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Show tuttc Utincr. hc Location notices for sale at this office. WiOGKAM OF THE FOUUTII LEACHING W0EK3 FOE TINTIC Tin Procession and Festivities to Celebrate our Julian Hawthorne's Latest! Chicago Capitalists Propose to Erect a One Hundred and Fifty ton Plant. Charles Lawrence arrived in Salt Lake City several days ago and went quietly to the Knutsford hotel, where he remained but a short time before departing for Tintic. His visit to Tintic is for the purpose of making a complete examinat ion of the ore dumps there with a view to arrange with their owners for treating the ore w ith tlie Paissell leaching process. At Silver City the Mammoth mine has a great dump of ore that w ill run from I1C to $.10 a ton. and other mines have also great dumps that can be worked to a profit if a proper leaching plant is secured. Mr. Lawrence, it is learned, is authorized to build a plant w ith a capacity of a hundred anil fifty tons daily if he fiiids the condit ions favorable. One of the essential tilings is water, and to secure this the plant NOW PI NNING will be built on the Provo-Tinti- c be can water a where at branch point drawn from Utah Lake. Mr. Lawrence is expected back to the city in a few days, when more will be known of the enterprise. Copyrighted and Illustrated. The success of the Marsac leaching works at Park City, where !2 per cent The Utah Odd Fellows. of the metal is saved, is very encourFrom a lead to the columns of the Utah Odd no will doubt and aging, Fellow for terin the June, the following corresworks great many leaching ritory at the low lead mines. Salt pondence will be of local interest: At our last regular meeting, held June Lake Herald, 1st inst. 3d. we elected the following officers for the ensuing term, cminienciug WOEK HAS COMMENCED. July 1st: X. i., 11. F. Gear: V. G.. The Grading on the Tintic Range L. O. Schofleld: Recording Secretary, II. II. llarron: Treasurer. Chas. Hanks, Eailroad is Under Way. liro. Hanks is a good Treasurer, and ReiKirts come from all along the line that men are at work grading on the members showed their appreciahim for the new railroad. Parties returning tion of him by much to Eureka from the valley say that another term. We have not had the our sickness in past Lodge during the graders are at work: that commis month. Hro. John Rums and liro. saries are being erected, and that the a ever present saloon is going up in the John Collins were sick for short We now. all are but time, right they various camps along the line. A small the one initiation had during only on number of teams began grading one first and one second the divide east of Eureka this week, month and some InterThe surveying degree. It may prove of working eastward. to learn readers of est to some your party is still hard at work in the hills one of our most trusted members that east of lloniansville. has proved himself a most unprinciI refer to liro. Win. pled rascal. Goddess of liberty. P. G. and I). 1). G. M. He left Pope, The total number of votes cast for for the purpose of attending the the Goddess of Liberty was 2100, of here session of the Grand Lodge, annual which the following young ladies re been elected as one of our having votes names: ceived the opposite their Soon after he left representatives. 1,(127 Iluby Miller Xlfi his books and papers were turned over Pauline Harrison lot! to the Lodge, and upon investigating, Maggie Loughran 2 we Mav Myers found he had appropriated consid20 Julia Shea erable of the Lodge's funds to his own 2 Miss Carson HYDE not your light under a bushel, is an ad visatory proverb given Noah McClirystal will cclchrati Natal Day. Salt Lake. it aero, Chris-tria- n in 0. F. UathUmc attorney at 1: Otlirc in tin' Mixkk. The Fourth will lie celebrated in M. L. Powers is in Salt Lake City Eureka this year in grand style. Folby celehrating the Fourth. lowing is t lie 1'HOCKSSION'. OF OltDKH on Anliaiiser lleeralways tlraiight still with L. S. tlag. Low of of Platoon (Jolderi Eagle. Knights Silver the City Henry Sutherland, Marshal of the Day and