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Show OGDEX DAILY COMM KRC1AL; TH LIISDA Y. FEHRl'ARV 5. 1891. RUBBERS. Eaae at fku ia Foot wear, Lk BOTH FOR LADIES. GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN, tnt iaaaiecj eUkk of tli net cCf.sea appeared 5 Several 1 vatar etLrtsr lately ate a eitvant, were full dftnOaeftutU, 4 It a; wrocf. u, l 2T d&iurUsi a heavy guki. . i ftxrr was ia Uttar luutarwa. bout tLe SbaA Lm of uftf X aad pumps ia the aeei. We iij t u oJJ aui aad kitba, kjx-i-.- t J tuour store auui try us. I a tai" ia alaays tkkea as iciik c the that geoUeitaa or La! jr. Il k far f foci the faatLme entm om cms tixj ti Uleet stvitw and the qualities at gomi. Yet this a true Lere 10 Ofdea. (KJUDRICU k OU, the 8 bo IeW. hate botilt aa fkn4, ovKnsno: The Place for Fashionable Footwear! tU-'x- -- , AT- - IS of Foot ear, aad the latest and mo fjahtotbi eastera Dotoilw cu La found ia limi GOODRICH etora. & THE EXCLUSIVE CO.'S, SHOE DEALERS, X X 0 0 1 e di4-ia- j tUppefs !No. A.KCTICK. CITY IN 1JIUEK. IS IT A BLUFF GUIE? II IKTEEESTISU BUSINESS FBOI OSITIOS ACCEPTED. Aa Opportunity fur the "Citizen' Part) to Show It Faith in ltelf. Vasterda 7 ' issue of The Cohxmuial oataioed (tha following statement ia tba editorial column: A boaiBM taia dMtrabi. immmm prpatf baa mum arj nu mII to lit euinu( ba at eaa tiraa wtura) ur lectaua da; fur I1I.VH. He wili aot U ml tha It aoiite it l fli.au. Hut b M aw. tM&Hr at utr knar to msiie a eootrart to m11 Um Uttnr prit ia caw tba ta Hrt b atotwtod arxt MunOaf , of to vU It ral at MMM m U trout of tb Librral UckK brin- -alartiua. aVftoa at that anyon wbo w inia Mtina full uartirular eoororaiB limt4 b aeeoDimodaUxl no ap- Uta prafiwitiuai raa otaraUoa at Taa loMKIat IAL buaisaa oBieo. Between 11 and 12 o'clock Uat night a dffatttioa of reprenentatire member of tba "Uiuzeoa party" id vailed l hk anttaAL sanctum ia regard to tha offer referred to abore. Ibe viaitnrs com prued Dr. A. H. Condon. J. A. Boyle. N O. Btoaa. K. J. Henderabot and V. 1L Turner. Tha gentlemen declared they wera ready and eager to aooept in proposition a tba real eatata deal aa aet lortn in the editorial in question and after a brief, parley the following agreement ana formulated and signed: Ta uosraia-iiei- i eoaaiitte dwira to say that a Og-dr- tit tx-k- lm otter of tli prepared to accept tha wbe off or hi 114, UUO proprrtr fi VittiMu' ticket1' ia elected. Tk onlf proriao ia that tha properly moat ba bnaa Bd of the pmaent value repreaentod and ai a aaloon aad Bstuns, s w A.haH. reaaon to beian it Um caae. ('oawm, J. A. BoiLB, N. 0. DToaB. The gentlemen then retired in good order, leaving their agreement in The Oomm kiici a La aafetr deposit vaults in tay ar willus m.m ia eaa ta trast for the other part to the intereet-inctransaotto- n. This proposition emanated from Maden "Bros, the owners of the property which kaa such a wide range of value, according to the political reeulta which shall develop within a very few days. reporter was detailed to aoquaiut Bros, with tho acceptance of their proposition. Only one member of the firm was discoverable at the late hour at whiuh the call was made. El wood Maden was found about 10 o'clock this morning, and upon being informed aa to the terms of the agreement made by Uhe committee," he wrote the following , touching tho reply for TheCommkiw-iaimatter at issue: A 3ia Twenty-Fourt- SOLE AGENT FOR I W.W.FUNG-E- . WE t and V "iifiW Jo. 2,000,000 J). ... at that 2441 Washington Avenue. 5e)a THE LEADING- JEWELERS. