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Show A social hop Mill be given at Mauiniotli fUanktsriviug night. THE TINTIC MINER. FAIU. The Fair at San Francisco wifl soon be oix iied. The have very carefully selected the best of the "Worid'stFair exhibits so that those who were unfortunate in not seeing the Chicago Exposition will still have an opportunity to in spect the foreign exhibits at San Francisco. The Jlio Crendo Western Railway, in line with its usual progressive spirit will, in connection with the So. l'ac. Co. put in effect a low round trip rate during the existence of the Fair. The It. ft. W. Ily., as you know, runs through to San Francisco without change both s Pullman Sleeptourist and Curs. Two trains ing daily. TIIK Mid-Wint- MII-VIM'K- K er nt mun-aseme- Published every Friday morning by to tbe entire district. NEWMAN H. MIX. Dr. Clark will leave tomorrow for a visit to his old home in New York. lie expects to bo absent until the New Year. Entered at the at Eureka. Utah, for transmission tliroui.li tbe mails as hecoud-clasmatter. I'oxt-olli- I'llICE OF St:i.SCI!Jl,TION.-I- X A UVANOE. One yeur Six mouths ;!.) 1 V 'riiree. months..., If not paid in advance: One year, months. 2.25; three months. $1.50. 1 00 Ar. Lv. Ar. Lv. Ar. from TIME PACIFIC il A diminutive specimen of femininity will cause Fred Shontz to walk the floor at night and hunt six 91 .00 ; for the paregoric bottle. FletehviVof Mammoth, will leave for Grand Junction, Colo., in a few days, to accept a lucrative position with the Express Co. Lake l.ake atSalt Lake for Silver Cilv from Silver Oily Salt- a. m. P.:jn forS'.ilt m. m m. m. 2:iiu p. (:!( p. 11:10a. 1 .HO p. Through Coaches to and frnmSalt Lake out eluinire. Hliortest Line and Fastest Fiiue. Dr. Clark chaperoned a young lady of nine and one-hapounds of residence Morris into the weight last Wilkinson, at Mammoth, night. with- lf Grande Western Timo Table. Rio Xo. No. Xo 2r. Ai rives. p. m 10. Leaves. p. m. a. m Silver City Eureka 7:45 S:I5 !:21 Coshcn H:M Sanlaquin I'avM'ii Spanish Fork 10:u-- l(l:'2T Arrive 10:4 11:05 Li 0:(HI American Fork. Lehl Himrliniii Jo Salt Luke. ll::;i; r.':0!) 12:30 .5:- -l 5:15 4:25 MAILS. Silver City and Mammoth closes at 11:00 ter. in. Salt Lake and all other points at :l p. m. Silver City arrives at :40 p. m. Certilicates of election have been Salt, Lake and all other points at 11 :l) a. m. a. m. to 7: e tieueral delivery open Irom issued to the successful candidates i). m. Money order and registry window from 8 a. in the city election. The Commisin. to 5 p. m., and from ii::;o to 7::i0 p. in. General delivery from 1I::0 a.m. sion Sunday to 12:110 p. in. paid no attention to the reJas. P. r.iusroi.i.. l M. this sent -0 1 H monstrance 7a-o- n YOUR Ow?a LOCALKTV this week. made easily and honorably, without capital, during jour spare hours. Any man, woman, boy. or nirl can do the work handily, without experience. Talking Nothing like it for money-makin- g ever oflered before. Our workers No time wasted in always prosper. "We teach you in learn in 3 the business. a niuht how to succeed from the first hour. You ran make a trial without expense to yourself. We start you, furnish every! ha needed to carry on the business successfully, and guarantee you asiinst fdlrtre if you but follow our simple, plain instructions. Reader, if you are in need of ready rnon'y, and want to know all about the best payins Dtisiness before the public, send us your fulih-ess- . and 3 