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Show OtfUKX D.MJA' f.,OVi..!Ks:'!AL:"V?:i)XrS!AV. CkMLUtsiE, Cut. Jacuar; "L. Rt I b; trj i, br-Uf- l. t S.t jLk.-:ie- CaJ Jal ecKiiiijQer a&J H. the eoe?y, bcuthrof Lbegretl R-L- "i L tiLtv a .r.v-i- . iAi: Ti old f rivals at trxjeo f t"-- itmi- 0 Ut uUejisr (jf IbtrMk', V L h Late eiiil by Caries are ' iufijrs. SK-ta-'- i Lere of tie lu.rua.t and fntiikd by lb l.iu-u- ;i U.- rasa tx-i- l e uf tLe lis r ILvrr utserteni." ys TL Jlot is in eL4'i of F. E. IYmmi EL-m- Pwi 4, 1S91. 1 ' 1 l FrXniWltY il J C-t- y Taaee featiexea are rjo VU as Mr. (JUUert. biieily euipioyed ' FANCY AND STAPLl GROCERIES. rtulti) THY Lksit of Expm Hi err. On acoic;ixt ( the lrg Ucrit-rcor by the city of Oy iea, the Wn of capit&Lat. luw ulaat gecufreiiuaaaer t riy A 1JOX KRS y wl Karsro, iVewrr & LLav 1 j aiid Px-it- i(i.-irJ- ti burn cucipljnd LiiraseoicpaUM in nuiLia SJ(,J JU M W txt ust to !kb.ih tbe Uciiu to frt ihg frojet adrarUdta tba Valley, ilel.verj maiLrrs wttbia the triprvtm Cjticb City and O dea. TLe proj--tuaUvid UjujJJ as fluaa, viz: nad fxhdert ar baaty printl aa i Urniury ut Taeaty-tir- t ii mg at tLe eon aid Both tLe method and results when uoUin Biuoh asaf ol aai prfUaect bkx-ktMi.t t.i v Wai); rutnuijf UkM as bk-kSwa trudiat, u Sjrop of Figt ia taken; it ia pfcnaaa they Mddmc: tLne tcuth two will be, ia all tfe fcsrUie suitUe Tcty-lLird- ; a two blui-k- s to and refreshing to U taste, ana acu ftr the purpose, no doubt they will tLooe iMjtb fvKir 14oi ks U rect'y on tha Kidneja, Vuicry; jet promjt! bring' "gTit to tiie mi! I." aod a large LUx tbrtK t Liver cleanse the era- and Boacla, of poulatkiB to this ceihborLajd, to JiLdisoa; tbenoe mlh lhrt!. ks u bead-ache- a eohla, ahicb mcaaseakaocmi traJe f jr t,den. ThirtktfUi; thecc en bk k to Wa'd; tea effectoally, tliptls haLitual cure aud Thd fiaieiiinj toat&ea are btiaz and icrera Ut bkteks north nine of the great arsieai of canal wee, uf lixr cxmUrtkia Permjuaently. For sale the Si J opeca Fa ia a Co. sprla-Ricr,kcjui80su Wilu in iAC and c 1 boiuea oj au arugisu. Drxvt.a k Uio (iCaxde Fju Co. tat artilL-ia-l rivw will oe t ia i a and the .aofefaruiatiun ol the tall-- y CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. liy I W. afLt. kectia. gtt rtucisco. cat, 1; U urvk'rstxxl that arranjrpmejite Uy Ki. JiJiuaun. ireat. ran. lommt. tt. Kkvs already been tuuio for ouljcii at various duLrablo po.ut on tlie tracts of TLe I'avis tutw.t Ce. SACKED 11KAET ACADEMY. land ajjioent to Cjriane, sd1 many HcLt-XA- , settlers are already iuvest-iug- . Mjnt, FfU Z Cbier Justice Tb vacant etorwa aod retfiduooe Bluke tJay on apohcalioa of Henry A. 0den, Ttah. Coudurted hy the Skter are fast fjiiins up and the city is Root, roatestiut f the Davis uiillioM. of the HIy Crs. the old lime looa: of grcnud a aril jrf pnuibitiou .a t'ie and day school I a Loardinjr diktriet court of Silver lkmv aud devoted to the education of prosrTy. W. young IIjo, J. Guthrie, our may-ir- , who a writ of mandamus un JuUsc.'ii.ty M. Chat-tii- n tndiea and little In addition to a girl has bs3 eo faithful in the behalf uf returodbie Umrrow. It is li!i-jCorinue'a prosperous f uture, baa several the lury in likva.ly draan and both jury thorough priu.'tir;d toiglkh course and in Latin, cUs9 rhort-hantype carpenters aud paiutera euinloyed in and judfe'e are prejudiced. d are conducted writiug and puttinj; his building? in ci-- e bhape. after the laUt approved niethodA to be The cinal company i Sarah Gettiu; Fat. t reiK'h and uerman are optional studies. eo the point of eetabhslriig a model Besides the elements