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Show is- 7 N.' OGDEN rADAILY CO MMER CIAL. " VOLUME IV. NUMBER UG. STCCESSOR TO UTINDOM , i! e K.TOtd jf 54 Tariff MeKialej m rti E If be by sut-urt- 2g w.r -- i ai ktu-atifi- J, J SPOOXER A CLOSE SECONI Lia-6c- h Jtiur and .f - o eouniry Lucur. (AppUuae)L J.t'JL of Ptrarf;!vao".a came U the f Couaiitdr liaitr. Ia due - DIED WITHOUT FLIXCHIXO. y rtLt tLiir tu liw to samsc a'.'r a tu Cjmc - lar lls.Vr, pub!" rriuiard ad h hi 1 dose, by the iu.; . ' .ij; letter co 'ote. imTiilllUIPEiCUED. fUsqnet at Pallia Cattle. lord lieutenant Pvbijx. Feb. he triBs;iT Eierated at he!J a levee at Dublin cattle today at o'clock. Noblemen and gentlemen a ho bad been received at tbe court of Dub-li- a tf tislrulb. since January L ere entitled toatteod tbejevee without any further 3.-- M. Fc-'j-. ha l UyrauJ, the presentation, on their complying aith Pms. murderer of the notary, B. Goulo, was the regulations "f the gentleman ushers The aame rule applied to department. this morning. guilk;i.ud at the ladies. Tho drawing room will be Kiraud tuet ti fate iih fortitude held totiKtrrow evening. and li ia th mom.l, that O. Wniujumw, Mizaer IijIIowi! ths l hnl Rjiter to in regard conc:derb'e spallation la a pTirtiwl in the last fifty Wisof the 1st the ruooe yasrs ia U-- e okttry'a Listoy. CI. Hi tf Llicou ma le a uiuat ekuent dom. It ia generally agreed that Mr. ! elate th'jjartnipct. lie rertiguatioa. McKinley atand beet ifcsLee of Loins d?Jenie of thecus end sid in at Earned I1U VesM-I- . THE FUtAL PKEPAKATlOXS. offered the place if he m willing to take viewed the 'J graut t!:st co tana of toy ckiiQ, in radical not M oVlocW very As early as 2 this niornicg the it Mr. Kia leys .".rotary of .'..tf who Halifax, Feb, 3. Capt Seabeyer if ptrty kjd!! be tfrt coinage, aati is wi.'l not aa r.ctof a ai his mere barriers erected the ech'ioer Blizzard, which wta customary upon r after- abandoned' in otherwise sound enough on currency who orders il.e Hirrwider of a political Phrf'e Li Ruuquette. off La Have Shortly who truriii to our rotrlio"i aod is a Lis eaougb turn sad lie c!i miles wards diviiuiie and a of from siTtv Banks, shore, was queiuor. vler Lo v.:h tn act of a omuOiUi the Garde R.nub!icaine arrested a Lunenburg a few days ago ut-vcfiso! enough of a national fliure sad party (f ar Mrmlu a at hi luck, k ioe?-i.- i ja of the place. The night charged with wuuuiiy netting bre to ai.d leader for such a high pi ice. IIj ia at bl'Xdy tragady ajd Utir4Le '.u our Tue i2 familiar w itt the tinanc of tbe gorern-luenas LJOBt bitter coid. To make the alnudonii: diui-- . Applause. vMsyor Wolff of and a raau ao generally respected mure flooaiy than iiiua1, a heavy, which wee further the Aftr .iniaiittoe, f hhfc for. tho and admired, that hi preface ia tbe without of tho bill rone and damp cold fog liiiiu uver the city. The LunenburJ isenhauser cabinet would be well received ly the the Da Rouquette were West Indii cafes near Place the ajjurued. eountrr. full of carousers, male and female, sing- A Co. Thore wl nurance on the Aao' her man prominently mentioned ing ia maudlin tones a disgusting song Trark of the .Storm. I the cargo, and for the place ia Senator Spooncr, whe having for its refrain. 'H is Kjraud vessel, ovfl has but a month to eerve in the senate. Feb. 3. The ttorra de- whom we mubt have." The scenes in about 1 1,107 it An American .yrf.uzard in distress Spooner is as close to the president as veloped during Monday and extended some of the cafes can be better iuiag-ine- d schooner t4 other man in Washington, and the from the than deec.Tiljed, but they gave a and offered w tow her into port but upper lakes to Tezas. This . any a good idea of the nature of a Captain Seaboyrr refused the offer, set president admires him very much. But stranger nre to tbe veet;I, and went aboard the been in finance at morning it covers the country east of the Paris mob when blood is in the air." pAis eiperienoe baa not American schooner witn his crew. The iurJfl ttiid it is doubtf ul if he would be will-th- e MuMifeiippi river, but is cejtral over the BEADY FOB TUE HCEJCE. lakce. This storm is attendml with Blizzard was leaking at tho time. The I to accept tbo treasury portfolio. One By 5:13 all was ready. e Deibler, the captaiu was committed for trial. ia that the presddeut will tiokUM-eav7 rains and snows a hich will spread his cabinet wilb a view to making during the day to the Atlantic sooBt, executor, tested his knife and found it was Outeowily in the grooves. High Licence for New Mexico. ai) kiaX:ior spooner. lie niigni. uiaae Behind this storm area a cold wave ia side moving tho place in the direction ot the 'anamokeror Tracy secretary ot tue proirreesing which will advance to the Boulevard N. M., Fob. 