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Show 7 HEILIYS IN Ml. tVLITKS COSSTITnE THE MUX TOPIC 50W. Tie Smtltt r I'rojwt PatiAc ud tke intoa Hftdtumr far tke Sard Huut Bauldiag. St Jarksua Ateaaa. SailJ t StelL UwuiBtn. I Lota. Mr uua. Si tin roam to b touc tho the ra!(lil -- fart a aaa aaviaia 1 . Rwub Twat?-ia-ti- h ..... atreC ........ A SttS ata. la 0 Good Madia xlC fart sooat at .... .Tbera m ooBsitiermbl talk amuc torn Fir ruda oa 730 8 rod IduM aaeaue, per at tit real estate in regard to the Iraltl fax oa Beach. rooat Wr. ameher project brought into notice yeani) water, cheap, with eaiall caau trdar. Tbe men at tli back of this Bnaiaaai property oa Graat Ansae. iiistltutioo rant to build a ameltof Lere Office rooms fur rent on JI'Jl Street, good and they alio want a considerable rab bonua. Already tums fiVW baa Tw kU is Lake View for 4JS 00 procuisad and tbe matter m to be taken ia N'ofc Hill. Lake View and into aerioua eonsideratioa br aome of lioo--1 harraina AddilManav. ('all and r I .none PnpMt 'our promiaent-businu- w niea. lut. rroprrty ia all part of Ue I it y at However, a hen propoaitiona are made ay to Milt yu. bvmen to locate lnduatruw in a city, and a large bonua is asked against a email inrestment by the locators and that & Washington Aa Keed Dutel Buildio. mostly to "wind" stork, it is well to of such proportions. No redaction ' u cere intended acaiubt the particular few enterprise now under cMuiideration. but it is merely suggested, on general principles, that there is a large clam of men bo have aome money Lift more nerve. who make a business of going from place to place in the west locating so- called manufacturing industries and asking tbe citizena of tbe places visited to put up largtcah and land bonuses. As a rule, these people are mere ecnem era, and it is well to be wary in dealing 8il0 rods on Quincy, nerr 24th St, with them. per rod 4,3 Ogden baa in the past been visited by such schemers, and the results are visi- &xltl feet, corner 24th and Jack son streets 2"X) ble in one case in the Ogden Clay comCOO pany's works. Here is an example 47x132 feet on 23rd street where a nne plant has been ruined and Seventeen rods on corner local cash invested against Quincy considerable ana 'JLftn streets, per rod 200 a schemer a wind and nerve. Men who lota in Ruve addition. point out the immense profits to be made Twenty-fiv- e rrom such schemes ana who want posibetween 21st and 22nd Btreeta. tions aa managers at large aalaries on Cheap and easy terms. tbe property bought and put up largely by local capital should be looked at Several houses to sell on small cash pay ment, ana balance monthly or with careful eye. Look out for tbeni. quarterly. On the 'other band, the citizens of Ogden want to encourage every legiti- Five bouses to rent in good location. mate enterprise offering to locate here and to encourage such. It has been found in eastern cities that donations of & Co. land and exemption from taxation for a stated term of years have given the best 240G WASHINGTON AVE. results in the end in locating successful factories. The smelter project may be all right, and it is surely to be hoped that it is, for Oeden can support large smelting interests, beyond a doubt, and needs such an Olfrra you the following properties: industry here. It the people presenting this project are responsible partieo, ex- t Kfi. Choice Nob HiU lots. XxVH to alley. perienced in the smelting business, aud 51000. On Twenty-fiftstreet, 50x125 to alley, on come prepared to make an investment horse can. of their own money, they should receive $ 500. Per aire. 14 sere, near fnircreity. n 1U cut into ten 2.vrnt lota at f.'iO the hoarty support of Ogden-'- citizens. per lot. Adjoining sold aud selling for Let us hope that such is the case. tXO eaeb, Bargain. Another mutter that is receiving con- $1000. S3xM with two booses renting $18.00 siderable attention from our brokers is mouth. iiw f iimni nl of the Union Pacific head flTiOO. Choice Nob Hill corner, 105xi:t7 to alley. quarters from SalfLako City to Ogden. $ 630. 