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Show JUDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: TIH'HSDA Y, FEBRIWRY 3. ITLLOWV UIMCITIOV. ODD JSEEH FHEMn.TLKNEH! X Tkrw liai m lli iLtt Eivl tvr IVarwkrCAlMlHTE IX 1 TLe dklK3i,tiua of U KI-l- tuMorrs miviu to oaha IZFt 2 t TO SO ITEPOSE. kaS, om Tsesty fuwnli f.ri, wlil Ml KUt COSP1XXIOS. occur as Wftlunaday exvtdo A next wrrk.aal it will uatitt oj uf tLa The HeaJ Offirr of the I'nioi lulu J liL.u f.. tli Vmi'tr ButaLk V(itS of lL truuo. f Will tome to Osd Drfrat to ElaridaU-Libe- ral UI be TW ddkatjrT nrio Ztou'i Protest. kxi-Drnit J1 b uud by ibeliraad Jlf of 1 u' f I IerrtBi:l I;J ir I IfcrM - MliLL IIEE. Ife51. Ja carnation na a VTtrrCy kwraiir. e, prtipti ia,of cutnws, bv ail of tba tKid JViV kigm ia tie ity. Ai! lit :1a serrrt fi li nadursMid eactoas of L'lili ara exr-emto b rttreaectad aai attfttija that I think tpc-tbi will doubUts ba unucaailr ua- .ctcr-ureokdiof just sow, . la fart, as Suers vary coud A lar auicber of icvi!l ju bT used to a J r abea ha fed tLa boys oa baee ikUJ tba t aud tbe ara that U traack S J aueaa LmaJ, "tare's nrh-pacua tea parti , quartrrs a ill be aell tillvt w ith d0a-tawin and Sum tl aco a latir pprvl Aftr tba " touine dancicj; will be in ordrt, to be ra'iiL visaed, Edjtob 1 Vmemial: A d . e n rtia-iirig- . r pruba-bibt- iti-ttitor- fol-k- d4rockl tlj iw latral."M It vrtit jf thfl - IB by rt-- f riiiuefta. liberal adaiiiiWtra- Our Udd Ffl'.ow (rirds are aorkin; lt41- - It II LiUyl tLkt th public turner Lard to utuke tha affair a brilliant La4 and such a rult ajay rarefully and eooaiic3liy 111 ebowej tiiot Ui city's erstlit lnakuiuch a they generally tuitke HAV 4. J I yjul as sikar f bii uwW tha a eiktvikiul r tii?y uudcrtake. a lota of f 10XUU aas r ord uc-r- s, auiwi-pau- s!. l, pr .Oyui It ahoaad tbat tbe uteil Lk'i to pay isvJO uf Uils fcIXws your ney Tea aid her a. Try bai-- ache?" Uu4 Tery-- a e i;io.L r. .... cxi; (,Com-uianiA- -- black-breaste- 1 " cou-tiau- bt-i-.l tae CTACLES, SPECTACLES, d y tr, h yts-terda- y e fr U-i- e - r.r. e U-1- y i So-O- Diem-Iterch- ip four-lea- atep-fathe- 2th tirct-cla- hesitation. "When you commence to do busineas w ith us you will realize tbat ycu are in a town," ventured the reporter growing confidential. "I hope so," replied Mr. Bancroft dubiously. Mr. Bancroft is a Salt Lake man in every sense of tbe word and naturally has little sympathy for or interest in His OgJen and Ogden institutions. trip to Omaha' was made at the solicitation of the Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce for tbe puritose of laying before General Manager Clarke the protest of that body against the removal of t bo general otlices to Ogden. Thanks to the good scnoe of Mr. Clarke the mission unsuccess'ul and was Mr. feels Bancroft naturally the least bit pore. It is to be hoped, however, that his residenco among us will bo the means of bringing about a kindlier feeling toward Ogdea people and their industries. Mr. Ban croft is too good a railroad man not to Miiiiiii!!i!i:i:!!immi!itntti!!iiiMii::i;i!imimiiii!iim that tho move is for the best rocogui; interests of his company. aot-ict- y d Many aere Ue wedding gifta showered upon tbw happy couple, not least sajoog tbetu being tbe dukoioo-lworn by tb bride but evening, a preerat f roea tba groom and bis mother snd sinter in tha east It is also rumored that the Uide became a considerable property owne ia C Vden oa tli is otvaitioa, in conaeueeoa of a mother's affectum. Altogether, tbe affair was a rery and bappy event, and it will long be a pleasantly remembered, evening U tbe many gutta and a sue-cear- ful frit-oil- a. Notice. The Senate club, 113 Twentf fifth etrnet. will meet on Thursday, February &, lSiL to eipreaa