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Show OfiDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: WEDNESDAY. FEHIITARY 4. P E IM1YS BEAUk SCO XObEIUTZ-IUKT- EUtSES rOE J. D EOT. Keaai iiBafatetBria; Itdustnr Cocst:lut One of Oar Mot rrsniU i MM Banfcat BailJiag. 3rjt Imw, Vil. Sm t baaaaeaad tiara. Lanf low t Lota, vara "5 WiXT ) HOKi BOCSttL Sew Tli tjueaiion of bouse to rent taJ aVottea to cell ia ssiutic tha broker of citv. Ogdea could veil sustain 5J0 house of ft medium cUim tla otx- pric. Tbr is tha greatest opportunity ia th curl J far a paving her ia medium oo4 bouse. Tit deauuul for pood Urn sad six room rnt is far greater than th supply, and kouse eustiog from H.OtO to f 1,300 rasd-fl- j rent from fJQ to WO per month. A Urge Dumber of tbi clsas of bouses vers rectedlast fall acd every one of Ibeea w oocupted. A larga Dumber have beeo contracted for for the ooruiog spring lb laboring men and median- ics of tcis city, luce tbose of rbuadelpbia i and other eastern cities, have s stronjr tendency towards owning their own numea, sou uy i lie aauBianee oi ouuuiog and loan a&auciatiuDS are every day beand coming house-owneXolbmg oonduoes so much towards trood government and thrifty claw) of citizens as the owning of their own homes by the laboring elates. 0,,'iien hss six building and lu:ia in active operation todiiy. They are the Phieniz, Citizenb', Hoaie, Columbia, People's and UgJeu. Thaw societies have done much toward building up certain sections of this city, yet y could and would uo ruu a more they mora cupital to work with. is room here for more associations wuore capitaL This ciuns ot buiMiiig 1'ioua bas bad a grat lnietus here, kere is lucking in this city one sort kniation which would uo much to .the demand for bouses, and vould also pay the stick- as perocutages large rvm iiTvitn ineir operations. Reference is made to a construction and building company whose business should be the erecting ot houses for sale on monthly payments, or otherwise. Such companit have done much in other cities and one or more oould work very successfully here in Ogden. A great amount of capital would not be required if a good connection were had with some loaning company, so that mortgages, etc., could be carried without crippling the company. Such a company is working in Salt Lake City and has built and sold forty houses in that city within the last season, these houses costing from $1,500 to ,000 each. Capital will find large returns in Oir- den from building houses for rental. Thore is a large population in this city living in rooms and blocks, boarding at the family hotels; etc., who would be UdU'kftpp hoifse," were the facilities iiereuT 'liie UUlJUJlitlon Of the electric rattway will this firing more than ever before make It ismble for a business man to live some'tlistance from his business, and if houses are erected under modern designs in some of Ogden s swer additions they would sell very readily and rent without effort upon the part of the owner. i I I tire-rota- SHIM. i MtflU Loan s with mtmc Coraer af Twut 6iil fMt ob kutt . fcT3J tmt Ur at l. U I A 1CUU 00 t50 00 fr.. Pruet tM auu uo. Waaliiiitoe Kxed HU4 Bcudiac. A We have eoa streets 47x132 feet on 23rd Ja L. II. MITCIIEL, 473 $ 2,250 600 street..... the following properties : Choice Nob II ill Iota, 50il.T7 to alley. f On Twenty-fift- h $HXK. streot, VtilXt to alley, on lioise care. 500. 71H For acre, acres, near University. ( Will cut into t-iVfimt low ut iwrlot. Achoiniuff sold and gelling for t-pach, liaraiu. $1000. f;3il4.S wilh two homiM renting $13.00 prr f month. Nob Hill corner. 103x137 to alloy. Choice $1500. $ 650. 41rl:tS to alloy op Harrifou near Twenty-lit- ji 430. I and ONE OP OUR CK EAT EST NEKD9. t 100. "Ogden needs factories," said a real lot. Fine farm land ; water ; in tracts to suit. BARGAIN. Feed anil erist mill complete, mi Alain street. One mile from I'. O. on Por acre. ui. A SrBMTT. Tee Real Estate! Wood-manse- Reed Hotel Building, KXTKHBHIsiK HOUSE, Buy and Sell Real Estate. UTAH. JJ M. O'lIAVKU. (Member Keal Estate Exchange) Chmco Meats i.f all liimN P.nttpv ri.l. lisadl buim but the (mm in senwn. cl oicawt fotHlm !nt;.fnct:i.n KUanmUvd. 