OCR Text |
Show OdDKN DAILT COMMKKCIAL: THURSDAY. FEHRUAKY 5, 1891 H Erlut. a trae. sturr of Adwpbt m l U it win iL- -d a tew day wit A boct a f ex. tJLin Weviisx. trfure his deUt b Cfcllrl at IVb--t teat As tii presect k&oa to L a new to tr'.ile as ajrwtar&t at ta Ui bri aaa froom na nut Wk-- a the nxatur Iwa murj. so LA Lm bftFAuCur Uwa pub-be suddenly exeiaiiael: I waat ivad, . . .1 l& m-i''ufcbea 14 eoiacua tua yoo ta add arotocX' rlaaf to tht " Wk-- that? I want yoa waddicf. Through sUw dUTS of lb truii, th7 LfcVw but ta cadTUke, whet I die, ta jar fuc my funeral." "Bat, nsy doar icr." rvplird Ail yet arrived, but U baauUful my ia fcmonif.hment, "what the tVNiveeir foUovusf: th tubmxm i W iTLBg -- aU-!5u- TTtii Incbel. Tb Te xi:itof tbe preaezt pr&di-cLo- cf ai j .i. r - ur.at-ntHint- caa-Uac- id bl ajrree-me$.- t" - ir aacl duuoond braunie tor fiU-CM cold to the orida frua tbs J h rnuda; 94 whit kid coTerod prayer book. W. Ii. Salmon, the bride's brother. New caan. Mr. 1L li. iiubeoer. York; Saw fork; baart locket. Mies HaUi Pae; Bomaa goid brac4t4. RuswKuha; gold pia. A. W. tt'aireo; pair oxyduad advec orniiifntA,M . May 11 tints; silver nut bowl, Mr. and Mr, li. K. Woua aad Mr. aad Mr. J. Cwup-bcsilver fruit stand. Mum Alios G. J. J- - Bnuuaiitte; salver card liters aad batutet, Mr. and M,1 J- - H- - H jIbkw; silver batter knife. Mr. and Mr. W. F. J. Hatu-- h Adam; Jpaaeae art case, era: sdver sugar jU Mr. and Mr, ii. W. Keeling: silver pickle eland; silver syrup cup, lk Eoiersua, k, epooas. Mis Ohio; act silver ooflt v ut. liume U3ww; set saver V A. xjl; siivi-- r iguers, ivjiu. peppers, K. Quart, New Vork; eilver A. 1L picki fork, Mr. and Mr r a Xf pm, fcot Naasoo; Dr. Japact Mr. and A. fruil V. li--i- silver term. Mr. aad Mr. H i&cCiSrrvi hucillM silver fruil ktmvs, Mr. Mr. Ii. t. Hume; oae ilizen nlver 1t ; silver berry sjm, Mr. and Mrs. .11 Li 11 i "... i i j Sdvia; decorating fan, Mrs. 8. II King; haadaoux) pio case, Mr, lw J. Taylor; aaauion pair imported old roa blankets, Mr. Boy, BuUa Mont limit of E i press Delivery. On aooount of the large territory eov-r- d by the city of Oitden, the Wells Karito, Odover ic Rio Grande, and Pacific Expreea companies have been oompelled to establish the following limits to free delivery of express matters within the beginterritory bounded as follows, viz: and ning at the corner of Twenty-firs- t Wall; running thence east six blocks to Madison; thenoe south two blocks to thence eaet two blocks to Twenty-third- ; thence south four blocks to ?uincy; thence west two blocks to Madison; thence south three blocks to Thirtieth; thence weet six blocks to Wall; thenoe north nine blocks to place of beginning. Wells Faroo & Co. Dpjtvr.B A Rio Gran ok Ex. Co. 11 L. W. 3hi.h5, agent. Pact no Expr.i Co. By Ed. Johueon, agent Take It Betore Breakfast. The great aptftiior, tonio nnd liver P.wi' :ve epet;'rto for liver regulator. .i l.-ii linnd and bock of : Mcln toshes! e re t-- a for tbe to t?2e xaamiil ail cocurt are alaiost uUmitcd aad of K'.f il wkca Sjrcp of Fijs was first prodared the world wis earkbed wi'Ji the eo!y kaowa, as it is the emij perfrtrt laxati resed which is truly pUasiof and to the tast aad prompt aad effectaal to ckaaae the aysteaa gvatly ia the time or, ia fact, at any time rrr are yoo thinking aboac? We coald aad Spring better it b kaowa the store popthe not thick of iranins each a claot is becoaata. ular it an for a new book." "Bat,' objected Brlot, walking ep and dowx Ladies. the roots with bk bands in hi pocket I Yea invitod are to rail and see the aew amaU xaatter fee yoo. it is a vrry have nade ioqairiea, and find that a desifae ia Ejubroiderkea K. J. Brrt k Baoa. fux-ra- l soch as I want will cost only Mile' Xerre and Uf er PUU -well, Hut it i Impoarible." oo a new principle regulating the Art then," Bfk4 rtucMd; "shall we luanapi liver, tomjw-- aad bowels through the r Will aiutht-U it way? nerrea. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' ywi nndtrtiike pay a thousand francs to the person wbc Pills speedily cure UlliouaDeea, bad will present a dVinanl for tliat aui. in taste, torpid liver, piles, oonstipation. xoy name, the day aft-- r my death?" Th Unequaldd for men, women. rbJdren. publiihera were still artn: A 'd, but thej Smallest mildta. surest! 50 dosee, 'Jo andertouk to n.ake the payment, th oenta. Sampl froe at iL A. Walker. ort-eigt- it -- ij that wCl 41 the eve, tired feeling, dizziness symptoms of liver complaint Ramed- y- Dr. Henley's English Uande- druggist for 1, and take according to directions. Will b Given Away. Our enterprising druggist II. A Walker, who carries the finest stock of druga, perfumes, toilet artiqles, brushefs cponges, etc., is giving away a large number of trial bottles of Dr. Mile' celebrated Restorative Nervine. He guarantees it to cure headache, dizziness, nervous prostration, Hleepleseaess, the ill effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. Druggists say it is the greatest soller satisthey ever knew, and is universally factory. Ho also guarantees Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure ic all cases of nervous or organia heart disease, palpitation, pain in side, smothering, etc. Fine book on "Nervous Bnd Heart Disease" free. Wisdom's Robertine is the only preparation now used by fashinable ladies to perpetuate a beautiful complexion. Ask your druggist for it and do not be induced to take anything elw. To meet rrequeni cans tor ininiug blanks,THB Commbrcial has printed and has on hand for sale the following: Notice of location of mining claim, proof of labor performed, power of attorney to locate and sell and mining deed. Wisdom's Violet Creim will keep the skin proof against the effects of severe weather. Try it Dra. Freeman A Burrows, Salt Lake, will have a branch office every Saturday at Broom hotel, Ogden, for the ment of diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat and lungs. Spectacles accurately fitted, difficult cases solicited. Glass eyes inserted." Cheap Lots. Cheapest lots in Ogden, g per month. New house and lot 8GO0, in payments; A. J. Cisopsey, also house for rent Great Week at the Novelty. Monday evening there will be the best and largest vandeville entertainment at the Novelty that has been spread at that prtpular place of amusement. The Erie Sisters, all star combination, will appear with thirty three picked star artists. Everybody should visit the novelty tho coming week. Ladies. Mrs. Voorhios is now ready to give les.oas in art neadle work, drawn work, Roman embroidery, cappurl work and lace making. A new stock of stamping patternsand lace patterns just received. Stamping done Ogden Dopartment and store 2303 corner Twenty-thir- d Washington avenue. Dyspepsia, That nightmare of man's existence which niak03 food a mockery and banishes sleep from weary eyes, readily yield.s to the potent iniluence of the celebrated English Dandelion Tonic. It tones up the digestive organs, restores the appetite, mukos assimilation of food possible and invigorates tho whole system. Ogden druggists sell it at f I per bottle. Money to Loan! Money to loan on Diamonds, Watches, Jf'Wt'iry, etc. UnrWtu-- l plodpoo for cbosf. 