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Show 1 V". OUUHN DAILY COMMKUCIAL: TLKSUAY. KCKKL'AH i" 3. U1JBBERS. ii--. 9 It itt Lka I eiV" BOTH FOR LADIES'. GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN. Fuur, GOODRICH dangled J oiIm SHOE DEALERS, tappers arctics. No. CITY IN HUIKF. tinuun Sm Kin" at tba Grand opera TCVIGBT. Tj t.OU. Va;tie, at Novelty theater. MtETlJKl JIOTUES. - Ca-..v- , 4th. Commander K. T. Spatial Wedneaday evening, February Work. Ord.' of thai em pie. Cm Uit UdH ilk Uwir bella. urtd at apuuoy Maff U.r aseludy aal pel. llwr luwUi. Jh1 ia U aictit, WfaiL til Man that .ertiiukla Aj tba Iwarnu ma to wriakle I a niww iant at tba aiabt. jB'. cit s T . . taa- - icy air Kj.ity f too. Th Kin; tonight How u;J yon like tha bli..ar.? S--- a II i I. J you takea a sleigh rid yet? rtl:uer of Mick Sjiriic, ia in XiC tliedutoof tha city i Monday ew li Ui'ui msda merry on the street '!it l'Vl Huoter, UKout of Ole Olen, ia liroom. at Tiio Oiliuora Combination ia quartered Sl tan n ;h at t.'u liromn. Die xya are havimf a freat time with thair Ijob bieda, Ju le Muginnie went don n to the CipiUl laot eveDing. JUnmW the dance at the Union otier.t tiouae tonight. Th.'naa W. Durster, of Syracuse, N. V., u the gueet Ot the Pacitio. M (1. Cliiyton, a prominent buines i iaj) of Idaho, ta in the eity. l C. Whitney, J.ihn I i unco and are a trio of fault Liikera in the M. It. tiit tivy. Tha mwcury Klt nearly down to zero hut r.:i!)t. It w.ts tho Hhurint of the wiiiUir. Siv (inra uf tea came in yesterday from tha ouist destinud tor tho eaxlvrn MaKcitt. lU io'a in the after the otier.t VJ crof dud. liUi ii))u1ar jl;.co for oyaU?ra; evtsuing the pluce Ul Johnaoti and John liunee, City, were at the of Hitit Lake last ereniui,'. column lutrjrain The Fair U3ti.va in thia paper ro worth reading. 5ee tho eighth pfttf- W. It. Ormsby, atore keeper of tlie 8utit!.erri Pacirtt nt Saernniento utime in last t!i;ht from the west. The TarU City nceomodiilton, as well tlm fast 'male, was delayed several ours yester lay by the anow. M;a Li!7tie Rowlands of Rious City, Iow;i, ia vlb'linj in Ujfden, the guest of Ler (riond, Mrs. C. L. Pooblea. lu (.1. V.'i!'rson, the contractor of the retnrnotl yeeterduy i.ai .i:y fru.ii t tiiiity-daytrip oiist. M:tnnger Peter McCourt. of the Silver Cir;.mitaml t!ie popular Tabor Oraud ouet-thousy of Denver, is in the city. b'X'iety ir. to witness a faahionaWe v i hnrf at the residence of C C. KoLin-in Nob 11:11, tomormw night. Iibs just dosed a Tho Equitable Co-o:t:f aucmuftil silt montha' bumnnss. 5f t:i ter Pen K. Uioh ia wearing a smile. C'KisiileriQg the unexpe'tetl advent of .o Wi7?ard, the street car foinpnii net the di.llculty in a very commenuabio one-hal- f t f :s;t.:er. i I.ut S..o's fail U read VT. (i. Child i tlfooluiuu bulletin iu this issue of It will pay Urgaiu Tn CwtHiarui, i.uura Mr. D. H Teory's tiua team waa out y esterday, being driven tandem, by H. f. PtitUw, a aleigh. They were quite a;i nttraoti.oa. ti JtVOr;ham, tae city ud says: of Detroit, Mich., ia iu "I am oomiog here to stay, juat a soon as I can chwe out my i the eaat." Mr. P. T. Pettengill wore a broad and t.appy aintle yesterday. Nobody blamw ua. 8noh a sale aa ha made Saturday would make almost any man happy. Thorn m Fitxgarald, A.O. Hart and E. (. Wr gSt of tha Southern Pacirle offl- era, returuad yesterday from a trip treat orer th.r division. Fred KunU r, the ropukr manager rf the U'e 0 ea .u" cw paay.wjich aprma a nt'J he Ora.id next wovK.W'edntwday auU Tt rIy, ia in Jhe city. PeaH Chftoa, the trrelva year old son . of Mr and Mr. Abtiottwoa buried afternoon from his parents horn at 6rf street Twenty-fourt- h A litsf to wet! Twenty-Fourt- gluMtt-iliuicer- I SIfiX OF THE WG CLOCK. WITH SMUGGLING. CIIAKGKD u 2 tfi 3 WASHINGTON AVE. : Ainerirau Captain Arrested bv i. '2 c. mi HI Wasliin;toii