'X The were there Voltaire Albuquerque, about M eosury and put Spooner in charge of gulf and Atlactb coasts by Wednesday. could who see bill license has anyspectators hardly high finally passed the 3. .Ue navy or postofnce. is Feb. the coldeet Ciiicaoo, Today of the proceedings, but a ho were egiulature and awaiu the signature weather thus far this winter, the ther- thing only CAKXO IS IT. t the spot and remained mometer ha marked 2 degree below attracted thore out of sheer morbid curiosity. lot the governor to become a law. SaCongressman Joe Cannon is uIjo men- zero at 6 this ing 10 mornAt this morning. finan11 in tioned. The main crowd particularly referred to loons are the curse of New Mexico, and familiarity with the ces of the government is as great aa that ing it had rifn to 3 degrees above. was composed of scoundrels who prey there is not a town in the territory ot a thousand inhabitants but what has from St. Lons, Feb. 3. The cold wave uiion fallen women, convicts, gambling of any man, and was acquired by bia long to fifty saloons. Almost all tweuty-flv- e therhere reached and comthis the the morning of lowest club class and the appropriation exporienceon croupiers tho murders since the advent of the rail mit toe. He is, besides, on friendly terras mometer is around the zero mark. Light girls who form the dregs of rociety. auow has fallen. t with the president, and is a man of At 0:15 a. m. the pt.rt of officials, in road have had their inception in saloon joints, and the people have been crying St. Pact, Feb. 3. Last night all over company with the Governor of La private fortune for such a post. ia The argument ia made in Cannon's be- the northwest and in this city the merentered the cell occupied by f r some kind ot reform. The license400 rated according to papulation, from f half that be is as good a politician as cury fell from 15 to 20 degrees below Eyraud. They found Eyraud sitting to $UX), this bing independent of mufinancier. zero, and this morning it was about 7 crouching on his bed, and when inSenator Ingalls is another of the men below. formed that the petition for hia pardon nicipal and United States licenpe, and it will cause tbs of more than halt whom gossip has assigned to the place St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 3. The cold had been rejected, Eyraud replied, "Very the saloons ot c'oaing the territory. but hia appointment is extremely im- wave well." still prevaifs with unabated rigor THE OOXDKMNED's PREPARATIONS. probable. Ingalls ia not a ilnuncior and over the northwest, though there has TIIK IDAHO LEGISLATURE. never was. Clarkson ia also mentioned, been a decided moderation over Montana The condemned man a few minutoe but Clarkson has been talked of for and both the Dakotas, where there has afterward removed his prison uniform every important post under the governu a rise of from 10 to 32 degrees, but which ho had been wearing and changed The Farmer Kicktti; Against More ment T. C Piatt is another candidate ber in Minnesota and Manitoba there has his trousers and socks, refusing all Law for his Special Benefit. r flflu idd Itur probabilities as bis ap- been a fall of from 6 to 10 degrees. The assistance while preparing tor death. BpTss, Fek 3. Special the The Com- pointment wolid be a tine stroke of coldest reported this morning as well as Being asked if he had any statement to policy. Ho iayn able man and his ap- this winter, was 46 below zero, from make, tbe murderer replied in the nega kbkcial. The time of the senate this pointment ui&ht break up (he Alger Mmdescta. tive. Abbe Faure then approached the morning was taken up mostly in ; com hioh ia now becoming