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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL. OGDEN UTAH. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 3. 1891. VOLUME V. NUMBER 26. MANY BROKEN HEADS. creditors Outcome of the FirU of Maj Troubles. THK RIOTISG IS NOT OVER. rt ia eiakicg the paytLeLi would rtot to Lave tL ua for securing the signatures of the rwaaiiiier of tLe ea§ ei tended. Slid. BRITISH NAVAL The auetbUtrs of t the firm of Delamater Co. were arrested on the complaint of a email depositor this evening and bail a furnished ia the sum of (&X each. It ia rumored that an attempt will be made by repeated arreat to exhaust their bad aid fcnaliy get the f senator into jail OtneJ with The Exhibition (irat Ortiuony. arts weather La favored farm mork and eariy aon wheat id Miutiitu ar.d BISMARCK STILL Dakota ia excellent cocd.twn. 3"L Lit h occurred duricg the Lght frost week ia the central valleys did not prove injurious. In the ujt'r beat region all the crop are reported in exotld His (VmJurt iu the condition; . Against Discrimination. Tee conuuisBioe firm Omaha, Mar Johnson, Higgin k Co. today secured Krlica of Different Stag? ot the Hnnffirj la Striving: for a Prominent of an injunction against the South Omaha Marine front the Days Plw on the Stock Yards company, restraining the from of the -- Great Barry " discriminating management in Italy. that the plaintiffs. They allege against they have been notified by the stock LosiMj.s, May 2. The naval exhibiI3hLisU&, Slav 1 la spite of the yards company that they must pay is adxance for switching charges, freight tion oa the Chelae embankment opened u&nifealo iaud by the workingmeas with great ceremony. The prince party urging the wnrkingnien not to charges and for all hay and grain to fed tudav W at the opening cerego out on a atrik pending th decision cattle. The case will be argued May 6 of ties presided monies, lie wore the uniform of an adfor a permanent injunction. ot th chamber in regard to the miral in the British navy. The entire being made throughout Belgium SO MORE SILVER DOLLARS. aa&ageway eight miles long, leading l for umveraal auffrage, 3O.UO0 minora and the spot from which the prince ot Wales IfiQQ iron workers la Charleroi have atrauk work. At Liege t The Coinage Discontinued Against declared the exhibition opened, was tilled by celebratdd naval and military large procession of workera had a the Redemption of Certificates. officers, to the rear of whom a strong with the polioe and many peopl Washington," May 2. The first of the force of blue jacket and marine preere injur! steps contemplated by Secretary Foster sented arms as the royal party pawed. The prinoe and princess ot Wales for getting the eubaidary coin now in Riot in Hungary. the treasury into circulation waa taken were conducted to a dais, after which El Paso, May I The report when the following notice, the archbishop of Canterbury came forthat General Ignatio Mejia, of Mexico, yesterday, ward and uttered a prayer tor th eigued by United States Treasurer waa dead is officially denied. the exhibition, the prosperity and waa prepared at the treasury deLondon, May 2. The turbulenoe partment, and will be aent to the banks leac of the country and the health ot in the mining diatricta of France and bankers throughout the United the royal family. The prince of Wales then replied to and Belgium. Ia baring and Liege, and States: "The coinage of standard silin Belgium, determined attempt were ver dollars authorized by the act of Feb- the address of the officers ot the exhibimade by atrikera to prevent any men ruary 28, 1878, has been discontinued by tion. After the opening exercises the Prinwho refused to join their ranka from the act of July 14, 1800. The treasurer finds it inconvenient to furnish them ces of Wales turned a switch in front of working. When attempted to oommenoe work they were attacked otherwise than in redemption of the miniature model of the Eddyston by the atrikera with atonea and other silver certificates or treasury notes, but lighthouse. There waa a Hash from the miasile. The gendarmes were com- will forward silver half dollars, quarters top of the lighthouse and a cannon shot in the pelled to invoke the aid of the mil- and dimes to any address free of cost from one of the model At Parloz in for transportation by express in sums of grounds, the band played "God Save itary. colliery, St. Nicholas, the soldiers were ordered $200 or more, or by registered