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Show OGJTOff CI )ICB "STKU OF AN ACTSESS. I :. I)Af V rflKMEOTALi WtV'TSUW, FTS!.rART Mi f atcaoaa ia aa Baby Carriages ?ut two nyUa. til woaud be BVaM a u- - cu-tWax: cvrUia va aH-f-t- a IU vmiiii 'J a U.tte'rhcai WrT tnuiaipiai ami a4 (aia aad fnaiM wn':d he tadmrr fur the jaTuoa aaTi-- t Ti7tI-aj- l, c pi (HI with BMm ' Still n&iil ' i iWX f'TT ia a Loir t v:i'i Jie wuuld cmuk- ia To -- a if aa lllhaaa Saw a h gave tbr wtrti - Sit him.w Torcu: : Ho." akd. rp-r- i ,aa abt ka4 two ? "Ia arieTed. AfVr a Hm wore oa i..'.e Yea." fni.tum Us-t- b pal, and b luukrd at r thr a baJ mri. himat-o ihr baf. a tkjj ctuJtcm htutt Brr brath qukfcW. maa, bat Uatljuaaya IwuouM" b.-- t.:i-,nlj- r - I., .i , Tbaadaurar alwaj i.;ai .iatiiiurttu Kt!a0 1' Lulod !..; I m via lu iv.. U n- Lcrry ba lurt his brad, aud tuai al . a I .'. Mi- - . proud t.l.-- j otuabbrwilb)( on uu vr.--at about it. to Urbrloaniabai.audUin-4t-Di- l f to .Wtb, 'hoot biui-- lf, .t iirm 1.1 n jump .n rnovr.1 with Kow aul then h at thr h'.orui which rhe raiatsl, and espo!-- : uiaW in a knuljr fashion with bar victim, but uxw oiVn ab hhnlgxpd her wiii:r unulil yuj.it not- to th- - uiao, ut t to b rvlf, that lu want the man who km fuluh to hboot liituacif txvauae a woiuun did hnuat-lfin l love bim, had lc:irr aho-Some nj"':i d.qrcrdlj ujh x ,f thaw aha waa a bit afraid yet ao far tuw tnet-k- , dogged w. piwutitly ifc'veloped irto bore, whirh. aho Mt. tied tin- danger. I hay daugr, It ahe rKardtd the Kiliility of lu.irnin iiuy mau but tb- riht iumi a tin tti-b- rr-jr- rt hl it-- - !- aw-.- - s.iiicr r later, iu the ourc "f . very - atUwtiou i ::iali- a n'ja.h n.lmi: him eff .rt to diamiKH or ti-aj- She argued to heix If ibat twape Hj ijflit man would IK- - imjHaJble. M'nl from i.i v other was to I rer : us, "led M windom, ari l IihiI'-i- I a f. rlune. She never went tut of her way to at he had ti n t nii 'i in the Ur t piiu-- ttu l -- r..Hil OSTT 'o, ami to tMNCM the li li.airt till- - I.i. ri'ht "l i- ieally ml not of Marias OaWatSM sli. !r.. tfi I" ., to lier work, She kept pretty c!o-- U ijoyed the foot lie;' if.", j'tlt her tu..iiey in her iuUepeii'lence, aud , thought herself a hn ky girl. Of oourHe hhe htjfl .elmirera. She that a naturil revolt af htt i"i t Kin, profi oinii. Ml uiel nttni" tioii. Slie permitted iner who lovml her vrr-taiprivilit tbey n ibt kiM her baud, come to tb thl Mre aud see brr play, nnd (five her U wts ami find iuiu erable aliont lier. nbzed. miu'ht Any ouo of Uiem slie th velop into th, rijlt r i' M nhe tr at-he never them all ootmitentioui tnir-leWMI or h1 th. ti on, and nrce i ami never Ah be MM fr.;iik wit nad a rigkt to b ..urte.. ... !r fo'.t exact! i nf'ci. manner. Md aha a'way;. v.t.. Ukiii tha three or four occasions when a nin' devotion had htirred in her a certain degree of interest she lnvd rigidly demanded time to flud out ninl to make op her mind. To find out meant to satisfy herself that the man in question and the "right man" BBt of one "identity." To Stain ap her mind meant to deride whether, ri",lit man or not. sh" would l,.iv. him! The candidat" having always failed to