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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL. OGDEN. VOLUME V. XCMBER 50. r TAIL MX I) AY MORN1MJ, L.l;.I4 MAY 31. 1691. TKICE FIVE CENTS. Me .". - A feature of I HMD K P i j li.etv.rl , tf Claia arty, btsxHimt ti:u parage t bis tiiorcn.g was A txa tiafk.-artyu uikm a o k:U. 1 ah 10 u le forty five worn LULAU him Ui play for one yer. The term ef I itofijatoa Mcli rofctaU f the ulkdc this nitract. Harris tlnlares, aid be represent tie ' irtery ti.e plulforoi gave Near tie IS.lUwi breaks the If I(ei ft. fjrond. under the hor L Will have to pay a heavy ooctraet aay. Win. Hardy s Mollk-I'mlirtiou Just forfeit. htvls, frght"iiii.g them into a ren. Von Manorial I.iy Fittinsrly The wuaiea buni scream i eg to the rlat Ilrfort His two or three until thrown off a!. A Hayti Resolution. YestrJay. The list one fell off jurf as the Mav 31. - A cable tocwre re Ptti, Iwirwes tvtiielery was reichnd. ceiled at the Haytieo leatum here an U u a LutifuUur-.- . stopped, llar.ty was badly iujurej and PEltSECl I lo. (K THE JEWS uoumwi that a revolution lias broken ti-.Lad . . women ibe are of about tiftea NEW V(UK. slightly PATRIOTIC oi iw I he ai ujc out at Port au Prince, Haiti. The dis pru. of oi'bt injured but Doue severely. as umwu io tbt ciarkne patch ad Is that a etat of tiv'e ba Ixrii . Toi-t.kfrom arcti-WhKan., May .". Reports J IliuiM-I- f bm fuudetily ilt-lfctruTie Cur For proclaimed there. A Frewcti ironclad Kp.iuilde of reoeivt all the state by the parw er turned ou it, balhiCjf it IU a tljod lias been sent to the settle. Pi evident HarriMin at I'Lil.uh rv local (irand Army posts show that tie verities Intllrtrd iser-vethe Tribute to day was more generally ot I All below the fl.V a btdden, and it CoufVtMTi Killing His Wile. poll Them. in Kansas than ever lirfore. liusi . to have no touch with the earth, Fallen N"e A dupateh Omaha, May l was ues battleuieiiU the suejieudoj. practically but to bang from from Nebraska the Wayne. regarding :tn. was Memorial was 3i. May if DtNviK,May day approvBekijn, heaven. It a as heaven Copyright lftl, by iu this city. New York Associated pretia.) -- Th Saale confession if Sew ago iti Sacremeuto My 30.- - P.us'uie in ing the biiman liberty and human equal- . tittiuly Zei tung atateti that von Moltke, just aas the wife that he claims to have Svn AsroMc, Ten., May by that flag. this city was lutet eulircly susjieiided. ity Hijoed there was was obm rved here w ith a grand prior to bis death, concluded an etnaus smothered with Lied clothe ue a occasion t us tak this ou day found hanging in room. The coroners President Harrison and arty arrived and societies. vows and civic new of live make aud armaments Kurofiean of military study par.ule courage, draught jury had iuie.tigatd the affair at.il re us not forget that hers at H:l"t this morning for the pur- of is nine rati m. Nvsiivii.i.i, Teun., May .'in. -- Th dec- ending with the assert urn that Franc turned a verdicts of suicide. i in of of River federal for oration Stone it war in so and and Kussia ceremonies the childreu graves ready good as good patriots nearly tukiiig part poouf M u in rf and Tii. nrride nt aud mem- and the law and a at rvsbor ceiiieierv vi .....fiUl ,hiv' the that be courtict not oould great outy aU'ays to obey Tho Hundred lVruis In a Cierk. vw the guests or tn. J it niir Lival Butinort and insist that national cemetery near this city ccur-re- delayed bey on J Hri. cabinet is Immense BkaIimiuii, Pa., .l;iv :(0. At the fin todav. crowds no attended. AS Ilie everyone else shall do so. There TKl: TtKIKI' ON I.KUN. illiMirm Mk O Post A.lw elusion of the Bradford Meadiioile ball JoiiNsrowN, May .'Id. The day here iwn the platform be more mischievous suggest iona made than Kuiperor William, before deciding game this afternoon a wooden fmit of the post that the soldiers of the Union army de- was doubly sail, being observed both in twng a row of comr-d- es upon a reduction or temporary susjien-siit- bridge across Tuna Creek leading to lbs tir'WU up on evervsnle without the sire to lay any yoke on those who honor to the dead soldiers, and in of the duties on grains, asked von a nearly fought agaiust us other than the yoke mourning fi r the thousands lost in t'.ie park gave way under the gates, the great iup responded lioettkh, secretary of the imperial home rush of ieople, precipitating "JM men Hood of tomorrow. two man asK ago less Many the which years cheer to of the law. We oaunol president oilit to him submit to a iiniu and bois into the creek, kk Hrsons that in all our rela'ioiii Every other newspajier ourreopondents were here. the crop pn.eetB and uponreport the general were seriously