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, LOW PRICES. GOOD GOODS. FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. TRY coast. BOX Fine Candies, TRY j Toilet Soaps, Fancy Candles. Rum, Cologne, Florida Water. The fire department has received a life line, or Hpnaratua for shootimr a weight attachod to a rope into! upper Grand Opera House Building, windows or on the roofs of liih buildings, to rescue persons cut oft by tire 25 10 Washington Avenue. from the regular avenues of escape. It worknwith powder as a motive for throwing the rope. The many friends of E. F. Patrick, who for some time hits been manager of Aaatated In Tub, Comwf.K'I.u. of Werinewluy, the Hot Spring hotel company regret to Teh. 4, we hare born otforwi fll,(U) for the propknow thnt he is to leave this morning erty aientione(l. Hiia pmiierty coiiHiota of for Chicngc, where he will engage in Iota on Wanbink'tun avinir, 24-1bUHinosR. Mr. Patrick has not iu a hoitae aul lot ou 'J Washington A nue. ouly the atrect, two kite conaiatinir of Nft t mi i warm appreciation of a large circle of foarth atret (oortuir), mid lOi feet on friends nnd awiuaintances in this city, (oomer). Brian your 'Vitiirn" frloniln arouml todny but carries with him the written endorse awl f ahull be only too linii to rlox thr ili'iil nientof many of our leading oitizens on tlte hiM.it of the mpoithm matin by ua noil who wish him the bent of success and CLWKIII lUAIIf N, aceopU! by thorn. fur Mmlrn Hro. prosperity in his new field of labor. There ia no receonable chance tor any Another Declination. "crawfishing" on the pert of either side nanio My deal. Tho ngrootfieut in this pretty little having appeared as a candiof the "committee" is not in accordance date for t he oflice of Justice'of the Peace with Mr. Maden's proposition, as one of for the Fourth ward, on the Citizen's the conditions of the offer was that in ticket, I desire to stato that it was Our Corset line includes raso the Liberal ticket were elected the entirely without my authority or sancWarner's Coraline, No. 444 property alluded to was to be taken tion, and that under no circumstances and 222, The Four in Hand at 115,000, and so the agree- am I a candidate for the oflice. is enment of the "committee" Frajik M. ScoTr, & W. C. C. Corsets. These Mr. Maden would Oodkn, February 4, 1891. tirely are all new, yet we are goods have been entirely warranted, therefore, Read tho Sunday Commercial. Subthem at less than ia refusing to accept this acceptance of scribe offering now. hie offer, but he ia not inclined to stick If don't need them cost. you at a little thing like that and his firm liood for Strikers. stands ready to consummate the deal totoday you will shortly, and Topkka, Feb. 2. The house today now is the time to buy and day. Will the bargain be closed? It must passed a bill prohibiting any company save money. be, ia the ligot cf existing circum-atanee- s, or corporation from employing armed or the "Citizens' party" must forces while a strike is pending. " acknowledge that it sent out this on a game of bluff pure and "Tlie Klrmeas." us pie. "The Kirmes8M is the next attraction, in every Departra't coming on Saturday evening of this Bargains Legislation in Idaho. Boisa Cinr, Idaho, Feb. . Special to week Bnd again on Tuesday evening of Taa Commkrciau The senatorial mat next woek, Feb. 7th and 10th. It is not necessary to enlarge on the merits of tar failed to materialize today. The this entertainment, as it hB3 been thorkickers say they are oertain of carrying oughly written up in these columns and We have a large broken their point. Legislation is much hin- will, undoubtedly, receive large patronline of Buttons. The best dered by the revival of the fight and age, as it is giv n for the benefit of the Public fund. Library pearl buttons at 5c. and 10c. nothing