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Show (JUDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: THURSDAY. APRIL 2, Ib3I. ITALY'S SIZE. A Jhtry eoaflict with Italy is Dot But war is not out dow expected. UTAH. artheeuestjoa. Aad ia vie of the possibility of a colliatoa it will be inter esting to Dots about bow formidable aa u in astagoniat the modern Romans would be. Of court this would be largely a aa ral ooclert. Aad every nation is con THE COMMERCIAL. OGDCM. - .......imx u. tx)girr.i.. rarssoAi trio. g. - -- ., ,, stantly angered ia devising sew guns t'WH tuwtk kmc. OrM Car. I'va. far kUi- - and new ships so that so exact data can eaan.i. ITHJM1M iu. be given. frio i edreaaa, VJS par fehMrtptioa to have a great navy but Italy oa Jan. 1, IJI, it v&a not very remarkable compared with that of other EuroaJl atMBawiiratinaa Amlil k l Hi nil 1 ta It included nineteen THE luMM tiw riKUMUM CO. pean nation USU LIT. C JAM. armored ahip carrying 290 guns; forty- one nnarmored ships carrying 190 guns; fur f Zourwi at Um roMtrfBe at 0-Ctk. torUnnmiin throat tiM Mill bouella three tarpedo catchers; eighty-onpedo boats; three armored gun boat unarmored with twelve guns; twenty-si- x 110 There busts guns. carrying TU1S XAJJOX WILL BE READY. gun were other reeseis of a minor character. were GGd. One of tha greatest TenU that ivn The total number of gun tons or were of these Of eighty thirty warfare was the conhappened in to from were thirty-eigh- t forty over; Ericsson' Monitor. struct k of That t were from first day's battle off the ooaat of Virginia eighty tons, seventy-eigh222 were from four was an aaailjr von victory for the Merri-ma- c twenty to forty toss; When tha sun at eight it wit- to twenty ton. The active naval list waa 17,110 men nessed tha defeat of tha flower of tha and the reserve list 14,000. American nary a defeat gained against At the same time Great Britain had unexcelled but unavailing heroiam. With in ita navy; Russia CSS, tha approach of darkness tha Marhniac 237 guns and Germany 83L All France 1JM2, teamed away to srait tha dawning of much larger naval list. had those powers another day in which to complete ita where But Italy claims uperiority ia work of destruction. But her destructive work was destined in the larger cumber of its heavy guns. England had but 22 cannons of eighty to remain unfinished. A surprise waa in tons or over while Italy had 30. Russia stors for her a surprise equally great to 10. Both this nation and to tha world. There waa had but 8, France 16, Germany to seem and Britain France rely on to be a revelation a mechanical miracle, former the ordnance, moderately heavy tha simple appearance cf which waa to revolutionize ocean warfare and sweep, having 330 guns from 20 to 40 tons and 78. as if by raagio, tha magnificent wooden the latter 204, while Italy had but to- - have such is naval theory Italy's of navies the maritime powers from the ponderous guns and ship plates that it wsters of the great deep. can destroy its antagonist by mere preThat revelation was the Monitor. It of weight ponderance neither atatelineea, symmetry possessed The United States has no such guas or beauty. Ihere was nothing it its as those Ita war ships appearance to oomuar 1 '.be admiration was derisively are built for speed and activity. It has of a sailor. Indeed, termed the "cheese-box.- " But it was made a special study of the torpedo, the most onnplete and terrible engine and doubtless submarine explosives of naval warfare that had ever engaged would cut a big figure in a maritime war. in battle. It was unconquerable resistlThe swift ship of this nation would ess. The proudest men of war were dash into Italian waters and sweep off before this helpless inaigniKcant ap Italy's commerce.' pearing but invincible antagonist And that is not all. The United "cheese-boxof " waa The arrival the not only opportune it waa providen- States has almost unlimited credit It tial. That arrival marked an epoch in could buy U,e best things made right on the naval history of the world. And it the shores of Europe. Italy has a debt inventive of 24 billions and a strained credit Its emphasized the wonderful revenues are but about 330,000,000 a genius and unconquerable capabilities year. Those of the United States are of this nation. 