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Show international Rail road; caught fl rep the entire night In reference to the first of supper, and driving on reached me Erie the Secretary I1EVJ ADUERTISEmEUTS. Bodlsco, was soon enveloped in flames, exposition. train EVENING" NEWS. waa THE present, which spread to three large tanks near of the Russian Legation, tnent city at 11 p.m. would Russian the said govern most and a been the Interesting This trip has track:, used as a receptada for crude the various members of the party. oil.' The fire is still raging, and ; fears gladly operate new x orsi. opeciais ey not been GEORGE Q. CANNON, oaeto the exvisited has not been seen are entertained for the safety ofloss The region gold room has tendi to oil works of Pen Horn; EDITOR AXD rUBUSIIER. very and lfanaaer$I7. B. CLcacrm x J. a. imnm for years by them; the most of the set- heavy. since the fall of Richmond: Lttaeet t M equalled Promotsr.W.T.HsrrU. Trenrer,T.WUUm extremes the tlements, therefore, were entirely new, Albany. It Is reported that Adam the price ranged between ci me vrcnesus, vrcw. leaoer were transactions The and those of them which were not new Van Allen, Cashier of the First Nation- oflilandl44. frlday, was arrested this greaterin magnitude than ever Known.a bad changed so much since last seen as al Bank, atonAlbany, a charge of defrauding the Many rumors were circulated about to be scarcely recognizable. For years afternoon, me policy ui -wo '. Governmente by using cancelled reven- war wun Bpainanu or . ... held to to alter Salt Lake valley was settled, but ue stamps?-hbail Treasury..-(waa Had-lewho stolen amount ZIon's of The of by before the United States CommisCamp, money Mil. few Imagined that the valley of the Ail the members : '. n ci r. i t : , the defaulter in the firm ofiVander-vente- r iu can convenient! come, are lnrited to Provo and Weber could be settled by sioner. & Co., Is said to be three hundred Leavenworth. At the National attend the approaching 'When those - valleys held dollars. agriculturists. thousand ConventlohT In recently Conference, to bo held In" this city i were first known to our;Jeople there rhiLadeJphlaa gold medal was awarded Four murders and three suicides have On wbleh occasion he will appear In all suburbs . the October 6th and to receive' th a hospital- was no menth of the year without frost, to Kansas for the best apples nd pears occurred In New York and sobllme Impersonstlou of ' 24 on hours. last . exniDiuon. counselors. and BlahorTIIunter beof ities duringthe and it required considerable faith to A. special rrom lioston says mat uen. Pa. The California pioneers at the Social Hall, at tho close of the lieve that grain, vegetables and fruits Altoona. axao as en to Butler New delivered a speech yesterday route here this evening passed , v. Conference. before the Agricultural Society at Wor could ever be produced there. But at 23. cester, Leonard: mainly devoted to the rela SIR EDV7ARD ARDEIIT1 Captain Heber City we saw as fine melons and Philadelphia. the famous counterfeiter, was arrested tion between labor and capital and cucumbers as those grown in this val- this . The Popular Ljrlo Artiate. morniDir: several thousand dollars denunciation of the system of special EDffOBIAL CQBBISFOIHMCK ley. Fruit, also, is coming forward, In well executed ceunterieit national legislation, as making the rieh richer HADAME RETHUA SCHELLER and a great change, whlch la evident to bank notes, of various denominations, and the poor poorer. He said our system services, and will of incorporating wealth hasbrought back Has kindly volunteered her . on his person. Kamas is dUtaot from Ileber City every person familiar with the country, were found as appear laws of entail and primogeniture, Louis vJ lie. iieury Marcbanda was the about fifteen miles. .The road thither has taken place in the seasons through- arrested feature?. The odious most all with their detectives by yesterday: large ruai up the Prora for about nine miles, out all the settled portions of those quantity or nicxei ana a aye xor mak legislative acts of association give ad vantsjres to capitalists for the accumu Sli ANNIE