of drawing which New Vobk. Fe!. 2. Sarah Bombardt farm on the style of the celebrated "Windaar" farm, near Denver. This arrived on the Li Champagne today. An are taught in all the damnes, private will be ia the immediate neighborhood pupils in the studio receive instruction pflper says: "Jokes about Sarah incrayou, pastel, painting in oil and of Corinne, near the Southern Pacitic evening Bttrnbardt'a thinness are no loncer in water colors, on China siih, satin and railroad line and oonvenitiit tor ship- order. Surth is verj-- near to being fat velvet ment of produce. is crrtain she is hamlHomer thau In the musical department lessons are It quite Ilia Southern Pacific railroad com-i- she ever was before. Bernhardt brought given in vocal music, and on piano, harp, is tutting acd shipping for storage one hundred and seven trunks and ten guitar, organ, violin, mandolin and in Oden hfty carloads of Bear River zither. Special clasnee in art, music, pieces of baggage." ioe. fancy work, tc, have been formed for A eood deal of land has bean broken ilimlua. up and put in fall wheat, or destined The lane of Judje Frier, Who .Suf- ladies residing in the city. For further particulars apply to Sister fered Thiity Years. inestaiinii :er lucerne and otbr in igabie crops in Superior, Ogden. Utah. Sai.f-- , Or, April 10. Bprinz, several hundred acres beiug ticket tit be and sail o treaiea on me vtg raucn oi ur. I hereby certify that I have been Special Notice, U. N. Q. k x aud wei PI to?he, south of the city, and the new troubled with a disease of the stomach ' liuut ti f buildings put up there make it look a and kidneys for the lust thirty years Oodek, Utah, Ja ' '. 199L liegi-meu- t, mond t mimUure villiaga. and that after using four boxes of the Headquarters A Company, Chaa. Carson has a large form of car- Oregon Kidney Tea I have found great Utah National Guard. All members of the Utah National penters and scrapers employed putting oenetit and relief from it Guards ore hereby commanded to up the road bridges over the cannL A. R. Fbieb, The two great iron aqueducts ovor the at the armory, 2401.' Washington Late County Judge of Polk County. Malad river north and west of Corrine, uvenue, on Wednesday, February 4th, whick cost 1100,000, ars up, and the at 7 o'clock, in full uniform, for the Working Men, Attemiou. painters are at work thereon. purpose of transacting important bu A be 1L M. J arris has taken on lease one ot grand indignation meeting will Absentees without excuso subject on the dwelling house belonging to J. W. held Saturduy evening. Feb. 7, 1901, to tine. By com run ad of Peik-iva- l Guthrie and moves his family hero next to take some action on the proceedings J. Babratt, week from Helena, Mont, where, until of the late convention. All members of Colonel Commanding 1st Ileginient U. X. G. ately, he mana ged the local office of the the different trades unions and all other Jarvis-ConkliMortgage Trust Co, of workingmen are cordially invited to atAunoaneeinent. . tend, at the hall over Wagner's beer Kansas City. The Commercial ahows up hero every hnli, 2158 Washington avenue. The public is informed that Richey's Come one and all as all are interested. day with quite a "bundle," bat if some parlors are fully equipped undertaking Commit-ta. arrangements could be made to send it with a largo and select stock ot burial on the early freight train leaving Ogden cares and caskets. A full line of ladies' Sacred Heart Academy. at 7:30 a. m the circulation would ingents' and children's robes. All calls crease. Corikke. The examination at the promptly attended to day or night