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Show V OliDEN DAILY COMMEBC1AL: THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1631. A Mm TW ta Ubatt aatr m&t is esr 4y wfect ka salved kin U buA a Bk Bv. Biarm au4 Albas Oat lk tracks, a sTacg a t tis ai of n prut. crass; of th Ptwriit-oc- bwmiaf p k c railraaj rmJ-aa- 4 Bgce4 tie, il-shst- y few A eai ta foJ. fur o the k. This ta ftr was mdli bmtUt. Tny wrre ifortly at busn wrana a grvlmCy &mml bet ty t sbh is easily aoewuatt-- i I . If th toou-tiaa wers few a pac would years wiatmof railroad coon tn Of atto. a boenta suua would ye lA in th Vk skating at vrator t kof ia the ca wa aWtw ctul Uwr vcr rottes. Th Wt art Krxf.hr fartor LMntrrkM efUa ar tie bonnet o th mrbt prevalmo of rUrr skatug. r Ike track Mr th atr, bat new btf on vhkh crow i4 tbs iMet aal 14 spjrt The uf fukvM. ao4 Srin?&idbf) sand avrtosily out m Car nii the city its. skt-ia- g trait of ftfty ytr ago foud vjrtUua- a abort stoWs tkrov of the boou at' Uwr very doors. Frvt' uud ta pour peopl wka woo!4 Lav bee was jatt tJf Maia strw. back of tne prea-caJy tuo flad to ntier tha railroad store snd th SecUm tra t&ada capital GRAND Scenic Route Am srin" iitV yonag ranaaWd. )st kww bow to skate, aad Uter was a tik cVfirtrmry ia ti U r U ta asm art. Bruthm aad sUtrw a f y rrs ad aa4 FCR1UX3 LV3 TE2 KGHTiaTST C. P. gl - -n of every atkk of their toaa at aa boor's Botk. 1X4 it ever oncer to yoo, Messrs. Rail-aa- 4 or 8apriatcAiU oror XXractor. ajrWvet--1 rntpoaaU f thia Aeatnto-ttmwould of good ft". J00 givo at leaat a btUa warmth to a good boo, or May kooaeholi that hat allhadthis croel to num. throoh sxt waathi-r- f would b ao eoed of Tl taka adratidng for rxwjjl to com aadBora-bth tie, every labor among the who work at th task of destroying Mum Boost know families who would b glad Moogh to grt them. Th railroad amid rtnaUy aar inotn-- y by filing th 4 away. Dtfm Transcri'. Axmtmi ar A rarta. cunstrocVd oa th abort TmhI la Two of X Lak Michigan wa repent! y floated ia two aecttoa. Th wi to the wa Uiroogh the Wetland canal, sloara Lake Ontario and on to Montreal, w hich wa reached in eleven day. Th after section of th ship, containing th MchiBery, had eteaia in on boiler and Vaoked at th rate of seventy revolutions minute, steaming atera first, whil jar th forward aection followed in charge f tar toga. On arriring at Mutitreal tb two aection were placed on greased way in a dry dock, and when the part vera closed in upon each other th butts am together so closely that a knife Mad ooold not be inserted between th was accomplish plates. Th 4 with facility in th usaal way, and tb vessel was floated oat of the dock a complete boll, defying tbeey of any ex pert to tell wher the junction had been . New York Commercial Adver- veaat-- 1 mm m I Over ta Mara, st taa arWata Cap vaiaiaatal Jlauiaa Ua ifaali Ural Jt of Bngham s bf tha toaio baia. ond bank, aad whm th meadow wtn Ua f tk Plf.th OUt aa thaTUc the youngfloocW, as was often the If lsUrte Caliraraia Bare f Easieaa, sters could skat from Stat strwt t laar JaaJaer ber--a x aional Ant f the up to Carew by