will mail you a document giving you all the particulars. George Hickman is over from Neiihi today. Tliackston at court in Provo. C. M. is iu attendance G. Wilson is visiting friends at the Capitol. Mrs. place. DOLLARS per Kiorma Nick Jiobertson Sumlayed here. Joe Ilillstead was a visitor to up from 11. G. Wilson returned from a to trip Salt Lake, 11. The Copperopolis will make an addition to their force in a few da vs. Eat anything next Thursday find thank G rover for the opportunity. Mr. Moore, the postmaster at Brad e nave 10 report a neauny in SU:IW ya afu.r reading an advertise-reas- e in the population hereabouts1 mont of Chamberlains Colic. Cholera and Diarrlnea Remedy, concluded to this "week. try a.small bottle of it. lie says: "1 Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Wood re- used it in two cases of colic and three turned from a visit to Salt Lake for diarrlnfii with perfect satisfaction. 1 havo handled and used a great deal Wednesday. of patent medicine but never tried A benefit ball will be tendered any that gave as pin id results as this.' Mrs. Fred Ileatonat Odd Fellows' For sale by Eureka Drug Store. Hall tonight. Additional ripple Creek Service. Commencing May 1st the Colorado Mrs. L. Van Leuven, of Spring-vill- Midland railway will put on and run is the guest of her daughter, daily there;; Iter additional suburban trains to accommodate Cripple Creek Mrs. W. Allan. and Florissant business, as follows; ( e, vi;si wifsn. Genial Joe McMurphy is the Leave Cnlonulo h'prinirs S:1fla.m. !i::."i ;i. in. ide Al ri a of father l 10 'loi'i.vsuiit as; a. in. proud bouncing baby EASTHOCND, of thq, gentler sex. 10:40 a. m. Leave Florissant m. t " Jii;1t l!:!l;i.a. m. Wm.dlaml I'ark....". A host of witnesses were in at- Arrive WchkIIiiihI I'ark Il:f,d :i. in. au ). in. 'cliiriiilii Springs tendance at the trial of Al Collins, A rri e I'i;e!ih ft:. ;il p, in, , " Li iiver O.u'J ii. la. in Provo this week. This y vos a convenrapid sen ice into and out of The Silva La Una case has been ient and Creek. Cripple postponed and witnesses need not Ihc.e your prescript ions tilled at the appear until further notitied. Eureka Drug Si nre. J. E. Evans, of Salt Lake, is sis-- j (;() lo the Kurika Drug Store for sisting Mr. Dunninir in renioviii" im dieiises of anv kind. the Tucker & Wallace stock. brushes, etc. Faints, oils, v;irr.h-lie1 i 4 i asTane-emen- ' s. O. W, James is rejoicing over Jho advent jof a new baby. TLoi little stranger liight. arrived lh kkka Dut o Sxoi:e. Two sood sccoiiij ha.id cpolf stoves or nut at Mouday teuixka 'fin Wjup. Fur fine Cigars and fresh Con trv fecfi'ncry ''J'iiKT-ir::t- (Jej'ge Hayes returned from a hunt in West Tintic la.-- i:i ht. 7 lest meals There is no game left in that local-it)- '. lh;!laurant.. in Fitt'iT Lower Main Street. town at the Keystone Notice of Forfeiture, To J. Cable, your heirs and a isiuns: Vim are not i lied that the undersigned. :is owners of an undivided interest in each of the following described mining claims, have expended two hundred dollars in Iahor and Improvements upon the Bessarabia lode lsiin-ir.K elaim. located December In. Jk:k) and flHW in labor and improvements upon the Duteh Empire or Dutch Empire lode mining claim, located December 1, jss'.), both claims being in Tunic Mining District. Juabt'ouiity. Utah, t; 5100 during and for each of the years. A. D. 1S:)1 and IS'.C, upon and for each of said two claims, in order to hold said claims respropectively under