Sacred Heart academy in Ovdun, closed Take It Before Breakfast. January 30. Very gratifying progress FINANCE AND COMMERCE. The grW appetizer, tonio and liver was shown in the several departments spetitio for liver of the institution. A new session for regulatori) PomV-vKaw York Money. will begin complain f Bad taste in tue mouth on both boarding aud day pupils New Vrit. Feb. 3. Koaer mU mit. on Tuesday, February 3d., at which time in dull inlho the morning, pains arising eloo offered at 3. Prime uiercotil head sad lack of the eyes, tired feeling, the management would be pleased to tMlii : Stf Hinir xc1ikii. easier. paper, Kixtr- bi:i demand HMXi MM; Hw dizziness symptoms of liver complaint see a prompt attendance. 4r tilrer H.03. Remedy Dr. Henley's English DandelThe Worlu Enriches. ion Tonio. Get the genuine from your Bonda The facilities of the present day for the druggist for 11, aud take aooording to KxwTotx, Feb. 3. Ooverameat beatbeleeta directions. conof aa fuUowR ; production everything that will 1 duce to the material welfare and comfort U. S. 4' ret'd Will be Gi?ea Away. jr. B. Vi't eoopoa .1ICS TJ. 8. 4'e rapn....lJft i Pacific lie mankind of almost are unlimited and U. A S. H. lor. Our enterprising '!sret'd druggist Walker, wko carries tha finest stock of when Syrup of Figs was first produced toilet articles, brushes, the world was enriched with the only Copper, Lead and Tin. drugs, perfumes, eponges, eta, is giving away a large num- perfect laxative known, as it is the only Nsw Tori. Th itairnant; Lake celePebruarr $14. $U..)fl. Lead, nominxl. Domeetie, ber of trial bottles of Dr. Miles' rewhich is and M.STH ; Ill'.fO. truly pleasing Platei; Ti, firinr; Strain, brated Restorative Nervine. He guar- remedy antees it to cure headache, dizziness, freshing to the taste and prompt and nervous prostration, sleeplessness, the ill effectual to cleanse the system gently in OGDEN MARKET EEPOIiT. effects of spirits, tobacco, coffee, etc. the time or, in fact, at any time Spring seller the it greatest is, Druggists say and the better it is known the more popWholesale Prices. they ever knew, and is universally satisalso He guarantees Dr. Miles' ular it becomes. factory. Corrected daily by Giber & Rmnrthwaite, New Heart Cure 1c all canes of nervous wliolesole produco dealer, 2383 Wmnhuiton or organic heart disease, palpitation, pain UNION PACIFIC CHANGE?. Utah, in side, smothering, etc. Pine book on Dnying. Grain. Srllinj. "Nervous and Heart Diseases" free. Mr. BoziuCSteps Down New Traffic Whoat, newtraNo. 1 mill- $ M jicr iu, 1 HO cwt.. Oats, unckcil. Wisdom's Robertine is the only prepArrangement. Barley. brewinK. No. aration now used by fashinable ladies to 1 36 2. cwt. The appointmeat of per Omaha, Feb. Barley, brewing. No. t perpetuate a beautiful complexion. Ask V. G. to C. 1 succeed E. Smeed as 21 Bogus lrcwtfeed, your druggist for it and do not be in" I 3& chief engineer of the Union Pacific, pre- Barley, duced to take anything else. " 14 Barley, cliopped eastern ." was Corn, a few days ago, dicted f 11 TS officially " To meet frequent calls for mining el Corn, chopped announced today. FLorB. blanks, The Commercial has printed and ' " 2 SR has on hand for sale the following: Notice Beginning today a new subdivision is Hitfh patent " t 10 of location of mining claim, proof of established on the mountain division of Straight grl " 1 1 90 Q $2 00 roes Other " labor performed, power ot attorney to the Union Pacific for passenger traflic Ctirn meal 1 2S locate and sell and mining deed. only. Trains will be run bet ween Poca-tell'- o Rolled Oats, per bbl.. IB M