cbmbaug aa Fsaied fair where rare air of bars, naum aa alraaar aefer cloya. skater crack th fancy la tho days CAIMXLO of the town was Emory Whipple, th Mrrrm, oil MOSTT1V-- U, A I THA now veteran jeweler. Thw were Ta Taaastita. Traaa. Taaoa. Tas !f of th ingenious skat- - which erery boy sat aa4 Ml bia ha now. Tb runner or ahoe either had a grooT along tb bottom or ONLY 36HOURS of steeL Th of two paraUt-- pt' BETWEZS SIS nWffiCOiKD PCRTU?? th present narrow Jg was unknown; toe ended in a fantastic curl, and th Th eraa4 Caaoa at th Tpaar ajersjaaai th baauliful Uaaabra FaiU. Caatl IUkS. heel was held to th boot bwl by a spike. aa th BMcaileaa aeaaryoi Ml iha Th skat was securely bound to th U auairoa Moaaialaa, all br dsr UhL foot with many windings of a strap. itv uric idcsk, r:tn 11 ni votu. (Jetting one's skate on was not the triv- AX DDI KG lor Braaklaat ial matter that it is today. pnngteld audar Mt. Bhaats, lor dloaar. alawS,SSHLAh'b Oracoa. for Saaaar. (Mass.) llumestoad. ea, Trust Co. PrSrta fr at si. BJ"HSI. L a. PTvArBl. r, ttllliiur i. m. i03iAjar. CTAIt JIjOJWOl . 73,000. H. O. Harkaaa, 3.V. Arawtmae. T. A. baiea. Uaaly. fame lret, lavid Heary Coaact. N STATE BANK, Kansas Cty, St Joseph, f Qniaha. Famous Dining Vioe-Pr- GAUGE. CAPITAL, tws latJan. v' . 1 -- . rtaa. Practice ia tha District Court and all tha eonrta. Perenaal attention trivia to eollertioiia. Remember the place, in Perry's wooden build-tnear meat abop of C. H. Uraenwell A Bros., Lh. P.O. 2MTweatMortatrt.Otdan, bos sis. DWASD ALLUOM M. J.F.Cnxu.M.V. tot 4 1. W, Xa . th A. O. 17. W. t. Meet aver Taeada aveaiBa ia Odd Falloa 1 VadUng brotlM-- r hall. Tweat fourth street. invited. Joan ar s. ir See. j car, CRESCENT Ltti . X. G. E. S. j LODGE K0. 13. Hold regular Boaeting every Monday eight t t SB o'clock ia A. O. IT. W. Hail H'a4uiigtJ ATTORNEY nw mv s vmiiiuuns nrm. au bujvutb' Ing Drutaara ara corilially invited ta attend. OfiVa, over Ctah Xational Bank, aoraer of F. W. Laaia, N.C WaAhinxton avanua aad Twent W. L. Adah. Bee Bec'y. straet, Uda, L'tah. JACOB T o. a BOEEMaX. a F, UHI0H L0DGEN0. 6. laA.O.V. ATTCRNEY-AT-LA- Ofllc. Ocdea, L'tah. Ko. ttfg Meets every Wednesday W. Hall. street. aahingtoa avenue, aear Twenty-foortBojonrniag brotbers In good standing are eur W.H.MAT.K.G. diaUy invited to attend. Waahiatoa svenna h K. C. bHKAD, Bee, B. HKYWOOD, ATT0RNEY-AT-LAY- Offlca, tm BABSPORD gMITH riAXTOX. OGDEX NO. L T, J IBTI a, W. SM ITS. A SMITH. S, 80 aad MILITANT, Meat every Tuesday and Friday evenings uesiar rara raruiioa. nemoers invitao. F. W. Lbwis, Captaia. B. C. Smxad. Clerk' ATTORREEYS-AT-LA- OfBra, room Bank buildin-- . PATBIABCH I. 0. 0. F. street, Oadaa, Utah, Tweoty-lonrt- h at First National ORDER BOX8 OF ST. fiFOROIt "To St. Oeorg and si erne England.' ST. RICHARD CQEURDELEOR LODGE, ' Ma, Ml. Meet every Friday evening ponctnaUr at 7 4 JJB.TH08. 