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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1801, austral to tc Ifa By friends there. as boor's rvia. ady -- That amies it." ti0gfex Seotr. TVcty of sumt frSuws to nae aa afeer-IftrobaUy drjxm tbere. He atsmUrd vm traces aJ is ping I'M and a&tuk4 aal al2pp4 kelp." H to, a&e aa iu mm. a anrr Kmc aa- "er aa r t Ana aul t1mm; - Ka4 auuL mud! Uc Ma iuk Li hit 1 about tl -- Well. t T Tfcaa oa l Mt la br urrl rwf Aai ttaa afca. ta Wnaiiay war, taua k iaa4 Of . ia iilna air. M ar -- aaw York TrOMiaa. IN THE QUICKSANDS. .tty bi tluwn ao, tlioia tuijonUjfbt Kt-.i- poi. cuia lllf. : I;. Fred. I II rzrn B w ta Kiesel J. WHOLESALE tw H WW M COM. Wt a.A k.y lw (AIH. .... 4 a... m. l w twtftrd, ya fg M " gjyll r m.X.. ! oHkaf. rrr GROCERS, aviaaareTi KM a -. . M alart ward. The hard beach was only ton feet distant, but practically the cuawn was He felt his lior sink out impassable. of Mght: the sand gripped his own knees and arms, his thighs and shoulders. inches nioro nnd the end by suffocation was inevitable. Up to this time he had not shouted: only his horse's wild death scream had lold of the tragedy. What r Who would be passing was the along tliat lonely road? Then ho thought of Tessa and of life. He raised his voice in a clear, strong shout for help, again and again repeated. Far off alontf the deep ravino there came a cry in response, and a horse's hurrying feet, and hope awoke iu his heart The margin of lifci was five minutes now not longer. Faster, faster, 0 fearless rider "Tom, where are you?" "Here, Tessa; dou't come too near." But the mountain girl knew the danger. Creeping down stairs for a drink of water, she had heard her father's words to Warren, had thrown a shawl about her shoulders, and run to the pasture. Then she caught her pet horse, sprang u;.m his nnsr Idled back, seized a riatU a.s uite passed the stable, and galloped at the utmost speed down tho ravine, hoping against hope, for many minutes had necessarily elapsed siuee Warren started. She sprang to the ground and tossed the rawhide ropo to the one arm he held above tho sar.d. Sho folded her shawl and put it over her horse's shoulders and tied the ihtta round like a collar. Then she leel hiv.t slowly away from the quick-Bandand Warren thought his arm would break, but slowly, reluctantly, painfully tho sand gave np its prey. "Yi:nr father told mo to take this road, Tessa," siaid tho young sheriff. "Yes, 1 kuew that, and I heard one of the m-- a tell bira today that the bar was swept out." Thero was a long silence between thera. "Tessa, go with me to San Lms,",8aid Warron, "and let us get married." And Tcssa went. Old Stoner heard t'.ic news a few days later. Within an hour ho had "retired from Irasir.ejs." The camp was broken np, t:m hunters disappeared, mysterious lights .lushed at intervals all night from the points of the cliff, and the next day old Stoner himself disappeared, leaving his fasuily, the ranch aud the live stock. It was said that he made the best of his way to Mexico and finally to South The world is large as yet, America, nnd men who hare money can ramble over a good deal of it without finding a past they wish to escape from. Bat Tessa lives in her Sau Luis OlnVpo cottage, with oranga trees over it aud La Marque rose on the poich. and she thinks