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Show DAILY COM.MKRC1AL: THTftSDAT, FFBRT'ARV 5. OGDd te commercial. " OCDEN, I U H. - UTAH. Wttv. m triMM, ui. 'Jti. 1. ftk. flu ' r W Rid- far TraaVg, U Uw I . TTum. VW. . MKT M.ivhai. J. ruioutxujua nmtrf-Cnal- am.-i- M: JIM. Jt, u. MriUau. LaJj C. T Keur--- B TaM Tnmk uok A M.J KoUftSfcwr. Jatttoa.A.C.kWilL K. M. r urtii w t J. K. WuAU Ju.tiee, Val liulr.. irJ-Cm- Jw: F'.ftA w A jt Ju if aa M paid in turfc mbprnrl Uaaon Tb pu J 4 PHlLLiP Iti f au l vt Of II - Vrry f:-.- .! r j luk.. I aeV Muer j SeVi- n y T'SgJLd tb liM- - el u rJ did earn,, Vw THTTe- ! tM !" t gan. .tabiy of Ohio. Juian of Iuttuuia. and Truaibull aod Palmer of llhnoat, beet boweatly to wot k and tbe move meat erratahaed ia the aneaination of Ituraae tirwety. tbe great wid pure expo A ttrong fol Deal of repubiijeatsai. kiwing of the great rank and hie of the party w heeled into line and the reform naiTemrnt showed a strength that as tor wh- -l the country. Hut tbe deoioeratic party, through it na'MMial oooientiou eadaread thr reform tUtfm iind and. .late, and the sua ptciau of a corrupt aliiaafv drore the bulk of tbe hoae.1 voters back intolhe . ,r tt.- :i n: pariv. ana n jraeo , .vej but ft.A v.i:. oi-- le lh ttUiiujro&-- r .iaU apiarr. Md rf I fl il tT eteVpajf rrluTLou fMaapi" . i 1 .1 .rr In I., tr p- -f f CaMlt r! r .a. al marrow o' thy bom, and make each j tM- to thaaeasamt of upoa thy Lead eland out tag-i- favor .if U empioyer, thus a.akint: likiudleuiui afntul por jpio were eur of o tfood plae in HeaTen. at the I lo U41 thee of my dream wc a Mormoii--- ad Aa thou doet lor ma, Prmoa, M he bad another ten I charge thee to ditubfr thy dream, par tienl U pa. oabiaowa weooun. for i tithini; t. fha the store keeper, remem ti ,i lli " iul t...i bv thr eide above the cm!, pnre t dread he hul jjo BeWMHl of lU betaf a 'mongst aiaarrat ie irtv. eredn transac t am. beside hie treaty- oy my alall and prow ea to o'er pr. . 'reeeire city, a fewcenu Lie will n soreheads fcw pront. e'en , goody ajoody crank, throw the praweiit paliiraeat aye, auj U ' a few am bilious ward ahth'ians baohad by all Uie rabble atd popniaw (Jljn remam i IHjr tneir rrt.Tiu luauiley;.) uil getiir, Waire wer. very low. but esrrots and aod dubbed themselvea the Citiiens that truckles to iU powwft cheap, ami they party" not unlike the threw tailors of MM ' faith thou epeakest true. squashesas were very So, Toolev str eet, who resolved luouey in many rt full worthy at mini, in moat passed TK,. hU Ii truok --a they unlet V.. tl. by of I'., .Uiui tr:.lmg gt miud Lend uie thine ear, but turu away for what thev were .. .1.;.,. .. .,......to true u ' o'"i"v .... ..i....,ai""-'- 1 . L . . 1.1 .1 3" I. .l; WW m"i'i oaaawvowj iney niaueouiui iie. nuutii tuirieen in the Bawaaa of the Liberal party at eee upm my fate tl - semblance of the years a'o, tiie bilsinees men of Concur, l.n.ll Mim. 'J iI.m ni tintr. lit i.):i.li and having h. ed ,hc oj, Itt I of ilftaao good and pure fear this dream doth bring. Know, then, being far seeing men.done buwnesswith Dl,.n 1 aaMOg.aad having themaelvea to n resent a after last the that Duke, night, gtxal the (il.kK W.K. teJ trom the well known, white mi l, many yeara-nam- ely dread council of Fifteen had left the mining and men of Idaho, Mo; houored and Uuitol citif a of Ogdeu. n secret chamber, intent 011 cares of state tana, Nev! ia and all the country wt These fair word ml ! on them ,.f gettng ,....,, ,.f ..rt fnsai Lha that weighed me down. I retired their MBtkl hi, teams froinC by freight voters of the ialior.il ar.y. A mam unto my coiioh. L ng lay I ponder inne to tbe exteusion of rail previ wa cdivd; the court house w a I how ere t to west in the mli riur. Og.ien, 01, a.' meeting roads sleep, ing aud hu mi re la oould uot get ia packed, I of its natural in the coming tight our side might be on position, became a The fifteen presented their report. "Tiie Theaa center. railroad mountaiu hud laboretland brought forth top. At '11st, worn out with fruitless business a w concluded to re a mouse." closed. then mine Ah, eyelid thought, move businem to