204 and 206, Twenty.afth St. -- afrw-nM-- ot h rmrtiwr with whom the convervitioc t'Jok placa saying hardly DiaJU-recilice the tbli.ration would not fll upou Lira, but ii;wn his 8iir,si'. "1I" d. as he weiit out yc;a know;-- taid yoa may have to I ay a Rod J-- al otmci than you expect." And to it happened. d " !ari lii-lo- t. Fit.ar.1. Widoiu's t I'ream iol Is the a:tMt exquisite preparation in the world for softening and whitening the hands and taoe. It is not only a substitute for, but in every reepect superior to glycerine, cold ereom, l aaeline, and Uke preparations. Try it We have lots on Hamsun avenue, beand Twenty-thi'.'tween Twenty-aocmKt reels. .r by feet thai "e will sell t Tweuty-H'-chhours' labor U a prc-tt- j for HoO. on eauy terms, for one week high price to pay for a NwYear'i Vail and' ee about them. dinner. But that i. what a bh'.e coatee only. Mtr.t iKE A Camtbell, r '2172 Washington avenue. mdpng-- boy inyt that be hd to givt for the privilege of eating hi diuni I)r IlncWa Vlnirlush Dajuirtlina Toni that day et home. There were tat aaV messengers who eat near rne in a street enree tndigeotion and constipation car Saturday dLtcustiing their affairs it tones up me enure system. the breexy way peculiar to district mea SACEED HEART ACADEMY, aengers and newsboys. ' Vou doin' time yet up in that Twenty Ojden, Ttah. Condneted by the Sister eighth street slaughter bouse?" of the Holy Cross. "Yep." Js a boarding and day school "Get Crismcs er New Year's oTr devoted to the education of young "Nop." Indies and little girls. In addition to a "D ju try?" practical English course and "Yep. Told 'em my grandmother wai thorough type Latin, clames in D" off? wouldn't work. 't but tick, ju get and short-hanare conducted writiug i U off Had New Year's. "Got turkey after the latest approved methods. dinner. Got off four hours, but had U French and German are optional studies. work fcur hours extra fer nolhin' ever) Besides the elements of drawing which are taught in all the clauses, private day fer a week to make np fer it" "Gee! That's tough, ain't it? Well pupils in the studio aeoeive instruction I've got tcr get oflT here. S'long." Now in crayon, pastel, painting in od and water colors, on China silk, satin and York Star. velvet In the musical department lessons are A Huge DTl!n.h. on piano, harp, Sunday while a little boy was wan given in vocal muaic, and mandolin and organ, violin, dering on the bench at Island Cove In guitar, in. art, mumc, was startled by seing large and strangi zither. Special chimes fancy work, etc., have been formed for looking object approaching the land Indies residing in the city. waj.li. The little fellow raced homo For further particulars apply to Sister (tilting that something came aft?r bin Superior, Ogden. Utah. out of the water. This was sufficient U Announcement. jittr:u-- t older persons to the Ix'uch, when cutllefusl or a found The huge pquid ihey public is informed that Richey's high nnd dry. Its extremo length wai undertaking parlors are fully equipped thirty-tw- o feet, the tentacle alotie meas with a large aud select stock of burial feet. The liody was cares and cabkets. A full Hue of ladien' nring twenty-on- e mnch larger than that of an ordinary gentti' and children's roUn. All calls uttended to day or night. horse, and the pelt three inches in thick promptly news. It was cut up being re luoved. We believe that this is tin iTxAXCE AND C03IMEKCE. third cuttlefish which has come to grie: New Tork Monov. in this manner in this bay within thi New York. Ih. last few years, one having become Blrand oa rail ay, r.Wwe o.Terpd at ia. Prime ciorrantilc pnprr, ed in Smith's sound, aud another was 5C7'i ; Sterling exchatut. tfly. Siitj-dn- y bills UM; similarly unfortunate near Catalina. demand Si.kA'i; Bar silrer H.02V Trinity (N. F.)RtH.onL A Cntljr Iiaarr far a j:.y. d d li book-keepin- d re Asrrntled tlio Tratiasteln. Two gentlemen from Gmunden as cended the Traunstein successfully though with great difficulty. Whet they left Gmnnden, at 9M0 in the morn ing, tho thermometer was 20 degs. be low freezing point. When they reached the summit at 1 o'clock it was 40 dega below freezing. One of tho climber, says that tho view from tho top waa th most extensive one he has yet seen, al though he has ascended tho Traunsteit fifty-on- e times. The tourists could not remain long at the summit, ns tho nortt jvind was very sharp. The descent tool only an hour and a quarter. The Traun-steipeak is 5,540 feet high. Vienm Cor. London News. Bonds. NewYokk, Feb. t. ioramet baniisclnsed as follows : 1 V. 8. 