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Show Sill. VOX. "IV J3IKTSS DAY OTTT, UT21I2 T13E3I2XTOXrS, HILTF EVEKO, JJECEHSBEIS 24, MO. 1 ! SaBBSSBBBBB V' PublUJiei ewry tvtrAivj uetept Sunday. ' ' fi pponT. on rear, with six month ibrea mootha, ''' ..$10.60 poiUre.w " " EASTERN i.26 - THE BUS J5 TBOTJLE. Bad othcra Opinion ct a to the Settlement or the Dim-euic.. "as CoBg-rctame- TOM. OKJICE Corner of South and Ecut Temple Street. aat bi j BOOK & JOB T ( L. WO HS E0CK-B1HQ1- i ST J LOUIS TRADE RUrSEY Hi- - CO. & ktatmfitetrtrt am Jobber of Vamps and Fire Eaginsj . an.1 RhMt Iron Pip Lea-1- . ruiLurs, BeLtlai, Uoee, PseaJar C. JT. LOKU, FUKfrJ iO - i JAKE HEUSSER, Dealer Itortor MVJ Y38K .T.HADE. iizmm, ill h j JTS & SHOES Of all Desor!ptKna. 1 . Jackie Large Variety of Fi&hing ana fockct vuuery twn- -j ttantly on JIand. Eie- Repair Ktly oi ail! Promptly viioan on rated, kfat Utted toanri order. A fasd r A .i 8hootlnff Gallory i First door eouta AR.14LL CO. & MSN'S AND DOyS P.a S.iO EL Broadway, KEW COWLS3, TORX. Box 6 : 3c IUnk Co Hala NtrMt, tU Lake City, ES Ell E T ' Carriage If apn I) i 1 SECOND SOUTH STREET e io-da- - to-d- ay, , lence. U paiCE; 4 Fro WV.U, ' : JOHN 200- - Bsductd or uncr&CTUBiKfl . ,v yard target on the premidefl. j rilUia. - : & Ammunition Guns, Pistols & co . la and situation WashxnqtoiJ, in Maine and the probability of an appeal to tbe National Govern ment to settle the threatened conflict of authority in that State con tinues to be the engrossing topic of conversation iu Washington political circlcs;and notwithstanding the freely published denials of yesterday' reports 'concerning the attitude of the President and other prominent republicans on this question, there is no positive evidence obtainable to prove that these reports had a substantial f jundatlon. vj discussion appears, however, to develope an important point which was generally overlooked yesterday, namely that tbe dominant party in Congress is likely to hold that if dual governments are set up, Congress has the right to decide which is the legal one, and that the President is not clothed with any such judicial power unless In case of insurrection or domestic violence he is called of the upon 8 commander-in-chie- f army to preserve the peace. , Ilepre&entatire Buckner,- of Missouri, in conversation on this subcalled attention to the ject ppeech of Senator Mortsh on the Electoral bill, in which he ;took precisely the position above indicated, and supported it by the following extract from 'a tfupreme Court decision ia the case of Luther vs. Borden: , "Under the Constitution' it rests trith Cjngress to decide what government ia the established one ln'a State, for before the United States can guarantee to a State a republican government some form of government must be established in a State before it can be determined whether it ia republican or not." This view, it will be observed, does not impair the sagacity of the general republican . plan of action described in last evening's dispatches, for aa then intimated the the issue will republicans expect be preeented by means of an application to; the President for naviotional aid 'to repress .domestic 3.