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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL! SATURDAY, MAY 2. 1891. ' mvivi IT j lit Tis-H- MM-ti- u J IVn-ter- ti the Hark. WAS SOU D ejct cos I j ihr kK-- r a jX, Lue$..:l aad tax and otl fa6dd r. U.uUAluIIMi lUd that uJ iioei ir&ucjyx.iduiJt urn TO lAflD T&ASblT. SteoLeoa thotifbt it a titti to talk about rapid tracaporltUiB. He aactad auui aetnod ut totnmg arouad. Tia preeofit of trana- m to atut caift but eoough purUOua aLUdfluvLo. Tba old lata, ft ttiule tuotor a as a gvxi tlAag but Now dtdot apprt-ta-t it at tb evruua aaika. Tbey thick of guuig any iUa oo a car. 1U Lad a U.'liuklr of tba oid amipany aad Lid advocaUkd a aaW ia tha Lope ut autuetbing baiter, but D TO. EVHtrTHl0 Tha Btotioa to form a paving district carrwid, a alao did tae motion to ap- plNlit a OuUlUiltUx. chair announced the fUomng aa tl.a eoiuaiittee: Sidney Stevetia, Ciias. Vooduians, A. T. Wright, 1L C bige low and W. X. Shilling. A reprtevetalive of tl.a World's Fair AdtucaU) addreat! tli uifetiag ia the lutt-retof a 8jxt'ial editiuo of that paper d- - oted to a a rita up of Ogdon. A tuotion waa piuMed tMxduruiiig the huh the preparation submitted, aftw meeting adjourned. auJ bUtrirt, nuaeting ut buni Leld laid waa attended by an? edy hll nitt at tha buaiutm men uuarly lit) intereutod ia tha projwrt)-owne- ui utter of Evans of the PiWdt-n- t and r strwt l"hUilw of clloJ the UMtiutf to order. Oo motion of A. B. Patton, J. II Klliott 9tWted for chairman. IL V. Smith, secretary of U Ileal KoUte I lichmg - Couiiij-i- u w a appuiuld beureUiry. ITS OBJMT. tho J4r. Evans stated the object cf Ui inwliug which waa to consider the tuMttor of street paving. II thought tha time ria for the movement. We Lava the assurance of an electric street ear line. The Union Pacific officials have given u evry encouragement to believe a ill euon be that ei tensive car aho here. The outlook ia very en ka-ate- d couraging. Business men were urged to assist in thia movement to pave the tree La. In conclusion Mr. Kvaus moved that a committee of live business ruen be appointed to investigate and report on the beat material to be used in paring and the coat of the same. BKICK AS MATF.B1AU Mr. Shirk being called on said that the material for making brick ana very abundant in the vicinity of Ogden, and waa of the very best quality, having a large proportion of iron. J. M. Anderaon said that there waa no doubt that brick could be made here which would be especially adapted to of pavpaving. His oompuny has a kilnbelieved he ing brick burning now, andhandsome as a pavement of it would be well aa durablo. OTHER SPEAKERS. V. N. Shilling spoke britly in favor of atreet paving. L. It Hhodea waa called out and said he had consult. with Mr. Evans on the statutes paused by the lust legislature. They had found that citiea of the Hrst and second clnae could form districts and issue bjnda payable in ten annutil installments at six per cent. Last week the mayor estimated that it would require 9 120,000 to pave twelve blocks in the business part of town. The interest on this at G per cent, would be 7,'.W0. THK COST OF IT. The cost for paving in front of the avThe erage business block would be $iVJ. of busi- paving will enhance the value ness property 25 per cent It will also lie a good advertisement for the city. Twenty-fourtStrangers who ride up on an electric street to our new hotels atreet car, along a paved street will get a good impression of the town. The financial troubles which have embarrassed the country arejabout over. Money is plenty in the east Our government is all right and in good hands if it isn't a Democratic administration. that (Laughter. Everything indicates now is the accepted time for Ogden business men to move for public improvements. h 81 ZK OF DI8TMCT. Mr. Whipple moved that it be the sense of the meeting that a paving district be formed including Washing to Twenty second ton from Twenty-sixtand Twenty-nrtand Twenty-fourtstreets from Washington to Wall. A. R. Juhnson wanted to hear from the property owners in the proposed district. Ha thoueht that the tirst dis txict should be smaller. We should begin with $75,000 spent in paving and expend more money on public schools. Mr. Whipple opposed making the district smaller. It made no difference to the individual tax payer whether the district was large or small. h n h THE BONDS LFX3AU iu I ASSURED IMPROVEMENTS. In reply to a question the chair stated that the street committee of the City Council had today closed contracts for sprinkling fifty blocks for five months for $4,000. The city is now bonded for The $150,000. The limit is finance committee of the City Council has just arranged a Bale of the $100,000 of bonds for public improvements to be was at the b tu. Ui i!r imi.