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Show 'iTf Mti EVENING NEWS. TilPntTI Sinter. E." TIT Rnow --THE BEST aiarminsr iieport Contradicted. Returned. A iratement has been going the Smith and M. A. Freews returned rounds of the Utah papers to the ef-- y from Monnn. to which iJaee et. 25, .MI. wiai juuea x'. ltoiuney, his wife went last Friday, to attend the iy ana several chlidren and John Tlatt Ladies' Conference of Morgan had been attackea by Indians in Stake. FLOATING". FEAGMJEBT8. Arizona and all massacred excent-The' weather ia still surpassingly Ing Mrs. Romney, who wal enor ted I HomeT Again. EldetsJThomaa C. . lovely. ... to have been taken captive by the I Gl?S reached home last night from hoetilea. to The report was said to England, in which .country he had House rent In the 16th Ward. -- A ft -- C H KA PEAT ttiK W I to-da- -- bav.re 4Jiosa .jnade .Pwoi Woolen ,M1H.' jrheir can Thnfc--o- a at lie 180b, W. Vnini. VT Oa P. Wiuracb, Agenij'John. v WateTjprqfins;JkJtb-Jeax arm; tc. for sale afthe ua vonstltutfcn Salt IAkaCity. Bdlldingi . ... - I . i5E:- -' a ' ff: TO rOOTT, DA V - J ti.t j ii p BiBaEe'sr ...ri j, ,w.y I . at xaiiciirr. - IVIAKERSs COACH ..;irjc:iAO . , ' CO. & CO.) . - j B. DAT X2A3RT.& CO;r X-XIOIIRAiyj-B. luUer hm an Imr mensts stock of(iFlannels or all kinas. fSWM A TAT. W77, COKKAA -- Mr:TLKIALo X..-- AMD GRAN D C LO SI N G 4 i H- M. I? Snerftde. wttelanifroth TCew have been carried to Kuih hv n been laboring for n considerable York,1 la in our city, and has made OF EYIBY DESCRlPTIOlf. SADDLERT HABLWARE ft time as a missionary. - His ministry hid h'Sjdqutrt era at, the. Continental n I Cl A C m piled Laws of Utah for Bale Indian runner. We saw the stale- - waa In the London Conference, He Hotel. ,He m. i reparellq furnish to ment In the Silver Beef Miner, the at the Dkserkt News office. THE LARGEST STOCK IH THEUtftTryKXtt Irota : defective returns In good health; and receives anyone suffering In which . JnfetruetJons suited first it paper nd appeared, eyta "A Celebrated Case" at the The and alluded to It at the '".J-giives ! Ko. S8 Xortli Person3;,,who - II. time, bat a hearty welcome' from a host of to ithr,'injexmlty.ffi, Street, llitlalelp!i ift. atre, next Thursday night. ux. tau. friends. .EDecuexamine uiese may f did not five the names of the par' ciifcijiL their res ideijoea, will be called E. R. Em wry Las been confirmed ties alleged to have been murdered. unrni liv leavki? their addreAa.' ' by the Senate, postmaster at Park because we desired to avoid : To wn.-HooJ"ATf, la ijjorlrj ; yi OSit hours ffpm 8, to 9 a.m.12 to creating City, Utah. . He In i aao, e w, alarm in the minds of their relatives ugun, was in town ' ' (, .u m im , ..... t .iK. There Is a raesfage at the Wrt- - In this City and elsewhere, a ere-- 1 formed us h wa fn WeusvUto 3mt union Telegraph office for H. caution which we think should re-- 1 Sunday, where , Apostles L. Snow , II. Chandler. XIJhcAt at ceivo more prominence than a desire I am M Thatcher attended meeting ,1 for There ia a harvest for mechanic to pub iah pensalional news. We ,n the afternoon, and went to Hy- - HAUSJES, & . DAyiS 1 Apricots awl, other in the building line. Masona are in stated at the time that we felt con-- 1 r" the evening. At the even 2N. 138 MAZtfi SZREETX ; pj eiiial demand. ,4.207 AMent the rumor was incorrect, and I ,n meeting In Wsllavilha. Brother Frtiita.: Warren Patiou, of Colorado has so It proves to be. Fatr addressed a large eongregaBRD CAN YO N, BOOR i Uea nominated for agent-o3 tion. - v the; Mr. George Romney lliis NGS AND WEBEB COAL. 8PRI city, .".