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Show (XiDKX DAILY COMMERCIAL: - CGOEM. it N - rtjaflerttuuB M WIIAW- - AMUSEMENTS 1 hold He aud il f u U1 O m (1 calf twwas I4w ri ! I - U P.- - acquire sil Ml euriur t-- r .. . tasa im LTaa. w er llm id aars b it at work a pun a aya-ttm ut autlufht and elertra- - reflectur that will atvU a a ay mwam as faat aa it are protesting New Yoaa paper vigorously against th introduction of th overhead trolley system of electric street cars cBiiiL tin Major i. V. Me N I TT BKTAX. to fcramrr. THOMAtf HAKIl T. HI' ME to AUM. KH HKLKItl) H. CuTrwom. W to MarvW. J. W. I MK1-1- BwassA reiais le aula. te ear paaat. ant ecu frcwar. AaaawA le Ufc. muktm the acei he Imji t for. Mourn Um iida I of FirUMnca'.Ur.. day occurs upon the Uth of February this year, aa usual, but th -- Cititan party" will .et iU valen Kurroa Commeju iaj.: . MrMtaM. It is fortunate J t.tier. Tbmaa FlUrmld H. H. tin on th Hth. the present city council did not al that B ac4 Dr. at M. (irate. Jaattcr. (imurc. low itself to be carried away by the fre Didn't know it was loaded! Of queut urging of Editor Canoou whan d frank A ItjrA course you didn't. But such careless he wanted the costly Grand Boulevard AmHml AC Kawill. M. .Uli. r.. people you are ahould not be hand and a thousand and on other things jrth i J. H. KUVHL Juatita. VaJ (iiiteua. ling auch weapon. ilooe. We all remember the incessant E A. h Ward 4'ut.nrilnra of visionary cranks who must V clamoring Kuwubr Jotx.T. Iauutaou. ia reported have imagined that Ogden'a city council Coijowei. Bo aa saying that Kenator Hill can hardly had the revenue and .4 STHOXU STAT EM EXT. treasury of the hope to prevent the nomination of Mr. United State to draw upon. and Mrs. Clvland. The City Fathers have made grand In ilwrlaralioo that tbe euooaas of and useful improvements and given the Libral ticket will be a benefit and A ship canal, to give Duluth, Minn , a calamity to Ogden ia aaaum- employment to thousands of laboring it direct water oonimunication with Buf- men. who ought now to be true to thm inc much importance in th praaant falo and Chicago ia projected. The esti selves and their real friends. Can the ranipaiifr mated coat is about three and a half renegah who have deserted the veteran intrinsic fori Whatever may be million dollars. Liberal party find just excuse for their ilk :nd fur or leuied to ihi declaration OuU revolutionary action? Never. aa M argument, the fact remaina that damned snot," but it will not out unlees avera Tin. Colorado (hurtle Springe Is of otra it ia full of fon-eit ia washed out before Monday next. President Harriaon wants to Now is the day of grace, the time for reIt might even lie urged that it ia not that "if for he western and the of salvation. support train day pentance to not the doe attain logical that it Kor w It If lb lainu liuliia . nt to burn. might nominate Senator Wolcott for sec The Littoral aorabarlu may return dignity of a proposition. Thoee who th of treasury." retary aeek to break ita fori will doubtleae Think of the unholy alliance with the self satisfied Jbeiugs who look upon I'luiui that audi a .ieclaration ia merely a Now, i.rr the Chamber of Commerce every non Mormon as a Moslem daee malter of oiimon, and that it rank no tell the Union Pacific people to oorfie upon a Giaour! A Mormon ia a Mormon, higher than a partisan alleg'itioii. he cannot be anything else. Today he But when curfeul bunineaa men are here with the shop machinery, and thia will be a Democrat in Idaho, tomorrow will donate the 'land and put up a Republican in Wyoming, or a "Citizen" willing to jUMVi tliouaiiiidH of dollars city better buildings than the company now in Ogden anything to promote the upon ita decisive value, and when votra Mormon interest. of all partiea cousider it vitally important has at Salt Lake City. The old residents know them like a late to urge an a political issue, it ia t When the "royal priesthood" book. 