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Show If ( t I Jr. REAC ESTATE. ei wet fkjox ors Li COkEKfOXDOT. Real Estate and Investment Eroker. Us Frrtoail asd Central Fran One of tt omkj JkIm htt ae. i. bwullun. Tevitt. Nlnsn a arnrkin anna Lare. n- fora the county eomBiiaakicM uJt JJ rMtxtt tor aid. hat Lia raaa bad Lee at- d hit family w aa in destitute xot. Tb count attorney bim aid to the! extent J of h ia to ba refunded ia cm th nlk-rutTba bocaccUar in k k allowed 1100 of bim vafea Wa fumiahinfa. It baa beea tha e. boa aver, to attacb ewy- lebtor baa. raoaatly txioty o&emn bar county, :9a a200Jefferaoa bich ara to tree. t in tha court boumm yard. 1L Priest, a prominent repuLIi-i- a county and a member of the K. Iw port, baa been appointed f the peace of Eraaeton precinct I recent meeting of tha board of tooera, county warranta vera or thea mount of fTbLTO in officera' aalariea. ifrey f elding, Fauat," recently urn tna I .nub stock urm to a horsemen for tCOUX eut west Way morning. lie ia in tina con- d. T i pay-coun- ty a 1 ti Vtm twa mm at tin iw i nan mnk ktk Ln. Ouo4 naaia immm RliU Can ml Tawatr-icita baracaia. te Im aa aa4 Quarf M a Tatyata smt A Ujtm mam tors fart aa atdiea awaa. Gaed hoy at Tit rudt aa aluM iiaH, par fud ... Tit M KnlM Uft aa Baack. raeai boat a. rata eity a tar, caaip, vita aill aaraMa. Biair proiiarty aa Qraal Aataaa, OAaa raoaa fur nat aa MU Blraat, goud Twa lota ia Laka Ticw far 43 00 Goad barraiaa ia V'oa Bill. Laka Tiev aa4 Praapaet HotaHiU adatUoa. ( ail aaa rsaauaa my list. Iruar!y ia all aru U Uia Cuy at laieaa taatut yua. J. -- !., gaud Butal Bukbvc. axuraiwa - aartaat aaf Try aar Para Lara, taaafasaaiaa at aar-acivta aaa yaa anil mmt aa aa ataar. Mail areUxa vnta aa. I aat raolaaln-- f ar 47x132 feet on 23rd 600 200 mm Market, tS4 Wasaisctoa ALL EVDS A CF fULUGE 1 f . U. box Teleptaoaa MS. stua-tio-a. Li. L.B.DO&K. JUliX WALSH. KNTEKPBI8K MARKET Kaxt Reed Hotel Building, OGDEN. UTAH. Ituaana Ualli af .11 HOUSE, to Brat. Tbo-aa- a Li.a. Pa,la Vi.L ... Deli-wre- 24th St., Near cor. Grant Ave. Vnuut, I. B. Real Estate. O'HAVEIi, aaa FaVai d mm X TIME TAULE onnn h vt bill on. (Voyi eai-- Ivn.ily qulrkl iii.trict orrounljr. I M Boyle to Elizabeth Boyle, part iortheast quarter of section 4, 5 1 , with other lands, $60. A Boyle to Elizabeth Boyle, part of ion 4, 5, 1 west, with other lands, $06, zzie Boyle to Elizabeth Boyle, part northeast quarter of section 4, 5, 1 $20. f, C Chamberlain to W E Maycock, and 9, block 1, Chamberlin's sub- feion, $500. Jrs A J Noonen to Ph Grill, part sec- 30, e, west, $i,ooo. 3 i Rheinbold et al to Annie Johnson, Franklin Place, 27 and 28, block 3, R Rogers to E Maden et al, part of ; block 10, plat "B" $2,250. artha Neilson to James Janes, part lot 6, block 30, plat "C," $4,000. fotal, $8,250. The Greatest Strike. mong the great strikes that of Dr. lea in discovering his New Heart e has proven itself to be one of the t important. The demand for it has brae astonishing. Already the treat- Jot of heart disease is being revolu- hized, and many unexpected cures Icted. It soon relieves short breath, tenng, pains in side, arms, shoulder, It and hungry spoils, oppression. of ankles, smothering and fling Dr. Miles' book on Heart .Nervous diseases rreo. The un tied New Heart Cure is sold and ranteed by H. A. Walker. Also his Iterative Nervine for headache, fits. les, hot flashes, nervous chills, opium t, etc. grand indignation, meeting will be on Saturday evening, Feb. 7, 1891, de some action on the proceedings Xlate convention. All members of .different trades unions and all other Kingmen ore cordially invited to at-at the hall over Wagner a beer 2453 Washington avenue. lime one and all as all are interested. Committee. -- Sacred Heart Academy. examination at the ad Heart academy in Ogden, closed lary 