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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, I S3!. Oa Georg T. Ulnar, an actor, wha ia von! J tiakk that a rIna4 es-- -r boow avra faring ia the ax&a&er town of the atala, tfet rrsted ia a Ctauiutt ta waa a aulik is the aonhera army dor-im- x T step? 08 ia tba war U the rfbtlliua. At tbe tvo pre-rrit from rcn&ieff Ur battle of Lookout Moaatata be was left 4; t &anbt4 by tk bd ye3o ia bWUljcbt. Oaod m tW track la euaoataad of a scary field piece. A and vaitol wttJ list carina sAoppoi1 party ci Ckaifodrratea made an attack, sriAia te frrt of them? Sock a a tain and to defend himself at doae range Oe-t-rl kkpiatU aadahotooeuf the sLd oorv. It m m tba Caruf-nCociadrratea three tuuea. woaadiaj hint i railaW. ia4 Fraak L who raia witbia aa men oi tsrisf-la- aerwvly. Monday Ulmer case to this city from to Qtariutta, a ka4 Tba Caiiutta booed paiswrgT traia, Stockton to look after aume show print-infor his company at the printing boo Capt Gears WeUb, eoodactar, poIl4 Valentine & Co. tat Kamoftve of Francis, taa at at Wilaunctoa tit ot ef depot mbaI tiioe TuelsT ew&ins, nasla tba street WhOe there ha stepped into the engraving departaueet to examina a stock regular atop at ILlUm Brvl, aawOwr of wood cuu. Soddesly he Leard ausoa Yadkia and ValWy Fear stop at Cape exclaim: way out rrutsung, a&4 vat jot gKtmj aadtr -God! Tberts the maa who abut Dint wlsea Eniae-- r Lfrvria for me." track. tba oa ahead dark caw a object Ulmer tumel like a flah and found II at twt thooght it waa a man. bet, a himaelf to face with the soldier it Jul not more, b ae iced the whittle wbota beface bad abut at the famous battle Tba alarm. rattle the and cord gave rvtiiaiisrd MotitA-k- , twty-dgh- t years ago. The men glared grew aud tbeeniie r tbrrwoa the brake. at each other, but only for aa instant rynt, Tba train slowed cp abruptly, aad a it Then there waa raoktare la their Will-Urn drtw ear the object the engineer aaw and (Jjrge T. Ulmer, actor, and W. Uarriaoa, engraver, cbutprd tutntUiing that aotraiJir-- l Lira. of him, waa a big handa. Garrwon haa hved here for sevia Tberr, of antlrra. eral years, and ia still a sufferer from the with a fitie pn-abuck r Tbe buck wa standing in tba wnu-- of piftoi wounds received at the bands of Ulmer. Before heaving the printing bouse hoad-ligb- t, the into track the ataria,' dim.tly said to Uarriaun: and jn-- i behind biiu, eianding Ulmer -- Old man, from this data I will give acroM tbe track aad looking at the engine over tba buck's ihodhk-w- , waa a braoti-fu- l you half of my army penal cm." baa doe. Tie engine got within ten feet Franciaoo Chronicle. of tbfin worn it nearw threw tba rara FJartrie mmw awyrs. of the headlight over them, and the moThe companiea manufacturing snow from boanded ment that occorred they andsweeptn are said to be just the track and disappeared in the dark-d- . plows now overwhelmed with orders. Tho Tba engineer was almost unstrung value of these appliances in dealing with by the novel experience, and he and the large quantities of anow haa been ao Charfireman talked deer all the way to demonatrated that improvelotte. Had he known what the objecta thoroughly ments oa even tba latest machines are on have could he were bim ahead of put being brought out almost daily. A new ttcam and bagged a big meat of venison. snow plow for eWtrio street railways --Charlotte (N. C.) Ncwa, differs in many rwpecta from the old I fashioned cylindrical shaped broom, Aa Affhea Advesitair. beneath the body of a truck Benjamin Wolfe, who