8. BULMER. Doctor In Medicines, Mastar ia Surgery, L. 8. and Grant, Ogden City, Utah. Hojnurnil A., London. orotner in good stanaing eormaily tnviteit. Printed forma of the "Aims and Ohiacta the Society" can be obtained from P. A. Coo? 161 avenue, or of anv of the nfl Royal College of ftorgeotu, England : Fellow cers. Washington PgBCTVAL J. Babbatt. President.! Society Arts and Science, London. Formerly HABBT Uillbtt. becreUry, ZTA Wash Ave. officer and superintendent for New quarantine Zealand and Melbourne, Victoria. Add re or eall at 22tii Washington Ave. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. SURGEON-ACCOUCHEU- LEGAL BLANKS A. COT11NGHAM. rVSLISBSO ASD PHYSICIAN. In connection with general practloe, give special attention to diseases peculiar to female diseases of the gen i to urinary organs, diseases of thi rectum, viz.: Piles, fistula, fissure and ulceration ; diseases of the ear. nose, throat and chest. Consultation free. Office over PostoOice, Telephone 209. THE COMMERCIAL 401 571 425 Q 450 DENTIST. 375 Office, 2457 Washington avenue over Horrock 300 A Sons store. Teeth without plates aad 50 natural teeth a specialty. No teeth or rootsaving too bad to be saved by fillinir or crowning. Special 100 500 attention given to children's teet h. n 51 IVIL ENGINEERS. B. W PARIS, 'pUSH 8 ALB ST PURL1S1 Washington Avenue, Ogden, TJtall COSVEVASCIXO B. SNOWDEN, C. A. TCSn. A FARIS, BOB BLANKS. NO. 570 delists. Warranty Deed, short form. . Warranty Deed, long form. . . Deed Quit-clai- Iial EstateMort'gehort 1 A A A i'rru Option Contract Leaso 15ond for Del Discharge of Mortgage Trust Deed Assignment of Mortgage.... Dill of Sale A A A B C A A PROBATE COUKT BLAJfKS. l Administrator's Bond A Executors' Bond., CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, 300 Letters of Guardianship Plans, specifications aud estimate prepared 37G Order Appointing Hearing.. . and work superintended. 501 of Mais, plats, tracings, blue prints, etc., etc., 502 Testimony Testimony of ADDlicant executed on short notice. Rooms a and 4, Union block. No. 362 Twenty 379 Order appointing Adm'r.... Fourth Street, Ogden, Utah. 125 COMMISSIONER B0YNTON .HOT Th WATER HEATER ! Most Improved and Economical Heater in the Market, . JT 8 OOCET 475 Summons 476 Sheriff's Sale 76 Constable's Sale 377 Order for Deft to and show cause A A AaV j ' appear Garnishee 572 Writ of Execution DISTRICT OOCItT A A A BLANKS, 73 Citation for Garnishee 2 Affidavit for Citation for A A A A BLANKS. Affidavit for Claim and Delivery personal property Undertaking on Claim and Delivery of personal property 526 Undertaking for Return to Deft, Claim and Delivery personal property 77 Complaint on Claim and Delivery personal property..., 10 - ,t . , V A A A A MDflNG BLANKS. Plumbing and Gas Fitting IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. DOYLE 23M & Wasliington 325 350 400 401 HALVERSON, Ave. Call and get prices, j Mining Deed Notice of Location of Claim . Proof of Labor Power of Att'y to Locate and Sell MISCELLANEOUS 377 75 32a A A A A BLANKS. Official Bond and Oath Chattel Mortgage Marnace Certificate A C A Promissory Notes, Books of 50 and 108. Receipts, Books of 50. Rent Receipts, Books of 100. Drafts, Books of 100. Other Blanks constantly being ad led to the above list S. M. " 1 A pamphlet ef mfbrnatkm aad ao--fl Vstractof tblaws,hoingHowtof OMala Patant, Caveats, Trade X, Marts. Copyright. mt frf.W MUNN A. VV I V Braadway, CO.? fV 1 f PItESHAW, UNDERTAKER And Funeral Director .i Metallic Casket iiul Wwwi Pa.U.t. Coiftna Special Attention paid to Embalminc and Preparing ikxliea for Shipment. Orders the only firstolaas Hears in th city. Tele- pauae iu sir tiiM3.4 (jVAB-ANTKK- t T JD. Tiaititf umiad ta attma. A ALLISOX. JIMBALL GEORGE W. JONES, II... If !. 