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Show IXJDKN DAILY COMMEKCIAL; FRIIIAV. FEBRUARY 6, 169!. HERES HOT A La! ONE! WM. HARCOMBE, aul tea tLf SL J. Brw k ! liJr' Xeri e a&4 Liter Pill Art e aw i.rnrsi.i rptil&tr t . r. .j, Ym is viwj to ill -. FOK WJOD TilE iITI- ? - - .,L- i Hunva Comxeml-hl- ee&U. . -t '.1 Sample fr vrilou' I euU in tkla : The account of tlx) propositi ujroin't i kt iL A. k-lr- t .1 -- r. Wilrr. & Vrttm iaau of La&d aad fao. It m not only a auUtitute fur, but ia wry report u perior to glycerine, col 4 rrefcm, t airline, Both the method and results wbea taut would be kod depreeiatiua like preparktiuaa. Try it c ticket of tb put causal by Sjrcp of Figs i$ taken; it ia plemsu Dr. Iletdey's c?lu& Lfcuxlelioa TonU and reirefching to the taste, and arti forth by the Ci.izu" party" I m cure i&digUon and oocstipttioe a&J yet promptly on the Kidney, heartily in ympatby with Mr. Madea't tone up Cntl and the entire ystem. BowcU, cleanses ths sysden of On adnueeact idea. Tba rapid tem effectually, dispels colds, and tb iacreaee in values of read ectU . SACBEII H R.I BT 'ACADEMY, and fevers and cures habitual experbooed during the that CoBdnf ted by the inters constipation permanently. For sale Hah. 0?4en. buea have will admit all two year past all and bottles lOe ia druggii&j. of the Holy Cro. by cauaed by the fact, aoiely and alone, Is a boarding and day school CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. thatth Liberal party haa had control devoted to the education of young sam rate sco, en. of the management of the city affairs. ladiaa and little girls. In addition to a ho remember Oxden three tew rotf, .r. Thtfc it. lO'jisrius, thorough practical English course and acd remember the values at LaUn, elaain book keeping, tve jearsao, are conducted FINANCE AND COMMERCE. that t:ine on Tariou and ail properties, writing and lutasl the approved methods. now full that thi argument can after French and (iriuae are optional etudiei. Kew Tork Montr. tot be dispute! The claim has bren Besides the eleiwttsof drai which L.nade during tiii that Voek. Nrw JVh. in on all are e rstupain ti prent taught private euj, lit Z. t'rtms hut. .utile the Liberal partv, aaitataudaat prwwnt, pupil in the studio receive instruction ei.po ir,MTliii eictuil-, lr.lV. Sif'Jat the head of tin in crayon, ate!, painting in od and Uay liHi S4.MU; with 1. W. iUt itmi abd W of the au2 immorality water China on aalia tuid ticket, colors, par'y crime. Htrnge that chief amor, j tho velvet Bonds. men ho make this caaertion aru suuie In the musical department lefeocs are of the very parties who, if their t tate given in vocal music, and oi: piano, harp, Vtb. r.Vou. Gorcnjoi'iit but J clutotj Mluw : meot be true, are reix.u8ible for !.icia organ, violin, mandolin and guitar, ' 130 r. P. I ;' coupon 13 the Liberal party in such a zither. Siieciul cliisues in art, n:uic, I'. S. re '! I'M 4.cuup..D .. Iju XmcOiCi at the Dreseat time. I refer to nuuie of fancy work, etc, have been formed for l.S. 101 L. S. I regit the membersof the prefect City Council, ladies residing in the city. who are about to retire from the manFor further particulars apply to Skter Copper, Lead and Tin. agement of the Liberal city Superior, Ogden. Utah. Ssw Toc.i. Fli. S. Copper, amnion!: Lai These gentlemen are among the leaders U.ZJ. Ui. dull. Fvbniary Liuitwolin, Announcement. of those who are so actively eutfa.ed in PlaU-tt.Vi; Via. truuT StrlU, fairl Mr. Mj.N'utt. Mrlivo. trm. trying, to belittle is informed Kit The that public Key's Any person who stops to think undertaking parlors are fully equipped moment can cosily and readily with a OGDEX MARKET REI'OIiT. large and select stock of burial understand wby they do not like Mr. cures and caskets. A full line of ladies' M 'Nutt A good portion of tieae memand children's robes. All calls Wnoteeale Prices. bers of the present council were, in a geuta' promptly attended to day or night way, candidates for the nomination of Corrected daily by Gibtoa 4 SmurUiwaiU, wliblnifcle produce dealers, 2383 Watuiccton ST mayor, and the majority were certainly Will be Given landidates for but on acenoe, Ocden City, Ctah, count of the Liberal, convention prefer-- , Our enterprising druggist IL A (inAix. Sellinf. Boyin. Walker, wko carries the finest stock of Yi beat, uewboNo. 