ia visiting revolving and throwing the anow and dirt in all has through Ham., paawd 8pnri;nr4i. adventures enough to fill a book. At directions. It consists of an ordinary the age of 18 he enlisted in the English car truck equipped with two motors, one of which propels the car while tbe army having run awsy from home other revolves two seta of shovels. Tht to detachment a and be accompaniod cirIndia. Thence he went to Afghanistan, snow on the rails ia picked up by a where In lSbO he Ggnred in the famous cular box, from which the revolving march from ITerat to Kandahar a dis- shovtla take it tip and throw it out tance of 1,300 miles made in viz weeks through a spout This snow plow can be operated equally well by night or by by Ghsn. Roberts. La ft he was promiday, and is said not to interfere with tho draiuatio first the nent in organizing traffic upon the streets. New company of English soldiers, and waa regular York Telegram. , of first its production, general manager which was made at Sabatlu-r- . A Tetophoa la T.yrj Koom. He has, as a sonveuir of the eveut, a The telephone ia put to a new use in curious programme, fawned by the soltho great hotel at Tampa, which Milldiery, on which is printed the curious ionaire built to rival thoet Plan has injunction, 'Gentlunien are request! of Millionaire just at St Augustine. Flagcr to fetch their seats." At one time, while on duty just outside of Snhnther, Wolfe Instead of an electric press button every was assaulted by fivo Afghans and was room will have a telephone connected left on the ground for dead. He was with the office. Quests will be able to discovered by his comrades, however, rouimnnirato not only with the office, but with their friends in other rooms at and cared for. He still biars the mark of the knife wound on his liack. The will. The great orchestrion which was 4th of Augiwt, lts90, he started to return one of tho marvels of the Paris exposto India nt) J rodo 1,000 miles on horse-liy- f ition is to be placed iu the large music routn 'f thyvUi. It has "oeen arranged ja&'his path lay along tho Himalaya that m.vLJ in Ills room can, by merely iiins. Ledger. teleil""i,1fr to tha office, he connected wit the tfrheatrloK and have the music Itale of a Cut. . HlMlKUtllr A VI, imiii fall volume. In, A gcnlntfon w'af ui nr iiiHifrn i it ut'tual practice one ton square s'?nt . r j. . rfu? of Bellamy's con- 'discovered y night, if he likes, go stringer of woodeu o the finest of liar- log aoglo. He culled Sun. neighbor to it, aud toet gthat they perhaps tne cat was ti) t and Won. iit got tip, proceeded to stir it rtp. enormou hawk poised in An rge J! the fence, and in attempting to jui s ago over Jacob midair few a il lo by the end bung suspended like nn Heather's fine flock of Shanghai chickens of its caudal eppendae, which was at Durham, Bucks county. Selecting animal had feuce. The frozen to the one of the finest, a seven pound rooster, crawled in for shelter from the storm, fell upon it, and majestically the heat of the body lunlting the snow, the hawk bora The contemplated it skyward.freesso and then chilling enough to the bo eaten, however. was never meal to tail to tho fence. As it hung suspended the gentleman began to look around for for Walter Haraortin happened to bo warm water, or some other means of gunning under the path of the hawk's and succeeded in bringing the thawing it out, but before they suc- night, ceeded the weight of the body caused it Utter to earth. Tho rooster was unin to break its hold, and the cat waa re- jured, while the pirate had