0. 0. F. -- nv I DEX LOINJE SO com-jilote- Peace-Const- able U. W. Hall Lb trat aad. I thir4 Thoraday ol each anaih, L. E. aacaiMuu. scrtfaa, R. F. Lrr as, C P. I Tiaitiac hrothar ar aordiaily iavi'ad. Meets la . Utah Central Railway 0. L EccaxBK. Fiacr. 111 . ' VOL A, I. 0. 0. F. j. a. a imiLLis. Court. Nev ada. OrSea: U0I Washiaanoa Ave, Ogdea. B. WHITE. a. atKBAlX. WadaaaAa i. t. tout hb Ban. TJ1XTAH EXCAMPMEXT JEON'ABD A UACMILLAX. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. JAWS v Meetaajarr Taatdiyaveaiag Opnasita tha Brooai and Read EoCrk. Piaa aad ita. Rio Grande Western CITIZENS' BANK 'p of oorKr, Railway; m Baiaa. uviacn madia ARCHITECT. Sopreas - H-- r. 0. t. I, aamad caaclatas A. ttwBr. a bW Jastica L- SECRET SOCIETIES. L. BTAUB, St. tiouis, STANDARD Baoata. T. P. a. OGDEN, UTAH. Chicago, art-ra- aar lualiri ' la. ATTORNEY-AT-LA- Denver, ge So tad JIDEJJTI LOiKJE a. m. K.T. ARCHITECTS. . h slrae s "fy Ra f ' ARCHITECTS. o-- Taaviay aar mvu. AC 1 L MONTI COMMAS DEB tMITH. LAWYERS. Mb, R.A.S. mm Hmx Bacvlar aaaaerauoa A. mU. I. P. Bciab. fSec. rtu .At, at.' X 1 QODE3I CHAfTEB. IjOWsOS. ety-ua- A yOOW c. DIBZCTOES: M. BochaiaiM', 1 I aia. r. C Thuxupaaaca Uf- l -- MM Re, mm- awaiaairarWai Keawlar avamuico. for Umt Milk. By th by, there Las sever been so mnch voguo gi ven to milk as there is j ust Capital Paid in, - $125,000. now. In fact, there are hundred of Surplus, - - - - 7,500. clubmen who hire never seen as much since they went from on bottle to anH. T. BIG FLOW, Preaident. other. Yon are askml to hav a gla of JUHN A. HOYLE. Tim Praudeat A. as P. B1ULLOW. CaWuar. hot milk, or a glass of hot vichy, just yoe are aokud to hare a cup of tea, or SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS soma crem de men the. In a cut glus latarvat Paid oa Tim aad Savin Depoalta. goblet, standing on a bright hned plate, the milk and vichy is particularly appeUTAH NATIONAL BANK, tising, and it is marvelous how much of it the men drink. It is the result of offering a simple Offden, VUab. drink in an attractive manner. Service and so , means much, in thi world really United States Depository. it seems to be more apprecisted by men Xjincoln, than by women. A boiled potato and a piece of beefsteak on a hot plate, with a . lOO.OOO. CAPITAL, . glittering silver fork and a bright steel a in little tha with butter dainty 8URPr.TT8, knife, tias.ooo Lm4h'i High Death Bate. cut piece, FREE EECUNING CHAIR CARS Interest Paid oa Tlma Depoaita. Not for a long period has th death pat, and the bread in a smooth whitest of napery, is more apOM AXL TKADI8. rat ia London been so alarming as it with thethan a dinuer of twenty courses was last week, when, owing