1 ..u 1 1 1..' i ( :,1 . -- . - t. . ... . . wiwt aai(iw aiu Citil for orders if tttvired. frencn auu r rjKltait spoken. Ciive us a truJ. 24th St., Near cor Grant Ave. Wstuui. L. B. Balcb Fresh Moats, Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. Orders taken at your door, and (roods delivered to any pert of the city. a siterially. Our Meat Waxon is a Market on wheels which calls at so house that your yon may select your own (ttsi.Is. It runs north of ffltl St. on Washington Avenue and the Bench. TeL No, X. 2.11 1 WowhlriKton Ave. I'ROMPT DK1JVKRY stmtrWTWnMefwnak. Iktiaa of la Ikrtr VMV CHOICE LOCATIONS In all parts of tho City. GOOD RANCHES and Garden Tracts. MB HILL PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. on. Bas No trouble to (how property. Call and see ine Ko. Uli, Wobb. Are., ta Ao 1. W. fernlBk tmytkinf- W. tun i. No rik. tu con 6mvM yonr fmrm annmmla, or all jrour Urn. U th. work. Tht, u nUraljr n.w l..l ..nd briar, woodrrful auvcoaa toarar w.tkn. Befrinnm ar. Mrtilnit from SXk to ia irrwr.k sod opwaiaa, nd mora ntter llttl. riirri.rH;.. W. .an farnLh )ou tb nnd t.arh run I Hm. Ko arwra to .1 plain km. Pnlt tklA, SUML OGDEN CITY RAILWAY AXD CO. . Ogden & Hot Springs Ry AKU HEALTH RESORT CO. UTAH. OGDKN, TIME h r I t: Forty bonds of P. M. by saitl Weber connty, P. M. P. M. Berios '"A" for the ura of one thousand dollars ' ; fifteen in years and fifty bonds each, payable of series "B" foe tne mini of one thousand dol- 12:30 12:43 1:00 lars each, payable in twenty years, lioth se1:40 1:55 2:10 ries to draw interest at the rate of tixpereent 3:20 3:05 per annum from January let, 1S01, payable 2:50 at the Chemical National Bank 4:00 4:30 4:15 in New l'ork City. The bonds of both reritw 5:25 5:10 540 are also payable when due, at the same place. C:50 6:35 Bonds to he delivered anil paid for at the Or-de- n 6:20 State Bank in Ogden City, Utah, when the 7:30 . 7:45 8.00 bids are accepted. 8:55 8:40 9:10 Bids will be received for the wholo or any 10:00 10:12 10:24 either, or both aeries. part ofWeber The County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. GOING Bids to be addressed "County Clerk of Wober County, Ogden, Utah," and marked "Bids for Webor County Bonds." Ry order of the Connty Court of Weber Grand Ball OGDEN 111 ,$500. ItionDPhilptoWB 20, 5 2 west, $2,000. Martm, seVof at the; ! division, $2,000. J A Boyle to Maggie Riley, lots 41 and 42, block 7, Central park, 500. J A Boyle to Ella Snyder, lots 43 and 44, in block 7, Central park, 500. Mary E Buschman to Lucy A llor-topart of lot 5, block 5, plat B, $lfiSO. A hassock et el to T Miller, south H of lot 5 and all of lot 6, Kissock's subdivision, $675. A Kissock et al to O W Bird,' lot, 4 of lot 5, Kissock's subdiand north vision, $075. n, J J C J Anderson to S W Ooldwater, part of lot 7, block 13, plat 8, $750. t i. Total, $15,602. "Does your back aohef" Oregon everyDeyTeawUl relieve you. whew, Try it. Kid-Sol- number of Choice Lots are still unsold in ffP I 7:40 9:00 10:10 11:20 P.M I 12:30 1:40 2:50 4:00 5:10 0:20 7:30 8:40 9:50 A. K. j this Jb'avorite Locality, and are now offered for sale at LOW PSICES and EASY TERMS, by 11. P. IIUNTER, No. 2414 Washington Ave. A. M. I P. M. P. M. 12:50 2:00 3:10 40 5:30 6:40 7:50 9:00 10:10 Trains will on Sundays. ..1. . K. nHilm nf F. MtJ J. atil tUM. kiUt si SK A. M. I 7:05 8:15 9:35 10:45 I and wra- a U.n Sim i aar, nf Mini unH tat U La ay, bal ia launliran, aitiua taaaiy days; aaruns a aiLkia fun aU-- tar Jnvatrjt lay At4at, LJ (aa taa.ra Sua. naCaardiaaT ia ft p " atr taf nAnti I anr an. iJ annai n anauaTUt W etn sua ths inaU- SWnatt uf Ulu uairt afaunat tl 14 aaSdaal tar Um sains aaf fSnn.'