-lit.f- get-Ub- g ly It WRIGHTS i7" ,, T-'.T- ;. We have just finished un loading a car of soon. Mf-pla- y Refrigerators, The new store was never so and as we have no place to them until we crowded as yesterday. into our Just put get as we expected. It's becom New Store, Letter known ing every day t that our styles are far above we propose 10 nave a little circus of our own. those of our competitors, Now these Refrigerators while our prices are consider- are the finest in the world we can convince you so and ably lower. we should get a better price You ought to see our impor for them than our competitors tation of Novelty Dress goods get for the ordinary kind, but we are going to sell these Curtains- la the aternooa skina at once. David IL Baldkidgf, Assignee. the band Lad a dance for the women and Thia drew not lea than 3u0 children. O. K. T. means Oregon Kidney Tea. persons to tha pavilion, and titer w aa from tirst to last little room to Mr. II Jeeaop having bought out the The May Pol, with all ita pretty Saloon" 257 Twenty fifth atreet. and Silk Changa the and opened unweaving, weaing a hrst claw bilprogram afteroooa and evening. Thia has refitted it up intoroom etc Choice sample You are interested in low combined with the pretty decorationa liard hall, till If tffl ,ni( wirutf iit.M An l.Bn.l The boys made a very tine picture. the two prices and we are here to Which would found that all the children of all agea Messrs. Thompson and you prefer, the at candy, and it took a whole kit to go popular manipulators will be plettd to friends see their Best at lowest this new the at many THE PARK UPEN1MS. around. price, or give them. We have the asIn the evening a very large party parthe Common at the high TIip Wa.sattU Assoriatlon Will Ku- - ticipated iu the dance aa many aa 000 Ijwkv Mountain Amttnr mnila l,v tha sortment that buyers like to went off and everything being present price? Of course you will say tertala ThU Alleruoou. company is the best in good style. In fact thia was the Schellhas inbrewing me trial one and that think see oursuiuraeu Call and look at them ueverage Hie first program of Wasatch Driving largest affair of tha season a fine hit on the leas or waa more There sport Park and Fair association will open at and 1'uitati.iu Services. get our price, then call on at our store will convince you during the afternoon. The foot the association grounds at 2 o'clock park Grand At the 8 house. 3d. May Iowa opera ALL won of our competitors be race waa easily by the boy. o'clock n. m. Discourse by Rev. David that what we claim is "al- sharp thia afternoon. The park is locafore you place your order. Ltter, of Salt Lake Citv, formerly pastor ted a short distance west of Washington Prof. Yonnger'i Dancers. of the "Church of the MeRsiah," of avenue on Iligginbotham lane, or on right." A cordial invitation 'extended to The exhibition of fancy dancing at the Seventeenth and Lincoln. The proFree. Seats all. Prof. Grand last Vounger'a evening by gram for the occasion is intended to be You can get narrow width The above can be applied spirited and attractive enough to sup- pupils drew but a moderate attendance Rockv Mountain Amtier. irimln l.v tha ply a thoroughly good entertainment owing to the counter attractions The Schellhas brewing company, is the best shoes in our to our lines of GAS and department. It will include two trotting and two run- dances were all prettily executed, in Deverage in me mantel. ning races aa follows: costumes BDarkling ana appropriate. the "Equipoise" Waist GASOLINE STOVES and First trotting race, 2:30 class, between The purpose of the exhibition probably Paaaengers destined to the prominent also RANGES and also GAR owned east of Missouri cities Garret: the by river should Drignolia. byron was to show the grace and precision of Smith and Prince, owned by L. C. Lee; movement that Prof. Vounger's schools patronize the Chicago, Union Pacific L for ladies. DEN HOSE. line. Magnificent Pull Teddy, owned by Col. bwan and Pea- acquire and in this respect the young nuts, owned by Moody. dancers displayed to very meritorious man and Wagner sleeping cars, elegant Second trotting race, 3 minute class, advantage. Pullman and is undoubtProL dining cars, !etween Pilot r . owned by J. M: Dee: edly a very efficient lounger instructor. A large free reclining chair cars, handsome day Coke Junior, owned by Chaa. Zeimer; number of ladies and gentlemen were coaches and comfortable Pullman eolon- WE . Uraham and Coloist sleepers. Zip, ow ned by J. present from Salt Lake City. nel owned by IL C. Corey. -WANT uous blessing to mankind, say There are purses for a halt mile dash; Caledonians. The who thousands have been cured the all. mile for a also for quarter by daah, free YOUR TRADE The Caledonian Club enjoyed ita celebrated uregon