fttund thi tent, she had, 'liwtly -- h'' was no assnml, dismissed him promptly and d n 1 d jrently By what subtle sign of authority she would raoogolaa the right man she did not know. Ho would i big, aha was be would wire of that, and very gent aH her mentally, "umlOTetand1 her, innstci Bttiafy h. r morally ami n l' h" r '.!ivM ally. !!" w.i.ii.l bo above all bat little "art" .mil caprlcea, bnt he would admire hem; he would be too digmtVd to go down OB his knoea from not being able to help is, y. ; quite tond enough of her to do it. For her part, she would never wish it, nnd she would lie very m ek and gentle and obadiont, and ;rlad to ho so; but but, meAnwbiie ahe wm free, and of that slii' wan glad, too. BenUy, hat life was delightful; she lifted li'-white arms into her pretty lace wrapper and laughed to herself as, s t t tied for her little rest In fore re. I . c -- fcapwiie Hut. u irtdf, a rrpl tJA la- Hr. i'iiyr Wbydojoo r at oace." and la- - Kin t. rry and "How do you exp-oae to drtid.- - at oner like that, if she lora you- - I can't, and I won't yon can go." How I'i'vh tiuii' di.ou want.--' "I lon't know." "I will wail a while--" 1 won't be Mnch put .n t!Be. I don't think I shall care for you, anyhow, and even if I did you are io o ugly maybe I VNaaM nut marry. s ,.it- m a away and t me - n. I . i r tiring Her parlor was warm, and the SUlit softened ly colored shades; a bit of audalaood among the. logs sent a spicy tragvanc i.ut with 'he heat, .lie rnblied her head i!!iiong the i nshion and laoghed again to herself. It was a notion of her own. this half boor rest before retiring. For the sake of it bile C :.,;i!y i ;r.i;o home ,it oi.ee ftom the tluatrc. Going out to supier nu 1 sitting np attd ilrinking wine was stupid. baaMaa such n DQKtrsa would soon spoil her gimd looks. A warm, half boor in her own pretty room, with Ihe crack-hnof her tiro for company and her milk poach and biscuit for refreshment, were much nicer. It was nice, to feel that the comfort around her was all of bet own making, and to know herself in the midst of it to be very pretty and very sweet, and alone, in spite of the ones she could check off on her iink fingers ns at that very moment who were miserable for sight of her. As a rule, men had sought her out and made themselves as charming as they found possible and permitted; but Crag Detnmon attracted her. He was big, nndeadaMy a ganftaapao, and by natnre apparartV a tavvaga. rl-- '- - -- - vr, arf-i"-- a0 Mkmai io, catuaa.li.iaa. t aii-- ' i l; I S.Trfcl. wu. wall as tam-ra- " k loajn aa Pulni'iiiai-;Uki--o in tune anJ lis.ly sitr . K:fty h-- . I.i :.. t :n hi- - arm-- . (iKOl'EKS, J ..isoen . !. ki Catarrh Mala '. H In tl nJ, IY Will pri asrle. Dr. cvr tue aurvt east, had, or of bow kaaa druaiata. t'T u-u-u iauor and Cigar Merchants !' 