-,.--.... i ; Southern Ute Agency. i: j i Tli el .' only reliable market tor SWEEPlflG REDUCTIOH brother to Mr. M. P., Romney, tele "Worth. "Witnessing. A genuine imp, assorted ; and ere .ooal CHOICE PRINTS We had the pleasure of meeting graphed to Mr. R. C. Lund, at Kan-a12, 14 and 16 yards for JI. .-4 hand. NEWiLAWNS Large:CU 'itock always XSoots . li. Williams of Odeu, toJuaewho was KIioch, for information on the subject, treat Is in store for lover of the and 7c, 10c, 12c and 15c, per yard. ft Price i weight guaranteed. in town on business. and has received 25c. 10c more.) day, PURI5 and drama. LAWNS On LINEN per yard (worth "V" Thursday nightl the low, s.3d special attention eiven to I5c,20c the' welcome an '12Jc.,15c and 20c per yard, (worth " Messrs. Arthur Stayner, of this swer that the report ia totally un Hazel w Ink lo Dramatic Company suit tli e wants of the public Office, SERVICEABLE CHEVIOTS I " 1 O f10c per yard more0 7 Oootls, "E4cl,JHc. : will present "A Celebrated Caws." ueeeret jsiock. ' " ' . city, aud John Reck, or Lehi, lert- true. : " A GotTXiTl d298 NEAT 20c. and MOMIES 5c per yard.. 15c., Agent. this rnornintr, for Chicago, on buiThe company has made a sreeuiUy .... v , 3 ' ' ijjTU.ii !. ? SOc-- l SILKS rYLlSH;8UMMKR 60c, 70C and 80c fer yard. a... I of tour the in over AccidentThe their Horrible the Ogden piece BVrnLIICS ABBICA ft A LTK. i '. ELEGANT GRENADINES 15c c We have been rushed for the past Month, since the Arrival of our 20c, 0e., 50c. and 00c pel l0c, v Tliei-amenof the new Univer- lltratd has an account of a horrible United States, and will put it on the The atest Salve in the world for i 'i . f yard. Brui.-U will be completed this accident that occurrr d yesterday boards here with that thorough fin- Cuts, , sity buiMinp, Bores, Jeers, Bait DRESS GOOD3 8c', 10c, 12c", 15c 20c, 25c , S0c. week. X ua U as in uch or t h e work Fever Bores, Tetter. Chan- - 0I5SIRABLE itheumi at' ' ' ' ish Union Pacific at R. makes the It. that morning acting 60c and truly us has yet been contracted for. 70c; 40c, 60c, Corns per yard. and ped Hands, ChUMains, ". i W&- - OF LATEST 7 ' '..'.:;!-- depot in that town. It appears that tractive. STYLES iOF $1 and aii or Kkin kind 90c DURABLE Krunltons. Thto DAMASKS TABLE 80c, 70c, 50c, 60c, Mr. 1'hli. lord, and a number of Jnmim Huhhlny. Tr.. hu twen an- ' IsV " :' Safve , yard. guaranteed to give perfect BOYSVl CLOTHiRG !f YOUTH'S were at work transfeiin v point ?d PostmsMer of sati fact lou in t every cae or' money ALL WOOL LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. TWEEDS JEANS, MEN'S, Gunnison,- other nirnmaterial Rob Passengers. Belligerent eomu U. Will be to from P It the Interest of Every Purchaser to Call. 6a , . S nrcte County, and William an- telegraph Reduced. . inson and Kearney were before Jus- refundexV.' Prion 2.S Cents per Ilox. j Greatly cars Etc, to cars. One Utah Northern it of Maricur. Gila a, derven, For & ifo by Moore. Allen A Co . 