mail in the Queen," and the exhibition waa forout and several strikers were wounded. packages ot 170 in exchange for any mally declared open. It covers an area off over fifteen acrea Daring a riot on Friday at Bekes, Hun- other kind of money deposited in the or debit- The model of the Eddystone lighthouse gary, a number ot enraged peasants treasury or any made a savage attack and severely in- or; bank. Remittances for this pur- ia lighted by electricity to the extent of a million candle power. The model jured the chief magistrate at the pose will be received by the treasurer halt built of a framework of iron, covered for prohibiting place May day and assistant treasurers in the form of is J rafts on any bank or bankers in Wash, with American expanded wire, over milithe demonstrations, upon which cement is laid. The tower part is tary coming to the reecue a ington, New York, Boston, Baltimore, used for an exhibit of lighthouse and abarp affray took place and many Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Chicago, St. while the top, signalling apparatus, rioters were wounded. The fighting Louis, New Orleans or San Francutco. caused the greatest excitement and the Washington, May 2. Assistant Treas- which is reached by elevators, affordsin- a 'authorities were compelled to declare urer Whelpley has prepared a statement good observatory. One of the most the place in a slate of siege. All the based on the treasury monthly statement teresting features ot the exhibition is a model of Nelson's famous flagfull shops are closed and latest reports say which places the percentage of government assets to the demand of the liabili- ship "Victory," furnished throughout the people are still widly excited. A conflict took place in Mona tonight ties, after providing in full tor the trust with guns and accoutrements of Nelson's between gendarmes and miners and the funds in the treasury, at more than 53 day. On the lake it is proposed to officers opened fire upon the rioters, two per cent. Whelpley finds, in round give each day a mimic naval battle between miniature ot whom are seriously wounded. numbers, $751,000,000 of aseeta of this am unt, which includes including torpedo attacks, submarine all the gold and silver certificates on de- mining, tire wofks, etc. Anion? the Coke Workers. In the arena sailors will give exhibi are liabilities of the government, Soottoale, Pa., May 2. The strikers posit, tion lie for drills, and the handling of naval as a fund sets aside trust this are celebrating tonight over the withmachine guns will be shown. The main drawal of at least 500 men from various liabilities, and a balance of about oxhibition building is divided into nine cash is in the treasury. This was brought about by a plants. lie regards that there is an excess of galleries, eoch named after soma cele '"Jyjisbursetfientof money. Their funds assets over the trust funds and available brated sailor. There are interesting liabilities, amounting collections of old naval relics and relics ocs having voted to make toe aseees- - to meet current in if various Arctic expeditions, and the to $400,730,002. vesterday mined for their benefit this is $400,000,000 of currentIncluded meatoneoaJ art section contains the finest collection liabilities not are Th operators idle, however, and which are $316,000,000 of the United of naval pictures ever brought tolabor ia being steadily imported to take States notes or greenbacks out and gether. the plaoe of the deserters. There are hundreds of models of old issued. the $213,000,000 balance is St. Louis, May 2. The carpenters to- included In tor re- and new warships and innumerable reserve of $100,000,000 night received word that the master demption of these united notes. charts, ancient and modern, are hung on builders would not concede an advance the walls of the galleries. All varieties ia the hour wages demanded. It is of ordnance and ammunition of all KEG ROES WILL NOT SUBMIT. diswill see most the that Monday likely kinds are exhibited. astrous strike in building trades that Among the naval curiosities which to on Cherokee the are in They Strip this city. ever occurred be seen at the exhibition are may Stay and to Fight. Cook's waistcoat, a washstand used Revolt of Students Viniea, May. 2. The efforts being by Nelson at sea, a figure bead ot intruders Shannon, carried on that ship during St. Petersburg, May 2. The funeral made to remove the to re- her memoriable encounter with the are soil