injured and a great many Drawn up outside ot the station was man has bis full rights under the law. They formed a general Hood association economic tiie bearing upon que others received hurts and a se the historic citv troops of cavalry, who 1 il.miU miii for its iileasure of uartici- - and newt ear a memorial service and tion. The.itioii imnii-tericouocill will Vere shaking up. slight from the day that Washington entered pating in these exercises with you today dinner will lie held in Pittsburg. meet tomorrow to take definite actkin uoti ihii Ullit give JOll a comnme this city to take his inaugural oiiti, have tout-lunthe matter. The ministers THK 4! Kit VAN'S OIUF.CT. THE IlF.IIKlMi SKA I'.II.L. as escort to every president w ho and a comrade's good bye." maintain the utmost reserve, but it is The of of the conclusion the Philadelphia. the At president's has l)een guest the official conviction tonight that there r profiled sjieech, the crowd surged , forward, It Lays Out the Law in Very Km will lie neither a reduction Fired fur Ids party ordered carriages and march nor a bus They Want tirosvt-uofor of for line line nnd of poln-ethe t HisresM--away the to sweeping by an escort took Tlieir Itat-e- . of the combefore duties the pension Forcible ami route entire pluitie Language. linll. The ten minutes the presideat shook the Independent mercial treaty between tier many and St. Lons May 30. What puriorted wan profuselv decorated with bunting bands of every man, woman and child Mav .". The text of the Austrtt-llungarLondon, comes into force. to be an interview with General Gros w and lined w iih crowds of ieople hose w ho could reach him. When the people Retiring sea bill introduced in the the Cologne Gazette states that the venor, chairman of the committee ap rceated cheering coniielled the presi- were finally driven back the line of march w ill declare its decision on yesterday iu sulistance is as fol pointed to go abroad and study the dent to go over most of the route with was taken for General Meade's grave. lows: "The tjueen may, by order incoun-cir- , government Monday. Lobby gossip has it that the immigration iiestion, was widely circuWhen Indepenhis hat in his hand. Here the beautiful and touching ritual will fix the opening of a special lated yesterday in it, referring to the prohibit the catching of seals by dence ball wan reached the president of the Grand Army was conducted and British ships during a period to be lim- landtag session of the reichstag for June 11 but evils of tinristrieted immigration, lie In a of Stuart. was introduced to Mayor at the conclusion prayer by the chap ited by an order in the couiuil. Until this is in direct variance w ith the spoke of Wisconsin asaimost a foreign brief speech Mayor Siuart welcomed the lain, the president dropped three w hite this act is in force, no )ierson lielongihg beliefreport in winisterfal circles. The com- state. to a British ship shall kill, take or hunt mission appointed by the government to president, w ho replied in juile u lengthy carnations on the grave of Meade. This arroused great indignation As the president stepped back from or attempt to kill, take or hunt any seal consider the ma'tcrof SpCCcll. grainupplies has among the Germans here, and Kichard UAKKIsonV Sl'liJU the grave the tiring party tired three within the Retiring sea during the pe- not yet completed its inquiry, although Bartholdt, secretary of the German nnd tho reverbraling hills had riod stated in the order of the council. the preliminary rejiort has lieen supplied American societies of the United States, ' Mr. Mayor, Comrades tif the (irand vollies, echoes back to their ceased not give "No British ship, or any equipment, or it to the ministers in order to assist today sent it telegram to secretary of Army of tile Kepublic, and Fellow Citiblew a salute and t he crew thereof, shall be employed in such by w hen the bugler them in their delilx-ra- t ions. "Only the the treasury, Foster, saying that judg zens: l esteem it a great pleasure to dead had been paid. The killing, taking or hunting. most urgent necessity will cause it con- from tho Grosvenor's interview, they Bland in this historic cditice, in this his- tribute to the "If there bo any contravention of act, vening of the reichstag. The discussion can expect from him neither an exercise party then entered cartoric city, to I also part hid ay as a com- presidential riages and were driven through Fair any person txmimiltiug, procuring, aid- of the grain tariffs ijliesliiiii would om-i- i of unbiased judgment nor an impartial rade of the Irand Army of the llepjb-liniont park, arriving at the L'liion League ing or allotting such contravention