1400,000,000. Italy generally has a de Now for the application. Suppose The United ficit States a surplus of Italy or any naval power should declare 100,000,000. Italy'! wealth is about war against the United States and send 13,000,000,000. That of the United their immense ironclads, armed with Italy's active rifled cannon capable of throwing a pro States $00,000,000,000. jeotile nine, or even eleven miles, to de- army includes nearly a million men. The United State has ita war veterans, tys stroy our seaport cities. Concede that the enemy's war vessels may be more in' regular army, and about 100,000 enlisted it baa over 8,i40,uoo men number, of greater tonnage, more hear muitia. tor military duty. Italy claims lly armored, and equipped with heavier out of a population of lees thbn 7,500,000 one case our to Is the than navy. guns that of the United States. , exalt widespread alarm? By no means. one-baThe contest however , would be one History tell of the approach to Enof skill ingenuity and resources and in Armada of of invinoible shores the glish these things the United States far ex- Phillip of Spain. There was nothing in iela any nation on the globe. the then weak navy of England that could cope with the Spanish fleet But when the English people were almost ISTERNATIfiNAL ASSEMBLAGES despairing a storm arose and destroyed The World's Columbian exposition of the Armada. The modern ironclad is a cumbrous, 1893 will be signalized by three great almost unwieldly, and by no means a meetings of an international character. The first will be the fourth meeting of seaworthy vessel. It is an enormous mass of metal, requiring vast power to the conference, which move it It is said that at the grand re- met first during the Paris exposition of view of the English navy two years ago 1889, and will be composed of persons it required an hour and a half to turn who have been members of national one of the large ironclads around and bodies. Its purpose will be to that few harbors were large enough to establish a system of arbitration. The second will be the fourth meeting properly handle such vessels in. While these are guns that will carry a pro- of a Universal Peace congress. The third will be a conference of najectile nine miles and more, accurate tiring at that distance from the undu- tional governments, and will be called to lating surface of the ocean is simply an present plans by which national laws impossibility and it costs 12.000 every may be harmonized and an international time a gun of such a calibre is dis- code constituted. Treaties of arbitration may be adopted charged. But this country need not rely for de-- f and extended to all civilized nations; mce on destructive storms or inaccu measures may be recommended for the rate marksmanship. The same spirit of establishment of a high court or tribuninvention that could devise a conqueror al which shall sit permanently and to for the Merrimao then more to be which shall be referred ultimately all dreaded thn is now the heaviest iron- causes of international difference, which clad afloat will invent something cannot be adjusted by negotiations. These meetings indicate that the time equally as remarkable and effective as the Monitor. What that invention will is approaching when arbitration will in a be no one knows. It may be improve- large measure supersede war in the set ments in our present systems of defence tlement cf difficulties between nations. and attack. Our theory is that it will be, as was Few military reverses in modern ware-fir- e the Monitor, a radical departure from have been so overwhelming as that existing ideas of naval warfare and presrecently experienced by the Goorkas ent theories of combat soldiers of the English government at . Why may not Jules Verne's descrip- Manipur, in the province of Assam. A tion of Capt Nemo's "Nautilus" be force of about 470 of these native soldiers adopted in whole or ia part that of a had been sent under the command cf submarine vessel with ehctricity for moEnglish officers to arrest a chief who had tive power? A vessel that could be as aided in deposing the rajah of Manipur. readily handled beneath the surface as The force was attacked while passing on the bosom of the ocean? What prothrough a narrow and deep defile. They tection could there be against the apfought bravely for two days but the reproach of such fan unseen enemy? What ports indicate the destruction or capture prevention could there be against such a of the entire oommand Assam the by vessel attaching to the bottom of any soldiers. . ironclad an explosive that would destroy it? ' The