-Th- s, S. PAPER-RU11H- i , makes the liair crow freely and fast, keeps it from falling out, arrests and cares Giay-ncs.reniOTCS dandruff and makes tho Hair itcliins, ntron-- ,. giving it curling it in tendency and Keeping Beaudesired :iiiy position. tiful, healthy liair is tho sure result cf Uoins liathairon. PRINTING, a x. YVIiq Traht glesay, Inxnriant and Tvaiy tresses of abundant, beautiful Hair must n s e LYON'S KATHAIF.ON. This elegant, cheap articlo always Job Prlatln Beers BMk tfoe euperlor f aoUities tor the exocutlon of all kinds of Tj ' Congressman Blount, of Georgia, is also of the opinion that Congress and not the President la the proper in States. power to settle disputes ArHeferring to the Brooks-Baxtkansas contest seven or eight years ago, he recalled tbe fact that although the President recognized one of the dual legislatures and the governor, as the legal power In the State, Congress, nevertheless sent a committee to investigate the trouble; and in accordance with that committee and report the action of the President was reversed and the governor and legislature that he refused to recognize, were recognized by Congress and asfuncsumed the exercise of its legal """" tions.'''; A prominent democrat, who does not care to have his name published, denounces the action of Gov. Garcelon and his council quite veadde: "I believe the hemently, and whole thing was set up by. Samuel J. Tilden to attract the attention of the people of the country to the outrage,so that it may more strongly appreciate the outrage perpetrated in Louisiana in 1876, which Tilden thinks, If I properly appreciated,' will again give him a ohance fur the presidency as a martyr." In this direction a very clever ton mot is current in democratic circles concerning Senator Hamlin's public assertions that he didn't believe eight men couldbe found outside of the walla of a penitentiary who would do sucba thing as count out republicans ia Maine. To this it ia replied that the celebrated eight of the electerial commission are still at large. Froeecntlans far eljtainj GV Emery' Cnaaeea. . It id rumored in official quarters that soon after the reassemollng of will Congress the Ad ministration bill for specially recommend some fer the n enactment to provide more eHectual prosecution and conviction of poiygaraiats. The recommendation will most probably come from tbe Department of Justice, and favor the passage of some such measure as that recently in troduced by Representative Willets in regard to the proof of plural marrUzts, together with sundry features ot the bill agreed upon by the Sonata judiciary committee in tbe last Congres, among which Kill beoD legitimatizing the children of polygamous marriages and making provision for amnesty for past offences Ut a specified period. The charges received here against Governor Emerv of Utah are Drin- cipally to the eflect that he launder the influence or Mormon leaders representations rebutting Strongalsobeen received, but it hva suems to be the general impression that hU prospects for reappoint ment are not good. Among tbe nArann mentioned as his Drobable aueoe&sor Is Gen. Chas.'. Ewing, brother of Congressman Thomas of Uen. Ewing and brother-in-la. Sherman.. ,. V Geacral Capital Geeetp.v, The Secretary of the Interior has rendered a decision of importance to all purchasers of pubiio lands by private entry, holding that whenever, f prior to patenting, It is discovered that land previously offered and entered as agricultural, is really mineral in its cnaraoter, the entry must be cancelled and the land relaws served for entry under-tb- e specially applicable to mining lands. The issue was presented by the . cace of Smith S cogging vs. Charles E. Culver et aL, involving title to a tract of 2,000 acres of land In Camden," Arkansas, a' T3 Jatrict which was purchased from the government t private -- entry In 1S73, but subsequently found to contain argentifetous leads. With reference to the proposed negotiation for a commercial treaty between the United States and Roumanla, it is ascertained that Secretary Evarts has instructed Minister Ilasson to take notice of a letter filed at the State Department by Simon Wolf In behalf of a board of delegates of American Israelites protesting against any recognition of the Roumanian government till it complies with the provisions of the Berlin treaty guaranteeing not only civil but religious liberty to all Its subjects. : Minister Kasson is instructed to act in accordance with the request of this letter. All the departments will he clos er and Game, Poultry, Fish 0;4 and a half !"