shall the w hole quest ion iending the negotiar in these most instructive and report. was be guilty of a itisdemeanor within the tions for a treaty of commerce with overeises which have been insti clu bat 0:20 p. in. Here the party lbs prejudice displayed against Wis an and President weli'omed Filler, by meaning of the merchant shipping act, Austria, and would force the govern- cousin is known nothiugism, pure and tuted to keep alive in our hearts the elaUirate luncheon which lifter served, ami the ship, equipment and everything ment to awkward disclosures which simple. Bartholdt adds that the bulk memories or patriotic uevouon 10 sacn the president greeted the guests of the on biard shall lie forfeited to her maj- might assist Prince Bismarck in forming of the Germans must classitiiisl lice. Ii ia oiiiinnntlv ntnironrinto that we club, and then returned to Washington. esty. an opiosition coalition which he is now among the liest Americans and in the olliaer of the commissioned we "Any elintiltl Bland for a little time west they have constituted the bone actively at work txjnstrueting. naval list shall have power during the e At Cliloasro. and sinew of tho ltepublicaii party since BlSMAItl K's I'liOBAIII.K ATTITfDK. go to the graves of our dead, in tins to limited stop and examine any where the foundation of the declar Ciucaoo, May 30. The day was per-fo- period The Progrepsist press announces that theHewar. British ship in the Behring Sea and to believed he voices the sentiment ntion of indepence and of our civil govfor the annual Memorial Day ob- detain her will appear in the reichstag Bismarck or any portion of her equipos the majority of the ernment were made and put into that or anil adduction oppose the forenoon ment, or any of her crew, if in his judg strain During in asking Foster to withdraw course of development which has servances. - the ailthe prinoe will cer hrontrM nnr niit.inn to its present tiosi- - the Grand Army of the Repub- ment it is being, or preparing to be tisod tariffs, tneet predicts Grosvenors appointment "for which," a with defeat, in tainly humiliating of or a the contravention to influence the lic posts proceeded employed cemeteries, tion of prosperity nnd tf as hardly a score of the members will Bays Bartholdt, you and our party will where the graves of the old soldiers were tot. among me nations or earin. him. The conservatives admit be held responsible since this prejudice support British is within "If In the urternoon there was any ship found have recently, in my extended trip, decorated. 'I reduction of the tariffs has become publicly known. that temporary luum nlila to raa w hat, t he flower is of a parade in which tho regular troops, the Behring Sen.having on board fishing r May .'50. Gen. Washington, advisable. be The "Germania," a may We militia, Grand Army or the Kepuunc, or shooting implements or seal skins or the .seeds that has telegraph! Secretary Foster . were plauted . here. ....... concludes an centrist organ, energetic from Dennison, Ohio, that the rejsirted are nere in miiniioipnia, a community Sons of Veterans and civic societies par- bodies of seals, it shall lie with the owner or master of such vessel to prove protest against the permanent diminu interview with him criticising the forinstituted uiion the principles of peace ticipated. duties by familiar admission. The event of the day here in the that the ship was not used or employed tion of orators nnd good will among men, and yet, in a of the agrarian party gen- eigners, etc., is n gross misrepresentation, The Grosvenor declared that nothing community that had given a conspicuous sKirting way was the annual bicycle in a contravention of this act. that there is any present ne (Jen. deny erally to animals of "This shall the n act distance of fif road race to Pullman, illustration of the fact that the fruits apply he hail said could loar the construction for with the but dealing tariff, cessity seals. known as fur peace may sometimes lie made to lie teen and a quarter miles. The race was given it. "In order that the almve provisions admit rather reluctantly that there is a In the han defended by the valor of soldiers. You an open one for amateurs. will that the be government Noble to (io Abroad. ditl not at 'all depart from the great tlicap with an extremo allowance of may be carried into effect it shall be possibility start against the lawful for any commissioned ollicers in compelled, to intervene. twelve minutes' lessons which were taught by the founi Nt .ton, May 30. The Post this Wash The be summed up as ders of this great colony, when uniting scratch, liesides men f l am various cy the naval or military services of her follows: position may morning prints the following: ' There n semi ministers ir declare the cusor British or in there and all about ollieer, the clubs from states, you cling with your comrads, any majesty city, is a strong impression on the part of went into the field to hold up this ban- were representatives from Milwaukee, toms or British consular officer, to seize famine impending, no party will dare to well informed persons in official circles measures or relief. oppose M. had should be cities. which Harwise and detain any ship Ii. wholly Peoria, and others not going ner, to maintain peace which tt is announced that that while Secretary Noble is would or as to ony share herein, become subof this city, with the handicap ten min not, leave public service, they perpetual and all prevailing in all states. to the Italian eleutes was the first in. Time 50 minutes ject to forfeitures as to the aforesaid and Marquis Uudmi, premier, be surprised if in a very short time he Obedience to the law is the first has communicated Gerto the ment of domestic peace and social order. and i'. seconds. bring her to adjudication before the man formally nnd Austrian governments the de- would retire from the interior departYou went out to maintain that, and have high court of admiralty in England or termination ment to accept a prominent place in the of Italy to adhere to Dreid- nutfililmliuil na 1 lielieve. n":im in the af Ireland or before any court having adPatriotic Now York. diplomatic service. One story is to the rud. of old her within the Hag fections of all our people, majesty's New York, May 30. Business is prac- miralty jurisdiction effect that he wi'l take Minister Smith's TH K thereRUSSIAN court such and JKWS. our fathers, ami have seuieu perpeiuany tically suspended here todav, and all donuuioiip, may place at St. Petersburg, another and Public indignation against Russia be more probable story is that Secretary thequestion of loyal submission to the courts and government buildings are upon make such order as it may think constitution ami to the law in all states. closed. The parade was large and im- tit, and award the officer bringing in the cause of her treatment of the Jews is Proctor should be selected to succeed It has been settled to the great content- posing. The graves of soldiers in the same for adjudication, such portion of becoming more intense. Residents of Senator Kdmunds, which now seems ment and happiness of all our people. cemeteries were decorated and all sold- the proceeds of the sale of any forfeited this city have occular evidenceof the certain. Minister Lincoln would be sec"I appreciate most highly this gener- iers' monuments covered with flowers. condition of the Hebrews who are being retary of war and Secretary Noble would ship, or share, as it may think tit. ous welcome which you extend to me, "Every offense by this act is declared unven irom kussih in the hundred or be sent to court at "St. James." The program for the afternoon nnd shall take part in the exercises of services at the tomb of General to be a misdemeanor and will be punis-abl- exiles who arrive daily at Charlotten- A Wayward Daughter. the day with a sense of their fitness and Grant, under the direction of the United by a tine or by imprisonment, w ith burg station in absolute destitution. of the great events which they commem-ora- t States (Jrant post of Brooklyn. The or without labor." The letter from Gladstone affirming Colo., May .10. There arrived Pukhio, The bill then quoted various sections mat ine czar does not know ot the hor- here several days ago from Salt Lake an . I have never been able to think United States r Eenterprise of tl H day as one of mourning. I never was anchored in the Hudson river, oppo of the merchants shipping act to be ap- rors inflicted upon his Jewish subjects. elderly gentleman who is well known in d have been quite able to feel that site the tomb and tired minute guns plied by the new order. It is expected differs utterly from the facts. The railroad circles. The object of his visit that the bill will be passed next week, truth is the czar is himself the chief in was to remove from a house of ill fame flags were appropriate on Deco- dunve the service. A number of ration day. I have rather felt that the soldiers wore present as guests, and that afterwards the council will stigator of the increasing severities bis only daughter, who five months preflag should be at the peak, because those including ex Governor John S. Wise, of proceed to set the time over w hich it is practiced, upon the Jews and his ma- vious, in a lit of anger, left for Califorwhoso dying we commemorate rejoiced Virginia, who delivered an eloquent ora- to