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Show OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL. -- VOLUME IV. NUMBER 107. work! 'iSSED THE SENATE. (arse . ca a baeaof one fnci t V debate at ry liuMsc tad wwy tu Buiiiu&s "f lu:tf half t&at li tif budy Ui U of delegate fruia tke grt tntr.'iL ed uraliuca! od triotic civ:!, xens attd frat-lKH- j cumber; upcvti t PL. inn VV.w TUUThrrmofi Its First Trial. OGUEX, UTAH. d tvm-vam- pa- oiiiii industrial orsaaizhtaoos ihitt exprM in the fuudaaMMital laws devotioo to the pnmiplr efiuuututml in t be ut independence of the L'eitod fct&t, and be approved by the executive eouiouttt of the l ropewej congress. dts-iarati- UNDER AVEXBY ARREST. cucsut of, Cnrt, Thee deltvatee otaoKrs of th sub organuatioo; racking Tke Xotorioa Silver Spefalator la eoond. ooe dehrat at large from the organization; third, oce divaU for each Jail on a Trivial Charge three hundred thousand member in Washington Note. good standing, or a fraction of that numwill lie i Washjsgtos, Feb. 4. I n referent to Jke presentation of petitions as to the Cotter laid bill colloquy took plae jtuing to show that all thorn petition wnasat from tb same aouroa ana go aek U that source before they are for- araea to the senators; that they are .irtributed from a central air scot, and em to be t be mult, not of spontaneous Vioveraent, but of solicitation. Apropos it tb manner in which such memorial Ire RoUefi up, Cockroll read the reolu- iocia or the ruilad.lpnia 3Tart,ae Ex- roge, protesting against the the house of the smate bill of May. , pase fn thdt nwmthlv riiirfhiuwi nf 4 VHtAlinM.nl Oliver V. kiis.Ii l.ill HiRK W l.m yet theee wiseacres were meeting and .protesting against it. lie went on to Severely criticise the views of Edgar Vtkinson on ailrer and other economic question. t Dawes remarked that Atkinson's political and economical affiliation were With senators who were- traduc'ng him. t The fortification bill was again taken up. The committee amendment appropriating WOO.OOO for rifled sea coast mortars of cast iron hooped with steel, ws taken up. handlers' amendment, requiring hem to be wholly of steel was agreed to. land then, at a suggestion of Dawes, the committee ameodnient, as amended, was rejected. . ins committee amendment, to reduce fie item for the completion of an army in factory at watervley, N. i - from f218,000 to $148,000, was agreed to, as jrns, aino, uie rommuiee aiueaumeut vo aduee the appropriation for machinery ttheWatervley arsenal from 4C8,00O - I r j t2C8.ooo. ine commuiee amendment increasing the ajpropriation for the board of ordi-ic- I e, etc., to make purchases, experi-an- d tests of the most effective is, small arms, etc., from 100,000 to f,000 was agreed to. Amendment by Cockrell, reamcnded Chandler, was agreed to providing of the boartTof ordinance and forti- tion. n it to be eroflicers of the army navy, to hold office four years and re- ve a salary of eo.OOO and actual trav expenses. eling Committee amendment to insert a paragraph increasing to 1 1,250,000 the appropriation in tho fortification act for the procurement of heavy ordinance, was agreed to. Dolpha amendment, appropriating a million dollars for a plant for a heavy ordinance at the name point os the coast, was disagreed to. Tho bill then passed. The military academy bill rassed, with one amendment. Tho pension appropriation bill wus taken up and went over. Adjourned. . Pa-cil- io House. Washington, Fob 4. McKinley asked ber exceeding tifty thousand, general soope of the proposed coa-grwill be to consider the interests of free institution and the best means of promoting the same among ith religious inntructioLs the nations. the congress shall have nothing what ever to do. The euinuittee outlines at length what questions mibt be deait witft in ooosiaeratioo of civil or political institutions. Pan-Repnb- m IIl RSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 5. DROWNED IN A TUNNEL tees 10 1691. tambi4 ia Grt teas the from the akip about her boas and ewt-p- t dw-k- s atrn. IX wa through the it eota-pMiio- PRICE. FIVE CENTS. TIIE INDIAN a IMBUES eo fiood-i tb tooms the paiwwgera. who era anally UiUaeJ auder U uisure their gtmur comfort and further pro- Gen. Miles Eighteen SIta Buried in fur Arraigned vide for aiMy. The captains rtoai was Grave. the Watery swept by Former Conduct. tea, the dur bwng amaehed ia as thouh it wen oo thk k thaa a ahirgle) aod the deckhouse wera in dan of bMGg swept THERE WAS XO ESCAPE. gerXavr CHARGES MADE. Yoaa, Feb. Hit, 4. There m anxiety GRAVE tor the safety of thusmiship Deoaiark, which aadd from Im.L Another Cfetpter Added to the Story due hew the 33th of January. 