liable well knewn Cherokee from the the of Schelgounow, today Russian political economist, was made sult in bloodshed. Under orders from Ohespeake, the Duke of Edinburgh's the occasion of a great demonstration. the Cherokee government the sheriffs curious collection of silver ships, a porStudents of both sexes marched through proceeded to sell the improvements be- tion of the main mast of the "Victory," the main thoroughfares in defiance of longing to Pendleton and King, both pierced by shot at the battle of TrafalA telegram gar, and many other relics. the polioe and many were later arrested. colored, near Lenapah. One gallery is devoted to trade exhibMaCommissioner United here States received riotous from are that Reports and revolutionary meetings have been son, who is in that vicinity, stated that its and to exhibits from different naval held at Wasaw, the capital of Russian 200 negraes appeared on the scene un- charities. Then there is another devoted der arms and drawn up in regular battle to models of vessels from the date of the Polaud. array. The situation is critical and it is "Great Harry" down, with illustrations Fired at Their Knee Caps. leared the parties will clash before the of the boat lowering and life saving apparatus now in use. Another is devoted Parm, May 'X Further particulars of matter is ended. to ancient and modern ordinance, inthe labor riot at Fournies yesterday go cluding the very latest guns. to show that three people were killed Negroes Armed for Vengeance. Camperdown gallery contains chiefly outright by the fire of the soldiers and St Louis, May 2. The Dispatch says, The and machines dynamos a number of others were wounded, four a telegram has been received at for and an immense En-gli- -a LUt-Blood- -shed de-taa- dia-iri- the iuot exlo damaging f rests, Tfeer and ail fruit tree are heavily Uden. Colorado report ram beicg needed. Cora and potato plactmg is advanced, and fruit is is eplendid condition. California report that high wind and tot aiher damaged the in grain crop ttateriaily the latter part of the week. Frost in the coast ooun tiea slightly damsged th fruit prospects. Haying ia id progress in southern California, with proept good. Orange and lemon tree are blooming well; they wer lata started, but promise well. 1L SPORTING XEWS. at Lexiue tun. Washington and Rat e Yestrrday. eolli-io- n Ti, sue-ceaa- Ne-bek- cou-tinu- non-strike- men-of-wa- r sub-treasu- sii'-e-d iron-cla- d $538,-000,0- men-of-wa- Lexington, May and upward, eeven furlongs dusli Eugenia won, Portlaw second; Happiness third. TimlJJ9. maidens, four furlongs Two-year-ol- d Strathmaid won, Greenwich second, Ranger third. Time 5L Three year-olfillies, six furlongs d dash Ethel woti. Penny Royal second, Hiee Hawkins third. Time 1:13. one mile danh Huen erne won, Mireabeau second, Brookwood Three-year-old- third. Tiuiel:45i. nine sixteenths of a mile dash Lord Clifton won, Content second; Jack Richelieu third. Time57,. Washington, May Six furlonga King Alta won, Leo H. second, Rustio third. Time 1:17. Six fnrlones 111 Wind won, Ruoees second, Ninnoe third. Time One mile Kitty won. Bally Iloo second. Sequence Colt third. Time 1:43. Mile and a sixteenth Eleve won, Gypsey Queen second, Longshot third. Time 1:52. One mile Steeplechase Pat Oaklev won. Stonewall sec ond, Deleware third. Time 3:01. Nashville, May 2. The track was very fast. furlongs dash Maggie Lebua won, Zantippa second, Henry Jenkins third. Tune 50l. upward, one mile dash Bertha won, blue Veil second, Red Sign - third. Time 1.43V. Tl I l l. inree-yeaoiue ing nanaican, oias, upward, six f urlongs dash Brazor won, Philora second, Wild Rose third. Time s, 2.-- Two-year-old- Three-year-old- 11- r 1.15. Three-yea- r olds, upward, one mile dash Bonnie Cyrd won, Ida Peokwick secodd, Chimes tbird. Time 1.43U. nine sixteenths of a mile dash Tom Pax ton won, (Jomether second, Elsies third. Time 57). 