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Show THE EVENING NEWS. are be- from the sun, are the moat inoffensive, tUe 'AIocJ0Oi evidence to this rule there are doubtless tome coming belllgereut, becaose fof the but Much of the damage done nomination of somebody or other a an exceptions. to the carelessness la worms owing by pjoitior't aiidltlat for Congress. 'A of orcbardlst. If they would take the tht A Woman's Rights Move. The peo- HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. & BGlYllS pie of Wyoming, or rather the ladles, talk ' of electing one of their own sex to repre-Op., ent the territory In Congress. If such an BREWERS OF event should take place it would be the commencement of a new era in the world'a CHAM PAGN E & STOCK ALE can hinder the ladies UUff legislation. nothing of Wyoming doing this if they have a mind fc L1GER BEER PORTER, ia unity on their to, all that Is asnecessary ia unity at the polls in the part; and vile some .And Dealers la estimation of hereabouts, the election of women to Congress by its means MALT, HOPS, ARD A OEXEItAL STOCK ur HKSiws;au9' uatshiaui. by tending to purify the legislative might, halls at Washington, prove a national , women there Agent for fiWATTA, blessing. Far better hare and WALT LaSECITV: (J. acally wags U2G9 8m than ad venturers,charlatans of the other sex, some of whom seem so anxious for honor of this kind. The Nkw Militabt JPost. Fort Raw lins, the new military post, established by General Augur on his recent trip to Utah, la situated ou the Tlmpanagos River, near Provo City, Utah. It was named in honor of the late Major General John A. Rawlins. Companies C and K,of the Thirteenth Inbeen stationed there, with The Several Departments of this fantry, have or the Thirteenth L. A. Hongh,also Captain These In tan try. as post commander. Institution are now troops were detatched from Camp Douglas, to occupy, temporarily, tne new quarters. At present, the soldiers are merely cam pea : at the site or the post; but government A LI. SIZES. V will be Immediately erected, and PnlW pi building STOCKED! I I L.L. one of the) very soon Fort Rawlins will be military institutions of the Far West. BREWER ? ? Browing trouble to examine their trees often while they are young, during the growe.llTOH A2il rUllLlttHEK. ing season, and destroy the worms and other Insects that collect upon them at a reception given by Col. and the webs containing eggs, they I,at night AvfUt 3, I79. rdaefay. to Geo. Angorand stair, would have but little trouble, comparaAnderson Flodlay a Urge crowd of" Mormons gathered In tively speaking, when the trees got old-efront of the house, and Insulted the Colonel is too often the case that the It are Til K R EC EXT ELECHOX. and bU fueiU, and they Anally broke Op worms then considered too urn all to the party." be of notioe, the result is "the worthy ll y the kln1nS of Judgo Ellas Smith a denial of thla mall foxes spoil the vines " for looked We KING. have we have It In our power to lay before g some one of the ; A very good remedy for those from statement faln our reaJers the full rt turns of the elecworms and even for others is preeeul; for they most have blue vitriol dissolved In water, or lye tion held In this city and county on pardons known that the two men who created a or wood ashes, pot on with a eyr Monday last. Tho vote in the pie--ri disturbance at Col. Anderson's house made I nee or a watering Dot. nets were: were promptly arrested by the police,' It may suit some very well to go Into . . First Precinct (CUv 42 fined next day $50 each for the an orchard with ax in hand and chop and 792 . SaoonJ " limbs right and left, but this 534 " ofTVm- -. Third We expected that, at least, large method would not suit me, aniens I 1313 Fourth " Col. Aii'leivon himself would deny the wanted to clean the ground for other 10C " House 19$ . purposes. Every horticulturist knows Mill Creek flst report; for so far as we have known, that . 