mid-winte- r ltt rxjota Imhiii. Ff R ITt" K K OF A IX)l ChMD (w m.Il f .ll Lai SALE! SALE HorstHOLJ AMI kITt ea f urniturr. fokiuic bed. atorca, rtc, at i "Irrrt. Twmij-aeteatJ- yOBSALK A trOOD BISIKESS. X w capiul rwiuirtJ. A;1 r.t arruuf. Il- SI hil.VLL ajjiiiittoa ,X)B SALE- -1 HAVE. FOR SALE. A LARGE. .a ml, and anfo family hurt and a two-mt- d 6arrrr : cheap. IViU taka a uud milrfc euw a part fur ) meat and buikahlr hnlanc. J. I. Kurd. Cffnmfyil (XW. A ipr mn wmi 11 An An as. SlGIIf 2nd. Eebruary ait artit, - OF - Week Com mincing We them. The fnrnom Eumpoan ! the only a LA RLE SlSTERri-- a, iu their reat I'aratol atinc and dance and wonderful t. chnlleoire for thoir equal. lon't. $:.) miw thia treat or half 4( yttur LfeUKooe. Their bret aiwaraaca in Ualt-n- . vt the Ktmrk Abnnt KUs J.'.1?.' in Utah. JOHN UALLElj AND K.UMuND. .The daucin wonder. MISS PEARL ARDINH. Enri.r)e, (ireatwt Comical Musical ArtiaU, 3 Mnilfn'M. eoutor-tii.nnc- MOlthLAl-- OkiIwi l'alli and use rxclua- - 'COMKAXD SKK US. I. G. Proudfit &.Co., THE BRUNSWICK. (rents' Undershirts. Cardinal, White and Mixed, all wool, worth from $1.."0 to fVl.oO each, will now close ther.t for from 5 cents to I1.2-7- . Broken lot of lilankets. all A.VJ"! er pair, now Cotton blankets, worth ioi), for fd.50. Droken lines Ytirns Worsttxls and Saxonys, at greatly reduced prices. rf the heantiful sud nrcom-1-liiih- Theponrtlar Tocalits, ArjS.I UILtlAM ' and GRA h MONROE. . IS THE 8W1M, Nellie Markhnm. May Hovt. UolnHint, Winnie vriirrr Unin lliullij. Jay Helen Howard, Mi. lifoutihton and Mi I jcuwaifu. Under the mipen WIIIPrLK Only Sensational Female Minstrels, Cigars, are Unequalcd. Note The evening's performance commence at b :1 j sharp. M and Fifty Cent Popular Prices. Twenty-Fiv- e Seata in Koxe Fifty Ccata. EVKRVWHERE. RARE AND RACY. GRAND laughter Sale! Ladies' and Children's Cotton Hose, for almost nothing. . PEICES OENO ACCOUNT. Ladies' Cuffs and Collars, worth '.We. now 10c. Dress (roods in large variety, less than eastern cost. Silk Velvets, Navy Blue. Unmet and Hlack, worth $1.25, now 90e. per yard. at Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Unflcrwear and Heavy Winter Goods, Wilt be S&ld Velveteens wo th ;T0c. to COc. now 35c. and 45e. per yard. Below Cost Until Feb. Pearl A large broken line of Buttons an Fancy Drees But-,toat pric a fiat will surprise V you. ; To make room for the IMMENSE SPRING STOCK just purchased. III! Coraet. Corsets, at less than cost Mmi i V i rii It ' I J . 1 5, , . Ladies Shoes, fine and medium qualities, at cost. Mens' Shoes at Jess than cost. ' 3(5 (J i HfllKI' iivt1MV, 24th Street. Oden, IJtaii; ! filll HARDWARE! f f 1 .. ' .. 115.75. n. j. j. ross. W. G. CHILD & SON, 2 U 1 F. Wasltinsrtoii Ave. 11. LASH EH, GROCERIES. Fruits anJ rrwlnce. 185 Twouty-fouvt- h V.ULMEn O a3 St. AND. c w ' U Oro W V TANNKIt IIMM K.i 1Vltplwno .". li tl, Ojtilon, T"th. THE FAIR. OiiIpik SliriteJ ami Cairfnl nml Prompt AUvMioa (iiv-to J tli-crof lhcin. , ISerio-4'oini- c Yimaliiit. MISS I. II. I. UN t'AKRUL. Tl.e California duo. CLAR1E DALTOX and , , JlMl!0Lh. Tlie Qnern of all nong and dance artiU, MISS RICH. SALE ' a. DEITMAN IJKOS.,. FOR wools, worth Uroken lino Children's All Wool Vests, worth 10c. 'to 75c. J5c. and .10c. . .trvet. Twpotj-f.Hirt- ii OUT BRUNSWICK We have tho inrirest Hnll in the lirmuiwick linlk'ullunilir j Wealso have a stock pf good Thermometers which we. will" sell at a prkia which is sure to.V clear. A Thermometer ia As useful in summer aa it is in winter: ia fact, it ta good tho year round, You wonld pay 45c, . ami uOe, at a drug atore for the same art icle which we will sell at 3UV. Kuy early as go.. they will all .'.