8EAUTIFUL ANTIQUE LACE CURTAINS, County, of the men, named C. G. Jobanwui tice Py ; i 512 per pair per this morulng,on a 'charge Arizona. $8,3nd Hah ;"Agents. Real was standing on one of the car?. of creating a disturbance on the Drugffis'fcf, AVholesale amtf Bargains. ; i - ;: .; " .. iX IMPORTED NOTTINGHAM ' I'rices "!Vr,A TTT ST.,1 and examine my Block; LakeCity;1 CURTAIN NETS 25c, 35c., .400.; 50c : Accompanying the party of mid loosening stakes, when some other train between before and this pujrchasingr.Elsewhera; sJ.Ji:S 1:.. I Ogden ' ' eoc. to f 1 per yaid that left yesterday morn cars (which had been switched from refused City, yesterday. to another track They the one on which The GBKENIQ HOUSE, Second HEMP, INGRAIN, TAPE8TRY, BRUS3ELS. VELVET AND MO ing, waa Mrs. Johnson, a relative of stood the cars which were being un- - to pay their fare or go off the 'cars, house ekst of the late Col. James the family ..." QUETTE CARPETS, New, Choice and Cheap. of City ' Hall, has been ; - ?. Fereru-on- . We will Sell During CONFERENCE AVEEIt, She is returning from a joauej) came in can tact with them, and used profane language' to the tnorougnly renovated fitted Up aad CHILDREN'S JliSO, $2, $3 and $4, worth 50 per cent thr y years visit to her relatives in pushing them forward, and Johan- - conductor. They finally concluded in nrstclaxs etyieand is ready .or i , .: more. . PIQUE SUITS, i ; ; ; ; businem. jumlsiiod Rooms to Rent. GINGHAM SUITS Utah, to her home In Waterloo, sen was thrown to the track and the to On town reducea.l however. h pay, car greatly wheels reaching over hid TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, Ckdl aud ise for Terms, etc legs, parsed V ntar Liverpool. LADIES' THREE PIECE LINEN j SUITS $3.25. Great Tiargain. s crushing and mangling them in a they were taken. In tow, last even Dan i el GbkemiO,', ;: 250 Gent's Suits, i 300 Cliildrens fruits, LADIES' LINEN AND SERGE ULSTERS, up to Size 44, Very cheap. frightful manner. : JProprletor. ing, by Officer W. Calder. They " r to He for called aloud Mr. Ford 300 Youth's Suits, S00 JPairs of rants,, were each fined (LO and costs. LOCAL AND OTHER MATTER1 LADIES' BILK DRE3SES $14 to $35. ... JUSTUECEITEO help; but the latter could render no ' . i i . A SILK' A JACKETS CLOTH ULSTERS 300 DIES' L 500 JPdlrs DOLMANS, of JilaUJsets Boys' Suits, assistance. When the wounded rr. An elegant .line 'nf lnilfo' nmtu. it. i yt .i ' : Granite Blocks. About 700 cubic man was taken up.Mr. Ford sent for Is He A Nihilist. This after dolmads4 ALL and circulars of the latest LOVELY BPANISH LACES KINDS, ETC., ETC., E'rU ?. -- ft t , of granite is being taken from a team and bad Johansen removed. noon our reporter was Introduced to designs., Call and see them at 80c., 50c, 60c, 70c and $1 per yard, v .. o rH' '.. j residence in the northeast, Mr. Alexsnder Zwet, a young Rus OTHER LACES,' from 5c. t VV. JENNINGS & SONS. VALENCIENNE, CORALINE AND 'the quarry in Cottonwood Canyon to hisof the , ' TO SPECJa1J i I&DTJ CEMENTS THE WHOLESALE TRADE I OFFER I $L6Q per yard. ;t . city. Mr. W. P. P. Kt to the Ontario mine, at Park City, part yfearadld. student, twenty-on- e " Clair, agent of the U. P. R. R. Co. sian 10c 25c, AND 3C CHILDREN'S 3El 3f , LATIE8' & STjOCKINGS 20c, TT 15c, . for the mason work connected with SI ':,.X''0"3'-3sent for Dr. J. D, Carnahan, wh , JLiike the usual run of Russians he is AAkf iDrucrffista-Rouffh cai for 350. to i.:s per pair. ,( ..... sue, LEA0I2IG CLOTHING HOUSE Hi UTaH.' itho new mammoth pump. A few assisted by Dr. H. J. Powers, exam short of stature, and stout almost to 3Uta.M! It clears oat rats. mice, bed CORSETS AND LADIES' UNDERWEAR marked way down tock agrDRIj GOODS At WHOj.ESftLl.ORLY. of the blocks weigh from three to ined the mangled limbs, and found plumpness, but unlike the generality bugs, roaches, vermin, files, ants, the entire stock; it necessary t j amputate both. three and a half tons each. re- insects. 