LOCKI1AIIT it then leavei the stream and ascends a valleys. ing, were roanu on ms premises. lation of wealth which the laws of As the Queen and Mrs. Chlllington mountain which U long and ste$p and Weber valley la destined to be a rich It is believed that Marcband lstne leau did: never entail and of a band of counterfeiters "in the primogeniture difficult to climb. From the top of this and flourishing region. It is narrow er as Polo sins. ihev so aceretrate capital that it can west. mountain the view la rerj fine. Large and aflords but a limited supply of ara Buffalo. The National Universallst escape the eye of the tax Katberer, both THE Ft'LL DRAMATIC COMPANY. pracbodies ot timber corer the mountains In ble land on each side of the stream; but Convention was occupied this forenoon stato end national, and thus work taxain and of.. the century tical inequality injustice report. the direction of Uintah valley, from that is fertile. The range on the hills discussing the. advised the meeting of the tion. He was which unanimously committee, be can which Ttry excellent lumber for stock Is very fine, and the facilities Asa Baxe, of Rochester, legislature not oftener than once iu four lion. adopted. found Is than better usually for building and other Improvements was elected sreneral Secretary of the years. made, much FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, In many parts of the Territory. The are excellent. Fuel, both wood and Convention: Rev. Dr. Brooks of Phlla Performance to commence with Shakespear Trustee, In place of ORE descent into the ralley Is easy. After coal, Is plentiful and Is easily procured. delphia, was made ION. BuhUmeTradegy.ln 5 Acts, enUtieo, ueceoaea. 11. JJ. Aee. the Ilev. ine a we as did, The rock of this entire region is of ex next meeting will be held at Gloucester, Paris. Prince De La Tour B' An climbing such a mountain this of character Minister of Foreign to country cellent quality, Is easily worked and Is Mass.. next! September, where the first erque. French stranger the Mr. Altai to habitable a find rs.and was established in Burlingame have made would nerer expect convenient to the settlements. It Is Universallst church for establishing improved Tf .ml m4 - PrlnM of Dnnirk. WABSER. arrangements America. atansas In the tops of principally white sandstone, and hard ralley like this of ranee anu unina on Bfr. NEIIi between relations the York. The of New suspension SCUKLLEB. MAIAMli the mountains. To reach the settle ens by exposure to the air. Fine dwell stock firm of Vandervender The conciliation. basis mutual of the & Co.,was D. McK.KNZli. Mr. Pulonlaa, meat, which was near the base of the ings of this material are springing up announced on the Stock Exchange to French government have sent instruc nnun ClTlmtim f ti mil i ronrleiT. ANNIE IjOCKHART. tions to its representatives in China To conclude with Jul, east mountains, we drove across the everywhere, but particularly at Coal day; one of the Junior partner, nameda to Oommedietta, tbe Piegant co with this policy. an act in accord least abscondeu at Head has with ley, entitled, A. valley. where made the ills, improvements have Ottawa. thousand in securities, leaving been Important dispatches Kama, or Ilhoads valley named are of a substantial character. Wan hundred received from Lord Granville in to so is firm unable books the the that wEo MORNING CALL! thus after llro. Thomas Rhoads, and Coalville both wear an air of ascertain the correct state of their af reference to the admission of British A ship to the confederation of Can Sir. Edward ArdentJIr SEIL VTARNEIt. 11 rst settled there, and who was a mighty and prosperity, and must even fairs: they asked the indulgence of tho Columbia thrift ada. He strongly urges onGovernorMus- - Hr.Chll..ft.nWAjrsiE lA CKAABT. Exchange for the present, which erove and hunter of grlxsly bears is famous for tually, we think, become Important Stock council, the propriety and srranted. the superiority and extent of its range, points. Coalville Is wealthy In her was of union. 