30. Very gratifying progress shown in the several departments ie institution. A new Bcreinn for boarding aud day pupils w ill begin aesday, February 3d., at which time managemant would ba pleased to prompt attendance. ie semi-annu- A. M. I 3B pro-ert- "::' y REED briiii) Addition oci DioN- ! A. 0. U. W. HALL, Oyden, Utah. number of Choice Lots are still unsold in this Favorite Locality, and are nowolfered for sale at LOW PHICES and EASY TERMS, bv 0:30 9:35 10:40 11:50 10:45 11:55 P. M. 1:00 1:05 2:15 3:25 4:35 5:45 6:55 8:05 9:15 2:10 3:20 4:30 5:40 6:50 8:00 9:10 - rJfH Tbo. Schansenbach, Otto BerftT. 15, Rhein-bar- t, hietel, Dr. E. Thicle, 5 M. 7:40 P. P. M. 8:130 M. 1:40 2:50 4.-0- 5:10 fi:20 7:30 8:40 9:50 5P to at. A. M. A. M. 8:00 9:20 10:30 11:40 8:10 8:15 9:30 9:35 10:40 10:45 11:50 11:55 P. M. P. M. I 1ST 8:27 9:50 11:00 lm ! 1 8:40 10:05 11:15 j P. M. 12:10 1:20 2:30 3:40 4:50 6:00 7:10 8:20 9:30 10:38 12:25 1:35 2:45 3:55 . 5:05 at 8:00 C:15 7:25 8:35 9:45 a. m P. HUNTER, SOLE AGENT, No. 2414 Washington Ave. 'rickets TT. Alrjoitriij.f nil 'inn . i if a 1 T, uia amoa .- . 01 r. a, taf iuvmiiy rlara. as aril a any aad all by aaiaaal. raiaan, c or utiaaar aar ab-r- b b ar ofarratad by said tVtiaa t ily Eauaay 'Maiaay, its iitrcaa aurs tar aad all and auiaCuW. lb lands, ruad- ) a, tracas. rail, laid ar lube laid. fuctuis. Maraouta, traria. bmicea, waya e aad mrl.U ot ways, , dyaa avjuiauuu. aaua. joltaa. wirra, lrjvU, ataiika. car boua-I aaa siauta, buililiaira. slrurtarta, fculii tnlerratai. aoatrai-U- . rtiu-- j in sua bekanatuc tar amu aud jriviUt-aa u r aaa--d or marun-d ur daia-nfur liar ttrputa) of ur la cutuaertHaa with Ua line uf uy Kailaai t ratlaay ul Uta said or ths iiainuwaar or liinaof ahaMber thasaaia ar at any part, liacarauf, ar oprratuia shall at any liaoe bairaa(t-i- r brluna or to or bs ard or rurar-- d with tua deama of bs. to Mirpu-a of ar in eounaartiua iag uad lor ritb the lin-- a of rulaay now or lierwifia-- r ta aa cajtulrttrted by tha aaul Ogclra I ity Ratlaay its auronaurs or aaairas, or tba naietenaac aad operation of the same or any part liierof ; aad also all I be cars and all other stock or cajuipmeala, all borses, mules, barus-a- . enow plow, wtftaa. buagiea, eablta, forcnt. to. 4s, iniplruieuta, furnitnra anj altiee (it urea of wery kind; nil rod. chains aad aptio and all other malaria wbaUuover now oward or wi..rai-t- l by aid Ovriirn t'ily Kailway ( 'ompany. or vbirh shall at any tune aacraaitar he artiuirad ' it, ila aueea-sur- a aad aaais-sfor tbe tua aiid purtauses or drourtu-- d for aae in conaetrtioa aitli or lor tlie oparaUoa, naialeeanra or rriaraUn of said lines of rail, ways now or hnreafter ta be eoswtracted by tna aaid Oaira City Hallway Company, it or aki-nahetlwr hunie. cable, or otbsr railaava or any part thrreof. : Also the follow inatfrM-rihrreal estate, All of block eilit (Si in Nob Hill Addition to said Of dra City, eonietinc of twenty-eiiM) lota. And also all til priviliM and francliiara wbicb the aaid Usden City Kailway Comoeuy now holds, posaessee or is entitled to, or mliirnj it. or Its suocessors or aaa as may bereaftr not qture or bscotoe pcaisweil of or be entitled uJ also revenue tolls, and income of any and all the lines of railway of tha aaid Ugdra City Kailway Comfiany bow or liereaftar to be on r tne atructed, toether with all and teaecnenu, berditamenu and appnrtenanera of tbe promises aforefaid,or any of Uiam, or any part thereof. f Which said indenture was on the tVth dav of Jane A. U., IVw.at the hour of 11 :il a. m., meil fur record in the olliee of the recorder of deeds, in nnd for Weber county, Utah and duly recorded in book "L" at Territory, pane 5:10 to KM Inclusive; and Whkkeas. it is in said deed of trast provided that in case default shall be mails in the payment of interest or any