41xl:w to alley oa Harrkon near Twentjr tifth street. The news from Omaha is bo positive that Prior w ater rights. On mothere is no question now as to the re- $1V. 3i4toracres, line. Unmoval of their offices to Ogden. Twenty-fourton 42x1(i! Fine residence ). doubtedly in the near future the shops, lot. etc., will follow. Ogden is the natural $ 100. Per acre. Fine farm land ; water : in and actual railaoad centre of three tracts to suit. divisions of the Union Pacific system. A BARGAIN. Feed and grist mill complete, on nam street. Uue mile from r. U. on Here the shops should be, and undoubtMotor line. edly will be ere long. best paying property In Ogden for The subject of the benefits to be de- $23,000. The an.onnt invested, leaned for 3 years. rived by this acquisition to Ogden has $ 500. Per foot. 25 feet on Twenty-fourtstreet ousiness. formed the main point in the various discussions on the subject. Hhe great benefit is that it proclaims officially to I hare a largo list of residence, farm and acre the outside world that Ogden is the rail- property, and handle nothing that I cannot see money in for my customers. Am pleased to road and business center in Utah. It substantiates what has been claimed by show at all times. Ogden advocates and real estate men for the past two years. The direct benefit, J. D. GILL, 2404 Washinjrton Aye., OGDEN. of course, is the adding to our population of a few more families and the employment in the shops of a large number of NOW 13 THE TIME TO BUY mechanics and the disbursement here of roll. the monthly pay All these things add to the prosperity of the city and are welcomedjby all of her friends and quietly coMumBTiiiUwL k an JBM-il- Lu for Investments Sausage Works! II. MITCIIEL, L. Si 2I0G LAFRENTZ . & None bat and see us. POOLE, C-.V- h Real Estate! Beal Estate Transfers. Real estate transfers furnished by the Experience of the past three years has taught us that all property bought well at thia season of the year will bring at least 50 per cent, profit Hendershot Abstract office, 2414 Wash- during the following winter. We offer for sale ixe following choice property ington avenue, for Feb. 4, 1891: Fred J. Kiesel,"Mayor of Ogden City, at those low prices : to J. Cheney, part of block seven Ogden Sixty acres in section 10, overlooking- the luuuu ity feet on Twenty-fourt- h between R. C. Lundy to O. E. Maule, part of Lincoln ana wall Avenues, per root.... 275 00 N E of section 31, township 6, range Lots on the Bench 50x130 feet eight blocks 1 west, 16,250. 300 00 irom Washington Avenue H Holther to L J Holther, part of lot Two, acre lots on Thirieth, bear the Park. .3300 00 Lots in Nob Hill Addition Cheap. 1 7,blockl4,plat"C,"l. H T Bowman to J A Wiest, undivided Improved business property paying 12 ZAM 00 per cent, net, leased lor years Y of lota 50, 51, and 52, block 2 of Massa 165x148 feet between J ackson and Quincy . . 1650 00 subdivision, $300. 130 00 J. O. Campbell to Elizabeth A Camp- Lots in Mountain View Addition 8x8 rod corner on Twenty-fourtAlso bell L Wall Avenue nronertv below real value. Total, 16727. 22H acres near north Washington will suooiviue. 66x330 effected. It soon relieves short breath, fluttering, pains in side, arms, shoulder, weak and hungry spells, oppression, swelling of ankles, smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart and Nervous diseases free. The New Heart Cure is sold and guaranteed by H. A. Walker. Also bis Restorative Nervine for headache, fits, sprees, hot flashes, nervous chills, opium habit, etc. Working1 Men, Attention. A grand indignation meeting will be held on Saturday evening, Feb. 7, 1891, to take some action on the proceedings of the late convention. All members of the different trades unions and all other workingmen are cordially invited to attend, at the ball over Wagner's beer Washington avenue. hall, Come one and all as all are interested. Committee. Cheap Lots. Cheapest lota in Ogden, 5 per month. New house and lot $OV, in payments; X. J. Cuofsev, also house for rent. Five I'otnte.Ogden, Utah. If you will call on us ws will show and eon vines you there is money in baying now. REED & BUBGITT. 