23. advantage The Cincinnati Ban Francisco, Doors open at 7 "o'clock. Performance to and as we traveled through the fine mines, which affords remunerative labor "Red Stock MeDoupall. ihft newlv annolnted commence In its" reached Sacramento at 7)4Governor of the Northwest Territory, and will arrive htre gnus, which gTw so luxuriantly on to her Increasing population. It will be a proper welcome. leaves for tho seat of government in every baud, and observed the sleek but a few years, If the people carry out and will receive first match on Satur two weeks. It is understood that there will play the looking cattle and horses on the range their principles and .the Instructions They will be no difficulty about the delivery of WANTED TO REXT I Club the Nine." with "Eagle or it needed no farther evldenoe to assure they receive, until log houses will al day the .Northwest The citizens of Sacramento have the deeds of transfer or tiro amall Room a, vrlthln three before the loan is raised. The ONE laraje us that its advantages In this respect, most be to officers a tendered the Territory a or Oodbe's corner. publio banquet stead and in their unknown, directors of the Central 'Pacific solicitors of the Hudson Bsy Co. are Leave sd dress and terms with T VcIcttile, had not been overrated. will be seen elegant residences of stone. and Cii.T Railroad, to take place on the 2Sth prepared to deliver them immediately ethls Office. The principal portion of the settlers of The residence of S, P. has raad of arrangements McDougall Instant. Hoy t, Esq., Kama reside In a Fort of hewed logs. Hoy tvllle, between Coalville The Indians in Northern California with an American company to run i and Wan-shiATTENTION! which was erected as a protection becoming: hostile. A party of eav telegraph line to Fort Garry. is already probably the finest are A special dispatch from Llverpoo of Riven zes commander the have and attacks the of BOARDERS can And FEW against depredations and most expensive house between the Fort Bid well ten days to release several says the amount of specie known to Indians. Outside the Fort the children Wasatch mountains and the Missouri otherwise they will be taken have been shipped to New York within accommodation a at No. 5 Feramors Uttle's and many of the adults were ranged on river. It Is built of cut white sand prisoners, ' by force. The settlers are anxious to the past three dsys is two millions o Bulldlnrs. dollars. each side of the road with banners to the whole band, but the and, when completed, will be a exterminate Paris.' The religious Journals express authorltlea refuse permission. welcome the President and company! stone, military credit to the country. at the letter of Pere JHyacintne. crier are Arizona active In Indians The aad when we drove inside the brethren The SIMMONS, Monde The are says the letter has justified numerous Coalville at house when reported the fears which depredations meeting took us Into their friendly charge and commenced have long been enter , Proprietor of the Revere House Saloon, was thought by many to be throughout the Territory. ; to no u tained us with oCTto such lan TS DETERMINED to please everybody. He led him; regard partake of their hospitality. Legal tenders 72J, large: but now that it is Thn Ann. irwlsv. ivr In nvprv re guuge has been heard in the French JL has J oat received an importation ofBREwaa, At 7 p. m. the people assembled at unnecessarily k Oo,'s celebrated AX.B and POBTEB, baxas IS found tO be teo small. I mrrt thn artlon of General Sickle finished church since the It middle ages. the meeting house; Bister McCormick . Thfl PoZrdeaUrea that the lndenen- - In addition to LAGER BEER, OYSTERS, has Increased teyonvltwf Population died a funeral the au-lrenN ac. oeryes i4oncn at au noura. was previous day or has Vhat he having of many at the 'time its negotiations, sermons have atten his much attracted do near to Is dered end discourse was delivered by President expectations at and the hand foundation stones were laid. It is R. a Milwaukee. H. ot tion and have drawn on the preacher miller Davis, was followed He by chaste, elegant , building, beautifully Joseph Young. the condemnation or his superiors. was murdered Wisconsin, President H. Wells, Elder Geo. Q. finished, and la a credit to the place; bu