of an id bonds, and aurh default shall continue for thiity days, then the of all of said bonds, if the trust- - so priaci-ia- l elect, Uxin written untira by said trustee to the irtv of the first part, (meanlns the Ocnlea City Kailway Compsny I shall become and be at once dus and payable and so hold nnd deemed for the purjw "f foreclosure and sale iu either of the method. Iiereinliofore proviUod, and for all other puntosee. And t n HF.RKAS, tne uixin saiu bonus due on the timt day of Novnmlx r luKi. is in default and unpaid, and such ilofault hits continued more than thirty rlsya, and the trustee has eloriod to duclare the principal of all of the honds secured by said of trust duo and payable, and has uiven written notice m surb election to the said Ujjaen City Kailway Coinnonv. and Viiikreah. it is further provided In said of trust thut if the said irin City linilway ompany hil fail to pay tlio principal or part thereof, or the inTercHt or iiy part tliureof, wKirh nisy become duo on said iKinils secured or ii'U'iitiivi to lie secured by said deed of triift at the time when and nt. the place where same may become due and payable, aeoonliun to tba U'nor aud ellect theriKif T of the couimus thereto aunexed anil for thirty days tuoreaft-- r, then it shall bo Inwful for this truMi-- iu its discretion, perwiniilly or by its nttirney, attorneys, aireut or hkpiiIh. to cniiM t ho said rniliMiy premicM or properly, l iuhts and interest to be sold by public auction nt the front door of tlio counly court liouaeofttie said Weber noun'y in tho Territory of I'tah and in said Utrden ( ity, llrst Rivinir not less than thirty days' notice of tho time, terrcs and pi see of such sale hy advertisement in some newspaper published in said City. And WiiKSKA", the snifl interest coupons attaelied to the said bontls. due hy their terms on the first day of November lW), nnd Iwinr. the iuter-eon snid lannds due at that date, sre and have to this time remained unpaid. Now therefore, uotice is hereby given that the or deed nndersi.Tncd trustee in snid mort-mrof trust named, will ou '1 hnrsday the 5th day of March 1MU, proceed to sell all the property hereinbefore and in said mortirai-- o described at public auction at tho front door of the county court house of e!er connty. Territory of Utah, in the raid city of Ocden, between the hours of niuo o'clock in tho forenoon and live o'clock iu the afternoon of said duy, to satisfy the debt secured by said mortgage aud the costs of such sale. L at raulruad. aba-Ux- -r -- y a. fare-bos-- s. a, to-w- it m-h- u, siiia-ola- mnr-tgi- Inta-rm- hereun-(lersii-nr- di-i- AND CALSOMINING. svidaa't iaar .rrs, FINISHING SHOP tk ttreai. I I On 4r 1 43 u by aW-- aoeaar-tja- -; t ul'miatb kmmfi H ta (aa Kif- - I it is partiealar bcraabr aaaa ta lb aoasplaial oa al bama. Aaal yoa ar y auli&ed Ibat if yua fall la appear and aaawar Ua said 4aial a abwva raaiatml, taa aaid Jn'"ff as ill tkm yutle--aaaraisxt yoa for ta ana of I sm, Urn aad ft I aaf Wttaeas tha Mtaa. Jaasas A. M iber. judire, and Uw ni f Iba Ih.lrat t t eart of lb rirM Judicial litrirt,ia and , f. the lernuar saf luk. IlUj this ink day of January, ta tha year t f aar Lsard one ut baadreai and . bawa-b- st Jakvu-comhi.t- Mortr Ann Trust Roland P. Conhxik, k L. E. Rhodbs. Atty. Co. Socy. STANDARD GUAGE BETWEEN & at tba-Ba- kiaety-oa- Bv U. V. L C. H. 8ALTI.AKJECITV, and all uorth- - nr.nPV , PACIFIC COAST, wuko.-went points. VTA MAMTOU, LF. VDVILLK. ASPEN and OLEN- SCESERT EgUlPMENT L'u.urpasasd. Vneqnalled. Throneh Pullman Sleepers and Pullman Tourist oars between Denver and Snn Francisco. . . ..... -rtiwttv Mi,iintniiiii, Tl......l. !,. (...rfollli. 