world seems to go slowly and yet But whatever may be the invention, it it is getting on pretty rapidly. Webwill be at hand. Americans need not tear ster's revised edition of 1888 does not for America. The same peerless energy, contain the word "microbe," though it unequalled progress, unexcelled re- is now in daily use and the definition of sources and invincible courage that have "bacteria'' is, about what was given in wrought out the American Republic will 1875. Tloro are more than 10,000 words be ready and for every in ue that are not in the latest "unaemergency that assails her from without bridged" edition of Webster. The conAnxiety needs to be felt most for what stant multiplication of electrical sciennay come from within. tific, mechanical and other terms adds tar utf H mWi iv aa4 Twaatr- - e unl at heavy-weight- a. lf ry . AMUSEMENTS- hundred of new word to the Uagaag very year and th 4kUotary aker da Dot begia to keep up. 3Ua had hides aH over tie United State oe Uryde before th word got into dictionary. Webstar aad all the rest are oi their reputation juet do, but they'll have to do bettor or th world will suae know that they are out of dale. - brillUct, epectaralar "Kia- - te txtosii ViJ at tL aittt Yore tL L V bl t- - Nw 1t Ni tbu At V. de-acrit- GEAjtD OPERA HOUSE! mWU k c The commercial situation in Buenos Ayers is deplorable and daily growing worse. The premium on gold in that unfortunate republio has advanced from 80 per cent in 1880 and 160 in 1890 until now it is quoted at 250 a depreciation sufficient to bankrupt almost every debtor and render the nation hopelessly insolvent It would seem to be the judicious thing for the council to do to look into the Thirtieth street opening matter during this week and get it all ready for some final action on next Monday evening. Nothing the council can do would please the people so much as to open that street without any unnecessary delay. i The tariff duty on sugar expired at according to the midnight, March of tariff bill It the McKinley provisions will be interesting to note whether the consumer gets the benefit of the two cents a pound taken off, or whether the sugar trust will manage to keep up the price, "allee samee." Good enough. The Commons of Japan has appropriated 1500,000 to make an exhibit at the Columbian Exposition. The Japs are making a reputation for keeping up with the times that puts the legislature of Arkansas and some American states to shame. fun-make- a. Blaine and Fava. Washington, April L The impres- sion is deepening in diplomatio circle that there is a decidedly personal aspect to the withdrawal of Baron Fava. It is learned that laat year Carlton, United States consul at Palermo, made formal report to th secretary of state upon the subject of brigandage in Italy. He described a number of cases of outrageous treatment of foreign citizens, Americans included, by Italian banditti and proceeded to acor the Italian government deeply for it failure to suppress these criminals and defend foreigners in Italy. This report was published in this country, and so aroused the indignation of .Baron Fava, the Italian minister, that he promptly notified his government of the nature of the report and announced bis determination to secure recall In Secretary the consul' Blaine' absence he was able to do this. Blaine was much displeased at the action taken, but it was too late to recall the department's decision. Consequently the relations between the secretary and the baron became somewhat lees pleasant than they have been, and according to gossip floating about the state department by some means not exactly described the Italian government came to understand that a representative on more cordial terms with the prominent United States official might obtain more favors for his government For over Fifteen Months it has Triumphed. Ever Inrreasiiig in Popularity, Daily and Continuously Attracting Thousand. Mure than an Eagle's Flight Above all other Show. 2,509 Prize Fight. Hot Sprihos, Ark, April 1. Patsy A Financial State of Italy. Railway View. April 1. The Journal des De- Paris, Railway Age: The fact that the gross Genoa is threatened with a bats sav8 earnings on nearly all lines continue to financial crisis and that a large and in increase in a large ratio while net earn- fluential shipping company of that city ings show but a slight increase not in has already suspended. the least commensurate with the gross revenues, suffices