Xemonwier, London. Lord Westbury has been and robbed last night, nearLemonwler ADOBIE HOUSE, with Cannon and President Brigham Young. .Louis. .Executive St. The Commit appointed Lord Justice of the court of JA Cellar underneath al ready want more room and full City Lot worshippers tee of the National Capital Convention appeals In chancery, vice Sir J. Belwyn. planted with choicest frail This visit was a cause of much pleasure President trees, sttaated In coun with members of the press and other his remarks in Young The Times, in an article on the cotton the 15th Ward, on the 2nd block west of Court to the residents of Kamasr as it was the selied House. Apply on the premises: W. W. Presld a the Mr. Mr. held Ashworth and Ciuff, The says. Bishop citizens, supply meeting first time the First Presidency and the following States have Bright, by d life rent methods, have ar T. SIMPSON. ing Bishop in Summit and Morgan Governors of same end,, namely, that Twelve naa been there: the enooar-- counties, rived at the to wil and the movement, responded to to a build take larger solid delegates: Illinois, Iowa, Kansas nothing is wanted but! more cotton. aglng and Instructive remarks of Pres meetlnsr house atsteps when Nebraska, Oregon. Nevada. Arkansas, More cotton would start the mills and and Coalville, ident B. Young at the meeting- was es done to use the HOUSE AUD LOT FOR SALE! present building for Louisiana and Missouri.- The Gover silence the clamors against free trade; pecially gratifying to them. Bra. WU scboo!hou3e We doubt not the the nors Lancashire in and Maine to demands of decline Indiana prostration Bishop TTAVINO purchued tbe property In the 12th let Herber U presiding at this paint. appoint delegates, but the latter State attention. Cotton It dear because it U XJ. effect Into and will the carry K. people Ward, lately owned by Dr. Samuel will be represented. A large number o scarce. It Is safe to eay that Lancashire Newton, On Monday morning, the 20th, Pret- - President's wishes. Out of the now offer the same for sale-- . I elements from loss of trade more than Eoaulre of JAMES L. NEWTON, 10th Ward. publio men are expected suffers and a portion of the which surrounded them In a state of distinguished (dent from the dearness and scarcity of cotDe present. to ' company we at to the south end of the nature they have created pleasan Pittsburg. In a grocery store. In Al ton. The demand for goods-i- less than which the head waters last night, a barrel of burning formerly; the Americans would take our through valley, homes, and the same industry and leghany, F ttAA r ftsv avsm! na f i m AAtinlei fluid ignited while the proprietor ,was manufactures as freely as we take their which produced the results now arawing rrom u; tne Darrei exploded. cotton and corn; the Industry would be while the remainder, crossing the energy to be witnessed . there, if maintained Fiee men were seriously burned and entirely ;ours and the supply of mateWebar iter which nins through the rial theirs. It is not improbable that otherwise injured. end of tho valley, proceeded down will convert the wilderness land into i north the protective tariffs of other countries Miss Morshead Lucy Washington. of comfort and beauty. " or uovington, naa been ap are answerable, in some degree, for the that rivexv Passing the little settle- - paradise sorter, The mines have drawn population to pointed rost Mistress or .Louisville depression in Lancashire. meot of Peoa, on the Weber, they pro . New York. A Havana letter of the dS3 lr vice Bpeedj ceeded to Three Mile Canon, at Coalville; but the chief want In the Ky., an oil train 17th says, under the news from Spain, New York. Last which place an appointment for a meet other places visited by President Young on the 'Erie Railroad night took oil a side yesterday, the 'people were discussing IT A rail T POTTS ES. fire, POIVDES and is population. If many track at 'Penn' Horn City,- - three ihlles the probability of war with the United ing had been made.' The people of that of thecompany In this people city, who by. past west of Bergen Tunnel. The flame States, and it was almost as much as his and the surrounding neighborhoods .v BEST IN