1. t. . I uiuttaa it" tho most comfortable, the safest, and too routes. grandest of a!! Fi.r rates, ilescriptive vnmthlBts, etc., call on or address J. ). lif.SWOKTHY, general agent, Sauta Fe llou'e. Salt Lake City. H. COI.LBRAN, gouersl nfauagor, Colorado . . Sprint-- , Colo. ('HAS. S. LEE. general Denver. Colo. passenger Crescent Novelty 23G0 agent. A SPECIALTY. MAIN ST. M'Ll BE. Clara. K Bear. Deputy ( lerk. Atturaey fur flaiatuT. SUMMONS. Refor B. Terne, Jostle of lb Peaca (ur imi precinct. tgdra 1KBK1TOKT taAKTi or O CTAH Wanna. Mrs. A. Kir hard, nlaiutiff, ilemand. sii.uu, t r. Wns. Dwyrr, L'tab Territory sead iTtMrtinx : W Dwyer, defendant : ?a arm. bert-hy directed to apiiear aad an aw before tba Ja.tie of th Peaca t, at bis oflir ia Uarilea City, in said County, tba complaint of said PUiaUff filed beraun. witlua Bv day after semr oa rou of tills turainaia. d if oa yoa ia Ocdea City, within tea day if served out of said ( ity bat in tba t oanty ia which this action is brought, and witbia twenty days if asrved iewbra. Tbi action is broucht ia raeoverof yoa U ua of t3 U0 alleged to be du Plaintiff froaa yoa a follows : For board and room raat furnished yoa by Plain tiff at ytur special lusts --are and request d urine I'M. for further particular wfarena is hereby mad la Plaintiff 's eomplaiat bow oa Ua at my . ortica. In this action. And yoa ara hereby notified that anless yoa do so appear aad answer said aomnlaiat aa a boa required. Plaintiff will take aaiturt yon for tb sum claimed by bar, il ; ti't.OU, interest and cost of rait. To lb bberiff or any ConirtabU al Weber Connty. Territory of I tab, (ireeting : Make and du retnra her if. (nven tinder my hand this 4th day of jLaaarr Tb stxive-aamx- aes-re- -- iud-rme- at la-w- a Tkrss. A. U. 1W1. Justice of th Pesos for tad Ofdea I 'redact. Attorney fur Plaintiff. White A White, MARSHAL'S SALE. Pnrsuant to an execution ta to directed by the First Judicial District Court, of th Territory of Utah. 1 have this day levied npoa aad shall espose at public sale, at tho front door of the ( onnty ( ourt House, in tha city af Ogden, Connty of Weber and Territory of Ctuli, on the 27 tb day of January, If1!, at 12 o'clock nt. nil tne riRiit, title, claim and interest of Km ma Clark, (ieortre Clark and Kohert Lea Clark af. in ana to tna loimwing doecritea real estate, situate, 1) lug and being in the County of Weber ami Territory of Utah, and particularly as follows, : Commencing at a point on tbe caat line of lot ten (10), in bl.irk fourteen (Hi. Plat "A." Ogden City Surrey, s foet north of tba sonta-eaForty and t corner of snid lot, and running thence north one hundred and eiirht and irdlM feet, thne went one hundred aud thirty-twand ilMUUfuet, and to the weft line of said lot. thence south one bundled and eurlit and feet, thenca east one hundred and thirty-twand (eat to the place of beginning. To be sold as the pro;ertr of Emma Clark, George Clark and Robert Le-- Clark, at tho suit of II. II. Kolnpp. Terms of sale. Cash. Dated Ogden, Utah. January 5th, 1W1, Kl.IAS 11. Psbsonn, I'. H. Uarshil. By P. A. Bowman, Deputy V. S, Marshal. to-w- hree-tenth- st o o e ALIAS SUMMONS. Before Achilles Perrin, Commissioner Supreme 'unit of Ctah Territory. TKKHITOKY OF UTAH ( of ths CorNTV or Wkbhr. Tliom.a Maloney and John M. Perkins, parta ners as Malouey & Perkins, Plaintiffs, v. iJer-th- Monroe, Defendant. Demand, S'iO.UO. The iieople of the Territtiry of Utah fend greetinir ti Bertha Monroe, defendant: You are hereby directed to apiiear anil answer before the commissioner above-name- d, t his office in (Vden City, in said County, the PlnintitTs of snid filed within herein, complaint five days after service on you of tiiis summons if served on you in Ogden City; within ten days if served out of said ( ity but. In the Connty in which this action is brought, and within twenty days if served olspwliore. This action is brought to recover of you the sum of S5iUK) alleged to be due Plaintiffs from