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Show ODEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ... THE COMMEKCIAL. OGDEN. of UTAH. ta-- E..1C COtZZlX, rEEil'lit VE1KEDAT Tu Dinj ("oMacanai. riii niniaL at Ltuua Kk-hn.fia a aat Jrk to. I'll. lLa.fc tfloav - rruuiM firm, kmtmr ritOM . 1 tt I)aiiwa4 ia ta AS a aamintna Cm. L Ti-twikMn- l is a4aaea, at la abooH ha VHmemtk. ta at OfiW. I' tab. for PaaanOc CITY LIBERAL TICKET. tstiu cm mctfi. For Majar, J. W. McVCTT. THOMAS BET1V. For F ColWtw. KU'HABD T. Fur Traaaarar. W. T. IIELFRUO. For Manaal. i. W. MKTl'ALK Imrte, u Out ai-u- Hril .a Fint tri ('oanriLmra : Jaha MeMaaia. Jaatica. Tbo W (Vcucul wand. K. Ward-Coaaeil- aad Dr. II. X. C Laadjr aa4 FitararaltL' H. H. Bpaacrr (itint. Jaalka, time Third Ward 'voari'jBo : fraali A. aad Bobart Shaw. Jaaur. A. (". Kavill. Fourth aaa J. : Wart-CoaaeU- mra R. Elliott. Fifth Vat. Uareomba. U tok K. M. AUiauo. Joetira, Val (lidaoa. E A. Ewd aiut Jiutiea. T. A. WluUea. THE NUPTIALS. An intwaited publio will doubtlma be wed to fenro that a alio in hih lif took plat ia On'deo Moods nitfht The high contracting partiea ara well known in tha bon ton circles of the city. The blushing bride, over wboae fair hoad forty futnmera have passed, baa been resident here ever ainoa ti.ia beautiful The city waa a straggling hamlet. handsome bridegroom ha only boen a resident of the city about ten daya. But so voloanio at first eight waa the passionate love engendered between the parties now united by the nupital tie that nothing could keep them apart Each waa magnotized by the attractions Each yielded spontaneof the other. ously to the reaiatloes hypnotism of the other. Each melted at the other's fiance. Eostacy! Rapture! Yum, yuml No, nothing could keep them apart With a wild, frantic rush tbey embraced again and again. So ardent was their courtship that objections to their formal anion gave way before the urgent necessity of a speedy marriage, in ordor to avoid derogatory remarks. The bride waa attired in blushes, etc. The groom waa richly dressed in an elegant costume composed of StandanU and Unions, lovingly entwined. The ceremony waa performed beneath an im mense Ring which wai intended to be symbolic of a topic they had frequently talked upon during their brief but or dent caurtship, and the institution they bad organized. The recherche bride, Miss Mormon People's Tarty, waa attended by hor two beautiful bridesmaids, FrankioC. An- non and Tede Dee. T'-groom, Aunty Ring Citizens' Party, was attended by a coterie of admiring friends. Each wore a chain with the magic u umber 13 in a Jlmg. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. Idge Ley, who tied tho knot wirh great celerity. It waa noted by the guests present that the service waa full of tho most touching and tender solicitude for the bride. The only thing that occurred to mar the happiness of the evening was the fainting of Mr. Eff Jay, who keeled over with excessive joy. The relative size of the bride and groom was very noticeable. She was large and robust. lie was consumptive and weakly. After receiving the congratulations of their friends, the happy couple started on their wedding tour up Salt creek. Latxr: Since the above was writtsa, ws regret to lears that both brids aad (room are dangerously sick. Competent saedical authority states that while everything possible is being done to prolong their lives, the disease ia of suck a sature that they cannot possibly live longer than next Monday. This will be sad news to the friends of tke wedded couple. How sad that tke honeymoon tho a Id he so short! jlJ e A BUSINESS PROPOSITION. In those columns during tha past fortnight the idea haa been repeatedly urged that the material interests of Ogden dstnand a continuation of the Liberal party's administration. To anyone at all informed as to the aistory of the city during tha past few years, no great amount of argument is at all necessary in support of this theory. Those who know anything about the facta of tha case know even though some of them would not openly acknowledge the truth that all of tha forces which have been brought to bear to rescue OgcUn from the condition of a country Uwn and to sleepy, place her in the line of march among profrreasive, wideawake cities have been brought about only ainoe tha city pissed from Mormon to Gentile rule. ' In other