extend. jesty's grand duke Sercius, nowthe gov- nia, finally drifting to Pueblo. Father ernor of Moscow, is a willing instru- and daughter have returned to their seeing it where their valor had placed it, tion. The day generally was observed A Riot Over the Kxorcisps. nnd wa honor them i joyous, thankful, throughout the state and in New Jersey. ment for the carrying out of brutal home. The girl's mother is understood triumiihant commemoration of what to be on her death bed through the Cincinnati, May 30. A Commercial-Gazette'- s treatment. Jewish advices from St.Petersburg and girl's waywardness, and but for that they did. At Other Places. Owensboro, Ky, special says: comrades from as them for Moscow concur in the statement that reason she would not have returned out "Ve mourn 3(1 The weather A riot occurred today at Whitesville on whom we have departed, but we feel the is Milwaukee, May the occasion of tho decoration day exer- the most powerful influences have been of respect for the family. No names were and services incident the to perfect of glory of their dying and the glory Decoration dty are passing off quietly. cises. One hundred Grand Army men brought to bear upon the czar, but that mentioned. their achievements covers all our great proceedings with their exercise the condition of the Jews is hopeless. Delegates from several Grand Army of were land and has set them in the imperishwhen a gang of toughs came in, dragged StraiigiMy Afflicted. bv the posts, Republic accompanied Police Interruption. able roll of honor." the tore from the F. S., May 30. - Telegraph the stand, speaker school held Haijkax, exercises at the children, conhad ,10. After the president The and Moral art to third salon emblems May St. Pauls island settle from Paris, dispersed pieces dispatches different this morning and cluded the doors were thrown open and distributed cemeteries the assembly. The veterans went to opened yesterday with only a few well ment half way between Cape Breton and floral tributes. was There a shook executive for an hour the chief Whitesville to take the train nnd here known artists represented. The police Newfoundland, say that every man, in the afternoon. , hands with a large number of people. At parade the toughs renewed the attack, cutting seized two pictures. One represented woman and child on the island with the N. be30. This Y., Rhineheck, May the conclusion of the public receptwo men seriously. The citizens hur- the Kaiser on horseback trampling and exception of two men, are prostrated tion the president took a train for ing the home of Vice President Mortor, ried to the rescue and a battle ensued. prostrating the figure of France and car- with a disease resembling the grip and Laurel Hill cemetery, whero he took he presided at the memorial services Burrell Taylor, the leader of the touyhs, rying off two women, representing Al- sorely in need of assistance. The The exenis coi i'sted and Dave Smith were part in the ceremonies over the grave of held here. fatally stabbed. sace and Lorraine. The other picture government has dispatched a tug with "largely of service and rotigs, and ad- The Gen. ( ieorge C. Mead, the hero of people of the tow n have armed depicted a desert strewn wiMi skulls, physicians and supplier. dresses by the clergy. The vice presi- themselves and 6ent a posse after the one resembling Jules Ferry. rg. dent made a brief address. Fatal Cnnlhurration. Tho seizure created a sensation. Entoughs. 30. Hill. Decoration Laurel at was Denver, May Harrison day and American artists are among W. Va., May 30-- The glish Whek.i.ino, here observed today. In the At Laurel Hill cemetery as the presi- quietly the exhibitors. A Soldier Weakened. of Henry Phillips, nt Taylorstown, home dent passed bet ween the lines of posts morning there was a lengthy parade, was burned this morning. Phillips, his Walla, Wash., May .10. -- It nnd under the battle flags he reverently while in the forenoon service was held icnnWalla Will Meet in Chicago. wife and a three year old child were Lornail Into 1:tf Tiitrltt Hint nnrt Bill. Races the at were run at in cemetery. bowed head his and removed his hat Bomk, May 30. A preliminary confer burned to death, and a fifteen year old ilier confined in the county jail charod honor of the memories they represented. Overland park and picnics held in the ot mini nan turned ence of the International Peace Congress boy was scorched so badly Chat he died muruer with the suburbs. Along the entire line of march to the evidence. When it became known opened at Milan today. An invitation in a few hours. Minneapolis May 30. Elaborate state's Btanit immense crowds of people greeted rumors of an attack on from the