8: t J a t lrvsf.S.1 4 uh fear au. Itoafafkag, 4 - ak M av h. hst ftais ajwti-- irwm fa at laf mrt, i an a. a ymm r l ftga. J rail fataTt mi m roai rmm MOaiwirfil UvM4r, 4.i Mftl ' i I I' - I ' 'A' , I! i t 11 . r '. AiJ.f l.UUh, ... I. . , - 1 sat aa iu - amamy. Ogder., Utah. OtatrikBtlnc 1 be Hi j- Sana, -i Pocatello, Idaho. Chihav. DRUGGISTS. AGKNTH WQM .IOS. WALLACE Wedding Goods, e t WHOLESALE majat li. "mmemV tun. ir a fair UraU. -. Hairfirl r - of DV Stat' if. Ijt a caiw of dtarrti vhM tla-- rauiBot cure. i Company aad BWi UD ia i.fferwl a tLe topr & 1 - a and kiesel J. litorkra aa aUjaSag aansaui' i uurdw. it BMaAaj in Ike iu.ai( mm - ..i .' "ai a. will while." During the "while" he saw a gnat deal of h. r; he . nrlasl his t. mper. wvi always giitle, alwaya devoted, mad. no effort to kis her. luilf strangled a man ut the club who suggested that ;U1 je s . re alike, uu I l.a.ked at her half the time as if he lui.sl her. sfbe ,T' W fright, ntsl and meek, and made an ' ihonstne study of his taste. ne day he upoke luiii lily to her; she cried out that In- - ntu.--t n it that ull. fed him. .' he Fred. V a. arta-i- Co; a n. iu i. ri!.-!- UmtbeftNjIish.-lieanswers- DRUGGIST. F. B, HURLBUT, Woi.kAI.B Darumou carried her afl to Eurojie. Da was BtMrag and gentle anddevoti-There was bttle trace of his savagery, i acpt in a fiercely jealous guardianship over her. Now and then be ordered her around Onoa ahe protented vehemently; lie lookod at her and answered, "Yon forbulong to me." get He Kve her all t be money she wanted, laxurht her anvtbiiiK he fancied, and upon her richly and indulging extravagances, bnt once, when she received a cheek for a story she had written, he tore the bit of paper in pieces, saying: "I will tri? yon all the money ,.n .varl! rVon't forgot!" .ih. She v.as lw;ii Her one thataght rra to plese biot, atad to phwa him made her happy. She gave up all hrr own fancies, and endeavored only to meet his moods. She kept up all of the '. PBUisbing Co., Comrr Vashiiitoa aid Ave. Twcctj-&n- Ave. SPECIALTIES: Fine Frnneh ('andiaa. H'inii M'lo Tallica, l'ure Ice I raam. Ice OfAm t.ir tie dafl euKilit-r- at ! notiea, ( Ni..'ir I.i. ria V ( 'or 2.t h and Waab-irurto- t DSAXKK8 OF The Pabsl Brewing Company's Milwaukee Beer ALL CORRESPONDENCE CIGARS. "(PEN OFFICr m Hk anteed. ! J. KIESEL & CO. F. Druggists HUB TO BE ADDRESSED TO OCR Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guar- CO., pretty petulance and caprice that had pleased him originally, bemuse someand TOILET ARIICIiS. times it amtisjd him to see her childish FINE and exacting she knew wbeu to 1' t IaroETED m Doanano though, and how to efface herself, Sh" read the pajiers faithfully, abd, by dint of stndy aud close attention to a hsW political arguinrnts within earshot of which she came she got a fair grasp Attftiidnd a, (Man tiy Mail of the principles id the party oppoaitti to TVpliVoungr, OOltEN her husliand's, and argued with bim Very mtfttl HI., BULK AND BOTTLED. n tc. 1liehetln Territory .ati.fy yooreelrea. dcNl'TT WHULK8AXK rar f.nncert 13 Xci -S. STOCK, In the Market. 1 wJL EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AND HOFBRAU, CONSTANTLY IN TOILET ARTICLES . Wash. h Finest Stoc or .I.A C-I-G-A-R- Hottl Strrct u:.der Broon Quill It A I t.U tlliA WlTl'l' M ST QMS Custom house Visiting ItCTIII. AM" DRUGGIST, yu dn-ssin- rillllill k STRATTON Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican hand CARDS ' 'nmBooadd. 