1 D.WJr.M. Uuy and Sell Real Estate. SU, h UTAH. OGDEN, A number Addition ! of Choice Lots are still unsold in this Favorite Locality, and are now offered for sale at LOW PRICES and EASY TERMS, by R. P. HUNTER, SOLE AGENT, No. 2414 Washington Ave. B. DOtLE, 1 KNTElt I'll IS K HOUSE, Choice MeaU of all kinda, Paolu-y- , tt.li aod . i. in u m. IL'.t' dmuw ntina ttui uaa enoiceat rnoi. Kati.fartMo (uarmnieed. 4ouds Ivhvered Kree. Our order waoa will call for orders if dekiml. r rwtcn and Luc luh apukea. Give oa a trial. ana 24th St., Near cor. Grant Ave. Wrraeaat. A. E. a Balcb 1 Boston Meat Market J5XAL.L KINDS OKSat Fresh Meat, Fish, Toultry and uame in fcxa.son. Orders taken at .luli. Vnnp ifMtp. anil MMit, '.Tit0 city. l'KO.MIT I'rt of athesixvialty. ur Meat DEUVKHY 1 AVfiHhinttton Ave. 1 - MONEY! m mum a W AiniiOk Vowmmmt CHOICE LOCATIONS in all parts of the City. GOOD RANCHES and Garden Tracts. SFHMTY. n a. nl.flr rw H KW r wn oralitlM.wk-rvvran ila la. aa ark W Mart T'H. X rmk. f Hue Ir id, --Mvr-t. Jant tua p.auitifl. ia tba (arlff ttas lnmn uf ta Iemtaa-I taa. ad aaaawr I tm rn Mrnlnf (rom nMTf,r hutiTiaic. rlm"t -- iWtfimrtUwa bWtr lh? Hm. Any k To Ud 'IIUI i; A CO.. ft'KdVJ- -t - aa-tV- fuatJa-act- ai Muwaif upnjr, Ur. y Ailaa4 aaaruiar taevata aad pffafaerty. real s Uaa- pmaaaal a4 as adlu aii ia rafirf. wiiia tusrtaa. witlua iiluta, aaf fvaiarliM. riat-aaf uf oaa (asciuaaaw tho aiay afuw tm a neat mtitr feaaaa. ima aa4aa).an f a.i,U. ua yua of Uaa aua jtaawarrarl if smad) wrLa-- ja Wraia, aaf ail aa u euata-arUua eaaaaty ; aar. af arraad out f taja ala, a km krid, waad r aoniiana by adr at bat sa t Ditnc, witLia tweaty Aasw; aartaaa aodriati laa. or waic aWl al aay Urn tarntafuw forty ayta a jadseatby ssa- -h wy :aea ka aaaiauadl bf r twddL Hwd. orruMi fry ar wiii agauaat yoa, awarding Va Maajt ia ud Uardk I M lUilaay 4 uMy. larsyar saw! -- Hamt km TW a. . i artaoa taruaa-h-t ta edMaia tba yiajr lariaatnidl all aud urtaiiwaraamt; Cmlar ttatiia of a.. ii,av I t fiilaal ara ayauat railway aaf taaaattlw-atriM re.. (IB, ( ity Esulaay 1'oauaaay, ttB uttareat fruai Uaa Sat aui ar tua swot iMvaaftnr araaairal. aad wharB iin ui rajvar aad eoxa of taja arcm. day aaf UctutaM-- , aUnawd aa ba a Piaiaufl far w tawiaa at Uaa aat a4 at Iwmty-Cit- a , , j J xnart, at auaat aaar toe I aataa ? i4 aaid larfrsadaiit aad fur sTuud aad t-saitut tM rwasuac Uaaatta aarf aaaca4 aa sua avaaawt, sen uu. riaaw rl City, atrr u u iaterrtau with Ud furtlKt aiaeme thst larfawiaM lavatyftli a.nnatttdi airaaat, Uaraoa auna auaia debUNl ha aea li- - H limaratiM .aanast aaad U aaiii&arkaa aaeaaa aaca aiul itniunmaf ariItidluaa aaia C iHtiwaiag MaNwtaf. Alao euauaanaruidt at a tut tares aa aaaat mjsm Wtasca said 1 wmty aaojad vrM uuvaaru Uid M u wrtw waanh tba aaai uf uo bnavired tauliaja; Uaa Itfaur ; Uamaa eart Uj Jtdlnr thia tba said claim uf oa huadrrd duliaia baa tuttur, Uarnce awuta t I aaty-crtaa bara duly aa.iaed to Uua Pla-rt- ia? fur vaiaaa-tu- e SM. Uaraaa to 1 aaur ia Sub Hut A,kliUaaa to vl udaaldmtak. IWni City. liaraca aawtii taa 1 a kar aveaue tu Kur tunhrt aad fulW rticalara ref erasMai ia aiade to Ua caMmplauai oa tue bdawia. l aiitmity riacn, a. awil a any aad all Ua id? hereby Aa-raalfuati. atu-lh-r otvratrd by aainud. cabae, yua ar Ktwbr aouned that if yoa (ail ta aartrtnc or Krr puatv Uarh aiay brrraftM tar aad answer the aid eua4tlaiat aa a boss aiaiutaiaed aar oprrait ty ataul. required, the aaid 4atatiaf will taaa t ity Railway CatiaB,iutacaaifiia-aaiaTaataiiut yoa fur Uaa auia of $.a.uu, mud l aad all aad uurular. ta lania. ruai-aa- , aud coaU of snt- ratla laid or