and as required by visions of Section 2324 of t he Revised St al utes of the United States, and us and for the annual work a. 1PI Improvements required by la;? to be done for said years respectively: that your proportion thereof is SoC.OUM for each to-wi- : ?:rj.33'3 it claim respectively, for each claim for each of said said two years, and that upon your failure to contribute and pay to the undersigned your proportion of such upon either of said expenditures as claims, before the expiration of !50 days from t: and after this notice by publication, before the expiration of 110 days from and after the full IK) days term of the publication of this notice, your interest in each of said two claims as to which tyou faji as 'aforesaid, to contribute, and pay your proportion of such expenditures will become forfeited to and become the property of the undersignen. under said section 2:.24. Thin notice will be pubW. I). Mvkks. lished for M daya. to-w- Date of first publication Oct. 20. ls!U. Application lor Patent. Fnited States Land Office, Salt. Lake City. Utah, October lstii. ISft'l. f is Notice hereby given that the Tintic Mining and Milling Company, a Utah corporation, w ith its principal place of business at I Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for United States Patent for the Silver Moon mining lodo location, situate in Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah Territory, consisting of 207 linear feet and 200 feet in width of surface ground shown on the plat of said claim posted on the ground, bein.' Mineral Survey Xo.M and described in the field no'es of the ofl'.eiul survey on file in this office with magnetic variations at 1'i degrees. 30 minutes cast as follows, : Commencit ing at the northeasterly corner of said claim, at, which stands post No. One 1, of said claim, thence north 51 degrees and "11 mimiies west, 2K) feet to post No. Two (2' of said claim, from U.S. Mineral Monument Xo. Shears north 2 degrees and 5 min west l:XMi.4 feet, from v.hii'ii corner on west, side point also quarter-sectio- n of sec III, twp 10 south range 2 west bears A feut.. north 4d degrees and 55 min west thence south 4H'degrees and .'!0 west 207 feet to post No. Three (ID. of said claim, thence south.M degrees and :il minutes cast 2!ii feet to post No. Pour (4) of said claim, thence north 40 degrees and '.'.0 minutes ea.--t 2!7 feet to post No. One il) of said claim being he place of beginning. The discovery point of said lode location is shown upon the plat posted on said claim. The total area, of said claim is l.:;."VS acres all of wheih is claimed and applied for. there being nocoriMicls. The said lode location is of record in he o'lice of t he Recorder of said mining district ii; the County of Juab, Terr-ritoi- y of Utah. The Sunbeam and First Southern Extension of the Sunbeam. Patented as Lot. No. (it adjoin this claim on the Noithiast. and (he i'lrst Southern Extension Sunbeam patented nslAt No. 01 and adjoins this claim on the Soul hw est. I direct Hint this notice lio published In the Tixtic Minkiu the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim for the period of ten weeks. I!V.;ON ;!?00. register. First publication October 2ii!h. S!. to-w- EVERYTHING in the World FIRST-CLAS- S. tant. 25 11, notici: t'tl'ted - Salt no. 22'd. SOlO's Land Once. ASHEIi MDDLECOME, Application for Patent, NO. 2250. NOTICK United States Land Office, I f Salt Lake City. Utah. Sept. sth, Notice is hereby given that the Snansea