. .ta tatiwiaS (nasi ta Cast stay aaf On. bar. aai fmim aaf U siHna iur SatTTanta ttansJaaj alwrd tar b af US Urttradsal aaat lor " aad ansarcbaadi lrHnaaal at tun rnviuaaa. x-- an. t'ravia-tufci rsam turUmt aunrw tbal Ui anas U. tl tiroasuna aa aniuaiBi ftar Ia SaTa-au- t. -- tf rfuraaad try Una anna n.-- ri ni j !. fc san br- al l rnuanast nnT la rul LWrautaat a Was arrarta tba nana taf uo ai.diw aViuat last tba stud ciaiss at etas hadrd 4uUa baa baa uiy snaimasd W tiiaS llaUaUa! tuT a faaSS-bi- e Cutuiuntaralataa. fur fartbaar aad fviasr n irTkailan urttsiaia is atsri'tsy sua.) Ut tins auanpttuai us Sin Aad sua are aasiibi autifcnal tbai if aoa tad ta at fens aad aanawr tbs naid naut Jnlul aa aranae rvutoxnl, tba sans pisu.tid a ill wna )tnt baa-rt- A. M, 7:17 8:27 9:50 11:00 7:30 8:40 10:05 11:15 f!n jAP.viH-Coxtti.i- MoriTOAOR Tbvst Co. Koland V. Coxklin, Socy. L. R. RnnDKs, Atty. j P. M. I P. It. 12716 I 1:05 2:15 2:25 4:33 5:45 6:55 8:05 9:15 10:26 1:20 2:J0 2:30 3:20 3:40 4:30 4:50 5:40 6:00 6:50 7:10 8:00 8:20 9:10 9:30 10:20 10:38 bfgin funning at 8:00 Frani-isno- P. byrVuitsl-MlT- I BOCSE AND SIGN PAINTING ALSO PAPER HANGING WOOD AND GALSOMINING. FINISHING A Oae I43 4r 5rtfc . SPECIALTY. MAIN ST. f the Uontz Oil HUM tOJDfMLCJ. ud Ctl-- a J'tx-irvr- t. ir.Ki.iioKi iai uriTiaiI urWiju. idaintifT. Coisry Mrs. A. Kirbard. vs. Was. Dsriar. ltemsnd. sX.UU. The of I' tab lerriusry nead frvstiaff : Vi m. i tvver. itefentlhitt : la Voe are hereby directed ta auoear aad saMarsr Itefore tits Juntaev f thn Peare at bia tH'M-- in tV'lert ( ity, in said I ouuiy. Uia nunplaiut of said I'lainliiT filt-- 1 Iten-in- . ai:ia biR.ib'.)s after ser ire on ,,n laf tt m SMimuiaas ' rrt . Ua ,,l , i "M . ; , W II III if rrrtl outjni City but in the I ousts ia if naitl Irroua-hl, and wiblua ta.atf ahirh this artiou in days if served else here. This art ion is brotindtt to recover of yoo the sum of fJJ.iSJ alhved to be due 1'iaiatilf fross yon aa follows : For hoard S'M room rent I yon by I'Uittiiif at yoursrucial ianlarica snd reuuert tluru.it Itjtu. Kor further particulars referer.ee is linrehy mads to lisiotilf's eonutlaikl now oa His at n r otiice, in tiiin action. And von are Itendiy notified that aniens sou do so apaar awl answer said computet as above required, I'lamtilT will take judtrment airiiiust you for tlie sum claimed by her. tJ'i.to, iuiarent and eunt of suit. lo the Sheriff ur any Countable of Weber County. Territory uf Llnh, tireetiaf : Make lesiai service and iua return hereof. (itven under luf band this tin dar of Jssusrr A. I. Ittl. H. TrtBHsV. Precunei. Justice of ths Peaee for In d W una A Whii a, Atutrneys for I'litiatiff. t'eoi-l- aiMve-ajanut- e r- 1 rva-d- MARSHAL'S SALE. rnrsnant to an ettertttion to ma directed by the Kirst Judicial llintrict Comt, of the Terri tory of litali, 1 have tins day levied upon aud shall expose at public sale, at the front door of the County ( otirt House, in the city of ( hplou. I entity of Weber and Territory of litab, on the 27th day of January, ltd, all! o'clock m. all the rih'itt, title, cinnn and luutrent uf Kntma Clark, (Itatrce Clark and Uliert 1oe Clark ef, in ami to tho following described real estate, situate, h ind and being In tho County of Weber ami Territory of Utah, and particularly described an follows, Coi'ininuctns at a point on the east line ol lot ten (lot, ia block fourteen ill). I'lat "A." Option City Survey, foct north of tho aoiitii-enForty and corner of saitl lot, and running thence berth one hundred ami eiifht and feet, and arist on hundred and thirty-tw- o and to the west line uf said lot. theuce south oiiehnudrod iitd oieht and feet, thenca foet east one hundred and thirty-tw- o and to tho place of beftiniiing. 