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Show C Tl A4v2Cr rrt? Ja fir. rliii.y H f ltr ii a a Li.tii. ijjfs U.st Wef-.-- l p;.'-- f y Ascerh.-- s CoiuptW sl.iL f.V.j.i T.i.l,rvi s th Pulfcic !ve fprotouc'.t! r i - kili icu i.hh. 2l, t.ti 13 I 'tail, ( xuiu! beautiful 'JfciV axab! Lcxs poer cn l fall kinds of industrial progn-s- j. Mr. IL M. Jjrvi.- oJ family arrival oa M n hy Lit and are froui Itit-Rset! I vl ia their lit hue-,uili picase! with th td-y- . Mr. Jjrus brought him from Hrletia a l.';ka herd of 'Cdil j.s.v rattle which have taken veral priV at the stat fair !. J hi II. i Jlout, MwomU, Hi., ted !l;c:ii' a' .'U Thev ill f jr:u p:rt of .h tunny a'tr''(i Win.!- l,i.'it tho conteup! 'ed fnrm ut t!;t Brar Umr C r..- - v':i Mr. Sh the' pauy Will exhiitt. Jii.('.oti buiiki , .Li tVriniM t! t.!iort time B'ii, w.ls w ih t!u' situation ami pnj-of t!ie n'.y thv. l flii i.t) liumeMi lots, t he iwe for hinif!r, llit' ntlior for his fri. SUa.S. y, the Honry letrutI Affi Ciin explorer. A syuiiiruto cf tha fchrew.l Ijiuir.psip anJ rtiffj-io!.;-uicii of Ok-City bouiit iitle a nuniU-- of fin-t- rvRtly "lass lots here, ar.J tlit- oration of a 0t-- l oa gome of tlieaj in t;ilk J of. We holpdl Option acil now l)'il.n ran help uh, iiiul at thu same timo U true to own iiiurti8. V. V. 'a.kia ao l Honry If vtri-jktwo niercliai.ts of Cklrinn, havo here an J resumed buiir.usH at - a u i ..r ! viitl j.lt'-i'-.- puic-liiimt- i-- .l r nr , oM-ti-ii- e tlllH X10t. Th klow is f;int 1iFapj.p:riii? and thore is not a record of a hibulo animal lost, oa tha run,Te liuiitiK the vuntor. Tho citizoiia lira proparint; to hold tlifl turcit)i in "hit;h jinks" to of tho water to the canal next month. crh-brat- CoiiiNM.. I'r. l.u'hiz if Sau Fi ancico. Co., A pcti'.i.tn Ficnod hy tliousiiiids of the residents of Utah has bwii roceivod by l the old't and most Kurojusan BleMalk-:t- j that tlioy iho:ill j,'ran(, tho conof an Utah rsidontji opportunity &- - .rx.i:, ilti S;viJ -- t-- kawa KkIiiv U il "I r, Ixsto-toi- il arTrt-;ksi- if oris. tyjf mi. mux m LOME E ii.t'-'.d-- r.-- i.h u;.i .ucsL M' at-ii- rl S. J. (Wnirt, tvitln..l.c tei.ti!ifL El.tor '.! ! j.j i j. , ':i-io- hi.-;-t. hays; Win. Harcombe's , j.iU. ii art, mii'v. l.ave l- aforn.i Ivr 1 la-- -- tit, rt id .p ia the kmi, Suir."jr, pnrJ-are- . rvt,'. ir.h - j the truiu'r jvtH-- ta It lie feirpV. fcV and sure; it s thv- - Vitil t tik afid r. l.jf ity uj th or'ois i UojTal y tUi!n-- . aud J I "or f "tl.i-- r uch $ant-- al is the f I'.a ai fi a-- M Ortv'v 1!.u:i;aix Juitr, i::l:tT. 1. I !, l.r lli.fr '.scy ad oiuiuioa Lniof ifig j Lich to jxj fcwii:tKa i..: rLtvl Or, trrv tiie oetraU,J rTjrrfuliy bnar v-V- lj SuLi of tL? But ttfcl.vr' , i l ia IMi!or JlsVriiiirk. m kl- 'y at. 1 f jru'L!y P.jiLi-.!.- . iijjl . .' :.txtiaycf tauLt it mil t). puji.l i'j tL Ptulj r. Lt L,'.rt,f kuris kl a t . r.v. sr.i limaoi ut Fwtn-- h Lr a i.rt!. ( li- -. ! rnvJt of tLtrf09 ictLs LLrrJ raiA tri-j- a ri.a A :kr lie t iii. AIDES DA1L V COMMKKCIAL: FRIDAY, FKiiltrAKV 20, iv. p..i'.u!.:rs ;..jj!y to Sitt j'ti. Uujj. ; 1B(. PlilV j id and IVb. TL? '.Votll Harir&ei. 17, The fscilities of ibe f reseat day for I9 11 sell for two days only prsJuctioa of cvrrytiiing 11 t will ceu-iu'.