yes, more Reservoir project. a QUALITY PRODUCT. Zinc at $50 a ton will restore that industry and help mines. Price finds rich ore body in Bi;r Cottonwood. Plans are made to resume operations on the Utah Silver-LeaMines com-- , in the Morgan Argen situated panv, EQUAL TO ANY FLOUR tine district, about seven miles from tho Union Pacific, railroad. The prop-- , & We also sell bran, shorts, erty comprises eleven claims which & have been under & anrl for a nthpr milktuffe. development number or years ami which have pro duced heavily. Salt, Lake lets contract for $27,1501 sewer construction. Telephone Company allows back pay to striking employes from June New machinery started up at Eureka (tARLAND, UTAH biillinii mine. Victor mine resumes operations in, Cottonwood canyon. Final plans for hard surface pom roads from Spanish Fork to Payson, a distance of four miles; from Uolta to Kanosh, sixty miles, and from fVipio Darton, Prop. . to Levan, thirty-foumiles, were apA place to gtt a Clean Shave or a proved by state road commission and will be submitted to the secretary of Hair-cu- t. Full Line of Caskets and Burial Supplies "' m jtfaetei amyil jMm mmMt "' e 000t00000 A HOME and Paperhanging Sign Painting a Specialty PHONE 3 J . GARLAND, UTAH PRODUCT than that, DR. J. W. CHAMBERS, Jr Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Auto Bell Conveyance Phone !) 131k. Utah .Garland. Clem B. A. Auto Transfer Haul Anything, Anyplace, Anytime CALL HADLEY'S GARAGE Phone No. 1 8 ALVA McGUIRE D. L A W Y E R "Pride of Utah" FLOUR GARLAND MILLING CO. Palace Barber Shop Harry r in All State Courts, Fearer Courts and before the United States ('radices Stylish Land Office. NOTARY - hone 23 PUBLIC Tremonton, Utah Courteous Attention to Our Customer? YOUR PATRONAGE INVITED Bear River Yalley Wesley Carter Real Estate & Insurance Agency Piano Tuning N. E. IVERSON, Manager Phone 99 ;. Tremonton, Utah Player Piano Adjusting Prompt Service All Work Guaranteed under the agriculture for approval, federal and state cooperative agree ment. All will be hard surface except the portion from Delta to Itouicn, which will be graveled. Hundred-dolla- r ore is being taker! out of Eureka Bullion mine, and at least one shipment will be made during the present month, Alta Emma Silver Mines to have malinger and starts work. Paradise Park reservoir is the name of a water storage project in Uinta county. Will be constructed at of 10,500 feet. alit-tud- The Leader is the paper filled with news live news that i Phone of folks you know and of friends you like. Tremonton, Utah Head The Leader for the news. e DontD ecide Until You KnowThe Owen The Otven costs Units. Cheaper one-fift- as much to operate as other h per horsepower than kerosene lamps At last farmers are able to secure the perfected Light and Pcwer. This plant is the Owen. Until Owen came, farmers had to be content with makeshift units. Crude, too small, expensive to operate. Still many bought these temporary units. They could no longer content themselves with kerosene lamps ?nd the lack of electric power. Many hesitated, waiting for just such a plant as the Owen. Now those who have already bought units are replacing them with this e plant. Each day we are receiving o- ueis i ruin iarmers wiio should care for, the engine starts automatically. Even the lubrication is automatic. Aside from the matchless convenience thi3 automatic control offers,, it also multiplies the life of the batteries overcoming costly replacements formerly necessary. As a result the Owen costs you but h as much to operate as other units. It offers you illumination and power at less per candle-powthan kerosene lamps. The Owen has a "si lent valve" engine which cannot leak. Compression remains perfect. Grinding of valves and scraping of carbon are one-fift- er final-typ- a atm i - NUttf r f jIiTTOJP have been waiting. ft? j The Owen's success has been instant. It ia a new conception. It offers you betterments r,uch as have never been offered by any other plant. The Owen starts and stop3 itself. It is No running down completely automatic. to the cellar to turn it on or off. When the batteries are partially discharged, the engine starts automatically. When they are fully When you charged, it stops automatically. more current than the batteries require rrriUitaTTi ering. It has more capacity for running a water system, churns, cream separators, washing machines, milking machines, electric, fans, irons and toasters. , Dozens of such reasons as this should urge you to know the Owen before you decide. Come in and let us explain the many Owen features to you. A post-car- d or a telephone call will bring us to call on you. E. C. F. HARTMAN, District Agent Bead The Leader fur the news. Phone 270J unnecessary. It will light as high as 100 lamps without flick G. S. H0RSLEY, Salesman BRIGHAM, UTAH |