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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 189!. 8 IU7I3I3KRS. ib ov IlV-u-& lLee M aJ gVw tcUtAa It or 'lady. Ut trum the feiju . . 5J irut er,MLia wtrk w tr a pUou in tL Ifcal R oo m fcci . . k K 3 9 K M X K imiurtite rtock of lh tor of Fox wear, and tt Ut.t kaJ tuutt ffcLmUW ctera noitjw ng ua found ta tlaar CITY IN 1IKIEF. WOl'LU Rally I Liberal rally tonight. KiroitM tomorrow cihL TL graad liberal rally tocifibt IVjoH fail to ba oo band tooihL Wert Concert tonight at tba N AcatWny. Soe tba auk dancer tuntorrow nifbt at U.e tirand. Duet forfift the Liberal rally at the Graod tooigbt Tba Liberal holl "ojM-- bouwi" at tba fit had tbia areata'. BaDai a very quiet ywtrJay. Krarjthiuc vaa polite. n fui leaving u'. Int-rv- a Liie uu may. haa reoeireJ a Tba fire dapartm-- nt aataaoorer fur the hoee. Tba Liberal rally Uka place at the firauJ ojH'ra bouse tonight Tba two drum oortia were out last it -- 1 ARCTICS. ia BOTH FOR LADIES'. GENTLEMEN' AND CHILDREN'. GOODRICH tor. Tba aleichiog The Place for Fashionable Footwear! CBKATE SO SUBPBISE. EorToaCoMjiEBiiAU A nothing that happen or possibly can happen will Ogden Liberal, announoeott&U bke tba foUoaicg wilt create no surprise if they appear in the Standard and Union: "A prjointmeou for Kundav. February . 8th. lsyl: T. J. Stevec and Patriarch tthop Turner will preach to the First ward aaicta. The patriarch a Ul also ooufer ail good saint who will rote bUfeMnga-othe mugwump ticket "In the Second ward. Eider T. w ill sing 'Up; A wake. Ye Defender of Ktoo,' and Koon the Kingdom will be 1 313 Twenty-Fourt- t A Y-- 0 ft tLitif h h corn-atenc- All members of the Women's Relict Corps are requested to meet at the hall aa Saturday, Feb. 7th, at 1 o'clock, to attend the funeral of Mrs. L. B. Stephens, from the M. E. church. By order of the Secretary. W. F. Ctsselman, the man who was found dead by the Southern Pacitio track at Taona Monday morning, came to his death, the offical report says, by falling from the platform of the ear. the head wa aevered from the body. Workmen were busy yesterday tringing cross wires over Twenty-hftstreet, south of Lester Park, for carry-inthe trolly wire of the electrio railroad. No poles have been planted in the center of the street there. Subscriptions for Thb Commercial are coming in everyday. Every citizen in Ogden should have the paper. It cost but seventy-fiv- e cents per month, delivered at your house every morning. Leave your name and address at the business office, 2404 Washington ave. Bta la MmioBaof Bmbmw Among the latest business enterprises 40 laars th Standard Collection E. Ogden J. Agencv, atbe and It ftnnArinr .XAAltairA nrnnn in mlllinaa nf Room 50 homes Son, First National Bagley for more than a quarter of a century. It Bank building. J. E. Bagley will at- i naed by the United State Gnvmrnmrat. Endorsed by the hesda of the (ircat Uniwraitio tend to the law department and Harry M the Strongest, Purest, and most IleaithfuL Bagley is manager of the collection de- Or. Price's Cream Bakin Powder does not contain Lime or Alnm. Sold only partment Both gentlemen are capable in 1 ana. Ammonia, rnUCK BAKISCi rvWDKB VO. ell recommended. and co Iiw York. Saa Francisco Hi Lani. mm vmim Chicago, ic .il ten V. fuut-dr- otir tiore and try nvf cdi'i . W cm. avaJ kitha. C"t ua. la L&JxV ra Wor is 4 a. J J 1 Og-lec- FOOT 1IOLDJ. X W. W. FUNGE. SOLE AGENT FOR 1 tod puspa in tka i iJt y U oxkl sum U 8 titr vac ()u rucj wt-r- e O otLrr was ta a IK Street. h WANTED. 