Ogden. their On the ticket to the public, we j there came dirw and accusing visions to They bought property here and c mi hnd two or threegiven names of kuowu and bank to a lueoced build, started l'hey haunt my sleep, la my rcvurcii pnan-respected citizens, and the balance is tank of (i. W. (iuthrie made the The taaioa methought there hung suspended A up of u lot of unknowns. Co. They built extensively and made only men of .Miy marked ability on this o'er my bed a huge and uwfu! King. improvements which changed the ap- mongrel ticket are the Mormons aud .Oal out the darkness cume, in deep, pearance of hdeij, in well us giving em- iheir sympathizers. Then toUowa the endorsement of the sepulchral folic- - that froze the blood i' ployment to working men. They had used to been with white men, dealing "Gitisoaa' ticket" bv the Morinon church, my veins, the BjapMi "Behold the disiiu rim mwru chii! mpn ItmihwIvAU tl1liev and tho faithful have been ordered to o'ertnke ticket shall that thyself, thy Hpent th,.ir ni(utv ljk whlte mou. They vote for- - 'We. tte Citizens" of Ogden. and thy party!" CM swat ooel fn rn spent tens of thousands of dollars here This stiv ors so stronglv of a deal, of a;-- , each asm. I cniild not move. AnH in a short time. Thev did not aaw a ti'Ou.ltr 'i i fii .r tlmt .11 lionf-uT.iluruiu store orders or tithing orders, or carrots fouf Q or M11,R,rl the move ,.tl.(, down, u moves a glacier, with slow, I.v. Thev ry paid 10 coin. orsquaahes an,, re,nlt must be, uiolion, that awful King workman who worked for them got his ..(!lt utf:i itbe f natu:al ye rchUtie-l!u, . s tho ..Citi ,hal came nigh. Mcthought 'twas hours in pay every Saturday night, or us soon as v, . votoi wi ,,, ro,.,.,v,. (f coin. ,,,, M ,...,,, lav uomlog, and yet l MaUaotMa. Ah, it whs done, in gold .;,,,;.,,,,;.,,who laid the next. men the are These America. Duke, mayi st thai ne'er feel the foundatiou for the future oT terrors o' thnt hour. At last it touched OajMA. Do you want to prosperitytl ai Thou it flattened me out until I nnmesy Here lliev ;if-- I i. W. t i ilthric I me. AMUSEMENTS. Oeiirgo A. lost both sh ipe an I soaiblaniMi of a mac. Oo., Fred J. Kieaal A W. List Mc.Viut Uht of "Tlio Sea Kins." Low, O. n' sr uie. M Then came to in the i There wei ot Iters w ho came hit tr who to a good audiMThaSaa Kiflg" pi th muht tnat I whs dead I followediu tiie I'ootsU'pe of these men, ence last ni!:t. ngain closing its aagaM-monDuke Thou tell'st a laie of horror. und aomo who were already here. One which has baau I very aaooBsafu of these is John Hroom, who built the Did it portend defeat? Uroom hotel, J. S. Lowia & Co., and ono. Mr. OUssore's oompaBiai will Prince it iva .1 token of lx welcome in Oadea if thev areas others. many dlremnat diiater. I have no heart. hee men an liripi imid taxes her? gootl us ttie ore just kiavintf herA. Ljy il iwfore Uie Dread Ptftoa 1. V for many years and they naturally feltTh? Kintie". that they were (uititleil to some ropronwuy to weapP sentation in the city and county govern- Th ..i ,,fr,m,ur. inent. Did they get it? No; not until 1,1 of takeB AN Oh D TRICK. fitlx ihv ,,rand bv rears of hard work and perseverance the Liberal party gained control of the bousa on Saturday evening, and in the How a (oiiincii ill Man I10111 Zion city offices. Thou tiie change took place preparation of winch many of tho young which you arc nil aware of. Ogden made people in town, and a great many of the Tried to Catch Trade. man triHid fmni his older one, have been working so hard a spring iikc IMR Co.mmi:kv ii.: "There uro chains. Ogden started on the course of for the past few weeks, can not fail to The old ontertain all who attend. Asido from tricks in all trades but turs," the old freedom and prosperity. been taken from her limbs. tho interest all teal in the public library, had shackles we and man saying goes, suppose the toward the fund for which the proceeds She felt young and exubernnt. who called on Ogden 's merchants yes O, that waa a glorious day when the go, tho program presents unusual attracdance "en costume," terdny thought it was time he added a Liberal