-- of Blocks : Main Street, ' tirmi So a (la Street. Opposite Klin frail BlMk, Salt Lake VltT. . BUILD ALL SIZES OF FARII iB" Goods doiirersd punctually la ail1 01 tb iru uia. . fro. htifoUon ur- l.l 7. - -- USD SPRING WAGONS,; a .IKfitli. Ai h- ILMS. Repairing ! Tombstones, Monuments, MARBLE MANTLES) IRON MANTLES, ORATES, AND HEART II - S7 ONES. toata Bide f 8oth Temple a littla Eaat of EaXla Gat. tra-r- t, DISINFECTANT CHEAP - Lk flrt North of Warn Bprlnrs, Salt SatiilaeUaa Bnaraateed. Friesx Rsuo&abli waXJCHH, MAEajax; jr. or N B. Building aa ruutrin: of Bam VuaLUy alvrar on hand. fflOBT PUMPS SUPERSEDED & CO., MCII & SHOP, usie F.A.PA3COa. dtf JOWB DAVIS, . City ' "."Trimming S; A. FASCOB will tnpply One icreeued Quick Lime, suitable for ditinfectlo cose poo 1a, aud neutrtliilnf al dsorla; orranio lubatanoca for TWO JXJLLAK3 PKU TON, la .larre or email quantities, at bis Pioneer Perpetual Lime In Woodwork; Clocksmlthlng, Painting and UK. r. Kl cw, ' for Orta Year fVurranieti iTu'ly 'vi VATSOH DHOS. TO a AT JAN ! D ATI i SONS All Uaie of Mllllug anJ.Mi.alcf and t'aat 1A5LVWAT2R EBAWIR, Machinery, irouifOt maauffccttj'-etroiiror, to ofjjr ; Aatnvtnilnn br C. E. KIXO. Fult-ab- le for any weil; outa Call and tee it and leave Orders. C. E. KING, I ele Agen for the We. J. PA YN BOOT 1V1AKER nj-MJ- : ret yen i : i ao.3 wtt9 iimir - Ax lea. eta., e . Also jCrmaa Work of all deaorlptlonr JTtrtl VTetl KCT3 XSMPL1 r. LArixia, 1 Strett B. , L. OITT r. Aiai3TEONa, O. H. TAfLOS, aaJ Imported a . rote and CtM Haiitm Hodia. PIjumk," farnef Uaiftiat Car Uim Hear A c. J W t Ui) . !' tiquare. dwtw ,.: .; . Chisp, eimpls and Durable. Can begn at Work at J. W.TnekOeld A .SomSi l aandry, state Hoad, half block of Sin Ward BOOTS and SHOES YARD AT BIG BOOT, Planing - AST TMPLB,3TBKET, SALT LAKE CITY, , ill Haioa hnd .Fine Stock of hla of 4 Also stock d REiiCCTlOX IN PRICKS. Imported Goods, (Tub Bed and Wltlte Plae of all kltvis, from . the Countrj fmatern OiJtjr Vliuablnc Lumber, CaUfornia ttoa pJDCtuill filled. V, 11 Wood. toy Utah, Bear Hirer, Whltd Caddi Bed Wood SiLaglei. f7 m WIT( HES & JBWBLllY uiJ i White Bustle, Genia. 8141a, Picket, IToorinx. C4ttaa Juit arrtved a Urte Block BEAUTIFUL of the moet JIYELRY r Broh, rincvrrlas. Bind, b entLtlnK alio as, Braeetets, !, r.r-rln- c, bit. Ifeek.- - ClialBS, ptenlld aortroect and Qeou' of Lad let' " GOLDaii SIL7ER WATCHES American A Waiohet a Specialty. larre and oomplete cteck aUayi on kaod. It a Ti T. C k BtTTTBB'PW aJT warn ii ! docket, rail Betet. A DOOSS, TBLIUDS 1 SASH. CHRIST MAO BAZAR w , owo Manafactariog. we!I-electe- ed on Christmas TELEGRAPH. BY THE EYENTCG NEWS Frames of oil fi BV Vva. BHiAT kiulJ MIe 1rtf) akW WIJ miEiY to Or- - t a V7niD0UGLASS. Dln Ufre qnantltlea oureelree, and with the Haaufactorles In dealing dirwotlywe Car Load lota, Intend kaptnr a tLare Stock on hand, of tha TarkMae eUea. for th Pubiio to select from at Very LowBatM Wcsd Turning of all Kinds. liTfflEB, TATLC3.fi CO. 0a ClocSt Kut of Depet i . and New Years. Oh the davs intervening. the Trees ury Department will ba open between 10 and 1 o'clock." , The other departments from 9 to 12. At the Navv Department half the clerical force will be absent every. other day. All the departments close at : . 