6a the Aa Allegation of a M&ssarre whkh wu mues east of Js, of MiueCaUmitie in the puen I YUrorottdy Denied bj Johns, her engines being not then workCoal Unions. Tfe weather lias mne been bad at Captain Margin. ing. and fria-huau-n Key-kto- Hazleton, Pa., Feb. 4. A terrible accident occurred at Janesville this morning, whereby eighteen mea lost their lives. The accident occurred in Co. slope 10, operated by J. C. Haydea The working is situated immediately un der the oiJ workings known as No. 8, worked out some five years ago and filled with water. The cause of the DWEXBV r.NDEE AURHKT. disaster was due to the drilling of a hole a pillar which liberated an imCliarsTNi Witk Ubtaiuinr Koucy ou through mense body of water confined in the old False workings, Hooding the new workings and all the men in that portion of Washington, Feb. 4. - James A. drowning the mine. w silver before itness the pool Owenby, IJT OK THE DEAD. committee, was arrested today as soon dead are Lawrence Reed, James The as released from the order of the house, Griffiths. Edward Gallagher. James oo a warrant ctiargiug mm wiui oi- - Ward, Harry Bull. Joseph Matskowitch, in taiuing money under false preU-nse- s Patrick Kelly, Bardey McCloskev, having bad cashed a check for fl7, James Waisto, Mike Smith, John which was returned by Donald, of the IWno, Tom tilik. Torn Askasltny, Joe e Hanover National bank after the Astro, Boeoo Frinko, Thomas Brekoaod of the silver law with refusal to two unknown Hungarians. Several of refusal to honor it. Owen by told the these men are married and have large officer he had informed the man who families. ho received cashed the check as soon as Wm. Brislin, one of the seven men his witness fees, and offered to go with who from the mine, says he felt the officer, and discharge the obligation, the wescaped ind coming when the men broke but the warrant having been issued that through into the old slope. He yelled to officer told Owenby be must go to court. bis companions to run for their lives or all would be drowned. In a moment a Lincoln in the Bare. rush of water came and Brislin, Henry New York, Feb. 4. The Herald's Gibbon, John Xoline, John Boyle, Charles Boyle, Wm. Coyle and Patrick Washington special says: "It is given Coll barely escaped. out that our president's purpose in ask THE WATER ROSE RAPIOLT, time within extension of the an ing which Secretary Windom's successor And before any attempt could be made must be appointed, had special reference to rescue the rest of the workmen, the to Robert Lincoln, minister to the court water flowed in, and, in five minutes, the of St James. Lincoln is not at all sat slope, which is 624 feet deep, was tilled to isfied with his present post His ap- the mouth, and eighteen men who, but few with light hearts, pointment furnished the strongest evi aleft thehours before, bright sunshine and clear sky dence of President Harrison's personal to descend into the dark cavern, were regard for him, for it was made without solicitation on his part In fact, the Il buried in a watery grave. The news of the disaster created the linois senators did not themselves know it was going to be made until the presi wildest excitement and the month of the slope was soon thronged with people. dent so informed them. Since the death of his son. Lincoln Tiie scenes of anguish that ensued can has been more restless than ever and not be depicted. The weather, which was the best information is that if the t reas bitterly cold, did not have any effect diminishing the crowd, and it ury pertfolia be tendered bim he will ac toward was only after the terrible result was cept it His appointment from iiruolitieal nindfl plum that none of the entombed view wouRt le regarded as 