THE MARKET, are fitted for an spread with such rapidity that before lire was worth for an American, to go and habits having assembled thiy were addressed experience to in BtTT AT streets cars .the could be or detached was removed alone. It reported Ziorrs life, could see the advanta any Mr. - Mercantile - Institution. by President. Joseph Young, Elder agricultural that 'Wasrln the entire train in beyond of tire danger, Plumb; consequence b of the settlements pos veloped, 'and twelve. tank carai filled long cipher, W. Woodruff; Presidents George A. ges which many not received.' the day i ... dispatch, THETJLRE AQENT3. T content themselves with oil were burned, involving a loss before yesterdsy,had directed the archHmlth snd D. IT. Welle. Elders Geo. Q sess, they would here by seeking for labor, but "would of about thirty thousand. The railroad ives of the to be Cannon, B.YouDg, Jr., and President was oa fire and track several meetin will call a to some of the many settle places at compactly packed, & t Brigham Young,who had arrived while migrate , : . f the. ing, of, the United mwnigni. pfalt. subjects ments where they can cultivate the the meetlnc was in progress. RETVAIXIS 1 r3TKAYEI OR Haven Ct. 23.Wamea 'Bell, a titates American hnnM Tfw for com become themselves and not to negro, ground have killed John . 'inia meeting enaeu, me company supposed only refuse to take orders for goods. Henry Green, in a shooting affray here ut luevwiuDoiReiiorezcn&npflftirrM. : A BPAN of Llaht Bay HORSES, one baa m bald drove to Wanshlp, whsre an appoint paratlvely Independent. asr usual. - On the on Mondsy last,, was arrested XV. race, four white feet, saddle marked, llaht are ly contrary many mmm ment had been made for a meeting at mi . tmti. uniiimi . un. u .l uirn.. hh ntm. ueiuei ana orougnsto imsciry.ri and i drawing all umeo. purchasing;exchaoge bltids .uob wita in raee t.iar-k- m&na BrxdAV -DESEHET NEWS. ma calllosr to man A rrom-thHsrtford. Col. himself e two p.m. The house was crowded with their ready funds of ana oostody O with mark isu, iwo wnite reei; branded ii . T. A. Mechalowskl, who claims to have the banks here.1 v,u r cross, pa mis snocuoer. it the people, and they were addressed by a New a soldier been York in reglment: Ben Wm 1th Presidents Qeo. A. . and XVII. ta Waid, BLL. CUy. also to be one of Col. Ryan'a Cuban ;oZ9-j was on Wells, Elder W. Woodruff aad Presi a arrested force, charge of TAX HOTICE I dent B. Yoan&v Elder Franklin D. swindling, Nerving, attempted i aeveral ' lit I'il.U J ii recase one BU conndence operations, in Richards, also, who had come up from Gen. Louis. An Omaha dispatch- says hundred TAX and PAYEES h dollars on LAKE otSALT left for CX)UNTY Fort sixty and ceiving Augur Ogdea for the purpose of Joining 'the Bait Lake ' The Bridger boflcus urarts on tne u. t. 'lreasurer. i TUE noUtted that the Territorial, RailPacific v yesterday. ' party, addressed the congregation. Af road Commissioners returned to Omaha Roches Ur, 24. The Grand Led are of County and City Taxes for the current rear i iLIftlJ:?EAJEB THAN JEVER, j j ter dinner the company drove to Coal yesterday; they: have made a more uooajrempiars, yeateruay adopted, a nave ion sines Deen due sad payable; and, HereaatiXe ! ville, where they met with the demon- tnorougu examination of the road than platform,, which: sayai firsUthatUhe according to the provlsions'of Law; dne noUee as Xion's ! solid and great principle or our order It has been given and bilis,rendered, and If the tutausa, previous party. strations of welcome which thev ha re. any The reports from the Pawnee reserv- thai every Templar snail do all he can, asms are not paid without farther delay, costs :d251.7AsCS:ir3S-2eel red at Wanshlp, and which are now ation axe that there la trouble between both by precept and example, to abolish will be added to defray the expenses of eoUee. Pawnee and Sioux; several of the the use of intoxicating drinka and to universally extended to Prest. Young the " rormer were allied by the Sioux. The promote tne doctrines or prohibition: B. T. BURTOJT. and company In every settlement which Pawnees Assessor and Collector 8. L. CoJ DBXJ2IT3IEP. 23 