4's reu'd 'IJ. S. 4'4's ampua .1M 1W V. 8. 4"s coupon.... 139 It'aci&ctia 0. &4'iirec'il..l01 A h "God's blessing to mankind," say thousands who have Ijeen cured by the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Sold everywhere. A famous Woman And what she says of a famous article. A clear, concise, coiiaciuntums certificate: Mr. Wiwlom Dear Sir: I Ijeg to thnnk you for the delightful nnd refreshing "Robertine" you so kindly seut nio. I have liked the toilet prepar.il inns of the most celebrated manufacturers of Ion-doand Paris, but consider your "Hob ertine" their superior in point of purity and excellence. Wishing you the unbounded success you denerve, I remain Emma Auiiott. faithfully yours. it. THE CHICAGO xMilwaukcc St. & Paul The Largest Confectionery Manufacturers in Utah. Steam-heate- Factory and Salesrooms, d -- , OGDEN MARKET RETORT. EVERYTHING Wholesale Prices. Corrected dailr by Gibeoa A Sranrthwaite, wholesale produce dealers, 2353 Washington av- Oi;dn Oraik. enue, City, , Selling. Buying. Barley, brewing. No. 2 porewt. " Barley, feed. Barley, chopped " " Corn, eastern " Corn, chopped Floub. High patent Straight grada Other graaoa Corn meal 60 1 60 1 35 1 25 I 35 14 1 S 2 Hay. Timothy, str'ht per"t'a Timotliy, m'ld " " " Health 3 W 91 J Kulled Oata, per bbi . . Bran aod Shorts " Red Top WUd 1 it 1M " " " " mil ii wis Skookam oot J 88W Grows Hair Rapklly. 75 SO n Eradicates Dandruff. r0UR CHANCE HAS ARRIVED. S X You can now take the Motor at the Stops Falling Hair. Is a Preventive 25 t Vs 29 Ji-- H 22 is! 00 8 00 15 ( Wealth! a kau S3tTn Power in either sex. Involuntary Ijosaca and caused by over exertion of tlio Spermatorrhoea Kacl box or brain, self-abns-e contains one month's treatment, $1.00 a 1box, or six boxes for $T.00, sent by mail prermi on receipt of price. WK OUAR.NTEB SIT P'XES w To core any r.vm. Witb ac! i rr r as for six bo eeoTe,iniea with lo.OO w will . reto written send the purchaser ir ftinrantoe fund the money if ttic : al4nent does not effect .ruaantao UMWtd only by It. A. core. Wai. an. D- - gait bilo AgC. 871 Tweatr-funn- h St.. (Via a. t of Baldness. Grows Hair on Bald Heads. IB Is an Exquisite Toilet Article. tr-Tit- E. F. POOLE, HoUl Mgr. Trade mart registered) Contains no Mineral or Vegetable Poisons It is an honest and meritorious preparation. Nature's Own Remedy. Skoohm Root Hair Grower Go. NEW YORK. Fot Sol by till Dpugglsts. Dizzi-no9- gef-tin- Broom Hotel corner on Washington Ave. and run straight through. Try it this P. M. OUR BATHS are very popular S and you can take supper, and a good one, ft before starting for home. Come out and q h Is Free front all coloring matter. per cen'. higher. Hard Lnck. A Kansas newspaper says: "'A Wash E ATM E N? ington county man played a veryshan trick upon a neighbor last week. Hi Dr. E. C. What's Nervt! and Bfain Tbbat stoleawholo herd of cattle, loO head mknt, a guaranteed ecific for Hysteria, Nervous Nonralgin, Kit sold them, pocketed the money and lbei Convulsions, Nervous Prostration caused bv the committed suicide. His victim has beet Headache, nw of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental unable to think of any way of Depression, Softening of the Brain r.wultiug in insanity and leading to misery, decay and even, and is very much disgusted." death. Premature Old Age. Barrenness, Loss of if, S. Any further information as to Dates of Fare, will be cheerfully furnivhed by ALEX MITCH KIX, Commercial Agent. T. F. POWIXL. Traveling Agent. 