12 i. The New York tobaooo manufac turer protest against the proposed the manner of printing changs inrevenue Internal stamps In tinfoil tobacco wraps and the department promises to consult the wishes of the trade before - making any altera tion. . Judge Harlan has rendered a de cision in the case of the Columbus, Chicago & Indiana Central Bail- road Company against the PennsylHe vania Railroad Company. fixes the amount due plaintiff at $2,600,000. Qalte a party will accompany Gen. Grant en his trip south, including Lieutenant General Sheridan and Mrs. Sheridan, Col. Fred. Grant and wife, and several other ladles and gentlemen TAe Frealaeat n the Stain la.es. s . tlv New York,1 23. A Washington ... special to the Evening iVsfeays: The President, in. conversation with Representative Williams (republican of. Wisconsin) this morning, expressed some very . decided views on the "situation in Maine. The latter deprecated the State Legislature's grabbing the vote of the State. Tbe President replied quickly and with emphasis, "But they are not going to grab it; this Maine basinets is not going to succeed;" and added that if be were one of the republican members of that legislature, he would sit there until September and by every device known to parliamentary law for the protection of minorities, all other business should be suspended until the wrong was righted. He would not resort to force, but he would endeavor to bring to bear upon the democrats such a weight of public opinion that they could not escape or resist it. If counted In by technicalities, they should be thwarted In their revolutionary purpose until they were made to feel that the will of the majority, when properly and legally expressed .must control. He expressed the opinion that the good people of all parties, as the facts became known, would emphatically condemn the outrage. It-.- !a. Little "BluO." , A dispatch from Washington says: A circular .without signature has been sent to the clerks' In the departments from Maine, who served in the Union army during the war, ordering them to to arrange their , aflairs that they can meet without delay at the Grand Army Hall, to organize a rifle club and start at once for Augusta, s, Maine. The circular says: great coats and caps, will be furnished with rations and transportation and a supply of Spencer on the way rifles will be provided s ' - - . Ual-form- north. i ; Bank Ex-P- udMt Diseeverco. r The Daily Newtf Chicago, European correspondent has interviewed D.D.Spencer, president of the defunct savings bans or Uhl- cago, who is at present living at 23 - Wurtemberg, Germany, ue asverial the history of ' his ttavels ready published, and says he has made no enort to conceal his where abouts. He gives details of the operations ef the bank and the causes which led to the ; suspension. He says he took with him from Chi cago only iu,uuu, wnicn ne realized on his life insurance. He Is anxious to return to Chicago that he may in a measure clear up the stigma which rests upon his name. f Strikers Condltlea Vaebaka-ed- . There is no chanRe in the condition of aflairs at the stock yards. Several of the largest houses refuse utterly to concede any further points to the workiegmen. Several others aie ruuuipg very light and only a few minor ones slaughtering to their full capacity. A number of hogs have been shipped from heie to Milwaukee, but by far f,the greater number are detained at the points of shipping till matters have assumed a defloite shape " v" Y