herself tho happiest woman in California. Charles Howard Saiuu in Belford's Magazine. o. M Ogden, Utah. I ma fmiafciug haranl. rH'li.i & 2i0i Wai Ave, & CO., FINE PERFL1IER and TOILET ARTICLES. ANT) DOKKSTJO CIGARS. e Creem tAfUKf, bLLi.LT B0HEMIAJJ V LrfHl ALL CORRESPONDENCE M.Sciiwokkkf, Cor. 2i!th and Ave. Vu-injrto- TO BE ADDRESSED TO 00R "OGDEN OFFICE." n Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guar anteed. Tiirtisli Baths ! F. J. KIESEL & The only Turkish Bath OGDEN STEAM house in Utah is now opened at 364 24th St.. basement of Woodman-se- e O. P. IIENDEKSIIOT, block. (CO. LAUNDRY f!0. O. A. Manager. PAllMEj Sec. and D. OGDKN Old by A. H. WALKKK. Urasdat. Usdeav. t'tafcu THE OGDEN TRUNK FACTORY SINCE PURCHASING THE All who know of tbe San.ito.rr and Cnratire properties of this kind of bath run find everything in Bret class style . at the above named place. ! ' WE will pay the ahore reward for any u of I.liWf Compltint, Dycpcnsla, Sic HedM he, lndisHion. or Coativone! we cennot enre with Wevt't VeUblLlTrri'.ls,wheii tha direct Iom orertrirtly Th are pnrely Veffrtable. and nevei wtfii. complied Luire boxee. fU to lire ixiti'fwiion. tuAt-CoateS) l'UH. 2t renu. Beware ot counterfeit! ronUlnlnr Tho renulne raanvffictarrt only bg and imitations. tUh JOUS U WL8T COHI'ANY. CUlUAtHJ, ILL. D. L. OOODIIAltT, Ogden City Steam Laun Ws hara added many ImproTcraenta to or Fine Equipment, employed Experf and Competent help, and are now prepared to pre oar patrons Prop GEO. A. LOWE, As DEALER I- X- Good Service We intend to - 1A ivuiiui . m aja.i ai a1 1v ui v w j 11 1 1 1 a 111 Bussies, Iload Carts. Buckboards. Waoii Material, Heavy Hardware, Iron and Steel. Baker Barbed Wire, Black- smith Tools, Etc. h ,4- Uyw m OGTIT.r TTTAW. - THE K0CKY MOUNTAIN Transfer Co., DBAYINCt. " V Is prepnrcJ to do all kinds of BAGGAGE -- AXD- Furniture Moving No S3 2oth St. & Specialty. Te!i'phoo as Can be Hal in in Quality of Work, and lea re thaQnanan Appreeiatire Public Girt n a trial. OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRYi Tel. Wagons, Turbine Wheels, Einsinos Saw Mills. C Lead all Competitor s, -, hi Ar.D HOFERAL', CONSTANT! for nnr- - dity'd notirw. Order by Hail Promptly Attended to. $500 Reward is WJIOLE8ALK UEALJilllS Hume Mode Tatties. Pure Ice Cream. Druggists Young--, h The Pabst insw ?nni U'lTTH Prononnwithp It A 1 Lit Xtt it and sausfy younelvea. Fifth St., Near hand-ma- d Fine French Candies. beat In Territory larOITED ! C-I-a-A-R- -S. BPECIALTIE3: c Id the Klarknt. W. McNUTT il SSI STRATTON Custom house Visiting ties enpplicil al uue TOILET ARTICLES J. 1 4 Also for VVallis & Co. Mexican CARDS CoEmereial Pobliihics Co., 1 STOCK, BULK AMD BOTTLED. Fikbst Stoct or OUUd Pocatello, CARL (JPMANH'S INVITATIONS, Programmes - AO BINTS TOR Stwct under Broora Hotel Tu u-- IHatrfkatlaataa aw rt ivKiuu. aifc . DRUGGIST, j .? Twaatv. raartsi tat. M M tmnniHraw m etf, tar ftllaflllruli m kiiAftOA . aft (a, . imwvtm ' rltM..t ..7tt,.ft. W iU abtVW tsa sta--a yw f escajie. Tom spread himself out over ns much surface us possible, but slowly, reKistlesH-l- y tlm mighty force drew him down- I Liquor aud Cigar Mercli lfGf DRUGGIST. F. B. HURLBUT, & CompJ V JOS. WALLACE Wedding Goods, , "All right, cap'n," and the man went lack to camp.' A moment later, just as Stoner was Mannfactiire the Beet Troiikn. F"pairiiur pmniidly altondcd to. Old Trunks Taken ia going into the house, there was a low KxchnnRe. Orders called for and Delivered to tlm;i of horn's hoofs, nnd Tom Warren, all part of the city. dor.ni rode tho the young sheriff, trail, KMXE orrMAX. St. No. STO Twentj-tiftnronnd the corner of the old adole buildto led road that tho into country ing, Wn m.!