1 o Ire sold as the property of Emma Clark, Ciooro Chirk and Robert Lee ('lark, at the suit of II. II. Kolnpp. Terms of sale. Cash. Datod Option, Utith.January 5th, I "HI, Ki.ias 11. Pahhiivs, 1). M. Marshal. to-w- Uirne-tetit- st th-u- ee l't-l- 0 Py B. A. Bowman. Deputy U. S. Marshal. ALIAS SUMMONS. Before Achilles Perrin, Commissioner of tka Supreme ( 'otirt of I'tah Territory. TKKUITOUY OF UTAH (' Cot'NTt of Wkbkb. ) Thomas Maloney and John M. Perkins, part ners as Maloney A Perkins, PlalntilTs. vs. Uer- tha Monrtrn, lefeudaut. Demand, SW.UO. The peoiilo of tho Territory of Utuh sns! (reeling to Her: ha 11 on roe. defendant: lou are hereby directed to appear and an swer before the commissioner alrnve-name- d. at . ...... .1.. t. : i...tH fit., amu ivuui.j. jt:. ;iu wrt'i' ill. uiin ".7, hi. complaint of said I'laialius filed herein, witbia five days after service on you of this summons if served on yon in Ogden City; within ten days if served out of said City but in the County la which this action is brought, and wilhiu twenty days if served elsewhere. This action is brought to recover of von tha sum of $Tt0.U0 alleged to be due Plaintiffs froia you as follows : Un an account ror worn ana innor aore Tor you at your special instance and request by Plaintiffs as attorneys, between the first day of July, 1W0, and the first day of September, 13s). For further particulars reference is hereby made to Plaintiffs' complaint now oa file at in this action. And you are hereby notified that unless yan do so appear and answer said complaint aa above required. Plaintiffs will take jtidKUnrnt against you for the sum claimed by them, wit, fTiO.Ot), interest and cost nf suit. To tho United Stales Marshal of th Territory of Utah, or the Sheriff or any Constant ef Weber County, greeting: Make legal service and dne return thereof, Oivea under my hand this 20th day of January, A. D. vsn. Araii.i.KS Pikrtjv. Commissioner of the Supreme Court of Utah Territory. PCKBLQ aitd SALT LAKE CITI, flP.rjPV PAf'IFIC COAST, WWt pOIMlS. aad all north- 1:35 TXA 2:45 ASPRX and GLEN 3:55 MAN1T00, LFADVILLK. WOOD SPK1NGS. 5:05 SCENT.RY EQUIPMENT 6:15 L'nsuruasead t'nenBalled. 7:25 8:35 9:45 Thmtjfli Pullman Sleepers and Pullman . Tourist cars Itetween Denrer aad San Thoit!?lt the heart of the Ilocky Mo'intaius : a. m the iuwt comfortable, tho safest, and tho ruutoi. prandost of all rtnn diwrlot.tve nnmnltlstt. etc, call Oft or a Id reus J. D. KEN WORTHY, tieial agent. Santa I o Hon to. alt Laic ( ity. H. COLLHRAN,, peuaral uianaivor, Colorado Sprinirs, ('oln. CllVS. S. LEE. general passonffar tseat, lu 4H hours Goncrrhota snl Denver, Colo. lKlurmis from Jre uriimrerv 1:00 M. TEA HEN SHOP BRTWaMU . P. M. 12:25 or HARD STANDARD GUAGE DENVER, COLORADO SPRIXOS CD SUMMONS. Ref.ira I). Teraea. Jastica of lbs Taaea fur tnort-iratfe- d 2T A. M. 11:55' misrrr!vul aV tr doti-ln- MARSHAL'S SALE. W. .T. Fowlrs. Plaintiff, V Willis Blaisdell and Minnie Blaisdell, his wife, I'ts.) Under and by virt.ae of an order of sa and decree of foreclosure, issued out of tbs District Court of the First Judicial District of the Territory of Utah, on the lath day of January ,111, In the above eutitled action, wherein W. J. Fowlee, the above aamed plaintiff, obtained a judgment aad decree against Willis Hlaiadell aud Minnie Blaisdell, hU wife, defendants, on the lHth day of November, 180, 1 am commanded to sell all that certain lot, piece or par-c- ol of Land situated, lying and being in the county of Webor and Territory of Utah, and bounded and particularly described as follows, towit : Uogiunluc at a point thirty-fou- r and thirty-thro- e hundredths H4.:E) chains north of the north-wecorner of ths quarter of section fourteen (II), in township S. north of range 3, west of the Salt Lake Meridian. United States survey, and running thence north five aad bin seven hundredths (Ytfi chains, thence east fourteen aud fifteen liuadredtlia ill.l.'i) degree, west five chains, thence south huudredths XTA chains, and seventy-seve! thence north f9S degrees, west feurteen and twolvo hundredths (11.12) chains in the middle of the street to the place of be;inniug, contain ing sight acres mors or loss. 2300 "WashiuKton Avotiue. ogethsr with all and singular the tenements. hereditaments and apimrtenance thereunto i apissrlatuing. or in any Elec- belonging Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 9th day of February, ltDl, at 12 o'clock, nous, of