to th fog petising Now York fashion. careless in a Our Cars L. B. Adams,J. E. Doolt, PresUaot. W. N. Saauaa, aad cold combined, it reached th high served Uor. Ht. Louis Republic. Vice Preaident. Caahior. ArtAcaaa to au, Tsaousa Tsawa figure of 28 per 1,00a This is an increase of 5 or per 1,000 on th returns Tb Khartax la lh rami Crop. Ws. T. Hxrirn, for rnrthar latormanoa eoDesrntnt thU WAtaaa W. CotsT, for recent weeks, and how great the Pruaident. Cashier. Tho magnitude of tho food snpplies of una, apply 10 any ratal acoi, or aaaraai Tsso. aad Manafor. leap is may be judged from tho fact that a nation is not Eosiaox, Tcry easily conceived. "W. VALLKKY, OKQ. in recent years the rat has averaged We get au approximato idea in tho imemly about 19 per 1,000. Tho weather of Great Britain. Iu 1880 no less ports has chiefly affected those with weak than 58,0ti0,0()0 bushels of wheat weut lungs. The registrar general shows that into British ports, and flour to tho value deaths from diseases of tho respiratory of 1,000,000 has circulated in English UTAH. organs increased by nearly 300 during breud the ian. It is calculated that 1W0 the week, and reached the unusual total shortage in wheat in tho crop of of 753, or nearly 800 more than th will not be less than 100,000,000 bushels. ,: $200,000. for this time of year. The morPotatoes an placed at the same shorttj&lirr ia mil ai freest in I .mtildn mm In age. Fruits, vegetables and lerries ar S WBEUTORS: lYoston, where the death rat has gou'tt credited with a defcvMf : AAA AA r.l A 1. 40 n Warren W. Corey, R.A.Wella, John Keck. ' 1 1891. C. E. Wuitnle.C.l'.Rnhi ft juii.uoy.uuo Tho. ('ahoon. But the arerajre for Ahegrcnt iAim4ifU lacking 8. 8. Schramm. Ad. Kuhn, average potato Theo.RobiDdoD ? lieu! crops as being 80,No. siiloof tlmflKa.-LonV- a No. Now. 4. IAST BOCNO TBA1XS. ( 000,00(1 biiHiii Is less thnn the annual con ( Atlantic Atlantic OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Mail Exprpw sumption. Should theso figures x but Hsndtoraa Klid Trar. Oicun M p. m Orange trees in fall bearing are as nu approximately, true, they indicate a grav Leara Srtlt WEBER COrSTI OPFTCEBS. Lake 9:40 a. m d. m merousas ordinary shade trees in tuo ity in the situation that the coming year Amu Probate Jnrtsre Robert W. Crwg. 10 m Lako 8:W a. LTSKlt p. m will show. Economist. Selectmen Lewis W Shurtlifl, John Pineock. very pertineutly 11 :20 Arrive l'no m 11;:W p. in streets of some iulaml Florida cities and Fred Foy. ) a 11: LHTe Provo 11:1(5 p. m towns. It is a common gi.iit just now Clerk J. P. Ledwidge. ft it) p. in (;: Rivor a tn In (ha llim. 4ArriTirpii iviTi-- r Trmprrntura Kecordcr John U. Tyler. ft VI p. m iiV a. m to see the sidewalks lined with trees well :: ft is ht range how few people thero are M'nTviitwn Afwewor Kdwia Dix. Arriv OrHtiit Jnnrtion.... p. m 9:41 a. m loaded with the golden fruit, which noTreasurer John A. Boyle, a. m whose foohng'i aro a criterion as to the Lrare Oranii Junctinn . . . 