1 miU- lg Mr. McNutt and leaving them out, 10 iue. ter t eney immediately turn Against the drugs, perfumes, toilet articles, brushes, Oatat, aacked, er carL, 1 90 party and raiss the cry or immoral eponges, etc, is giving away a large num Barley,cwt.b rowing. No. 1 ter IX ber of trial bottles of Dr. Miles' cele ity. brewing. So. t The principal reason that I desire to brated Restorative Nervine. He guar. Barley, 1 5 liercwt see the entire Liberal ticket elected in aotees it to cure headache, dizziness. Barley, feed. 1 " " cUopued lli Ogden is the point I suggested at the nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill Barley,eastern " 1 7S commencement of this letter. The fact effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. Cora, 1 SU Cora, chopped am u that l positive that real estate Druggists say it is the greatest seller Fioct. they ever knew, and is universally satis- Hiirb patent " t S10 ren's party" is successful, that but very factory. He also guarantees Dr. Miles' KlraiKlit " grade " 1 W tl C 00 few men in Ogden will ever be able to New Heart Cure ir. all cases of nervous CHUer grade t " 25 meal or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain Corn meet their present obligations. 7 7 Kolled Uat. per bbl . I have a great many properties, all in side, smothering, etc. t ine book on Bran aad BuorU " W well and centrally located, and asjto their "Nervous and Heart Diseases" free. Hat. well I as am as think I value, acquainted Timothy, tr'ht per t'n 14 00 " Wisdom's Robertine is the only prep l iinotiiy, m'xd UM any man within the confines of this city. " KeU l op U W I would be very anxious and willing to aration now used by fashinable ladies to Wild 10 M " make a similar, and in fact a better perpetuate a beautiful complexion. Ask Lucerne 7 59 " proposition to the "Citizen's party" thnn your druggist for it and do not be in PRODCrB. Mr.- Maden has made- - . .I do this eimolv duced to take anything else. Si Butter, bent, per lb . Mr. Mia,ia mUI of K!xk1 rl advanced by retefVooa to tt , The Clothier, 2473 2475 WASHINGTON AVE. il OTG ENJOYS j elec-Uo- 1 he tl E - horl-han- rLa, l tk.-.- ; 1 & preilk-auien- t I ! , fcSb.MU. ; 1 have justfinished takingan. 1 inventory of our stock, and wo find that our lines of Winter Clothing, Underwear, Hats, and Shoes are "Very Complete, and be- inir desirous of reducing: this stock as much as possible before spring, we will commence on Iebruarv 6th, to sell our entire stock at COST" with the exception of Earl it Wilson's Collars and Cut fs,and Stetson's Hats." Everything else in the stock noes at Cost until March 1st. TVs we do as we agree to, wo feel s that it will bo to your advantage to call on us if there is anything c S in our line that you may need. i s Aory Respectfully, i WM. HARCOMBE. i iL-Xu- 1 "Wo bead-ache- s 1 Ofrden, Utah, Fob. G, 1891. Dear Sir: J al-wa- vs Ay. 1 . Si ... ....... 1 solely because 1 Honestly believe TYt m Ant. frAniiAnt. (.nllu fnr minmir that if the "Citizen's .party" elects any f its candidates my property is depre blanks, Thr Commkrciat. has printed and tiated'in value from 23 to 33 H per cent bason band for sale the following: Notice of location of mining claim, proof of 4 a wtn-ioii- I V'lnena comer oiTouir of" labor performed, power of attorney to business streets locate and sell and mining deed. II the princi Oof the city,: It offers to the investor, for Take It Before Breakfast. speculation or improvement, as good I opportunities as any piece of property in The great aprrtizer, tonic and liver I Ogden, and I think the average man regulator. Poei'.:ve speritic for Itver would say that fUO,UUU was n reasonable complaint- - Bad taste in the mouth on figure for it, and I feel confident that I arising in the morning, dull pains in the will get that amount if the ticket headed head and back of the eyes, tired feeling, by Mr. J. W. McXutt is elected entirely. dizziness symptoms of liver complaint I have had, in fact, within the past three Remedy Dr. Henley's English Dandepractically an otter of 8'JU,UUU, lion Tonic. Get the genuine from your for this property; but owing to an druggist for 11, and take according to chain of