Court House in that day, lu front of the County the city of Ogdn. oouuty of W nber anil Territory of Utnli, I will, in obedience to said tinder of sale and decree of foreclosure, sell the abova Locksmiths, Stencils Mado, Rubber Stamps described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff's judgment, to order. with interest thereon and costs, to the liiglrest and best bidder for cash, in lawful money oX the uniiea bhu oi amenoa. south-we- I one-ha- lf Crescent Novelty Works n Electric Wiring and tric Supplies of all Kinds IRON FENCING. Uodels and Erperimental Micbinery to Order All kiads of ftovolty inepainuc. t. S. Marshal. Klias H. Pi ".HONS, By B. A. Kos man, Deputy U. 8. klusbul. Ogden, Utah, Jaunary loth, LSI. LieaKal Blanks of nil klncU tor CEESCENT NOVELTY W0HKS the Commercial OHio. . ,..rt i ja taiia nas actM-nat- Colorado Midland Railroad I'.SOtnfpe wJttiAti:.tomnvel''t(Y,J Admitting Qenttomun and IMiif aad L. L. Jiividsoa s 2:25 3:35 4:45 5:55 7:05 8:15 9:25 ?r Helfrich. SOLE AGENT, P. M. 12'30 l!4o 2:50 4:00 5:10 6:20 7:30 8:40 9:50 HtTJTH. 8:10 9:30 10:40 11:50 OP ABKAKGBMBXTS. fOSMITTUI Of UCKmCHI. F. J. Kteel, A. R. Herwood, E. Klbrimr, J. H. Myers, Herman Kahn, tL Ukeinuart. I. Marks, Kd. Auth, Albert Weber, L. L. Davidson, SoL Meyer, Adolph Fehrinrer. . KLOOE HSK1QEM. HnnrT A. R. Heywood. Theo. Hohajiaenbsrh, Hess, Gustavo Mahlenhaujit, Otto Renrer. J. r eJ Cramer, Henry Kie,l, N. Stoinfoldt, W. ?. rl"ioketj P. M. 1205 l!l5 1:05 2:15 3:25 4:35 5:45 6:55 8:05 9:15 8:00 9:20 10:30 11:40 1881. Tbeo. Schansrabach, Otto Bergter, K. Rliein-har- t, A. R. Ileywood, Albort Kiewil, Dr. K. Thioie, h. L. Uavidmn. COMMTTTEX OF ISVmTUW. A. Iichter, B. Schwarts, Adam (ieior. Otto Berber. Anr. Braun, L. L. Davidson, I. Marks, Fviiz Reiubold. or iitaa beneafter U u- - ,l ur 4trurd witb tint dtsiica of ( 1 f.tf tiu f in or in. nitoertia itunHjca a ilh t e ttu.-- of rauway n ur brrraf Ui br rtutrtu-- t i by tUn naid Ovlpa t tty kailaay ( , nni' , its lurrrnMifa ur amumn, ur tin. maiuunianrtn and ura!iifrn ot tH naata ur aoy ; aud alno all tim ran and all oUarr I unrt aUark ur HiuijnrMitn, ail burnra, u:ul-- , barbena. snow aacviiia. bui.vtH rnU- -, (urvn. iiuidcoiruto. furuitura aud Ula. ollios tll4ints t4 kiad; all rv!, rliaam aud siitLna and all ml ntsirritU tiiatnnpr Ditar uau'xl or iMn4thM.l b aatd Oi.'j4.u t 'it y hatiaral .lutll at at.r tin unmaiiy. ur attic-urNift4i' In. arqmrfj l tt. i's aiuvratr aud saninrnK. fo. tlwt ue aud nrtM4 ur tbu:bfd ilh or fur tlw liir u iu ruiiiinrtiou raai&'a:Mi or ruaralittu uf naid hum d rail-- n una or linrmftr Ut tax x.alrurtd by Ilia said tyJfo City Uailaay '.iiukiu. iu ut'tn-Mtni ur whtHimr litrn, rrilu,eiicUar ur oilit-- r railways ur aiy fiart Ismail, Also t iir full twins; dtttwrilirtl rrai nttata.lo-wi- t All uf bltarkeitTiit tii iu Nob III. I Adiltlioti to until Oifili u City, rtxiMKliiig uf famity wi art i Iota. Aud auvi all tha riKlttn, .riTil.-t- f and Iran. Innaj abirli tit said Hn tt u t'njr I'.uiar.t) Coutpuny now Itoltls, lawaNinan or is outidmi to, ,r wtiicti s it. or it suemwaora ar anniaun may giuro ur broom ofn.v.l of or km anlitlrul to. alma roTPBun toll., and liiromaol any and all tlia iii,v of railway uf tho said IVdMi Cny ltailwny (omitany now or lixroafttr to becon- siructod, totnitlutr aith all and siiiKular lUf I4ni0ininln, liurdilamraitA and ai'tirtiuiaurts uf tlix irmitirj aforffaid.or aur of tlism. or aor (tart thprtNif. Vitiicu nnl rnnrLcairn inilcnl'lrn was on th t 2Sttli tiny of Juttf A. 1)., tltnbotir of II :. a. in., bird fur rwttrd in tlm uflica of tli" . of in and for Wobur county, I'tah Torrilorjr, and duly rraordfwj in book "L" at Xt to ,'i J iiirltiniTn ; and paira v liUUK.ts. it in in siutl iltt-t- i of trnt pntvinsd nliall bt mad" in tht tluit in cat-iutfi-ftn- t or any ttf euid iHindn, and suoli tit'faiill aliitll roi'liuiK) for ttibty days, tlit-- lit prinoipal of all of naid bond, if tho trustee no rlttcls, iiptm written utttio by said truslna to tits party of th limt