tu be traraa, Wiuieaatba fltti. Jaava A . ,.U(M . ...i taut, sidi&jra. ttimautd. al t larilo. way aal ItifiiUuf ma) a. iuctnc 4uiaiciita. dua-BMiba Court wf Ua MataU. car Loum. JuaarisJ District, loaaal nm, taotat, butlituim. Urtura, hiaaes and fur tbe Territory uf I laa, bold UkUvovta, I al.i. riate la actaua. u aaeala and privilnKva aow bekiairiua; ur tba year of our Lord ua tauuaat to ur ied or prururvd ur oWianaral (ur honOrad thouaid aa4 eight Uar ptufaua uf or la ctuauartHia with u Uuaof tiseliia. railway uf lha aud UicdMt ity Kaulwayl CVrk. ? u , or tbe aiaiutaaoa or opaYatiua tLarnauf , or uf cay part thnroaif, ur wbrtber the asm fur truncal. Attorney Plaintiff. shall at aa tima beraafw ur a;uttr1aia to or be need or iracarad with U daaiia-of Hard (or Uaa purpose of or ia cuuaectaua SUMMONS. with the lines of railway aow or to ba rxaoatrurted by tba said Ondea City Kail a ay Tan ....a. j lUnran !ut!u ,.t k. its auceaaaurs or aaaaima. or tba (kaauiNuiy, precinct. uaiutMianee and uianratiiia of tbe aanaa or any Ogden Ir.KhTUIKT OFUTAH ; and aUo all tbe ear and all other part t ur Wicsn, Uark or equipments, all hones, uuln, baraaw. a tltm. (ot'irn .1 n .au n aa. arwyar. sauw pkiw. wacuua. buca-wa-, riaiiiua, cablea. forci. eVfendant. u...i,.a Denand. tXou. tuula, unpliHiuiuta, furnilurw aad I lie L tah 1 emuirv send oltioa flstonw of every kind; all roda.chaiua To reopieoi m. Dwyer. defeadant : and apikas and all other aiauwial wbataorver Yrbt- - 1M h arariM ! A ma.a.,k now owned or poaaesaed by said ( 'ity beftr Um Jutitio of thm Pmc hi rrrn a ht-L at Hallway Caampauy, or which shall at any tuna bawaafter ba acouired t) it. its suoeaaeor and of cwud PUintiff tiled bmln. mitkm cmnpUuit aaaiaraa, fur tba as and purposes or deauraed for uaa in ooanertiua with.ur lor the oparataua, if Mrvd ob yua in Ortirtt City, within ian cWm maintcnaar or retwratioa of said liaaa of railways now or hereafter to be eonatructatd b. lit vtiicb tiiu rt.ro im brouUt, Uk4 witiun Ivaftty said Ucdea City Hallway Company, ita succea- - -W lfTTT. am or aaaaarna, wueUaar bon, cable, alectrte of Thia action Vytr is brought to reeoverof voa tka other railways or any part Uiareof. ata.UO aUosred nm of to ha due Pl.imTfT Sana. Alao the fullnwinc deicribed real este. it : For board and room rent AU of block eistfat (M in Nob HiU Addition to said yoa aa follows; Plaintiff yon at yoar special initsana Otrilrn City, cunsiatinji of twentyii (Ml luu. and reuneatby dnring IM ana aiso au toe rwrbta, privunrea and francbisni For further psrticnlara refarenoa ia harsh which Uia said Oeden City Railway Company aavw UW 1U S BU now holds, poanesans or is entitled to, or which omce. ia this action.wwayaaaaai. it. or ita suoceaaurs or aasicna may hereafter acAnd are notified yoa that anUas hereby or become puaaraiai. J of or be en tn led to, quire so appear and answer said coBplaint yoa aa alau revenue Wills, and aroma of any and all do abova required, Plaintiff will take J adamant the lines of railway of tbe said s City atrainst yon for the sum claimed : towit by bar, Railway Company now or hereafter to be coninterest and coat of suit. structed, toRelber with all and sinitular tba t.VO, To theiSbariff or any (kna table of Weber tenements, berdi laments and appurtenances of County. Territory of Ctah. the premtaes af urefaid, ur any of them, or any legal service and due return Greeting : Make hereof. part thereof. uuuer my nana uas Bin day or January Which said inortsaa indenture was on the A.uitni D. iwi. u. SKh day uf June A. 1., lSl.at the hour of 11: M J ustiee of the Peace for tnd Often Precinct. a. m., ttleil fur nwurd in the othee of the A White. Attorneys for Plaintiff. hit of deeds, in and for Weber county, Ctan Territory, and duly recorded in book "L" at &:M tncluoive ; ami mire !:) to as. it ia in said d'tl of trust provided MARSHAL'S SALE. that in case default shall I made in tbe payto an execution to me directed by ment uf intenwt ur any of said bond, ami such thePursuant Jtidiriul District Court, of the TerriirtUtah, ((fault shall continue for tliiity ilnys. then the toryrof I have this day levied upon aad triu-leof if of all said bunds, so shall the principal at public sole, at the front electa, upon writlon nutir by mid trurtee to door of expo t the Court Hons, in the city of ounty the party of tbe drat part, (nionliiuir th Otfclt'li Outl.