Boston Peace society to hold the at garrison towere memorial exercises bold here the president with demonstrations of A Railroad Accident. the jail wore immediately circulated. As an international congress in Chicago was a There in the afterday. parade memorial usual the After day respect. in sheriff' Columbian the Fair doubled the that a Ckdak during step precautionary liu'ins, Iowa, May 30. -- An exexercises Commander Sangor stepped noon. Exercises wore held at the cem- the the jail. at cursion train ixiund for Cedar Uapids accepted. guard eteries. HarriComrade forward and introduced from Davenport ran off the track near Boston, May 30. Throughout New son as the honored guest of the day. As Is A Royal Arch Duke 111. this morning. Several persons Germany Arbitrary. Tipton ceremonies the characteristic the president stepped to tho front of tho England I'.kri.in, May 30- ,- It is reported that were severely injured, but none fatally. Vienna, May '211. Arch Duke Ferdistand he was greeted wit h cheers by the of the day are being carried out. New Oki.eans, May 30. Memorial nand, heir presumptive to the throne ot Germany and Austria have informed assembled multitude. In his speech he A Newspaper Man Chosen. t observed with tho usual ceremonies Austria, is seriously ill with measles. Switzerland, Italy, Servia nnd Baid in part: they must conclude their conducted by the Grand Army at Chal-mett- Physicians insist that the utmost care lie Secretary Washington, May 30. "We rejoice now that a grateful of treaties taken to prevent a fatal terminnti-jointly with Germany and Foster has selected Hubert J. Wynne, .National cemetery. Bishop has gathered together the scatelse Austria or renounce the separate long connected with the Washington ofhis illness. delivered an oration. tered dust of all these com rades and treaties they have at present wi:h the two fice of the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette- , Dayton, Ohia, May 30. The Memorplacet 1 them in beautiful and safe places countries. as his private secretary, in place of Shot his Wife and Himself. 1 cannot but feel ial day services were the greatest ever of honor and repose. Charles H. Hendley, resigned. Ckpar Uakius, Iowa, May 30. A that if they could speak to us today they held here. Almost an endless column of She .Must Pay or Play. would say, 'Put the flag at the top of the (irand Army, Sous of Veterans, National Trail nweiser, a jeweler, this afternoon London, May 30. In an interview to- The President's Condition Critical. mast.' I recently rot u mod from an ex- guardsmen and civic organizations occu- shot his w ife, killing her instantly, and Uio Jankiko,. May 30. President Da then shot himself. It is supposed that day, Mr. Harris, her manager, said that tended tour of the Hiatus, and nothing pied the afternoon parade. who married Viscount Fonseca is lying in a critical condition so impressed ami refreshed me as the uni Hayes delivered an address nt the he was crazy as he had threatened to Belie Billon, DiiiiIo and who by the death yesterday at Petropolis, from an attack of asthma. kill his wife several times. vermil display "f this banner of beauly ( irand ( )pera house this evening. KADI) mi I 1 1 w hp Hi ill rui htloir nm n aud irlon. It every sohoo! 6 IC 1!. IifcUJS lle iiujiwi UiUsr, t acruas the andv as e aud, . . . I ..... . L.mi m.ttj.d ill WMiJC 't iv it iu royal o.:n to lL djur and tfrerting. a 1 sa i.m inai v... jeare ao As t in my tuetuory.9 V... ' tliung inn h um i.jo about Biidutht on a dark liiht, w.u.e of the orthirr of the torprdo tta ....... ei.t .... pre.rl ip ? IplU-IIUTuu- Itath. . Ilfsentiueiit. IX AM KIM CAN CATHOLIC. t d :. d h, !t d assiK-iatig- g d com-moi- e inter-uuliiii- li e etli-lic- German-American- Gros-veno- semi-otlicial- e man-of-wa- half-maste- 1 Get-tysb- r.iui wh-reth- e dec-oratui- n Phii-ahujh- ninnrvnriLMin nuii.nu nan iJLiiD The Memorial to the Pur Will . rLiu Ik-ad- mi .hi ii ........ pr-ij- lrt u )A t t . Tolin IVLTITini LUjUldDLIj. M-h- Metuorui - u city-wa- day-wa- s Ivouma-maniatha- e Mal-lallie- u s Tlie 4i r. Ku.jli.li the t.rruuu Catholic. I iu Kiioinuin :. Sr. Ptt i, M.i The rvut memorial f the Catholic emigration ancie-tie- s t.i the re.Urtititlg Ihe follow it ig of national hues in the worm among the lintiiik'raiis in America has attracted great attei.tion. A I's inner Press reirter today called u I u the ureii bishop and aked for a statement regarding the mutter. After eudorcii.g the truth of the ARi-iatPress dispatches from lioine, the srrb iiifhop said: "So f.ir as Mr. Caheusly of the as a petitioim and decrees to the vatieian, and his friends and colal Mirers are tn.nvrned, they tiavct swell dctil.ed object