his bead blown off. Philadelphia Times. leased from its strange predicament Dee. (Mass.) Lysa Swing a Srytha at Nlnoty-fonwe noticed our venerable Recently I A Large Cargo of Sugar. Aaron Burnham, who is only 94 friend, We have several time this season reyears old, mowing thatch on the borders ferred editorially to the large movement of the canal of sugar to eastern markets by sea from Ho carried theadjoining Long Causeway. scythe through the coarse this port, and on several occasions have frown in a very remarkable manrecorded uncommonly lare exports on ner for grass a youth of his age. After getsingle days. Yesterday all previous recmowed for his immediate enough ting ords were broken, as not only the largest wants he proceeded to load it on a wheeever was known cleared, single cargo starting home with it ns spry aa but the aggregate exports were phenom- lbarrow, man of 20. Essex Echo. a young enal. The steamship Couemaugh was cleared with a cargo consisting of 17,500 Three Golden Wedding. barrels and 190 bass of Louisiana sugar. Three golden weddings in one family This is an immense cargo of sugar, aud are remarkable, even in a community is all intended for eastern reiineries. of long lived people. In New HampThe aggregate exports of sugar, all for shire recently Deacon Thomas E. Fol-toeastern ports, for tho day were not far nd wife, of Exeter, celebrated from 60,000 barrels, the actual figures their golden wedding. Deacon Folsom's being 41,200 barrels, 359 hogsheads and brother, at Abington, Mass., also a 190 bags, New Orleans Picayune. deacon, some time ago celebrated his golden wedding, and a sister, living at i, Dlrdt anU th Weather. Tuftonborough, observed the same event In Yorkshire the early arrival of tho two years ago. Boston Journal. cuckoo is regarded as a sign that there will bo little grass and a scanty crop of Bishop John P. Newman, who is one torn, owing ta the cold, dry season, and f the best known Methodist divines and ia tho isle of Mu the farmers consider educators iu the country, will bo a promi that when (ho rwks fly to the hills rain nent figure at tho quarter centennial 4s cear. But in Devonshire the belief is Methodist jubilee that is soon to be held that if tha birds stay at homo or return iu New Orleans. He will speak on "The in the middle of the day wet weather is Future of the Negro Race" a subject which he is particularly fitted to discuss, Xo be looked for, while in Durham Mr. Kwainsoa quotes a saying to the effect as much of his work has been among the that if crows feed ia tho streets of a vil- colored people of the south. lage a storm may bo expected. ExTho lato Attorney General Devins waa change, a tall, broad shouldered man, with a t Changed Color. long, oval face. Ilia eyes were dark, his J A few months ago a colored woman in features regular, and the lower part of Qayti began to grow white, and now it his face was covered by an iron gray is said that there U not a trace of the mustache and short beard. His manners original black color left in her skin, tho were most dignified and courteous. texture and general hue of which is soft, breech loading , creamy white, much more delicate than Recently tho the 6kiu of most white persons. St. cast iron wire wrapped gun at Sandy Hook waa filled with 265 pounds of powLouis Republic. 'I der and a projectile weighing 800 pounds. la 1891. Eatr Holiday The carriage broke and tha tests were Easter Sunday in 1891 comes on March not completed. 