Mining Company. o?ptrafr.i of Utah, by Xlieron Geddes, us Secretary, Trcasu'.fr and At ioruey-in-Fac- t, whose residence and post-offiaddress is Salt Lake City, Utah, lias made application for a. United States Patent for the Swansea Lode Mining Claim Consolidated, consisting of the Mountain Chief, North Swansea and East. Swansea lode locations, sUuatcd in Thitie Mining District. Juab County, Utah, being I.:i,i0.1, 1.500 and l.liOO.l linear feet of said lodes respectively in the order above named, and surface ground therewith as shown by the official plat filed herein, being T'nfted States Mineral Surrey No. 2.055. Utah Land District, and described in the field notes and plat of the ofiioial survey on lilt.' in this ofllce. as follows, Commencing at post no. 1, a corner of the claim, from which U. S. M. M. No. 4 bears north 78 (leg 5!) min east 0,414.:! feet distant, and running thence south 77 degrees 4tt minutes west 200 feet to pot r.o. 2: thence north 6 dearees 22 minutes west ,:(;i;.l feet to post no. II; thence north 77 d"grees 48 minutes east 200 feet to post no. 4; thence south 77 degrees 55 minutes west 423.S feet to post, no. ti; thence north 5 degrees 54 minutes east 1.500 to post no. 7: thence north 77 degrees 55 minutes east 700 feet to post no. 8; thence south 5 degrees 5t minutes west 1500 feet to post no. 5; thence, north 77 degrees 55 minutes east 423.8 feet to post no. 11. from which the quarter-sectio- n corner common to and between sections 25 and'Xi. township 10 south of range 3 west of the Salt Lake Meridian hears south Hi degrees east '151 feet distant; thence south 6 degrees 22 minutes east UiGC.l feet to post no. 12; thence south 77 degrees 55 minutes west 800 feet to said post no. 1, the place of beginning, containing a total area of 44.H1 acres, expressly excepting and excluding therefrotn however t.i-- acres area in conflict with Four Aces U. S. M. 8. No. 2.1M5. the area claimed and applied for being 42.71 acres The discovery point of said Mountain Chief bears north (i degrees 22 minutes west 420.7 feet, distant from a point at. the middle of the southerly cntlllne of said location. The discovery point of said North Swansea bears north 5 degrees 54 minutes east 121.3 feet distant from a point at the middle of the southerly end line of said lo ation. The discove?-poin- t of said East Swansea bears north 6 degrees 22 mlnr.tes West 458.4 feet distant from a point at th-- i middle of the southerly end-lin- e of said location. Each of said mining claims being of record In the ofllc.e of the County of said Mining Disirict at Silver City, Juut) County, to-w- it: Bricklayer. Chimneys a Specialty, orders at the Miner office. 5TLcave DSS7ER The nearest Known local ions being the West Sv.anseaand South Swansea lode claims U. S. Lot No. :7, and the Four Aces lode claim GRAM MO & RAILROAD. TWO FAST TRAINS. Commencing May 7th, the Rio Crande Western and Denver & Rio Grande will inaugurate a daily train service, unsurpassed, consisting of elegant day coaches, chair cars and Pullman sleepers. Train number 2 7:00 a. m., Salt Lake will leave 8:05 a. ra., arriving at Denver 7:45 a. in. next morning, connecting with Burlington and Rock Island World's Pair Fast Fivers. Train number 4 will leave Ogden 6:15 p. in., Salt Lake 7::!0 p. m., arriving at Denver 9:40 p. m., next day, connecting at Pueblo with Rock Island and Missouri Pacific and at Denver with Burlington trains for all points east; giving an opportunity of viewing the magnificent and world famous scenery of the Denver & Rio Grande between Grand Junction and Denver by day light... Take this route and have a comfortable, speedy, wonderfully interesting trip. Og-de- S. K. Hooper, W. G. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo. J. Shot well, General Agent, Salt Lake City DUET EUREKA CO. JAMES ECSTICE, MGR. FULL LINE OF w Cell Call. Cam. EUREKA, UTAH. J. C BAILEY, U. S. M. S. No. 2SU5. ., Attorney-at-Lawthat this notice be published in the Tintic MiNMt. at Eureka. Utah, the newspa Patents aud Land OHice Business a Specialty per published nearest the said mining claim, S.vlt Lake City. Utah. for a period of ten weeks. I direrrl PYi'.ON GUOO. P.egiHier. Bennett, Marshall &. Uradley, Attorneys for Applicants. First pub. Sept. 15, last pub. Nov. 17, isftrt. :: FHOFMONAt p F, LOOl'T.OUiiUW Atttrys WILLIAM fc ai2 Corisellors zi Law. Wk-pni- 71,72, TliCommereial SALT LAKE CITY, - Pi to asa U. c. M. TiIACKS'l'ON. - -- at Union Dru- - Ara Store To - - ITsi ' I i" it n Pradley. Mai-sha- SPECIALTY. A 4 so, . Sl'A.L, I 1 1 I i v. - 1 Ycj Golag ti)3 Wcrld's Fair? ' ' don't fail to secure tichets your reading ' niO GRANDE WESTERX. COLO- RA l:n MI l) LA Nl, A 'JV III SON, : TOPE K A AND SANTA FE J- RAILWAYS, Main St.. Sail, Lake City. M. C1IUV Santa Fg Bom." If MINING LAW V. UTAn UTAH. A. KoilF.ilTSON, With Heunelt. " Eurek.", A I torn cij at- L a w, YOAII equal t3 Troy Steam Wcrk UTAH. s. CoiairnDcr. in New Oi:u rt Douse, rXKEIIA. Ironb EUREKA, Oe'ce O.llce ! BTk. K E. AKorsjy at LAUNDRY. KA UN. OFFICE Pooms70, ,1DV,'AL1) SAM KING: CA13. 21, Ml!, City. I tan. Noi Ice K Icrvby given t bai .loiui .. li illea-l- y Oiiicr i:i TihtH- Me;.-;in!ii('o.s store, 1 Hid John W tcrlmry Sml! h. hose post office address i, vcrClty, .1 uab ( 'ounty, Utah, F. 0. Hern. C. B. Markland. Murk E. Mo '.a d, whose ptwto'Tice address is lteavcr Cltv. Heaver County, Umh and Joseph K. Sl.ii' r and K. O. I.ee. w hose pn, to. lire TIi3 address , I,:ike City. Salt Lal.e County. Utah, have i,, ,!e a jed e:i Ion fur a UiiiO'd Work; Op. V. V. 11. r ir States lie Four Aces mlniiigia;m. Oilice M;.n Strict. Ymn-tof wboopi;: coii;;h. J'"or sale by Ku sit uaie In Tin! ic Minim: District, Juab '!' all 11 it ry. eotis'siing of Mil linear OrcscarefuPy sampled and sold at lifghe'-Neither the editor, reporter, com- icka I H'tiy store. feet of the in and surface ground 2.11,1 f i t miirk-'- pivai. lie: urns made on day of sale. belter ,,. No. 2,d." and described In the ( 'onsignmi tits so! lei cd. A d dress positor nor levil of the MiM:i: is Fresh tlsii and oysters nlwavs or. wide, field notes and ;,!:it of the oiMcial sur vey on arli-It'.th;1 for ''Critic" r- Practical . C.::S. Application for Patent. AT r W T i'i'V win, li is 'u.i n in tin. A tcrriffie light, in whirh a well , :, :jn,.ss'.;fj Kllvl,,n. Kl- forfll), known bully, got a good thunioin ,,;.( t.eiv. vears. sav ;: Cluinila 'iilivened things al Mammoth Sal-- Iain's Cmli lh me.l.v srives better '"" "ia" M".v oilier eouli niedi- ni'dit cine have over sold." Tliere l.j fiu "That Frenchman" at Mammoth rea ori f ir this. Nn other wiil cure a is working a s;ile on some pri nti- eo!:l si i quickly, iioolln r is so certain a prevent i c and cure for croup: no ng jiropcrty in which he is largely oilier atronisso much relief incises interested. . The Finest Dining Cars - Augusta, PSairsc. : , EHUT TM1S t'OMt.UI Koi'MAN. . R. Rf dls-dis- tilUL & CO., Box40, v St. Paul 12-3- acquittal yesterday