ACOrf, BUG AXX U. is for each Individual and for and were in pur- second, it B, troops the visit throughout Territory. they .'r ,CUJZEJIIAZX3, First OZice, suit.' the society to stand nrm In the teach Col)eotors glUy 23, 12C3. i ttep. B.UCUy, At 7 p.m. a meeting was held in the Reports from Fort Bofort state that lags we of while are the and Order, not . . . . . ' i AT t i lit! maians continue hostile; outrages m pouucM organ mnoa, out ratner an elegant new meetinghouse which' has tne suso cic corn mi ea in Montana. Institution, to educate the Deonle to no were rcantile Institution e Just been completed at this flourishing . Gcodenoukh has Dubllshed & lltlcal acUon,Hhe Good Templar, In the TO OVHERS OFUinD mTHEPULS!: iioa'a.fpeitive-ll. 4X1-7xauers vjow. v. iannon, cara oeoyin the allegations of fraud uiscnarge.or nia. duties as a citizen, ' iJ f tCf liiuo cuj. n"i 'J ( r i i i i 3 J i 'cum r ii nil ririM Joseph Young, sen., and Robert T. ulent transactions In purchasing stores should recognlze'thechUmsof his obli Burton addresaeJ the assemblage. At for the Methodist- book concern: he de gation to do all In his power to enforce A T A MEETINa hesd in the 17th Ward Sekool rt on vam 13 :n lnsC, a oommlitM ol 10 a.m. on Tuesday many of the people sires me public to await his proof nf therestricuonorpronibitoryicsUlatlon. jlk. was appointed to aseertmin turce come FETER GCHUfTTLEe, not for our time has The amount of organiza unor required to keep the waters the from the surrounding settlements, as tneinalslty. of the Jordan a I our tion vessels ft into but this time mrt the rrom overflowing. nd a meeunr was recently political party, . WAOOil nAHUPACTUBEC, 'lit- l .tit..-- . laden with fire arms: th-canroea con. has come for every Templar to ensraire on SATUKDaY, ii 5Ur lnsu; at tb shove' slsted of 125.000 Kn field, and 223,000 in temperance politics, keeping InTaind menuonva puc at eany ranOie-lifhassembled, laths matting nos:?s td nnes, purchased at the fort that we can labor vforr the larjrest and lei ti ttnd, ss the pre s&rw la a very ivonsfcs thedlKiUon1 of the bnlldlng opnngusia, on account of the Porte to perform the laoor necessary k reclaim - V the Ottoman immediate results most practicable; And time by CHICAGO. which they had erected for t: t worship Minister, It la evident that prohibition is now pre that tract of land. Jf . r; ot the Lord OodT; PmU-U)- .I. Cincinnati. Jndra Rrvn in sented us as the first available work to haw tmenBDr Saturday evenlnz, tae SZlh daily i be done. Circuit Court,4 Wells offered f he dedicatory pxayer,and U. GEO. Mr&RI3 an injunction In the case of II. and J. Chicago" SltYasMngtoh-eclai1' th Ward. rrom lieutenant coma L. Bland mralnst letter r Thomas driffUh that mH say snc-iir-.i ooc-in-i suc-ii-m Young delivered addresses of nearly' an Francis wedge, for an. Infringement of mander Ryan, of thefrisrate Sabine, has each. received after the the patented Improvement In portable been hour's length byiils wilo,4n which he Directly has occured case the that nothing involves started on Its says engines; Interests to the company meeting to the report of foundation value a the of the "AT cf a million. slightest to blow return to Bait Lake City. At Bishop lew York. quarter the .vessel, and 6Q000,0.?1 Earned Brlclcs lor Sals ' V a up in At tv. half.rat conspiracy at Cloa's Hardy's, Parley U CsCon, while waiting night an oil train, standing on a elds the whole story is a raoncauon. Ilcrcantilo - HE2ax Ward. SSnxa's, lit to insulation. tor the moon rise, the party partook track at Pen Horn City, N.r., oa the A rnceung of the ciuzens.was held last jper 1,000. he .vw-mentlnt- :: ' IfOTIOE -- -- T BENEFI NEIL , appear y, : 1 ? Pom-ologic- 8emI-Annu- al al .. - OPHELIA! THIS EVENING, r t i - to-da- to-nig- ht y, -- p, FIRST-CLAS- S 2S7-1- JOE u I. FOUR-ROOME- D to-nig-ht. 257-l- w - - il,-Youn- g s " . 1 ) ; Co-op-era , -- Consul-Generalshi- n : p, to-morr- ow; 1 1 to-dsy- at j -- ; ." -- I a A -. -- - - 't 2 to-d- ay 1." " Queensware,; Glassware ' 1 .e-epra-tlve i w ! -- I 4 - A. I 8.-J- ' nn , f i-ouse fc. M Ir t. wlt-ne- sa . s f a it.., T- -- o&Sr1- - -- talye Co-opcratl-TO -- ?I,0 it t -- --- 4 : . |