1213,-000,0- Cop-tai- n quick-firin- Yesterday's Base Bali. ' At Philadelphia Jfew York outbatted and outnelded Philadelphia today. Philadelphia 6, New l'ork9, batteries, Gleason, Kilroy, Brown and Gray Rusie and iMving. At Chicago. No game on account of rain. At Cleveland Weak batting and poor fielding cost the home team a game today. Cleveland 4, Cincinnati 7. Batteries, Gruher and Dome, Mullane and Harrington. At Brooklyn Lovett pitched a beautiful game today, and the Beaneaters went out in order for seven innings, getting in one run in the eight. Brooklyn 4, Boston 1. Batteries, Lovett and Daily, Nochols and Gan-ze- l. At Boston Boston, 6; Washington 1. At Columbus Columbus, 7; Louis- ville, 6. At Cincinnati Louis, 5. At Philadelphia more, 4. Cincinnati, 12; St. Athletic, 5; Balti- At Denver Denver, 11; St. Paul At Kansas City Kansas City, 0; 12. Mil- waukee, 2. At Omaha and Lincoln games were postponed on account of rain. g Alphonso Tatt Dying-Cincinnati, May 2. A special from Washington to the Commercial Gaworking torpedoes of whom have since died. The soldiers, 1. T., from Lanapier, Coweescoo-wizette, says tnat Solicitor General Taft collection and a tank, officers diving glass large of and orders their under askacting district, from the deputy sheriff, was today summoned from Washington of armor iron and steel The profplaces. tired avoid to life, order low, ing for assistance to quell the riots thore. in taking to San Diego, California, to the death varwill of the exhibition be its to ot given limbs the Wedneediy night a negro was found with result that many bed of his father, Hon. Alphonso Taft, rioters have been amputated. with his neck ious naval charities. dead near the . Table-quah- e postoffice broken. The Dispatch states that there are The Murderous Mafia. Halt the Men Back at Work. 2. Ot the 3,600 now 300 negroes well armed and swearNew Pa., May 2. Mayor ShakMay Orleans, Pittsburg, vengeauce on the entire community espeare today received a petition from carpenters of this district who struck ing Much excitement premurder. for eight hours and increase of wages for theand Philip J. Paternee asking for police proa posse of 100 men left with tection. The petitioner states that a about half are working today at their vails, scene. own terms. All the miners of the Pitts- the sheriff for the year ago he was taken sick and being a member of the Giovanni Beesaclieri soburg district return to work Monday, For Meritorious Conduct. their scale having been adjusted. ciety he demanded medical and cash reWashington, May 2. The mayor-gener- lief to which he was entitled. A portion commanding has published in of the cash relief was refused and he Jews. the Don't Want orders to the army the names of the fol- brought suit. He asserts that for this cor2. Adelaide The May London, lowing officers and enlisted men who dur- he was assaulted with dangerous weaprespondent of the Chronicle telegraphs ing 1883 distinguished themselves by ons and summoned to appear on trial Baron scheme of that the proposed meritorious acta or conduct in for violating the rules of the society. "specially from Hebrews Ilirsch to transport the service," He fears another attempt will be made of to Poland and the southeast Europe then to do him bodily harm. Although of First Carroll, Maj. cavalgy, Henry Australia is much commented on by of the Ninth cavalry; Capt Em- Italian nativity he is now an American the Australians and that the colonists captnin met Third cavalry; James citizen and wants protection. He fearB Crawford, are strongly opposed to an infiux of Mackay; Third cavalry; Charles P. "the Mafia are thursting for my blood." Russian Jews. Gatewood, Sixth cavalry; First Sergt. He adds that if he is killed to look for Jorgenson, Sergt. Chapman and Saddler his assassin among his brothers An tonic, Strikers in England. Frank, now out of the service, but for- Giovanni, Lascuola, and one Digiovanni. London, May 2. Ten thousand merly ot troop K, Fourth cavalry. and joiners met today at Hyde Prominent Men Dead. Veterinary Inspectors. Park in support of the four thousand members ot those trades who struck to Washington, May 2, Dr. Salmon, May 2. Charles S. Philadelphia, hours per week and Freeman, grand master of the Independchief of the bureau of animal industry day for forty-seve- n ten pesce per hour as wages. ent Order of Odd Fellows of the state of of the department of agriculture, has Pennsylvania, died here last night. gone to Chicago for the purpose of meetWron't Grant the Request. Freeman was also a prominent Mason ing the packers who applied for an inof years president spection ot meats for interstate and Paris, May 2. The French govern- and was for a number foreign commerce under the inspection ment refused the demand of the execu- of the Camden & Atlantic railroad. 