words, the Liberal party haa jnada Ogden the lire, prosperous and ' Lki fcLa imi irlU k tu vjVs Ujoc, plafbr at the LJ f.l. All U our oManitstrlMl ktreU are I'Uh'i to- day in a very aatuartofy cooLuur. Koal eelai. so fctaiu.te a not to ka any 'bousa' foat urs abott it. ia in a very LekJiiy aiiJ pruciufci&g euoJiUun. Ia tLia braoeb we aLail turn mutlrous activity and aneiampied impruvtraect durug tLe See fit to abow coating yr-ul- ss tbe worU that we are so dad to our so tnintrliigot in owa ixitrt a&attars perUinicg to tLe vital intorU U hk-tbe city as to sarrwwkf the we have fought eo bard to aoquu-by taming the affairs of the city back, wholly or partially, into the hands of the PeopU's party. If we do this, farewell to all hope of securing aid from theout-aul- e world in budding up the city. If we do tfcta, we deliberately elug the heels of prugreas. and invite a business stagnation from wLkh tie city may never recover. If we do this, 0;den real estate will go begging and it ought to. Tbeae farts are understuud and apprebusiness men. Tus ciated by our CoMMimntL will cil one casein point and it is only one of many. A certain well known Ogdeo business man has ejoie very doairable business property hit h he can sell at any time op to the coming election day for f 1 l.OUU. lie will not sbll at this figure, as be holds it at 1.VM. But he stands ready at any hour to make a contract to tell the prop erty at the latter price in cane the Liberal ticket be elected neit Monday, or to sell it st 10,000 in the event of the Liberal ticket being defeated at that election. Anyone who is interested in getting full particulars concerning this proposition will be accommodated on application at Tl'rCom mkx ial business ad ta. at tba (KaWnrf 11-- U M paHUthea k.y ji.r I mmm i4 V if L where promising city which aha ia today, and k fires her start which bids fair gl h Ut office. W, Mr. Lite Itgeraj'Sa frjeiLioesa to ul is otiljr rua: hi ui TL eos-siatc- di-v- - Xaailr Taas- Isir-lLit ;ios by Tans ...cm ivw f ur catching s bk-xu-- GKMD OPEBA HOUSE r if t ie t hs .;! i!tr-Un- a liikf , rxjJr aa tz-io- n n Urely tLrtxfa Lis t LOWS k Pli!UiP$ afti KeUaJL now iM lie LvU Bijjt-.-- i bst ti-ueJ" uetirw. the y ts il trap tLey probI r guar J ia f- -t are. At one i i. ably be are Lir-.Cooo citiras all over of l dm warvbucae in the ' MA i HI PIT in tLe rtu!t dOlett'stW-tKK- i l auVurg b Gtrmaia tbt-rbad Ua, I jT several weka past a it 6eit Mjtiday. Ani 'i citii 1 , tsTUit-- will see to it ttat Aark- cutuU-- r of i i.ll nra committed, and sJik-tew was atch t'je by tui'!i kpt vt aaLamed be result. mA lh brd Un it had been impoudtle t Sale of Scats Begins Thursday Morning- the mirf. In the luajoruytt as a of tneaBS lijrMicg en- - the ui.ki iiva Eurrkirmr took away shophUr TKa of the season. A sucoee uorratWeola-Licb is aaiaes is a recent suggestion and costly inatitkw ex- First time here. TLe noveltv vita Liu Xe Hcmact j Cooiique. Opera rwceiivicg coAtklerable attectiou of Ut. posed for Mile on dammit in the ahep, Lis time fi r operating so well Tbta method woud reuuc to a minremairt-- a mystery. Uiat Lis of life from imum tba danger of The jjIio were at teiigth appealed to, This is an experiment sbich should be tried, ia the interests of hu- and in crlrr to catch the rogue one or two afent were, at the tn;rgeation of a a manity, and if the mine oaners wll not teem her of the force, ordered to substi Presented by adopt the plan of their owa volition tute iheiiiK-lvtfor the dummies or tbey should be forced into it. It would ratLer. to tide themselves inside their save hundreds of lives, and that fact is a wire work fnunea. It waa not long be claim sufficiently urgent to compel the fore the plan succeeded. A day or two since, jat as a richly trimmed mantle introduction of the reform. tba oririaal enatumo acd emarr tht rharartwlaod itiroaof SB aichtaav Pahuv'a waa beinj cleverly removed from the tlirau-r-With . S. . Tlrast iurltuh's: Mark h'uiiiu. K. E. OraJaaa. LmWarraa. Tlxa. H. shouldi rs of a dummy, the individual V. A. lluaa'd. Uauetiiibm. iiro. M. t rr. Jut. buLrru, Maatia Cdrttt, August jUttiwa, tuith Alma IWni,.ot. Aomeau4 orcLwtra ruadurtMi by tleraiaa FarleC THE PROBLEM BEFOITE TS. maed in the act felt himself grasptsl Neat, (LVLM farqut-tu- i and stromr of a $l.iu, anus, itakucy flM, "x. and Sue. UaUerr Ke. Draia t'lrcla. LOO. pair by