party weut into the ofliced of tions. The e trick to his business, but, inatond of tho city government! There has twen a participated in by sixteen of Ogden's beautiful daughters and valiant sons; of '"King!" but who does not rememgetting up something new, he tried the cry ber the old King. The Ring which hold the military drill, with guns warranted Ho following one: got some womun to its hands on tho throat of prosperity in not to go off, by sixteen saucy school misses; the game of checkers, with fa to the stores and cull for ttie brand of Ogden and county: l)o the working meu of Ogden, or the misses, all promise great goods which he had for sale and which The reof wish owners to music, by the best of enjoyment. Ogden, property the merchants had been buying of him turn to the old Mormon methods of do homo and imported talenc: the gorgeous a or same unui line Banna ine iuR thing? Some do. I have do doubt, costumes of many lands, to lie preseuted wv. u. Bwora. uere. for some tienetitdd by it verv much. in tho opening tablenu of "The Nations," iu nieit iimii, on oeic.g asaeo lor in 18 which is easily seen. They accumulated can not fail to draw a large audionce and brand, informed the would-bpur property in large lots, which has been j please the moetfastidious. Let all come chasers that he did not carry it, but enhanced in valuo bv the confidence and bring their friends, rememlierini showed them what ho had and perfected established reason of the work and the good casta for which the entertainby a sale, but that was not Uie last of it. ment is given. of the Liberal party. In a short time they returned with prestige of the immense business The the goods and said they wanted the houses building "01c Oleen" show that even the Mormon ott.er kind. Of course the cotnmer leaders have confidence in the stability Will hold the boards on Wednesday and cial man from ion soon appeared and of Ogden and her future resources, Thursday evenings of next woek. The triad to ssll tho brand of giiods in ques- wbich are being brought to the front tion. the energy and pluck displayed Denver "Republican" says of the play: through This way of trying to force goods on tho by present City Council and the 'The Fifteenth Street theatre was merchants lujn go 111 Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce. There was no last evening to the largest house but it wont in Ogden. Tuo scheme is so Chamber of Commerce until after the opened of the season ai.d the theatre was unold that it wore whiskers twenty veins Liberal comfortably warm. The attraction was victory, two years ago. ago and like a Cracker whoa il Is too I say, even the Mormon leaders show 'Ole Olsen,' a dialect play written by Come again when you their old, is stale. confidence in the integritv and (lus Heege, who is now playinff "You learn something new. good will of 0 the Liberal party, by Yonson," another of his productions, Oc.DES Meikhaxt. their works- - namely, the building of successfully in tho cast. these business blocks which we see now "The Swede character is cleverly porliHliun .Jack CbSffhi in course of erection or completed, the trayed in 'Ole Olson' without any money for which has been wrung out of attempt at exaggeration. The trials of WijiusoK, Out., Feb. 4. dolin Iidou-cer- , the source of sweat and toil of the Working man, Olo form a who. with Charles Green, is accused under various pretenses and ways known amusement and fun. Tho play has a Mr. R. L. of the theft of $8,000 worth of diamonds only to those in the King. good melodramatic story. Now I would like to say a few words to Scott in the titular role received great from Mrs. Celia Patterson of Kvansville, those unthinking nnn who have joined upplauee. His dialect is good and has Ind., at the Fifth avenue hotel, on November 'Jtl hist, has been together for the purpose of breaking up the laughter and Sympathy of the audithe Liberal iiarty. No doubt you ence throughout. Miss Mario Heath is arrested here. reminding of Qreaa baa bean arrested at Baglaaw, houostly think you could manage the an excellent linance mid the work of the present A hinuls Hue