18c per box. Ji'i ! Vv 8 of hia another in AND BOYS' STRAW AND FELT HATS of most desirabh GENTS' countrymen ineieit leg was amputated four ' ' m wv ' " - . ii i i r. ! : and Quality, reduced to. 20 per cent. 8tyle U' below the knee,and the light spect, be is of iair complexion. His tiinches MM. ) j Benefit Entertainment. OuTues- - leg midway between the knee and head is unusually large,the forehead On e . Price Store, offers an ; elecan t DENTS' AND BOYS' CTX)THING must be Closed Out to make roon of Ladies' Button Kids, at Jfour for a Superb Fan Stock now being manufactured ror us. (JamexL an entertainment will be ankle. being full and high, and specially line ,., a , man The is a asiis P Swtde. unfortunate v AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, Including Burt's and ever LADIES' qzai pair. given in the 21st Ward Meeting, about 50 years of age, has been in wide in the regionof ,the temples, " r , other y prominent make, eTeryjpuir fully warranted at lowest living ' i ' houfe, "thi proceeds of which are to this country about one year. He narrowing slightly toward the top.' , . '.jut marvelous cure or Catarrh. A .prlces.i bo devoted for the purchase of new has a wife, also a daughter about 14 We learn from him that he left Diphtheria,. - Canker -- Mouth, and GENTS' AND BOYS' BOOTS AND GAITERSr stylish, eomfortabl . j. peats for the hall. The dramatic years old. Russia suddenly two years ago, was Head Ache. With each bottle then and durable, at Prices to please. 1 I m i t 1 f J t 1 t f V 1 an ia nasal a for the of will Ward take ingenious our Cele that FURNISHING Injector YOUTH8' from some AND for GOOD3, and GENTS London company Including in time, Changed his Stand. Mr. Davli thence came to this country. He more successful treatment of these brated Uniaundried isnirts, Best ana Cheapest m mis xaarset. jiromiut-n-t part In the perform. ; extra charge. without complaint steam James, gas fitter, plumber, auces. r said if Russia were given a constitu JTOce gets. Bold by Moore, Allen heating fitter, and tinner, has remov tion he would t ' " W4 ao he .'1 ' 1 The Season's Emigration. The ed from his old stand, on West would rather retfg, home, there Our Jmmenae Stock, as we ar BARGAINS in REAL than, find Will many lije to a new few his of for the pre Street, premises, lst company Saints else. Being asked if he One Pried Store, has just opened a anxious to make room for the Largest, Choicest and Best bought Stock sent reason, which left Liverpool on doors north of the Deeret Bank anywhere was a Nihilist, he evaded the ques- complete- - stock of .Winter Dress ever brought to . this Territory! la the various lines we have handled so - block. His new quarters ate much steam22nd the inst., per . ., Saturday, 4.:: f . JM, Trimmings lo match. ' woceasfully for many years past. ' ' tion by giving some very ingenious, Goodsy and ' , ... . f, ;Ut,'( o fillip Wisomin, numbeis 398 souls. more roomy and commodious than indirect answers, and gave nddeni V'"s r r Go rti 4he Globe Bakery for your : .. . The aggregate of the other com pa - thoae he has Just vacated. Since tti to an ' J.'