-i. ... , .......... Yet anoiherarticlo1 w have to" ' t. offer at almost a giftv to clear.'' We bought a large consignment r 4 of good, solid English Iecorated i Dinner Sets Inst fall, nd de-spite the good sate on them,'' dov.en left. have still about We will sell the?. which have -lieen realizing iCUXt nch, at, 8 ALE First aptiearanre forty-seven- - FOR SALE. lOR A Finest Billiard Hall Avenue. .NEW- - x r.o wit. atraut. OGDKN, UTAIl OGDEN, UTAH Vp Ktaira Over REMNANT kms. FRANK MONROE. g ivor Twcatjr-fi- HOISK rOK KtVT- -r eat. Eaguira vt K. tKnwc m arrrr ttzxizthz ltcs V buanl. at tUi, Jetfmoa PBICES. it son. THE bWb f mm Mortua, &u CLOCKS, LOAV HEVT- -4 BOOM twa (BO, S JEWELERS. GOOD GOODS. nl y VXB Sterling and Plated Silverware. Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every Diamond Setting and Repairing; attended to promptly. Mexican Officials. K..t Dikoo, Cal., Feb. 2. Tlie steamer Manuelo Dublan, plying between San Diego and Encenado, Lower Cu'iforuia. arrived today bringing word that Captain Nelson had been arrested by Mexican ofticinls Saturday, on a charge of smug-clinKt,.")(i) in gold bullion, which was found on his person. The steamer which carries the United States mail was detained by tho authorities five and a half hours before the American and Knglinh residents succeeded in securing Captain the job. Nelson's release. The Mexican officials claim that Nelson The plans for the new storo of tho V. II. Wright Jt Sons Co. are completed ar.d hud been engaged in smugjlin for two the tixture ordered from the east. The years. whole int rior which ia the entire ground floor is to be Unshod in antique oak. The store department will occupy the south side and dry goods detriment the north hnlf. Private business ollices will be in the rear. The Clover Lwf club met yesterday at the ref idontv of Mrs. W. U. While, on JotTerson avenue. Although the club baa lately grown to a very largo size, tue attendance wa iiot too large to be entertained in very handsome style by Mrs. White, whose graceful hospitality was much enjoyed bv nil present. The Clover Ieaf club teems to tw the most popular social club in the city at present, tl was only started a few weeks ago and January and February are the bargain months of tho year. the membership is now Thus far the memlterphip has lieen. limited to married ladies, but it is tuider-sloix- l The two months of all the that n "husbands' nnuex" is under twelvo for getting things cheap. coiiHileration as one of the proposed innovations. A natural desire to see the store full of customers, to do sroKixu Tin-- : Momioxs. business, whether nt a loss Or not, is the influence which stimefforts. ulates all our Etifflisli Dissenters Declare Wr Everybody in trade, from the Affaiiist- the Saints. manufacturer down, tights dishe NormunAM, Eng., Feb. against the depression of spirits that comes from the dullness of inters of this city and neighborluxxl trudc. Nobody likes to see the h:iv dtjclared a vigorous war against the wheel slop turning, and it reRev. Ir. Ward, an Mormons. less philosophy to pocket quires fervid lecn delivered missionary, n big loss than to submit to a at South ture u;mii the subject night small tine. N'rniaoton, l he strongest Mormon re.itr du ii'g in Iviicland. Mr. Wind Last fall we bought a large thw course of his reniarki that the Morconsignment of very ' pretty mons were aa ftreat polygamic it ever. Clouded Glass Lamps, ana have The Americans, he added, refused to sold them right along at 50o. and , was a it harbor onminaia, aal tKe. apiece. Today however, disgrace t England to allow Morin ma to we'll offer them at auch a ridicbreak Kngliah laws. The matter should' ulously low tignre that the stock be submitted to the house of commons will be sold before night. We and they should be txmipelled either to will eell them to the tint comabandon Mormonism or leave England. ers at 2Tm. and rWe, apiece, comSohmer,n the Quean of Pianos. plete with chimney a-- d wick.. granted by County Clerk Ledwidge yesterday