-U- . ( 'ounty of Weber and Territory of Utah, City Kmiwny Cumpaity) dliall become aod he on the 27th of day Jauunry, at once !ue and payable ant so held and all tbe riirht, title, claim andlull, at It o'clock m, interest of Kmma deemed for the purpose of forcUwura and snls Clurk, Georm Chirk and Kohcrt Clark of, in cit her f the met nods horeiuliefora jirovidi-d- , in and to the folhtwing lieacrihed real eetata, ami for all utlier purposes. And sitiiato, lying and bein lu the Cunty of Weber HKitKAM, the liitereot u"n said bunds due of Utah, and particularly on the tirct day uf NuveiulM r l''t. ia in default am) Territory as follows, Commencing at a and unpaid, aud such default bus contuiued on the line of lot ten (10), in block eat point more than thirty dara. and the trut. bereun- - fourteen U. Plat "A." Oirtlcn City Burvry. derximied lias eloctixl to declare the principal ihh ionD ot ttia aonth-eauf all of the bonds secured by said deed uf trust t wticorner of ssid lot, and running thenoe raortb due and payable, and hus (riven written notice one hundred and and .V10U feet, thenew ot audi election to the said Oxucn ( Ity Hallway woxt one hundred eight and thirty-twand feet, Company, and the west to and of said lot. thence sooth Whkrkan, it is further provided in said deed one hundred andline and eight theneo feet, of trust, that if the said Garden City Railway eart one hundred and thirty-frw- o and feat Company shall fail to pay the principal or part to the place of beginning. thereof, or the interest or any part thereof, To be sold aa the property of Emma Clark, which may become due on said bonds secured George Clark and Robert Lee Clark, at the nit or intended to be secured by said deed uf trust of H. H . Rolapp, Terms of sale. Cash. at the time when and at the place where same Dated Ogden, Utnh. January 5th, IrSl, may become due and payable, aecordirur to the Kl,a" H. PABmiajs, D,S. Marshal. unor ana enect tnersor or or the coupons Fy B. A. Bow max. Deputy U. S. Marshal. Hereto annexed and for tnlrty days thereat ter, then it shall bo lawful for this trustee in ita discretion, personally or by ita attorney, attor ALIAS SUMMONS. neys, wmnt or airents, to cause the said mort- . railway premises or property, rurhta and .., . rtAtM ar:.llM , n, , m, v viULUHMUDrT interest to be sold by public auction at the .v. ..vH.uv. Ol SOB front door of the county court house of the Supreme ( otirt of Utah Territory. XJP said Writer county in the Territory of Ctah and I I Ml l&anilUAl COCMTT OF WgBKK. in said Oeden City, first trivinn not leas than . Trtrimaa Maln-ta.l - ... j .nrl .w. . . Tl. n Id , Ta thirty days' notice of the time, terms and olace nara- .uia, ners aa Maloney A Perkins, Plaintiffs, of such sale by advertisement in some newspava. Bertha Monroe, Defendant. per published in said Ofrden City. And liemana, Ktu.uu. hkkkah, tue eaidinterest coupons attached nf Ik. TwltnM, uiI TT.'vani anrnnxa The - ; nninl. ... to the said bonds, due by their terms on the .ntiM.rf to Bertha Monroe, first day uf November 180, and beinjf tbe inter- greoting defendant: . . V..M a tt.Mtw est on said bonds due at that doto, are and Jiulul ! : ' " aa swer before tbe commissioner tappear and at have to this time remained unpaid. Miw therefore, notice is heruby auventnat the his office In Ogden City, in said County, th or deed complaint of said Plaintiff died herein, within nndersumed trustee in said mort (, of trust tinmed, will on Thursday the Sth day of ttta titaj. aiwr service on yon or tills