...V..J, be belief that he t and UAJtius, wbere jonrectionery ' " i ; '": iilej thlst,eason is 1S51. Adding the purchasing the building he has add longed toexpressed are to be had pure and wholeZ' '.'' they that organization.. extension to the rear number now on the way, carries the ed a f.rty-fee- t H. Arnold. On 'being Informed thataf dis some. ...... tCrOrdcrsj Promptly Filled and Honorable Treatmcni . of to It. of the present year up emigration I ' received had been patch Sent Free on Application. The basement is used for storepnarant&ed. Samples 2,250 persona. .as been Czar the that had stating -acre. there beine about forty tons of TTLGtnp A he seemed to be seized we are payins; Beinenber, Sabbath. Breaking. Every Sun. materials and goods in the forward saeslnated, li which with convulsive delight, the Highest Price for Dried day numbers of persons from the compartment alone. The front room found expression in sudden and fre Fruits " of - all Jtinds. " y; city go to the Warm Spring Lake on the ground floor la, of course, tlio quent nntburt of hilarious laughter. V, soss. A J .v and eneace in duck thootine. If Kalesroom; next behind it is tun On being told that this exuberance S5(M he wajid. ' Hi ere ia any means of stopping this of animal spirits at the hews' of 'the d cure all diseases of the. Shy- They Sabbath desecration it should le ap- elevator, by which about death of the Emperor was a strong math, .Bowels. Blood. x Liver. floor to be can raised the by indication upper atrplied. The birds make the lakes propensity, Kidneys and .Urinary' Orsans. and on To thu a a i rope. gentle pull peeiiil resort at thia time, of the year his laughter increased. On being $500 will be piki for a; case they will nluml.inii nrrftln is nf ' for tire the that ' ' E not cure or help; or for anything Im purpose of obtaining warmth. QfvmaintAd if h. m. .. , ; . with " . Tn1 I -or 1nl.,.l,...a .,,,u"u room. The front part of the upper; ooti Dure . rfmrJ 1,. r"" , O.W U3 llUUiJl J .no.,.,? Test lftl See it. HortBitters, "Truths" Is and for a used wareroom, The story Mutual - Improvement. or Proverbs? ? In another column. -AT that he was not 1 r vcnth Ward SI. I. A. was reorgan- the rear for the manufacture of tin iy Our impression is, from lb e gentle- i with the following ware, .arpsT received ised last evening, BURNETT'S COCOAINE . manner and peculiar senti ' Mr. James is doing a rushing bus manV r the VictorouM and HeaUhu Promote coming season. D. a Nihilotllrs f cne was of he the that ments, MeKenzie, president; II. Vau Dam ine89, havin? a large number ofx or ist students who left Russia sudden Growth : of the: Hair, , It has been used In .thousands oft capes Where He has thirty-siund Wm. J. Woodbury, counselor?; tiers ahead. on account of a strong desire on the- hair ' was coming out, and has J. E. I'vans, secretary; George Sims, hands on hU pay roll, and could d) ly the part of the authorities of that never failed to arrest its decay. if he a number 11 with more, Use 15UKjNJliri"H JjAVU1C1JNU trnurer; George Whitaker, libra could quite to take care of him, by giv country " : ' ' t best. get them . rian; and Isaac M. Waddell permadis EXTRACT he . ; ' ing him a free trip to Siberia, nent chairman cf programme com pose of him in some other IMMENSE STOCK OF For a Cough or Sore Throat tho mittee. These officers, together with Departure of Missionaries. The not very satisfactory to- mm.planner wnen best is medicine far fa Hale's by for left their missionaries the honorary presidency, composed following this view was communicated to him mous Honey of Horehound and Tar! .. '' '' .. ' a of the 'lilshop and his Counselors, fields of labor, this moraing,' all of he laugh ei". nervously, and said he k'lxtrm Toothacne JJropa cure In .'