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Show OUDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: FRIDAY. FLBKUARY 6. IbM. THE COLORED VOTERS. THEY SEEM TO BE PEETTV OLID FOE McMTT- - Lt t ly u Tha Saoata club Biet last night La iu ball at 113 Twenty fifth atreet to diaeuM tb poaitioa tha ooiorad paopla shall take to the coming elaetioa. Mr. 1L Wilaoa. preaideat of th duin, aaa in tha chair mad Mr. A-- EL Cameron a a secretary. The attendance sat quite large, repre- seotatiTea of both partial being present. It eipected that there would be a debate between Walter Ernest and another ctlured man, Mr. Ernest representing the Liberal ticket and hi oppo- tu nent toe Turner tk keL .But the Turner man did not ahoar up. Still, the oflioera of the club who conducted the meeting were very fair about the matter and called out speaker of both parttea and gave all a full hearing. Mr. Ernest made a abort and ploatslug address, showing that two years ago there were but a halt dozen colored men in the town, w lien the Liberal party oatue to power. They could not get work here and could not hve in Ogden under the old administration and did sot come. lie showed that since the Liberal government came in that seventy tive to eighty colored voters have found work here, mostly as porters, and that any reaction from the present activity would throw at least forty colored men out of employment. So he urged the colored people to vote the straight McNutt ticket, advice that was received with applause. Mr. Tom Turner, brother of W. IL Turner, fusion candidate for mayor, arose and replied to Mr. Ernest, or rather made a speech for his brother candidate. lie made a pretty good talk. In it he took occasion so emphatically deny that his brother waa a prohibitionist as he has been charged with being, or means to make war on saloons. As an evidence that W. IL Turner is not a prohibitionist he demanded that any duubter shall go and inspect his bill at the store of the Ogden Liquor company, and it will be found that he takes his liquor regularly. In fact, he declared the reform candidate far mayor is dead against prohibition, or anything like it, as it would run the town down and cut his rents from $100 to 150 a month. lie conceded that there is nothing unusual in the way the saloons now run, as they were run wide open day and night . before the present administration came in. Marshal McClellan being seen in the audience was called upon, but declined to speak. Marshal Bowman was called upon and excused hiuinelt from talking. Mr. L. R. Rogers was called upon and made a pointed speech showing the value the Liberal victory had been to Ogden and pointing out the fact that Mr. J. V. McNutt was the captain in the fight that won the victory which has ntfOVen MCI VnltmhlA Thta rtrtint u?aa triry- ivogers made orousiy applauded." an effective speech. "Prof." Tiptos, colored, was introduced by the secretary as the "Aurora Borealis" of the orators. lie did make a He said that the 'word Eithy speech. suggested ta his mind the liberation of the slaves from bondage. They have liberated the city from the thralf-doof a crime. And he felt that it is the duty of every colored man to back the party of liberty, something it always does by instinct Applause. Under the" old rule colored men could get no work unless they belonged to the Mormon church. Now there is a fair show for alL So he advised everybody to stand by J. W. McNutt and the straight Liberal ticket Applause. Mr. Moroni Skeen was called upon, but only expressed a few sentences. He favored the "Citizens' " ticket E. R. Ridgely arrived about this time and was called upon. He entered into a long speech to explain why his faction was founded. He dwelt at length on the point that the city finances are not in such shape as his party would put them in if given power. He charged that there is a deficit of 20,000, and that the present council can not borrow that sum at even 10 per cent, interest He talked a great deal about enforcement of the laws