8n men f were ftyirar point-o- f No public man in reached until all the water was u pumped especial happy odo: Amorica is so universally popular with out of the slope, that the unfortunate men could the colored race as this son of the great friends of the be induced to go to their homos. war president. Tho firm of llayden & Co. will pump the water out as rapidly as the machinWAITING FOli THE WBD. ery placed in position can do the work. How long it will take is a ouestion, since Boomers Ready to Euter (lie Chero no definite idea of the volume of water kee Strip. can be ascertained. Some of the misers it will tako four weeks. Many Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 4. A newspaper say theories are advanced ns to the cause of from a returned correspondent just trip the great disaster. Some charge it to through the Cherokee 6trip reports the" neglect to notify tho workmen of the having found a dozen families living in dangerous proximity of the water. caves dug into ingfi oanKs along tuo And Still Another. streams, with trees or bushes hiding the entrance, and many are living in Wii.kesbarrk, Pa., Feb. 4. A cave-ithe open prairie. There are nt least 2,000 boomers now occupying the occurred this afternoon in No. 3 slope at choicest quarter sections in the strip. Grand Tunnel, opposite Nsnticoke. Fort Kkno, 1. 1., f eb. 4. A number Three Poles are shut in, and as the place of troops at this post are under orders is filled with water it is supposed they to move into the strip at short notice. are drowned. The order was issued presumably in The accident was precisely similar to view of the fact that a number of boom that which occurred at Janesville this ers invaded the strip without sanction morning. A heavy blast broke a hole into the old working, which was rilled with by law. water, allowing it to run into No. 3. Death Before Starvation. Most of the miners, fortunately managed to escape. Three unfortunate Poles are Hobton, Kans., Feb. 4. News reached dead. here of the horrible act of an insane undoubtedly woman who has been living on a farm Miss Drexel a Sister of Mercy. several miles west of here. Mrs. Henry Philadelphia, Feb. 4. Miss Cath Wysong was left a widow two years ago erine Drexel, daughter of the late F. E. with three children dependent on her for life. 1 be fear or starvation so preyed on Drexel, who has been at the convent of her mind that she attempted to kill her the sisters of mercy at Pitteburg for a children and herself. The eldest, a bay year and a half, will make her profes of twelve, got away from her after she sional debut on Thursday, i'eb. at had out his throat with a knife, and he the house of the order in Pittsburg. Miss ran to a neighbor's, giving the Drexol s object in taking the rehsfioas then alarm. He whs almost exhausted from vows of an order which she is to found the loss of blood. Tho neighbor hurried is to establish the means of educational to the house and found the place in and religious work among the Indians flames. Tho woman had killed the re- and colored people, aid she proposes to maining two children and after inflicting devoto her income, known to be much mortal wounds on horsolf she set fire to more than $)(K,000 a year, to the work the house. The boy who escaped will of her order. e Prt-tenses- ; ms-rag- - maindor of the session the house meet 11 a. hi., but Rogers of Arkansas, objected. The house then wont into oommitte of the whole on the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill; during the debate on the bill McAdoo of New Jersey, gave his hearty assent to the position taken by tne secretary or state 'eiative to reciprocity wun v;anaua. xne United States should have unrestricted trade and commercial union with Canada or it should have no commercial relations with her. The only solution of the problem, the "solution unsought by the United States," was that the people of Canada should, in their sovereignty, ask for annexation, which was the ultimate destiny of Canada. The bill, after further discussion, was laid aside with favorable recommendation and the committee proceeded to the consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill. Chandler spoke in favor of