here. ."' fies . Tb&JDriver$ Journal this even- . U. S. EEF0SIT0RY. laide, Australia, inquiring whether Ireland, would warrant an appeal u be made there for the relief of the destitute Irish, and that he DBfBET HATfONAL nad replied that great distress was "ST. anticipated in th south and west XtjyjLTi and pubiio aid was most desirable. On tbe 2d last., the Viceroy of 1200,000 India telegraphs as follows: Gen- - Pali np Capital - 150,000 8urplus, the continued ad Bright i vance ofreports relnforoements. All quiet ., at, jreizeran ana convojs are pass to Take Public that they are now prepared in the pleasuro announcing WM, H. K0)fK2, PrMHeni, to stll at Wholesale aud Retail from tho finest assort men t of . lng thence Jogduliuk. Kugran is H. S. 2LDUSD0S, err " Vloe-PrM- U, quiew IjONdon, 3. , , A portion of the ship's company of the abandoned Fteamer Jsorusoia, landed at Queenstowii consisting of the chief engineer.. doctor, boat swain and six seamen. They were picxea up on me otn lma , in an open boat. The Borussia had 180 paesengers, of which number 103 emtaiaea at .Liverpool and seven at Corunna. The crew numbered fifty-foumen. After leaving Corunna, on Nov. 21, the Borusaia experienced terrifio weather, and sprung a leak on the 1st of December. The Ba verity of the weather incroasing, the vessel was abandoned on the second, about 350 miles south west of Fayal. The captain and second officer remained with the sinking steamer. The crew and pasaengers left her in eleven boats. Before they were separated, one boat had capsized, and all the occupants drowned. 23. The survivorsQueenstown, of the Boru86ia started immediately for .Liverpool. It appears that a panic occurred among the passengers and crew. The survivors state that no order to launch the boats and prepare for the abandonment of the vessel was given by the officers. ,' The t , crew themselves lowered the boats without waiting for orders. About twelve passengers got into the boats with a part of the crew; the remainder of tbe passengers went down in the vessel with the captain, second mate. 8 engineers, 11 firemen, 3 stewards, tbe carpenter and two boys. One boat was swamped alongside the vessel and its occupants, five men. were drowned. The survivors state that at 9 o'clock on the night of the abandonment of the vessel they saw a rocset ascend from a Bcnooner, and soon after her masthead lights suddenly disappeared. ' Intelligence from Canne3 indicates that the Czarina's condition Is so critical that there is little hope of her survival more than a few to-da- y, ty-fi- ve WM. JENNINGS FRKAMUHZ LIXTLS. JOHM exiAHP; GEO. Q. CANNON, ! S. BILLS, Cashier. -- - .'.-i- - days.- Caesarini Palace, Rome, caused considerable damage. Some '.valuable works of art were destroyed. The first meeting of the Russian Council of Ministers has been convoked for the 2G;h inst. The announcement was made yesterday and extensively circulated and placarded in London and the provinces, stating that the Attorney General having granted his fiat for a writ of error in the case of the Tichborne claimant, an association Is being formed to assist the prosecution of the flat to obtain a remission of tbe sentence against the claimant, to promote the pass age 'of a bill in the forthcoming session of Parliament for the reversal of the Judgment in the case,evi-denc- e on points of mistaken idenbeing forthcoming, and for the tity restoration to the claimant of the properties, heirlooms and possessions of the . Tichborne baronetcy. The BOxhan War. London, 23. The Viceroy of Inas follows: dia telegraphs Dispatches from General Roberts, of i the I6tb, 17th and 18th