of importance can be done until doz. Dress buttons in it is settled. The kickers depend on a fer variety at cost and less solid Democratic vote to help them carry than cost. their points, but it is! reliably maintained the Democratic members held a caucus tonight and determined to keep out of the combine the orgauizera of the ulick They seem at their wita amda to know what to do, evidently thoy are now leading a folorn hope. A prominent soDator said to a correspondent tonight that he considered the mutter Ladies' Cloths are very settled and no attempt would be made. The leading representatives consider the popular for everyday wear, saove ill advised at the dictation of ui and we are offering several ambitious senatorial candidate and that shades in double widths, at if attempted it will reslu'- in injury to the party. The Democrr.t i stand b the 70c. per yard, worth i.oo. caucus action. viio-lm- lf li Bay BOX Fine Candies. ..ill A! 1 ft t& in OgdJ QUI 1 W KWrii A a MUutaua. AiidrwaJ. bk ll'lVTV in at au vu-t'- i V ruuaa euereaueat nw UVIVU at f bHOKTUtNU ANTED 9 hem II to I'aiua SrtUtUio Addroaa liux euaspetMl. J FOR RENT. i WAN TED ATeLTO Ijo"! homework. Ouud wae. XL 1 mv.ln .M.U. " I linl'si.- - AND KUII I. AKtiK XJ parta of lb mi. i SMITH A JONES. EEXTINd Ai tlu Wabintna BENT 1 two Uurka Morton, (vil I I areuo.' FOif'" Eau r t ' ROOM HOUSE f ikhb Street car. rr. WMtjt-Hr- at FOR SALE. FfRNITf RK OF 1X)R SALE ruom bouae. a eab. I beap fur atrert. "LXJR AN I1 SEHOLD bed. atuvea, SALE-H-OI a ea furniture, fuldluf i Twentv-aerenU- L"OB SALE L SALE- -1 rOBaound. 1 BISINESS.1 Apply XJU1 A (iOOD capital raqutred. ivenoe. HAVE. FOR SKtfA. i family horae at ana af eated Surrrjr com u part i : vr. 1 - cheap. Will mot tod uk. Ibiukahle (1 tiuiu, JiniBrnuu M Hz LOS T fVKT KUir I. m irl U I DC LjwiU nlu A.mmji Vl p. m. Ubl and noelve coaipenaauoa for tm T O8T-- A BI7NTH OF KEYS WIT; F.J. Bterrnf, Kort at una omoe. iu. i opiate-marke- - is urn THE BBUSSWI : Finest Billiard Hall in tTp Htnir Over Maden We hare the Brankwiok the lnrmt Hall in Oeden 1 COME AND SEE f lr Table! ively. 1 f t rrouant t TlTirilUNSWICK. Cigars ar Un equaled. SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR it ana 1. vjr. BEITMAN BROS., Tet-- 'ASTEI-- T E. FEIEDEKICH. I. G. CUP i M, mnri ore WANTED. HAVE NEARLY ONE We the thtJ prufutsKje of U-- f FOOT Attend the Liberal rally. N. J. Malucey, of Salt Lake, i in th city. The Grand wiil draw a big bouse to morrow nignt. f hundred different kinds of Only a few days enure for pobtksl nuiioonoijcg. can Heating Stoves in stock When you write for a Besepaper ue suit almost in both anybody, style uui one stue oi iLe paper. and price. propose to keep Mr. C R. U Kremoot, the head of Aebraaka, I at the Eroom. procession and will will satisfy always make prices Judge J. K. Boorman i still routined to his rueideooe by severe skoeaa. our customers. Colored ritiren should not forget the meeting o Uie Senate club today. Tiie Liberal rally takes pla at the Urand opera house on r nday evening. iu Use Nearly Supt Corwin, of the Union Pacific Utah division, was in the city yesterday, W. A. Duffy, ho stole f 10 from Wm. Brown, got U) days in the police court. yesleraay. Mrs. L. R Stephens ia very low at her residence on !ob hill and is not et pected to live inrougn the uight. Charlie LippincotL who has been un i strain der . trie weather. for . several (lava, r " on duty at his old poet in Maden a. "You can just say, if you mill, that I made a IVjOQ cash sale of Nob Hill lota to California parties today." said IL M. U'Haver yesterday. Sterling and Plated Silverware, Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of everv