185 an apple tree wants a bread, open . Cottonwood he In Ueu treated with courtesy by Big . 208 . to bear good, large fiuit. Such South Cottonwood . top the people of this Territory, and we are heavy 138 Draper pruning would seriously Injure ICS West Jordan much mistaken if he has not expressed the tree, and. In order to keep up an 40 South Jordan between the top and the blms.ifto that effect In oar hearing. equilibriumroots 00 Fort Uerriiuan would also have to be the roots, We of kuow the telling the truth where Brighton PTtl I am aware pruned. uUHllLt Of these there voted on the Peoples tick It has a tendency to show up the "Mor- correspondingly or our are moat trees fruit that the t la the mons" in their true character, and not E!lanted entirely too thickly, not only Omaha Jieraia. PER 1,000 FEET! 432 First Precinct, tCUy) view or getuog a great many on a In tho fanciful one in which they are And the PRICES are " 749 " Second small of ground, but with the mis Tjik Independent fifth kkadkr. 6&2 " generally painted, is a business frond taken piece . Third as Through not crow will notion that they the politeness of A. S. Iiarnes A 1201 " which many persons shrink; but In the large here as in the Btates. In this Fourth 111 and 113 William SU, New York, of 106 Co., Qoqm ewe where narms are mentioned, as In there Is no real loss, ror before the trees Su(r 198 Mill Creek EVER with a copy of the Inde the dispatch referred to, common jus begin to crowd each other, they usually we are furnished 1S5 MadBig Cottonwood J. Fifth by Reader.compiled for themselves several times over pendent 20H 31 GENTS PER FOOT, tice aud gentlemanly honor demand pay South Cotton wood and published by the above in fruit. their ison Watson, 13d Draper Innocent should not be left to In moat. If not all, orchards there named firm. This reader Is in new, clear that the 155 West JorJn . bear such aspersiou. We have an idea will be more or less good as well as in JE 40 Soatb Jordn Mj. and on the beat of paper, and is a i ery 50 Fort Herri man we know tho nam of the tender ferior fmlt, from the fact that varieties typ are un te worK. . tue. most oi. itst selections that . 24 selected that the purchaser knows very excellent. in glancing inrougui it, Brighton of the dtpatch; at least, we think we are to be good In some particular locality, bowevor.we saw in one of the selections, an It will be seen there wm no opposi- would not have to more than perhaps, in hi boyhood; but the soil slluslon to the Urim andThummim, or aa tion vote outside of the four f city prec- twice to hit it. If it guets is not a man by and climate of his preseut residence is the writer calls It "The Mormon'a Gog- UKPARrMENT. inct.-, and the aggregate opposition ihcuameor so ditierent tnat tney prove almost gles," which makes the book. In our we own we will up t'i'y, estimation, unsuitable for circulation vote in this city was 167; thirteen of are aud try aud guess better worthless. mistaken, not is and The very among the ralldren of the citizens of this' plain, these were single votes cast for Delegate next lime. It is time that such men, difficult.remedy Your trees are too thick; you Territory. SUGAR PINE, CLEAR SEASONED by persous ineligible to vote for other as the author of this dispatch, should want to thin them, and some of those officers. Hon. Wo. II. Hooper led his be shown up, that the At Kort Dodge, Iowa, a woman al fine, budded trees, are located where public may know vou and want of do not lowed them, home her buaoand to give her a severevote the DKPAKTM KN'f of any who it is that Is engaged iu this