part, Imt'auiiitr tits Otrdrm t ity KiuJ:iy Coinpaiiy nltill lncom and bit at onr duo untl ttayahitt aud so htdtl mid dnaniAd for tlta ptniioMxif ftirwloKuro aud salt) lu en nor ot tit, inlnotla provided, and fur all otlior i uriKc. Aud Wiiur.KAH, tlm i!itT,it iikii said tainds tins on tho nratilay of noTamlMT l"w. is iu tlolutilt lttot tMiulitiuinl and unimiit. aud ti.oli mom lltnn thirty ituyH. ant) tht trutlt lifrvuu tlttt prinripsl liat rlcctod to dppu:iil of all uf tlie tnls fcfcuri-by sn.l tintnl of truat tltto and )iynlp. ani hi given written ni'ticti of "urn pltt'titin to tuo naid Undin I ity liailway t otiinsiir. and W'uiiiiH.ih, it in furlher nrorided In said deed of trurt that if the said Ok'th'n City liailway I onipntiy hall full to pay the priuripai or pan tliortxtf, or the interottt or any nit ht'tt'ttf, wltittli may bocon-i- i due on saitl In nds nwured or iittoitdetl bi he Htvureil hy nttid deed of trurt nt ( he time wlinn and at, the place here same may neeouie tine mm payable, seeortlins: to the tenor ami etitvt thereof or of the coupons thereto annexed and for thirty duyt thereaflj r, then it shall be 1'iwfnl fur this trustee in it diorretiou, porsonnlly or by its attorney, attorneys, atjent or aireiit, to cause tho Slid rititay premises or property, nithts and interest to be sold by public auction at t.ho Iront tloor of the county court house uf the saitl Wetter county in the Territory of Utah and in said Oirden (ity, first BiTinif not less than thirty days' not ice of the time, terms aud place ol such snip hy atlvt'Hisenieut in sonio newspaper published in raid Option ('ity. Aud Whekeas, the said interest coutxins attached to the said bunds, tine by their terms on tho lirst tiay of NoTruilsir 1M, ani liin the interest on sitid bunds due at that dale, are and have to this time romiined unpaid. Now therefore, notice is hereby iriTen that ths urdersicued trustee iu said mortKnire or dead of trust named, will on Thursday the Mil day of March 1111, prticeed to sell all tho protterty hereinbefore anil in said morti;ao described at public auction at the front door of the county court house of Weber county. Territory of Utah, In tho said city of Option, between the hours of nine o'clock in theforenoon and fire o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to satisfy the debt, secured by said uiortatfo aud the costs of such sale. at PIKE'S PEAK ROUTE 1 A. M (JOMMI'ITKKH. COHMTTTKB P. M. 2 ??f A d - A. 0. U.iW. HALI, Ogden. Utah, Fetarr ?ti, sec-- I OB Wbeoler to H Wallace, part lot 10 block 16, plat B, $3,250. W B Wedoll to Annie Whistler, lota i 10, 11, 12 and 13, in block 5, Terrace sub J miW BURGITT. nam ta lixn-nfU- KXLL JilNDS fal aratafii nl "'7 a.d kiambly, kf llllliPIIV IM T " I III Real Estate and Loans ill I la rlMallU'a.oUrrawlli..Hn.Atv I r tk. .rt. t Ia VMK Addition a4iiHf-Ua- a !", Boston Meat Market. ITFlYn H Wallace to C B Wheeler, lots 11 nd 12, block 3 Woodmansee's addition, c rT(-r- y A. E. . Herriman - fsrv-uiii- rfjt RMWJriCI). c. E Clark to J Barker, part of section - ui UYab. mrt n Uth Street, Next to Thomas Bros. Second C - - t. t'ita Ratiajr HWMnun ur apu aaaiam yua tor tins wua uf t.ts.uv, aad aad aunia uf suit. anmnim. atd nul aud Vaia,ia :ttujnr. IW laaxU.anr ruaui-raW una. tbs Una. Jaasas A. laid rait lulM trarl,., M unrr. jtnrttrn, aud Uas sataa 1. aidiunm. turauuls. 1rn.'ka. tariaata. f tinaad rwtito aas. rnnrtrnc aaiuiptnaralt, draataa liuinrt tours al nLnl irnt IB I JadiriaJ rar Irwtrsrrl, aios, nd win. is, aaditira, f.ar ll.e Temurn uf Lisa. nnviriw, rmiMunr. strmrfuivn, ieatw nltl LaUorenU. cvmrracuv, rinnaaa ia artntna, a ana tbi. tir.li day of Jaauary. sa ax-.a aad iriitlr tins yaar of nrar Laard aaa a.ts tn ltamriiue ur anaf or titinTued lor liaadrad aad lH "nn J tntiitt.r to ur uasi or taf or in rauue-th- n aitM- i the purr a ttli tbe iiue of u um-aII. C. saitl at li s kaijasv t ki'LCHE, UUrL raiiaay ljnaof ufn-- jr ait,a fl U B. Bsst. . ur Ue auAtiiWuauai tLervxaf, Clerk. M. V. (riLsatr, Attortm-- f.ar I'laiaUS. iLh name r of any iart tibvntnf. r atuailaer a sbaU lietutitc aiT tnr JOHN WALtiL MARKET Experience of the pust three years has taught as that all property bought well at this season of the year will bring at least 50 per cant, profit during the following winter. We offer for sale the following choice property at these low prices : Sixty acres in section 10, overlooking the t 100 00 city 66x330 feet on Twenty-fonrt- h between Lincoln and Wall Avennos.per foot.... 275 00 Lot on the Bench 50x190 foot eight blocks oouuty. January ffitnd, 1891. 