- e to tie jateii--J c!a.t aid coszfort cf Kacllnd are alraosi tinlioitej aud lit-- t viiu.li Utrds, 2J ceeli!, worth 35 v l:ca Fyrrp cf r?:" r first projjc.d l e wcr'.i ttu enrichel villi tlie orjy 7'J mirror. 'St centj north 40 cents. ;x"rfi.-c-t laxative as it li tie only 2"j cfut1, Fo4i!t:tT Dct-tr.orih 15 IVJitH. nntedy vtitli ii tru!y pleasing end 11 ei.t., worth Oi U& .ti hrutli, .':.sl:;ng ta the taste and prompt ano liMi.uier.:i"i-'iiti4- . Stifl horl!iWeifijt. e.Ti ctaal ta ek.icse tlie l systea jjfJ'Jy ia chaiu'n-C paiLIiO cents, worth e f pnrg t:n;e or, ia fct, ct aisy tin:1.--r.-- U eejilR. I'.i!h 'eite watte batktt, 2-- cent, the better it L ksowa tlie u.crc pep-!j- worth !' it bt comes. Tao do; en clothes pins, 5 cents. Ikath i'roin Ki iiiry I)istas NOTIONS. li th ir.f rtuiu;1 and untiiueiy end in of thouK..uild of t!i. An'ri.-urxopV p:!ers of good pins for 5 cents. 3 palters of safety pins for 5 cents. uunually. Oregon Kid nry Te;i is jruar-anlto urt all fonim of Kidney :i papers of carpet tacks for .1 cents. ' bunche of truubios. Take it in tiui hair pins for 5 cents. 25 good slat Miicils for 5 cents. The Umitost Strike. 2 thimble for .1 cents. 1 A:noii the great htrlkw ll .".t of Dr. quire of gixnl wilting paper, 5 cents. 25 g'jotl envelopes for 5 cents. Miles in tiincowring hi.i New Heart Cure has proven itttlf to )x nno ot tho mot important. The deiuard tor it hau Art Nrcdlework Materials. become iistouisl.ing. A"vady t he treat2 do.-.-skeins imported artiscne or ment of h"rt ilicasH is i'irg re vol No. 2 chenille, 25 (rents. n:id many unexpected cures '.I skeins fast color wash silk, 5 cents. etl'ctL It soon relieves ;hort breath, 2 balls marking cotton, 5 cents. fluttering, pains in Fide, crms, thoulder, silk per ball, .TO cents. knitting weuk ai.d hungry sjwlln, oppression, 25 per cei;t. discount on all stamped RwtHing of ankles, sniothcring and iiaeiis. heart tlropny. )r. Miiit.' IkhJ: on Heart These bargain sales w ill le conlinuvd and Nervous diseased fre. The New Heart Cure is sold and every week at the guaranteed bv 11, A. Walker. Also his IU'etorativo Nervine fir headache, tils, ( sprees, hot Hashes, nervous chills, opium 2.'V2 Waiihingtin Avenue, near corner habit, etc. Twenty-thirstreet, East Side. Dr. (5. W. Corey's oiiiee u room Xo. 12 llroom IIoU'l. W. II. VOORHIKS. j Offer. Exceptional ttiii;;i:::tH!Mi.ii!irttn:it::i-tKiiii::iiii!U!i!iiii!:- t i:ii:i::!jiimu uiiiiimitmiitti :Ti!in:iii;i!.iiii;tMttiiii!T)f!t.irHiitiiiii -- l I d )dcn Ji'oni now .until .March lirst will bo niado a "CLEAIJ "UP" occasion with us, with lnovinir prices on everything. Ifuv these few days you inav revel in luxuric?s ancl necessaries, stripped of everythino"l)utt he intrinsic worth yourSown need or disire laces upon them. Choice tailor-madsuits and overcoats, lino furnish- inu&soods, hats, shoes, umbrellas and alT't Ik? choice necessities poquired bv every rent leman arc on our counters at 25 to iO poi ccjnt. discount, including "all our highclass goods." Do you want them! I I r r.