tightly The Mormons, held a prisoner. The shoplifter's fright Ekitos Coumjx-i.vl- : Caiv? of Scenei"y Eirccts! at was expected, have at last unmasked. at fi.iJ.nj the dummy to be, co to y, by the endorsement of the eo called inhabited, was so groat that it deprived The Largest Comic-Oper- a Organization ever taken i Liiii of tx-'- and action, nnd he made Citieus' ticket" Rockies. taken the across l to escaps from the constable's The success of that ticket meaus, of no I course, to the outni le world (and, for grip or to explain axcy las conduct i i the matter of that, to all seutible people He is r.ow lodfid in prison, and on any riiTTTTi kind future thievii'g expedition here and elMwhere, the triumph of the Mora ns over the Liberals, through the he will proliab'.y be suspicious of dum atmorption of an element which has mies. Loudon btandard. apostatised twice first from the Morits own vomit mons, afterwards jir-winI'uatltall an tba Iloarerr. and apostatising fvm the Liberals. Ia a chop window on tha Dowery i a Other elements enter into this comb- most rcalistio and exciting n?;r.'s.-!itaination notiibly "boy preachers," snakes tion of the footb:Jl who rting the hands that feed theai, tuateli. Tlie back of t!ia window i t covdisgruntled politicians, parasituH, ! ered with a strip of canvas painted to lunatics, etc 1 with fiile a mind stind pc Should this motley combination by represent any chance eucceod, what will be the pi?, and the floor of tho window u Fpre.; J The result? The ouUide real estate buyer, with CTeea stall to represent wlo is now closely watching the result players are dalls dressed in the appropriof this battle, will remain away; Oden ate costumes and colors of tha players. Its equal has not yet been produced. is set Uick ten years; some of our most and a lot of them are imvwed on of a top No prizes required to sell t enterprising business men will wind up small football ia tho center of the field. their affairs berc; one half of tho businames Tho of and the their poplr.yers ness houses will be empty; the rents on is sold STRICTLY ON ITS OWN MERITS- balance will not pay the taxea and in- sitions are ported at the side, with the announcement teams two have that thejo surance, and Ogden will have killed the It is OUR OWN MANUFACTURE and every can U at goose which laid the golden egg, and been engaged to play an exhibition game will resume her sleep, and dream away a for the delectation of the employes of absolutely guaranteed. monotonous distance, and "I will turn tho firm making the display. d Gentilea out on grass!" Thus the d It would interesting to hear Capt. Try it once and you will use no othe. saith the Lord, (B. Young.) Second Poe and Ililfback McClung's remarks if Book of Revelations. Now, take your they heard they were advertised to play choice! before the cutters and of a Bow Common Sesk. wii-- vo be r g fra-U-- ! 111 A-r- iatrtd t k , MONDAY V.--- SMe-air- - n o p xm uui TUESDAY WEDNESDAY s l, u, s te dim-ove- I ic-;- 1 li r jt ks 1 a THE W. J. (MORE OPERA COMPANY. V Two Siecial f-- and jj a'.U-uip- ' Taih 8 r niTomi a tiatpi rnrrvAT LATM1 OMNOATlUlN - Vale-Princet- mporial s, Powder Baking gni-ss- . This plain business proposition clearly illustrates the attitude of our best busi ness men on the question of a possible change of policy which, even if it were not known to be fatal to the city's prosperity and hope for the future, must of necessity be no 1ms than a very danger- nus experiment Citizens of Ogden: Loyalty to your city's welfare, no less than common business prudence, demands that you see to t it that the result of former battles be not thrown away. hard-fough- it-I- 1 bat-ter- Ogdea, Feb. It is getting interesting. s ery clothing store. Xevr York Evening 3, 1891. Bun. continuation AMUSEMENTS. of progress Uraham, as Don Bamboula, was "Politics makes strange bedfellows," the great favorite. His creation of this it is said. Possibly Rev. J. W. Hill and caracter is extremely funny. Especially line is his work at the close of the second Mr. Frank Cannon can speak from ex act. perience upon the matter. The choru es and tl e dancing wore very pretty. Mr. Oilmore's company hue Tue guillotine is a barbarous engine woa ninny friends in Ogden nud will un0? justice, but it furnished too comforta doubtedly play to large business on its trip. The same opera holds the ble a death for