.' . ' 7 Lake the from Salt them a w oneJMhaute by. d eod A going directors. of a form board eleven was always. in the habit of doing ,.. . , o'clock train, excepting Hans 0. ' : 'if i ..lit..,...',.. ..'.V-;.w.i'r '. v, ' I i was asi ..... the ,.'..'..' that a "I'll tilings In hurry ,;and An articl9 faTOrably known On Saturday Hanson, H. A. Hansen,; Daniel way in which be left! Ruis!$. 'He Bail's Hair Ienewer needs no words u Badly Crushed. " '" j , ,....,'.' " " "Wm. Willie and John H. 2.1 (.'All.' 1, , ' sorfficieni elear- - 6f praise from us. It ha wou its . with "Uii, Jtt Jewett, conductor ou the Davis, who "' i im....ff.i!i. speaks English in :.;"" them Joined Ogden, Barlow, Utah and Northern R. R., met with be understood without diffli ness to ii t . usAAV-UUMI4MSUCa WASVUSTQ ase-Sou- si accident at Silver Bow, and Wm. Stevenson, who expected culty. In the cotirfe of Con versa- - I SkV Tainiy used ether prenaratlons have. I on It appeal that he was to Join the party at Echo: that stated succeeding he tion every trying this, been made glad by coiiniintr a stock car to a box car, For Great Britain. Thomas R A LARGE QUANTITY OF 1 constl-11 ia" a won peeuy resiorauou oi aounaani be killed until when hia head was caught letween Jones, Lehi;. Edwin Eyre, Mlnerfr- - Czar I locks as in the v i of v w days youth. t the wo cara aud badly crushed.- ville, Wm. Martin,, urauiaviue; tut ion was gran ed. i Wm. Willie, Mendon; Hans O. Many hones are broken, and he kb Jolin TF. IVowell's fine Ivinc in a critical condition, although Hanson. Hyrum; II. A. Hansen, A.I "in tl.la lan, of the Nkws. Mile Ave are pleased to learn hopes LeganrDanlel Davis, Three are entertained or nw recovery. Creek. FACTS THAT WE.UXOHi LIVERPOOL GENUINE Sine-- writing the above we learn For the Southern Btateo. George It you are sutf'ering with a severe suc of a rumor that Mr. Jewett haa Howe, S. L. City: Kdw. Dalton,Cough, Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, cumbed to his sufltriugs. The ru Parow an; Wm. II. Joseph, Adaiuloss jo voice, ticKling Consumption, lacks confirmation. nwr, however, ville; Wm. II. White, Ueaver; Jno or in tue any atiectiorv of the tnroat, M. Easton, Greenville; John H Oytiei Herald. ATT". iAsova. Ar- - throat or lungs, me know that Dr. Barlaw, Bountiful. Y XIU3 Ut til'b ply at King's New Discovery will give yoa In- James ' For Pen osjlvanlaImmediate relief. We know, of i us Before Instructor. vJureaile itio, Order vlile: Wm. Stevenson, IMPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR 4 of cases it has oompletcly bundreds Li I L ' ttumber20of the current volumo of Echo. " nu wuen. uutii outer uureu, hou ii L. For Nebraska and Iowa. M. this invaluable periodical. The cor, asedleinea had failed. . tto other as many tenU arei Tlio Good Samaritan, Shepherd, Beaver. remedy can show one-ha- lf ' we are to ; to For this list Now cure. indebted, you . A3?' permanent give Jottings by a' Young Missionary, Brother W. C. NOTICES SPEGIALBDSINESS Dr. that to Katiafactory proof King's Spence, who went Travels In India, HUtory' of . the New ' Discovery urtll ' cure yoa of business on this morning, Ogden Asthina, . BronchltlB. Har Fever. Church, A Crvstal SarcopbaguF, SOUTH JohDAi I ASAE com. IMitorial Thoughts, The Studious connected with tho departure of the Consumption, severe Coughs and S FAST. ; Colds,' 'Hoarseness, or any Throat Uoy, The Sacraments, Jesus Christ, brethren. of the annual The regular or Laqg Disease, if yoa will call at f meeting , t . this character and attributes; stockholders of the (South Jordan Moore, , Co., ',.,' Allen wholesale "Ladies The Ladles' Meeting. Canal Co.. will be held at the West agents, you can get a atrial bottle I Deseiet 8. 