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Show 4 RUJ3BKRS. geeilen-a- 4, '. i ke eir; lLia Jok it ui JO; U vr'l;. rrc'. a fu f nm the fii-- iUt 1 .1 Cuis. the rvira uJU t, tJOt'DKlCH ,fdea. 'ute b nt Utt, at. -- M CO.'S, A &Kti.ta, fi-i- Vlii!cjf War k. Urle: of lt. UVuiplis. Utbi r1r. Nv C.I.O.O.F. e:iir.(r ia tl i:itt WeJiii;iy uius oa buiUm.' iii.l!. Birwy r;U ftrwt. Fifty-rs- t Congr-:.- mill nrw o touitbL Union Ltx'jte L O.O. F.Na6 meeta tOU''llt. tb Fair "a!," oa tb eighth page, for bargain. W. O. CiiiU - Run or fffrirg many lMrlV Cirast Lawyer. Cf n. Duticr'a voice ia Uf-- t o werfnl as ii u d to be. Ia fact, it U difficult a to bear him a dozen away, though Kme extvut lust ullit be occasionally fires np and aomeof bia C. A. lUv.l, Ligbt li ket HKWit at the old tune foree prevnta itself. He atill Union urx)t. luia rii;ueL r lit considerably on the sympathy of lie u defending TVrfort b!oi,'l.in! cal! out mury iren-i- n the jury, especial!, when a comely v.i.uiaii. Il;s im iu xl of arBn-in- j lino lhf.se uii;hU. parlit bia ciad ii the name in tubtance as Kcuo'i i tlio Mim!iir favorito for it alw&ya hai Ut n. Plenty of wit and nfu-i- thecjera. ojt t.r upitT bi'Dior ran lhroii,;li bwpjieth, andtheae, Too niorcury han jut-- t hIxuI toucl.el wish idl tne paii! bis c;e will permit, oouat. on a fair tro jnua combine to inul.e bin always tlocpuent a well known kr.ight ploaaiuoretffertive. Hi favorite attiDavfl Sampw-D- . vt the grip from San FruncUfo, ia ia the tude while .id dreeing the jury is to brace ci'.v. tbe clerk's liij bixvul hliouldcra are deeply thrust into P. Slily, mailer niwihHnic of the dcik. Ilia Southern PaciHo ut Carlin, Nev., ia ia into bis pecketa; be aiddoin geaturta. Uoatou Adverti'jer. town. has W. G. Hind, the tickot broker, When l!in I'laurli M ill Be Brighton taiiU-.hoa biuuoii at 3"i0 THcoty-lift- b At what timo in IS01 will the princiatrtet. planets be in their brightest pbaw of pal ',"ho odljfa in th new Rml hotel tho ye;ir? lvi!..'Ji::(f are prouiiMfd to occupants by Veti us is now at cbont that atapr. She March 1. in the niorniug atar, however. That is liflv. J. F. Moudv wns sick yesterday, to the risn and acts before the aun. lie baa ha i a gooti Ueal of illness in hia At say, 5 o'clock in tho tuornin.se ahe uborit fami'y ol Into. will be ia view in th! Enutheast, and will 7,ie iihorua xirls in "The Sea Kinjj" be visible from that time until day at list aomo of them enjoyed sleigh dawns. Two months hence Saturn will riOea yesterday. be at hi:i brighU'st Mage. He will rise ut that timo in tiM east jnst as tho sun The slippery walk nrerery dnnger-o.Put us'het. or altoii the a alka and eels. Jupiter will bo at his best early iu ave datu.'mo fait. SeptotnbtT, appearing in the southeast S!oi(biD( In $rwt at prcnent but the aflcr aundowu. St, lonis nKin bun treta prettv iirm for it to la t 'I he luerctirT up to 5( ytaterday on A Front t'ralrl. the south si A 8 of th new in the line of enterS)methin Jtouerred seata for tbe Kirniea nre on tainments is upon the tapis at Vork nr.le at the itox ofllre of the Orand. Bench, Me. a front