and about voters being indem pendent IiIutioa. Tit. !ivt.afora existing tha nam and style vt Franklin, As against thk alugah BiUnk-ipa-l tiW rm. Harris A rravit Ml lirtriMI Co, ia tbe real estate buaioeeai O in Uoo bad reoebtiy placed a loan "f Oden. Utah, w duaxtived. All debts ai more ii.an par ana Uj una nu con- due it hrra w ill b paid to P. A-- IL ducted this i err skdif ul financial tran- Prabklia asJ pat swot to do one eie saction was John W. McNutt will be rearnized- All property LeUi in the name of T. Mr. A. IL Nelaun was railed upon and acquired after tba forming ct male a abort speech in defense of the said is declared by tba "Citizens" ticket. Lis remarks being Articles of Copartnership to bekx g to mu b in the hne of those of Mr. flklgley. said partnership. No transfers of real The Seoaterlub meeting waa clearly estate heretofore made by T. A. Harris a McNutt affair, the ooiored people or that eli all hereafter be mad by said being fur him by a large majority. T. A. tlajris of property belonging to the partnership, will be recognized exPOLITICAL POINTED. cept made by and ilh the consent of the partnership as required by the Some Facts About the Alleged Con ArUctoa uf Copartnership now ot record in the county Recorder otboe vt Weber di t ion tt the City Treasury. P. A. IL Faisaus, county, I'tah. is Commcbciau asserted Editor It Jaooa 8. Borzmas, Attorney. by the reformers, with that Ligb regard FINE FEATHERS. for truth which they seem to exhibit in this campaign and which might be exSome I'reininm Awarded Yesterday pected of a superior class of beings, that by the I'tali Poultry Asorution. when the present administration came in there was a tnnd of f.'T.HJJ in the city Yesterday was the second day of the treasury. show at the old M. E. church poultry It that is true the man who should under the auspices of the Utah Poultry have turned it over to the Liberal treasurer must have held a nice lump in association. The attendance was not reserve, as bis book show exactly fJO,-- i large, but considerable interest waa (3.37 to have been on hand. What did manifested in the exhibition by the be do with that vJ0? The men w ho fanciers The work of awardpresent make the assertion about tlifiKO being ing was commenced and the premiums on hand, will see that they are putting following list embraces all the awards their foot in it badly in doing sx made thus far, with the points scored: A gotd deal is faid about the present OBAHMAH. bad financial condition of the city Johnson 1 Miller, North Ogden treasury as compared with that in which cockerel, 1st, the present administration found it breeding pen, 041st, l'ii1,; and 2nd 93. Well, Mr. W. IL Turner has been at the yj; pullet. 1st. nW. IL Shurtliff, Ogde- breeding ten, head of the city financial management for the past two years and if ho is such 2nd. 133; cockerel, '.tad, 91; pullet, 3rd, a blunderer why is he to be elected Earl Bros., Salt Lake City breeding mayor? But about those finances. There was, pen, 3rd, 17d; cockerel, 3rd, 80. BUFF COCHINS. apparently, fJ0,77137 in the treasury when the present council came in. The Browning k Barker, Ogden breeding council could now, in some way, manage pen. 1st 145 J;: ditto, 2nd. IM; cock, 1st to discount the city's securities as the ditto, 2nd, TOi; pullet 1st, 93; other fellows did, borrow even $50,000 93; ditto, 2nd, 92.4; d'tto 3rd, 91; cockerel, and "leave it) in the treasury. But it 1st 93; ditto, 2nd. 92. would be borrowed money just the Bame Earl Bros- - Salt Lake City ben, 1st, as their's was. cockerel, 3rd, 87 ft pen, 3rd, 178.,. 