descrip There is a general disposition to take tion. Diamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. the fullest advantage of the present opportunity for Hleigh rides. The merry : jingle of the bells is beard on all sides. : The funeral of little Francis Gibbons SIGN OF THE BIG CLOCK. : 2463 WASHINGTON AVE. OGDEN. UTAH will take place from the residence of bis parents, 1257 Twenty fourth street at 11 o'clock this morning. The interment will be in Mountain View cemetery. A number of sleighing Darties have gone to the Hot springs this week and have passed the evening in the merrv dance, the accomodations for which at the popular resort are unsurpassed. A year ago the Southorn Pacitio was blockaded and do traius were run for twenty-seve- n A A days. The tracks now are Try my JAVA & MOCHA Coffee. A fine clear and there is not the slightest inter, line of TEAS. Fancy and Plain CRACK- MT or ruption to traffic between Ogden and the i ERS. Maden wentj-l'imrt- O Street. h a iter for r,iEH mv; Far LObTorFAILTNO J! NHJ Clssaral aad NERVOUS Ei.BII.fl Waakanaof Body and Hiiii, 1.A of Erraraor Exeeaaea ia Oldor To RabiM, ( AU BASHWIU 1.11; Vmiwt4. a How t.r.lino I nnnvtu)rfD(iK'n-(3riuTHOtOa altMl.lrlT a.raJlln. HOB THKATSI.KT BMit. I. .1 Wrll.tf HMlMtfjfrMflutMUr.rlta('Mi.tHM. D- rnflt. IWuk, npw.flMiaii4xrthBtlri.l.dlf AMnat ERIE MtDlCAl, CO BUFFALO. 1 Tweutj-lifUiatre- GRAND Closins: Sale! one-side- "oom-atittee- DRESS GOODS. Slaughter PEICES0FN0ACC0UI Below Cost Until Feb. We have had a big sale on Thermometers since advertising, but still have a few doz- ens left which we will offer for the next three days at the same figures, 20c. worth 50c. If you are wanting a chamber set now is your time; you will get better figures during the next few days than at any other time during the year. Tie Pntiiaii i Paris, Feb. : Sprite Embreideriea S. J. Boat A Baoa. Ht Clothing 75 ( in Q C c3 fffiTRBVEuAl 11 H. HOSS. ce HARDWARJ also have other styles of dress goods at correspondingly low prices. Come and see them. 4.A startling rnilway jBurder was committed today on the Spanish border. While the train was prooeoding from Irun, on the Spanish side of the frontier, to Hendaye, a small J"'renoh town, a gentleman who occupied a compartment in the tirst-clas- s carriage was thrown from the train into the river aad drowned. The nssasrin escaped. How on sale. We Startling Murder. If you are near Washington avenue this week step in and let us show vou what we have to dispose of. One-Pri- 366 24th Street, Ogden, Utah. -- A SaL A good home is a pleasant thing, and to have a good home, one needs everything ; good in it. One of the most essential points is good lights during these dark days. If you are lacking good light, call on us during the remaining part of this week and see for yourselves the beautiful Bisque Lamps with circular Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Underwear and Heavy Vg burners, we have been selling Goods Will be Sold ' j for $8.00, and now offer, to reduce our stock, at $4.75. Such a bargain has never I been seen before in the TerTo make room for the IMMENSE SPRING STOCK just ritory. purchased.? O in Cj L) AND Jl p t o- 4- stssataTallUoMot Homes o loan tasStaailari. It icoerior exoelleaee prove in million of homea for more than a quarter of a century. It i fused by the United States Government. Kmioiwd by the heiui of the Oreat CniTeryitiea a tbe Stronjrcet. Pureat. and most Uenlthf ul. Dr. Priee'a Cream Hakina-- Powder doe not contain Ammonia. Limn or Alum. Sold only PfaUOE H VXJNG POWDER CO. in Can. tt'w Xork. Cbioaso, Ban Frsaeiao Bt Lonia. W. G. CHILD & SON, 24.11 Washington Ate. THE FAIR. BOYLE BLOC (e. |