cirnumataTiRBfl. tho directions. deal was not consummated. The reason, "Drs. Freeman & Burrows, Salt Lake, however, was not on account of the value, for tho price was entirely eatis- - will have a branch oflice every Saturday S factory. I will sell and gladly, too at Broom hotel, Ogden, for the treat . this property for f 15,000 if a calamity ment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose, and lungs. Spectacles accurately l like the election of the "Citizens' ticket" throat Aoccurs to this city next Monday. fitted, difficult cases solicited. (J lass 1 iittve luuur uuiur yiuyuL Lion, uii vtuu eyes inserted." located, that I will allow a committee of two or three well posted real estate men Limit of Express Delivery. to place the value upon and will sell, in of the large territory cov On the event of the election of the "Citizens' ered account by the city of Ogden, tho Wells ticket," any or all of these properties at & a discount of 25 per cent, on the value Fargo, Denver Rio Grande, and Pacific Express companies have been compelled made, by these gentlemen. to establish the following limits to free I am neither a particular nor a delivery of express matters within the friend of Mr. McNutt. frsonal territory bounded as follows, viz: beginintiknown him, not and at the corner of Twenty-firs- t mately, however, for the past ten or ning to east thence blocks six Wall; running twelve years, and during that time I Madison; thence south two blocks to have found him always a courteous, re- Twenty-third; thence east two blocks to fined, brilliant gentleman. 'He is a man thence south four blocks to entirely capable of managing the affairs ?uincy; thence west two blocks of Ogden City, and will, I am confident, three blocks to when he is elected, govern the city of to Madison; thence south thence west six blocks to Wall; Thirtieth; will be a in that way Ogden satisfactory thence north nine blocks to place of to everyone. Why, at this particular time, should Wells rAP.no & Uo. such a great hue and cry be raised Denver & Rro Grande Ex. Co. It is against Mr. McNutt's character? By L. W. Shinn, agent. very strange indeed that the enormous Pacific Exprss Co. villainies of this man, as claimed by the By Ed. Johneon, ageat combination People's Citizens' party, were not ' discovered some years ago. Great Week at the ftovelty. Nothing was heard of this in the campaign two years ago, and no one can Monday evening there will be the best reasonably claim that Mr. McNutt hns nnd largest vandeville entertainment at degenerated, or become any different in the Novelty that has been spread at that fact from what he was at that time. popular place of amusement. The Erie I shall be very happy indeed if I can Sisters, all star combination, will appear rind any enthusiastic supporters of the with thirty three picked star artists. "Citizens' party" who are willing to enter Everybody should visit the novelty the into negotiations with me on my real coming week. estate proposition. ' I am sincere in this Ladies. statement, and for no other rdasoa except that I believe, confidently nnd Mrs. Voorhies is now ready to give earnestly, that I will be unable to realize, les:ons in art needle work, drawn work, within the next two years, the present Roman embroidery, cappurl work and values of my properties if the '"Citizens' lace making. A new stock of stamping and I would wins the day, party" prefer and lnce patterns just received. to make a reduction of 25 per cent, now, patterns Stamping done Ogden Department for I know that I will be compelled to do store 2302 corner Twenty-thir- d and is elected if Mr. Turner this mayor. avenue. Washington I will have this transaction fair an d above board in every particular, and give Dyspepsia, everyone an opportunity to investigate That nightmare of man's existence carefully the properties I offer. I would very much prefer, however, to retain which makes food a mockery and them, and would not under any circum- banishes sleep from weary eyes, readily stances sell them on this basis if, as I yields to the potent influence of the celbelieve must be the case, the Liberal ebrated English Dandelion Tonic. It ticket is elected in its entirety next tones up the digestive organs, restores Monday. For with that object attained, the appetite, makes assimilation of food at least 25 per cent will be added to the possible and invigorates the whole syspresent .values within the next six tem. Ogden druggists sell it at tlTper bottle. months. In conclusion, I will state that I am Money to Loan! not a saloon man, nor interested in any way in the traffic of liquor, bnt am Money to loan on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, etc. Unredeemed pledires for imply sale cheap. 