Aids. ON liveryman, was in Eureka Tuesday. Hand. t if it is C. S. Saviors went u to ho City Car of State. yesterday to remain over the Fourth Car with School Children. Head the Minku. the only all- Platoon of Knights of Golden Eagle. in home print ih'Wsikijmt Juahcounty President of the Day, in Carriage. in John utfg;m is otllciatinif as jxist- Orator of the Day, in Carriage. . A niaster during .1. V. I)riscoHsalsene Keystone Encampment, I. O. O. F. on Eureka Lodge No. Z, I. (). (). F. Several of the Eureka contractors On Ancient Order of Hibernians. are ttiruriiiif on the Mammoth school Memliers of the (i. A. II. and Veterlillildillji. ans of the late War. The Cniou l'acitlc offers special We Eureka Miners' Union. rates for the Fourth of July. See ad Citizens on Foot. vert isement . of in Carriages. Citizens Mining deeds, bonds and lease on Horseback. Citizens carefully and accurately drawn up at The procession will form, the right the Mixkk office. GEO. H. on McClirystal's old store, at resting All kinds of dry goods, piece goods (1:30 A. 10 move A. and at Ji., promptlv and ladies wear at lien J). Luces, i., up Main street to the liowery, Main street, No. 400. where the exercises will be held under For ttne clothing, boots, shoes, and gents' furnishing goods, lien I). the direction of the President of the Da v. Luce, Main St., Eureka. No. 41)0. IffOO DHJ'liKZl.V, For Kent" and "For Sale" signs, Marshal. black on in large printed OK OKDKK office. AT THK sale JtOWKitY. Minku KXKIitlSKS for at Thk letters, Music by the band. All of the merchants of Eureka Song "Star Spangled Iianner,"by have enjoyed a good trade this week. DEALER IX school children. They have been tilling the first of the the Prayer by the chaplain. month orders. Music by the band. the a is be of to There meeting Address by the president. Miners' Union morning at Song" Hed, White and Iflue." 8 o'clock, afler which a parade by that Heading of Declaration of Indepen ImkI.v will take place. dence, by J. li. Mitchell, of Mammoth. Flowers and t rimmings for ladies. Music by the band. A large line of sun hats and other Oration, by Dr. F. E. liostwiek. millinery goods at Hen. 1. Lite's, Music by the band. Main street, No. 400. Toasts. Iiev. J. ). Gillilan will preach a Song "America."' patriotic sermon for patriotic people Adjournment for dinner. tomorrow (Saturday) evening, July 2 o'clock, P. M. 4th, at the school bouse. Horse races. Foot races. John MeChrystal has now purWheelbarrow race. chased the fine Diamonds linking; Three-leggesold for its purity and Powder. It-irace, use liase ball, and other sports. All miners it. strength. The attention of our readers is First-Clas- s Miss Maggie Loughran will be the called to the card of Frank liertas in Goddess of to Labor accompany the this issue. Mr. liertas has just fitted Miner's Union of the procession. part ice a commodious cream parlor. up In t he same car with the Goddess will Call at the MiNKit office and see be two miners with rock and hammer the finest line of ball programs and ind drill, illustrating the manner of 2 use. invitations ever shown in Eureka. work underground. Miss Courtney 1 We make a sjM'cialty of this class of Lizzie Giblin -- The Minek will wager a new hat Jane Martin 1 work. Ice Cream! that if the 11. G. W. locates its depot P. Coffee -J- ohn lieck. Moses Thaclier, A. E. Every Sunday, at Mrs. Cole's resinear the business portion of Eureka, May Tompkins dence. Made from pure cream. Hyde and "William Ii. Treston, of the then t lie Pacific Express Co. and Jane Tea that liullion-liec- k in from came, directors, Milk Shake! Milk Shake!! the Western Union' will move their 2.100 El'UKKA. VTAlf. Sail Lake Tuesday, returning on And all kinds of Cold Summei offices up in the city, but we don't be train. Drinks, at the Eureka Fruit Store, lieve they will before, although it's a Colorado's Mineral Palace.., 4 For line biscuits, light breai Shea's hall. opposite shame don't. burning they A Denver dispatch says the preparacakes, pics and nast rv. use Diamond S WILLIAM HATFIELD, Proprietor. Then! has been an unusually