1S91. While in ChicaBerlin, May 2. The death of Ferdi laws of Marce 3,will tors of the will of the late Prince Napolassign to the severeon in regard to the letter's final place nand Gregorovias, the German poet and go Dr. Salmon al packing houses veterinary inspectors of burial. The executors ask that ac- historian, is announced. selected for that duty, and in conjunccording to the terms of the prince's will tion with them arrange for the more A Confederate Congress. his body should be interred on the Isle details for carrying on the of Rangninaires, near Ajacco, Corsica. Paris, May 2. The Chilian insurgent important has issued a notification which work. Earty Pressing: Creditors. presented to the French govThe Crop Report. 2. The MKADVO.LE, Pa., May propo- ernment to the effect that a provisional Washington, May 2. The weather sition of Delamater & Co. to settle with government for the ministers and conduring their creditors on a 50 per cent basis has gressman who are opposed to President crop bulletin says: The weather Delamater Balmaceda, has been established for the the past week specially for all growing fallen through. the grain regions of today stated the terms of the proposition administration of affairs of eight Chilian crops throughout has had not been complied with and the provinces which are now in the hands of the northwest and central valleys been excessive in sunshine, and the friends who had proposed to assist him the insurgents. rs of war and to Austria and Russia. Judge Taft suffered severely from pneumonia while in Russia and never fully recovered. A complication of ailments followed and recently he went to Chili, trying to recuperate his health. It was on his return that he stopped at San Diego. Eater and Blgr Bull Dog-Middlfsboro, Ky., May 2. At Wal nut Hill, Va., yesterday, Jim Jackson, alias "Chicken Eater and Jim Crabtree, Chicken . alias "Big Bull Dog," two notorious outlaws, between whom a feud existed, met. Crabtree shot Jackson through the heart and a ball from Jackson's revolver penetrated Crabtree's brain. Both men died instantly. Should Have Taken Better Aim. Kansas Citv, May 2. Jefferson Hughes, who kicked his wife to death in a quarrel, escaped easily today in court. Judge White directed the iurv to bring in a verdict of manslaughter in tne second degree, because committed the crime in the "heat of passion." The jury found as instructed and Judge White sentenced Hughes to five years. When being taken to jail he slipped his handcuffs and made a break for liberty. The deputies fired at him, and brought him down with a bullet in his shoulder. The Trust Made Them Bust. Cincinnati, May 2. The Sportsman Shot company of this city has asked for a restraining order against the combination known as the American Shot and Lead company, which it asserts, it was induced to enter by fraudulent representation and which is now about to damage the plaintiffs businoss. The appointment of a receiver is asked for and also the cancellation of the deeds transferring its. property to the truBt. Judge Saylor granted a temporary injunction. HUM. Will be the Same. Cleveland Sot There. Chicago. May 2,- -In th district court today ex PrtBident Grover Cleveland waa called in th suit of th Folaom Mr a. Cteveiand w on, heirs, of whk-for partition of th aetata. TL bailiff announced that Mr. Cleveland could not b found and h wa declared ia THE POLES GET Jl'STICE. Part Have Manifested to Live iu Arcord With the Government. They On Their a uiodk-a-l college waa shipped there, dressed in Hamilton' clothe and dumped in th river with ti circum-fctatU- a evidence carefully planned to make an reliabl !ory of Hamilton' death. api-arectl- Eichstag and grae are growing tet were prospects and the i bat tcly aid tu h oorn ua pLiutod. Oregon reports Borm! eih?r eond.tioua. FEATURES. cellent. INTERESTING PRICE FIVE CENTS. da-fau- lsir Fonr Mail Eobbera. May 2. Th chif pot-offi- c inspector is advised ot th air eat at Ontario, New Mexico, of four highwaymen charged with having robbed a mail carrier near Santa FV, N. M, Aprd Washington, Bcbun, May ls91 bv Th proa- pect or rsisiuarca s early re appearance in th reichstag has given an impetus They have been takn to Santa to the government plaus forth concilia- "th. F for trial tion of various parties, so a to render tbera ready to coalesce in the governTELEUBAPHIC BRIEFS. ment to tore t. The centre and freisin-nig- e parties and Guelphs and Poles in Extensive forest tire have been raging turn receive the government inducements. The recently develowd ten at the east end of Long Island for sevdencies of the government towards the eral days. Fully 3,UX) acrea of tin conciliation of the Pole ought justly to timber land has