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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1S9I. EepbA acisal His? Ctacwr,a tWcafiea aaaie viJaa-litill paitttr. atavUw ia Caeibcria&d. at wu t!-i- r vfeer Scufe-- 4rw is eana the ti tt. M dk on rhaaoa to aw il!utra-tiuCk lium Lad U aa a a&iinal'f u J . m id i: prrr-iy!-traa a ijbnbg ti Ou day. f f s at raia, a luaa edtiarLir4 U lW 199 wkrra I was sr-C2-li truuUt Li eUlie r.LB Lia. at J bush U iLna w-- r dnppiir d, ao U jat uS Lu plaii aad lavl tt on ti & by the T. GRAND m rb NOT r5XiN3 UHCLE SAM'S WAR SrtlPS. JtPKEKC0 HO r Utah Loan Scenic Route kjd h BUSINESS CARDS. BANKS. RAILROADS SCARCITY OF SAILORS. Trust 4T Co. rCRKUDTC-M- m ta C. t. MASONIC. A.F.&A. KCVuILYTS S c.-- r L4V1FET. W tm OGDEX. UTAH. I Jimom. ai mA atMeil. 4 A4m -l E- mtmmvm.wmnnm mmri. mmmim, '. aaiAa. mmc Ttaiia. 1. r. iMvm M. u4 Ant Ktuu. W.xjrt C. M -- la W ciU( Maw ya biWn "x4 1,009 n-- rf v ai:p," ai! in" iArllng boaw to Baa a Sofia t-t- a f rw -r day ago. "What un tb J:?ies ti"m?" I fw;!l "Wry art aWt I J. j.ct are a ti .jwrU po tl re a.-- is ' to ica tb Vjaara . ft-- wll !oaiix ffi'n vot-vfhavw a&d the rit-- wi.c pa rjitlw: imttic to da wiiii tb bvt." to W t'r "What j!tkiT Oh, they hsa mny. To U?iu mrith, faL-toMu lLr , of tb lonj e. niach the muH v.;-- . in Lou ai.1 ff-jru- . liberty teit-r- cut t rrsaoa ti all it an I th abuul 1 tKat in the eave f to wish nar tLry woulJ Join they Lira done to ia th-i- r own countri.. th Lw compel a bjho to JT b fi i or Krvan yearn" am iew in tto army or navy or flw U country. -that Anwri-t- u It tawt b and wulurs are a tLioff of ti in Yard or outward bonnd r'n-- ir now th s manned hr (Jvnaana prin' i ira. jruod rpritiklinf of S wadf jjiJ aa They have pretty good ti". a berth, tiiher fishlong a they can ing or on a merchantman. tby aay, 'Tba rary beblawodP" "In your opinion what would l a pood method for Unrle Rum to adopt to pet yoong and active nun fi.rthnarv- - tt -t. "lix-j'Im- -- rrnK-rnbf-ri- sl a .t, wr itnjl utatb, "Why, that would I the navy oflkrrs among tiio prwona of thia and ithw ftatrt and recruit from those plttinn nch tnrn a tln-choose. They woold hud ph nty of fallows who had threw or tuoru year to mTVfi glad to get a i hnnre to go to wa. and ahoold that be done what wonld 1 th difforenoe? fcimply ahifting thotn from one prison to another, the, ktU-- a floating on with not half o inurh chance to escape." "They wouU innko a prHty tough rrew, would they nofr "No, nut necwasiirily; they would bo under theyea of the wntry with hU oiii!-gnn.he of.Uvn would tin armed, and if they dill tut ir wocSt willingly they wnnld not be pAfyi!eL "Jnxt to chow y(kii that I um tpvakui;; ronectly I will tuiA V) mcst of the I have hliiptxCl i'i the r.iry duriiin tho pw.t ten year her mm that had jtitit finifhed 'wrvinA time' and wanted to hraco op at: Here is another i nt t'uit will nrenment. Why do; l the Kix-i- l Saliiaritans who give lecturai to tin so men le- fore or after leaving jjail urge thorn t ko to the navy mst ikui or Mvtirmg or trying to scnr for them aome lxtty jNmirioii, which will Ijavely kivu tht in a living, and aJlow thij to drift hack to their old airaAWH'iatea, to he i watched and lionndd by the poliee? "Let me tell ToniHther thmc. When a wan goes to the uV vy ynrd and asktt to be shipped they worfvt iifk him whether he was ever in jail vk not." A trip nionn the wharves was then taken in hopra of mating