lusts., have just been received. The defences of Shirpur cantonments have been completed; the enemy occupies tbe heights over the city, but does not descend into the plains, which are patrolled by our cavalry. General Roberts was waiting the arrival of General Gough . to make an attack, as he would then be strong enough to hold all the im portaut positions, but will attack the 'enemy before- - the arrival of General Gough, If a favorable opportunity offers. Our Joes en the 14th was eighteen killed and ninety-nine wounded, of whom eight have since died. The enemy's loss was very heavy. Oaman Khan and other Afghan leaders were killed on the 17th. g, :The enemy appeared on but they were quickly dislodged without loss on our side. The enemy's numbers are diminishing. Mahomed Jan Markahar Mail, the Afghan leader, has proclaimed the eldest son of the Yakoob Khan, Ameer. on writes General, Roberts the 20th that a considerable quantity of grain had reached Lataband tafeJy, showing that the road is open so far. On the 19th the British lost 19 wounded, Cook, who obtained the andMj. Victoria Cress for gallant services, died of wounds received In a previous engagement. Two officers are ill from small pox, and pneumonia la increasing owing to the cold weather and the exposure of the men. Otherwise the health of the troops is good. The number of sick among the Europeans' only amounts to four per cent. ua og ; Kept by any Store In tbe City. rat V LOflDOEl BAI1K0FUTAIS, Iriara, London, and ALONE - A IiAJiGEa ... : . 4 iS.L! REG GEL'S, , 1 (In 20,000 Shares of 8 each.) BTumker of Share So. bar rl bed for Allotted to lee. 30, 1878, cesoo.say f8fl9,ooo J- NOTICE! s , 160,000; . GUARANTEE. i. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Capital, WE ! i TAK (LIUIXBD.) Austin ! SATISFACTION .li A.tICTX03Sr. ttS -- or Will fake place at LOUIS We beg to inform the public that we are prepared to transact a Gen eral Banking Business, for which we have the necessary facilities. AT We solicit new' accounts and busL-he, generally. 2 O'CLOCK, ss Excnange Drawn on all' tht e Frinoinal cities and towns UnitedStatss and Europe, 85 HA.TN OTKElil, " OH SATURDAY," DEC.' 131b, 1879: To be continued until further notice. 1 ; v of-th- 1 Ajomoara Messrs. Martin A Ca, ctreeu . 1 'rautciru. cokbespokdexts: Ik Loitdov. pair Horses, v Light Spring Wftgon, - 300 Overcoats, Suits, Valises, .. ANTHONY GODBE, dlST ? ; . ; it Bots of Furs, I Piano, ' ! ' , Grey Blankets, California Blankets, . i i Dress Gooda, ? Pants Stuff's, i ', . ' 1 Bay Horse, 1 BlelKh," 1 Ket fine Farnitur. Bales Horeo'Blanketa, White Blankets, .10 MANAGBB. , . ! .0 The London Bank of Utah, Limited, 29 150 j Austin Friars. I Nw Took. Messrs. Morton, Bliss & 150 Company. 12 Cases Bools t Ib CHiOAOOb The First National Bank.' . Ib Omaha. Omaha National Bank.; 100 California Pants, Ib 8ab FaABOraoo. Tb Bank of Cal lO Doz. Undershirts, fornia. ' s (Light Cutter,) J6" These Goods must ba closed out to the Highest Bidder at Auc' .:. r.,n,... tion or Private Sale. i A RARE CHANCE for GOOD B ARC AIM D- - , B&I SAVIN GS C H R I ST M AS! FRUITS! ' CTTjrsO? ; . We have Just Received our first shipment of to-da- y NEW AND FRUITS, - . Gl7ZLXX-a.TXT- LI MO II DIES, nU7S, IStc. a riw , ttitit. , CAN-- PDI31V, An Immense Assortment of DOORS And More Boon to Arrive.; I South of the .... " rTT'Tt nTT B. OZLAZJGB rSZlZf, t ' . . ' v ETC., CANDIES, Consisting of i XLAZSZZ7Q. Co-o- p. i C. W. DAVIS, Building, HAS . I starts-to-moiro- ! 0P3EY TO LOAN - MS M. l. " TITa mm. A TW m m ctrn arrrr"c a w fl -- S ' Jin - ASS A Sa. 9w ?'J' '- V1'' Respectfully Invites the Ladles of SaltLake City and vicinity to Call an " . Examine the well Selected Stock of Ladles' Halt and Bonnet, and Co-o- .HVEi.Si.E.