'i .m - haa juat twenty-thredaya cannot rule exclusively it will temporize auperilne abjections against it aa an more to work in during the preeent and be content with what it can got, iiiV imetit. Tlu mighty force of pulilic aeaaion. By the way, will someone always looking forward to the day when opinion KM nettled that question will be independent," and on the back of a postage "the Kingdom writ please cat'l. "the Priesthood will rule o'er the land has what congreaa accomplished and the sea." n thi inane will lie found uu article stamp The angry and disappointed Liberal fro n one of the wealthiest citizen of during this araaion and send it to thia backsliders remind me of the fable of office!' I fie real estate i ... com the cock that, after having been defeated pr'.ae aome of the moist vuluable prop by another rooster, went to the fox and Tin: efforts of the Anonymim to in- said: "I will show you a big fat rooster cattteolty. He id a mun univer at and if you will eat him for supper." the atrike While the present mayor jure and for honorable sa!iy reelected Lilieral nominee, Mr. McNutt, while the fox was eating the big rooster, the He Willi known ia tsMaimt llHsjJliftll little one Haped his wtngs and crowed ia a a careful, cautious, conservative and commending the City Council, a poorfor joy. Short was his enjoyment, for of and mixed criticism compound the uusntiated fox ate him, also. The thoughtful man, an I hia opinion aa auch ly ia uion the disastrous reaulta that would Mattery. It is too weak to be evtu Mormon fox as voracious as he is cunning. follow the aucceoa of th Anti Liberal nauseous. Theonly place for the Gentiles in the is bo Mormon kingdom whetwt will be estabmovement, expressed clearly party Ghost dan "Jew! n the star chamber lished will be as "heweri of wood and and positive!) that there is, no room for e fifteen nre rehears atill oontinu drawers of water." Oh, how the saintly doui.t. when they see a split in the leaders He belicvfg la( the I uftrees of the ing for a llaHi exhibition. All are Roman laugh ranks that broke their Grecian N. stars. Mat afternoon. nday so '.tiled "'itiens' party." through the r lly I Be Liberals, phalunx ! B. The last aranoe in this city, as stalwarts, not pigmies. Do not let your of the Peoplo'a or Mormon a ia glittering galaxy - tbia greed for place or pelf warp your better a troupe, of party, would depreciate the value of Remember that the judgment. ation. brilliant agg1 will-inI Of 23 property percent. He jr grand Liberal party has an unfinished now to have hia property appraised mission to fulfill. Take the two city Ybabs and years ago, the State of New tickets; compare each name, man with by disinterested parties, and will enter leaa York contracted for a new capitol, to man, and you must confess that the into obligations to take Liberal ticket has the best and if the Liliora) party is defeated. To cost $4,000,(100. Up to date, rive times straight caste. Not ntrongest only that, but it is amount on has been that the expended him, the defeat of the Libornl ticket th fair and regular choice of the arty. means a loss of many thousands of grand pile and the present legislature is The other men are revolutionists, turn asked to appropriate 12,(100,000 "to re- xatB, backsliders, deserters. What else dollars. R. E. Pvtation. can tlioy be? Those who have, or pretend to have, pair and complete" the building. New the interests of Ogden at heart should York politicians are very good at AS TO THAT MAKRIAGE. for themselves. reflect upon this matter. This gentleman's commendation of Mr. McNutt is Editor Commkrihal: I had supposed The New York Star, which has long also worthy of attention. Voters, read the proclamation of President that hoodoo been worst known th journalistic his communication. had abolished the practice of Woodruff to th profession, has again changed in Utah, and was, therefore, polygamy hands. It is now the property of Frank COME OUT TOXIQHT. somewhat startled when I