you as follows : On an account for work and labor dona for you at your special instance and request by Plaintiffs as attorneys, between the first day of July, 1K90, and the first day of September, ltXi. For further particulars reference is hereby made to Plaint it!' complaint now on file at my office in this action. And you ara hereby notified that unless you do so appear and answer said complaint as above required. Plaintiffs will tako judgment against yon for the sum claimed by them, to-w- it, $ToA), interest and cost of suit,. To the United States Marshal of the Territory of Utah, or the Sheriff or any Constable of Weber County, greeting: Make legal service and duo return thereof, (iivon under my hand this 20th day of January, A. D. 1801. ArntLLM Pbbsix. Commissioner of the Supreme Court of Utah Territory. PVEBLO AND ,. tt. mort-gni-e- d MARSHAL'S SALE. W. J. Fowles, PlaintiiT, ts. ) WUlis Rlaisdsll and Minnie his wife, defond'ts, ) Under and by virtue of an Ci.lor ot salt! and decree of foreclosure issued out of the District Court of the First Jndioial District of the Territory of Utah, on the ISt h day of January, in tha above entitled action, wherein W. Fowlos. the above named plaintiff, obtained1 a judsrinent and docreo against Willis Blaindell and Minnio Blaisdell, his wife, defendants, on the lth day of November, 11:90, 1 am commanded to sell all that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situated, lyin-- r nnd beimr iu the county of Weber end Territory of Utah, anil bounded and particularly described as follows, lai. towit : Beginning at a point thirty-fou- r and thirty-thre- e hundredths (34.13) chains north of tlio ' corner of the north-wequarter of section fourteen (Hi, in township S, north of range 3. west of the Salt Lake Meridian, United States survey, and miming thence north five" and hiindiedths (.6T) chains thenc-- r east fourteen aad fifteen imndrodths (H.l.'iy chains, (hence south degree, west five and seventyeven hnudredths (..") chnins, thenoe north MV deirrees, west fourteen and twelve hundredths (11.12) chains in tbe middle of the street to the place of beginning, containing eight acres more or less. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in aoy wise appertaining. Notice is hen by given thst on Monday, the 9th day of February, lid, at 12 o'clock, noon, of that day, in front of the County Court House in the city of Ogden, county of ober and Territory of Utah, I will, in obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure, sell the above, described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy plaintill's judgment, with interest thereon and costs, to the highest and best bidder for cash, in lawful money of th United States of America. El IAS 11. Passons. U. S. Marshal. By B. A. Bowman, Deputy V. S. Uaishal. Ogden, Utah, January Kith, 1S91. south-wes- t -t fixty-aevo- n Ms! Washington Avenue. Electric Wirinp; and Electric Supplies of all Kinds Locksmiths, Stencil Mvie, Rubbsr Stamp to ordor. IRON FENCING. i. ,.,VT?T' mimnm mt4 mruum m I vi-la- aieaaato Uia-- ity, i. .n..-nn- . T tkiiir.r-i'i'- Henrv and ladlfly tor aaisai and h. U Titl-niai- aasuiaa tka mu nranJaii aaf tuauai, aaL!-- iaitaaat -- UU. ai ALfcO HARD WOOD - -- Mcihli-nliaup- t, K. witlua t b P. M. PAINTING ((tto lirer, J. lima, (htstave Fred Cramer, HfDry Kitsel, S. Stoinfi'liii, W. V. Helfrich. t- h. 7730 HOrSE AXD BIOS PAPER HANGING ae-- ti reaa. smeduetaaf af "- - ai TIKE'S PEAK ROUTE! ' M. TEA HEN Or IflTlTATIOK. A. Ijeichter. B. Schwarti, Adam Geii-e- r, Otto Ber-t-- r. Aiik. Hraun, L. L. Davidson, I. yarks, Felix Itoinbold. coMarmu- - or Bcrrno-- . F. J. Kiel, A. R. HeywixKl, E. Klbrirur, J. H. Myers, Herman Kahn, K. Bhriutiart. I. Harks, Kd, Autb. Albert Weber, L. L.. Davidson, Sol. Meyer, Adolph Fchrinwer. COMMITTKtK rLOOB MAXAOJU:-- !. A. E. Iloywood. Theo. SrhnnwolwirlL be l M. fnU. hrl--- B "miil-- i A. A. K. Heywood, Albert L. L. Davidson. aulr o DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS M. H S-- 9 A. M. 7:05 ' abeaxgrme-cts- 3. 