views in behalf of aupportiug the atritght Liberal ticket ia tbe coming election, l'er order of IL Wiuaw, Preat. tl X. Smith, Vice. A. E. Cami ros, Secty. C. S. Skaum, Asat Secty.' J. PArrmo.x, Treaa. Tha laities of the Presbyterian church and congregation meet in their new mom comer Twenty-fourtand Adams, Thursday at half past two to complete arrangements for the "Miaoionary Tea' given by tbem Wednesday Feb. IL Ut Ordu or h The Attraction of Today! REMOVAL SALE Of Dry .Goods, For Sale. VV. Tha three year lease of the Congress hotel and saloon. (Jheiip for ennh. Lodging apartment and en loon will be sold L. Ioweu. separate if desired. F. R. LASHER, GEOGERIES. Frcils and Produce. 185 St. h Twenty-fourt- (IN TANNER BLOCK.) Telephone No, Ogden, Utah. a-i-- 4, Order Solicited and Catffnl and Prompt Attetition uiven to l.YU-oof 1 hem. ry MI NOVELTY FRANK OGDEN, UTAH. MONKOE. OUT - OF - Mahaokb SIGHT! Week Commencing 2 rid . February We cot them. Tlie famoti" European artic ta. the only a EARLK SISTERS 3, ia their rreat Parasol sons and dance and wonderful contortion act. $5,000 chaUnnsa fortbeir equal. Don't miss this treat or half of your l.fe is 1(0110. Thoir first appearance in Ogdon. First appearance of the Knort About King Jl'll.i llXUUt.ll Ml) BMJIUJU. The H.mrino- wonder. MISS l'KAKL AKDIN'E, Eiirope'a Greatest Comical Musical Artiata, 3 MUKhL,AVS-- 3. Fii-H- t. nnnmrnnm of the beautiful anil accom VocaliBt, MISS LILLIAN plished Serio-ComThe California duo, CLAKIE DALTON and JIM BOYLE. The Qu.v-- of all sone and dance artist. MISS LILLY MORRIS. The popular voealista, NORA WILLIAMS and GR VCh MON KOE. IN THE SWIM. Nellie Martham, May Hoyt, Fay Belmout, Winnie Yeaer. Annie Hartley, Helen Howard. Miss Drouzhtou aud Mica Under the suierTis,ion of WALDO WHIPPLE Only Sensational Female Minstrel. RICH. Note HARE Tho evening' at it :1 j sharp. AND RACY. performance commences Topular Prices, Twenty-Fir- e Scats in IJoies and Fifty Cents t iltv Cents. SILVERWARE, Spectacles Properly Fitted. Etc. Shoes, H. Wright & Sons Company ' are getting ready to move and ASK YOUR ASSISTANCE. 3 .. for which YOU ARE LIBERALLY PAID. It takes time and money to move a large stock of goods and they are going to rid themselves of EVERY ARTICLE POSSIBLE before moving, THEREFORE . anything you want in Shoes, Dress Goods, Wraps, Notions, Fancy Goods, Clothing or Linen they ask no profit on. Cash takes the goods at ' j; J I J! !! j; J: V ' V j , ; ; ; j; J! j; EASTERN COST. Lay in a supply of necessaries ; j; while YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY A PROFIT. ' j This is no sale of hard, old stock, but a REMOVAL SALE of choice goods and everything goes at cost FOR CASH. - j o . j; o iHiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiHiHiiiiiumitiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiu W. H. WEIGHT & SONS COMPANY, 2855 Washington Avenue, . J E W E LRY, WATCHES, Silver-inoiiiite- CA r, e d omplete Line Solid Grold aiid G RAINE 8c COMPANY, Q4S8 Washinirton Ayonue. x ith Point d' rale of tulie waa no Suwera era pearl piij, TbemJy fit aetw a tiiuuubd iadaiit a&d oraatjeata UaoeieU. A reception was 7 giva frxa until Id p-- aa, aad waa a ail OgiWs U4 reprtcMited. Tbe bhdal aupper waa by caterers from Halt Ladce Citx- Tba bride's trooaaetu was soade aa Us add tbose bo aera permitted to aea it were all of tbe opinion tbat it waa tbe an augaincent ever sees ia Ikie city. Mr. and Mra. BeU wUl be "at Loata" with tb- - bride e parecta for tbe aesi three w. ksand wid tbea start oa aa etted tour through the eaat.atopping atLtU Sock. Arkanaaa, where they arw to be i ademl a reieption by a aear ivbilive U lit groom. Later they will go to Cobdea, 11L, where they are to re-t- ide i.i&Led wt-r- r d. 1 Saf-fete- h 1m aere i. u-l ; 1 ocv-at- de-p- - ltn g na-Hau- al afu-rnoo- a aluruiou council, aad lWo!l-d- . in uoaey alleged to Lava On acoouDt of the skk'..3 of tha Liberal iry ybea tLa trt-i.