summon , t. ' .aaw j ..... nn n" In (l...tn.u f 'l . ., wililui March l"S'l, proceed to sell all the property ..it aaya oat of said City but in the County hereinbefore and in said morUrace described at If in public auction at the front dour of the county which this action ia brought, and within twenty if court house of Weber county, Territory of days served elsewhere. . ... . Thia artinri i. r.... -- k. Utah, in the said city of Osden, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and fire sum of R0.00 alleged to be due Plaintiffs fraua o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to satisfy fttn aa itiutiai ; un an account for work and labor dona for the debt secured by said mortgage and the casta of such sale. you at your special instance and raqnestby , a . PlnintlfT. r MOttTOAGl THl'ST CO. J www-.' a. lttn-n,ua Mm. ' 1.. uay k July, im, and the first day of September, Kolakd P. Conklim, 8ecy. L. R. Rhodes, Atty. reierence Is tvsnby-i to Plaintiff-paracuiara -' made complaint now on file at my office in this action. And you are hereby notified that unless do so appear and answer said complaintyoa. a above required, Plaintiffs will take judgment . .1 aiminar. von fit. tit. .nm ..1 .1 tPtO.W, interest and cost of suit. wit, rV a me TT 10 aL. uuiieu arj. oiaies narshal of the Territory of Utah, or the Sheriff or any Constable of n eoer PIKE'S PEAK ROUTE! greeting : Mako legal service return thereof. and duelouniy, Oiven nnder my hand this KHh day of Jaa--a. nary, A. 1). 1891. ACimxM' PaaarK. . . rn-- i f Vimmlaautnar nf f k. On Territory. nrrwiKx DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS k PUEBLO M; tia. .iaia "ai "T aii -- sav-nc- aay. la t. a ut ts m krIt ir ti arauai ad n- -t mat 1 l. r , h a ruatwti-urta- H" d ut jasrag-ue- uprr-tnartt- r. 1 1 iiu-trtr- tlr. Iirt .av ' p., U.. -. s- t :$m UH-rr- Mv, -- Oa-d- "' wr-- to-w- 1 VYh-ki- e thtm of 4tm or all our iimr - it Thia u btlnitw oiidorAil m. vm to wvmy er. to 4 a (mutt, p wr AirnUh ro ik m. V)n rUl Nnarrr.lsir.la(n km wi.ll rrib.n. Bimm st tmr d u4 u- (m . tare-ouae- V t- I A is jOHN w TeL Xo, 1. (Member beal Estate Exchange) NOR HILL PROPERTY prompt Boa CJ. Haiton is a Market on whnla which calls at your bouse ao that yon may select your own foods. It runs north of 23d ht, on Washington Avenue aud the ltt ncli. JT M. O'HAVKH. Ulfc. 0GDEX CITY RAILWAY CO. AND Ie to-wi-t: . st o No trouble to show property. Call and see me & Ogden Hot Springs R'y AND No. Uli, Wash. Ave., . OGDEN, I .ixVrt.k. t lr!rt YEAR!ioMlisvnt prnwn of nibf lr!ymuj ud rtu. and wh.. m Inctraction.wtll work tndiurrlotul, Mm Tbrr I. hrr-w th.tr ow. loclllif the. lirr.l will r1m rami lb ra thit. mount. lh. rttu.UMorraipl.ynirult whirh yrni No moa.tr for m oolM. wrr.urul at mtxTO. Faally aod qnicltlv 1 loarnod. 4oir bat on. worfctr from ctcb dlatrir oreoonty. I hav. atroadf Uurtot and provided with .mploraarnt a larr amhtr, who or. maklnff ovor Moon a mrwrh. It j" KW and HO I.I It. rullp.rtkal4rKKfcv. Addma at oaoa, $30001 itj ho Bln lrli HEALTH EES0ET CO. UTAH, TIME TAHLK Betwoea Twenty-fift- h Street and Hot oprinjjs, laKinjf eneci'j'huraday, K. C, ALLEJI, Boa , Aatsjaata, Malaa. SALE OF WEBER COUNTY BONDS. Sealed bida will be received at the office of the county cleric of Weber count y, Vtah territory, until 12 o'clock, noon, of the 10th day of February, lMrl, and then opened, for the purchase of the following described bonds, issued : by said Weber county, Forty bonds of series "A" for the stira of one thousand dollars fifteen in each, payable years; ana ltfty bonds of series "11" for the sum of one thousnnd dolin lars each, payable twenty years. Both series to draw iuterest at the rate of six per cent per annum from January 1st. 1MW1, payable at the Chemical National Bank in New York City. The bonds of both series also are payable when due, at the same place. Bonds to be delivered and paid for at the tR-dn- n State Bank in Ogden City, Utah, when the GOING XOItTII. I Ball Grand of the; Til 111 A. 0. U. W. HALL, Ogden, Utah, Huj 1, m A. M. A. M. 7:o0 9:00 10:10 11:20 12:30 1:40 2:50 4:00 5:10 6:20 7:30 A. R. Hey wood, Albert Kiesel, Dr. L. L. Davidson. A. A. M. I Too 8:14 8:15 8:,ri0 9M 9:3T 8:23 9:45 10:55 10:10 11:20 P. M. P. M. 10:10 10:45 11:50 11:55 M. P. P. M. 11. 