Lean burned over. A be ascribed in part to the quickened large force of men are fighting th fir. sense of justice ia dealing with them. The sawmill and store of IL S. Whatever mixed motives may animate Southard, at Whitegeneral wa Gravel, the government the Pole of western burned laet night, involving Pa, toss of Prussia and Poeen hare been favorably f.30,000. Thefir then spread to th influenced by a freer use of the national skidded logs and 100,000 feet wer burned language in the schools by greater facil- at 11 o'clork. It ia fAftr) t A Rum aa will ities afforded them for trie acquirement spread to th lumber yards and help ha and Bale of land and by an increased been sent for. accorded Polofficers to the by courtesy Another serious mountain lire ia ish families. Today's debate in the lower house was a diet on the budget on sweeping up from the southwest at Carthe question of a commission for Ger- lisle, Pa, and doing great damage. mans colonizing in western Prussia Near Euston, hundreds of men are fight, which occasioned remarks touching the ing fires in the Lehigh mountains. At Cambridge City, Ind, the family policy in Poson and pro- government' voaed i;nanceuor Von uaprivi to ex- of Thomas Knox ate very heartily of weinerwurst and shortly after showed plain. He denied the government had con symptoms of poisoning. One child is ceded to the Poles anything beyond dead and four others are in a critical came what within ttie scope of the set condition. tlement law. It had met with the Three forest fires are ragim? in the vi wishes of the Poles as regards both the school and chnrch. The Poles, on their cinity of May' LandiDg, N. j. Several acre of the finest pines in New part, had manifested a desire to bring thousand themselves into closer accord with the Jersey stretching over eighteen miles to the Atlantic const have been destroyed. governmeuet. This, the chancellor said, The remdunt of a small hamlet and was indeed a pleasant and surprising charcoal colony in the miast of thee Poles would the It take the change. lead upon a path of reconciliation, the piuee tied for their lives, losing all their ah me nrea in the vicinity or government and Germans were ready to property, Milville are out, after doing damage of follow. Bismarck's victory is modified by th aooui iw,uuu. fact that he polled 2,000 fewera votes The seventh annual meeting ot th than did his national liberal predecessor. American national conference of th The socialist ballot waa reinforced by state boards ot health began at Washover a thousand Guelphists and Fre- - ington today. A number ot interesting isinnice voters, whose hatred of the papers were read. prince exceeded their dislike of the The Cleveland Savings and Bond associalists. 'Ihe prince, in an interview on the eve of a reballot, declared that sociation which promise much tor little plan, haa gone by the if he went to the reichstag he would on the one-yea- r never attack any policy . directly board in Cleveland, Ohio. Two huninitiated bv the emporer and that his dred bondholders thereabouts are out line or conduct would be the same as of pocket. that followed by him since he left Berlin. The sixteenth annual meeting of the lie was convinced that the greatest American academy of medicine held its danger to the fatherland was not first session at Washington yesterday. from without but within. new fellows were elected. Thirty-siHe would not refrain from exposing it, but he certainly would never say anyThe Academy Band. thing to give bis opponents reason to bun The with the charge Ogden Military Academy band emperor attacking from personal motives. This sort of an favored The Commercial office with assurance promises lively times in the some very well rendered band music Reichstag. The Hamburger Nachrich-te- n holds that the death of Von Moltke last night. This band has beed organadds to the desire of Germany to see ized but a few weeks, but it evidently Bismarck in the forefront of politics. "A possesses natural skill and has been nnf nnlv sentiment of disquiet," says the Nach- - lndnntrtmia aa it. uvw '.vwvUbO m VU.J h.Aaanto richten, "nils the empire with forbear-ing- gallant, chivalric bearing, but renders The future is uncertain. The us muHic in a very creditable manner. in new men into whose hands have been THE HnxIMFRPtiT. uavw nUoanra v v.vu..v.,u tnlroa jivuduio aia n. confided the destinies of the fatherland knowledging the musical compliment of cannot reassure the country." The met