-r- :?-- - I e 1 Prop. v "Drs. Freeman & Durrows, Salt Lake, have a branch oilieo every Saturday it Uroom hotel, Ogdeu, for the treatsult with tho old U.Kjt jr hhnsolf, who at frraduatotl in 1S1:J and is known ment of diseases of the eye, ear, noso, all over the world as tho most threat and lungs. Spectacles accurately tilted, 'difficult cases solicited. Cilaw skilled, learned and rapablo cpo eves inserted." February 2 and 2i at Uroom WAL'l'KH IUiANI, PltO. llotol, Otfdon and Clift House, Suit L ike Head the Sunday Commercial. February "7 and 28, are the days ap-pnow. n ted. A CLKAX.NKAT, special Notice. Patronize tho, new Commercial book first-class There is cothing in n name, but in a OYSTER DltWHOTSE bindery, whero you can pet work at Omaha and Lincoln prices. bottlo of Wisdom's Robenine there is a t world of salibfactiou and pleasure to from 1 to C p. m. Dinner SIllJ, of Itwhitons ladies tastonndrclinouient Sudden Deaths. and beautifies the skin without the inGIUNTAVE, (XJDEX Heart disease ia hy far the mot f effects that attend the use of cause of sudden death, whicli in jurious evivisible most cosmetics. The nly throe out of four cases ia unsuspected. dence of its use is a beautiful clear nnd Tlie symptoms ore not generally under- healthful complexion. Every lady using stood. These arc: a habit of lying on it recommends it to her friends. the right eid; short breath, pain or distress in side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, aethina. weak and hungry spells, -' TILLwind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough, and smothering. Dr. Miles' illustrated book on Heart Diseases, free at II. A. Walker OGBKX, UTAH. who sell and guarantee Dr. Miles' un- FRANK MOXKOE Manager and his New Heart Cure, equalled Restorative Nervine, which cures nervousness, hadwhc sleeplessness, effects TWO GREAT SHOWS IN ONE of drinking, otc. It contains no opiates. Wok Commciioinji THE- w ill Sub-Bcril- Wni. Restaurant, e AKD-fllOR- 1 1 1 1 I ' T I - 1 THE German I - Department Store suoee-Shfu- 1 J-Iaico- iiibe, 2475 Washington Avenue, Ogd'en. c ;(i!niiiitini!iiL!Hi!ri;iniiii;iii:i:iiiii;niiiii:iiiiiiiii!MMMiiiiiii!iiiiiiiM 'A 1 iiTniimm" O WILL CONTINUE 1n IJW th 1 G . Swedes. Take Notice! Urnmatic W'M. (JARRISOX'S J. sensational, The sweciisn .Mgnnngaies. wno are 10 double ami fpiialtv C(minat ion. i will sing in Ogden Saturday and Monday next "JACK THE RIPPER" lie and moht !e national in Fenpa- their dress, sing produced. lositivply appear drama ever written. many songs in their native language. YM.tionnt f. UAKRISOX, tmsatioriHl author nnd The many Swedes of Ogdea are full of actor. interest over their coming, and will see MISS LILLY HAMILTON, the bewitchun; to it that their native singers have a fine foi) and dance ui tist. audience. It surely will not lack hi en- Talented Fketcli artists, JOK V," , and MAY