read in yesA. Munaey, name, bad will and all. The Commercial the anmorning's terday As is very generally known, there s first thing he did upon acquiring the nouncement of the fact that an old Morto be a big Liberal rally at the Grand property, however, was to change the mon had added a couple of plurals to his already overstocked harem by opera house tonight, to endorse the name of the paper to the Count uf having taken to his amorous embrace, on new a name it Under may prosper. ticket in the Held and to express in a Monday evening last, the youthful Miss Citizens' Ticket aud the grass widow, popular form the support of local citiTu severe attacks made upon Mr. Mrs. Aunty Ring, who had deserted the zens to the Liberal cause. bed and board of her legal spouse only a McNutt are the result of a determinaThere is every prospect of a large at few nights before. ter.'tance at thia meeting, and it faf tion to hurt the head of the Liberal As editors are supposed to know everyhtu-ethat the spacious auditorium may ticket, and not, as the authors of the thing, I come to you with an inquiry. be found entirely inadequate to hold all attacks would have it appear, on ac- Can you tell me if this is a bona fide ths people who aro anxious to testify by count of his demerits. Two years ago marriage, or only a case of sealing? sealed and delivered," you their t resence to their ardent sympathy Mr. McNutt was deemed worthy of the ("Signed, know.) I am inclined to believe it must with the movement in the interests of enthusiastic support of the Liberal have been the latter, for I find from this which the meeting is called. party. Since that time he has done morning's Commerci al, that old Mormon, represented by our worthy and respected No Liberal can justify himself for a nothing to forfeit that support. citizen, Jno. Boyle, and the unblushing lack of interest in the present cambrides, represented by A. S. Condon and paign, and every member of the party Is November last, the New York firm N. O. Stone, sur ortet'. by their brideswho is loyal to the party and the city of Decker, Howell &, Co., th Villard maids, F. J. jienderehot and W. H. and himself should fail to have a seat, cr brokers, failed for 812.000,00a The con- Turner, honored your sanctum with a visit yesterday. Btncding-rooin the Grand opera house cern has just declared a cash dividend of In case of nctual marriage, the brides if he is able to get inside. 100 per ent. on its indebtedness and are apt to retire from public gaze for a tonight Membara of the party in general have resumed business. This action wns time. Enquirer. no: nitherto been called upon to devote made recent the possible by heavy ad- WHY COUNTY TAXES ARE HIGH. Arte! of their time to the eatnpaign. vance in the stocks carried by this firm. This is reelly the tirst call to the The history of American business does Under the Editor Commercial: maaeee itaoe the primaries, and it should not record so remarkable a case. Mormon school alone one in rule district b Ker!y responded to. in Weber county, the Mormon assessor C KM out tonight. Tiring all your Butte Moat.) Miner: "It is esti- failed to assess 3100.000 worth of real frier.de, and let ns show by an enthusimated that the World's Pair will cost estate, not including personal property. astic demonstration that we are heart Butte has one estate 'rom This district comprises only six sections Mdscm In the light for Ogden and her $15,000,000. which it might defray all the expense, of land. fits interests, and thus inspire with entertain the entire combination of naThese statements can be proved at free courage those who are doing battle tions and hand, painted royalty, give the time by responsible citi.ons of this any the forces which hope to wreck agaitst world a year of banipuets and have county or by going to the collector the prosperity of the Queen City. Be enough left to bury those who die of th books! This property is not a thousand mire to come out tonight ! miles away from the city limits. Would gout. it not be advisable for the county court to appoint an expert, and see how much Xiw York Cm is soon to have a A Defaulter Disappears. property was not assessed? of aale tailors' bills contracted by public Now, Mr. Editor, in view of such San 5. Feb. Th Francisco, the dudes of Gotham and never paid. A facts as those, it comes with poor grace aays that John C. Hall, the default man who trusts a dude for anything is from a party that relios upon UM Morentitled to little sympathy when he finds attrney ? nttswpprcpriated large mons for party strength to raise any questions about "good govern aent himself left. hig c,rr hna (1is,mared. Tax Payer. Uua; M aijati . "THE KIRMESS: .f of Saturday & Tuesday, Feb. 7 & 10. SECURE SEATS IN ADVANCE. the program: "Tbt- - A Bantuce Mua Birdie lo CHAMBER CONCERT t'raic. Mr.t'aaa. Keel. solo. "M) Dearrn flrart.' Mr. iar I. Wait. . - .n ., sn.l Mi. SbUii an. or AT 1HK i ti. Tu- - aaoVrer. W I. ( tar 11. avatiaa. amazed lr cXl aiidpiaro Meff. Mr Tn.' .sua. at Hoprauo mjIo, "Srratia le,' !v liulvr! Mi. li 8. Wood. with violin ob- lu-at-e b Mr. Wm. E. Sa.'t. .l., "U.rnM. a Kdar f. Wail. Edaar ' West Academy Ne w Harr Richard Kwara. p k. TO-NIG- AT 8 O'CLOCK. HT Mpjor-Ueimna- Mr. J. "The 10. lir:adier Bopraoo Herr Kirhard aoau Srhumaar. Ler. Herr Richard Iiwcrs, Bass Soloist, of the Munich Royal Opera. with mini . Mr, li. S. Wi-- .i. licato bf Mr. Wm. K. Sweet.) i Edgar F. Waite. Tenor, of Boston, with the best local Ktmrss "The Kirmese," which is to be presented at the Grand on the evenings of February 7th and 8th, will undoubtedly surpass any previous home talent at Not only tempt ever made iu Ogden. have the leadrng society ladies of the city exerted their taste and talent, but their daughters, as well, have worked hard and long to make the entertain inent a grand success. The young ladies' military drill, consisting of boautiful figures on the march and fancy movements in the manual of arms w ill be a novel and pleasing sight to witness. The costumes to be worn by the pretty soldiers is that of "The Daughter of the Regiment" complete, from the boots. dainty little cap to the high-toThe young ladies perform their drill witli a precision that would grace a zouave regiment, and this.' together with the pretty forms and graceful figures of Ogden's fairest daughter.-- , w ill make a handsome combination. The Sir Roger de Coverley dance will be presented by an eflicientJseUlin the antique costume of '76. Miss Bishop has consented to dance the Highland fling. This lady possesses grace that is seldom seen on the ametur stage and her dance will be one of the most charming features of the entertainment. Mr. High Sharp will perform a unique and pleasing dauce entitled "Cumin' thro' the Rye." The entertainment will be interpersed with beautiful tableaux, under the direction of experienced managers. Thee are many other parts, fully as entertaining as the above, which have been heretofore mentioned. Suffice it to say that those who occupy seats in the opera house on the evenings of the 7th and 10th will see all previous efforts of home talent eclipsed. Everyone knows tho good cause for which the entertainment will be given and each citizen of Ogden should consider it his duty to attend and bring his family. The people who have labored so hard to make the affair a success have done so for the good of Ogden. Then let the people of Ogden show their appreciation of the good work and lend a helping hand by attending the The . . -- s- . by auea ... .prooo and laaor . (.uiUoia S. Hood aad Mr. Kdsar P. Wait. V Daily Qeetiiue." au&ras Eriei i. 4. -- , aaS Koval Mr- - VALEJTTUE'a afat 4 PHILLIP ! PAST . St. Wa.t-- 1 supported The following is an I uf eaili the leahea Taieer'a upar. to ee aeal heeejht he fraaa hettia. A ad hat earnun soars tbau aarbaai Kill V b bast local taieat Chaa A. Hakrf uf thai city, will act aa musical director. It is saldnai that we