and Salt Lake instead of the former Bran and Shoru " Hat. as heretofore. and The Ogden point Cheap T Lots. road between Pocatollo and Oden was Timothy, str'bt per"t'a 14 00 U 60 Cheapest lots in Ogden, 5 tfer month. changed to standard gauge recently and Timotliy, m'xd " 11 60 Red New house and lot fGOO, in payments; the in trains is made for the Wild Top 10 60 " bhangs A. J. Ckopset, also house for rent. " 1H accommodation 'of Salt Lake people. Lucerne Five Pointe,Ogden, Utah. traffic will be conducted as Peodccc. The ilnt J ENJOYS T1Y Try my JAVA & MOCHA Coffee. A fine UneofTLAS. Fanc' and liain Toilet Soaps, Fancy Candles. e. Florida Water. Kuirlf Colo-n- Grand Optra Hoose UuiUinjr Waliinrtoa Avenne. CRACK- - Uay A 1JOX Fine Cantlk-t-. E. FRTEDERICH. . s s tit-Id-a tLt-ao- o ta 10-l- wt liic A' Profitable Investment! Bi-j'- A.T ai!. ;l Uxk-keepiA- ed dt ii -- Do not fail to supply your wants while you have so favorable an opportunity offered you REMEMBER that our CLEARANCE SALE will last but a limited time. Just take a good look at our SHOW WINDOWS and notice the tempting prices, mar ked in plain figures. THEY Sl'EAK for THEMSELVES. Our Winter Overcoats and Ulsters, Winter Clothing and Underwear, MUST BE DISPOSED OF by the close of the season, REGARDLESS OF COST. Boys' and Children's Winter Clothing, for ages 4 to 13 years, at a Sacrifice. Blankets at Cost! us, The semi-annu- k Clothiers, Leading 2431 op-pe- ar n MODERATE OUTLAY! A. COL and Manufacturers Importers. & 2433 Washington Avenue, Ogden. "God'i bWflinjy to mankind," my thousands who have beon cured by the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Sold everywhere A Famous Woman And what eheeaya of a famoua article. A clear, concise, cunwieutiouH wrtilicnte: mm TmriATiTrtTin Mr. WWom-Donr- Sir: Ibeftothunk you for the delightful and tcfroahini; "itobertine" you so kindly tent nie. 1 rtrtrl TnVklAnn have used the toilet preparation of the most celebrated manufacturer of Lon don and Paris, but consider your MItob ertine" their superior in point of purity ana excellence. W muing you the unbounded success you deserve, I remain lmma abbott, Tfianiuuy yours. e til Milwaukee it freight . , Great Week -- before. at tie Koveltj. ' .. . . - - . . i Ladies. Monday evening there will be the best 'and largest vaudeville entertainment at You are invited to call and see the new the Novelty that has been spread at that designs in Embroideries. . ..." x S. J. Bcbt ife Baos. popular place of amusement. The Erie J, i will star combination, appear Sisters, all with thirty three picked star artists. Miles Nerve and Liver Pills Everybody should visit the novelty the ' Act on new a principle regulating the coming week. liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Milee' Ladies. Pills cure billiousness, bud speedily to Mrs. Voorhios is now ready give les ons in art needle work, drawn work, taste, torpidforliver, pilos, constipation. men, women, children. Roman embroidery, cappurl work and Unequaled mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25 lace making. A new stock of stamping Smallest, cents. Samples free at il. A. Walker. patterns and lr.co patterns just received. Oeden done Department Stamping Wisdom's Violet Cretin . f and Ptore 2302 corner Twenty-thir- d" 13 the most exquisite preparation in 1 avenue. Washington the world for softening and whitening the hands and face. It is not only a Dyspepsia, substitute for, but in every respect suThat nightmare of man's esistct.ee perior to glyceririo, cold cream, vaseline, which makes food a mockery and and like preparations. Try it banishes sleep