10:10 11:20 as MITTKrX. roukurtKB or 1 7:15 8:25 9:45 10:55 1:15 2:25 3:35 4:45 5:55 7:05 8:15 9:25 4f2 A. ia aa i m aaf r. (ars-o- GOING SOUTH. a - "- f ma uf I tab, aaal us Icmfury taa-- -i ul u,a L'mtncu aast hi 10:24 ill COM A. -- 12T05i230 12:15 1:55 3:05 4:15 5:25 6:35 7:45 8:55 10:12 ta4 ps-r- v4 wrtuj, Ula a. ta. aaf e P. M. mm Ftlnat? Itli, 1891. A' 8:ir 12:50 1:00 1:05 2:00 2:10 2:15 3:10 3:20 2:25 4:20 4:30 4:35 5:30 5:40 5:45 6:40 G:50 6:55 7:50 8:00 8:05 9:00 9:10 9:15 10:10 10:20 10:2G Trains will begin running on Sundays. I'MEIl UKfl BURGITT. Ball A. M. j 7:05 7:02 8:14 P. M. - A. M. I A. M. 8:02 9:15 10:25 11:35 Real Estate Grand A. M. C:.V) 7:50 9:00 10:10 11:20 t: ' Working Men, Attention. D w o'clock, noon, of the 10th day of tory, until February, 1X91, and then opened, for the purNOW 13 TOE TIME TO BOY chase of the following described bonds, issued by said Weber county, Forty bonds of P. M. for the sum of one thousand dollnrs series in fifteen years; nnd fifty bonds payable ! each, of series "B" for the sum of one t housand dol- 12:30 lars each, payable in twenty years, Iiiith se1:40 ries to draw interest at the rate of mi percent 2:50 per annum from January 1st, IxVl, payable at the Chornicnl National Hank 4:00 Experience of the past three yean haa taught, in New York City. The bonds of both series 5:10 na that all property bought well at this aeaeon are also paysbls wt.en due. at the same place. n C:20 Honds to lie delivered ami paid for at the of the year will bring at least 50 per oeat. profit State Bank in Ogden City, Utah, when tho 7:30 bids are accepted. during the following winter. 8:40 Bids will be received for the whole or any Wo offer for aaJe the following choice property 10:00 either, or hot h series. part ofWeber at these low prices : The County Court reserves the rilit t the Sixty acres in section 10, reject any or all bids. 100 00 bo Bids addressed to $ "Connty Clork of Weber city County, Oftden, Utah," and marked "Bids for 66x330 feet on Twenty-fonrt.- h between Bonds." Weber County Lincoln and Wall Arenues.per foot..., 975 00 a Ky order of the County Court of Weber Lots on the Bench 50x130 feet eight blocks January 23nd, 1891. county. V 30000 from Washington Avenue K. W. Cboss, Probate .iidtre. A. M Two, acre lot on Tliirieth, near the Park . . 3200 SO Lota in Nob Hill Addition Cheap. Improved business property paying 12 7:40 23000 00 pjr cent, net, leased for 4 years 9:00 165xl4S feet between Jackson and Quiacy .'.1650 60 10:10 OF THE Lots in Mountain Tiew Addition 15600 11:20 8x8 rod corner on Twentv-fonrti- i. Also P. M Wall Avenne bnlow real value. 224 acres near berth Wabliisgten will subdivide. 12:30 1:40 will on us we will show and eon If you call 2:50 vince you there is money in buying now. 4:00 5:10 & 6:20 AT THE 7:30 8:40 9:50 Second 2r c -- liava already laurlit an4 provldptl with .inplo-- t nirnt a larra Heal Estate Transfers. I have n large list of residence, farm and aero numhar, who ara inakluK ovrr SatMKI a rraraat li. h a K.W and handle nothiug that 1 cannot see and HU I.I It. Pull itaillriilara F II V. E. Ati.lrr.. al one, property, Rial estate transfers furnished by the money in for my cubtomers. Am pleased to K. i. ALLKN, Uax 4Ot Auvunla, Maine, HendWshot Abstract office, 2414 Wash- show at all times. SALE OF WEBES COVXTY BONDS. ington avenue, for Feb. 4, 1891: WfW Boyle to Elizabeth Boyle, part J. D. GILL, 2404 Washington Ave, OGDEN. Scahd bids will rx roceived at (he ofiica of the county clerk of Weber count y, Utah territheast quarter of section 5,5,1 west, 12 1 ta triuri Mutf i't-v- t i us. lf