combination guilty man and offered to receive and mittee of tbo whole on several bills. more than fonmidable. UNION PACIFIC CHANGES. convey to Eyraud's wife and daughter The memorial introduced by Brigham message which he might wisn taken any Senate. the president to allot in several to To re them. kind this praying offer, Eyraud The Construction Department ot the tbem that 1 bid them adieu ty tho lands contained in the Fort Hall "lell Washisotoni Feb. 3. In the senate plied, Hoad is Entirely Abolished. nndCoeur d'Alece Indian reservation, and hope they may be happy." today among, the petitions presented Abbe Faure then again offered Eyraud was passed under suspension of the is understood that, 3. Feb. It Omaha, was one from the bank of New Orleans to the entire change in the policy a glass of Cognac, but he pushed it to ruins. this morning censidered depreciating any further discussion of owing saying "No, that will do me no in The houso of of the Uniou Pacific company, which oneeido, the whole the legal committee good. the free coinage scheme. law. A heated discussion over fence closes construction chief walked the then with the up practically Eyraud The house bill to amend the section tho office of chief engineer, wurdeu and jailer into the dressing room. tbe advantage to the farmer followed, of the revised statutes in reference to department, as heretofore organized, has been dis- He looken attentively at the gentlemen and tho farmer representatives said temporary designations to fill vacancies continued. In future that officer is to there p:esent and did not utter a word. there were many laws now on the statute in case of death, sickness or absence of attend to matters relating to the oper He thou sat down whilo Deibler pinioned books for the poor farmer and they the heads of departments, was reported ated lines only, while the new lines aro him, and during this part of the prepar- didn't want ..ny more. The bill was postponed. back with a substitute. The substitute to be built by epecial organization, as on ation for the guillotine, Eyraud turned A bill was introduced to amend the amends three sections on that subject the Missouri Pacific. V. G. lloguo, chief to tho governor and said, "Might I that my body should not be given statutes by conferring additional powers and limits to thirty days the period of engineer of the entire system is at presupon tho board of trustees of towns aud such designation, except where the du- ent under orders to proceed to tho to tho surgeons?" villages. ties are exeroised by an assistant secre- Pacific slope and attend to important THE RULING PASSION. tary, in which case there is no limita- matters relating to the Portland and To this request M. Abbe Faure reVIEWS OF A STATESMAN. tion. Pugct Sound railway, which is to be plied: "Your boJy will be given to your Tno first item that attracted notice in built and operated jointly between the Thoughts on Finance by the Socklcss the fortification bill wi s oae ipjjropn, t Union Pacific and the Groat Torthern family." Eyraud thanked the abbe, whereupon Sajje of Kansas. ing $l,O00,0C0 for the purchase of oil company. the latter offered to embrace the murtempered and annealed steel for high derer's wife and child for him. Eyraud, Wichita, Kan., Feb. 3. Jerry Simp Deadlock Will Be Broken. power coast defense guns, eight, ten and gazed at the faces around bun, then son has delivered himself of a fow of his twelve inch calibre. The committee on Springfield, 111., Feb. 3. At a late angrily exclaimed, "Constiins, minister appropriatiins recommended a reduction was right He has won ideas on the subject of money. He was of the hour amount to 300,000 and Gorman of tho tonight the Farmers' Mutual his case,interior, now his prize. He will be to- noi struck, he said, on the precious moved a still further reduction to $"230, Benefit Association delegation submitted night with Gabriello. What grand per- metals as circulating mediums. His 000. After along discussion, Gorman's tilho Republican steering committee sonage is going to dosecrate Gabrielle idoal was a bit of paper and he would amendment was rejected and the t le . names of A, J. Streeter, John P. Bompnrd!" prefer to see nil gold and