800 00 R. W. CBoas, Probate Judtre. from Washington Avenue Two, acre lota on Thirietb, near t Park . SHOO 00 1 west, $1000. Lota ia Nob Hill Addition Caeaa. THBallantyne to EH Nye, part lot Improved business property paying II 14 block 10. S Ogden survey, $4000. per cent, net, leased for 4 years .......... 3000 00 J A. Boyle to Mary A. Brown, low 6, 7, 8, 185x145 feat between J ackron and Qaiasy . . 1050 00 OF THE: 156 09 Lots In Mountain View Additioa block 6 Central park, $5000. 8x8 rod corner on Twentv-fourtfAlso "T, Total $17,000. Wall Avenue property below real vara. 22 acres near aorta Washisgtoa wfU Real Estate Transfers, Feb. 3. subdivide. T Ann Beus to Elizabeth H Beus, part If yon will call on as ws will show sad can tfne!48eo22,51 west, $2,158. Ann Beus to Elizabeth Byrne, part of vine yon there is money in bnyiag sew. d e H, section 22, 6 1 west, $1,079. 4, 7 1 west, $200. Lo. tMnsrdaa. aa-JM- y stteo-tio-- l. - $125. tal -t by aiad or wire riven prompt Jiuno Mi. I'. O. Bol .'!. j & A- - Ii D-t-uit on1f AH 1 REED aa4 iaiant. A aUctoalt H t James Montgomery et al to Patrick Martin, part of se4, section 32, 7 1 west, TS"a . I n.a"-f- awtit-Cf'- estate broker to a reporter yesterday. A TAiU.K "We need the weekly nad monthly payA YF.AR! I nn.Vrtk. to brlrtlr Between Twenty-fiftMotor line. Street ml Hot ' tikiity int.niK.iilprMmof.ilhFr roll here to stimulate business and to md and eneet IhtirBuav, .iit.,and who, $23,000. The host paying property in Otrdeti for ItBach.uy t:iktn(? bprinps, lawork fndtwlriooaty, employ a large class of unemployed un.ount inTostod, loaeod for 3 years. mltu Thro. Tk'n.u l.lt. r. January 22, bor now in our city. There is no city in $ 500. Por foot. 25 foot on Twenty-fourt- h furnich V.rln tbHrown lor.llti.wtirr.r th. H...I will alM) amuunt. ran .am that whirli business. iltuati.iti Tint street the ormipl mt'iit..! GOIN'tf NORTH the west that offers better inducements No mmm tor mt. link! .lie. fRfful aa atiov.. r'a.lly and qoirkl IrnrnMl I dnirr hut unc w orkrr from earn dttlrirt orrnuBtjr. I a i to location, raw material, fuel, etc., ti -73 a and with niplmHt.-nlarr provtdM liar, already taupht than does Ogden. And I feel that these I have a large lint of residence, farm anil acre nutub.r. who are mafcinir over SStum a yrarearb. It a K V.W MUl.Ilt. Fall uilMtnFKGC. Jtddmi it onco, industries are coming. Several inquiries proiwrty, and handle nothitiK that I cannot fee and K. . AI,l.K.. llox 4XO. Auguatn, Main, my customers. Am pleasud to have been received lately from manufac- monoy in for times. show all at A.M. I A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. turing concerns looking for western loca6:50 7:02 7il5 TTiO 7:05 will be a large current SALE OF WEBER COUNTY BONDS. tions,, and there 7:50 8:02 8:14 8:15 8:25 8:50 ,.pf manufacturing capital setting this J. D. GILL, 2404 Washita Art, OGDEN. Sealed bids will b received at tho office of 9:00 9:15 0:30 9:35 9:15 10:10 the county cleric of Weber county, Utah terriway by spring. The future "outlook is tory, until 12 o'clock, noon, of tlio 10th day ofo 10:10 10:23 10:40 10:15 10:55 11:20 bright, and we have no cause to comFebruary, 18H, and then optnotl, for the 11:28 11:35 11:50 11:55 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY plain. of the following described bonds, issued Real Estate Transfers. ileal estate wanders lurmsnea oy me Hendershot Abstract office, 2414 Washington Bvenue, for Feb. 