carnival. The hall W) and 75 centa. P. ;ct sro is to be decorated to represont th ArcThe work o.i the new hotol pro;roe tic region, with prottoes, enow caves rniiil'.y to ward c.).ni!ytion. Uofrit hmit icicles. Tho laidienee are expected OJoii will Imveth li:ut hoslolry in the ami to uppeur in cotstnnies auited lo the apterritory. parent condition cf things toboggan, Theater goers ure enjoying '"The Sea r;nir."t. or r?id froct cfvired ' '.." KitR" .t the (Jroud. Another lnina M'.i;;;. 'j ( i iitc i t:a:ui.'v; for lioitse iunt oveniiij( tesiilied to the worth : a; l,.i.;u iiost i!cs, t. of the opera. chorus and drill etc., ai.d a blciIi rrnnaii, son of Mr. acd Mrs. Win. witn 16t sleigh bells is on the Gthbcna after a few hours aickneaa died Philadelphia Ledger. at 8 oVUn-- last evening of crebro-spina- l raeriitigetm. lljlna on th Rod. Col. P. J. Henderehot wns in Suit Lake In the mayor's ccHirt, at Anthony, Fla., City Monday, but was forced to return lew days Rgo, a lad, for violation of an yesterday to look nfter his brood of ordinance, was find $2. The court chicks. granted the boy's mother the privilege The Kirmeas prouiisea to be the moet if pay In;; the fine or whipping the boy elaborate pronentation of local talent iu open court. Sh" accepted the latter, There are over end the mayor had to check her to preevor given Ogdea. eighty purtiuipanta. most of whom are vent e.n nmnevcifnl whipping. fr to - Ol u:ls, " utavtsa oa tie, tiiakt fttbe It MtWiBJ l-- VaU-Vrhti- j V Lave ' ol W was ib tbC4 liyt-drfcH- tfwst La of eveaii: tutta. fcliues We tu&k kiiJ pumpc ia the of odd aus siid id'J.a. Coo. u our eore iid try us. Ia good a pr.fuMi-f boe arid . uirH-U- Y X x tt ii it 1 'I vt. kW a Y X allprx ao ia Odea. orei FOOT MOLDS. WANTED. of ror WEES steda 1 1 HOCLJ Cfri. wili rucna 4 HAVE NEARLY ONE XT&hundred liiaerent kinds cf ! Heating Stoves ia stock and can cuueiiiM lo litt. k - Artl L Uirat at blue, druut. bliUKrUANU hB euiB.wtrttt. suit almost anybouy, both in style and price. We propose to keep at the head of the procession and will always make prices that will satisfy our customers. hTLIt-Nl- j Bui ila, 0?k t u. FOn BENT. AMI tiKALL HOLbLi IS c i). lrw tA ihJONES. CLSTISQ ACEN" SJ4IIU4 tiJt 'ifeshitictoa areaue. T AKiiE I AL, HOISE FOB F.!iSl SI two blurks fnm Kirw ear. Eaijuiro .4 I NISF.ESr-KK)- Muruxt. fal Tweti-S- jSo. MaOOU,l)0OiiCse Mxoeb nt &'ii,-l,- n,-ui- it THE LTCADUSTG- ifOR M Uliilie-lJemo-cr- A GOOD GOODS. SIfiX OF THE BIO CLOCK. : The Greatest Strike. Among the great Htrikesthat of Dr. Milee iu discovering ids New Heart Curo Iihs proven itself to be one of the moet imjKirtant. The demand for it has become astonishing. Already the triat-nietof heart dire&ae is being revolutionized, and many unexpected cures elTwted. It Boon relieves abort breath, fluttering, pains in aide, arms, shoulder, weak and hungry spella, oppression, swelling of ankle, smothering and heart dropsy. Dr. Miles' book on Heart and Norvoua diseases free. The New Heart. Cure is sold and guaranteed hv H. A. Walker. AIbo bia Keetorntive Nervine for headache, fits, spreea, hot