'STE1-- A Of tXR KTEEN lik. a utiuuua. &Mim J. & w MO 1 OrLO UT a kit ELV ll'KMSHED fuitfu euhnauctil to ujt all aowiML WEhundred HAVE NEARLY ONE AXTEO-- Leu 'ANTED different kinds of in stock and can Stoves Heating suit almost anybody, both in style and price. We propose to keep at the head of the procession and will that will satisfy always make prices our customers.-1 win Ka KTtbtKiTS. HOBTHAM Bus UV. Aifatiwa eutnpttaatt. Urlt Cut. FOR RENT. iil&L ANTED TO 1.ENEKAL DO 2 aaa. Aiil) at imw Linoula AVU fclllLL. HOOKS IN ALL of U citjf. SMITH k JONES. EEXTINO AUENCV. I AKl.K 1 4 ian ffaliiiitna 10 "In the Third ward the Prophet Kidgely will give out the opening hymn, There ia a rVat of Fat Thing for the a ie ISTo. SHOE DEALERS, THE EXCLUSIVE CO.'S, K ndendeut Mugwump Preparing." "Elder A. LitUeheld w ill preach in the Fourth ward. Subject: The Apostate' Duotu,' a la Paul liarrimn.' " "In the Fifth ward. Rev. J. W. IL atgbt atrouaiiing candidate Ttxt: 'How Good it ia to see Brother P. J. Darrett U cofiiied to hia bed by Frank and Me and the Saints Dwell in Lme Together." S aevere attack of broucbitia. -At Mound Fort. W. S. will expatiate W. IL Ifarrey ia at the Hot Spring on the 'little stone that was cut out of aiijoyioff tba benefit of tba balb. the mountain without hands,' and will Tba "Citizens' People'" party will aing 'Down Went Mctiinty.'" Read the names of the candidates on aara a matiooe tomorrow afternoon. the straight Literal ticket and be con been baa The Waaatch hotel reopeued vinced that Ogden' best interests will be by Mr. Laahui, tha former proprietor. looked after. Those candidates will "get Darid Evan i expected home to- mere, fcJi. When Mormon school trustees have day, and will speak at tba Liberal rally full control of the public schools, how toatighU Oentile teacher do they hire? Over ninety peraona will taka part in many few. How many Apostates? None; Very will whom be of moat tha Kirmeaa, ubhkbvf.r. no,irrro! young ladle. A, VY. H. Wright Son Company offer Order of Bnnliiess. apeotal bargain today. Sea their "ad" Feb. 5. The Republican Washington, ia thia taaue. , senators held a harmonious caucus toThere will be a card party tonight at tha reeidence of Mr. D. Kennedy, on night The outcome was the selection of the following measures to be oonsid Lincoln avenue. ered as far na is practicable in the order confined wood ia R. to the lira. E. Hey named: bour bill; copyright; aoaae by ulnea resulting from a tall on Nicaragua bight Canal; Paddock pure food the icy aidewalka. and Conger lard bill, which may be dis The concert at the New Went Acad cussed in connection, although prefer amy tonight will be an extra treat to enoe ia in order assigned to the pure food bill; land court bill; bankruptcy lover of good music. bill; inter state commerce and Pacitio A large for oa of sheet iron and cornice railroad refunding bill. The appropriaon now i at work worker the Urand tion bills and oonforence rejMirU have opera house building. privilege of consideration at any time. Mr. Wurtelle, superintendent of the Nothing was said about the elections mountain division or the Union PuuiHu, bill or silver legislation. haa gone to Cheyenne. Read the Sunday Commercial. Sub Reserved seat sale for the Kirmeas scribe now. continue this morning at 9:30 o'clock. Kot in Sound Mind. Tickets are soiling rapidly. New Some of the members of the volunteer York, Feb. 0. In the Fayer- lira department and their friends will weather will ease today, Elizabeth