29. It can never occur earlier than To settle a bet a man in Van Wert March 23 nor later than April 23, but may come on these days and on any day county, O., wheeled a wheelbarrow con between them. St. Louis Globe-Dem- o taining 150 cats for tUreo xmle over a crat muddy country rood, Xfjjm nuJ m Jr GRAND Scenic Route nana C. P. g g ilj tir.but objt jat fnt dr Jt d 'rtii r. ! Co. COMTUCrOR AJO BUILDER. Eatisssle gnm am aptlicaiea. iMr artsnr'a otawr mM arrr. A- -i Th y k m ih'Mn aav . tmt Mrm, as T. P. Has aaa Jectsnu iMswa, f is Pisxa. Of ai 111 tf WaotihU bay ibat rival taat at ui to lb f real dir ai J. V. AkasTaiws. aaa Fraaritw fey tba GeiAm btw frmU U it Uric falifarala Boat aadtaeTlae. af Eaatoaa, ToMalM.-Tf- tmn aa4 DEL MOilX-I- Si Traea.-Taa- oe. al. Big BY TUX ca ML CAEMIiO L Tba Gcy-- ONLY36"HOURS ezmzs m framscoaxd pqetum Tha Grand Caaaa el ta Vvptr Bjrraneato tb beaotilui MoMbra Ft.'. CaaU Kori. Ml. fehaaia and ia ajaraiaoent aoeeryoi U aUkiyo Monaiaiaa, aU by day light. tlV UTIIC lOCStt, r.lEST 11 TBI 3119. O. E. CKiIi:, M A Ofie. Xatinmal LBiD. t turf Junie JEONABD ft Hi cry ('onset. H. O. Harkness, Iavid KrvW. Patrick H. Fin sirmi Supreme Court, e S HW. Ave Oedea. Ctah. BANK, Practice ia tha District Court aad all th Perxttal athntioa eive to enlWtion. Bcnember tie place, ia Perry's sroodeB bnild-ibmi slwip UC.U. (treenweil ft Drue.. street, Ogdea, I'tan. P. O. ''1i Twanty-foun- court. n. ixr OGDEX. UTAH. it boxSM. Capital Taid in, Surplus, - JAHES EtllBALL. 11 BALL ft ALLISON', $125,000. - Kansas Olyt St. Joseph, Omaha. EM CHAIR CARS REGUNING OM ArraCBBD all Taaooea to Taanta. eoncerolnc For farther Information Una, apply to any Ticket Afant, or addrets this OKO. "W. VALIJCHY, Wa bbkm Cobbt, President. Trio. Bobisok, VY. No. 2. bast aocxn tbaihs. Atintic Mail CAPITAL, IlELrairn. Cashier. and Manager. : W. Corey, Tlios. I 'ahoon. 8. 8. Schramm, KipreM f AMKK1CAN FOBK, mtnmin. arrive SrErSOVILLB PROVO, AND THISTLE. Leave Oedpn 8:30 Oitden 12 :: p. m, 1). O. IXIIXIE. (ton. Nanacer. p. m returning, arrive J. H. BENNETT, (Jen. Pass. Ajrt. First National m THE PANORAMIC LINE OF THE On and after October St, 1890, passenger and freight trains will ran as follows : attention given to children's teeth. CIVIL ENGINEERS. . 0. A. TUSH. TBBIQHT TRAITS. Leave Salt Lake. 70 a. m Leave Park tHty 4:00 a. m 12 SO p. m Arrive at Park City Arrive at Salt Lake 3:41 p. m Twelve suburban trains daily between bait Lake City and Mill Creek and Sugar House. AU neople going to Park City will find it to their interest to take this line. Offices and Depot: Corner 8th Sonth and llaia street. Salt Lake City. T. J. Markintenh. 0. F. and P. A. BOYNTON HOT WATER HEATER ! The Most Improved and Economical Heater in the Market, RIVEUDALE PUECINCT. and Gas Fitting Plumbing IS ALL ITS BRANCHES. 304 Washington Ave. Call and get price. Justice of th Peace Simon F. Halvoreon. Constable Caleb Parry. LTNSE PRECIKCT. Jnstice ef the Peace Peter L. Sherner. Contitable Jamea Harrop. PRECnrCT. J. W. Hurt. Hofffsa. BOOPKS PRECINCT. A A BLANKS. A ' A A A Mining Deed. Notice of Location of Claim. Proof of Labor Power of AtVy to Locate 401 and 377 75 325 A A ' Sell A A MISCELLANEOUS Official Bond BLANKS. and Oath A . i Justice of the Peace James Johnson. Constable Francis M. Belnap. of tnfornatioa and ab straot oi to laws, allowing How to sumio racmts, (.wests, itsob A pamphlet auris, vopyrurota, ssn UNDERTAKER rm. And Funeral Director ssrwasiwmr, kill iw 1 era. Mntallal sPsiLaw - u TTT v i J -- ! t Embalm tovvarisj special Attention aua rreparing Bodies forpaid Shipment. Ordf oy leioRrapn promptly attended to. I ha ino oniy liearse in