d Baun Boston Meat Market. Real Estate and Loans HONEY: Jr-- aitata aanwira alW atriu.aa4 iiaeay Haa tuaumww tf trrU Ua arHi -- -- and Sell I dVrtin' laa-a-a- n y. Gania ia avaaoa. W banlla taoue bat tha choicest rood- - Katisfactina raaraateMt. d Frea. Our order aacoa will tfooda rail for ordara if decirod. r reach and Ensl- u- spakea. Givt sj a trial. LLfflR.Jr.iflL wl. t.t.i apt-ma- m W 1 lea an Wrl -- Liadlod. Call jmx DaaaaC f ess, (iaattia. ia to , mwm 1 A aas-pan- AUarden b Bail or wire rivoa Brainard, Robinson ror-uer- iy t w Jubn flra-lrk- mum. POOLE, . Eroaak. r , i1 'S'l aaf Ua aaart 'rail i at taar t ta atua aaf tTtuM aiU interna f,aa ti SU axit artaiirr aad aturb taufrauaay ay U (Irkiier. ad w. af lass braa at liaa aiat rn4 af Taeaty-afifur aura1 to a due nrnM. at a ptial aaar taa l u U mis UrteaxUM aaa fur ex!. uitarm aurrrksaat. tr-tVrtli m t Urbed lartaasdUit said raat aiaataf al lu rriuml. lv it;, naaautfUa Ka tatatraartaaa '!! na fitrtlkra Mmt taarasue aitb Urfeadaat A afbi.urt.ai a mas, ihax aaartb aad auatb aaa ta U. H Broaaiiut aaa areoaa! lor aiuac Saud W aalnmrtatn avaa to vara aad iJ 1). K. by tWwuf. Alao vai i.win at a Miit wbera at Uaa nuisM uf ia ti aad Urfenda-i-tttwauw t wtucb Imilr Mnat tabtMCU a.mad H aabaBa aava worth tba sasa af ear bead- - autian ; tiaraaa ta Jef ma tHasa, UaM tiim sasd ritia aaf oaa baadml Ultra aa ta tnwt; awiib ta lweej-Cf-a MrM, tbraraaaatt auiy aaara4 ta Uu. flaiatJI fur a U l.)kar ateaaasaa Vaib UU1 laa aid aoatieruoa, l4r-- a ( fur ttacaMaaMitbaalaiatar farther aad fulW rft-a- r eint-tri- O J. air -- as. D. GILL 1 as - af U is. u lantvri U l :k UAtmtf a. 1 ity naiiaey (aascpaay. : uartiMliatt &11 radar ia lias aaf uwrt rauwaj aaf liaa aua B da-ity aailaay 1 ua.4T. ataxbaar mum c -- ttx-nc- a Uuy Annie fciw .indera gava a tea party hum lAr l ofVier friends Monday ig at the resident cf Mrs. Osborn. Kg ALL. KINDS OFId a served to twentyW guests, among Fresh Keata, Fish, Poultry and were: Misses hit,. Crocker, fWishard, Stone, Dennis. Webster, Game in Season. 3-tbead. Cauffleld. Cash in. Anderson Twant y fourth Ht., In. John btone and Mrs. Hilliard. take at your door, and rood dHv-are- d & Co. Vaday afternoon, three teams took UTAH. Orders to any part of the aitr. OGDEN, h leave. Two Delongea to tne a apacialty. Oar Meat DK1JVKHY 2406 WASHINGTON AVE. Wat-o- n e and Fargo company and one to ia a Market on wheals which calls at your bouse so that yon may avlect your own Davis. They ran outside of town rooda. It rnos north of Kid St, on Washinfton XT M. they were stopped. The sleds at-- i Avenue and tha Bench. to them were much disfigured, TeLNo. 1. 2311 Washinglon Ave. mston can bow boast of a baggage L Heretofore the express agent has MrtlfflhiifMrk. Off (ra you the following propertie : I the baggage work. m4 nmmwmmt. wr tmam mt iibtr rmmmt m 14, 4 imr ( 450. Choice Nob Hill lot. 50x137 to allay. Urf M. At.)r or UrJtu,v ia at ftaaw a $1000. KWge eiion, t ' liaK Twent SOxliS On to on street, alley, W W tormitm soon a Md, will leave wkim. lor visit to bis Mrl ymm. nk. Ttasr.Tktf4r9 liorse cm rv. m Uva wr. to yMBr m?mn KMaMii, r all jvmr mm home in Vernon Center, New York. t 500. Por wOMMnil micm . Trrj mwm wm mnnm tfWfi mty W Here, 21' i acre, near CniterkitT. wm t wr mu4 Itnrtle--. LOCATIONS mt CnOICE IN Will Um cut R0 into loU at Cunnington, the dentist who re ia all parte af tha Cit7. GOOD RANCHES ml mt mu9 iratQ Tfli mm, Mo ntnv lai nUin hara. t iill ier lot. Adjoining aold and aelling for riuK. xj I 12 tiXI each, Bargain. CO. AlAiUli, AAllkk. ly lost an eye, is at work again. His and Garden Tracts. i. nave. bushel or sympotny lor $1000. 33x14 with two house renting $18.00 per him. He is feolifW lujrlrb"tUi luee he monih. came home from Salt Lake. $1500, Choice Nob Hill eornnr. lC'illtt to alley. OGDEN CITY RAILWAY CO. NOB HILL PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. Rev. Mr. Ramsey, of the M. E. church I 830. 