92; 1899-The council of 9 had all the city PARTRIDGE CXX'HI.NK. taxes, all the license money, all the Earl Broa. Salt Lake City cock. 1st money received from sale of city real breed estate and they sold everything they 91; pullet 1st, 92; ben 1st, could and to cap the climax borrowed ing pen, 1st, It)1. LA.NOhHASS. $100,000, and got away with the whole Biubev. CarwUt . that the rlittMis of aa eitra-oJiaarProbably the IVcaark. lieheiettcy ia the ptx;Tiataoa Xaw Voaa. Feb. 5. Tba RuUerdaaa tua-a- J t the and it neat trui prebkLnt U h Christian odavor nut bs preeettt reaiid. Ha the arrived today, several day overdo. Sb Union of UUb, U1 delirer an add to ptacUcai opnrataoa of tie kit of June xpanetacad a uoreajoo of galea, wilk theCLristiaa Eclavor Unioa of this th Iau4 will ba to KateriaUly reduce terrific high every throng Lat day at tba the annual ralua of peouoc. rit. totigr.tiufcj rhun-- this U pastaig. So dasiaga a dota to evening. eilher ship or paMecger. lb RotterA Birrlar in the Toils. AmptiamillU.jri11Jim ,rij dam reports that February 1st ab tha Chriktuui nde.ur aucaHieaof tLM LatADviLu. CoL, Feb. psised a aational Lne steamer bound ty after tba vUrw. All (beifbers of psrsibly th diaablad steamer lao-mar- k. tha ChnsUaa tndeaw ia tba ctty are Wacber, a ahoeeiaker, waa arretted Ust invited to be tba thai evening while leaving a budding whit-evening. had been barglarized a few hours befor. Aaoihrr Side of tks Qaeetioa. At his room tba officers found good of Torfci v. Kansaa, Feb. 5l A larg Bif it of the Indians. every dearriptaoa, amounting in valua to about fTAi- A letter found ia tba tlt4gati x ot employee of th differat Chkmx Feb. 5,-- Tha Journal says ntooa leads the otfira to belief that railroad. today to protest agaiast that members of tbe Indian rights as WiM-La- r ha a vanf4rmtai In So.it I'mn- - the of bill providing fur thai th pab.eof passenger sueiatioo are talking of applying for a riix to w horn b has Leea shipping th reduction fare to two eeat suuea writ of habeas corpus for the purpuu of guoaa. and freight rates no third below lb present They claim to reprediscovering what rights, if any tba InTBACK OF THE STUEM. sent tweaty-igh- t tbouaand employ, dians now at Fort Sheridan hava. These wht believe th proposed reductaodav Indians were brought here by . A Blizzard U Now HoverIn;Over the wifiii rsduc wages and th number of Miles after the ck of the reuent camemplovea. Sortlwest. paign. The idea of the aasociation, it is said, is to use the ease to thoroughly St The storm yesFeb. Washi.xotos, Another Ball Game for Bostoa. test iutt-- e courts, the of the government in the mutterpo.er and if nreteary terday morning was north of Montana BowToa, Feb. 5. Th Madison Park and still hovers over that region and will appeal to congress for a change. a met at Young's hotel today probably advance very slowly toward and discussed tbe protect of a Eednrtiou on the YYahan. the upper lakes. The area of high bar-o- ball team in the field under thepatting manageter accompanied by cold a wavs now ment of William Darin, of th late Miller Kashas Citt, Feb. -S- uperintendent overlit the Atlantic coast states and rlubof WaketieUL George Haddock, who of the western division of tla has McOuigan, brought to the middle Atlantic states 14 season was th pitcher of the BufWabash, has surprised his employes with the lowest of the winter. falo Brotherhood club, waa present and orders for a sweeping reduction in With passage of the area eastward the took part in th discussion. Tbe assuct-tio- n will have a banquet tonight salaries and fore ia order to cut down terapature will gradually increase in all expenses. Taeuty five men at this point districts east of the Muas'ssippi river. A Colorado Mine Disaster. have been already discharged, which w ill save about Still Without a Senator. iy,Vj s year. It is reOt aur, Colo, Feb. 5. Several mioars ported tonight that the salaiies erf the Pierre, S. D, Feb. 5. Two more bal- started from the Virginia mine, last station agents, or a majority of them, will lots were taken for senator today. In night, to help bring in the body of a be reduced. the last ballot Campbell had nearly the man killed by a blast Whil going up entire strength of the Independents, get- th mountain, a snow si id occurred and Pension Bureau Statement votes. Tripp held all Sam. Byron, L. Phillips, Allen Tyr. ting Washisotoji, Feb. 5. The commis- the democrats and got one republican, and John