the city. Te t nmna tM nrst-cias- s SM, iMIi Cleae iaapttrlr Tobitee from all aad ftor ft eeat Absolutely pur lre sch's, ntracts, roiati are or flsTortnc, sad not dlp?td. Is a botifui and F (net dgsr, aot a chetp clgsrm or ehcrcot F.uiltsM the ia Caitd States, tlut ixtoli ngnlsr. cigar kat a'ia'sVa - S.M.PRESHAW, WEST WEBEE PRECrxCT. Constable-Jose- ph Railroad Tickets Bonuht, Pold and fc. changed, to all points. ALL TICKETS Ul'AK-antEkTolophotw 325 350 400 Justice of the Peace P. P. Bingham. Constable Daniel N. Drake. Justice of the Peace A A Chattel Mortgage C A Marriage Certificate Promissory Notes, Books of 50 and 100. Receipts, Books of 50. Rent Receipts, Books of 100. Drafts, Books of 100. Other Blanks constantly being added to the above list. Justice of the Pence James Hutehins. Constable John J. Hutehins. WTLSOM ' AA Affidavit for Claim and Deliv- DOYLE &"HALVERSON, SLATERVTLLK PRECTNCT. Ticket Brokci Sie 475 476 76 A A MfittJtO BLANKS. Railroad and Steamship Btreet 502 379 , Association. h 501 COURT BLAITKS. ery personal property Undertaking on Claim and Delivery of personal property 526 Undertaking for Return to Deft, Claim and Delivery personal property 77 Complaint on Claim and Delivery personal property.... GEORGE W. JONES, Member of the American Ticket Broker's Twenty-aft- 300 376 t A A 525 PLAIW CITT PRECTXCT. Justice of the Peace W. H. CrandaU. Constable Geo rsre H. Maycock. F. C DISTK1CT COURT Justice of the Peace Constable Joeiah B. Carver. PEBASANT VIEW PRECINCT. '. . a Deed PROBATE 572 - PRECINCT. a, Administrator's Bond Executors' Bond Letters of Guardianahirj . Order ADrjointinir Hearinif., Testimony of Testimony of Applicant Order appointing Adm'r commissioner's court blanks. Summons Sheriff's Sale Constable's Sale Order for Deft to appear and show cause Citation for Garnishee Aflidavit for Citation for Garnishee. Writ of Execution 2 HARRIS VII, LB PRKCmCT. ANESVrLLB (f) fUBLISHLXG 1 125 78 Jnstice of the Peace- -- William G. Bawson, Constable James II. Taylor. Justice of the Peace Timothy Kent ill. Constable Byron L. Bybee. . Assignment of Mortgage.... Bill of Sale 10 Justice of tbe Peace Richard Dye. Comttiible John Parker. AND FOR SALB BT Trust 377 l"" , 10-in- t 500 3 51 K. W PARIS. rpUSH ft FARIS, CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS. Plans, specifications and estimates prepared and work superintended. Maps, plats, tracings, blue print, etc., etc., executed on short notice. Rooms 3 Bd t. Union block. No. 362 Twenty Fourth Street, Ogden, Utah. MARRIOTT PRECINCT. S.fOa, m 4:00 p. m lOuSOara 6:30 p. m ssi. LEGAL BLANKS NORTH OGDBN PRBCISCT. PAMKXOEB TRAINS. LeaveSaltLaka Leave Park City Arrive at Park City Arrive at Salt Lake RDER B0N8 OF ST. GEORGE. To bt. Ueorg and Mem England. RICHARD CdURDE LEON LODGE, , Justice of the Peace James Storey. Constable Jamea Doaraer. Justice of the Peaoe Constable Wilson Ponlter. Short Line to Park City. o - CI NT AH PRRCrNCT. UM Central Railway MILITANT, I F. Meet every Tuesday and Friday evenings at. Odd Fellows Hall, Members invited. F. W. Lewis, Captain. R. C. Smbad. Clerk' rCBLISRED Ip. Salt Salt Lake. S :30p.m. 87, 2 a OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. . Iavo and W 5i0 Warranty Deed, ehort form. . A PJENTISTS. 571 Warranty Deed, lowr form ... A ft R. SNOWDEN, TLxaJ Ar IV. t I.nl,,.w at.' aTt iAj vv."V Q A i.t) KealI"ietatMortge,Bhortrrni DENTIST.- 375 Option Contract A 300 2427 A ljease Offioe, Washington avenue over Horrock ft Sons store. Teeth without plates aad savins; 50 Bond for Deed A natural teeth a specialty. No teeth or root too 100 B Discharge of Mortgage bad to be saved by fiUiujr or crowning. Special e aiNOHAM. Lake. 8 :2S a. m.. . mm U PATRIARCH 0. 