large tions for the opening of the Colorado Millenery at Cost. Making Powder. Obtain it' at John in number of strangers town this Mineral Palace in conjunction w ith For the next twenty davs I will sell McClirystal's, Eureka, and L. E. Hiter week, and w e learn that many of theui the most elaborate natal day program any and all of my large stock of ladie & Co., Silver City. hats, bonnets, not ions and fancy good were of capitalists eve; given in Colorado is the one sub at cost. Call early while the stock i J. W. Siegrist, recently from Kan eager representatives a foothold in Tin tic. ject of conversation in that city. Pue First Class in Every Particular. Bar in Connection. ,to gain Miss J. Malcolm. complete. sas City. Mo., has opened an icecream Tlie more the district becomes known blo is living now upon the coming parlor in the room formerly occupied the more anxious become mine oper Fourth. Tlie L. L BAILEY, military organizations The Famous Ken Hut Cigar GEO. ARTHUR RICE, bv Sleeper & Human. ' See his card ators to invest tlieir money in Tintic of the state, as well as a number of thQ is Viee-PiI'res. First Xiit'l Hank. Omuv. Col. First Xnt'l Hank. Hi. Col. for sale at the Union Drugstore, elsewhere in this paper. Pres. First Nat'l Hank. Urn nil Jimstion, Col. Xiit'l Hank. Ouniy, Col. First fnsliier mines; best bands will be on hand. The the great Havana, 1 ry it. Jas. P. Dnscoll, Eureka s very iiosTWRK it Grant, Jas. II. Campbell, treasurer of the. parade will be one of the best ever GEO. ARTHUR RICE & CO,, Union Drug Store obliging N'asby, started last Sunday Miners' Union, has been wrestling given, while the military ball at night for a visit with his parents and other with an attack of measles, accom- will surpass in magnificence anything relatives in Michigan. He will be For Rent. with cramps, for the past ten ever undertaken in the Rocky mounpanied gone until aliout the i'lth inst. Two store rooms and a days. He is able to be around though tain country. Mr. Francis A. The election of now. His brother-in-law- , the general western manager dwelling house. Enquire at the Hank Ed. officers for the Miners' Union occurs who is staying witli him, for a number of the very highest class &ing house of Geo. Arthur Rice KI KKKA, I'TAII. Company. next Monday from o'clock p. m. un was also down with the same disease of platform entertainments which Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn on til the opening of that body for regu- at tlie same, time. will open at the Colorado Mineral NOTICE! lar business in the evening. in was at Denver Palace last all parts of the nited States and Europe. InterPueblo, It has always been a query to the To whom it may concern. All That all who attends the ball est allowed on Time Deposits. Minku why there could be Christians week to complete arrangements for a parties are hereby notified not to erect evening will enjoy themselves in a country w here there are railroads, special car for the comfort of Rev. T. or cause to be erected, any structures T. J. BLUE, Cashier. f. w. BLUE, Ass't Cashier. Salt or buildings on the "Woife Tone" or is eonceeded as everything has been and more especially if they ever pay Dewitt Talmage from Pueblo to E. Lee" mining claims. "Robert done that could have been to make freight bills. The payment of a Lake City and return. Mr. McKeon T. D. Sclliv.w the evening one of pleasure. freight bill has been tlie cause of a says that Dr. Talmage anticipates We trust that nothing will occur great deal of profanity, and we have great pleasure from his visit to tlie Wanted. to mar the pleasure of cele- had many occasions during our so- Rockies and will be at the Mineral dozen Half judges to try my eel 's brated IWaiKI " 'ON l A li LOS, .(' brating our natal day. Let order journ in Eureka to learn tlie truth of Palace Wednesday. July 2dth. WHOLSSALG is as well as band I also engaged fear no compct if ion. cigars. reign and the dav's pleasure will be it and to exiH'rience t he opiKirtunitv Ei kkk a Fur it Stohk, for it. Hon. John J. Ingalls. Robert G. much more than if otherwise. Opposite Shea's Hall and others. Pueblo is preparseems MiNKit to It the the that 13, IS, 17 Hiiil 19 ( omiiu-r.