some old man. and among a party of Bailors who were standing on Atlantic avenue was a man who looked de cidedly "tarry" in hi blue "i;miy" (jersey) and black rflk hntidkercluef tied in a true sailor' knot. "Would nny of yon men here like to fch'p in the navy?' wan th first query. "Why,", spoko np one 'doen Uncle rUim want a now crew for the White Squadron? llcs'd better pay me wlmt he owes me before. I go aijaui." "Then you are an old timer?" "Ya, guets so, bark as far as '58 and for eeven yeai-- after." "Well, don't yon, think this is a good opportunity for sjiiiora?" "Sailors! sailors.: What do they want of sailors? Why, youug fellar, there ain't ropes enough aboard those iron fchips to practice splicing on. I tell you they don't want sailors. Anybody will do, even the rough and scruff of this city. "Those ship ateer hy steam or hydraulic power, they hoist by steam, they can work a guu in position like yon could a small viae. You'd want a search warrant to find a reef tacklu on Iward of them. "A true nailor wonldn't be no more aeconnt than a landlublier, only when at drill on the fore and mainyrd, furling a sail that had, been loosed to dry; then all he'd have to do would be to put a gasket into their hands and tell them to wind it round the sail, for if you talked nautical style they'd fall off the yardann with astonishment. "Sailors! What do they want of sailors? They're all iron and steel, ain't they? Well, why don't they ship blacksmiths, niachinihts. a ftw tinkers and a couple of broken down riggers who can splice a wire? That's the kind of a crew they want, arid as far as fighting is concerned there ain't none, and anybody that knows how to hold on to a plow will do just as well aboard these cruisers as an A. B, after they get over seasickness." The old tar seemed to be disgusted at the very idea, for he continued: '"When this conntry gets into bother with other nations she won't be short of men to man the ships, and should it be very soon some of us old chaps wouldn't ask any better picnic than to be inside those floating steel forts, and they could Ket plenty of youngsters who would be f Lt r r nmn-o'-war- 's s with us. "Until that time comes they shouldn't trouble themselves about sailors, only that will go, and take anybody . 1 Mn.yi i... ns PCRIUXDaDIHENCHEST ru ra vhf Capital. - C. P. seeing time, we have to bid you cood day, Other boarding masters and "sailor men" were interviewed, the first saying tailors were scarce, and the latter declaring they had no use for the navy, and coincided with the apparently radical views given above. Boston Globe, r aw 6uir U. U . tet-t- &KS rJ. h - tkn. ii him. ). vtLL Mimrri kt Ihl tZJL. ntuu," h aiiwrTl, "lieTl tJb, dj acythinif I aay totbf--hua. WaUh! "whttatitj" Wauhr he calleJ. and I. bin, a thr Stftth aay. we went toAs the d,,g did lot aj'-agether to look for Lira, and found him kitting t frw th kiuhen fire with the eud of he plil in hu mouth, holding it my avlmiraiw up to dry. I and tho inaater of Lia -- Teaen. kn auj u U- ( Trcaa Tt Takaa- - nfk Jrt Coneitiil nnd kJ.d 'm I I 11 ia 0 S STATE .... Capital raid in, Surplus, $125,000. 7,500. Cy, St. Joseph, Famous Dining Cars Vice-Pr- the shabby genteel ..ruer went into the reading room of one jf i.:e A man of OF OGDKX, UTAH. AKDGAIJGE. STAND CITIZENS' BANK : $200,000. ating uhnnelf in an e,my chair lr.vf a paper from his pocket. lie TABLE TIME CURRENT held the paper before him, and while his ' Dl RECTO ES: InEffrrtJaa. 