- t 1 fur auun caiue ia aas uocrvaed paeUtr the liaptift program aurw.uui-tonight will be J. F. M mui, TaM r. t, it ni:.! a fine sioaiu; for aork ttit luer)ti Iiav9 done Xotkf to IUuJ Member. itjr iu tha way t4 jiubhe iui-tIt, br asr of coeijiaruion. All members of the Ojdeu LiVrul i:it tba ireiKunlaiuutratKW Ilind aae reU('iteJ to aieet at their hall i over frJX,'OU ia two years and uflcrnuou at 2 oVl'xk. ImThursday 1 that there aa uothiufr to portant. J. Bajlkv. Leader. it cxtut tha City Hall, which, ay, euet fCO,(XX ou a coo tract of CACKLt AND CUOW. t ia reported. here tbe ricbc ere' conies writer nmleretarula that most Fourth Annual Exhibition of The utter for that arraurnnicDt of Utah Poultry Association. party and defence of tha Tba fourth annual exhibition of the hi supplied by Mr. . Utah Poultry Association was inauguft, AtQUtuaie tu me reiormors rated yesterday at the old M. H church, r! aid Ihat Mr. Snyder, now on Washington avenue. ut "Anti-Kinmanager, as-!was a very light attendance, Turler to get up tba infor- - andThere little was done beyond arranging out of Vhieh tba article a us exhibits. ' is a very fair representation af There he Btatonfttls are not jokea, feathered tribe and the a offa" on Mr. Turner, but are the domesticof tbe enterprise appear to promoters r tha truth. The baa do R'r . . . vt be well pleased with the interest takeu aiil ttony tbe allegations bere by breeders in the exhibition. 'The different breeds are repreeeuted aa Mr. Turner supplied those aa follows: light brumas, eight coops; f&cts only about two weeks ago, buff Cochin, six coops; partridge Cochin, Imitations forcibly suggest thera- - one coop; black lnngwians, six coops; mind on make which ordinary I liocks, six coops; white LegPlymouth Hero are to know you know." horns, threo coojs; brown Leghorns, IxxMmeu wonders: Andalusians, one coop; pit Turner thought the Mormon four aeveuteen coops; inferior to the Liberal party games, game bi ntams, two coops; whito 1 ho becomo its candidate now? red Pekin ducks three coops. l Liberal party had managed the There are alno a pen of maznificent airs bo miu'b more ably uud hon- fine showing vt Phan the Mormon mirtv. w)iv does brone turkeys and a a pair of English embracing pigeons, to turn and around suddenly try carriers. l:l the Liberal pHrtyl Most of the birds are Utah bred nnd no well Liberal party hns done are exhibited by their breeders. present admiuistrati Mi, what, F. W. Hitchcock, of Grcenleaf. K:in., Jie there to puppio that it has the judge of the exhibition, llo is a lmiior and socse in two weeks? is authority in such mutters and TT ih"-'t ytn Jul r Turi-- r noted there ia uo doubt his decisions will give then supplied h:.t cuufie cow produce satisfaction. to meet his own proofs wint the Liberals Numerous accessions (o the exhibits have governed the city lory well indeed? ure e expectinl today. The show will It uoea twin th. t Mr. Turner is vory and tottiurroa . today not In to in .insistent, Biy disiugeuuoua fact, it is hard to understand what Mr. Aches and pains whilo urinating indiTurner wauts unless it is an office. cate Kidney troubles thnt lead to And this case of disiugouuousness Bright's disease. Oregon, Kidney Tea the writer of another instance will stop them. that is remarkable for, for well, for a bitch n veracity, to be polite about it. A SCHOOL EXTEUTALNMOT. A committee of reform gentlemen wont o Salt Lake City on Monday and were i iterviewed by the Tribune. This A Proirrrm to he Given at the Xew interv ew was copied by the little local West. organ acre