evening. Freisinnige and Centrist press is indigSACRAMENTO VISITED. nant at this language. The Austro-Germa- n plenipotentiaries will sign "a treaty of commerce at Vienna tomorrow. President Harrison and Party flet The American department of the inMore Flowers. ternational art exhibition is a thorough success. The appointment of Lieut. Sacramento, May 2. President Harri Clarke, of the U. S. cavalry, to serve son and party were greeted on their with the Dusseldorf Hussars has evoked arrival this morning by a national salute guns and an immense approving comments from the press. ot twenty-on- e The Vossische Zeitung says it is the first crowd which had gathered at the depot. case of the kind and ought to be recog- The party entered carriages and were nized by America as a proof and pledge driven to the Capitol, grand army posts of the warm feelings which those in the actiug as an escort to the president. highest station in the German empire Thousands of people had assembled at entertain towards that great common- the Capitol park and hundreds of school children were drawn up in line on both wealth. sides of the broad walk leading up to the grand stand. A FRAUDULENT CONCERN. As the president was escorted through line he was pelted with flowers. Ordered to Cease Doing Business in the Governor Markham presented the presiMassachusetts. dent who made a brief speech, which Boston, May 2. E. M. McPherson, was received by the crowd with much Booth and Secre commissioners of foreign corporations, enthusiasm. has been looking up the record of the tary Rusk also spoke. Postmaster GenEastern Investment company and as a eral Wanamaker was not present, greatly result has ordered the concern to mime to the disappointment of the postoffice diately cease doing business in Massa employee, who had prepared for him chusetts! The advertisements of the beautiful souvenirs. After the reception concern declare it has been in business in Governor Markbam's office, the party fourteen years, yet it was only chartered returned to the train and left for Oakin the state of Maine in 1390. The au land. San Francisco, May 2. The presidenthorized capital is given as $2,000,000 of which $1,300,000 is alleged to have been tial train returned from Sacramento subscribed. It is stated that the surplus this afternoon, making a brief stop at is $152,000. It was found that at the Benicia, where a floral tribute in the time of the incorporation there were only shape of a cannon was presented to the a few hundred dollars paid in; just president by the school children. He enough to secure a charter. When the maie a brief speech, thanking them for treasurer was asked for a statement of their kind remembrance of him. On retu rning to this city from Sacrathe company's property, certain lands in Florida worth as alleged $850,000 and mento this afternoon, the president loft valuable Boston real estate scheduled. the train at Berkeby and visited the uniThe Florida property investigation dis- versity of California and the deaf, dumb closes the cost about $6,000, and also that and blind asylum. He then drove to the Bi)9ton property was mortgaged al- Oakland, and upon reaching that city most if not entirely to its value. Several was welcomed by a great crowd of peostockholders of the company brought ple. The streets were gaily decorated suit against the management to recover and the floral display was very elabmoney paid in under misrepresentations, orate. He was given a reception tonight and today an attachment was placed on by the Union League club here. the property of the company, and also on that of Treasurer Meyer, his wife and Saw Him Mail the Package. Benjamin P. WTalker. Boston, May 2. The Herald has a story thia morning in connection with the Baruaby case, of a man who claims Another Link to the Chain. St. Louis, May 2. A special from to have seen anotherof man, closely followDr. Graves, mail a Cheyenne, Wyoming, says that Thomas ing the description was marked "Denver, which in Jackson's from package a guide just Cooper, Colo.," in the Boston postoffice March Hole, revives the story of the suspicious 30. circunistnnces in connection with Robert Kay Hamilton's death. He says no The Herald's informant was taken to identificatian of the body found was ever Providence and shown Dr. Graves, whom attempted, and that many people of that he identified as the man he saw at the vicinity believe that a body from some postoffice. New York associated preua Vi x s. Ex-Go- |