hav th jppor tunity of I it en ing to so faaaous a singer as Herr Eaer, and he ahouid hare a large audience. The price of adauaakaa sum of 50 has bean put at th rood orota. Tickets can be obtained at FeL r a Aan ing MM MfM Reed Hotel building. Twenty fifth -- 1T1 Out mugkt ba takes tueA aa4 arm aoibniea. M Muai QpAaa's iefiajs ny!". mcmi Euea wili tota s Eiar by Boats. ysl taka-- Int. 4 ntlMtmnmgt. TetA ml CITV LIBERAL TICKET. BY aaaa ae a - isoa a tour round the a of Id and t.iwiiUsl Uf-- v r as Ogdeci aeafj aaee with a --chaeibwcwooert " He wdi sMaaS; UtkenaieMM eatases wa Ol the Tut Imtbu aaty mill ha ..... W i .... si !.!.- riuakaUiwiMlit'w MeaeVna tnm . Mi HOUSE GIi A XI) OPERA Teatgrt f iar t will be given at tle Tonight the Nee Wast Academy nail oo of th Herr Km bard of the winter M.ta lTI -I Kl DA V. FEBR1 AKY S, taat iWfc ua lb UTAH ! jfaf ia an THE COMMERCIAL. I p e i i one-fourt- h r "01 tinan-cienn- Oleson." The most popular play of the season, "Ole Oleson," a Swedish dialect production, will be given at the Grand next Wednesday and Thursday, February 11th and 12th. Of this play the St. Louis (Mo.) aays: "At Pope's theatre R. L. Scott in "Ole Oleson' brought a new dialect character part on the stage and paid the respects of the theatrical world to the rapidly increasing Swedish element of American population. The of Ole Oleson, the 'just landed' Sart immigrant from the home of the Vikings, offers a good field for quaint comedy work, as there are many peculiarities of the national character of the Swedish peasantry which are both picturesque and amusing. The unconquerable stolidity of the race, the sparing use of words, the simplicity and 'freshness,' the latest sense of humor Jwhich sometimes breaks through a crust of apparent hopeless stupidity, unite in forming a stage part which has at least the element of novelty in its favor. Mr. Scott has evidently studied the American Swede closely, and his portrayal of the title role of yesterday's gerformance at Pope's scored a gratifying success. The play has a good melodramie plot, and the support was excellent of its kind, the performance being brightened by considerably specialty work. Barclay as Q, I. Quintius Shingle was amusing, A. W. Fremont as Paul Jordon and Zack Evans as Jefferson Bassett made a good pair of villains, Belle Bar ron as Mrs. Agnes Jordon, the persecuted widow and mother, was quite touching and forcible. Heath as Genie Dimple did such excellent soubrette work as to become a leading feature af the play. Crowded houses greeted both support. Music under the direction of Mr. Chas A. Fisher. Admission 50 centsTickets for sale at the Reed Hotel Drug Store, Twenty-fift- h street. - THE LATEST SENSATION IS nipml Wer Baking ! Its equal has not yet been produced-Nprizes required to sell t is sold STRICTLY ON ITS OWN MERITS-I- t is OUR OWN MANUFACTURE and every can is it-I- absolutely guaranteed. Try it once and you will use no RIM KRY UTAH AN othe- - CO 2300 WASHINGTON AVENUE Troy mmw Steal Laundry, GEO. A. CRAIG, MG'E., 37 25thSt,Te!ephoneI07. h Only Laundry using soap especially made for wool goods. All wool goods washed by hand. THE OGDEN CRACKER CO. (INCORPORATED.) Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS. of Central Hotel a 5th St. Factory in Rear O. P. Box 268. THE CRACKER OGDEN W. F. PRICE, Manager, CO., Ogden, Utah. n j j SUM k ROBINSOK jierformanoes. Death For Her Love. Ind., Feb. ,".- - Sanford B. Whal nd and Mrs. Gillie Hampton, who eloped from Harrodaburg, Ky., a ago, he leaving a wife and three children and she a husband and three children, were arrested here this morning, where they have been living to gether as man and w ifc. After the arrest the woman shot herself und fired at Whaland, eiclaiming: "Let ua die together." Mrs. Hampton cannot live; Whaland is not hurt. Mr. Hampton has becom insane because of her desertion and has wa'id. re I jwav and been Vntt'JniABB, HARDWARE s lom. COMPANY. 2845 Washington Avenue. |