8:40 p. m 1 :10 Collector John V. Hluth. m liKI a. m Arrio (ilimwiMni body takes the trouble to pluck. The room. No room Aititb LenilTiUe Spri'g.. 6:20 a. m f:20 p. m of a tempernturo proper Attorney L. R. Ro(wrs. oranges seem to be as largo uud lino (u iu winter should bo Phcriff Cilbert R. Hclnap. Pueblo t:20 p. m 2:23 a.m higher in tempera- Arrif 1 Coroner Marshal Allen. Ar. Coin, Spring a. m any which command $1 ier bos iu the ture than 08 p SM Fahrenheit. Yet a dogs. Arrive Denver Surveyor R, W. Faris. I ift p. m 6:43 a. in orchards. The real reason why tho fruit Superintendent of District Scooln Jo. Perry is neglected is tliatmoht of it is sour und ujeat many living rooms and, worse t BBCIVCT OFTICBIIS FIRST OODKN PRECINCT. j than habitarc rooms, this, EST T1AISS. WIND sleeping kept often bitter. Oranges which grow wild JuBticeof the Fence E. A. McDaniel. a much higher temperature. at ually Mail Express. Conotable E. A. Koch. and which are not carefully cared for by wiso frebelievo the that SECOND OODEN PRBI!CT. a cultivator are poor fruit, and Florida Many of pcoplo Lesvo IVnver m 8:15 p. m 8:30 a. quency pneumonia and other dangerJnetice of the Pence B. Ternes. I'olo. Sprinmi ...... 12:20 p. m 11:10 p. m people don't think it worth while to tike ous diseases of tho lungs and breathing Iavn 1 :;5 Leave Pueblo ConsUble Phil Ford. p. m U :25 p. them oil the trees. But no giht could Louvo I.rmivillo THIRD OODEN MBCINCT. 7:fi0p.m 5:.VH.m in winter may be directly traced Leave organs Glenwimd 10:40 12:52 m a. a. tn Hpri'K.. Jnatice of the Peace A. Pen-inbe more attractive to northern eyes than to overheated houses and tho 4 iX) a. m 1 :1() p. n sudden Arrive Oram! Junction D. O. Sullivan. Constablo that of the public walks shaded by the change experienced in going from this Leavetlraiid Junction.... 4:40 a. ni 8:13 p. m FOCRTB OODEN PBprntCT 8 6 M p. m Wreen River Arrive :30 m a. of iv tho orantre trees, deep green foliage Justice of tho Peace Val Oiueon. into, the cold outer at- Leave (1 reett Rivor ., ...... j 8 :50 a. ml S :I0 p. ru Constable H. E. 6tcl. svmeh the ripa fruit glistens like apple! high teiJiKTaturo Provo. 2:50 p. m 12:20 a. m would be better if we Arrive It mosphere. Leave Provo BITKTSVrLLB PRBCIWCT. 8:10 p. m 12:20 a. ra of gold. New York Sun. made more use of the thermometer in Arrive Salt Lake Justice of the Peace Angus McKay. 4:30 p. m 1:4ft a.m 4 :45 p. m t 00 a. m Leave Lake. Constable Salt George E. Ferrin. thetho our heat of houses, regulating Tb Railway to Victoria Kjranxa. . Arrive Oaxlen . . 6:00 p, m 8KW a. m EDRN PRECIKfT. atres rooms. New and lecturo York do Francis horn Wintou writes Sir J notice of the Peace E. B. Frorer. LOCAL TRAINS. Tribune. Constable John Gould. that he hopes by May next to lmva sixty 0 OODHN ASD SALT LAIS. SORTS OODEN PBBCmCT. mile of the projected railway from Tha Story of a Icr. Leave Oirden, 8 10 . ra., :30 p, n,, 8 :45 p. Justice of the Peace Jamea Storey. Mombassa to the Victoria Nyanza At Mehani.i, Ore., a few days go, ra. Heturning arrive Offdeo 13 JO p. a., p Constable Jamea Deamer. Of course it is only s narrow when Georgo Terrell's littlo daughter m. && a, m. HARRIRVTI.LB PRECINCT. BCVOHAX. gauge railway, but it will preve