to prove that the vol- r, Park. Striker Shot and Killed. Rochester, Pa., April L Wm. Brown, A one of the steel casting company's strikers, in company with some others, atn men tonight tacked some Brown was shot and killed. non-unio- an o cii One Night Only, Thursday April 2. i Si The new imperial, historic, oecic, pantomimic, musical, ballet spectacle. Ovation of applause from enthusiastic ffiilhona. A success beyond description. over all conOutdoing in splendor all previous product iota It ceded. It character th theme of general praiae. It grandeur th talk of every city visited. It success and popularity unparalleled. PEICES 3 5 c, on th in' ca he 50c, 75c.,and 81 "Fools Rush in Where Aids su uc cii 11 Fear fo Tread. Gi kr. ith I Hi tk ha so for less than we can sell We don't offer goods Our prices are A LAV AYS LOW on ALL our goods, not on a FEW LEADERS for ONE day or week. bt bj w. kr ac j ot All of Our Goods are Leaders! th m Si co Our customers stay with us and get all of their supplies. We save them money. We treat all classes well. We make no bad accounts for good customers to pay. We give full weight and guarantee satisfaction. . Wl Remember Our Corner, 2300 Washington Av. UTAH GROCERY AND COMMISSION CO. Steal Troy Laundry, GEO. A. CRAIG, PBOP., fell. Hps m' Cii Remember, I am the only Laundry man in Ogden owning and operating his own plant. Best work and Prompt Delivery , Just a Moment, Please! Will the Largest Stock of Hardware at the Lowest Prices Interest vou? If so, we would be glad to have you call and examine our goods. We have Everything New that is worth having. 'We are exclusive agents for QUICK MEAL GASOLINE flies UMUUoosot Hos sxarta8tadarl Ita itinerior excellence nroTen in milium, of home fur more tban a quarter of a century" It is ned by the United State (itiTernment. Endorsed bjr the head of the Great CnWemitie a the Strongest. Ptrmt. and most Healthful. Dr. Price' Cream Baltin Powder dnn nnt contain amraonin, Lime or Alnm. Sold onLr E BAKING POWDKE COT in OaiJ . ?iT ew loic. lUacaeo, oan rrancueo bom 3 1! STOVES, Garland and Superior Stoves and Kanges, MASON & DAVIS STEEL RANGES. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Hardware, Tools and Cutlery: Building Don't Forget Us. Telephone 211. MILES, STREVELL& ULMER. Branch House at Miles City, Montana, and Buffalo, Wyoming OUR G-EEA- COST SALE! T Will be Continued Until April 15th. f theeTsuit8yourCh gt0dS qUOt DRY GOODS, KTC. 1131 ii'.l .fe 'in 'iin at inmmmn.k A Rock-afelle- It d Kerrigan, of Boston, and Tom McManus, the "Unknown," fought today for $2,500 New now and York are Just Chicago experiencing a rather severe infliction of a side and 50 per cent of the gate reMarquis of Queensberry rules, epidemic la grippe. Unfortunately for ceipts. with f ou Kerrigan forced the be9t interests of the mercantile world the fighting fromgloves. the start and punished it does not interfere with the trusts and McManus severely. McManus most of the time was simply able to act on the monopolies. defensive and was knocked out the ninth round by a blow on the neck. Kerrigan Among the many distinguished perwas punished very slightly sonages in this city is one whose acMore Denver Corruption. quaintance should be avoided. We refer to General Distrust Detek, Colo., April 1. There is great indignation here over the defeat of the From yesterday's dispatches it would Colorado Central bill in the senate yesseem that the Mormon Church does not terday, and open charges of corruption will undoubtedly result in the investiga enjoy perfect bliss in Missouri. tion. ume of tonnage on declining rates is approaching dangerously near the line where it will absorb nearly all the profit In view of the fact that there is serious apprehension regarding the immediate future of lines likely to be affected by the small amount of farm products remaining in hands of f armers,it might be well to remember that all such loss could be easily repaired by this constantly increasing tonnage from general trade. Besides it would be well to bear in mind that products of the farm pay a smaller margin of profit than most any other class of freight and it would be no surprising result to witness an equilibrium between gross and net earnings restored through a decreasing volume of tonnage. The Directors Out on Bail. New York, April 1. The railway magnates under indictment in connection with the tunnel accident were admitted to bail today. They were William William