-HT.BR.'a- r Ibd taxis DEPOSITS on INTEREST. TA1CE NOTICE I In generaL Also Ladies' and Infants Cloaks, all of which will be ' ' Sold at Extremely LOW PRICES to Suit the Times. ; ' : i:;' CAM. ASD EXAMI3E IKUITOZIE: fOTRemember the place, Jennings & Sons I will Bell for j 30 DAYS, FOR -- FOI1LIGS. 1 v.- - rrelri Betes. Losdon,23. News of Edison's discovery again depreciate "gas ir .,. storks. - - L At a meeting of the corporation of Dublin, yesterday, the Jord Mayor announced the receipt of a telegram from the Mayer of Atfe- - Ill rJD LING WOOD, 19 Boaheia a LOO. far SAWS BlIXnTBSEO Delivered, ASO , BT. ...BBAUB'IN EAGB.V Irm all Ulnda Wanted, Bottles, .' Third South ? t. inoBBi street, kalf block east ef "' ., i- ! -... tauJ miDt COOT We advise you to call and see N.tt BOUKOFSKT. and SI rirss Bontli Street.' tseie Mi(r; ! tla I la ftr.l.iti) l.4u in. rj'.ea 1 ti.k - tvrrv nfutrt. until t kiV jr afc r. '.. - i. . ' t Ir.UlaH Tr X lUt si !..-- D v- ri.l. (t l la auiity caa Im bauht luc eliiaar. lima CMw, ataiuiiar r ! Ml.,tf.r..i,' J ct, pat aaix, OltnUH (i;t.,.,,JfrCirfi ,I!m,. ttaa Unc, tint, eaa.l extra CbUcM-- a... Half 11m. t.. nek. SO spot nmjr.B anrf .nb-tbatl- Iowa, i auj w.U a. lrt,. ark, m. tmckf cam :.ii iirte. Lm H4k j I KoUmI fUt flat, btmrt lUnf t ata eta, y:rr pair. krftlcU VliMlg,'Arm ma plufVearf Pta. kblrt Studs, ftr art (3) KvUom 'KiM (Tid laa Prt .at!Ki4 Oaj Slam I'llId arc t pf.)r. r at, w f aaraukM ii7CMu( W bo(at iar r ,ijrailTl i nr.' ijji w akWtK'l IIWH Vlfl Itllfl. iiwmn-- i i. i'T a . S 1 i pl.it.-t- l it- -r 1 r.-a)v- -r Otter Baf ers ia rrwriae tto wuum(-rlt- .t 7 us. irl all antaMc araflla. t .. ? TTULL line Samples of Boots & Shoes f mm JO Porter, Oppa&elmer Sc ftoteonrer 117 BU, Ban rrancwio. oatna Battery term a the) larsost buyer. Tanprioe. awry, and taataCcua. ..... ,, Jr. Clift Uouse. . 4153m , l I ii;l(l t , , f? fl',-- ST0?E3 D1HG0T FROM THE WOliKS. Atest for Mclaan A Retterr,Ch!cao. The Xm rest an i most Varlod Stock Of STOVkS west ef New York. Parties wanting- a Stove, either for put-li-e or orirate use can have one or mors sent direct at i h e W nctssALi Prtcs new Bayers can ten ail the aacva Snsi a designs at my office. I r F7 o - se: . tona Dry iHHlaf Sale. ' Price Loner r. Tone Sixjw White Table SaS, An ' Biaed sags. HAND. ESWD OUE ' 8 ACES Burlap 115 ; cents. from Hand eewn uome-uaa- s Uui Li&r uuuk - "A OHB SACKSrfrom 13H cents. OB3 Arnu for B&stera Baren .IfTJCK ' BACKS for H!h Grade Ores. OrCtrt from tM Interim Promptly 'b ain 1.000 luO ! Shield Bosom, and completely Unished Tor t5 llo'jse in Utah, than .tbe Lowest. " it I a nmm iiM ioiif-c- , tinier lumm. i nmmriT low Mink aa ... I mr ten r lh ci men and bar. dr'idnl to aiaks' bhlrt. la Kl uylri. - ' ' aa iinft'iftnt tlnjartur. (runt tr. rMm ttkui.u ..1b..u.I ..i J j trivet ixinnnsiiiir.tVn with lhofiftamrr. thBoiiim tb, en'oui profr.i nuntni I't i4'tlr3irn r ta rH ail t rnle. iut rmi'Mint m lo umkm U f.Uuwin-- aaarcmiart.) , I fiuu.u Tint Ltaa :ia!ira em Vs feains a,. Wt". . , . . S7.&0 ' .... " ' i 1 . ; s 7 5:55 iW !J l U 4 , A wl CAin r.attoat wrax nitt ottrn ii'iiwrj't abirw. Than can be found at any other Toftatr,'. art -9 .. :baa. M, tout of taymer, O. T. before folor Salt Lake City, Iao4 Oihoeor elsewtere. He wl rive Information how to proceei, fre qf eott. . OREATBR1TAIN. 27-12- tr hnperior Muslin, WINES AND CIGARS t&-j- "" Main Street, two doors south of Wrn d27-9- 9 to is I irencn lose, iilQTJ oiis M: PUncuilciTQ From Shirts to the theof Factory Extra Wearer. Fin Linen ;. CASH, BETTER AND. PURER i 49 a P sarir . ; (without dirt and stems) CITRON PEEL, ORA.NGE PEEL MJWNUrs, hEMONTEEL, Remitting Pro Makee Cnllortlnnn. -- to-tig- ht, . and II VISITS GUKUAST ex-Ame- er, - I CANDIES E , ceeds Promptly. 