ill view, and they mean to work for it with might and main. It is to harnets the church iu Aaieriea into the sen ice of the recently arrived iiiiiiiitrranls from Germany, otherCathj-binterests m the.cotintry being apparTheir ently looked iiui as teeondary. demands aie based iimmi the supNitioii that the bishoiis and priests of America are Irish and neglect the Germans. We have to note here the actual or assumed ignorance of ( iahiisley as to the "ondi-tioof the German Catholics In asserting that they are in A mericu. neglected he does most imtative injustice to the bishops of the country, whose constant efforts have been ami are to provide for all Catholics of foreign of own their tongues priests nationality. There s singular mulice, too, in his attempt, to represent the Catholich Church iu America as Irish. As a matter of fact, the bishops born in Ireland are few in the American hierachy and those few have sicnt. nearly all their lives in America and are thoroughly idenlilied with the country and its iusl't iitions. The bishops of America are in heart and soul Auieri'-aiiHThey have no more idea of making the church Irish than they have of allowing it to lie made ( ieruian. The mass of our Catholics today have lieen born iu America and whether their parents were Irish or German they are Americans and they resent with indignation any effort to class them into Irish or German or .foreigners ot any stripe, What is the most strange feature in this whole Lucerne moven.e it is the impudence of the men in undertaking to meddle, under any pretext, in the Catholic affairs of America. "This is simply unpardonable and all American Catholics will treasure up the affront for future action. We acknowledge the Pope of Koine as our chieftain in spiritual matters and we are glad to receive directions from him. But men in Germany, Switzerland or Ireland must mind their own business and be still as to ours as this is the most irritating fact in this movement. The inspiration of woi k in Kurope comes, the dispatches tell us, from a clique in Even if the dispatches have America. been silent on this matter we would have known that this is the truth." For the last, live or six years there has been a determined effort on the part of certain foreign born Catholics in America, both priests and laymen, to obtain control of Catholic matters in America. Poles in the west, French Canadians in the east, the Germans west and east, have lieen at work in this direction. The Germans sent, in 18S0, a representative to llome to obtain a legislation, they have since formed societies, notably the Priester Verein, for this same purpose. I am quite sure 1 am right, when I bring home to this Verein the whole prompting of the Lucerne proceedings. This foreign movement in America is, it must be well understood, confined to a comparatively small number. The great muss of (iirnian speaking Catholics, Laymen and priests, are totally opposed to all the plans and intrigues to retain foreign ascendancy, nnd are most heartily in sympathy with everything that is American. "We have Catholics from all the countries of Europe, yet they all work together with singular unaninidi, and are all united in patriotism as Americans, as they are iu faith as Catholics. Ths promoters of German foreignism in America are certain journalists whose trade is gone if the German language loses its hold, and certain priests, who, coming to America in their advanced years, never learn much English and scarcely know that there is in America a country outside of the German village or quarter surrounding their parsonage, Of course, w here these men arc allowed to work they have a following who, misguided and misled, clamor against fancied inferiority and fancied persecution. "There is not the slightest possibility that any result will come from this Lucerne conference, except it be this result to lead to the utter extinction of all foreign animus against us. The bishops of America are fully able to ward off all foreign invasions and to maintain the church on thorough American lines." After speaking of the foreign domination in civil affairs as an excuse for this coucludes: petition, the Archbishop "When we are more Ameriban in civil and political matters, there will be fewer petitions from the Vereins in America and the conferences in Lucenne for a foreignizing of the Catholics of America." i. d Luc-ern- n rp-aki- ng . Deutsch-Amerikanisch- Honored With a Pierage. London, May.10. The Times says Sir George Stepnen, formerly president of the buck of Montreal and now president of the Canadian Pacific railroad has This is the biicn raised to a peerage. lirst instance of n native of the colony being made a peer, |