41xl:tS to alley on Harrivon nenr Twenty AD urtn atreet. 1 t Almy, preached (at t".e Methodist $i"A). ti 1 1 . r iiw - v On tno-Prior water arres. rii:ht. 3Si I v nr rri pn snrinnrc church here Monday night. The subtor line. No troublo to siiow properly. Call and see sue 42x105 on Twenty-fourtject was "The Sinless Condition." Fine rewidenct AND No. HU, Wu-U- . Ave., Kit. The G. O. S. C. E. will be entertained 100. acre. in Per Fine farm $ land; water; HEALTH RESORT CO. by Mrs. E. S. Crocker Saturday afterUTAH. OGUKN, tract to mut. noon, from 3 to 7 o'clock. A B.VRfiAIN. Fowl and rit mill complete, on Main utroet. Ouo milt) from P. O. ou The appointment of A. Bailey as postA "YEAR! I m"trtk lo brtHtr Bctw Mitor line. Twenty-fiftKtroct nnd Hot master here has been continued by the rc.ch.njr birly int.i:ir-tip.no.ofthrr Mho cm red .lid t.ril. iiid who. The boft in for $23,000. Sprinf-s- , taking effect Thuredny, paying Ogdon property senate. iuitrortion.wtll ntcr indnMrlontly, an. mint invented, for :i yearn. ThniiNa.4 Italian a (JUUU bow to .art! V.rr. Tvr.l lain. January Editor Ludin is home from Cheyenne. $ 500. Per foot. 25 tent on Twenty-fourt- h our in thwown will ata luniiah atrwt business. lilt li yirti fan cam tlit amount. th. afluatioc. Kxuiht. CiOINCt XOItTll. No nion.v for m. uiilma aur.'.aiiliil ai aliovr. ana B C. rm-re- ' tba-a- UUDEN, CTAH. A. K. between 21st and 22nd street. Cheap and easy terms. Several bouses to sell on small cash payment, and balance monthly or quarterly. Five bouses to rent in good location. m aiiee--ii- CityOSa.Chir e snow-bur- ay Ua. aiurtaA lra aaeiuia ''"-- lnrlur td I 'W an da-p- Eoarr. M1XIXG CF tad M t'laa. anc - b stna, Foot of Twentieth St. have a few Snaps Real Estate Dealers. for you this week. LOOK AT THEM! li wf Um if 4ay u Wiilsgtdi iTttat bat nrawlaai laaxaw Jara u af baaUa la saad Cardra Ms nnrii urs or L. II. MITCIIEL, Nona Ujt Ei!aay rtaiaay. aaa.1 nadir larnw- - auu. ul Sausage Works! & 1 ttui CHICAG O 2106 aa cM-a- SUMMOK: '- a CafVaraUiaB fiav aarSartalaC tatl4ay. nKW tuA W imu vt aaaaf uaraafkiair aaf taa a aarif ati'.ar $r.'Mi bra asorvae taM.tl aaf tsar mo4 lAetm t 11. iCuay tij fv : i:t iH4r.. AJ aad atuiffaaUr U cicala aad twa! sjad ail fc;aire, rtu'A. MUaK-a- . Inwtlmtm. raU aaf St). aairr (erax avx.l aart laanb. Kiwanin. tutauau aaataaroiAtraru f ail aad wrry (iaa Wti aoratued by or tia auaua- - Us aar a jrfc atait at ary luw fcrnsafu-- r aa fey or ari. by ar wl Meat, Poultry and Fish location and values enables j. r. fbiw. me to make .safe and profitable investments in either the shape of loans or purchase. Ki O VaCHa tiar auaartf re street party composeu ri. Judge Uorn. r Tea .one, Seventeen rods on corner Quincy an sitm is tessrA Curt IBs and and 20th streets, per rod Tha Nimroda bagged lagain lota in Ruve addition, Twenty-fivand nd bucks got ng ts non-residen- LAFHENTZ it or Kopra- - Investments for a specialty. Houses and lots for sale in all parts of the city. A thorough knowledge of A. AlcCulloch O0t Waakiactea Wancf P1UIXKS Ul 6t i NOTICE OF SALE. BUTCHERS. fc-7-jt prrow, Thursday, afternoon Re. ter of Cheyenne, will give an aa- tbe you Hi? people of tvanston. Valley ia to bare increaeod mail 8x10 rods on Quincy, nerr 24th $ 475 per rod in the near future, it win rora tha Northern Pacific R. 04x141 feet, corner 24th and Jack"bern outlet, it ia claimed, wU 24150 son streets country. MARKETS. REAL ESTATE. IllCicli LH.Mitcheljc'IIc;rwmvdl&Bros- EEC mi. OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5. one-ha- lf rrv! All kinds of Novo.tr Kopainng Kertli of th Uau mi and U1M Lonipauy. CRESCENT NOVELTY WORKS Ls9u.al Blanks of all kinds for Office. the Coi-merc- iKl bp.!o a: ' V |