1 1891. left t y remained, closed he appeared to Warren W. be reading. Time hlijiped by, aud it was Corey, R. A. Wells, Sldcey SUivcns Tho. Cahoon, . C. E. Wnrtole.H. II. Riieccer, seversJ hours liefore the watchman was S. 8. Schramm. Ad. Kuhn, Theo.Robinon bast aoo-- raAixs. An;e attrac ted to him. During the next hour Mail bzpreas fellow never moved, and with fear the Lout 0rton OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. I:JI. 8HSp, m and trembling the watchman went to ArrireHAlt 8:40 a. m 9:56 p. m Lake his hide. :W) a. m 10.-LoaT8nt Lake p. m WKBEB COCNTT OVPtCEBS. 11 :20 a. m 11 :30 p. ro The right eye pjazd nntchanically ftt Arriva Proro l'ro 11:40 a. m 11 M p. m Loare Trobate Judse Robert W. Crow. the iper, and, fearing that its owm r ArriT (Jrtien River m m a Selectmen Lewi W Bhurtliff, John Pincock, 5;;1 5:iMp. 5:50 p. m 5i a. m Fred Foy. had died in that jMvition, several of the Leave firwo Rivtr 9:30 9:45 m m a. Arrivr (itdud Junction.... Clerk J. P. Lodwidce. p. 9:10 p. m 950 a. m employes of the liott l gathered around LoaveOrnDil Junction Recorder John O. Tylnr. a. m 1 0 a. m Assessor Edwin Dijt. him. lie was a rough shake, Arrive (ilenwood Spri'gv.. 1 :18 :S0 a. m 8:20 p. m LeadviUe Arrive Treasurer . John A. ISoylo, which brought him to Lis feet, and 1:20 p. m! 2:25 a.m Collector-Jo- hn V. Bluth. AnivrPuoblo 1 m a. R. Colo. L. mi Ar. followivl. man no had The p. Rotrcr. Attonitiy Spring 1 :35 Hheriff-Oilb-ert Arrivff Denver R. Belnap. p. m: 8:45 a. m money anil did uot want to walk the Coroner Marshal Allen. street in tho pelting rain. His right eye Surveyor R. W. Faris. WEST SOCNO TRUS. Superintendent of District Scools Jo. Peery and by holding a was nn altificial o: Mail PRECINCT OFFICKES FIRST OQ DEN PRECINCT. Express. fronf his him and of left in closing p.ip"r J ustice of th o Peace E. A. McDanloI. 8:15 p. m m s 9:30 a. IVnvor eave I to all he could while apjiear-eneesleep, Constable E. A. Koch. optic H:20 p. m 11:10 p. m Leave t'olo. 8)rinff he was reading. Providence TeleSECOND OGDEN PRKINCT. 1 :H5 IavePiiblo p. m 11 :25 p. m 700 p. m 5:55 a. m Ltiave Leadvillo Justice of the Peace B. Tornos. gram. Leave (llonwood Spri'gs.. 12:53 a. m 10:10 a. m Constable Phil Ford. Arrive Grand Junction. .. 4 ) a. m 2:10 p. xp THIRD OGDEN PRECINCT. Th Hat and ttta Swan. 4:40 a. m 2:15 p. m Leave (Irand Junction Justice of tho Peace A. Perrin. 8:80 a. in 5:50 p. in Arrive lira River fi dreadful when the Durtos storm, D. O. Sullivan. Constable :10 8:50 a. m Leave fireen Hirer p. m river Tyno had flooded the country all Arrive FOCRTH OODKN PRIWTNCT 2:50 p. m 12:20 a. rn Provo of Jnrtice Peace Val Gideon. the 8:10 p. m 12:20 a. in Leave Provo around, a r.nmber of people were assemH. E. Steel. Constable 4:30 p. m 1:45 a. m Arrive Salt Lake masses of the bled, watchiug hngo 4 :45 p. tn 2 09 a. m hay Leave SiOhLnko nCNTSVTlLE PREfTNCT. 