R. take a sleigh rule tonight Joyce, witness to several codicils of the Don't forget the "Fair" special bulle- will which gave millions to charity, s..id tuat on November 15, Fayerweather was tin on the eighth page. liargain-hunt-ernot able to converse. Ha nnRH-em- l ill be ploaaod to read it formal questions by nodding his head Mr. and Mr. William Gibbons winh to and could hardly use his hand to sign. thank their neighbors and friends for Shodid not consider him in sound mind. shown bereavein their late kindneea ment Spring- Embroideries Yesterday was so genial and suncy Now on sale. S. J. Birt & Bros. that work proceeded nn the dome and front hou e of the balcony upper opera .A I'topoian Dream. block. 5. Ferry, on taking the Feb. Paris, Judge Miner will be at home today chair as president of the senate customs and will transact such business as may ernio up. The grand jury will probably committee today, made a speech in which noaeciareu that the idea of France report an attitude of economic The contractor 0.1 the sewers says he maintaining isolation was Utonoian, and if carried trill have all work on Grant avenue com- out would prove disastrous. Twenty-fourtand pleted between streets by tomorrow night Twenty-tittLeprosy in Wisconsin. The sidewalks about town have been Madison, Wis., Feb. 5. A case of largely cleared of the accumulated snow has been leprosy reported to the state and ice and foot travel is onee more possible without endangering board of health. The patient is a Norlife and limb. wegian woman who recently came from the old She is a of One peculiarity of the loudest advo Buffalo country. and has hadresident a disease, cates of the "Citizens, People's" party in which itcounty, finally pronounced leprosy, for tats city is their ignorance of the history years. The woman has four of this city tor a longer period than eighteen adult children, but .on none of them twelve months past have symptoms of disease appeared. E. IL Wright, superintendent of Brought Valuable Horses. bridges and buildings for the Southern Pacific, is overseeing the construction of Nr.w York, Feb, 5. The steamor a culvert of the Bear River Canal com Richmond Hill, which arrived today pany west of Corinne. from London, brings several valuable The most elaborate tableau ever given in Ogden will open the program of the horses, among them is the celebrated Kirmeaa, and to insure seeing it nil St. Magnus. Ossian, winner of the St. Leger in 18S1, died aboard, the result of e should come early. Exercises will the tempestuous weather experienced. promptly at 8 o'clock. g & AT- - IS OVERSHOES.- 5 3 amatM. BUOM HOI SB FOB RENT- -I rtiR two bi'irks irvm IStrart ear. Eaiuira of B. fc.il il)-6- rl 1 Uurtuu. Mitt. RKNT- -t Nearly 2,000,000 in I'se 2441 "Washington Avenue. !No. 3 4 T wcol !. Sterling and Plated Silverware, Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every descripDiamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. tion. GOOD GOODS. SIGN OF THE BIG CLOCK. 