28 HOIiIri-RIAD- i Deposit Payable on Demand. . Bvv and sells eicbsas en Hew ht. Sanoteo ikleaco. Trk, San and prlnel Loaia, Omaha, London, eontlneotal cltlea. pal Receives subscriptions to tho 4 per cent, funded loan of the U. B. . , v iA Fire Sunday, ia the Sporza FANCY i AND ' Receive ( wtxkmen. It Is regard td as likely to accomplish its lurpose, especially- as tbe strikers are ia bad financial condition. sellslaus Itellraee ls Okie. Cincinnati, 23. The Commercial' VertalU (Indiana) special says: Father Donhafler, of Morris, Ripley County, Catholio Cuurch, who was brought to trial for whipping the boys of his school for act-las pall bearers at tbe. funeral of a Profestant boy was found guilty In two cases, and fined $13 in one case and $15 in another, and costs to $300. The case has amounting caused much excitement, and the defendant has asked and received two changes of venue on account of tbe high state of feeling. , Wreatlla; Hatch. J NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The wrestling match W. and McMabou between John I. TrUl not 'be responsible after this date style, for any Debts contracted ia my name, Kennedy, collar and elbow at RobinsouV Opera ' House, was without my written order or personal consent KDWABD RttAIN. won by McMahon Kennedy won Salttbereio. the flrst fall, but MoMahon threw 'j ...Lake City, Deo. 18th, 1379. aiw Mo Kennedy the next two falls. for .BosMahon ton, where be has a match with Dufour. U FOR RENT. " B house with several rooms, cellar and A Ilsrrlels ismbtC. ON barn opposite 15th Ward p bioro. ' on State Boad J kaowa as the St. Louis. 23. A terrible com- Ooe house , Place. bat occurred last evening between Rnper Two rooms two blocks west ef Walker a known well Brennan, Patsy Brothers corner, on the corner of the place as CrUmen old property. sport and professional puglll&t, and known Two suites of rooms connected In the a Siberian blood hound, for a wager WaSaTCU BUILD either """double of $250. The allair was conducted logic. - LNG, -or ' " a the Also few furnished or unfurnished very secretly and police knew Waca?ch f tilt for rent. Apply of it. It took place ab jut rooms In the nothing N. GHOtioUECK to SONS, or 10 o'clock out on the Harlem Bridge . Box 2, aoet Office. an Boad. in Trie fig Di old. stable. lasted three-quarte- rs of an hour when the man proved YlctorUrae. The dog died shortly after the LAND CLAIHS! in PaUey Brennan is fight. bed In a shocking condition.Ijicg Ii lacshoulders and arms are teriltly to make final proofs or erated and torn. His ' Injuries, PARTIES about any kind of laud business to to. will will attend not do well to call at the office rtt however, prove fatal. W. G. JL. iioo-ucl- ...... . Sea-hun- ing, publishes a letter from ah influential Cat b olio Priest of the Nativity Church, lnwhlcb he advises the Union to rescind their last order, that packers shall not hire WAREHOUSE. TEA Mi t" II I II llllllll DlilUWi Lflllti Bt i 1 S9 'a t ;w - ' f . t "PTTI I' -- it-fend-ed f , A - IIIII .fliiU i'" 1I1IIIIIIIIU :D Ufl . Hfrizmi? to. EICHABP GOODHIND, "V Offlcs and Manofaotory lm Kimball Btofk, let south street. r illA PMILADEi .... r. mo . - .tr . ..... . - t TTATTClT? ' v SB v tflUtd- Of all Kinds and at Prices to Bait, at the rl Tl T?TPTTT A III In Every Btyla to please the Pobllo at tha, COFFEEHOUSE. n! 4Wm. IIixi Proprietoiv ... ....... ' : .. j . . tea |