6:00 p. m 3 a. in Justice of the Peace Anmis McKay. swept along in its rapid course. At Arrive Ogden Constable George E. Ferrin. length a swan came in sight, struggling LOCAL TBAim EDEN PRECINCT. sometimes for land snd at others sailing OODKN AND SALT LAIB. of tho Justice Peace E. B. Frorer. in its (stately inauner along with the tor8:45 p. n. m., 3:30p,m Leave Oftden, Constable John Gould. SO :30 6 12 p. m., p rent As it drew near a black spot was m. Ketumiug arrive Ogden NORTH OGDEN PRECINCT. observed on its snfcwy plumage, which m. 80 a, m. Justice of the Peace James Storey. BINQBAH. Constable James Deamer. the spectators were astonished to find Leave Salt Lake, 8:25 a. m., returning, airive BABRISVtlXB PRECINCT. was a living rat; and it is probable it Salt Lake, t :30 p.m. Justice of the G. Rawson, had been borne from its dwelling in AHKKICAX rOEK, PROVO, SrKDIOVILl.B AMD Coustablo J ames H. Taylor. THISTLB. some hayrick, and,' seeing the swan, PLAIN CITT PBBCDICT. S M p. m Leave retarninc, arrive had hastened to it for a refuge. On the Ogden 12 Oirden Justice of the Peace :3U p. m, Constable Josiah B. Carvor. J. H.BKKNETT, bird arriving on land the rat leaped off IXC. DODGK. Geo. Paaa. Aift, Gen. Manager. BTVERDAXB PRECINCT. its back and scampered away, but a man Jnstioe of the Peace Richard Dye. ' having no respect for the sagacity which Constable John Parker. the rat had displayed killed it with a PINT All PRECINCT. New Mail of York his staff. blow and Justice of the Peace Timothy Kenr'adl. Constable Byron L. Bybee. Express. Shart Line to Park City . BANESVTXXB PRECINCT. Justice of the Autographta Treasure. Wilson Ponlter. the Among the treasures of the two literPBEASANT VIEW PRECIKCT. ary societies of the university are many Justice of tho Peace W. II. CrandaU. Conatable-Georvaluable and interesting letters. On and after October 24. 190, pasaenser and ge H. Maycock. : follow as trains ran will freight of these a BLATKRTJ,LK PKECIXCT. pile through epistles rASSSMQEB TBAtKS. Jnstioe of the Pence James Ilutclun. at the Phi Cappa hall were found many SflOa. m ConstabloWohn J. Hutchins. letters from men who have immortal- LeaveSaltLsko 4 m Leave Park City MARRIOTT rUBCINrT. .) p. ized themselves Clay, Calhoun, Web- Amve at Park City l():30ara Jnstico of the Peace Simon F. Halverson. 6:30 p. m Arrive at Lake Salt Lee. ster, Ilayne, Davis. Constable Caleb Parry, They are their VUEIOHT TRAITS. JUTNNB PRECINCT. letters of acceptance of honorary mem- Leave Salt Lake... 7 0 a. m Jnstlee of the reace reter L, Shemer. 4 0 a. m bership, or in reply to some letter for- Iave Park City Constable James Harrop. 12 HW p. m at Pnrk City warded them by the society. The most Arrive 8:45 p. m Arrife at Salt Lake Vn.SON PRECINCT. beautiful of aU and in fact it might Twelve eubnrban train daily between bait Justice of the Peace P. P. Bingham. City and Mill Creek and Suirar Hooee. be prononnced one of the most lovely Lake Constable Daniel N. Drake. All to Park City will find it to letters ever written was a letter of ac- their people WIST WEUER PR1XINCT. interest to take this linn. Office and Depot: Justice of tho Peace J. W. Hurt. Corner 8th Sonth and ceptance of honorary membership in the Main Salt Lake Constable street, City. Joseph llos.ce. Phi Kappa society, written by Theodore T. J. Mackintosh, G. F. ni P. A. mxpiiR PRccrxcT. Banner. O'Harm the poet Athens (Qa.) Justice of the Pcaco-Jam- es Johnson, (instable Francis M. BnluRp. hotels, aud CAPITAL, gin 3.-- UHS tiw BrMm i iid R Hutt-lc- g, -- JWYJERS. QiDES arii.i.A. I. 0. 0. F. Meet, every TaeMlay avenio io Odd Fellow! LU. TaeutHourUi UeeU ViwUa, tmileil MACMILLAN. ATTORNEYS AT UW. OfCce: Washinftoo Ave.. Cvdrn, Utah. Joaa k.tfB,jr,S.. a large burr oak tree in which about a pint of pin oak acorns had been stored. of the American Association. T- Ba," wenty-four- boaM6. 