the, fiend Eyraud, who return boards tonight and will play to n large was executed in Paris yesterday. house. To thoroughly enjoy "The Sea King" one must see it at least twice, as Tux Union Pacitto engineers' head the pretty airs grow prettier and the ludicrous part more ludicrous on repequarters at Salt Lake City have been tition. abolished. It is yet to be decided when The Klrmcss. the spur connecting that city with will be given to a large Kirmess" "The Odeu will be taken up. and fashionable audience at the Grand Minister Phelps asserts that "the next Saturday night It is well that German government ia not afraid of people should take hold of the matter American cooked pork, but only of the enthusiastically, as it is given in behalf uncooked article." We have never of the Publio Library fund, and that is in which every citizon of Ogden asked the German government to eat ais oause interested. The young ladies and our pork 'raw. gentlemen who are to take part id the entertainment are hard at work and Tbi railroad men are said to be nearly they will surely make a success of it olid for the straight Liberal ticket "Ole Olesen" Kut Week. "We are not in the market for sale," new Swedish dialect play, "Ole The said one. Another declared: "We have will be at The Grand on the Oleeon," fought the battle once, and don't pro12th inst The 'following is pose to surrender what we won to 'our 11th and t: from the St Louis political foes."; There may not be many Swedes in St is to say that a very Trb Stanley enthusiasm seems to be Louis, but it safe proportion of them were at Pope's large dying out in the east The great African yesterday ofternoon and evening. The explorer's jaunt in Africa was mainly an occasion was the initial production in St Louis of "Ole Oleeon," the Swedish enterprise for personal gain and comedy. The r ame of and it is difficult to give dialect character the play has attracted considerable curisensible reason mankind ahould any why osity, but to all questions the only explanation was that it is the latest novelty in dify him over his achievement comedy. Further curiosity brought two audiences to Pope's yesterday, and ExFKRiMKirra thus far made with large the verdict was that the claim to' novKoch's lymph hardly support the elty has a good foundation. The Swedish dialect is something entirely outside promises made for it when it of any that has ever been heard, and it was first heralded to a suffering world is pleasing, too. The play is also laid in with such flourish of trumpets. Profes- lines to some extent and being drawn sor Koch's name must go down in history in a clever manner and telling an interas that of either a great benefactor or a esting and not an every day story, it too, is a novelty. The central figure is that f rand quack. of Ole Oleeon, just over. His make-up- s and costumes are very "musing. The Mr. Robert L. If, as is widely reported, President Eart ia in the hands of and he does it to the appreciation Harrison is opposed to the tree ooingage of the audience as a whole, and paiticu-larl- y bill, it would be a wise plan if a to the Swedish portion. His songs majority could be mustered in and recitations are of an entertaining congress to pass the bill over his head. character. Tha soubrette part is anothIf the question be not settled before- er splendid one, the best of the play, as taken by Mario Heath. She is hand, this silver matter will undoubt- really, a very clever little woman, and has a edly cut quite a figure in the next pres- character song, "Won't You Come Out idential campaign, and in that event it and Play?" which takes an audience at the start Sadie Connelly haa several will be the west affainat the Irish songs and dances, which add considerably to the entertainment and she Bob Ingbrsou. may be a little off in does them very well indeed. Miss Belle his religious oreed, but his head is Barron has but little to do, but does it A. W. Fremont is a vilpretty level on almost every other subject satisfactorily. lainous villain, and the rest of the cast is with which he grapples. He is a capable. . good friend of silver, aa is shown in ad Dr. TTanlAv'a Plntrliah DanfiaKftn Timu expression of his views on that subject urea indigestion and constipation ana in tha ButU (Mont) Miner. In this mat lonon us us aura aysMsn. class. Globe-Democra- two-thir- gold-bug- - UTAH GROCERY