-- l nc Midi. fcr(imii; the west. Ho had at last yielded to Tessa's entreaties to "Go, go this minute, Tom." 7 d W "taLv th ww ana ti. Y"a r Impa.st.ive ns Stoner was, he felt a - leriav. Alla.-- W.h0W imlK.W little startled by the sight "Whero in the devil did you come r or ill the tintfrlft w.wt vrt. rr.ar- - mkiniwH pniutic h'Bi. from, thoriff? Anything up in this part NKW an.lwnn1rftil.lariH'i)1re. H. Hallett Jb Co., Bo B ! luri land, al ulae of the countryf "Oh, no; not a particle. I've been visiting my old school in tho mountains, Is ecififrwlel(je4 Wf , and took the trail home down Cayucus." the ieadinc remerty tor SMrriMC A ttMMH. This was plausible enough, for there IT)&iAV8.l Tbe only nts remedy for entered the canyon was a blind trial that IioaeorrliceaorWhitfa Or CourM Not. I prescribe it and feel it just east of the angle of the house. First Female What aro husbands aaia in relieved. little a felt iTHtttiMwiiestifto. Stoner to all tnffimers. cood fur. anvwav? n.tt. n. vf na 4. A. bivo with and stay "Won't you put up Second Female I never heard of oce ParaTt a Ub T Drusirfala, ; must allnightf was good. Etoca. that to dowa to "No. Mr. Stoner. I . furniture Boyle e Mow. Woner'a and shoulder." "He mustn't stay here to get m into trouble. Take a boat and carry Mm to the point ami him in tia cave there." " Yes, capt'n." "How much aboard?" "About $2,000 for the Josephine minf ers." "Send it owr the cliff before morning and I'll divide it tip toon. But you be extra careful; that new sheriff ia a r c' ur "WeUr "Just ns the driver throwed off the Imx. Shot by a passenger ia the neck ftt rail fid aa lh rianu-lai4un- too the yonugtwt. Thtrwsa, known aa Tow, a girl of 17. That added to the attraction, and almuht every night the dark eyed, half Sjnih girl aanj; and d&nred, and old Stouer inauagvd to hear all the new a that was afloat, and aome-homot of the louae coin of the region nltimately foond iu way into hia keU. He waa a deep one, that tame j KjJiraim Htoner, qaiet, f ly itnd patient, n rvt in hia methods and deadly in hia , 300 VwrlX esctts. rirt with the Imx are your fewrte aaa what are jmur taa lao vurta l you if, frota Mtnf Irfioe ordtai wtit-- b tataxMiaole trot Of im0um tMIU dnuutti rJ atnurta a:4 redutmam of ta ou I rrk Aumu. irm your u.tmt wreck, as lj.t;: t::l Uionje a bfucal t.MiiADui tia froa soja umI wouta I ucjt fjvh eirrumataoae frm aJl four frmvm atxl ali your wuuiwir bum iu ttvmia Umt alUi. Tim rou can if you wili but rreurt to Out um "f tLut Vt. rturaur knoa aThousand f latum a iul w.xik n litm tbe tiaw rriu to ibm. r ali deraoiiwoenta. BTeeularities anl iixtuiuir t.j luvo, it t) th mi rmtt4w. M lr drorvuta. under a SHMlUve (uraiilM fruu tiie ia tbal U U1 fir Mtitlinln Wat it rail wife and his four eldest daughters were nueducated and in complete objection to hiswilL Utit Tessa hod more brains and energy thau all the rest pat together, and quite as wm-beuuty, and so the old Texan ranger took a