4AM N. KB ; i O. O. I. El. V A CD H. AI4.U0S KIMBAIL. Oince, over Utah National Bnk, corner of WaKUin?ton aveuue and Twenty-fourt- h street, JACOB 8. BU..LMAN. pANTON, OGDEN NO. t, PATEIABCH ALLISON, ATTC RN E Y c I. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Office, R. BEYWOOD, Ogden. Utah. t, RANsroED SHTTB gMITU 4 J" RICHARD C0ZUR DE LION LODGE, SMITH. a' 33 The above socletv will hold it inoetinw Knk-h-t of Pythin. hall. Twenty-fourt- h (over Stanilard building) every Thursday eve at Lalf past seven sharp, until further r Application forms may be obtained frt tjr. Dr. Percy A. Cook. 2.l, Washington nvenue. ftojouruinir brother cordially invited. Percivai. J. Breatt, President. ZT.l W,h Ave. Eaert OaLETT, Secretary. , lUhLtIS-AI-LAW- x?aSk "nd Flrsl Ivatjonal I21LTli!lJ?ilZir UMrr "5- - T)U.TI10aS.BULMER. LEGAL BLANKS Doctor In M,dicie.. Ma.ter in Sunrery, L. S. pcblisbeb and fob s.u.e sr SURGEON-ACCOUCHEU- Royal Colle?o of Fnrpeona. Erriand: Fellow Society Aria and Scioi.ce, Ix.ndon. Formerly qnarautine odicer nnd auperiutendeDt for New Zealnnd and Melbourne, Victoria. Address or Ave. cull at ZJi Washint,-to- n COTTINGHAM. p 'PHYSICIAN AND Tltr lillj tUjljltlil'LVlj 2101 OO.NVETANCIXO SPECIALIST. In connection with irnnral practice, (rive spociul attentiontoduensesoculiartofemalea discasesof the genito urinary organs, diseases of tin ret tum, viz. : Piles, fistula, fissure and ulceration; diseases of tho ear. nose, throat and chest. Consultation froe. Ollico over Poatoilico. Telephone 209. R?!!!!3!3.: DENTIST. 570 Warranty Deed, short form.. 571 Warranty Deed, long form. . . 40 nnitj.lo;m TWil 450 leal LstateMort go,ehort I rm S75 Option Contract orm Twiocn for Dotsl 0 Iiondfv 100 Discharge of Mortgage 500 Trust Deed.......?.?. c. a. Tcsn. r',L',;" R. w FASIS. 1 125 300 376 501 502 379 FARIS, rpUSH CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, Plans, specifications and estimates prepared and work superintended. Maps, pints, tracings, bine prints, etc., etc., executed on short notice). Rooms 8 and 4, Union block. No. 362 Twonty Fourth Street, ORdon, Utah. 475 476 76 377 BOYNTON 572 WATER HOT HEATER ! 78 2 10 , TJephoae A A B C A A A A A, A A A A A A A A BLANKS. A A A A MIKIKQ BLANKS. 323 350 400 401 r v mm r IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, DOYLE & HALVERSON, Ave. Call and Ret prices. 23)4 Washington A A. A A BLANKS. A and Oath C Chattel Mortgage A Marriage Certificate Promissory Notes, Books of 50 and 100. Receipts, Books of 50. Rent Receipts, Books of 100. Drafts. Books of inn. Other Blanks constantly being added 10 me a Dove list. 377 75 325 Plumbing and Gas Fitting . Mining Deed Notice of Location of Claim. Proof of Labor Power of Attfy to Locate and Sell MISCELLANEOUS Official Bond S. M. PRESHAW, UNDERTAKER ft. .rt t 11 in - IW a, irt?d And Funeral Director Metallic Casket and Wood Caskets and Special Attention paid to Kmbalmtn nnd Preparing Bodies for Shipment. Order .1, nMm...i I have tyt k the only Heare ia the city. Tele no. lis phone Collin 'IB Y A l U 1 mm U panpMet of iufcrmaUon. and ab- 9 T JawawaVf mi -- Z- 7Z Sbb VJ WJ 4 Jvemis, 'lTMe1 nrst-olas- s PRINTING INKS! T T):a Prni , A A A Affidavit for Claim and Deliv- ery personal property Undertaking on Claim and Delivery of personal property 526 Undertaking for Return to Dett, Claim and Delivery personal property 77 Complaint on Claim and Delivery, personal property.... i i'. A 525 (OP . Administrator's Bond Executors' Bond Letters of Guardianship Order Appointing Hen