with expressions of approval New West Academy of The school the and i must correctly represent what they (1 paired to eay. In it we tind this will give a nice program at the school paragraph: hall ou Wednesday evening of next "VVnen asked it they had not nominated soma Mormons, they replied that week, Feb. 11th, beginning at 7:30 o'clock. This entertainment will be for they bad nominated two Alormot s, but the benefit of the piano fund. Tbe proid Liberals conceded those men iO be nominated and elected." gram will be as follows: PROGRAM. , could anything be more incorrect the statement that "all Liberals school: 1. "Awav in the Songs by led those men ought to be nonri- - the Old Cathedral." 2. "Fair Lady, hnd elected?" Tha truth is that Fair Lady." few Liberals concede this. It is "Whistling in Heaven," Jennie Prout. say that at least a thousand Lib Piano Solo, Prof. Frauk Xagel. it this city do not make any such "How Tom Sawyer Whitewashed the teion. Is it possible that the Fence," James Taylor. of the opposition have nothing Solo, "In Old Madrid," Miss Blanch-arrer of sutst. nee to found their upon and have to resort to such "Joe," Alice Richey. s this to bolster themselves up? Piano Alice Richey and Bessie luce in The Commercial that a Bennett. duet, man offered to discount his real Resolved that Debate, question: if the Liberals are defeated and wealth develops the character, more than s a large advance if they aro sue- poverty. This recalls a remark a gentle- Affirmative: George Prout, Charles 'T ad b to me todav. Ha mid: Crocker. Negative: John Pierce and roperty in Ogden worth $20,000, Egbert Douglas. have sold all around mine and as Song by the school, "The River's Mesfjnt property is held. Now I will sage." tto take 75 per cent of this value Decision of the judges. ts property if the Liberals are de- COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY lusiness men. feel this way herehiw I .t mi .10 is i ie jauoa ieei: mis is no oiun It is a serious matter, for proper- - To Omaha and All Points East. tiers to consider. It may mean Through cars via the Colorado Midlosses to the city in wealth and land railway; to Leadville, Aspen, Colotea if the Liberals meet defeat rado Springs and Denver, making close It no cairn whatever in government connections with all trunk lines for the south and east. apposition wins. TrainB leave Ogden via Rio Grande j.turse, however, the Liberals will Victory. Western 8:30 a. m. and 8:43 p. m. One op the Uorecpt. Ask Union depot ticket agent for tickets via Colorado Midland, the short Liberal Kalty. line, the fast line, the scenic route. will be a rally of the Liberal Dr. J. M. Armstrong has removed his it the Grand opera house Friday, th at 7:30 p. m. Eloquent speakers. residence from 2173 Adams avenue, to busic. Turn out, Liberals. 726 Twenty-thir- d street, (between MadInvE Committee Liberal Pabty. ison and Monroe.) :i ooa-kto- rr a.t K4 Kid- Ortyon Suld rIiva yu. it liry - K'jp-rictde- dia-patc- LrtU-v- ewtt- tiiiouat of tiv I wutly required what betuKe MAKIMLII g u-'- k FA III r'urt' part tba atraet raaaiet; through tba bkak bounded by Wabiatja acd Adama aad Tke Xiptiabj ef Xiaa Hire Ue Tecty firat aad Toc!y araod by aa and Mr- Ueorje Aim J11 alarm from boa thiHara. Tba kitcLea CtlearateJ. fraiua briocinj to part of a Mra. Wouda aad ocruptJ by C-- W . Foler and fan.ily waa fouad to ba blat- - Tba beautiful raaideooa of Mr. ILobert Gvoeral Haaarc ISancnft aocuupaa aay in uvviy nyls. Tba caaiaa t Wurtvl of tba tr.g kJ by rra aouD aubdud a itbout tuucb dam RjUaaon, oa Nob Hill. Taeoty rioiirtb L'ukua Patitic Wtotaiii divii w, ar- age to tbe buildinj:, tb total loa probiib.y etreet, vaa last veaing tbe aneoe of Jdik--l or Ut quo He-med yeatoarday from tbe oast. Mr. Ban- not ezeeed:ii of fttivity, it being tbe a croft was aurry fjr tha time Le was bold eooda bad been reoioved. Tba tbe marriage of Misa AUce Lr ItayVy, to tba kitfbea. itijury cm furced Vt spend ia Odea acd took tha tcaia !