certain pride in her, and bad evn allowed her to attend a district school for two years. This midnight when, as I hare said, tluibtory begins, a person of a prying djFpotion might have discovered several Interesting performances in projrxt amiind the Stoncr qIkmIc. On thenortn t .li) tit the boiiHe Tesa was loaning from her window conversing in low tones with a blonde, fair haired and sturdy yontig man ou horseback. "Tom. do yon know my father? He is not the enrekt, warm hearted man yon may support. I must admiru his ability, but that is till. I warn you, Tom. thera never was a more dangerous man. lip may lie vhro he hears every word you ray, though if ho is ho will t''t nponk to you or inc a1)ontho it But1kif h knew you carl for me would your enemy. He has other inm for me. ne wants roe to marry for money." Tom Warren had once been tho school teacher in the mountain district, miles away, where Tessa had boon ono of his pupils. Thrown upon his own resources from his childhood, he had developed a strong, earnest character, and was already so popular in the county that he had just been elected sheriff, though the youngest man on the ticket. While Tessa and her lover were talking, a scene of a different nature was being enacted on the south sido of the old adobe, which overlooked a deep ravino, and a camp of five or six men in a field below. For several years thee men had spent their summers there, ostensibly hunting, fishing and exploring the conn-tr- y with their dogs and grins. Every one knew them, and most persons liked them. Tessa did not. Stoner, though it was midnight, sat in the moonlight on an old rawhide cfcair outside the door, smoking his pipe and meditating a tough, sinewy, grixxled night owl of a man. "That infernal knucklehead at the camp ought to have reported before now," he thought to himself as he smoked. A man came oat of the brush and spoke deferentially. to JCtrCL AB LaC El. Ok. Ok. War-n-- n high, and fall of waveworn caves. for and on the beach, dww rein fully tea minnU--s watched the ocean sway and rise. His thoughts throbbed with dreams of Tea. He' would tak l er away from df lxr narrow i.ud Lurtf;J aurroundingii. He would fori Wouer'a couartit, marry b-- r and make br happy. niiiMn He rode nipidly south, and ia hait an hour tae n; uth ot the Toro appeared is OMt'. or oourr will tw rtuidMi. rvy the mi l t of aand duuea, breaker rolling This gvarmtrm bia been inati-- i on tbe tlHere ao4 Ia.LhfulJjr camnl out in and buui'rapTr. ftady rier rolling out fur naar ran. the l.ng Kaiidlwr. ten fet wide and An tonic. It impart KrHCira women vbuln vatota. r'or tr telling at rut hardly an inch higher to Uwwniroratjuf lv-reFaronte Or. aBraUr, tlwo the water surface. Imjoo. is tha greaicat earUUy Warren waa beginning to have some to such not as of but Stoner, suspicions lead hira to doubt the aimple directions DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS lie had reiveL The sandbar looked rrfulata ao4 rfcanae Um liver. atotnaHi aixl boweia. Ooe a dosa. bold by drug safe, but within a few days the sea, as (lata. Si cents a vial. Stoner knew, had swept it mightily, torn out the long compacted bar and placed instead a quivering mass of quickDRUGGISTS. sand, so treacherous that not even a light footed rabbit could cross without being swallowed up and dragged bodily