0. I. A. C0TTINGHAM. t-- AND SALT LAKE. A v R. A. Wells, ' John Kek. C. E. Vuirel,('.(MiolnntKin, Ad. buhn, 8:30 a. m 8:4S p. m OPF1CBES. t M a. in 9: p. in Probate WBBES COCNTT W. Cross. 9:50 a. in 10 M p. m Judge Robert LeaTe8nlt Lake W Selectmen 11 Lewis :J0 a. m U :S0 p. in Arrive l'mvo Shurtliff, John Pin cork, Fred Foy. 11: 40 a. m 11 ifi p. m Leave I'rovo Clerk-- J. P. Ledwidge, m 5;:a. m Arrive (liwn Kiver 6::)p. Kecordor John G. Tyler. BA0 p. m 5iS a. m Leave Oreen Rivor Assesiior Edwin Dix. Arrive (Irand Junrtiun.... p. m 9:45 a. m Treasurer John A. !oyle, Leave Orand Junction.... 9:40 p. m 9:."i0a. m Collector John V. Bluth. Arrive Ulruwood Hpri'K.. 1 :10 a. m IM)i.n Attorney L. B, Rogers. :20a. m 8:30 p. m Arrive Leadville Sheriff-ililb- ert B. Belnsp. 1:20 p. mi 2:25 a.m ArrivePupblo Coronor Marshal Allen, 1 SB p. mi Xt a. m Ar. Colo. Springs R. W. Faris. 4::8 p. mi 6:15 a. m Snrveyor Arrive Denver Superintendent of District Scoola Jos. Perry PRBCIMCT OmCERS rtRST OODKN PEECIJiCT. No. No.1. WEST BOCKD T1AINS. Pacine Pacifle .Inst ice of the Peace K. A. McDaniel. Expresa. Constable E. A. Koch. SBCOKDOODEM FRKBfCT. 9 X a. 8:15 p. m Leave Denver Jnstice of the Peaoe B. Ternes. Il2:20 p. 11:10 p. in Leave Coin. Springs Coustable Phil Ford. :25 p. m Leave Pueblo lia p. 116S& a. m Leave Learfvilltt THIRD OODEN PRECTKCT. 10:40 a. m Olenwood Hpri'Ki. UM a. Justice of tho Peace A. Porrin. 2:10 p. ip Const-ablD. O. Sullivan. Arrive wrann Junction . . 43U a. Leave Grand Junction... 4:40 a. 2:U p. m oodkn PRFrrart fourth 8:! a. Arrive Hreen River p. m Justice of the Peace Vol Qiueon. :10 p. m 8:50 a. Leave Otwo River . Steel. H. Cotmtable 12:20 a. m Arrive Provo... IflTNTaVTLLE PREOWCT. 12:30 a. m 3:10 p. Leave Provo Justice of the Peace Angus McKay. 1:15 a. in 4: p. Arrive Salt Lake Constable George E. Ferrin. 2 00 a. m Lrave 8nlt Lake tM p. 6:00 p. Arrive (talon 311) a. m EDEX PRECIWCT. Jnstice of the Peace K. B. Frorer. LOCAL TRAINS. ContableWohn Gould. OQ DEN See. PHYSICIAN. In conneetion with venorol practice, gives THE COMMERCIAL srnciul attention to diseases peculiar to female disease of the Ri nito urinary organs, diseases im Wabliincton-- ti of tin rectum, vi. : Pil, tistula, fissure and ulceration ; diseases of the ear, nose, throat and clicet. Consultation free. Office over Postomce. Telephone 208. corrvEYA-jvf Lear Ofplon Arrive Sdlt I.nkn Lenv Opdon, 8:Hf a. m., 3:90 p.m., 9:15 p. m. Returning arrive Offden 13 :30 p. m., Iwp in. 3iu a, m. I' sffMd. h rj No. 4. Atnti0 36 6. Meet every Wedneadair evening In Odd Fellows Hall. Twenty-fourt- h street. Sojourning brothers ia good standing eordially invited to SURGEON-ACCOUCHEU- S200,000. DIRECTORS: Warren 1891. N. G. j o.ar, CRCSCENT LODGE NO. !3. D OF OGDKX, UTAH. TABLE Lm. Srit-nce- Railway. CUREENT"teE la Effect J4. 1 E. 8. E.THOS. S. BUL1JEB, Meets every Friday evening punctually at 7 A la the Thomas building. Twenty-fourtDoctor in lledicines, Matrr in Surgery, L. S. o'clock, and Grant, Ogden City, Utah, rejourning, A., London. I brothers in good standing eordially invited. Printed forms of the "Aims and Object of the Society" can be obtained from P. A." Cook. SEW Royal College of Sursreons, England : Felltiw errs. Washington avenue, or of any of the ofii- , i KRrrvAL, J. uarratt. I'resiaent. Arts and Lonckm. Formerly rxicity it arrt Gillktt, Hecretary. K71 W ash Ave. quarantine ofKccr and suiriuteniieut for New I Zealand and Melbourne. Victoria. Address or call at ZM& Washington Ate. Rio Grande Western CITIZENS' BANK standabFgauge. sr. JfTTH. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- Wm. V. Vioe-Pre- s. rooms 35, Office, W, K. 8Hrt,i.rNO. Vice President Cashier. SJ. Bank buudiiur. President. L. B. Adams, Viritisi brothers ku i. jrM See. Jon J ATTORNEEYS-AT-LA- 81 35,000 DOOLI, hall. Tveat) fourth street. invited. street. Of den, Ctah. Twenty-fonrt- h ft SMITH. fHOO.OOO. Interest Paid oa Tim Deposits. J. E. F. rtASTON. OGDEN NO. i. BAKSFORD SKTT ALL TE1IN8. Our Famous Dining Cars ' SOt gMITU 8UBPLU8, 0. 0. Juhs Bradsiaw' ATTORNEY-AT-LA- United States Depository. . '3VUm aaaa, tV E. HF.YWOOD. Office, . 1. i I every Tuesday evening ia Odd Fellows I. aar.UNION LODGENO. ATTORN 0rlen, Vtah. CAPITAL, su a. . ACOB S. BOELUaX. OadwiTlJian?'"' UTAH NATIONAL BANK, St. ijouis, Xjincoln, J Interest Paid on Time aad Savings Uepnsita. Chicago, ARB K. AJ.LUOM Meet LAUAiav ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- TRAINS Denver, KO F. Holds regular meeting every Monday night at 120 o'clock ia OddFellow UaU. Twenty-- , ' fourth street. All aiimarainr tmluM eordially invited to attend. Offioa, over Tuh National BsaV. career of F. W. Lawia.M.0. ' W ethiiurtun avaou and Tsreaty-fourtW. L. AoAat, Res. Sec'y. street, tXtdeo, Lteh. 7,500; H. C. BIOELOW, President. JOHN A. (iOVI.E, Vice PreMdeat A. P. L1UELOW. Caaltier. SOUS), VESTIBULE . 0. 0. i, U'tur. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- STATE I is Odd Fellow Hall.Tweaty-foartbiSu nrsf sbi iniit 1 bunOairs oi ear sarmi U. a. aacancBs, scribe. 8. F. Liyas.1 Visiting brothers ar cordially invited. Meet K. WHITE, UDDIXO for Braakfart aUaava'a, auder Ht ahaata, lor dinner. 48HLAND Uracoa. rnraoaper. Ka . EXCAMPMEXT ua. MACMILLAS. Office: ttOi WaUuntto M. W. acriLr. ruwr. I. TJISTAH j. u. ATTORNEYS AT l. . J.F.tot-Lias- Broosa acd Bcd Uutela. aad UoMikw hluek. ' fca-- . UeeteawenTaadayvuag at 49. TmuliI bruUm camUally iatvitd to atuatd. LAWYERS. . miiut nsa T OfoMt tii o. Kac . eaca ' Wda4yft.li nenod J. I aaaela Bui piPFXITT LODGE K6. ft. A. 0. U. W. ARCHITECT. 1101 K.T. rv t Q. COHMANDUI, T.f. Ban. day SECRET SOCIETIES. moss Kwikun w . am. B. Kziwouo, M.R.B.P. A. Sac. BKBia. ro llllsssU knuklia. iaxJrsu Vtk. L.6TAIB. - UTAH. J.C rmtrati, T. A. Wtiaktt. Statd Staadard Q Surj'Ius i M'M Mi Ma. T. P. ataiaa. Tw samsM) eoaivoratarai Eec-ci- ARCHITECTS, latii'r. ttird um4 swaasoa. pL UOSTt '. ui. Biu. in Cap; U. KucLitallrr. -- a H HELK llVUll iUUUUU Aad ef the Pa4re Jaalpero Hen Famed for fair Eesarta where ear cwawa aot aatf p lean are aerer tiers. BIAPTIrTL 0. Detwit. Tim allowed ftrat sauamm. I . acalSAJUa, R.A.M. ARCHnXCTS, ro if. Tty-fc;r- t Sum. & A. M. QUD3i CHAJTLit. J.0. 1 tMiTU. yooD F. A. !.. w m DOM aUN. M Inl (asm Lawra f twm COJCTRICTORS AD BUILDERS. Raa ms Vkawtas anaua, SfC Tswaty- ssana uar C. C. KJCHtRI L. W. bH 1 fcl Li K T Ufr,i-'n- . J. M. LAJhOloR. 41 iarfaroiaia LaadofUoFTi-.UeOllT- JMLUtDI Capital.-. - - - - 820O.O0O.00 - lti.OOO.00 hsurpliL- Prif. ta tiTM imi t aibrt4 Cap 0v Kara. 4wa laraa tao 1c y vaury M J n i GENERAL BANKING. LUTE. . - IE KORIEWESI PORTUKD AXO cr Mra t Trust Utah Loan MASONIC. BUSINESS CARDS. q " a tuiiioa a. OGDEX, UTAH. m tum BANKS. RAILROADS I J. KIESE 4 CO, Sbl Agents Ogdea, M PRINTING INKS ... . ........ nuiiKiirni; ixie .OSTHERC select stock of Standard. line and Hui jvews. roster and Job Inks. Eoller and To! ing tmposition. 6ies buy o Tub CoaasaaAt.. nnd Ynroistin alxa f. 1 n, |