204 and 206, Twenty-fiftAn Ogde Rbal Estate Or xkr. St. (Vjinu -- K'irrsLv J"i)oat Butter, (hiiunn, " tuli, Kvirs. per dox . w i2 " Lucerne eed. per lb... Cental Backs ScitRilosa tacks Table a! t, iter Um Clean coareeHalt p'r t'n Ketail prices are about i h L ul'i fl! ,4 IS per cen', 8H 2J 00 8 00 c 15 JU higher. OGDEN'S "God'a blearing to mankind," ny thousands who hv been cured by the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Sold everywhere AFarootH Woman And what Bhewys of a fanioui artiele. A clear, concise, conscientious certificate: Mr. Windom Di'ar Sir: I beg to thank you for the delightful and refreshing "Robertine" you bo kindly Bent nia I have uaed the toilet preparations of the most celebrated manufacturers of Inro-do- n and Pur is, but consider your HlUb ertine" their superior in point of purity and excellence. Wishing you tho unbounded success you deserve, I remain Emma Abbott. faithfully yours. TIIK THE CHICAGO Milwaukee HOT SPRINGS, Of this city, are equal to the most famous in the world. The curative properties of these waters are most wonderful and bathing in them is most pleasant. No case of rheumatism or blood disease has yet been found which could not be conquered by careful treatment at these springs. Arrangements have been made to have all Raymond and Whitcomb excursions stop over here for at least one day and all Union Pacific overland tickets are good for a ten days' stop over at the Springs. The & St. Paul Importers and Jobbers. The Largest Con fee Jfanufacturcrrin Utah. RAILWAY I the only linp miming Solid Vretibnled, Stiam- Irmnn uauy upatml and raprtrir-liKlitbetwwn l liipaco and Omaha, compoeed of Masnifiernt Slerpintr Care and Tlie rineRt Dininjr Cars In the World. EVERYTHING FIRST-CLAS- Commercial Agent. T. F. POWELL, TraTelinft Agent. 1C1 S. Salt Lake City. Main Street, Factorv and Saleroomgi, 2327 WALL AVENUE, OGDEN. S. Adt further informdtion a to Ratee of Fare, bjr etc., will be cheerfully fumit-heALEX MITCHELL. 0I1HMSPKS! Skookum oot HaiP Grouucf. Grows Hair Rapidly. Eradicates Dandruff. VOUR CHANCE HAS ARRIVED. You can now take the Motor at the Broom, Hotel corner on Washington Ave. and run straight through. Try it this P. M. OUR BATHS are very popular and you can take supper, and a good one, before starting for home. Come out and A Stops Falling Hair. Is a Preventive of Baldness. HOTEL DEPARTMENT Grows Hair on Bald Heads. Is in competent hands, service may and first-clas- s be had at the Springs Come out and Hotel. ' try the baths. The 0r, alORT III." "CHICAGO Great Sanitarium, WHOLESALE GROCERS, try it. Is an Exquisite E. F. POOLE, Hotel Mgr. Toilet Article, Is Free from all coloring matter. Mo- tor makes through trips from the 'Broom Hotel corner as per time table in this paper. Fare 30 cents for the round trip from the city limits. (Trait mat k rrgislertd.) Contains no Mineral or Vegetable Poisons It is an honest and meritorious preparation. Nature's Own Remedy. The Hot Springs Co. Skookum Root Hair Grower Go. HOT SPEINGS HOTEL CO. NEW YORK. THE BKUSSAVICK! Fo Sal by all Druggists. -- Finest Billiard Hall in Utah ITp .Stairs TV I. .L. Hnuinwiclt tli I..-- Over Mnden'g. , German THE- Restaurant, WALTER BKAND, PRO. anil fl. tables exclus COME AND SEE US. I. G. Proudfit & Co., THE BRUNSWICK. 221 We carry the largw-t- , CASKETS mofct and complete and eloeant Mock of FUNEllAL. FUKNISHINGS Soryices conducted at our Parlors when desired. Embalming TTbodic. for shipment epecialty. RICHEY'S UNDERTAKING PAELOBS. V!rvt of J( 'liicago. T7.11 in OmlMl ively. KICHEY'S UNDERTAKING PARLOUS. Funeral Directors and Embalmerf. A. CLEAN, TfKAT, OYSTER AND SHORT ORDER HOUSE Bandar Din mi from 4 to ( p. m. S430 GHANT AVE, OGDBN, THE FINEST HEARSE IN UTAH.' 22G3 Washington Avenue, Ogden, Utah |