the amendment instructing the secretary of the treasury . not to approve the payment of any expense attendant upon the moating of the world's Columbian commission or board of lady managers except such meetings as may be called at the time of dedication and opening of the live. world's fair. Pendiug further discussion, the comSAM JONES ON HIS MUSCLE. mittee rose and the diplomatic apTho bill conference passed. propriation report was adopted on the bill providing He Does up the Mayor of Palestine additional In Great Style. for an justice of the supreme court of Arizona. Adjournod. a Palestine, Tex., Feb. meeting here last fall Evangelist Sam Sir Julian Didn't Talk. Jones took occasion to severely score Washington, Feb. 4. Sir Julian the official and private character of British minister, was Fauncefote, the Mayor Word. The mayor was absent this evoning shown a dispatch regarding from town nt the time. Jones lectured the Pall Mall Gazette's criticism of him here again last night and this morning for having talked in regard to the Su- as he was taking the train at the depot, preme court decision, an interview pur- Mayor Word attacked him vigorously porting to have come from him having with a cane. In the struggle the cane been cabled to the London Times. Sir changod hands, and the mayor received Julian was greatly surprised and de- several heavy blows. He bled profuseclared he had had no interview with ly. The evangelist got on the train and went away, and tho mayor was anyone on the subject of the decision. under arrest fur aggravated assaultplad and li The Congress. carrying a pistol. New York, Feb. 4. The sub-coBoyd is Eecoffniaed. Riittoe on plan and scope of the Pan ReLincoln, Neb., Feb. 4. After a hot public congress made up a lengthy rein the house this afternoon lusting fight port today which will be presented to five hours, tho resolution passed by a the committes of two hundred which meets next month in Washington. It small majority asking Gov. Boyd to also provides, in brief, that the congress shall deliver his message tomorrow.- - This will oonsiait of two bodies, one composed of result in two messages being delivered delegates nominated by the executives and is the first recognition by the house of the various Republics of the, of Boyd, as governor. at I grief-stricke- n Pierre, Dakota's Contest. The S. D., Feb. 4. twenty-secon- d ballot for sonator today resulted: Moody, 37; Tripp, 23; Cam obeli, 59; Melbille, 20; remaindor scattering. Tho feature of the day was a large vote for , Campbell, all but two independents ing for him. vot- Marine Disasters. Baltimore, Feb. 4. Tha steamer Circe, from Glasgow, sunk this morning at the dock while the cargo of flour was being removed. Considerable damage was done. Some one on board is sup posed to have left open one of her waste Dines, through which the sea entered. No lives were lost. London. Feb. 4. Tho . btate line steamer State of Alabama, from Glasgow, January 14th for New York, returned to Queenstown short or cbaltfThe steamer had experienced terrible gules, during which she was greatly damaged and everything movable carried away. Panama, Feb. L The Pacific Mail steamship "Colon" encountered a terrific storm on its voyage from New York on the northern edge of the gulf stream. A terrifflc southeast gale came up, tossing Aa lataranre Company Gone. MixNtaroua, Feb. L The Evening Journal tonight pabiuhed an interview Feb. Wathuuxi, Ioas, Citiaens Mutual Fire Insurance company of on the recent Indian trouble, in which this city has assigned. The liabilities afur a dffiuse of the Indians in the ar about tSiW, assets, made up of reooot scrimmage by a prominent Dakota 4.-- The thk judfeottct the dffee-l- t Ua frfredhi ititrtt in the Metric sia Xaa Knot t and W fl4 to the (Xti:tM-f.t- . 9erl to ouaipruanae the jmis hssT--- r Oat d4dr.l ljlJ Mr. Ducita for U but the aoocpt her propuMiLvttt. ubMjmttly a tit through lha Court, and it was there mad koova that be waa married ia Jut v , tha Hua. Mrs. widow of tha well kawn novelist, aal soother rf back-ruptc- y Wtit-M4vid- ViasouuteMi Maaserene. Mr. through his solictors, appealed the verdict a excessive. Duur-a- a fcgi;t Over Haifa Million. L;-- h New York, Feb, 4.