8- - Union ! . WE 'ARE NOW. PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE ; f ; "III tw rW li O l1i W house on Sat- - free of eoetixx was Ward me Jordan size bottle meeting .ting to regular tlio regular Letters Young ..Meeting, -: t Oct. 9.. commencing d tu , for tl.00. , ;:: v Ward Assembly urdav. i Tnttor anil jfqlk", Fowl of the Ancients, and a held In the 14th October . I Mrs. d, . Rooms, Ia There Saturday, x run tfhildreu'ij song entitled, oi ixaiu oi s.UUU:UUttsiuUJl. jjy oroer M. I. Horne, presiding. Minulea of i W. Fox, Jb., Jesse Any thing That We Can Do? AT LOWEST f.URKET, PRICES ! Secretary; previous meeting were read and ac) were made addresses Brief cented. vr toe any ca " Uliod, Dioedlnar, Itob- Sudden Death at Cedar- Father rRESXBTD FL.OTVEHS. j lriartn 6 1'loertnetf. or ProttiKltnf 11 LES that Mrs. E.!B President I Home, by Iron I Itlne'a 11 le Hemeay rata to cure. John Parry, cf Cedar City, p th&flowera all of olitrtre t had As Pre and Mrs. Wells E. J. Btickney, I. f j tj. !,., 4'r..tti, ..Ti. H ' County, was taken sick at Lis resi- sident of Sanlaquin Relief Bodety. from Kliler iDrfeon Pratkfoperal, delph'a, Fa. tioi gatuum yplthout sic tig more 4 . ; . are iruvnr as ft there great r il ii f patut dence, at eeven o'clock on Saturday Minute of 12th Ward Primary As and than the family desrre "preservea, V ....... iim .'f ;r9 venin and on Sunday morning he sociation were read, also mlnntes of will, 1 f i "HO bv permission of the family. t i f was He eighty years ot for those expired. rest nreaerved Tiitm the i ' 19th Ward Y. L. M. I. A. At these . r. i ...J s age, an upright man who was uni- meetings the Klst?rs transact busi- his frienus wuo wisn w ces bokb v COOKING or made, up in bonquebi, etc. . o where known. loose, of FunUf i HEATING r:r s ' versally refDeclod STOVES, allthe.Pnrpcscs ! ness and receive instruction in the Please call . peraqnany-?t- ; resi- - I fcjr i i ii my ' ad his Fhvslc i His death, notwithstanding r o . several departments of the Societies I dence and give me your orders. 0 v a need age, was- unexpected and and Associations, o rsiivei U R I M d Kirst C which been! I have tooktbe - v, ca. N sudden to his family. He was In nnranlxnd far varIoua.; benevolent I Meauj ai the;'TfcfrltTrial Fa'r ; of r i . fjTT'n ,tai? . . . t "V. . lur A J :''ft feu A JU nvi.. Salt Laie City, only a short time i.o. Dub. purpoecs and for the spiritual andl F. .'t lfmimvmm jr. . to the attend . eluec, having come up ? StamackmnSDrtaCh culture cfl j ft) .'.V i . . .i . . . ilate Conference. He loined the -1 t III Th.W fthmil.l MM WOU 11. I Ill !L, Church in Wales, the place of his tended. "law, Ehnm ffiw. W Why do so man y . people o " '"-"" ' around us. seem to xreler to sufTet nativity, in 1850, and cama to Utah ' : "'o J5 S now a fall supply on hind cf car cs!72Litd j Ws have BO be Indises and made miserable by In lSoG, crossing the plains with s v- user Verdict cf Guilty. Yesterday tion. Con M nation. DiTslnMS- - Tma nf ... 3s2f i. f handcart company. JaJbA. t and f) Kmm, ooa. or trim.TtUiJittmr me x. aiiernoon, j uuge ...... Appetite, looming up j. irt.. " Dtmttr Fid. ' OmU,- tmrol0m t , ; ' "1 ur.nn i '' Km. ered a powerful and Ingenious argu - i eilow bain, when for 75 eta., we mt ' i p0.