from weary eyes, readily We have lots on Harrison avenue, beyields to the potoDt intluenoe ot the celand Twenty-thir- d ebrated English Dandelion Tonic It tween Twenty-secon- d tones up the digestive organs,, restores streets, 50 by 132 feet, that we w ill sell the appetite, makes assimilation ot food for $450, on easy terms, for one week possible and invigorates the whole sys- only. Call and see about them. tem. Ogden druggists toll it at fl per Magctre & Campbell, 2472 Washington avenue. bottle. ' Money to Loan! Dr. J. M. Armstrong has removed his Diamonds. Watches, reridence from 2173 Adams a venae, to Money to loan on Jewelry, etc Unredeemed pledger for 726 Twenty-thir- d striet, (between MadKV. ison and ale cheap. 3M aadSUG, Twenty-fiftUoncoa.) ; I ?' i t i i f i i . h ii' . X Batter, best, per lib.. ' Butter, Utah, Kks. icr dot " Onions, Lucerne seed, per lb... Cental sacks . Trainr Daily nnl Elrctric-lishtpbetwin Cbi(ao anil Omaha, eompowd d Clean coarse salt p'r t'a Betail prices are about The Finest Dlnlnj Cam la the World. EVERYTHING T.i it 15 Commorcial Affent. T. F. POWELL, TrarpliriK Agent. 161 IS per Salt Lake S. Main Street, Factor v and Salesrooms, 2327 WALL AVENUE, OGDEN. 0! FOR E OT SPRINGS ! City. Skookam fjoot fait Gpouizv. Hair Grows Rapidly. VOUR Eradicates Dandruff. Stops lulling Hair. Is a Preventive of Baldness. Grows Hair on Bald Heads. Is an Exquisite t CHANCE HAS ARRIVED. You can now take the Motor at the Broom Hotel corner on Washington Ave. 1 and run straight through. Try it thio P. M. OUR BATHS are very popular and you can take supper, and a good one, Come out and before starting for home. try it. E. P. PATRICK, Hotel Mgr. Toilet Article. 22 00 8 00 Manufactarers in Utah. FIRST-CLAS- S. Any farther information bk to Rntc of Faro, etc.. will be cheerfully furnihhe'l by ALEX MITCnFXL, tt 30 bleeping Care aud of Magnifiuant 23 Seamlese sacks Tablo salt, per ton St. Paul & line running Solid YeM irmlfnl, 20 0l!4 The Largest Confpttionery RAILWAY I tli onl . o, a THE CHICAGO Is Free from all s cen' higher. coloring matter. Ttademark rtgistertd.) Health is Wealth! Contains no Mineral or Vegetable Toisons It is an honest and meritorious preparation. Nature's Own Remedy. Sfioefa Bee! Eair Grower Co. HOT..SPEINGS HOTEL CO. NSW YORK. Fon Seta by Db. E. C. West's Nebvb and Bratn Treatment, a guarnntcod specific for Hysteria, Convnlsions, Fits, Nervous Neiirabia, lleadacbe, Nenrous Prostration caused by the nso of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premstnre Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and caused by over exertion of the Hpennatorrhwa Each box e or brain, contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $1.00, sent by mail prepaid oa receipt of price, WK GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any ease. With each order received by as for six boxes, accompanied with 35.00, we will end the purchaser ur written fnaraotea to refund the money if tha treatment does aos effect a cure. Uuaraotees lasuad only by H. A. Walixb, Druggist Sale Aft,, grt Iweuty-fwarSk.OadeB.Ctaa. U Dfacglsts. UNDERTAKING PABLOBS. ."'Funeral IDii'ectors and Embalmem IlIGHEY'S JDirai-nee- e, U THE German Eestaurant, WALTER BRAND, PRO. ACLEAN.NEAT, OMR AND SHORT ORDER thuilsf Diaaer fro 4 to I p. IESE . . 3430 GRANT AVli, OODKK. We carry the Urfeiit, moat e trnplcte and elecaot (tock CASKETS ol FUNElfAL FUKNISIIINQS a2id coediu ntonr Parlors wtmr dnired. Smbalminc Wwt ofirhiroifo, SrTH TTTixUm for uliipnmt a weiatty. IilCHEI'8 UNDEBTAKINQ PAKLOIiS. tl THE FIK32BT HEARSE IN UTAIL 2263 Wasliington Avenue, Ogden, Utah |