-ia- l That better times is near at hand St., SALT I.AKK MTV, I'TAII. and to intertain .10,000 ing people, they truck from the settlements peddlers of July. for Eureka is evidenced bv the fact Fourth Have In stock tin' lnrsrest, line of Imported and Domestic Wines. Itiiiinlles. Manors. be will from there present appearin tlie I.i(iii uro and country: are headquarters for I'oniinerv Sec. that more men are being put on daily ought to pay a license to trade in ances. As usual, the I'nion Pacific Railroad Cliiiiot. i. II. Minimi & Co. and Monopole F.vtin liry Chaina!:ni'. Agciicv for Carl Ik. Storm and Kdnrado New ork H. liato "Key West."" Stratton Cijiars. at the diltereiit mines. When everv- - Eureka. w They come into direct comwill sell tickets from Eureka to all w ho are ith our petition merchants, IkkIv has work money is plenty. SOLE ACENTS FOR CHARLES HEIDSIECK SEC. The Cleveland listed. neighboring cit ies at one tare for tlie compelled to pay a license, and who Miners and Hotels, to be healthful leave their money in the tow n, while The Cleveland Consolidated Mining round trip. Tickets will be on sale Telephone 365. Mail Orders Solicited. P.O. Box 653. and have good bread, use the celebrat tlie trucksters take the proceeds of Company's propcrtv, Tintic, savs the juiy.iii ana 4in ana he good tor re h. has been reported upon for turn until Julv ed Iiamond S linking Powder. It i their sales away with them. They Tribune, truly pure. Sold by John MeChrys- should either pay a license or else not listing In the Salt Lake Stock ExXotic e, tal, Eureka, and L. E. ltiter & Co., be allowed t sell in Eureka. change. There are two mines, the l.V wife, Fannie WllKUKAS, Silver City. Field Mr. M. F. McGill, who has been Cleveland and Lancaster, 2onxi.1oo feet has left my bed and board without (ieorgeSommervilleand L. S. All- - working hard on the brick yard be- each, parallel claims and veins and cause. All parties are hereby warned cock returned Wednesday from a trip tween Eureka and lloniansville. has located near Silver City. On the not to trust her on mv account. llKMKl! Fiklds. to the Warm Springs, at Salt Lak just finished burning his first kiln this Cleveland there are three shafts, one 12.1 feet, and a level cut at Eureka, Juab Co., Utah. w here Mr. Sommerville lias been wash season. The brick are of an excellent being down 17! h. ISDI. J i(K) feet to connect two of the shafts. Are the Proprietors of THE ing a dose of lead out of himself. II quality, and besides have a very pretty is There carlKinate ore which runs 120 pronounces the water fine for that appearance. He sold 30,ooo of the Xotit T. ounces silver and 4.1 percent lead, with 140,000 burned plir)H)Se. the next day after e mav To to twenty-fivwhom it tons of ore on ioni i:i:n: twenty Toilet Soaps, l.V to 7.1c a lnx ! opening tlie kiln, and other parties the is io warn tne piionc mat no 1 .1c to iV a cake. dump that is wortii llotoMO one ins are negotiating with him for the bal- is aul luiri.eu to iumkc contract all of which was taken out, in Vest jxicket perfumery only 1.1c. ton, per or or He soon anvert lor have will in uice. another lot joo printing ising LuudlNirg's. Swinton's, Lnutior's. sinking ana arming, since no sloping cur bills in our name, except upon readv for burning. and Palmer's perfumes. all in has been done. The ore has been written authority signed by us. nil line of toilet articles. Everything K. II. Kathiionk. Some miscreant stole John Ilard- - traced lion feet, in ('. F. Give d of theliest. Publishers Minku. Tun EriiKKA Ditrti Stokk. wiek's wheelbarrow from the Da in fl quartz. The pay is one to two feet ea re tunnel on the night of the 2.'!d of wide. Tlie Lancaster is developed by For Sale at a Bargain. Tlie Knights of the Golden Eagle June. There is considerable nettv three shafts and some other openings, A new two story building and large will appear in full uniform. ofaround if and Silver, l.rtJ the one being thieving feet deep and the other lot at Silver City. The house is 17x40 This society is a organ!