despiticket, receiving highest vou where want inferior those before witnesses, in order toobtree, beating of the nominees. One lady voted for a cable business a business that no man the beat. ta liadivorcv, which the husband also Lady to be a Commissioner .to locate with even the instincts of a gentleman If you do not udentaud grafting, wanted. set some mau who dots, to cut a quan University Lands, also for one to would ever think of entering. into. Connecticut a young lady celebrat AT that nice fruited edInthe be a Representative in the Territorial out her pet tlty of scions asfrom case Fourth by leading the tree, or trees, may be, and. PER THE 'MAX Legislature, and for one to be County TIIK EttlOK.lXr.H at the proper time, graft them into tha poodle dyed in the national colors. S9 FIR TMWOTS.fJn. llATTAX." UhiPAKTiJKNT. Treasurer. The entire vote cast as retree that bears the inferior fruit. If A shoddy young lady surprised her The votes for the President Vouno has received a let your trees are large, it will not be ad mother, on returning from a dance, by ported, waa visable to graft more than saying that she enjoyed the "hugging various candidates on the peoples' ticket ter from Elder to music most bullliy." dated 8. season. set one II. As a in at third Eldredge, most, or, were : can to to he begin graft you Liverpool, July lotn, from which we FOR DELEOATK TO COXQBEMj DEPARTMENT. axe permitted to extract the following: thin out the tree you wish to remove AltUIVAI.H AT HALT LAKE IIOtJME. are last and the time the 3V put by grafts Hon. Wm. II Hooper, . . 4104 1 That vessel left Liverpool on July 13th, In you will have nice fruit from the 3d. Atigust COM MISSIOKstS TO LOC1TX TJ JITTER-S- I for New 2S0 of first. You can then remove it altogethYork, and had on board tT LAX D? er and still retain your good fruit on a Diirex A Benedict's Mlnatrels, a returnseventeen (ixHInch.) the Saint, including 4102 John Van Cott . Braes Band. I n fo r new are Order natural broad, artificial, open, e4mljc (or good, KarlG.MaeLewis 8. Hills . . 4103 ing missionaries, namely: as Opera House, Philadelphia, please to call it,) tree. Thus (From their 4101 John Row berry . rorue lor an rraocisoj, uai.i ser, L. W. BhurtlifT, Winslow Fair, J. youyou $6.so renovate in can orchard entire your TnovsuMjvn. KEPRESEXrATtYES FOR fiX. Ferrin, Nephl Pratt, George II. the short space of three or four years, CbasH Daprx COCSTTi K at liapifx but the best varieties Lew Knowlden, Howard O. Spencer, Thoa. and have none Orson Pratt . JieDAdict 4icn same trees at time and have the your 4103 Hacliey Douxtierty John Taylor Richardson, Joseph 8. Richards, Levi where you want them. CuarJey KevnoliN 4102 A. P. RKkwood . Uunaalvo Blanop Garrett, John Tuddenham, S. M. Price, just xour brother, 4101 Enoch Reese r rauk. Dumunl And those who Intend Ordering or PurchasW. II. Pidcock, H. B. demons, Thoa. B. Young;, Jr. 4100 Oleasou Daniel. Charley Tylek. ing, would consult their own Interest 4102 J L Woolsey Joseph F. Smith Rodger, La wis M. Grant and Charles SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS Frank Kent Shu m way. Oae hundred and ninety SKLXCTXAXt iJaaUne toblnou 1ST Salt Lajcb fci :L. Cj City, A H 1. Y II If O A. Li I J fox 4102 Wm. C. Neat seven of the emigrants are from the August 3rd, 1S70. W ward Made for ir: I am JaaKoebl jxcivb: TREASURER; British Isles and eighty-nin- e from the jL,ator Evening to answer Killan Jordan questions which 4101 Theo. MoKeaa Swiss Mission; and, with the exception prepared iielurlch have been anked as to how it was that JKerd J Joell of a few families, all were booked 837 votes were polled at Corlnne on RHiurri B Nay lor Robert T. Barton 4103 A when the Ureron of lists to Oxden. last, Monday (U x 8 inches.) only Complete through W