-n-g titeoa, mrm xmm mom l t.t f ... . ' I . AJtP ' :.; k 0 r I i TJtail Fimit- - Mr. W. F. Neslen, ment In behalf of Jack Emerson.oo Gusrantea to ja C3-t i CAt ther mm au r,.r '. Im dv vMv.vtr.i auai Uir bcja v ,1. n, to . -FJiaato ar ;tht p)eau)t Teasdel's m. a : S. P. kriai ymercantile iui fiioora. "lby ' Allen rf bouse, ,of a r. to ewra. vwt rrt jowwra ;' t.ir. iff ., I " I .;. A tuwuMU ,.,. ,' ef Ut fcwed: iary a j'-- i human Bhipped last Saturday the thirteenth ner. Uy 5. ' '"" ... District CUtblBSBay. Attorney This morning, carload of dried fruit this season, and .. 5 . , o4 tmr orri Majta aaa too w in and now the have the of largest I behalf ready In o o there are three or four more ye Van Zile argued 1 best selected stock cf men's and i;c.t - .'Ha .. " " "TT to off. cxlroi Ma ; be sent pf;TkjSnB. ion. hand, waiting C vA id( 4anrui j 1 , ."3 9T tJ II o j 2s one or theae shipments were no with great force and mas ferly clear blu nt to this rwlty, ; marmtaeXared I i mysexr, wnica enables soar 10 senUer 21,000 pounds. Taking that nMi. maxin2 some leumg - pomu tor bv 10 to 15 per cent lowI, same ' from the . t the avtrage weight, this house alone thspecpia. . . iu . anv other house. Parties ti?:.-J o Si o". lertnan it crparat wi'a , has shipped 273,000 pounds, with? After insirucuouvnro lintendinjr to"Tat In their wlatcr iaim w I w I .about 00,000 more to go. This large the case iras given stock will consult their interest cy Essa. "i e JRELX i lint ruuiuuus i ar i sent oft by one merchant KnonJT - . quantity uij j ' will wiOi verdt of guUty of Lefore the give some Idea of the growthl toto treatment o X5 lAtamrssJU'tiAsa: ana importance of the dried fruit murder In tLe first degree, accom- - teed. honorable off TKmVmsaSJiw&vKmM recommendation Broome Bbtet. i:nnfi.(.tiuv business as a source of wealth to the wanted with, a . f th yimlar'rir O 31,. Mole Agrei rer Vtali a ri ri3 tT 'Ar.v r- a US a mercy ot jme Kew York. Xaetare . Hall :a T O r Si t ats. to GoixBEsa, m4 Beea Bbeal rarlar heal should a IIEA;::, community, it give ' UaateraAnd rca4te. UEACTJ3 rSiS TU3 C3 riC3 , 1 t 6 Court. Bntenca sna deferred. J.by stimulus to Utah fruit culture. J Xv .T 'e advt. 1 - Al ITi t I ! O "Mr All SUMMER GOODS Tlitl ( LOUIS REQGEL.'-- nq to-da- iia.i y. ; ? J tt-r- n WH0LES1LE GLGTHiER Prlenpaid Irie TELIj THE TALE! - f f . - . : - b, ami Clotliirig, - Mats and Cjis, cuts' JPuniisliiug -- - " , ; ', -:- -,- t y-i- e, . ..-, -- I -- . . ji i . " W - . . . ',. - ; -. " . iLOTJIS REGrOEiLi' ; 108 . ';;: '. , . ; . ty l ... AISUL. ' J . - ft , ' . " ,:.; ; O - " , ) k "- -'' . : , ;- : ' .A ; '.: ..',.,..! ? 111 - I " il'i WHOLESALE BUYERS 4k-O0- lT - - ; , j- . - - , ! ' "'' :! ; " , i -- i . " f to-da- y, - RTTSSBD 1864. . F. AUERBACH & BR0. i:mxgs 70O-poun- : .', -- Ni-rvea- rr . - - .- ir.t -- Tw TW .'"'rr r.,. lm r 1 for -- RI - S--t- ':!.-- . AN - - ..: Dry GobirJs, Dress! Goods, ; . !:. . . - . , '.' I, - ; ';'.' -- . ... ..'. ', . J ...., . - . i i- to-da- y, ASHTON'S TOTJITE AMD VULCAW ; I PQ" IijrjrjC.Y and PATH.Y USE. BLASTING-BOXTOH lr WJMDQW--GLAS- Orres-j-pondfenc- e, semi-month- ly w 2-- atl - - P-- 1 . GLASS TRADE OF UTAH, it-to- 03- - - : f uao PlMlfir, Tinner, Steam J ! -- .1. 1 Ayer's - V '(' i ".a-- .3 , & " ' m r : - rj-n- xe . 1 ... 5TE7EaiI? OE3tGHf5 and : - 1 .. . m . " 5 n- ; - Si.di o ft' !i ?'" '" r . . - av , ' 1 - r ' r j-u- -- : 1 - t. , ;.- Enpcniun cooi: gtoveoi -- ' a- s? j- ts' T-- " - -- : THPLEIICPG HHE5 1 r- r.,. o r eatttsje r-- ps ': ' ' ""r i. M hnij m l. . - - rttrss Ti-ltoir- y 3 K'O |