silver left iu mittee amendment was agreed to; yeas S:eele, of Mount Vernon, and RepresenSuddenly, as Deibler was completing the mountains where it belonged. He 39, nays 7. tative Moore, all of the P. M. D. A. tho task of pinioning him, Eyraud con would have an istimate made of the The nest amendment reported by the irty, with the announcement that any tinued, "lou ore hurting my finger!" amount under the ground and would committee on appropriation was to in- poae of them whom the Republicans and, lurnmg to the assistant who was issue silver certificates equivalent in sert: "For breechloadimr sea coast endorse would receive the full the baudagee, he said impatiently, value to such estimate. Coin in the m'ght cast .mortars, iron, hooped wire steel, off support of the P. M. B. A. repreeenta-tivesjrfo- r tying "Don t pinch me so tightly. treaEUry was liable to be stolen by a VI men calibre, $0U,On0, provided, that United States senator. It is foreign treasury, but no amount of faith risAL act of Tirr. dkama. he contracts may be made for aoi even could remove tho mountains and expected by the Republicans to more than one half of tbem to be con- confidently march the Previous to commencing and P. M. B. A. men that a combination their precious freight As to railroads, to structed oi the Pacifis enrst, in the dis- will be effected between refused scaffold the Lyraud again the two parties he thought tho people only wanted one, was of crete l of the secretary ot war." which a of drink Cognac glass thie week which will result in tho elec-t'o- n the Pacific, on which the nation Chandler moved to amend the parawas afterwards rigidly had Unicn fered to him, and of a senator. a When he readied mortgage. read: to "For silent until he arrived at the guillotine. breechloading graph he proposed to interview rifled steel mortars of twelve inch califrom tho cell to the scaffold, Washington Passiug tbo Union Pacific people, and if they Ohio Wants a Hand. Evraud scanned everything, right and failed bre," etc. No action was reached. to pay up tho intorest.due the Senate bill authorizing the secretary fixed his the then and left, upon eyes 3. Feb. The Columbus, Ohio, republiroad should become tho property of the t he of war to have a suitable site selected can members ot at foot oi He arrived the the legislature 6igned guillotine. and within a few feet of the people. Theothor fellows always took for a military post and harbor defenses guillotine, this course in regard to farms" Jerry st San Diego, Cal., and the report of the a communication to President Harrison block. 'Evraud eluded the exocutioners said he was opposed to all usury laws Foster of Ohio, for a roomeut and loudly and angrily suggesting cost thereof to congress, passed. The senate concurred in the house as a proper person to be appointed as shouted to the assembler!, crowd, "Con- and in favor of nationalization of land amoudment to the senate bill for a pub- secretary of the treasury. stants is a murderer. He is more of a and free trade. lic building nt St. Paul, Minn, reducing murdoreJthan I am. Constants ie " The Insurgents Losing- - Ground. the nmount from f800,000 to $500,000. Before ho could complete the sentence Counterfeiters Unearthed. Themilitary icidtmy appropriation the executioners seized the murderer Paris, Feb. 3. Advices received by Gkasd Raids, Mich., Febl3. A bond and bill was reported and the senate threw Lim upon tho inclined plank Gauoiia, from its correspondent in of counterfeiters haabeen broken up by of the guillotine. Deibler pressed t he Buenns Avrftfi. nrn th:it tlm fTniliun in Government Detective Mulholl: The fatal knob, and the flashing blade fell have been obliged to abandon surgens House. head nound.nnd the a with sharp, sliding gang has had ite headquarters at, Kalbotena and Coquimbo, and tho hartia basket rolled aHsassin into the of Gouffo's bor of Iquiquo is reopened. The reports Washington, Feb. 3. Senate bill to kaska, and the detective opened corres- below. New from York also with Abel T. say that the government will raise prohibit the sale of tobacco to minors pondence TO THE CF.MKTCKY. Thayer. He obtained his confidence.and tne oiocxauo nt Valparaiso in three clays under sixteen