down. Warren rode swiftly forward. He had crowed sandbars' hundreds of times. Somo horses would have been wiM-r- , but the animal he rode had been bred in the valley. The approach to the liar waa hard for a few rods, and he galloped on. Suddenly, in one liesrt breaking, breathless Perfumery and Toilet Articles, descent, noiseless, but unutterably dread- -' CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ful, Tom Warren's horse went down, down, aud the soft, slimy sand came np to his inane. He shrieked ont that Componndod. ghastly cry of appeal and agony that a Praaeription Carefully 319 Wanhiiuctoa Arrnne. dcscrate, dying horse will sometimes utter. Tom knew the jeril. He had drawn his feet from the stirrups and lifted them up at the first downward throb, WlOLUALI ASfD HmiL but tin; hand lxgn to grab at him also. Liiaw-IHe threw flat on his breast and loofo from the poor animal, tore hiiii:-i;lover vhoe back tho mingled sand and water wero running, as it rolled from Corner Washitgtoa Are. and Twcnly-fifi- li side to Kido in iueffoctnal struggles to n emartone." First Shipment of the Season Just Received. ia ij aitor uf tJ Pm. ific The cliff were from 50 , ia war tl PwitV.r rattlo lh nx?cJ Santa Lam a'juuti::s:s. StfBifr had l n TVxjw ra;?r, and tx'till hold Li tni rxtrtiut'Ir wt II in that rough frontier community. -- He haj carril off a tTftt- - 8j uih rifa fr. the Chihuahua year Mure, haj Lruught her ta tho rutty California nr based a avttWa ixat, and had claim and aa old adlw hoiuw built by a HpafUfch biiLJo hult a century u catt on the Here ho faruwd, mm! KuVfrutneut Urvbt, and kept a mrt of hotel, fur several mountain trails joined at that point two brid highway w hkh Ld frutn tha iMonty wat, twenty uu1k (outh. to tbu northern aHtfc'ineista in Uki pinerit. He bad five daughter, "You're late." "Dick was shot" (uai a o;-i-- .Stoaw'a uj-- aiid Wan the tokiM till to the Utota of the ratine, thra torntd araward and at but d the wide gulch broadly to the rai-b- 6ton-r- ," i uf atrret Ktuber took aa extra swiof brandy aad weiit to bis rmt. Warren rode dowa y r r;-;t!- J1 at midnight The story iinifn-rltm t!ie Kan Lui Ubicpo cGet, Cahfuniia. yt-n- , Baby Carriage aa i; '1 as ?; Jy wh- - yoa cross Prrtortly the aaadbar. It's aa Turo rm fcanl at ira. I crjimtd tbers tuday." "Thaak yon. Adiua." Siicpkr. aiiiing tpmk thoae words ot Stooer'a. and yet Uwf were inlmdi to krod Warrea to his drth mmet wrrly aal safely thaa by btllrt of puvj or mr, ua; r frow." gooJ-by- soJIrtJr; -- I Jl Uhm ourt UIm Wart But "Tj to Ids cmx. be aaiJ to LinMrlL bp.Jt 1 Mil i&ii 173 SOth St. Itear of Rood HoteL RT COREY EEO'S & C0mJ) 2432 vvashington Avenue. LIVERY & FEED STAB H.iTiriffnrrliard thAntirP business heretofore carriod Livory and Trnni-fp- r hid irjMitL-- iu 1 wuivo tiruuis ior SINGLE AND POOBLE DWVIXO KIGS, CARRIAGES K5? OrERA AX PARTIES, MOTIXG OP BACGAGE OR FURNITURE, LADIES' CALIJ mu 11 iv o, CARRIAGES WITH CAREFUL DRIVERS. Our Hoarding and Feodins Department will be fonnd Satisfactory in every OOREY BRO'S & i32 WiKbincton J COMPJ Avenue ITwf-- ' UNCTION CITY W. JC ri HOLLAND, Iroprictor, Practical Founder and Machin bet Wall and Lincoln. l(M.lt8rn!7-tMrDealer ta ffteum, Knilnee BoIltTt, Pump, Evs, I will inmJuh e4" h Uus ton! v I Holier, Baatert and Machinery- - Vy camtren ana do ay d irk . i tf , |