- -Tt fir broke out last night in tha Hwia Ion work in Brooklyn and whkh Lrougtt out ever : engine in the city was unur control by day light The Urge build ings of the iron oomitaav were detlroYed and a number erf aurrouuding struct ares were seriously tinman cU. Mr. PauWn. of Paulsen and Ecker, proprietors of the m ab--ut iiaoia iron works, says ihir fcK i.diiO, mostly on put terns. Most of this is covered by insurance. The other looses amounted to f4o.0ua ke man, whose came ia withheld, Gua, Pha coot pany was organized about four Beaulieu a resident of St Paul and years ago by Sherman. widely known among tha Indians of the northwest "The whole truth of says: THAT AWFUL IRISH MIDDLE. this sad bubinews will come out some THE DEED OF A MANIAC. I he J'srsellite Now Claim Tint day. I think it v as two month prethe JCuster mf saere that Miles An Old Man's Awful Crime Durin; a Eterjthiac is Coining: Their Way. ceding and his soldiers rushed in upon an InMoment of Madness. Di MJX.Feb. 4. The Freemans Jour dian vi lag in Montana and shot down Lansing,, Mich, Feb. 4. -- The mystery nal today announce that Parnell has every man, woman and child in it withw out Thore ere the death of a young girl 200 between and mercy. surrounding held a short, friendly and important 300 Indians killed. The village being whose body waa found in Grand liver, conference with O'Brien at Calais. The far from the telegraph, information of McCarthyitec were also in the confer the horrible affair waa not known until near Dimondale, Friday last, waa cleared ence. The results of there deliberations after the Caster niaesacre, and then, of up yesterday morning. The first due will be ttb!iah(i nt th.i wul nf tv. course the public mind was so occupied to the crime was when the body was Thera is bo truth in the report of an with the Custer massacre that no atten- identified by a Lake Shore conductor a absolute settlement of mattera. Parnell tion was paid to the orevious massacre that of a passenger on his train, w ho was yesterday informed hi kiIUkmu tk.i of the Indians." accompanied by an old man. Then an he believed tbst in a few davs home After iaking of the breaking of official of the state public school at Cold- water identified the body aa that of Nelrule, such as he had always demanded, treaties, Beaulieu said: would be assured. Indian throughout the satire lie Griffin who had been adopted a fow The Tha Prrtraaa northwest are collecting facta regarding day previous by an old man giving the Pn.ll V. ... pelled MuCarthy to adopt the attitude the Miles outrage in Montana, and the name of Henreshot. Active search was instituted for the Parnell vainly asked him to assume in failure of the government everywhere to November. The F.t keep treaties. Certain chiefs will be old man and he wa located early this igna multiply1 whicht indicate that Par- - designated to go to Washington and morning cn a farm near Dimondale, .1I L.. uvu ooa Iiwun me uoeraia ana that the present their wrongs and grievances and where be wa employed. Hi real nam more especb llv expose the whole truth was found to be Russell C. Canfleld. liberals intend to "statu! nr fall Kv drastic sweeping home rule." Morley in regard to tne outrage committed be After being fully identified by the supwas the first to succumb; then Labou-cher- e fore the Custer massacre.'' erintendent of the Coldwaier school he was arrested and taken to Chad itte. Ha after declaring Parnell insane, broke down and confessed. endorsed the madman s demand. Captain Huggins' Denial. He said that upon arriving from Cold-watibe Daily Aeas exhausts its vocabuChicago, Feb. 4. Captain Huggins, of with the girl he set out lary to commend McCarthy's "statesma- General Miles' staff, after carefully the woods for the farm where he through n-like" worked. speech. reading the Minneapolis dispatch, said: They sat down on a log by the water, THE CLERGY IN POLITICS, "The massacre story is absolutely un- w here the body was found. "The girl began to cry," he said, "and true. Nothing in which General Miles Are hbultop O'Brien Creates Something was engaged ever occurred that could I threw her to the ground and ohokel one hand. I did not remotely suggest it. In all tho numerous her to death withond of a Sensatiou. 