of im- went to tho pasture to drive up the of tho Peace William Q. Rawson, Iave Saltft Lake, 85 a. m., retnraing, arrive Justice mense service in taking caravans quickly cows, she found a pretty Jamo H. Taylor. Constable deer Sail Lake, JO p. m. PLAIS CIT! PRECINCT. over the desert and waterless coast re- feeding with thorn. She drove tho cows AMKBICAN FOBS, NOVO, IralKOVTLLE AND ' Jnstice of the Pence THUTLB. gion. A road is also being made the to the bum yard, and the deer ran along, Constable Joeiah B. Carrer. Leave Otrdeo 8 JO p. m arrive returning, whole way to the lnke. Father Le Roy, "as sportive as a calf ou a June morn- Oiploo 12:: n. BITERDALS PRECTSCT. a Roman Catholic missionary, in a letter ing." Whea tho cows were all secure D. V. DOlXiK. jn, J. H. BENNETT. of the Peace Richard Dye. Justice Pass. Hen. Manairer. lien. Agt. written from Mombassa, states that the in the bain tho deer was caught with Constable John Parker. DTNTAH PRBCTJICT. great drawback at Mombnssa is the want but little trouble, aud is readily submitf water. Wells have t bo sunk to an ting to domestication. Exchange. Justice of the Peace Timothy Kent1 ill, Constable Byron L. Bybea. enormous depth. Pall Mall Gazette. KANE8H.LS PEBCINCT. How a Suitlcr Throw IU Folioa. Jnstice of the Short Line to Park City. Yt They Ara Friend. The spider is provided with a most efWilson Poulter. They met in Wall street and shook fective apparatus for injecting it3 poison, PEEASANT TTKW PRECINCT. hands. "Delightful weather, this," said consisting of modified mandibles, called THE PANORAMIC LINE OF THE WEST. Justice of the Peace W. H. Crandall. ConstableOeorKO II. Haycock. one; "keen, bracing air, yon kuow. By falces, the last joint of which has a hard 8LATERVII.LE PRECINCT. the way, who was that young fcHow 1 curved fang, with a fissure near the On and after October 26, tS90. passenger and Jnstico of the Peace James Itutchins. saw in your office yesterday" will aa follows: run train The muscles used in freight the point. closing Constable John J. Kutchins. Tli:vt? Oh, that was my keen bracing mandibles also fASSKMOER TSAISS. HARRIOTT PRECINCT.' press upon tho poison heir braced me for a hundred, and was gland, causing the poison to be expelled Leave Salt Lake.. SjOOa. m Justice of the Peace Simon F. Halverson. 4 1)0 Leave Park m Jteen enough to get it, too." p. Constable Caleb Parry. City through the fissr.ro iuto the wound, aud Arrive Parki'ity LINNS PRECINCT. And yet that night at the Windsor thence into the circulation of the victim. Arrive at at Salt Lake 6J0p. ni Justice of the Peace Peter L, Sberner. VIEIOBT TBAIFS. London Standard. they seemed to be as friendly as ever. Jame Constable Harrop. 7 S a. ra Ieave Salt Lake New York Times. WILSON PRECINCT. 4 O0 a. m Leave Park City Ah Kxyrnalva Message. 12 :50 p. m Justice of the Peace P. P. Bingham. Arrive at Park City James Garfield, the second son of PresiA cablegram of over 1,300 words, Arrire at Salt Lake Constable Daniel N. Drake. 