& bra originated by kuxlutur a Era Xlra. Iiubinsou'a daugbWf, and Mr. hrrt train out for Salt Lke. A in tba kitx hro atove and goioc to bed George Akera BelW Cobdea, 111. in the Tba promiueot ptautton t the bead fur tbiutra to aarai up. Tba pipe aaa too represeatative ckwe to a aoud ceilic ana it lvaix,a c.ty by Mr. Itobtneuo. tbe rtep f atber i4 official 00 tbe platform of tba Loii the bnde, made tbe affair one of general vhre lt wa stretrbicg bimself af- a Lttle t urm. interest to Oden eoriety. ter th kmg ril over tl mouBtaina 'llie aeddwg aaetdrk-tlpriiate, only Who Tlif of FrUr, Jadje a fe very intimate frieads of tbe faui-i!you anytLi!i to my revardiui iv Years. Thirty tLU leitvi'sni?" akel tha rfpjrUr, bv4tig prceent. Hut it ra one of tbe to the Kr of bis Ui'hat-- a iivwt beautiful affaire etrer aiumwodia Si.m, I April 1(X bava bweo thie city. I hereby certify tbat reevived by Iuk Coxvt ii. mba-am foiioas: troubled aitb adux-aof tl.a etooaath Th large and beautiful rooma were and ktdoeta tba tat tbirty ;ara laThiy decorated with holly, a bile a IV wltb t u vesnal and tbat af:-- r uiin; four Had luac of tba profusion of m Lite aud pink mut too !!.. 1Iraib l k: U'TA1- 'rf v w.li Tea I have found great apptMtred throughout tbe bouK. Tl.e icCil. Kidney Jrejroa tw run Miue imu. lUit iuMjriLi uecetit aiid reiW from it. Biantel UiUur for Ogi4i. LH aul aobdly banked aitb t. Afc iv It Pattux. A. R. Friuc, tutoa and tbe ceuter-piecun n tbe Late County Jude of I'oik County. Tbtra isn't much to aay" said Mr. upper table waa cuptrb. Many of the afit-Bancroft ra!pr moodily, he bad fioaera mere pretfuied by Mr. tbe From St. (iauI'Saitirrlaud. rad tba dtsatch. groom, and brought from hia private "Isn't it true' continued t"ie reporter rouHcrviitoriea at t VUlf n, 11L Our "n importation., tin largort sloi-that Ogdtu is to bo 'ereaftir On mx.unt of tbe wrixun ill ver of Kmbroidcrc bibittd by f any us tbe iicii! juarUrb of the mountain firm in Utah from 3 cent per yard up to iiws of lWtor MeLain, the division?" bv m the ptrforniel S. J. Ul UT liiMks lUv. Dr. WUliard, of tbe Ibune M'icwin "Well, if you call the transfer of n:y . buri-boflica ben, board of the l'retibyterian i The Sons of St. tieorre. y," waa the r.!y. "Tha bridal pair tUxxl, during the ceremony, change wii! take plaia probably, within Tlie increaeint numijerBof tha the next tao werka. Kupt. Cora in, beneath an exejuibite arch of eituilax and Kona of St. tieorj; baa rendered holly, from wbtch waa eu8Hailed a f however, of the Utah divMou, will remain where is, at Salt Lake. It has it iuperalive to move to vomniklioui clover deaign made of carnations. been decided that be ran handle the quarters and in future tba nioftiou of Tbe bride wan given away by her will be held in the A. U. U. V. line from there after a fashion," con- the rule the groom wanaouonipuaied tinued Mr. Bancroft with a hall, Washington avenue. by tha bride a mother. Tbe bride waa attired in a beautiful accent Patronize the new Commercial book dreea of while llengaline ailk, "Odeu must, then, be recognizod i s the headquarters of the Union Pacific binder, here you can get (irecian draperieaof eiubroidered canton work at Omaha aud Lincoln pricea. mountain division?" crepe. The neck and sleeves of tba "Ves," camo tha response after some Pa-iC- roa-dut-t- ul0'i OV ASUTKEB c2ervLty Hmruiuf tbe tir de DUGHTEE i&to ara rallwl to or Uo, Iltrlr 'r ue. wedding Umbrellas Osden, Utah. Eyes treated by Experienced Optician for all defects. Free of Charye. - DIAMONDS. |