ring. . . Testimony of Testimony of Applicant Order appointing Adm'r commissioneb's court blaxks. Summons Sheriffs Sale Constable's Sale Order for Deft to oppear and show cause Citation for Garnishee Affidavit for Citation for Garnishee Writ of Execution DISTRICT COURT Tho Host Improved and Economical Beater in the Market, Ticket Broker's WJ' and1 r, ' i " c "a niOEATE COUKT BLANKS. Watliinton avenue over Ilorrock Teoth without plates asd savins; natural teeth a specialty. No toeth or roots too bad to be saved by filling or crowning. Siocial attention given to children's teeth. Office, A Sons store. BLANKS. 3 Assignment of Mortgage.,.. 51 Bill of Sale E. SNOWDEN, 2127 Pfl ILbLIOllLMj W Avenuo, Oeden, Utah Washington A. Ci UTAH. OGDEN. SMITH. Ai l.auk H. W. MIUTAX1 F. sons op bt. geoege. QRDee ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Offiea0Twonty-fourtht,e- 0. 0. J Meet every Tneaday and Friday evenln Odd Fellow Hall. Member invited. F. W. Lewis, Captain R. C. Smeao, Clork No, 2 KM V osl.ington avenne, s. Ogden. Utah. . Boncht, ITT F, UNION LODCENO. 6. weer. every neanfaaay evenint In Q ' ,w,,nt",ourln atreet. .tVijouril i. uiutun,uiiwti .lauding roraiauy invito S. Kapp, K attid. Joum Bradshaw' See. JIMllALL 4 Peace-Const- able Railroad and Steamship The exeavatton In which the acorns were found had been made by woodpeckers, and was in the most solid part of the tree. Mr. Robertson says that, according to Chambers, there was 893 years' growth of wood over the end of the cavity, yet all the acorns were as fresh as Railroad Ticket if only pnt away by the birds er squ' I .kr.mj ,m .11 St. liouis 'MttU, rela the f dl before. Repuhl C 844 Tvrout 1 i Practice in the District Court and all th auiouroiaf btvtLera an Peronnal attention Kivra to collurtion. Keinember the place, in IWry'. woMieo huild cordially invited to attend. L"U- - K G' Inc, near meat t'.iou of ('. II. Onvuweil A Bru., W.L. APAaa. Eec ifil ;, 1 straet. Otf.leo, l iah. P. O. GEORGE W. JONES, Member LODGE M-- ntJds resaririna eTenr Monday niaht at - o clock in Odd Fellow. Hall, Tweat. All fourth .treeu g Soma Old Acorns. once found a cavity in C R. Robertson E.S.LCTT.N.G.! I. car. CRESCENT court. Utah Central Railway Rum-raapn- mmmim. cortiuJlj'J C' T' am ti poriiIHjnFof to. fount t L. E.SAlkDua.bcrUa. Tium . F. Vwlio brytW are LODGE SO . . JEOXiRD 4 Hu-T- . LrosAPD. i. r. Ex4.'biul Justice Sc.reuK Court. o. 0. 0. I. ARCHITECT. jsn-.- ji , ENCAMPMENT NO. . JJINTAH L. STAI B. Omaha. Railway. oLi it.. H.V Bank Xji.nttl 1 L ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Chicago, Avrake Byv. J:K. R. WHITE. Denver, ry Vfld a rut 17 . f I.tali. Ofr.res, riKrtr buJiiuif. Cvuro. c. To the theatre manager of this country w commended a new form of H. C. BKJKIW. Preaiiient. chair for vm in tbratjva, music balu, JOHN A. 1MIVI.E. Tim Preaideat A. P. B1UELOW. CatOuar. tc., which is now being introduced into 80LID VESTIBULE TRAINS Enjclaud. This chair i alreatly in ns in several theatres in Germany, and Is Interest Paid on Tim and Saving Deposit. intended not only to prevent panic in cneeof fire, etc., by enabling the audi. ence hi pain the exit doors more easily UTAH NATIONAL BANK, official than hitherto, but also to allow of the theatre and members of the audi- Uslen. Utah. nc to move with freedom from one .Lincoln, p!are to another. For this purpose the seat and back of United States Depository. the chair are free to move, and