2!tti WjuituntU.n Aranua. l'mcriptiiMM Careftilljr lir & Programmes sl her and said, "Will you my wife?" moat from that tune she ujarr.i-- bim. manager protested, and a good ii"l over. To the deal of money was wife the manag r said, "You are a fool: if ynii ever want to come back to let me know." CARL OPMANN'S INVITATIONS, IVifumcry ami Toilf( Articles, 0KUB8 AND IOBAO00. lx- - ed ... .t i:. .J waitn .. t'ji '.tt t . -- 1 fnifh'.- Ue'-f- . i then. alK- - ifc-- to of fvar went thmosh her bead bat k aad made an may s -- tin-sta- mim. i La.t ia hia eye . f ngbteawd her. . wt-r- v - Furniture .Dovle rt UrUal Omer n. I" fs'i.;n- fsm , J LTlUje r cte-- t w will ba made a foo! by -r Jm iu-j- buuUe a marry a uiau wb itd too h- ig 1 1 - at, his far aa if br hat -- 1 in lrr-.aai. . . ju . BaVBj ntor . r.tl curtor anroliiia- - an. i wu iia lua .. f baa L- U r bi. First Shipment of the Season Just Received. iat-.rra- Hbr felt Cpaa the rt-a i lift! net Uer wife. iia-- r he wuadd aao Mho waa aaeh old yua learn aa acta lot O r. oitirbca h JjJ be hWanl. aud ah wuaM ba -aa IM m aidu't aad Ua day to meart - ailhaha a! Ha; that aaina 191. 4. TAUNDRY" CO. The only Turkish Bath OGDEN STEAM nnaanraaBi .rtSKrt irra.a,'.tw .v,rw vvwa house in Utah is (INCORPOR ATED.) at 364 24th St., basement of Woodman-se- e O. P. HENDERSHOT, O. A. PARMELEY, block. Sec. and TreasManager. w--. now-opene- d - - well. To sui h men as be presented she Blade herself charming he liked to have Other men admire her; herself, she took no inloresi in attracting then, ami she was always a bit afraid of lieing too SUCCee. ,i! ind so annoying her hoaband. Be-li- attention from other men made be: h.iirt nche; bef hnsband loved her dearly, imt be uw not tell per ao very oftoti, and m iik i rnvs when she made mistaki he called Iter atuynd Of onunw she did make mi- take icing very anxious to please bhn, her iasUuul w.-- not always trno. There were times when he liked to Uavt Jier creep to thfl side of bis chair and push her soft hair against his face, saying nothing meanwhile, unless the little caressing breath from her lips could speech; bnt then again this annoyed kin, and he had to lie let alone. Being very fond of him, it ma hard t,i otoe near or pass him without reaching out a hand to touch hk shoulder or check, and this totted him dreadfully when lie v,i not in the mood. Also there rere times when ahti wanted him to tales her in his ur:usand be good to bar, an 1 find out luw t.he folt, or wheti ihov.'nBred tocq nnd bo inianra ble and be petted and coaxed oot of it; all this vs (thildiah and foolish, but oh, dear! how her heart adbM s v.netimcs. Hv loved her of course sho knew thai sc. there was no need that ho should tell hT so all the time; besides, be did tell her what an unfailingly attractive compani n he found bar, and iuaraisM her tai aa I KQB an-- tb way s'ta httSi hr pretty looks. Bah Wiis happy when ho wi with iiini, only hnppy when sho pleased him;' and she nsed to cry her pdlow ret very often. ' At the oopting of the child her ko-bin- d veas distimly disple ;s!Ml; whm-i- t iliel the mother grew sullen. Thoy got Iwck to America; a tetter from her old manager inclosed a contract for th I coming season. She signed, left