8:45 p. m trains daily between Salt ' WEST WEBER PRECINCT. dent Garfield, was recently married at which passed through this city from Twelve suburban and Mill Creek and Siurnr House. Jnstice of tho Peace J. W. Hart. Chicago to Miss Helen Newell, daughter Lima to London one night recently over LaknTity All people going to Park City will find it to Constablo Joseph IIoKge. f John Newell, president of the Lake the lines of thi Western Union com- their intereev to take this line. HOOPER PRECINCT. Orlicea and Deiwt: Corner 8th South and Shore and Michigan railroad. Mr, Gar-fol- d pany, cost a pretty penny to transmit, Main atreet. Salt Lake City. Justice of the Peace Jamea Johnson. was graduated with his brother the rato being over $3 a word. This Constable Francis M. Belnap. T. J. Mseklntaoh, G. P. and P. A. would represent an outlay of over $3,600, Carry at Williams college in 1885. and is probably tho largest toll paid by Lord Salisbury is the hardest worked an individual or company outside of Member of the American Ticket Broker' member of th English government conotations. New York newnpapec Association. Rarely has the foreign office had so mnch Letter. . Railroad and Steamship l)uranes8 on baud, and Lord Salisbury A Woman has been reading and writing dispatcher Ktum, Laura I wonder why Booth isn't with twelve to fourteen hours a day for week. Barrett this season? What to do with the vast quantity of Jean Why, don't yon know that silk now lying unsold at Yokohama is a Booth is giving all his time to that wonlafih. I .r;i topic which engages th attention of not derful Salvation Army of his, and to hi only bnKtness men, bnt financiers in gen- plan for helping tha London jxxir? Why Sold and ExRailroad Ticket Bourfit, eral. Tho Quantity of silk thus detained don't yon read the palters, dear? Pitis-bur- g changed, to all points. ALL TICKUTS Bulletin. it put at noarly 80,000 bales. Telepkoa :01, Uii Iweayr flfth SkreeU Tfc asoa 1 aaa Sea. Cvdaa, 1 conrtl 4'ameaiar'a a C0KTR1CTCRS AKD EUILDERS. Eaat aiaa Waaltara avaai. bt Tvaatv-- Caar. Paid ia CantaL A JtElXBAAIrl Twer--t '111 Scrplus k aiv aa awtirau-- ala (XBLHnx. CXSZJKX, A.F.&A.X. CCJiTRAnCR A5D EUILSFJt ttAvm lawraet aOowad aa Tiaaa OepaaiUL IT yEbta lodcb. vas. rial tmn a&4 auo. fJ 4 JeEetws avaaeaa. I in ruata. v J. C AsaTaoa. MASONIC. A. EAAiOWa. Q OGDEN. UTAH. C.C fcim thraaca ta W.j ttuft af kdo 4aa enaMit-arra- H im acaaurm' aar at ST GENERAL BANKING. UKE, . Utah Loan CapitaU - - - - 8200.000.00 - lii.OOU.UO Sunlur. riA van u-- BUSINESS CARDS. BANKS. RAjLROADS tLu fart. Vry tjt a rertaia se, tUw U th view jeiig svei4 a cunons TV si-t- nr SJveu UA.JA. .e55t4 sMi'H Lang, Clear Jmporied 7Vbttcea fhr S eeata, free sad )l !ora Atvelutvly par wads, extract, paiatt ar flirorlcg, aad re oi I. a beaaUftJ and ac ftrt dsnr, nt a ohe sa eiwrrn er cu.r- -. TiaX to as Wnt tlgu m la I'aiiai Si.ua, thai U solii ttzvlht. F. J. KlKELHO,ijfiij,(ci,yiik PRINTING INKS ! To Printer and Publishers : The CowamriA 0. PrsLlsnixo CovrAKT ia carrying a large and eelect stock of Standard, line and Superfina News. Poster and Job Ink. Boiler and Tabic iag CompTMitioa. Sins and Varnishes also kept ia stock. Thnas ia Bead of lata will do wn ta i aayaf Tag loaanOTAL. l |