diamoad bracelet Mich. Maggie Mitihe and is artistic in all she much batter than it has done does. Her solo 'Won't you come out and and pin, valued at $1,000, wore found in L idouci t's possession. He says that ho Perhaps you could, and perhaps you playe' received several emphatic encores. oomtcitted the robbiry. and that as soon could not. The chances are yon will Mr" A. W. Fremont us the villain, Paul aa Kew York officers arrive he will tall never have the chance to try. For this Jordan, carried himself very well, careth m where the rest of the stolen jnvel reason. You have gone back 011 the fully avoiding unv chance to over act. Liberal partv, and thev will never trust Miss Si. George Hussev Mrs. O r .an rv" is. mgnn had the audience with her all Lidou cior waived extradition rro rouftsffain. the Mormons don t want any but ;hrough the the niece and her effort to ceeduigs and uroeeed to Detroit iaoaarge d o. the detectives, tie torn wen al the Mormons in office, and they have shown assure poor Ole at every cost for were lau ;hp.blo in the extreme. by their previous actions that thev won't. II molng house for about a week. Belle lii.ve any other. So there u BO vitow for Her specialties are very strong. von in that direction. Bnrrow, C. F Lorraine and tho Eekert Tci huiw His tiMj fellit. Some of you, if not bQ, OWB property family were very strong. The piece PmaTOS, Pa.. Feb. L A tirie hero. If you should succeed in reducing made a hit and should play to good Lilierol vote by your defecvioo houses nil the woek." tight occurred last night at Archibald flip much that it is defeated, be sure that a between Jeremiah Slattcrly, pugilist of there will lie enough good loyal votes Davis on His T)linit.y. some note from Hut to, Mont., and a man cost by the Liberal parly to defeat you. Okicaoo, Feb. 4. Director (iener I u u.ied City. Then what comes? Tho Mormon part? Davis, of tho World's Mclleynohh, of Fair, says if the confitotal) Slatterly made a chopping block of his wins. Then what comes? or of dence, tho committee is Candler in stagnaan awful nun depreciation report p.operty, opponent, pounding tion in business, capital leaving Ogden adopted by congress he will resign. It manner. In the third round ho put to sleep with a terriffic blow on instead of coming hero in fact, rwa be makes no provision for the director-geeral's salary, and his inferem e is that the the neck, and the man has since re- Ogden and Ogden's tutu re. Pray look before you tea p. Slop your intention is to denationalize his position mained unconscious. Physicians say he will probably die, and Slatterly has been mad career before it is toomto. Turn in and make him nn official under the local rv il with tho ciphers of tha Liberal parly dirootory . Th! not submit to. arrested. Ml tBtiy i!TlviTekTr3j i MM MM ct ' lm MlUji t giveu, fr of friend of the op our to tioiinK rj;s putitktn. "MM! rtiuembrr. when you oliuT-r"lin8a.:il HMMMMMMr" on ti.e priMent Lilieral dntinwtrutin, tlmt sidnln' for mayor iH n memljor ; of lio fiaaaoa committee in the oouncil, MVtAMMi tMJ (Kiim'ially rMponib!e A gwierm? o-- ' -- I ininian-;enient,hail f..-- any "Udr Ian. n voice wan there beeu any. II not rained in protect N'.., ryrht lur- Thk Commkbi Ii w ih (r:iv and enou;h to lie an il defend aml in fair, atop Itenemua Mr. Tiirm'-- . the ' ion imilidnte, from " ii, - :.! i of MaeVI party, ids party prouably did not intend to hurt him, bu' it a.k.'urd uw of the) "linanrial IBillllflMMIie)1" ful:o ia likely U injure Mr. I'lirn'T Mn.ti tluui any on the AMOUlta the rii;hl : LKa-rn- l Mr. Tu: MT, hrMJ h r'i rted I" lienwn eible in in on fi II ulij ? evept the pres d xir.' it. i.i.di'J not raiae his ent ;i c!.:rion ri'.i'i' in p:itert :ijfni:ut "Huaneial f r tJie :a.uplo rc.mnu lBi!.n'iaw4u:!-::n for a prottnt. that tl ttv n- - .! l Tnn.er'M in .').. .ni'iiiw -- ..-- ! pii'.