D a Vernon umber about 225. I wish it distinctly Jno COROXERi Meoonrt the company were mailed to us at the 0understood that tne information i am Cbaa Koehl 4102 same date as the letter, but, owing to abeut to furnish Hampden S. Beatle is strictly reliable, it tJuaa H Keeohlu bClll HUBTETORi J Agents some, at present, inexplicable cause we having been taken down as related to Franc O C Adams, , New Y rk bis friend by the late editor of a paper A K Vane. lP K R 4102 Charles W. Hardy have not yet received them. " published on the banks of the Bear A Jennings, Ml'PEBI.XTEXDCST OF COMMOSJ Biver. All HCUUOLS: a to answer his friend. In by question 1101 Robert L. Campbell . said that everybody voted, the rOUXDUEEFEB: and then he went on to enumerate: All the railroad hands up and down the 4102 Rriint Stringmm BurrnFTELD, Cache Co., track, as far as they could reaoh them: 1870. 28th, July all the men from the mountains that Ixst on Wednesday last, a pair of New Boots, NAsnr II. II. CLAUhOX, ELXCTIOX .BUETCKSS) IM THE Bl ITT- Editor Dcteret AVtrt.-- Dear Blr, I were setting out ties, timber, Ac: all jnoi nan aoit-ua. a. woiiey, in wia. TLEBETTS. have been a resident of this county over the teamsters (and he said the town was C2U 2 SuDt. d9S-oar five that from full of Montana years, time, and, and during Idaho, them) we Line have Deseret Telegraph By Sierra Valley Sugar add Bed malls hive been regularly carried so as other points; all the passengers on the Any one having Black Currants to sell will received returns of the election from to arrive here on Tuesdays and Fri- trains that could be induced to vote. QDd market tor tbera at H. B. CL.VWHOS'8 Pine, Pnget Sound, Uom-bolthe following named settlements up to the days at from four to five p.m. (except In Ills friend here asked if the miners lHh Ward. case of severe storms in the mountains, came from onake itlver; he answered time of going to press: Bay and San Francisco when they were delayed a few hours) many came and those who could not Day ten Halky Uskes Jast arrived and for LIME! I LIME LIME! CIearSeasoned Bed Wood. Mercantile Insula and brought our papers, etc., in good come sent their votes. The next ques sale by Zlon's 530 . . Logan, we now Those to a should had have tion. But 2C2 time. . . apply wishing purchase II Tram, change tion was, "were none of the Mormons Ilnir-Inctu mail carriers, and it has been seen there to challenge the votes?" 85 an early, as the supply Is limited. His Hyd Park, . Celling:, Flooring, T. 110 H. B. CLAWBON.SapU fit bv some parties to ask the Postmast swer was, yes; old Uoi. Lioveland was Paradise, 13 d2ulf If 118 O., and Square Edgect, 8. Mtllvllle. er General to change the time of the ar sent over; but when we bad got a lot of 3rt) on of the malls for Richmond, Cocoalne rival sell this and Baruell's we men Droqoi.sts All to For wlrea laid the departure draw F. deed Sidlns;. ready, SHINGLES, LUMBER, COAL, 267 Soalthneld, . route, which request has been granted. him away, then alipped In the votes the II air. It ls a n tee preparation. Etc. Etc., GRAIN, This has been Cone without the know At one time a whole car load came up, Psuokarck dwells In Burnett's Fiorlmel. 807 Bed Wood and Sugar Pine CounBrigbam City, ledge or consent of the people here. As we got Loveland out of the way, and Hey burk, as well as KrosUbltee clsappear ZD '2W for called WUlard, Burnett's usual after Kalllston. their the papers people all voted." using His friend re here ter Tops, from 10 lo 30 Inchet 10O Bear River, . NORTH OP BATH HOU8U. Ion Friday evening aud were told by the they marked: "There would be a good many Thi "Firni Avc3nrx."at New York, writes 97 Lltt Valley, . wide. F. JT. P. PASCOE. Postmaster, "The mail arrived this Illegal votes?" The bookseller replied 'Barneit's Flavoring Kztrscts are the best In . 