flashes, nervous chills, opium habit, etc. VxjrJlSALK- -I HAVE, KOK SALE. A LAF.U X eonod, and fa family Uont and a v w ill lake eooii wi u 2403 WASHINGTON AVE. OST-- A UrNCH OF KEYS WIT mtrked F. J. Eteranf, I'taU. Leave at tin o ice. mm WWW aw-- , awr i J delate i in i ill mi it Washington 21-1- A venae." in Utah. We hare the luririMt Hall fn Ojriicn and tin the Biunvwick lablo exclusively. SALE! COME AND SEE US. Gents' Undershirts. Cardinal, White and Mixed, all wool, worth from Jl.50 to Si.V) each, Wtll now close them for from GO cents to $1.25. W 7 mihi JIakaob OlT- - SIGHT - OUT Week ('ommenciuff February 2nd We irot them. Tbe fmon Enmpean artikl the only 3 E.VUI.K SIblERS-- 3, in their re Faraeol vmit aud dunce and wonderful conUi tion art. Sj.OLOchallonffe fortbeir equal. JKn mixe t hie treat or half of your Lfc ia cud. Tb firt apearanee in Oirdcn. Knork About Kin First aptweranre of the JOHN IIALLK1T AND RAVMOSD. The dam inf wouder. MISS I' KARL ARDIN Enrope'e (rreatrat Comical Mucical Artiata MOKELAYS 3. Fimt appearance of the beautiful and nccoi nliRhed Seriocomic Yocaluit, MISS LILLM CAKROL. The California dun, CLAEIE DALTON ai JIM BOVLK. . The Qnoen of all sona and dance artUu, If I: The '.i..,ti.ii' popuW-rees- and GKACfc Ha MOSHOE.V IN THK SWIM. Ncllto HarkH May Be, Winnie leaef saia Usrtie Howard. Hies Broughton and Belmont, Fay Union Edward. Under the npcrrision of WALDO WEIP1 Only Senaational Female Minatrela, BEITMAN BROS., RICH, Cigars are Unequaled. FOR iiiiiiv FRANK ItOXKOE. Ir t I. G. Proudfit & Co., THE BRUNSWICK. i ! Ip B Lairs Over M acton's. REMNANT m OODKN, UTAH. THE MUNSW1CK Finest Billiard Hall m 11 ELI I OGDEN'. UTAH : and bankahle it-- . Commercial Ol! T CLOCKS, DOW PEICES. I. C CHILI) i Si. BLSIVtSS. SM AL ApJy Mil Maayici tiOOI) m iw . SALE AXO klTft fuldiug bed. ktovee, etc, at 'J centfHl Surn-- r : rbeao. m uart tiavinnit Iwiance. J. 1). Hurd. Stcrlin?; and Plated Silverware, Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every description. Diamond Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. : FOf street. capital required. J a. ii U IX) V A etreek li m Oi' iSE en furniture, P7;a 1 J3SW.EiIilSKS. - rSALr.-FfllSn- Iwcnty-foort- WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FOR SALE "Washington Avenue. SM4rl refill ft in to imlu'tvxl d.-ve-s ih Of ";li lJ6J ft beaVTfiid th.a- W. W. FUNGE, SOLE AGENT FOR fuj ? at iuntd la -I 11. d S- t bujer ritiea' w "Straw I o p Street. Twenty-lTourt- h y 'T.t Sa King inJuit-niei.t- SHOE DEALERS, EXCLUSIVE THE Ia thi " Ux4 will bo n ured uut the private history of uu'i.iin ia, but ad tbeir public tot. Ev ry tiu.e a hm luber rota, tvery tuna lie iu.nlace a bill or petition, and m not toting titue be U recor-b-or paired wdl be rvocrdtil ia tbe bue book, and future biographers wdl &nd aln-ailprepureil fur thrir ose a vast amoutit of dta. If thehizeof tbe volume id any indication of ita importance in a treasury it oubt to be prs-rvra ulL Washington Po-t- . l K. T. evening, Ffbrujry D Mailt tVjniuijuuiy tc Bwk. Aa esormcua Toluiue. tbrioe aa tarje aa tbe bulkiest tuuiilj Bible Uut exvt graced a marble topped table ia a coon-tr- y parlur, h4 reached tbe CapitoL la gold l lt-- r on its broad back are tbe word. "IlUtory of Mciabcra, Beuoad hi Xow'ty theater. Vork-Uee- 313 :No. 4at tirtXT TtiMiHT. St Ki? s" tanlbt at U- - Grand opera li. & t,i--rt- e. . a. . GOODRICH ut dai-gi- ej IS AT X CITV IN IlIUKF. ciic-t- jtti.en.if X : YltCTJCS. 