2463 : LOW PRICES. UTAH WASHINGTON AVE. : : OGDEN, rannr, ipom FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. TRY A BOX -- orai- Fine Cnmlicp. & Grand Opera House Buildinjr, 25 10 Washington Avenue. G. CHILD & THY A UOX MOCHA Coffee. A fine Fancy and Plain CRACK ERS Toilet Soaps, Fancy Candles. Bay Rum, Cologne, Florida Water. Try myJAVA line of TEAS. 2111 Washington Avenue. Closing Sale fAH ! A good home is a pleasant Our Corset line includes thing, and to have a good Warner's Coraline, No. 444 home, one needs everything and 222, The Four in Hand good in it. One of the most & W. C. C. Corsets. These essential points is good lights goods are all new, yet we are during these dark days. If offering them at less than you are lacking good light, cost. If you don't need them call on us during the remaintoday you will shortly, and ing part of this week and see now is the time to buy and for yourselves the beautiful Samy; ebeap. U ill tak. a uud aiUrb row aa part rtayroeiit ami bauaall I'aprr tor balance. J. b. Hard. ( omuonual OOice. LOST. BUNCH JOST-- A Ett OK WITH NAME marknl K. J. Strrnot, Nortli Ofdru, Leave at thia oSiea. I' I all. warn mm OODEN, UTAIL FRANK MONROE, OF- - OUT Mavaobb SIGHT! Work I'omnwDcinc Q nd . u February Wgotthn. Tlif fmon European artifU, (ha only S EAKLK SISTERS a, in their virat, Paraaol ann- - ami dance and vnndrrf ul contortion act. fTi.OUO challenge for their aqnal. Don't miM thia treat or half of your Lfe a gone. Their Hrrt appearance in Ogden. Kimt annearanre of the Knock About Kiium JOHN 11 ALL KIT AND RAYMOND. The dancing wonder, MISS PEARL AP.DINE. Eurotw'a (ireatest Comical Musical Art iU, 3 MdKKLAVS 3. d First appearance of the beautiful and Vocaliat, M1S8 LILLIAN accent-plishe- OF MV Herio-Cmn- t'ARKOLi The California duo, CLAKIE PALTON and JIM BOYLE, The Queen of all song and dance artiU, MISS LILLY MORRIS. The iKipnlar oealita, NORA WILLIAMS and wnKur.. Fine Candies. uhair E. FRIEDERICH. Si, TBI HAVE. FOR KALE. A LABiE,, familr htn auii a and aaf MHitxl. - RNITI BE OF A fOVH ( brap for carL. t all at Hlt at rect. mu-U-i I,V)R SALK- -1 X THE LEADING- JEWELERS. DIAMONDS, WATCHES,. CLOCKS, I FOR SALE. SALE-- Fl FOK Fay Belmont, W innie Yeager, Annie Hartley, Helen Howard, Mia Rroughton and Miiia Edwards. Undev the euperrliion of WALDO WHIPPLE BEITMAN BROS., Cigars are TJnequaled. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. Only Sensational Female Minstrels, RICH, RARE AND RACY. The evening'! performance eommeneea at 8 :15 sharp. and Fifty Cents Popular Price. Twenty-Fiv- e Seata in Boxes Fifty Cent. Note GRAND Slaughter Sale! PEICES OF 10 ACCOUNT. save money. Bisque Lamps with circular Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Underwear and Heavy Winter burners, we have been selling Goods Will be Sold for $8.00, and now offer, to reduce our stock, at $4-7Bargains in every Departm't Such a bargain has never been seen before in the TerTo make room for the IMMENSE SPRING STOCK just purchased. ritory. Below Cost Until Feb. 15, We have a large broken line of Buttons. The best pearl buttons at 5c. and 10c. per doz. Dress buttons in iarge variety at cost and less than cost- DRESS GOODS. We have had a big sale on Thermometers since advertising, but still have a few doz ens left which we will offer for the ne"xt three days at the same figures, 20c. worth 50c. If you are wanting a cham ber set now is your time; you will get better figures during the next few days than at any other time during the year. The Putnam One-Pri- ce . Hoose, Clothing 366 24th Street, Ogden, Utah. HARDWARE o at Ladies' Cloths are very If you are near Washington popular for everyday wear, avenue this week step in and and we are offering several let us show you what we have shades in double widths, at to dispose of. 70c. per yard, worth 1.00. We also have other styles of dress goods at correspondingly low prices. Come and see them. R. ROSS. n O in w cu u rj and yi MuLMEH III C3 in f in - r- O ' in W. 6. GELD & SON, 2411 Washington Ave. ! THE FAIR, BOYLE BLOCK |