years of age in the District went to Kalkaska. . Eyraud's body wns then lifted into a urne. mo insurgents make another of Columbia, passed, also senate bill Thayer gave himself away and also im- wagon mid driven off at full gallop to the auutiu in the meantime. Irrigation com- plicated granting to Umatilla Fred and George Lochine, aged cemetery, escorted by a detachment of pany the right of way through Umatilla 20 and 18, of Luther, who were arrested The Order of Mutual Aid. gen Marmes. Abbe Faure followed the Indian reservation, Oregon. later. A quantity of dies, casts, and body in a cab, and after reading the On motion of Caldwell of Ohio, the SpwscnixD, 111., Feb. 3. Tho order wero found at their and burial service over the remains nt the senate amendment was agreed to the soma spurious nickels. Ofio ofhouse, of Mutual Aid began is annuol meeting to the over the turned they were house bill granting a pension to the has confessed, implicating others. boys cemetery, dead man's relatives. Immediately after today. This society which is limited to General of late the Noye3. widow the execution the mob made a wild rush the state of Illinois, was 'organized in On motion of Craig ot Texas, sanate A toward the guillotine and wera with dif- Decatur in 1878 and now has a memberMcKean Echo. nk to the" concurred amendments were ficulty by a strong force of ship of 23,000. house bill to protnot the construction Chic too, Feb. 3 The petition rt cer- moated repulsed which had Gardes Republicans, r harbor on the'roast of a safe tain depositors cl the uiro'vent bank of been left iu charge ot that instrument of ' German Salesmen's Carnival. of Texas. Kan 1 Company to be made preferred execution. " The house then went i..t otum; ' Mich, Feb, 3. The twelfth Drrnorr, tLat they had ot the whole oa the uipl waatiu ai -I (rtJitrrscathegirT anaual carnival ot the German Salea-moa- 's Made aa Address-LoirDo, Hartington bilL Lheir inndv within ti deposit appropriat thirty days association will bo held at the Deof the failure was refused by Judga Feb. 1 Lord Hartington ot. few a acoaea criticism . days ago, who was entertained today by the lib-- troit rink tonight. un morning. Appealed, MoCleary D. Fob- - rtublisbeJ X-- TUr ojitiua ira; iot.'r-ealka- di-uvv- O.-tobe- VK-ti- ij to - ve:. ni-tion- t, uh.-.rar- d. di-b'- J ler reur-anoj- . eufli-cier- Rou-quelt- e, f st , lw d. deep-wate- jo-ul- ar n rciric Coist Jurist in oos Tronlle. Seri- - JUDGE SACHS PLAYS FAE0. ui Another Cuflfereaee. Los'ros, Felf 3. 1 be Times says that in a Parnell Lad another co&ferefcee with. . 3.-T- 1 u Vi!ateX A broker Ciea a boaJ af fxtOfurthe piymevtif duty cad tL oaaer ia thea aiUweJ to take tbe other bice tent tout January Let, a Chinsv-raawerthrough this rout at vita a large thi &e&t of opium but Bow that he J to pay a duty.heea&t a fvuno. be government baa Id per east of the thipaiett worth about tVJ0, a bi.0 the amount the Chinamoa cmniaaL aay mould bring a duty of tJ,UU. - A TL? Frrnrk iiiie be jrj;Mvl to rutiait ia sajnwi of ihnee prupoBitioa: iarU -- His Lil jvjLen Thonsrht of the That th hai ItZilU Sad fn J AIo in the Ear -- The Senate on Appropriation-C- uniua club, Bi l aa elaborate td- oa puuucU uTairm. 11 defended general policy of the aid attacked the course of lha fiberals ao vLoruur that it felt that eveo ith bom ruleroveJ froa he Jiasiia of prarUcal pahlica Le eoukl sot eucna-ectl- y A return to the party of which Glad store ia the iilufctroua ksader. The ptiaker prMecred a significant silence ia regard to the Parcel! arandsl PRICE, FIVE CENTS. t-t- dra the LNDKU THE GUILLOTINE LJ n stracj rurd for the Eviua l Tars the Pt rultF of His iadr a f? .r.l.xr& t it a auy gt.tlrmaa oa tL fl Covirdlv Crime. tie (MrKKcst '.ht ia fci at the ptvn ia Guatenala, Si.iir iJ u Seems to I the Favorite. apital te Miier ia XL niit:T. cfUT Le .CDHNVUTAH. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1691. A Trla of Brothers Detett? J Smooth Botbery ia I'LiwCtt Child Burned to Death. Dilkm end O'Brien yea' erday. Rumors of a hitch in tbe negotiations are rifa. The Parneilite declare that tbe HeaJy-it- es upon Parceli'a ret i rente! t. Pout Towsslsb, Wash., Feb. 3. Con whileiutiistel asM-r- t the that Paraail siderable excitement prevails here over dech&cs toHelyites acc-any ot the UUt'e oniaa the proposed iaipeacbmect of Judge assurances uulet put ia writng, a which thoGiaihiUtmajis would act Morris B. Sachs, of the superior court, on charges i4 malfeasance in office, pre aece. ferred by members of the Port To nsetd kit!, d by Indians. bar. SVha came to Washington twelve Bisazil, InJ, Feb. 3. DiFpatckaar years ago. In 1KS9 be was elected superior judge, but l as given ceneral dissat froni Spokane Falls, Waidiingtoo. announce that Henry McXamer and bob, isfaction. He is charged with prejudging cases, utterly disregard iut? the law who had settled on a claim near the and the evideuoe, and oonstautly io)a-tin- g encampment had a row with the, the law by participating ia games Indiana, and Doth were killed. A aqoaw of faro oiienly and notoriously to tbe was also killed in the fight Both mem were well known in this town, the father-havingrout reproach of tbe court aud tbe and shame of the commucitv. taught school ia Clay county for Judgo Sachs is auid to be among the twenty years. biggest "buekenf at faro m Port Town-senYillard'i Big Sale. Representatives of tbe Jefferson county bar association have none to New York, Feb. 3. It is announced Olympia to bring the matter ot impeachment before the legislature and urge today that Hear Villard has closed neimmediate action in the case. gotiations fur the sale of ten millioai dollars of bonds ot the Chicago A North western Pactno which recently acquire, A.TKI0 OF BROTHELS a title to the Wisconsin Central terminals. Tbe proceeds of the sale if is Burgle on a Large Scale iu Jewelry stated, will be used in paying oft the at Chicago. floating debt when contracted. Cuicauo, Feb. 3. Three brothers, E., C and G. Engmark, have been arrested Talmage at Chicago. for systemati. ally robbing two wholeChicauc, Feb. 3. The Rev. T. DoWitt sale jewolry houses of thia city. The Talmageof Brooklyn will lecture this young men are re poctably connected. evonitig at the auditorium. His subject and their arrest caused somewhat of a will be: "in btirruus from ininmii s sensation among their friends. Tho two to Damascus," and wdl treat ot hia obyounger brother wero employed in dif- servations during his recent travels ia ferent jewelry house and curried awny the holy land. Tho lecture promises to tne got mi a, which were tiispoecd of by bo one of the most entertaining literary their other brother. By this system events of the season. thousauds of dollars worth of diamonds, watchea, etc., were secured before the lMrCLSOXED FOE LIFE. thieves were captured. Tho ai'crecale of their steuling is said to bo at least pt eoa-Uiti- oa t la-di- aa d. The Fate of a Betrayer of a Young Girl. Self-Confess- uu,tm Dr.T80iT, Mich., Feb. 3. Russell C Cantleld, arrested yesterday for the murder ot Nellio Griffin, whose bodywaa found in the river Friday, made a toll confession this morning. He abducted tho girl from the state publio school at Cold w ater and was responsible tor bar death. Cantleld was brought into court at Charlotte this afternoon, plead guilty Ean Into a Wild Engine. and Judge Hooker sentenced him to imY. 3. N. Feb. Tho north Stracpse, prisonment for life. Thia evening he shore limited on the New York central was lodged in the state prison at Jackwas wrecked at east Rochester this son. morning by a collision with a wild enThe Illinois Press Association. gine. Engineer Brown was instantly killed and fireman Feeney fatally inJourr, III., Feb. 3. The annual meetjured. ' None of the passengers were ing of the Illinois press association behurt. gan today. There are many prominent Unsettled Wheat Market. journalists present and the session wilt Thursday night when a Chicago, Feb. 3. The wheat market continu wuntil the association. was unsettled and excited early, but banquet ill be given to were ot unusual The proceedings today later it settled down and during the interest to the association. The annual great part ot the session it was slow. address was delivered by Hon, E. W. The opening prices varied Jj'o and Stephens, president of the national edito ?4o higher than yes--1 torial association. ranged from terday's closing, but a sharp decline followed, prices