837 . . Cortnoe, six o'clock, but brought be dld'nt care ad tbe world." aout about morning all . . U212 6 W26 2 Terrace, no papers." The consequence of this they wanted was the votes. that, He then ToCtTBS Astdms. Whltcomb's Remedy acts that we nave to wait one related what appeared to him U be in more directly than any other known passcee. change it, Baised and Moulded 612 . ' . Provo, our JNEW8, and by that time it teresting Incidents for week in relation to wo- In thousands of eases Itsefleeis have been won- 365 LOST! Spanish Fork, becomes stale. This is a great Inconve men's voting at Willard City; told how derfully successrul. 340 Sprtogvllle, . nience to us, and if the malls continue 433 Bro. AVm. Coalt, of tbe Sib Ward, Ave , Pavaou, managed to deceive and change BY weski to arrive in this manner it will causes they 353 . erase, a luue Blsek MULE; illegible . their tickets, Leal, the thereby Increasing ALL SIZE?. brand on. le't ahoulder and Jett thlgn, newiy considerable annoyance to your sub opposition vote. It would appear from ana Is a has main and very tall, shod, leng scrlbers. The question is akea me runner conversation, mat thev expect NEVi ADVERTISEMENTS. faf. 13d Fountain Ursen, . we get our ds to get absolution for all these don't it. or giving inform auon frequently. "Why Any person restoring . outrages, ,23130 Fair view. or u wbereattouta we in owm. win raesave could on bear thla dis ls per Fridays, m ue aaiu, witmn a snort time 330 xewara. Mount PI Ten it, . naving, uoiiars i2ii i dui when contributed aboat $3,000 to the Metho appointment occasionally, Ephralzn, oea we to know 219 . ilia regular tuingit dist, luplecopallan and other religious WEDNESDAY ani TflDBSDAY, Mantl, flannmlmMnna becomes a nuisance." Double and Single. HAGUE JAMES 9 of oar cltlxons are good: Seeing that the people la these moun health The A: A FG 1ST 3rd 4th. 187 Fillmore, i the hoppers are nearly all gone, and the tains have not been accustomed to this EAST TEMPLE BTItEET, HUH ahead, excelling all competition done to our grain11 is not so great kind of civilization, and many are damage SASH, GLAZED and UNGLAZED. 231 as waa auppoaed a.t the rat. Oar all me re lore entirely ignorant as to how it Beaver, DUPBEZ Jt BENEDICT'S uraln looks well, much of it will be har is done.and being in possession of these BXiastrsls. vested this week. i think we will reap facts, thought it due to the public to Plammoth Gigantic ISO Constantly kept on hand. Wautch, of a crop, corn and pota make them known. The propagators from their Besatlfol and Elegant Wttur Cbuaft. toes look well. of this kind of civilisation labor dili ComlDS A. Ul'r.KA HUUnK, rtillAUblrUI 526 Extra sized made niAmnf I v In Yours, Ac, to enforce it upon us, and think DOUBUt TBOUPB Ogden, Aif O BBsSB BAND, ' gently F&AKCI8 Bit ART. it strange tnat we cannot see our denlor COMPOSID OF THIRTY FAMOUS ARTISTS Order. aoie conaition ana tne oonaege we are 2S7 Nephl, new feature in mlnsfelry Extraordinary 109 Mona, . groaning anaer. I was renectioe on Never other Troupe. before attempted i860. wood it suG.m pi.xe 1S3 this on Monday night, between ten and IntroduclDi each eveningbyatany Beaver, July llb, Levan, the same time, sue rocm UkBat uoarkniAH" on tnoa Editor Deseret rVetct. Dear Brother: eleven o'clock, when I saw, say about Two Bone a first-da- n supplyTr-I-of. Guns. HAS alwaysBaltets.Bnot. mnA riayars and Two TamDoruauis St. George, 311 these beaded In your Weekly Issue of the 20th Inst. twenty or rishinr regenerators, e InttuUllae. U L sa259 I vsrythtBg a beer I notice a communication signed J.. M. by the would-bMIO Washington, OU1TS; FIFTFKX HKBOUR Xelegate,in Also Baddies, Brldiss, Wnlps. Spurs, Harness Pierce. Bprinsrvllle, treating