1.00 2:10 3:20 4:30 5:40 6:50 8:00 9:10 4:15 5:25 6:35 7:45 8:55 10:12 12m "i27no 1:05 2:15 3:25 4:35 5:45 6:55 1:15 2:25 3:Xi 4:45 5:55 Tl:20 9:25 7:30 8:40 9:50 1:40 2:50 4:00 5:10 75 8:15 85 9:15 10:24 s?p COMMITTEB OP KECBPTIOS. F. J. Kiesel, A. R. Hovwood. E. Elbrinff, J. H. Herman Kahn, E. Hheinhart. 1. Harks, Myers, DavirUon, SoL FLOOR HAMAOERg. A. R. Heywood. Theo. Schansenbarh. nenry Hess, Gustave Muhlenhaupt, Otto Berrer, J. Fred Cramer, Ilonry Kissel, N. Steinfeldt, W'. V. Helfrich. a-- A. M. I A. M. 10:30 11:40 P.M P. M. P. M. 12:30 1:40 2:50 12:50 2:00 3:10 4:20 5:30 6:20 7:30 8:40 9:50 6:40 7:50 9:00 10:10 ins will rj t M. A. M. fin 730 jA. 7:05 8:10 8:15 9:30 9:35 10:40 10:45 11:50 11:55 8:00 9:20 S-- w e For sale At th office of F. J. Kiratelft Co. and L. L. Davidru' cigar store, 2Sth street. above-name- an 110 P. M. P. M. AND 12:10 12:25 1:20 1:35 2:30 2:45 3:20 2:25 3:40 3:55 4:30 4:35 4:50 5:05 5:40 5:45 6:00 6:15 6:50 6:55 7:10 7:25 8:20 8:35 9:10 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:20 10:26 10:38 begin running at 8:00 a. m. SALT LAKE CITY, AflTIFX and aU north- - I P. M. I 10 2:15 15 2:10 80 85 from U urinary orJ Mimr idisclurirea I'ansaraarreKtodio'Haiital-Mldr- l lWcefcl. 80SI, .New Yortj M.TEAHEN PACIFIC COAST, west points. VTA MAN1TOO, LEADTILLK. ABPEN and GLEN' WOOD SPRINGS. SCENERY EQUIPMENT Cneqaalled. Unsurpassed. 11I1UUSU uujiiimi wjotiwi a nu. . huuhh. Tourist cars between Denver and San Francisco. or tne itocicy Mountains; heart Thro ugh the the most comfortable, tba safest, and the routes. grandest of all For rates, descriptive pamphlets, etc., can on or address 1. D. KKNWORTH Y, general agent, Santa Fe Route, Salt Lake City. U. COLLBRAN, general manager, Colorado Springs, Colo. ( HAS. 8. LEE, general paaMnger Denver, Colo. agent, 2300 WashinRtoa Avenue. PAINTING PAPER HANGING Locksmiths, Stencils Made, Rubber Stamps to order. ALSO WOOD AND CALS0M1NING. FINISHING A SPECIALTY. I43 MAIN ST. Ont door Jfortb f lho Tlontz Oil and (i la its i.'omuiny. a a . W. J. Fowles, Plaintiff, va. ) Willis Blaisdell and Minnie V Blaisdell, his wife. defend'U, ) Under and by virtue of aa order of sale and decree of foreclosure issued of the District Court of the Kirst Judicial District of the Territory f UUh, on the 15th day of January, 11. in the above entitled action, wherein W. J. Fowles, the abova named plaintiff, obtained a Judgment and decree agamj.t Willis BlaiadeU S?d fl!?nl5 B1i4l,his wife, defendante. oa Mh day of November. 1880, 1 am aom-- m an (led to sell all that certain lot, piece or par-e- el of land eitnatod, lying and being In the pountv of Weber and Territory of Utah, aad bounded and partieniarly described aa follows, ot towit: Beginning at a point thirty-fou- r and thirty-thre- e hundredths (34.33) chains north of the south-wecomer of the north-wes- t of section fourteen (14), in township I, qoartnr north of range 3, west of the Salt Lake Meridian, United States survey, and running thence north five and hundredths (5.67) chains, thence east fourteen and fifteen hundredths (14.15) chains, thence south degree, west five and seventy-sevehnndredths (5.77) chains, thence north 88 degrees, west fenrteen and twelve hnndredths (14.12) chains in the middle of the street to the place of beguuiing, containing eight acres more or leas. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Notioe is hereby given that on Monday, the 9tb day of February, 1H91, at 12 o'clock, noon, of that day, in front of the Connty Court House in the city of Ogden, connty of Weber and Territory of Utah, I will, in obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure, sell the above described property, nr so much thereof aa ma he necessary to satisfy plaintiff's judgment, with interest thereon and ooets, to the highest and beet bidder for cash, in lawful money of the United States of America. st sixty-seve- n one-ha- lf Crescent Novelty Works! Electric Wiring and Electric Supplies of all Kinds HOUSE AND SIGN . MARSHAL'S SALE. Of AU,Iini!(KHST or P. O.Iltix 1.,. SHOP 1 u STANDARD GUAGE 8:40 10:05 11:15 boom (lonorrhrea soil) HARD d, K. 8:27 9:50 Gentleman Sl.OO. VY 1 t Thiele, COMMTTTEE OP INVITATION. -.- . fir t 7:40 9:00 10:10 11:20 Hhnin-har- t, . r-- Colorado Midland Railroad GOING HOTJTII. A. M. 40 5:10 M. 8:02 9:15 10:25 11:35 JV Leichter, B. Schwartz, Adnm (Joiner, Otto Bertrer, Auu. Braun, L. L. Davidson, 1. Marks, Felix Reinbold. and A. M. filfi A.M -- A. jVdmittinK I 11" "'n kJf iljnini Osiilralfhttitlnooiiwit'ne. Theo. Schansenbach. Otto Berber. K, Tickets A. XI. 7tf5 3.-0- IJ or arkakoemkxts. Kd. Auth. Albert Weber, L. I Meyer, Adolph Fehringer. I Tm ftsl 1 K.J C:5(j sr 0 -- 12:45 1:55 I 1 9 P. P. M. 0 . 1891. COM M ITT EES. coMHrrrES a 9 bids are accepted. Bids will be received for the whole or any 8:t0 10:00 either, or both serins. part ofWeber The County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to be addressed "County Clerk of Weber County, Ofrden, Utah," and marked "Bids for Weber County Bonds, I Ey order of the County Court of Weber 1S81. 22nd, county. January -R. W. Cross, Frobate Judnre. Second 22, 189L January ru AT THE Herriman "ail.or lelrvhouelli. KO. attea-tioe-t. I4th gtreet. Neat to Thomas Bros. h. The Greatest Strike. Among the great strikes that of Dr. Miles in discovering his New Heart Cure has proven itself to be one of the most important The demand for it has become astonishing. Already the treatment of heart disease is being revolutionized, and many unexpected cures wire U A i un-mi- b Dealers. ' Knilrlinnr Efwl UntfA ViVA U11U41 OGDEN. UTAH. Twenty-fourt- i SI'MALTr. MARKET 3-1- 9 Ir 64 Waaiuatrlua UTAH. OF ILL ENDS OF SAUSAGE properties handled. Call firsi-daa- Marl. UiDES, MAHNG h ir City Oflicr.CiJcaco irftat Wiikgt&i We have a Snaps Ileal Estate for you this week. J. D. GILL Meat, Poultry and Fish CHICAGO J. A.. McCulloch Brainard, Robinson non-re- si la U IVj-tt is. tirfOc fa Eilaat fVan U the Fin Jwatacaal-Ia axaaaiauB eraurdl Udl riming -uf is im.My aat aatorr aa : "ruaa A u law ad u Inrr-wof i ty E. 4 ktai Sbaarvaaw Uu 1L ! ca. titu Xw) Bwwvj. rUu.ua, vs. JW A aa x i Uaa 'i ltaitca Iraet I SI, lr!Cat. wi craatodl 1 a auruaratiaaB aaxi rurfiu I Umi Trrmury uf Ctak mm4 gisstvaiuai. auw aad .maaaaf u laaaaf Uasriata-aa- f Wk Mtafcaianniilrirtlff 7 Jaaha A. LitFW. TWf.adssf Yam a beeHry Itinaaiai .4ir 9vm tn u apawar is aa orWw U.oa rfUM aa4 Cv 'ny katlway Caai..aaj. Uaa brvagtit aaiat yua by la. a how, aasaa i 1 aali-atj-n- a. lie-wa-re LOOK AT THEM! Ext an. 1Kb dents a specialty. Houses and lots for sale in Try oar Tw lrt. aaarfartsm. oar all parts of the city. sdrls.)widiM(waMH'' WH aa. I ' A thorough knowledge of Koarr. Bavueu.Kii. location and values enables J. F, rn. me to make safe and profit able investments in either the shape of loans or purchase. Foot of Twentieth St. pra well-wishe- auuuii DE1LEX3 IS taaa SUMMONS. Mmi y BUTCHERS. ment Broker. Of SALE. NOTICE C.II.Greenwellil JJros. ITSa at Aidi-- iw.aa Real Estate and Invest- Ava. eighth and Quiacy at a argaia. n - hciaa with balk Uuu4 CdarwrrafTwwatj broken, yetth tranafe. show a fair ch day and tW ar Leinr, verac I I.c- MARKETS. LH.Mitchel, kitgtai N-- w ESTATE. REAL. JIMii iuu. Citr. TL Wuoa cutUoue principal Upic tor dJuakk REAL ESTATE. IRON FENCING. Model and Experimerital Machinery tr Order Ail kinds of Novelty Repairing CRESCENT NOVELTY W0KKS n U. S. Marshal. Elias M. Paf-bonRy B. A. Bowkak, Deputy P. 8. Maishal. Ogden, Utah, January Kith, 10. Lenal ' io Blenr--a f oil kinds or scle Uominereiul Ollioe. a; |