Kidney Tea. bold 1'ersonscan go up by motor train or can II. Sobs Co. drive right to the grounds. Everything usual social, literary program and dance everywhere. Bp there is in goou condition Tor race at the A. O. U, W. hall last evening. "The great tonic, appetizer and liver purposes and the attendance will doubt The attendance was DRY GOODS, SHOES. large, the exercise regulator." Dr. Henley's English Dan less be large. delion ionic. j. u. r. nleasing and the dance quite satisfac tory. All these events will be noticed The Police Record. tomorrow. The ten tramps who were arrested at The District Court the Southern Pacific tracks on Thursday The following business was transacted afternoon were given ten days each in in Judge Miner's court yesterday: the city jail for vagrancy. Thoa. burns charged with" drunkenJohn A. Boyle et al. vs. Elizabeth ness was given ten days. Boyle et al; order filing report of refbob. brown, charged with drunkenDecree appointing commissioners ness was given ten days and fined $9 eree. referee's report and confirming dollars. D. Hamer et al. vs. J.II. I nillips et al.; arrested for Charles Smith, disturbing referring receiver's final report to the peace was fined 125 and costs and order referee. thirty days in the city jail. United States va. M. P. Christensen; ! defendant appeared for sentence and sentence was postponed till May 21, 189L Half Fare Rates. United States va Thoa. bnelton; arFrom Mr. J. IL Bennett, General Plea not guilty, indictment raignment passenger agent of the Rio Grande adultry. Order setting case for May 2C, Western it is learned that that popular 1891, Tor trial. Mokosk Manufacturing Co. vs. Union route will sell round trip tickets on May 8th and 9th to Salt Lake City and re- Mercantile Co.: order granting plaintiff turn, good until the 11th, for one fare, judgment on the pleadings according to or half rates. This is the occasion of admission or the answer. P. A. H. Franklin ot al. vs. T. A. HarPresident Harrison's stop at the capital. ris et al.; order dismissing cause at cost of plaintiff. I have brought here for disposition the S. KELLNER P. A. IL Franklin vs. T. A. Harris; Judge Bishop's Court. of DRY GOODS and FANCY GOODS from Salt cost. STOCK cause order at plaintiff's dismissing In the estate of Ann Hall, admittance Lake of will to probate and order appointing City, which is comprised of Silks, Velvets, Plushes, Wisdom's Famous Robertine H. D. i'eterson executor with his bonus Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Dress Goods, Oil velvet-likFlannels, Produces a beautiful and fixed at $1000. Also an order for publi softness to which the but skin Muslins, nothing Cloth, and to Sheetings, Calicos, Ginghams, Lace Curcreditors notice apcation of can be face an of and infant's M. purity Foddiea, tains, Hosiery, Underwear, Drapery Nets, for evening wear, pointment of Alexander John Douglass and John M. Hart ap compared Linen, Cotton and Silk Laces, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Cor"Take it before breakfast" Dr. Henpraisers of said estate. suooetufuL ere it Lower than Tjieirs. I re-o- rt Chi-oag- iorth-Wester- n North-Wester- n l Wt I il 111' iffl IT. Assignee Sale! j Assignee Sale e sets Perfumeries, Dolls, Albums, Jewelry, Fans, Parasols, Gents' Smoking Jackets, Gents' Nightshirts, Quilts, Blankets, Dresses, Tea Gowns, Yarns, Shawls, Ladies' Ready-mad- e Ladies and Children's Capes, Jackets. Cloaks, Ulsters and Dusters in Cloth, Plush and Silk for winter and Summer Wear, and thousands of other goods too numerous to mention. In fact it is the finest and ley's English Dandelion Tonic. Reciprocity iu Religion! Rocky Mountain Amber, made by the On Sunday evening at the Methodist Schellhas company ia the best church Rev. J. Wesley Hill will preaoh beverage inBrewing the market In the sermon on the above subject the principle of reciprocity will be ap- eradicating and preventing roughness of the face and hands. Use it freely at night juet before retiring and you will be delighted with a soft, sulooth skin. Try it Sewer Tax Notice. Ogden City, Utah, April 28, 1891. To the Dronerty owners in Sewer Dietrict No. 1 of Ogden City: Notice is hereby given that the local for sewer tax on the property assessment THE PLAN WORKS WELL. in Sewer District No. 1 of Ogden City, come had Mr. Coonly said he just became due on the 1st day of September, from a town in Indiana where the same 1890. Many of the property owners law is in successful operation. Speak in said district have not paid said tax. ing for his property here he favored the All persons who have not paid the plan of paving. sewer taxes on their property will please The chair stated that as he read the call at once at my office, room No. 4, law the highest rate allowable on the City Hall, and pay the same. bonds would