r.LANfilE. thusiasm. February l A America' s greatest scrio-oimKI LA COXKL1X. ' Minstrel Mapnets. JO:T UETIREO YESTERDAY. : ; i ' .nijer, MARCH WHOLESALE st. I Gliffi, Importers and Jobbers. Ajp ; Great Special Clearance bale AT COST. MISS I lit" :T ALLET AND WILL UiUi ci i iium iiuuu; Manntactnrcrs in V'tnli. KAYMUND. MISS LILLIAN CARROLL. Mr. Skcen Resigned His Coinnolion Dashing sonhr-'tThe hein'l; i ikirt ami Spanish dancers :i With the Union. r.v;.i... eisTKRSa. urns and dnnce artists, MISS PRVRL Mr. Moroni Skecn, who has been bus- t)i: Ai.iJlNK. iness manager of tho evening Union for Last week of the popular sketch artists JIM ROYLK. DALTON AXUCLiR-some weeks past, yesterday resi.ro-.- -l and reiini'd son? aad dance artist. MISS from that position and will dev ;.e his The L1LL1E MORRIS. stock attention to his large land and mnin-staYVHirPLK. That's y hrMi tha ;n Skeen business. Mr. been has he of the paper 15 J.0VEL SPECIALTIES 15 w ith it. 20 JO PRETTY - GIRLS Jim Williams is Sick. and Fifty Cents Twenty-Fiv- e Jim Dalton, Manager of George Kess-le- Popular Prices, Seats in Boxes Fifiv Cents. tho Montana champion, yesterday received the following letter from Ed Kel-lebacker of Jim Williams: Salt Lake, Feb. 17, 1301. Putnam Flie House Factoi'v and Salesrooms, v. 2327 WALL AVENUE, OGDEN. Dont Fonret the Time- or - n'iT,a zwtftw tktuttm im ii I Skookam ioot Di'ar Sir: Fleass delay a'l business in Williams' glove regard to Ksssler and fro-nSince con'est until you hear writing you this morning accepting your challenge in behalf of Kossler, 1 am sorry to say that sickness has occurred t in Williams' fantfly, and I am not sure-thaI can get hitu to havo a go with your man at present, but will know evening, when I will wire you. Hoping everything will turn out all right, I am, most respectfully. E. Keij.ky. Olfltliii ce 300 24th Street, Ojxdeh, Utah. r, J. Daltox: One-Pri- b: J4aip GroLUer. iril' ltfJS1'rt'0'- p I It1 Grows Hair Bspidly. Kradicates Dandruff. e Stops Falling Hair. Is a Preventive of Baldness. mm k mm 3 HARDWARE v if, - ... m : 1 r i Grows Hair on Bald Heads. Is an Exquisite Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills Toilet Article. Act on a new principle regulating the Is Free from all liver, 6tomach and bowels through the mnttA nerves. A new discovery Dr. Miles' voioiuig ill l Pills speedily cure billiousnoss, bad 7 ade mari taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation. (Contains noregistered.) Mineral or Vegetable Poisona Unequaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest ! GO doses, 2o It is an honest and meritorious cents. Samples free at iL A, Walker. preparation. Gibson Puis Up His Bail. Nature's Own Remedy. GibChicago, Feb. 18. son, of the whisky trust, who was arRcet Hair Grower Co. rested at Peoria last night, walked into NEW YORK. Judge Shepard's court this morning and for his bail appearance. Fo Salt by oil DioiggUts. gave 925,000 1 Mum Jii (7i I y6 i j:iSJt-?- r, -- Hftn'-r 1 L I" t COMPANY. 3 CD o 1 rD 1 2345 Washington Avenue. j i |