all tor jsVala, and with her maid Emma V. started for New Orlan Sheridan. . some-times- . $500 Reward rae fir Wt will Iact of pny llio nhovft rrward wiy !" "t.. pala, SicJ nradAclie, laillyaalliaii Con- - Cnim-iamt- Rtlluiiton or I'osl.itneas m rrtanot enr wita Wes"! arsfttlatly aaalajil arcr Pllhy whan Ika rcmpllrl wiih. Th. y nro pairly Vrffrtub'r. and novm ( oatcl DoTOa. arnsf.vlioa. I.nryrl"ugar falltopivr PIUn. S3 CMta. Srware of oountrflle runtolnlna Thr ffrmilne iiianiifartured only la nrnl taaltatl.io 'illE JUUM C. Wli.T ( oMI ANV. HICAOO.lIi ,i!il THE l A. tl HALkt B. lrnsiKt. Oarit'i. t'tuh. OGDEN TRUNK FACTORY SINCE PURCHASING THE All know of the Sanitary mi I'aratiTO properties of tiiis kind of bath ran find ft?M tiling in lirtt ela stylo . at thu ibore nanirnl place. ! Ogden City Steam Laundrj Wp have addd-.- l roanj-- I). GOODHAKT. Tj. Iniproromeots to oar Fine Efinipmrnt, omploypd Expprisnced and UaaajNtaal help, nnd are now prepared to gire our patrons Prop GEO. A. LOWE, DEALEK IN k Good Service as Can be Had in lltal We intend to Lead al) CompetiUirs an Appreciatir Apiltel - Implements, Turbine Wheels, riitrines Saw Mills. Miinufartiirea the Kct Trnr.V. Hepa;rine grcmptl) attended to, Old Tmnk Taken iu t.".lll'ir.,. Order, called for aud Deliwroii to all parih of the city. Kl.IVK No. ISO n br Anu triM. irtil ,!n.. Pw h I, AOrttr, Tr, lolOf, 'MTwll. IWtw. Why ram in r CiflO. W n ,int? do can ih worit and Mr whwrtrr fM arr. Kwi be- to frrlD 'inmn iw r 't MAiiiT. A'l W allow yovbnw nd atari yow. fan worn in pr lim . I u1 mnin. ar. or all lit time, r.ijf mtrf roc ork-r, tilir.. unknown nrnt-ntbctn, Mil fl M IV Co.aRux BUsaraUr4 twt to Wfm a.M ttintrt. INPMMWi, Maine av waaw, ajaniorriMni reme-lfor Th only acje Tlarinp Martin Broa, THE ROCKY MUI XT UN Transfer Co., DRA YIN G. Is prepared to do alt kinds of BAGGAGE Lata)irineaaorWbl. I nraarribt ft aad teed pr -- AM Xo M 35th 9t. Tsls.ihoua COMP'H Ttter DOUBLE AND DEIY1XG PARTIES, MOVING OttT 9oawttri 0 KKiS. CARRIAGES BAiTOAQJg OR OPERA AND WEDli FUKNITl.RE, LADIES' CALIJXG WITH CAREFUL BRO'S & 2432 Wnshinffton J FOB DRIVERS. nd Feeding Pei artnient will be found Satisfactory in every respect COMPAN Arcniia UNCTION CITY MACHINE WORK "W. JC HOLLAND, Propritor, Practical Founder r and Machinist.- - bl 1 89 ISA n ty thl rd Wall and Llaoala. Oaalar In Steam Ktutinaa Boiler.. Pocpa, He, I will furaUh and arm BoUart, Baam aad ttaahtawr r Matt and do nr work a tae bnt nana, auaata vrk aad rvpatrtag aroapUy attaodad ta at laoa. . Furniture Moviuga Specialty. & Hie ntirc Lirery and bnalMan heretofore carried on by Mel to i ceeive orders for wa :;re prepmr-- CAUKIAGK.S y ota by prvanrtot. fee 3th St. Itear af Iled Hotel. LIVERY & FEED STABLE TTTAII. OOVK.N Gire u a trial. 2432 Washington Avonue. SINGLE smith Tools, Etc. at ia raajpasandbaj it 1 uire, Black of Work, and laaye the Quantity COREY BRO'S Ton "me, II. Hull u. t Barbed Baker St. furtinrMkATehefOrniiif 4t liiti wurfc. IW OPPM VV. Twen;y-tl.'t- Wagon Kateriil, Heavy Hard- Wiirc, Iron and Steel. Public. OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY CO Tel. 173 Road Carts. Buckboards. in Quality t |