be seven per cent Otherwise I will proceed to collect the SIDNEY STEVENS FAVORS. same by sale of the property on which it Sidney Stevens said he wanted paving is levied. This notice is given by order of the and everyone he had talked with favored it. He also favored the use of City Council made Monday the 20th day material to be found near Ogden. He was opposed to asphaltum. lie had observed that it was ruined in digging tunnels for sewer connections. Let us have the material which will be the most durable and easiest to obtain. It was his opinion that few would oppose the scheme. A. T. Wright, speaking for the firm of .V right & Hons, favored paving. her. Ogia nd a mora desirable of reaide&ce than such aa can be obtained at thai beautiful location. Many from her sect down yesterday afleroouB to witness the foot race al Letter Park and a great many a era May Day aueial affairs yesterday aera k axe tL loaan get aaayao A. A. A. all happily inaugurated and aucceasfuL tady with our biake. Tba day waa a iuodl one, blooming with Sotke. LkaBuma, aunny and pktaaaaL All rnkfl In 1 The aiaia avect of the day waa tLa Mercantile take notion, that aa oompauiy muax-a- l foatival and ball of Kent's Mili- luifcignee said ouuipany, all soouunla, due said company are in tary bnd and OivhaBtra at Lester Park notea and debts aa aa&ignee for collection, and hands say to About tl.a rrrect language pavilion. you are notified to call on me at my of that it waa apply to this ia to nee, 340 Twenty tiftn street, and pay the Mr- - Evans by request explained taat the proposed bonds had nothing to do with the limit beyond which the city could not be bonded. As the corner of 500 feet frontage ia the proposed displied to religion. Special music- will be trict he favored paving. Applause. Don Maguire was willing to pay for rendered by a quartette choir. paving in front of hia property, 150 feet Wisdom's Violet Cream frontage, as he believed it would amply repay him in increased values, Is a new ana elegant preparation tor A. B. Johnson wanted to hear from some man who was opposed to paving. Chas Coonly called for a statement of the law regarding paving districts. Mr. Rhodes said that in brief it was provided that by petition of a majority of citizens a district can 'be formed to issue bonds secured by the property benefitted. Interest is payable at the rate of six per cent and the installments are ten in number, the first due at end of one year. of Who oas Prof. Yoaarer'i Eifeihitioiof Daare Tne aa ArtM Caledouiaa Clab. tub Without Drlay. G. gaaea rl aettLer HrrU Puu.t ywuly. This is certtitiT a businna ee&ter and tbciM who rofede Ler aiay ferl proud of their kwaDuo. CoL A. J. Crooaer ia coct jsuallv aell- iig real aetata on tha inmUnt pita. Tha purti3g frierni!y at thia plac ia aurrykg and iayicg out tha POusta baU ground. Utuk out for some beary eut-Lrat- -t out On TLia is Cue no prop- - Wry Pujiulir. ot'r b ht;rad fZ'jJ ia tea axctal C M. brou'h favored LL plaa tod BRILLIANT LAST EYE-MSFOR PROGRESS. a a&tad to bear aota bo did oot. It HVEPUlSrs SEWS. to ttke bfek Lie b about U . 11 k ready to k4 a Ul at oct, if ih aerg bu&j k rty A Tie iiitnii? MAI UA1 Ms Sfel&ey in niiiittiii'A 5 - R. T. Hume, Assessor and Collector of Ogden City. Hear! Hear! Choicest Stock of Dry Coods In this Territory. I will COMMENCE THE SALE on SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 2nd, without reserve and and at Prices Regardless of what they Cost Wholesale. Any person desiring to purchase $100 worth or more, I will give a special discount to, and to merchants wishing to buy large blocks of goods, or the entire stock, I will give a SPECIAL PRICE. Do not Delay. Come at once, for it is the opportunity of a Lifetime to get the very best of goods at such a We Sell Jewell Gasoline Stoves, Peninsular and Ohio Steel Ranges, sacrifice. Builder's Hardware, Louis Xederer, Assignee, House Block, First Door Avenue, New Garden Tools and Washington Refrigerators. Opera South From the Hall Entrance. WE SELL CHEAP. of April, 1891. National Event. The holding of the World's fair A in a recity scarcely fifty years old will be a will markable event but whether it roniiv henefit this nation aa much as the discovery of the Restorative Nevine by Dr. Franklin Miles is doubtful. This is to just what the American people need cure the excessive nervousness, dyspepsia sleeplessness, dizziness, headache, neuralgia, nervous debility, dullness, confusion of mind etc. It acts like a nrinrm. Trial bottle and line book on "Nervous and Heart Diseases," with du AO aled testimonials, free at H. A Walker's. It is warranted to contain no opium, morphine or dangerous drugs. Agents tor leading warm air furnaces and Bolton . Hot Water Heaters. talis, ton k Co. 11 360, 24th st. Bids Solicited For the Entire Stock! |