are connected aiiiubly together, ao that by . lOO.OOO. means of a countcrbaknee weight a CAPITAL, mere torn h of the hand will canse the FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS SURPLUS, . . . $125,000 seat and the back to move simultaneousON ALL TRAINS. Interest Paid on Tims Deposit. ly on hinges to a vertical position, the seat by nii; insand thelac k by lower- Our J. E. D001T, President. ing, thereby allowing free paasage alon Attach bd to ui Thiocsh TtAiPt L. B. Adah, W. N. Srillino. or thntuuh the tiers. The very idea of Vice Prosident. Cashier. fiich a devi.-e- . when the absurd amount tor rarther Information eoueent!ig chit or addrcrx to Ticket Axent, tf int."i7iVc!!!( nee and annoyance suffered Una, apply suy War ken W. Coibt, Wu, V. IlEi.FBirn, in c imperative patience by the ordinary Premdent. Caliier. ORO, W. VALMKY, Tnco. and Manager. RomsoN, visraises is consi"lerel, up theatregoer ions t.f ci :nfort and pleasure which it sterns hard to believe will ever be realized. New York Telegram. A (KwlUrn eojduklij i'tX. & 1 U. W. at T JO. '"r"T,T'wdaveeiiim; untnt tu .iLmd. Tst , IilEECTOKii: Rio Grande Western 0. A. O. WHElXtH " i. SECRET SOCIETIES. ARnJITECTS, m OGDEN. UTAIT. Kansas ut l.ird M rw". a till i a. - - tai-4.- . J E. l. KP.wv. 1 Cr-ii- mvx-- i Ctutlr far Thaatraa. 40TE 1 Ok MAN DEt J. K.T. I yooi j th St. Louis, L a. OGUKX, UTAH. Ft'uU gentlt-ma- fT"Oior a 4 twwra lj,i If'rrt. ttr uiclA. trrcm. ax-- Arii IV mart-iCo-- unit ai:l.ii. a Wlar Mwrtti.. Ha4 TMi CC.TR'CTORS A?0 EUILDIir.S. atHu, r. t Paid Oe want to inak' your picture." S) we returned to my room, and the handsome collie aat for his portrait. Iaupra4 . H.ijiMJfct. ImUV H. O. Harknesa, J.C. Arcwtruuc. ttm Oraad Caana o th t"t trr krrasiaula 1 lavid Ixrlt. T. A. V naVi-Uw bMUtllui Mkbiaa Kvu, aUirk Urai)', U. liuclimiiirr. Mk aWia aed Mvt-ryo- l Cooant. Henry aU t f dtf lihL Ux aualyoa rtw wcjiie. lotso. r:itrr u UPDIIO (or Brvaktwt ander Mt Bhata. for dluni. aiasoa.4SHLAKU BANK, tmtnm. btt aptei. "Ah, he's a canny creature, air! He that dog, air. the Lit t r. i M. IstrM alluard aa T.a IVj;la. citztU ii.Mt.-t- i. lt- alalia. B - imm un rpiKciscoASD exprd knows a xnony things, dBut come awa", nrnn, J. ONLY 3GHOURS r. inu-lli-no- Jaair ert ilrer? ir alJ to i ft tae !ae. t k tbe end Cif it Utirri hi Ltmi mf i r.r, Ike UU te tlbtvrle CaliforaU lUiae af Uaaieaa, ainl drKd it out of tha vr-- a lm4 t the Pair Aftr I La.1 t.t:riiI U dr r'a p abrre tartfair 1 him if he (Uiwjt Lis dug ra.H rwaie t aa4 aeier rloj. wuaU b- i'oit f a tiuif. a I wi&hed The trm kr.i'4- - atl JtCM,3 I '.aa. AiT - i-- R.A.K. AKD F.L'ILDER. UHAi:HT4 r-- aa fcAK-iUW- a. COMRACTCR GENEKAL HANKING. iuad a vry tnxrfvl kerh i ti u fecrraut taa rjrtelt Car cnan. I ut 1-- w I Lad C uirhf 1 it th d..? O'rr ai.r ti m aura, d tta ic.y eunta t h Ww.f'-- J h aul Ua f3i Ad a pw-pLjl. wrcti-iClty W tar (Krai tilt a' Uas n... u- -l of aaii. Ta' it tuun. uk it tuat-- r ' tut '', A. 800.000.00 - Fnuiii'-- 1 !!' t- - WS'laT M fcwet rd-t- J W inux-a-. lu WtHi Am u! CnrW Sam h5 fri.... Am OA4 Ex-i T.' SOU i mmmmi mm iiii . Loagal Blanks of all kinds for sale a ; the Commercial Office. vawTMrt j f.n, . . vw "TO- n.r;o .- iacMTrPrTATi at J airiyft ana select stock of Standard. Fine and 8mrflne News. Poster and Job Inks. Roller and Tablet-In- g Comiiosition. Sizes and Tarnishes also kept in stock. ih!!e in need of inks wiil ao wi. buy of The Iouukciaj |