1 have no idea w hy occasions where General Miles has cap outrage the girl, IIaukav, N. S., Feb. 4. The sensation tured Indians it lias been really aston- I kitled her. !ki1 must have been insane. ' Cnnneld is years old, and the age of of the day here is Archbishop O'Briou's ishing how few were killed or wounded. his victim was 14. It is, thought the old letter in the Herald defending the ac- At the time of the only affair that I re- tuan is crazy. member ia Montana there were considtivity of the Catholic clergy in practical erable Indians, women and children, A Naughty Minister. politics. It is in reply to criticisms on (Piegans) killed by the troop. This Moi'KT Steruno, Ohio, Feb. 4. Tho Bishop Cameros's eunoort of Sir John was several yours before tho Custer Thompson snd the threats of tho massacre and General Miles had nothin2 Rev, George K. Duckworth is one of the .whatevenbj do wjth it," , ftrwt known clergymen of the Christ-aiprotection to the poi. iST' LAI LSI denomination in this state, and iia man 'defends O'Brien Vl?nl .Ttfiv Archbishop strongly . ,i . . i i. . w r or Mi in M the right of the clergy to take an active .r "limn. (jl mtii'ii iimriii. run rniM.iMiii. in Siam-J(He does Christian he Kice The part politics. notpropose, Crop a(.milure in jVgl says, that the church the mother of la Java. Earthquakes vhe of grogation-modern civilization and which shaped San Francisco, Feb. 4. Advices from ln that place is D.ivid Jennings, a merthe legislation of civilized Europe, shall chant worth $75,000. He aud his wife now stand aside and leave a free hand Japan by the steamship Gu-lisay the have been pillars in the church. Gof - p and a clear field to the scheming parti- silk trade is in a very bad way. Last of late has been connecting the naiuui sans to wreck for their own selfish ends, of the preacher and Mrs Jennings ia a the noble work which she initiated and year's losses to merchants was over and according to the present ap- serious way, and now u sensation has over which she has kept a guard for cer. come that shakos the entire county. turics. pearance the losses will continue some This morning Mr. Jenning' attorney time yet. served notice of divorce on Mrs. JenHoist tiie British Flay. There is a serious state of affairs in nings, charging improper intimacy with Halifax, Feb. 4. A document is be- Siam, owing to the failure of the rice Mr. Duckworsh and making him The charges nurno dates nud ing circulated among the fishermen and crop. The Mercantile Gazette of Yoka-hani- a places. Mrs. Jennings has gone to her managers of lobster factorws on the measures are efficient says unless says that western coast of Newfoundland, calling taken to "meet the emergency, rebellion father's. is Mr. Duckworthformer's famthe but insane, Jennings folon them British to hoist the and not by starving unemployed, upon flags of a wife aud pretty ily, consisting their boats, nets and factories during lowed bv epidemics, will surely be the daughter, have temporarily left him. He the coming fishing season and demand order of the day. was in the midst of a tremendous rethe protection of the British war vessels There was a serious earthiunke in vival. and to rtfpor,t any failure of the latter to Java, December 12, the town cf Joana respond. beiug terribly damaged, twelve persons CAPITAL SOUAItE CLAIMANTS. were killed and seventeen injured. GETS HIS JOB BACK. IIHhoIs Parties Who Daily Want Dr. Hankin's Remedy. Humbert Offers Crispi His Portfolio Part of the Earth. Berlin, Feb. 4. Dr. Hankin, a well Acain. United States 111., Feb. 4. Alton, disclosed has wish known investigator, 4. from Feb. Claim Paris, Agent Piatt of this city ha filed Figare's special the naturo and method of manufacturRome says Zanardelli, Crispi's minister in the land office at Washington a reing hi remedy for anthrax. The remeof justice, was summoned yesterday to markable claim. It is in favor of Edmatter of consists proteid dy form a cabinet. He has advised the extracted from the spine of the rat ward Hugo, Mrs. W. P. Paul and Mr?, and O. S. Hugo of Price of this king to again entrust Crispi with the with the aid of fifty