AND COMMISSION CO. A Hoaater Toning Fork. While walking along the new elevated tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad, as a Tar 8ra Klnr." and success. The second night of "The Sea King" truin paa&d over it at a fair rate of peed, the steel work rjave forth a disengagement received a considerably tinct musical sound, as though a great is on a the mar Mokey reported drug larger attendance than the previous violoncello were stretched from Henderket In the east evening. The company was in good son to Monmouth streets. There waa no shnpe and pleased the audience, as on tremble or iar. or click at tlia rail Sninta. Whkti the returns aro all in it will be the previous evening. Indeed, tho sound did not come from the Miss Warren, as Dolores, was in good rails, but from tho steel found that Oadon is still on top. girders and pil voice, and hor solos were all good, espe lars, and continued until the locomotive "The Old, Old Story," and "Come, Evert succeeding day in the cam I cially Oh Come, My Love," in the first act. had struck tho solid ground six blocks above. The sound ii an octave above paign bringa brighter praopecte fpr the Mark bmitu, as tne bea rung, wiia in the deep bass of Niagara faEs. better voice than on Monday evening. Liberal psrty. With a long vestibule train the effect His acting and singing were of a high Wkwats 4, 1591. will be startling. I venture to that the dwellers along the line will not complain of the noise of the passing trains, for, though 6omewhat loud, it is yet harmoniously musical. Hence it will not disturb anybody. Philadelphia Bulletin. Hard PntiUhraent. Curt Abel, retired corporal in the Wurteuuwrg contingent of tho German army, has been condemned to fourteen days' arrest by a court martial in Freiburg. AlieFs offense was that he exposed tho abuses practiced by German officers on German privates, and enumerated in several sensational pam phlets ca33 in which soldiers had been beaten, burned with cigars, and cut with knives by lieutenants in command of them. The ostensible reason of his puuishmeut, however, was that he had observed these abuses without reporting them. Abel's trial and sentence have aroused much indignation in all the German Liberal dailies which consider bis treatment a matter of aimon pure intimidaUoD. Berlin Letter. Marriage at Sight. Robert H. Mitchell, of St Joseph, Mo., recently advertised for a wife. Miss Alice V. Cammer, of Pennsylvania, a guest of relatives at Clay City, an swered. He lost no time in reaching Clay. City, and found Miss Cammer young,' handsome and of excellent social standing. He bad brought with turn satisfactory reference. A license was procured, and the two were married at once. Tbey left for their borne in St Joseph, followed by a hundred or more Clay City people, who wished them welL Mr. Mitchell i3 a school teacher. Braxil (Ind.) Cor. Chicago later-Ocea- 2300 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Launto Troy Steam GEO, A. CRAIG, MG' 37 25th St., Telephone 107- Only Laundry using: soap especially made fo wool goods. All wool goods washed by hand. THE OGDEN CRACKER CO. (INCORPORATED.) Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCY CRACKERS. Factorv in Rear of Central Hotel 25th St. P. O. Box 368. THE OGDEN. W. F. PRICE, Manager, CRACKER - CO., ' Ogden, Utah. n. u last of the Hutchinson Family. . John W. Hutchinson, of the celebrated Hutchinson family of singers, observed the seventieth anniversary of his birth Monday by a reception from 4 to 10 p. m. at Lynn. Four generations were represented, and many prominent people Mr. sent letters of congratulation. Hutchinson, with his sister, Mrs. Abbie Hutchinson Patton, of New York, the sole survivors of the quartet, received the guests, who included prominent people of Lynn, Boston, Salem and New York. Boston Journal. Famishing Honaa Slang. Howsomdever Did old Duste distribute any New Year's presents? Dashhard Poo re Yes, he distributed various portions of men's outfitting. He gave Charley the sack, he collared Harry and ruffed him, fend he gave me a boot Only pants wero left for Billy. Jewelers' Circular. His Baby Drasa. The infant son ftf Gardner TL Downs. of Gtovrland, was photographed latt-lin a uresa worm ay tor whona ha ia named, earhr 7 yeata . 0a Psabodv Press, HARDWARE COMPANY. Groat-Craadratk- y niagroM-granuratiie- r, 2345 Washington Ayenue. |