4 v BOTH FOR LADIES'. GEXTLEJIEX AND CHILDREN. can tod qutJitiee X in X true the fa- - J X S?ver.J fVc-tii,- ; Y bntifbt us ? Sbu Lkokni. X iima of lb twrj of Footaenr. X fiblifctiU tad lU lt'.rt nd eera noieitit ea be .fotiod in tbir -- OAMSIIOES. The Place for Fashionable Footwear! SALE EVERYWHERE. RARE AND 1 RAC1 Vote The evening'! performance comment: at 8 :1S (harp. and Fifty On Popular Prieea, Twenty-Fir- e Beau in Boxe Fifty Centa. OJla-ari.ue- Broken lot of Blankets, oil wools, worth $5.25 per pair, now . youujf. Mrs. Clitic a id daugiiter of San Jose, C i!., arc vinitiiu her sou, Fred Cottle, at Five Points, Mrs. Fred Cottle left for San Jose to make a thirty dnya visit to her parents. T:ie W. II. Wright & S ns Co u ny h y et. ..iieriiis,' Un o The Japanese census shows that the IKipuiatioii a year ago w.w ja.iiM.nuo and ia.Wi.iW4 bnnai.w. SO.'.'t inhabited houses. S,8','" ncbl, l,tii:i,i; hhiiiukii. or iueinb!i ul t uU i',)K':;:'y i l.iss, :iS.fti t.i"S "cwiijimin ide" and Mi"i.!!'J martii-- coule& ia-v- . D; fcMw.n-- A. I ...i.le Mvlnr of t '11 l.'iiiit ti-a- , - o . ia'.-- ..- -, ytll oction on j:i?gn. ei.oA-- . in a drunken lit, turned a bus and also a dray temu lixise luat even-in- s in front f the Broom and property goi knocked down tlireo times for his 8martne.--a He languished during tho night iu th refriacrator. presidents in the vicinity of Twenty-thir- d nod Lincola are regWeiing a vigorous kick ngainfrt the of the electric light ut that junction. Tho lamp w winxl and tho pooplo want to kcow why it does not t hine. Oao D.ily st ile CIO yesterday from a man who Im.l givn him numev and len kind t hi(.i. (! up to it and o u ,H.v. tli );r..ii.l maybiv , jur.-- as hit !.cie?: ct?r h iut feeling verv miiL'ii admiration Tot him. Tco ra ntion by Tkk Cojr.n-ut.- , or tho Inncott eu th Auhcmrts-15:isebeer, itvl e.m p to prro:io ously i n stand that n oyc t ! hud Iwn laid on vhs Anthony Kub'i lw. The hitler beverage is not uuderthe baa of the iwbnr ua, ns. v I'biladi-lpbia- .T ,mos Tl . n, to take tdbvt on ' I i, ill. that Iwiug the day on which he wiil terminate Ids thiity years' of the The Ducbesa of Northumberland has just leen burital in Westminster Abbey as a Percy. le only family in England retajiung th prescriptive right to the honor of vtiterment there. BP5 Ladies' and Children's Cotton The two mouths of all the twelve for getting things cheap. Hose, for almost nothing. desire to soS the store fall of customers, to do business, whether at n loss or not, is the influence which stimulates all our efforts. Everybody in trade, from the manufacturer fights down, against tho depression of spirits that comes from tho dullness of trade. Nobody likes to we the wheel stop turni.ig, and it, requires less philosophy