-iea- t fenders are caught it is going to be a two 100 feet each, these in a distance with 4 large rooms in second story. It ion. The evolutions of a company are serious matter for them. Prospectors of 400 feet. Tlie ore is four inches to is built of redwood, and handsomely very pretty Indeed. The members of who work hard and earn ceiled. Will be sold at a great barenough to two feet wide, the vein being three gain. A pply to Adams Sons Co., at Castle have been drilling tools for to is (lie six feet and necessary prossimilar to that in I'. P. Depot. Eureka, or to J. s. for some time and are lxroming quite purchase pecting are becoming very weary of the Cleveland. It has in the past Mackintosh. Eureka. efficient. these out rages, and are going to stop produced ore to the value of :i,1,ooo. D. C. HARKIXGTOX, Proprietor. At the Union Drugstore, it. A good jail sentence would be the The Stock Exchange hoard here acFor Sale. Instant pain cure. right thing in such cases. cepted this property subject to a show VAI.IAIII.K ( !i:v Kon:i MIN Nil Choice Fresh Drugs. 1. aim: Thecclebrationnf the Fourth will of clear title in tin? company, and as Fine p rfiimes. cosmetics. A full claim iunixI.Vhi feel, on Cream IV Lis. A full line of sta- be a display of patriotism to do credit soon as that is done, the stock of the joining II inn-!eek-( 'haiupimi jjroimd on (he !u tionery. to Eureka. Tlie programme is pide company will Ik- called. the north. Title perfect. Address Everything new and fresh. lislied in another column, anil is In or call at livric Minku oiliee him-kak & Gi ANT. Flic members of the Eureka brass 1't.ih. able hands to have if faithfully car Miss Kate Courtney, the efficient ried out. Silver City will also have band will lie in their new uniforms in Notice. UTAH. principal of Eureka's public schools, ;i grand time The suits are the Prove the parade To whom il may concern: All partIs rusticating In Provo and other witli grey a and gilt House edging band enpresent having been ies are hereby not ified not to erect, or towns in tlie valley, during her vaca- Opera for tlie festivities and tlie ball nobby appearance. Main gaged cause to lie erected, any si ructitres or tion. She has earned this much need- this The next dividend of the Centennial build iocs mi t tie Lin ie Chief" ni at a cost of liV Friday evening, ed rest and confidently expects to en- This J.s, p. 11: iscoi.i,, shows that Tintic will celebrate Eureka will be 2. The brokers may Ingclaiiii. John 11:1 1(11.1,. ter the school nom uiou her return is loyally as First Class Board Cuaranteed. In haK-Sthis section of all their coun the paste any Lake T. i. SI I.I.IVAN, greatly invigorated. try. Herald. Jli'iih S5.00. AV A ( II., John PeiMveek, Color-lM'ar- mperial Millions, m mm card-lxtar- d d much today as era, ons aoolies as but the days before the do not propose, any means, hide our light, butwe shall keep the reminding the public that we are Leaders. Prices and Best Goods vou to our store. Come and investigate not to vour interestto eive us at least a share of your patronage. We are now offering many rare bargains Summer Goods. reduction many lines to VjLlxLlvAL close them out. Clothing especially we are willing to make great sacrifices to reduce our stock. can save you money on &we BECK PPMFRil MERCHANDISE. purchases GILLITT, Manager. H. F. GEAR & CO. General Merchandise, FANCY NOTIONS..- Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc. Fresh and Staple Groceries a Specialty. ht. F. GtftR 8c CO., Main St:'reka. HATFIELD HOUSE. 1 1 1 Wed-nesdav- 's 1 i- BANKERS. two-roo- semi-annu- 1 B. K. BLOCH & Lili-erati- 1 Ca LIQUOR AND CIGAR MERCHANTS, weii! i 11 YSSI Noah MG6lirustui & 60., 11 111 u aimflniFT MFAT 1 M Of Eureka, and sell kinds theirGline. us a call. Market just north John McChrystal's store. UTAH. EUREKA, I- honev-combe- THR semi-militar- y Cosmopolitan Saloon, Salt Lake City Brewing Co's Beer Always Draught. I I 1 - Glide Hoi-TW- n- 1 Gem Liquors, Wines and cigars. Restaurant Street, Eureka. umki I'nip'it. |