per cent glycerine, Peoria, who are city, tho heirs of the late Dr. with the extract precipitated being formation of a ministry. Zanardelli When to bo used it is dissolved Samuel B. Hugo, and in it they claim stated that he could not consent, to form alcohol. and ownership to a part of capital square at water in injected under the skin. n cabinet unless Crispi absolutely reWashington A document ia tHe.nhnpe fused to undertake the task. of a land warrant from the general asDecrease in English Exports. Later It is understood that King sembly of Maryland, dated April 15, Humbert atked Crispi to withdraw his London, Feb. 4. The exports of cut 1788, for lots 2000, 2001, 2703 and 2705. five acres and is deresignation. The latter is undecided. lery from Sheffield to the United S ates This includes about to ns the west of Fort scribed "lying for the month of January, 1890. amounted Conscripts Bevolt. , Cumberland.".:; Tno claim was tiled and in value to 15,415. For tno correspondat Washington and will, if it Brussels, Feb, 4. A band of about ing month this venr, under the usw recordedinvolve the ownership of part of holds, to Sheffield tariff united exports law, the 2,003 Conscripts today pnraded on which the national cap-itthe ground to States amounted At,,S.il. United streets of Manege, in the province of the stands, Hainault, as a demonstration against On. The War The Death Koll. compulsory service in the army. They consequence of sang the Marseillaise and fastened to London, Feb. In Rov. Dr. 111., Feb. 4. Rock Island, their camps cards inscribed: "Down w ith the shipowners taking hostue legal acT. N. ILissel QuiKet, for thirty years the blood tax." tion, the London docks joint c miuittee pesidect of Augusiaua college and for has abandoned discharging ships and KILLING HIM INSTANTLY. twenty yonrs senior minister of the the conflict between the dockers and Swedish Lutheran Augiistana Synod, commenced. has shipowners A Quarrel in Indian Territory died this morning, lie was born in Skoene, Sweden, in 1810. ordained Tilt, Fatally. In State of Gladstone's Speech. arrived in America in 1852, and was ore' MusKotiEE, I. T., Fob. 4. Yesterday London, Fb. 4. Iu the house of com- of the founders of tho Auguutana Synod, Government Agent Miller and Mr. Ins-le- mons today Gladstone moved the second As pastor, educator, editor and aulhtr escorted by eighteen guards, with reading of the bill to remove the reli- he exercised a wide influence, A strong worker, he took a loadicg $100,000 started to settle the second per gious disability, and made a long and in founding the Republican party. part meaof in the of the Creek earnest speech support capita purchase money nation. When about twenty miles out sure. It waa doftwted by a vote of Wfi In League With SranirH a quarrel arose between George Mcin- to 223. tosh, captain of tho guard and Bob Oporto, Feb. 4.As a result of the Marshall, an Indian policeman. The Her Damages Ucduml. investigation of the recent revolt the latter shot Mcintosh, with a Winchester conLondon. Feb. 4. Tho court has re police report they havo obtained wsre rifle, killing him instantly. the that iusurgjnts proof vincing duced the amount of damages awarded in league with the Spanish revolution" The Connecticut Mnddle. to Mi8 Gladys Knowles in her suit ists. latfl Tr r'rftfior Duncnn. Ttalin .n.inct. 4. Feb. The senate ' ItlllU Hartford, Conn., The irnanls Revolt. this morning received the report of the editor of the Matrimonial News, to thousand , Belorade, Feb. 4. bouse committee on the canvass of votes. The suit was for breach of promise of Arnauts in the neighborhood of Drein- A resolution was passed by a party vote marriage. The defendant is about declaring that the senate has already years old, tho plaintiff about 21. On the itza revolted and set fire to the govern done full constitutional duty. The first trial of the suit, early last summer, ment buildings. They now threaten the house appointed a committee on con- Miss Knowles secured a verdict of town of rnsttna atiu me people nav ference. damages. To avoid the payment of taken refuge at Mitrovitza. er - l fcteJ&l.te thrthtest m.-n- " 0 , ol 3-- Ee-mil- ts y, anti-slaver- y V 10,-00- 0 |