on the loon, drinking and carousing, maklne Has bey Doattaerty, Lewis Beoedlel, a and Alt SIzm Made to Order. . Lsrge aeaortnsatit of Locks. hideous with yells, profane oaths Cnartea Keynolda, ana uouse Trimmings. Caaries aieaaon, Trlmmlaga night Slcnof the BIG CUM. 294 Kaysvllle, . ' Frank Kent, and dZlo cm BUbup, all due deference to the writer. filthy language, heaping epithets Oenaalvo Lewis Collma. The above returns were entire! v In fav- - With Kraok Pankborst, some of his views there ana tnaieaicuons on leaning citizens In Jasttse admire I whilst n sod, Rwaebe 1. Root or of the peopls'a ticket, except the rote at are others that seem to me might, with particular ana tne "Mormons" in gen John Woolsey,. a. ifergeroe.Vernon,. Corlnne Waastcb, and Terrace, one vote at profit to fruit growers, be improved up- ersi. If the community could have James Koehl. F. B. May lor. ESTABLISHED IN iSM. e I would-bseen -t aaa the Moe Orcanisation worms with on. The Idea that cl la ezls tones Delegate, atnpendoos Sprlngvllleand twenty-fivat Provo. (and especial & ev wwiw a. Head oarineomparaoie rrocrainimea. ly apple tree worms) always seek tne in hand, supporting himself against the 7 8 Oommenes at at O'clock Doors open shade ia not correct. How often do we counter, staging "Hanker. Hill,", and FALSE DISPATCHES. Admission, aa nsoal. see them ensconced In their webs on the balance Joining In the chorus. I Standard CHABLKS IT. DTJPRE2, have must been irreslstlblv think of tallest where the the they tops ' branches, . a. a a Vis, have noticed of late several Mans(sr. E3 Jy:tagltlt.the foliage is killed and nothin but a converveo to me ranks or civilization. dkroaUhsa In papers Bast and thin web to shield them from the scorchCitizen. wbiiss nsteslM Kavwsi Imperial. Orlsrt Office: HAJLT wesi about affairs here, which are ing rays of the son, and yet they thrive ILJLE CITY, . an after swm and w IT St 1 1 . til the x either utterly false, or so distorted a reyear, multiply, year ix. xoieao takes ids up Rear of Walker Bro's Store. jjtaa if not Kiuea, becomes entirely ose the Cnenaleel. Osatlle, Cryatav! preyed. presentation of occurrences that they tree, In defense LIKE of bears Ash or a endgels stsubbut-fsw shriveled axtra BUr asid perhaps) OOOSE. are untrue, The striking of two xnen less, dwarf apples, This I hare observed ley, of Montana. We see by this that Ash OGDEN. N. & E. C P. Xepot." both In America and In Europe, who are notorious as has a friend left. Poer fallow, he EAST TBUPLE STREET, SALT v CITY. XI ley stul NAIJUI OlIiUT, COBINICE. lU41i es ii e is admitted worms It While all that brawlers and who have provoked neeas iu sae support ne can get. If we CHICAGO. if CENTRE OF B VSINES& T ; and other Insects that prey upon fruit were aware or noble trait about him any quarrels previously by men whom trees are more or less lnjonomuas amis. we would not mind rAsf '9ol& bp las; Ttvd Everohere. D. W.! PABXBXBST, Proprietor. a word speaking good Ls they had Insulted, telegraphed as an those that seek entire exoluxlveness lorwm. Zl 2m d208 6m short time ago the following dl patch, dated at this city, on the 25th ulL, appeared in the papers East: BE R YARD. 1 x, shade-seekin- z. c. m. " Sar w-- "... ... ..... .... ... .... .... r i. 750,000 FEET Boards, Scantling, Joists, 2-- 1 I , 332:50 LOWER THAN i j j It DRY GOODS TJl I i ! ! GROCER Y CLOTHING 21,000.000 SHINGLES, one-four- th b-gl- o. HALT-LAK- fc, mi:n MACHINERY tax-paye- X-ATJU- HA.BBO TEETH, CTTIiTIVATOllS, rs I BEAPEBS, : SIOWERS, Material. Building THBESUEB, ex-edit- or . U dt TO EXCHANGE Is IM U tt KILN, PANEL DOORS, l two-thir- ds --. O am O , , O U CS. , Flour, Butter - a tele-graph- le .jk 2r m i. : sw i load-mouth- p SET ex-Gover- nor j 1 ed m m iS3 m . I Paorarjrroa. daassm Eggs |