to pocket a big loss than to submit to a Wool Vests, worth 40c. to 75c. 25c. and 50c. A natural mid-winte- r Last fall wo bought a large consignment of very pretty Clouded-Clas- s Lamps, ana have wild them right along at GOV. and GOe. apiece. Today however, we'll offer them at such a ridiculously low figure that the stock will be Bold before night. We will sell them to tho first comers at 2oe. and 30c. apiece, complete with chimney a.d wick. We also have a stock of good Thermometers which we will sell at a price which is sura to clear. A Thermometer ia as useful in summer as it is in winter; in fact it is good the year round. You would pay Aoc. and 30c. at a drug store for tho same article which we will fell at H Buy eardy as they will ul go. Yet another article wo have to offer r.t almost a gift, to clear. We bought a large consignment of good, solid English Decorated Diccer Sets last fall, and the good sale on them, have still about a doi'en left. We will sell theso, which have been realizing e.5.00 sa :bf at ' de-Kpi- 515.7. rivs that if tho will take ?i',U!K) fur property ho has leen offered fTj.lKM f(r. Also, if the Lilieral ticket ia el ?cted be w ill ir.vest $2J,O0t) in building, but if tho Liberal ticket is defeated ho wiil not invest a cent. tk-kji- " January and February are tho barguin months of the year. litijve 1 "Citiniv ?2.50, for $1.50. email one. i Cotton Blankets, worth Broken lines Yarns, Worsteds and Saxonys, at greatly reduced prices. 83.50. k ( ; u Uwksl ho All Broken lino Children's Lidies' CuiTa worth 20c. now ' and Collars, 10c. GRAND Slaughter Sale PEICES OF M) ACCOUNT. Dreas Goods in large variety, coat. Silk at less than eastern Velvets, Navy Blue, Garnet and BJsck, worth $1.25, now 90c. per yard. W.veteens wo th 50c. to now 35c. and 45c. per yard. A large broken line of Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Underwear and Heavy Wintc Goods Will be Sold GOc. Pearl Buttons an Fancy Dress Buttons, at pric s t at will surprise you. Corsets, Corsets, at less than Below Cost Until Feb. To make room for the IMMENSE SPRING STOCK just purchased. The Putnam One-Pri- ce COot. Ladies' Shoos, fine and modi-- , qualities, at cost. Mens' . Shoes at less than cost. standard, Ita niperior axeolleoee prown la mlUiona cf hon (or mora than aguBrterof a century. It Spring Embroideries dmkI by the United State UnrernnieDt. u Xow on sale. S. J. Burt Jfc Bsos. Endorerd by the hpntU of the Great Unlrersitiet an the 8tronMt, Purest, and aioet HoaithraL Vt. Price' Cream B&klu Powder k not only Read tbe Sunday Commercial. Sub- - contain Aaunonia, Liint or Alum. Sold VO. PRICE BAXINO POWPhH In Can ribe now. BtLoais. New Vork. Chioao. aa Franieo R. ROSS. o tn W. G. CHILD & SON 211 J Washington Ave. Q bj C F. R. LASHER, rl MULMEH III 11 GEOCEEIES. 185 Twenty-fourt- St. h (is TAxsra tiLors.) Telopliono No. THE FAIR. Hoi HARDWARE O O AN d Fruits aad Produce. a5eiaKUltonaotHomo IwsUi Bote 366 24th Street, Ogden, Utah. v.ra V Order Solicited A'.t.kkV Urien t ; 15 CO oCDEN J p CD o 44, Odcn, TJtiilu acd Carefnl end Froinpt PtU-Tr- of TUeia, BOYLE BLOCK |