announcing of Al Collins, 011 trial at Provo, on a charge of attempted manslaugh- 4:4:1 THl 0 Milwaukee & Is the only line running Solid Vestlbuled. Steamheated and Electric-Lighte- d Trains Daily between Chicago and Omaha, composed of magnificent sleeping ' cars and the 'A n 0:15 Chicago, LIE" SHORT er will often prevent pneumon ia. There Hamilton-BrowShoe Co., of St. is not hing so good for a lame back or Louis, and J. C. Hooper, a St. Joe a pain in the side. A sore throat can be cured iu one night by trgveliu man, wuf Iie4'e yesterday. nearly always a llannel bandage dampened applying A telegram was received here with Pain I5a!ra. 50 cent bottles for sale by Eureka Drug Store. the H::;5 T::.'0 T:0I) ',:4'2 Sprinville 1'iovo 11 J. II. Droste, representing the !t:tH) "CHICAGO Any other information as to rates of fare, Th" Quarter corner between sections no. and i of Town No. 10 south of range no, 3. etc., will bo cheerfully furnished by J. H. Allen, J. S. Talbot, of said west, bears north from post no. T. F. & P. Agent. Commercial Agt. claim, 2:i degrees and 25 minutes east 1020 feet first-clas15 West Second South, Salt Lake City. distant. Area claimed and applied for 0.015 acres. No Conliicts. 1 The said mining claim being of record in IIODGIXS & YOUNG, ti the oifice of the Recorder of said mining The Uest Plaster Dampen a ict at silver City, in Juab County, Utah. piece of llannel with Chamberlain's The nearest ktioivn locations being the South Pain Mainland bind it on over the seat Swansea, being designated as Lol No. 'J17. I uircct that this notice be published in the of pain. It is better than any plaster. TiM'!C Mim:k. t lie newspaper puohsheu nearAll Work Guaranteed. When the lungs are sore such an ap- est the said mining claim, for ihu per.od of ten weeks. EUREKA. UTAH. It Y HON GKOO. Krgister. plication on the chest and another on "First publication September 22nd. Isuit.J the back, between theshoukler blades, Mid-Wint- ller TABLE, mencini; at Post No. 1. a corner of said claim, thence north 12 degrees 4ti minutes east, 1141 feet to post no. 2. a corner of said claim: thence iouth J degrees aud 20 uiinutes east 201.1 feet to post no. 3, a corner of said claim, thence south J2 degrees and 40 minutes west 1441 feet to post no. 4. a corner of said claim, thence north Si degrees aud 2J minutes w est 201.1 feet to place of beginning. Post No. 1. a corner of said claim, bears, from the discovery point of said claim, south 12 degrees 4t minutes west 250 feet distant; tfft nee north 83 degrees aud 20 minutes west liiil.5. feet distant. United States Mineral Monument No. 4 be;iisj north from Post No. of said claim, SiJ degrees and .02 minutes east 5077.4 feet dis- The only line runnlns s e:i-- v. il Pullnmn Rloeplti!?' ("den. Salt Lake City and !mut churie. Clil-i.'i- iu s,:t-nrd- i 1 j ; 1 GoSl'l I l t y, i t t responsible fi'"Mj Eureka. h",, L ;!t the lereka Fruit Store" ,o(.r Main street. Ml ! tile in Ibis V) de.'ree" ic',.-,- Hi Wi j, i.nig net ie vn !;tt 'mi nt Com- .s follows: e.i'jUtes ens'. TIIH SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE. OQUIPMENT UNSUKf'ASStD. SCCN1IRY UNf OUALLFD VIA GLENWOOU SI'RI.NGS. Tr;i!n Jf.ivcs Klo fJnuide i!li like ity. iii' .'lain street. ut 7:) AVe"-ter- n Depot, Ticket office, in. II. C, Gen. At:t. Vhh. Dept., Salt Lake City, rtah. Ponly Ilulldlinr. The Conklir.rr Snrrpl'mrr Wcrks, To P"vt.-O- ne '.!42. Slit Lake City, Ctuli. 'juirpa! buiek Drug P. (). Jlox p. ' house. Src, Fn |