Sunderland were killed. sioner of pensions has submitted to the giving him twenty-six- ; Moody went down Indiana Still Dancing-- . secretary of the interior along statement to sixteen, and Melville up to fifty three. St. Paul, Fab. 5. Th governor has a of the operations of tbe bureau for the For Sale. letter from the citizens of Fosston, Polk past seven montns. lie figures that the total first of til mrnmnla nn.1 V,. The three year of the Congress county complaining that the Indians ara new law during the fiscal year will show hotel end utlnon. fop inaV rhnn still dancing and making threats greatly a reuuction or fio,ww,00O on the first ing apartment and saloon will beTvt. sold to in terror ot settlers, many ol wnotw payments as compared with last year, separate if desired. E. Yoweu. are moving away. Kadt-aior- aa-- Iv.J.n.Tlrsu.U K!t Lk v City, irr h SL-- money. t h - aaMx-iatie- m teoif-eralur- a -- fifty-sev- le The Attraction of Today! RJEMOVA.L SALE Wm. Woodfleld. North Ogden-bre- eding pen, 1st 185H'; ditto. 2nd. 184; cock What was done with all this cash? erel, 1st 92; ditto, 2nd, 92; pullet, 1st, When the present council came in it 94Vft ditto, 2nd, 93. found $5,500 that had to be paid at Johnson & Miller. iSorth Ugden once out of that $20,773. Had not the breeding pen, 3rd, 182ft cockerel, 3rd, previous council received $10,000 from 91; pullet 3rd, 93. city realty at its last meeting it would PIT CAM KM. only have had W,5(X) of borrowed money Fred Tout, Ogden male, 1st in the treasury. Fred Bateman. Ogden breeding ren. Why, even W. IL Turner has done 1st better than that The more the light W. Boyle, Ogden display, 1st is turned on the transactions the reformA. Ellerback, Salt Lake trio, 1st J. ers have been setting up or models the worse they look. The reformers ere on Rorrr.x Rtso Man. the run. Obituary. Mrs. Jettie N. Stephens, wife of Maj. Notice. L. 11 Stephens, died yesterday mornina The public is hereby notified that I at 5 o'clock, of bronchitis. Her age was MiiiiniiiiimiiiimiiiiiiuiiiiiiimiiiiiitiHH have sold my meat market, known ns 55 years, 2 months and 8 days. The the Phil Grill market, to Croft Brothers funeral services will be held in the M. E. at 1 o'clock p. m. Saturday. A, Co., who will continue the business at church tbe old stand, 2178 Washington avenue. Friends invited. I desire all my old cuetumera to extend W, H. Wright & Sons Company a liberal patronuge to tbe new firm. Notice. are Philijp Griix. Having sold my meat market I desire all indebted to me to settle up parties SOLO DANCERS. getting ready to move on or before February 20th, or the acand counts then unpaid will be placed in the Ken- Features for the Kirmess at the hands of a collector. Phillip Grill. ASK YOUR ASSISTANCE, Grand. for which Patronize new book the Commercial Theprogam for the Kirmess is now bindery, where you can get first-clas- s YOU ARE LIBERALLY PAID. complete. Two solo dancers have been work at Omaha and Lincoln prices. fill of who the what .will procured place it takes is needed to make the exhibition a f he Case of Judge Frier, Who Suftime and money fered Thirty Years. typical Kirmess. Miss Bertie Bishop to move a large stock of goods has consented to dance the Highland Salem, Or., April 10. fling, and all who have seen the lady on have I I been that hereby certify and they similar occasions speak of her most troubled with a disease of the stomach highly. Also Mr. High Sharp will dance and kidneys for the last thirty years are going to rid themselves "Coming thro' the Rye." Both dancers and that after using four boxes of the of EVERY ARTICLE POSSIBLE will be in costume and their numbers Oregon Kidney Tea I have found great will be a marked addition to the pro oenefit and relief from it before moving, THEREFORE gram. The music for the dance A. R. Frikr, will be furnished by the fulr Late County Judge of Polk County. anything you want in Shoes, The music in opera bAise orchestra. Dress Goods, Wraps, Notions, Fancy all at the "Kirmess" is to be most