101 S. Main Street, Salt Lake City. 1M is FIRST-GLAS- 2327 WALL AVENUE, OGDEN. etc, 14 00 W W 11 80 15 Importers an! Jobtiers. RAILWAY d Is the only line rnnnine Solid Vest ibnled. nnd Electric-lighteTrains Daily Niw Yobk. Feb. 4. Copper. nertncto! : Ijika and between Chieago Itomem-ieOmaha, composed nominal. )4.:). Lead, February of Magnificent Sleeping Cars and (4.374 ; Tin, tirmsr; Suajfcs, S.'O.WI. Platen, fairly aotire, firm. The Fluent Dinin? Cars in the World. was a whale. A big sweet pnmpkii Seamless sacks Table salt, per ton pie on Chratmas day is like meeting at Clean coarse salt p'rt'n old Pennsylvanian away out in Califor Retail prices are about nia after you haven't seen a man in tw years that knows there is such a place A fat pumpkin pia is a holiday treat anj day, aud a good one is deserving of al the credit that can be given it. And tht women who pumpkin pies make grow where none ,rrew before are benefactor, to the race. Brockwayyille (Pa.) Record New-burypor- yfL 55 Copper, Lead and Tin. Lucerne PaoDcra. This rio TTu "Whale." Butter, best, per 1 lb.. " Butter, Vtah, It is not a violation of the bylaws an Kggs, per dot " constitution to say that the pumpkin pii Onions, Lucerne seed, per lb... that Mrs. John Robinson fetched to n Cutal sacks Imbedded ia a Trc. A mammoth elm tree, set out by Na thaniel Bassett, in Lee, in 172. was cul down yesterday. A fence post wo found mortised into it, and the nnmbei of rings from the outside of the trunl into the post showed that it had. beet imbedded th jreln for fif- t- years. News. GROCERS n I Wheat, new No. 1 mill$ ing, per bu Oats, sacked, per rwU. 1 No. Barley, brewing. oi per ewt Fmnre and Russia. Another popular manifestation Frenchmen in favor of Russia look placi recently in the Brest theatre, where sev eral French officers and the commando and a lieutenant of the Russian battle ship Minin were watching the perform ance from a box. At the request of i French captain the orchestra began play ing the Russian national hymn at the end of tne first act. Instantly the audi ence rose, and led bv the French officer in the box cheered repeatedly witl might and main: "Long live Russia Long live France! Long live the alii ance!" Paris Letter. Mcintosh may bo either double or single texture. The double texture has a layer of vulcanized rubber between two thicknesses of cloth. They are usually worn with cape, which is so made that if preferred it is easily.detached. Is and warmer than an waterproof and wind-proo- f overcoat three times the weight. The name Mcintosh is from tho original inventor by that name in JSmrland. The best Rub-be- r Goods Manufactories of the United States now make Mclntoshes of excellent workmanship, quality and style. Thevare fast coming into popular favor as they may be worn on any occasion. So far as tho appearance goes they look like any ordinary overcoat and are decidedly becoming to the wearer. We have a fine assortment which we offer at very reasonable prices. ATTERBUEY, DOBSON & COMPANY, 306 Twenty-fiftStreet. -- -- Gernian Restaurant, D, 1'IiO. a ct.i;a.n-- , .jo,vt, AND PARLORS. UNDERTAKING Funeral I)irectors and Embalmem BICHErS TIIE- WALTElt BRAN mi HOT SPRINGS. HOTEL CO. SHOUT ORDER EOUSE Sunday Dinner from 4 to 6 p. m. (illAXTAVK, OCDKN, I U Wo carry the l:irnost, most e imnlete and elegant stock of CASKETS and FUNEEAL FURKISIIINGS V.'et if'liicago. Service conducted at our Parlors when desired. Embalming TuKliM for ft.ifment a srialty. KICIIEX'S UNDERTAKING PARLORS. THE FINEST HEARSE IN UTAH. 22K3 Washington Avenue, Ogden, Utah |