D. Bishop and Joseph PJ KAJANKA! jig-roo- Cossi durable space is being devoted to a remarkably clever counterfeit of the twe dollar silver certificate now in circulation. There is little occasion for alarm More alarm about the counterfeit should be felt over the fact that two dollar bills, either genuine or counter feit are to scarce that the difference cannot bedistinguibhed. It is by no means certain that the circulation of counter feit bills would be entirely an evil if they would pass current in lieu of the genuine; since more money, or what will pas for the dsy. money, is the great necessity Such a thought will probably- - not be considered truly orthodox by "bankers. but there is more bedrock philosophy in it than in a system that locks up money when most needed. It w0 Bit ough knowledge of the Terpaiohorean art allied to that of th modern London tag. They were simply amazing, and th sudieoce were in eottaaies; they md a big hit Mil. Bertoto, a young girl in her cbang dance, created a furore another hit The eight Martini', French acrobat, were very tine, active aa monkey, and doing th most remark-abl- e acrobatic feat with the greatest r eaaa Th in thi act a in fact all through the piece, was Charles Ravel, aa clown. He i acrobat athlete, juggler and pantomimist and since the days of George L. Fox, has no equal William Ruge as Zamello was seemingly made of gutta-perchand received ronnds of applause for his acrobatic Miss Morrison, as Electra, aang very well nd showed to good advantage. The last act was given over to pantomime, atd proved to be a means of pleasing thoae wlo had seen such in childhood, and cannot fail to delight th little folk. "Kajanka" ia the most pleasing piece of the kind seen here in years if it was ever equalled. i Tresetdou ParifiiaaSpectacle, Direct from a Successful Seaaoa ia New York apd th Principal Citie of the Eaat td-tim- e tL-- U Kaaacm. MILLER BROTHERS' iv. tiuM U Ute pctc-- sr yesTwelve director f th New York terday ft Etaatiai New Haven and Hartford Railroad cuts k giorieiof Crou" d pany, including Chaoncey M. Depew, were indicted by the New York City inauguraUd tfjre cjjc. a&d at ctf Lt bunaad were turned away unai to grand jury for misdemeanor in cocnoo- - get eea siaad The cue of Uoa with th colhaloa ia Fourth avenue tbi theatrical boom bare wa th coattunnel February 20th, by which acei ing of Mdr Bros'. Pamiaa p.tcular dect six live were lost Th principal "Kajanka." which ha created a furor all over the country. In the first act charge in th indictment is that the di- were shown ue very beaut Jul acenea, rector permitted the cars to be heated transformation and characterisue with stove. It will be remembered daneea. The second act was devoted to iarchea4ances and sieging by a pretty that the fire waa more fatal than th and Lpely a bevy of young girl a collision. There waa an accident ever were eeo in a cboru or ballet through carelessness. Th responsibil Th costume, ia fact all through th ity rested somewhere. lives were lost piae displayed lavith expenditure and Th grand jury very properly, we be exquisite taste. There are everal ia thi act which were lieve, held the managing directors re marvel of kdm BMchaniral and artiauc art. sponsible for the mismanagement that Th Maripota dancer, eight in number, resulted in the fatalities. Perhaps the beautiful satin skirt, appeared in tha aid to describe hat they did ia payment of heavy damages will teach act of the twisting whirling. them to heat their car with steam and deft way of aicirta, their raising run their train more carefully. would require much space and a thor- Uiium EOCSL p Turkey Red Table Cloths, Linen Damask Table Cloths, Law White Bed Spreads, Child's ten cent Hose for Bo's ten cent Hose for.... Misses' ten cent Hose for Ladies' Hose for Men's Hose for Four ten cent Linen Towels for. Pair Lace Pillow Shams for Pair Stamped Pillow Shams for. but few rc6a but how do NOTIONS 4 HOUSEHOLD 50c 4 NECESSITIES. Papers Tacks for 8oc. 25 Slate Pencils for 75c. 7 Spools Coats' Thread for 5c. 3 Papers best Braes Pins for 7c 3 Cakes Toilet Soap for 7c 4 Quart Pudding Pans for 2 Quart Covered Pails for . '. 8c . ... Crockery and Glassware 5o 5c '.. 25c! 10c. , 10c 8c. 8c Dust Pans for 8c. 25c 10 Quart Pails for " ' 20c! 40c 11 Quart Pails for 25c 20c 12 Quart Galvanized Pails for....'. 40c' at Manufacturers' Prices to Clov. Out OGDEN DEPARTMENT STORE, W 2302 asliington Ave. South-ea- st Cur. 23d St. |