-n-n- ;tr politu'Hl Mitpjnirtr ii"' 1 Mil Pra hoMrlinK nKiiinHt (iint ileral party l)i",i':ae tli 'ration gnuttei a city Water lli v vry Kokittd of tiicae 'lite ..! h flora! They di nut know, poor do lu i d UtinaV, 'hat KMft the city ll:e Oouncil franehiyp. iinwUit Mr. Turner presided an chairniaii t'i" of erMMeJL Nir Tsnur do MMf to.l lartM : of it wa whun rr.rnehiae. tlu tfra him to do en Iiim po qui tie naaary ait. hi an chairmaii on thai oc itsioii only peqairing Iiim lo vote in case there nan a tie. How very careless Mr. Turner e kniv thaf Mr. v. tu frtoiula are ! Ah, Mr. Turner, there is one duty you own to yourself. Perform that duty ninl Do not iMn.icieiitiously. feiessly MgiBBt it. It ia this: When you kneel do n by your little bedside to offer up your evening supplications, don't forget Artemus Ward's prayer: "Oh Lord, eave us from our fool friends!" New Hampshirk is to have the Aus- tralian ballot system. Ui.MtMRKR the Liberal rally at the opera house tomorrow at 7 :.T0 p. m. The senate club will meet today to i press views in support of the Liberal ticket. Scvajuuti state legislatures are con aid ering the advisability of laws forbidding tate officials from accepting free rail-ro- a ! parses. eb material interests are already bp. ng injured to some extent by the report of the attempt to split up and the Ldbaral party. in de-fo- The comrounicdion in tlm issue eigneil "A'ncrican" s worthy of careful perusal by every volar. The writer lire - r friend the cu uiy." te'iinjf ihots at It i'.,i 'us ioiiista ha ic another ally. It is quite sailed 'i'ho Local Issue iv but nnutivmo'.islv We wil cdi ed. it to our exchange table as a bright tie ihdet. Its political mistakes, how-t-f. er arc in an iavajnrs ratio to its sizo. Saturday & Tuesday. Feb. 7 j & 10. sniTRn SEATS IN ADVANCE: THE LATEST SEXSAT1Q? pU. .... 'ii'ii pij i.-- r , liirriiil - liiiiiir WW Its equal has not yet been produced. No prizes required to sell t it-I- is sold STRICTLY ON ITS OWN MERITS-Iis I well-know- t OUR OWN MANUFACTURE and every can is I l absolutely guaranteed. Try it once and you will use no othe- - UTAH GROCERY AND COMMISSION CO.i ; 2;Ji)0 B WASHINGTON AVENUE. - s- : Ml Troy tan tewM t, -- 1 GEO. A. CRAIG, MG'E, I . ' 07777 ' 77 l)(-'r- I 1 37 25th 11 old-tim- pretty-costume- d never-endin- Tiie Force bill being practically n legislative ooipse, the v irious state governments are now atpaetad to join in forwarding the World's Fail' project. "THE KIRMESS. -- aod ier 6RAXD OPEEA HOUSE Fab. i. USL iel- - uw tfa I of goad order. jal Tbeu it utile ciNi vr towrhed I r Im Tiji nr.tim mat I., IB the rrpibh--prt. fe.t that H morrow. Pnaeei them. ebaa they ti.e:r party -aillj.n ,ary took hie order to the atore, Such aean aa Lent of New Vorir. MT JNM your Kg haem slerp Tbe wurktbao m IT tltamr abet he oould Curtio of Phdadaipbi. Uuur of Mu-h-i i : Xhm taw IwwiCatnuL tbt . w ulWuri ''ouarilai'b: H. H. Ja.tirr. Gcurc U..1 D. M. K. lima. mat4-Cmadi- ticrn. of c L!r7',;"T4j ia BtAl'TlfTL MftAUMM.. A ffT QLjJST- M a iJ aWita. hmM M tMBMB) Olca, - Ifth-worM- e - V , JO, o " S ', party kl aruao uy. mil fat til tixav Mfcaita .a, HI MK. HfcLHiJt H. .!lrtf. h. Art- - U. H . Un Dak for aieot thou ill? tMHAKIM for K..rJKor( Kur want MilL IUXCTT. luor. -J. W. HUXW. 1 Tot to Aim ,tisti. LiW-fa- ft!LaS!L! ' Te.wakeee. Xay. CITY LIBERAL TICKET THE WOKKISCMES. TO j rr atai Dee) Iwn WOKM cai today- - ML K . A - - M y O. g"P C?1". WtkNMte l!." i he fr- -- weAaVnw feTenaeraa FEMCABl - riVUOlf n afca ta hat Dn b, dro, ti Ik Mt Pcfcnaary, late -- - aal New-Yor- St Tebta Only Laundry using soap especially made goods. All wool goods washed by hand. THE OGDEN CRACKER CO. (INCORPOHATEU.) "Wholesale Oealei-- s in all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS. of Central Hotel 25th St. Factory in Rear O. P. Box 268. THE OGDEN CRACKER W. F. PEICE, Manajrer, SMBEii l - CO., Ogden, Utah. ROBISOI 1 City-Counc- j HARDWARE hue-han- j lr-.ita- ( is iii receipt of a tAl Thi. C0..11 reliable trott from On ha, telegram source, atotiog that OaefaJ Mnrager K II. II. Clark, of the Union Pacific r. i'l. has decided t!iat th gerjernl wester.-- i offices of the oompaaj are here afwr to tw at Oda. Tiiis is as it eh j'at be, and - another of tho many eveiencM of the growing importance of thkeity as a railroad centre an. com dermal metropolis1 - ' COMPANY. 2345 Washington Avenue. |