exceFrom St. Gaul Switzerland. llent Saturday night Mrs. IL W. Shurt- Goods, Clothing Our ewn importation, the largest stock hff will sing, "Sweet tba Angelus is of Embroideries ever exhibited by any Linen or Ringing," with orchestral accompaniment inoluding bells, and Grant Hamp- firm in Utah from 3 cents per yard up to they ask no profit on. S.J. BlrtABros. ton will delight the audienne with his $5.00 clear baritone. Added to the fine proCash Wisdom's Violet Cream will keep the gram the object will undoubtedly fill the skin proof against the effects of severe takes the goods at noase irom pit to dome. weather. Try it EASTERN COST. COLOfiADO MIDLAND RAILWAY pile except about $15,000 of borrowed Of Dry Goods, Liberal ticket. R. L. Rowe was called out, and, in answer to Mr. Ridgely 's charges that the city finances are in bad plight, reminded him that if this were so Mr. W. IL Turner is the man who is responsible, as he has been chairman of the City Council oommitttee on finance. If, he made such grave blunders in this council what reason is there to expect that he will be wiser as mayor? On the contrary, the city's credit has been d under the present admads ministration. It bonds have been sold at more than par, against S per cent discount on the 100,000 borrowed by the previous council. That 9100,000 could not be negotiated and only $30,000 of the bonds were placed. The balance, $65,000, were deposited in the banks here Western 8:30 a. m. and 8:43 p. m. Ask Union depot ticket agent for tickets via Colorado Midland, the short line, the fast line, the scenic route. t t i SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES, GEOGERIES Fruits aod Prodcee. St. Twenty-fourt- h (IX TAKKES B1.0CI.) Telephone No. Ogden, Utah. cnte Kidney troubles that lead to Bright'a disease. Oregon Kidney Tea Orders Solicited snd'Carefnl and Prompt will stop them. Attention Given to Relirnry of Them. "Does vour hank oh?" Onwrnn Tfirl. ney Tea will relieve vou. Sold every where. Try it tot lost or raxuno bl&hhooui Liberal Rally. Oeaml and ItSRVOUB DEBO-ITI- ; 4 VfinJ Fltofa VaiIw iVmIthm. There will he a Ynllv nf tha T.Iiml MliHiN. 11 of Errors ortt Exemes in Old or Teonr, bl. OkllOon rail; Rnlr4. Hw ! nlm party at the Grand opera house Friday, Baku!, ltlln'IUrF.IOKf,if 3A riRTHOr SOD!. Feb. 6th at 7:30 n. m F.lnmicnt enni1ra tKmwthMTilUK, Mlla HOIS TETBST aMM la fer. AkMlalrlr m iMtlfy Ira ta Good music. Turn out, Liberals. rlra (mtrtn. WrlttUMk FOR LIEU ONLY! mm CXKCUTIVE VXJMMITTEK JjIBERAL ARTY. SILVERWARE, ; ; ; ; ; ; : 1 I o ' : ; j: ; ; J 3 . 1 o o j ; ; ; ; ; 1! ! I oil i ! ' j ; ; ; J ; o ! : This is ; ; o no sale of hard, old stock, but a REMOVAL SALE of choice goods and everything goes at cost for cash. .V o !! ; ; ; ; V. V, i; i; o IIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIlTllMlllilllllHlllllllllllllinillllHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIHin W. H. WEIGHT'. SONS COMPANY, 2855 "Washington Avenue, & -- JEWELRY, WATCHES, Silver-mounte- ' I ; ; while YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY A PROFIT. d Complete Line Solid Grold and J. ..G. RAINE Sc2483 COMPANY, Washinetoii A venae. Spectacles Properly Fitted. o " ' Lay in a supply of necessaries F. R. LASHER, .185 Etc. Shoes, - He had not heard Mr. Tom Turner say To Omaha and All Points East. that W. IL Turner has no idea of making war on the saloons. Through cars via the Colorado Mid Mr. A. E. Gameron, secretary of the land railway; to Leadville, Aspen, ColoSenate club, auswered Mr. Ridgely rado Springs and Denver, making close briefly and declared that he felt it to be connections with all trunk lines for the to the interest of the colored men to vote south and east for J. W. McNutt and the straight Trains leave Ogden via Rio Grande gilt-edge- Sotke of TLe e. Jfeetinr Sirht, Talktd it Over, and it fl a Tborva-- k XrXatt Bally. They Held on tLeu the bauiu Lauded lu 5 Eyes treated by Experienced Optician for all defect- -, Free of Chart??. - DIAMONDS. "Umbrellas Oden, Utah. |