declined l4'c, then folAFTER RECIPROCITY. lowed a reaction of e bus ogain ruled then lower, declining fluctuating within a small range and the closing was Canada Wants a Fresh Government lower than yesterday. to Decide it. only about Receipts, 177,000 bushels; shipments, Fob. 3. Tho Empire, Toronto, Ont, 101,000. the chief organ ot tho dominion government, announces this morning that the On the Street. general has dissolved thehonse. governor Nkw Yobk, Feb. 3. The stock market and issued writs for a new commons of todny had somowhat of a reaction parliament though tho movement of the market The Empire says: It is understood woe only in n fow stocks, such as Union Pacific, Rock Island and Western Union, that the Dominion government haa, but the rest of tho lift presented a firm through her mojesty's government mode front during most of the time. After certain proposals to the United States the first demand was satisfied there was government, looking to the extension of a considerable pressure on' short stocks our commerce with that country. been subhave and prices sagged throughout the re- These proposals for his mainder of the day. The downward mitted to tho President govmovement, however, was in no cos consideration, and tho Canadian v. these is ot the opinion that ernment of outside Union specially important i Pocitio and corn roods. Tho market negotiations are to result in closed dull and heavy, small fractions which must bo ratified by parli under the opoaing prices in most cases, is evident the government tl Union Pacific is l'j lower, governments ablo to deal with a parlian from the people rather th steady, i'elroleum, March closed ibc moribund house. It is understood that Canada ASD CLAGGETT WOX'T DOWN. a delegation to Waihington afttr Marr r 4, the date on whi sh the present conlie is Still Trying to Make Tronblc gress expires, for the purpose of discussfor Buhois. ing informally tho questions of the exaud development of trade betension Boisa Crrr, Ida., Feb. 3. Special to tween the United States and Canada The Claggett peo-pl- o and tbo settlement of all differences Tiik Commercial. claim that they have enough votes between the two countries. This delethe to elect him senator over Dubois, but gation will visit the United States asfrom result of a friendly suggestion see not the this is doubted. They do Washington. pitfall, but continue to stublo along, be will sunpor Maggeit. lieving democrats The Oj:orto Revolution. The democrats, it is said, however, when them on, and are leading Oiokto, Feb. 3. Itis now stated that tbo time for balloting" comes they will fifty persons were killed r.nd two hun-dr- rd vote lor a democrat T'iSb will leave the injured in the fight following tie Cinggett people in a peck of trouble. An enort was matte One of the Clnggett leaders claims recent revolt here. rev on joint bal- to involve the Portugese navy in the that they have thirty-seve- n endeavis nil that is olution, two sergcantsof marines lot, while twenty-eigh- t to incite the crew of the governnecessary, and that the senate will spring oring lying outside of Oporto to tbe question tomorrow morning. They ment corvette seize the ship. , and mutiny not will deserters Dubois say that the vote for Claggett, but are working in A Double Tragedy. harmony for other objects. Feb. 3. At Smithton, EL, St. Louie, Buncoed by a Chinaman. this Henry Bechtold, a farcer, morning, Sas Fraxcisoo. Feb. 3. The customs shot gun at his aister-is-laa discharged officials hava just learned that they have striking her in the leg. Th wound boon swindled out of about 10.000 re-- , not proving ratal be struck" ner witn tne vena by sharp Chinamen. It is the butt end' of the weapon, inflicting fatal, Kiiitnni Kara whan iroods are iftiDorted injuries. He then reloaded the gua and . himself. Ngcaw iaf- to take to the appraiser store tea per a hot and killed a j Ui WfltfttUJ, cent of them from which the total duty Known IW it Child Bnrned to Heath. Edmund, Oklahoma, Feb. 3. While burning prairie grass, the young daugh' tcr ot Dave Ilarkwerther was ao badly burned that she died. James Funk, who attempted to rescue the child, was fa tally burned. A ;c fia m 1 6- -- Q V"' l M " . m'' tiff.'a , '' , |