2, 1891: S C Stephens, et al to A Drage, part of N E section 5, township 5, range 1 west, $1500. A J Chamberlin to E V Gorringe, all e ot lot 7 and E X of lot 6 block 3 add $300. Nancy Ross to Elizabeth Cordioer, lot 50 block 2 plat "C," $200. S Stevens to John Marshal Sen., part action 17,township 7,range 1 west, $5000. John Marshall, Sen., to William Marshall, part section 19, township 7, range trC smKW 1 ati-Mkni- KINDS OF SAUSAGE ALL S300 V sua arr l. uit Knat. . OUDES. UTAH. ouartiaa UaatUatL Call On mo Fine reaidenco Twenty-fourt- Strm rwtaW blnit CityOflf,Cltao Msjlrt. POOLE, street. tor 1. Jnaaa aw JvaWxal ry keaanr-bol- OGDKN. UTAH. J. D. GILL 42x1)3 on ituttr; T t.4 1 t, WASHINGTON AVE. $2iV). . O.-.l- a MAKING CF k- - acre. Prior water ri;ht. lino. t4 - Im4i l asnav- rtwj 4 I fUuaul. Vn. JmSaa a. ut Tasnuary at l"la nanws c Lut r Xa. 2106 WisLirgtoa Artsae. Brainard, Robinson & Co. OGDEN, 3S'4 n I f 4 :i40 Twenly fourth St, $2W0. atla swatunsi w j ansar ia aa aef f lit- a t Ut Me nsuaj ltt4li tiu'jiinl hi:w$ .m j aiv. Lr nJli.'aaf t una.i aaat . t'.,i taf All aavi aiMnur il I liLfnrt aiad rna! r. I in. la fnif tiuiM, ai.ra.-torn Mraafti aan. aajeii. aut aJ f.AttarnK (.aej kixat afitn- naa isi inrJt.ii. f Uas aay wf(Lia. Mirw 11 Unera. ti lurtitiaik. rSil i4 n iM,i.m.. u. na-xw na. -- nt am Wcabn vj -- Sausage Works! e OfTora yon .t Ki Tmaia-fcrtf- L.B.DORE, Seventeen rods on corner Quiney 200 ond 20th streets, r.er rod Twenty-fivlots in Kuve nJJition. between 21st and 22nd streets. Cheap and easy terms. Several houses to sell on smnll cash payment, and balance monthly or quarterly. Five houses to rent in good location. 240C rft it a oaor. M-t2f- r 4T LAFREXTZ LOOK AT THEty! per rod - ete- - 1 a.- Nona but C4sl41 fcot, corner 21lh and tritMn-- . . si a few Snaps lCeal Estate Dealers. role on Quiney, nerr 21th St, Si.wre Ij- r I 1 aawateairo r no an u atas cakirau af aui aj4 Investments for non-reCBi t jr onnra44 if) - n'vrV and Fish katacuaf (u, Meat, nxira nUnil at UI lias Poultry ta OAabinni it tar knt amurd. uarufkni W oar dents a specialty. bWaLgr U oald tVkrst I itf kianl I rj4y. im S4ttMar oar iaMw; uariuaibot ail aas Houses and lots for sale in iuae ui strtapi rnuia inorular 4 tr LardL Para Baaaiartaiwl by Try w I nr t oajaai, nitir ao.w .nr aelvas aad sua ariU arvcr a kilf aUa. aLirk rmJiwa Uvaafr atuirnt. aa.4 u, all parts of the city. mnm tmf.m al l Mail arders aad wiattloaiilirf aaiia! nd t4inf taf Mud vt vntL aa. 1 Mat I una auiat Bear a al Miwi ojxH nl, ill A thorough knowledge of jrsna rjftt.ia Untwar 1 taraHt-- t'ir, ftb arm fat 1U UtUarrtHaB atth r. Eoar. Baoucuiasa. aaatxttua itna, aa Burta aad auuia location and values enables j. ram. aluttjt ud WauurUaa avas iu oHack ma ttMwf. Alecr aMli,eartate at a !'tit 1 mma tutoort. fcn.J U me to make safe and profitJeCmus itnaut, nua; litem m va ntrnrt. ttar'MW MMli lat 1 thaktt avka4 able investments in either the aiowa ia Svb Hitl .ilit jjai Uj sn.4 tj Takr4'itr. Itaraca sutita oa lainT ktiajat to l lutMMijr Tiara, an aoili acf aad aa Uan af shape of loans or purchase. railroad. aLeUar fnrratd by animal. cianctne or wliner puaer a Ltrb Dtaf lmjiur.tl, (aa Foot of Twentieth St. fHnantraruas, lnnauln)tei nr by said for you this week. 8x10 ; DF 4 1 FltS IX McCulloch A.. BUTCHEKS. j CHICAGO hv, Two toU ia Laka Viw AS 09 Good twrraina In Kob Hill. Lak Tiow aad HritHiU Aia4ttuoi. Tall aad trianiiiM mr W. trmmnf ta all paru ot Ux Ciljr at -- f ..l V nt t. l'--i- f aaa. Eminr fntienj oa Gnat OAr rauns fur Mat ea Uia Burnt, guod J. ' as kj tau kl-- 1 J0 A Ui ...t SUMMONS. ua 4 t4 T rr r i ft. ftarI atsiv AAiia .4 li.. - i;- . WMiy-fua- n Fi rod oeAdaoM , ot red.... room UtlU Wt oa Brora. city waur, chaip. with maJ Cteli trioot . fe-rJ sA-.r- o M Oooi WML i C'.U t - Oil bi'iiia,i Uaiuoa urn Real Estate and Invest-rr.tUroker. C A Warn. or fiOTJCE r OuwJ saj Quiary Tvcatf etcLtfe snS. rs ,f Aidi-Uus- t wT-wu- Loisa lr1.S?5KtTS. j LH.Mitchel, Ar. Wavl: Jsrfcatas. rC.L ESTATE. I tfEAL ESTATE. eak nt |