to GeorgD Akers Bell and Mis Alice fjayley, iwtli of Ogden. Mr-- . J. M. Philips,' wifo ot ho geninl L.Buagtjr f the Opera house, was tho tftripieut f au elegant seal tkin cap and last Saturday, it being the diamoud aauiverHary ,f her birth. V4 in atlUlonaol Homes Ja. Carti. a Poston capitalist, w to vo&r th Sundard. laoking over the Queen Citv with nn rxrcllonoe pmven In nilllnui of IUiirior admiring eye. He will probably take Iiuiik fvr more tlisn a quarter of a retittirjr. It me eVvk in the future metropolis t f in (fcwrnment. bjr the tnitctl State Kndorseilbv the 1imI of tho Dreat I niTriti t! region. nn tli StriAMrot, Puiwt, ami khwI Healthful. Cn-aHnkinn Powiler decs not ir. Price's The street (jars did not run well r Alum. Sold only Aaunnaia. Lime were too cim'jiu POWDKK CO. niitniug h the tracks tir.t in B.VKINQ PKlt'F. aa. deep ia thd num. They nt -t wan New IWk. C'hioaitu. San Krauciaco St Loui. SMITH A JONES. EEXTISO AGKXCt. z WadiiactHa a -- - IX ALL LAJtfiE ut lit eur. "WashinKton Avenue. THE LEADI !N"GDIAMONDS, WATCHES, s fill FOR RENT. ' . CTtllESTS. bHOKTBAKU maiuM. W,lMl aurawa IMnm bu IU. Umica t n. AND 8MAIX UOCSU and price. We propose to keep at the head of the procession and will always make prices that will satisfy our customers. Wo SH IXT fTBSUSHED TVO T TATE0-- want araaa mmumtimt. Heatingf Stoves in stock and can suit almost anybody, both in style 1 - WANTCO. w Tvraa HAVE NEARLY ONE WE different kinds of hundred f f 2So. 244-- aw before aera ta IV- .FOOTHOLDS. W. W. FUNGE. SOLE AGENT FOR g wns intr-oioutiii- Street. h t Mint F- dered around mrilbout regard to track. but aooo got dowa io amootb work. Richard Moras rot drunk aad roared oa theatraeta to ahov his ifltalligeeea and oianilneaa acd as a cooaequetoe ia y through ooatribuUng tea Java to t tha aveouas ot tha baatila da Baxter. North-er- a A freight wreck oa tha I'uh yesterday oooa near DiUoa de'aa J tba regular paenger fruta .the aorih, hu h did not arrive untd 9 o'clock laat evening, au hours lata. R. L. Scott who plays the title role ia H)'i UUson," aooo to be produced at tha of Patti Kaa, (jraod, ia the who appear on the same stage a couple days later. Tho two "have not spoken for years." People complained of the elipery, icy sidewalks yesterday. Several heavy fall have been cusuiued through tlteir fault. If owners of prorty woiikt throw a lit: la Cohes over their wttiks it aould ooifer a great favor on the public. The following telegrams rem in uncalled for at the Western Union tele-g- r tph olHce: H Khernstorm, J. li. Mrka, Jno. S. lUnies, F. J. X tou, I. J. Itouh, J. J. Skoglund, K M.Ihnglia'n, J. li. Kecfer, Thomas Anderaox (i us Petenn and a chum, both with a beai!ly "jag on." were rutting scallops aloug Twenty tifih street last evening, when one managed to fall into and smash a paue of glass and they will have a painful time of it before they get through tbe police court TheCiluiore Ojiera Oonipimy carries a special enr for its scenery and other baggage which is the largeat ever seen in the Ogden yards. It towers above the ordinary baggage car like a mountain above a mole hilL Tho car is the property of the management. There is a great big political grave. called the Citizen's Anti-rinparty. Sensible men are avoiding it The and their mongrel ticket are heading straight for it. On next Monody with a wild cry of "ring" they will dirkippenr. Ihe grave will clone and peace will reign in Ogden. The north window of tho "Atlas has been decorated by one of the most beauia black tiful and artistic sign and has ever been that gold in The written artist Ogden. is W. Ii Kendrick and the work is a pleasing novelty in the way ot sign writing. It took him seven days t uncomplete 3ia watc-t-fcain- tt C0.'S, THE EXCLUSIVE & , a heavy goM tb Wa ba U their fuut-dre-a. u1 buota, shot ? and Eaeel linaia tba mac( trwt W aaa a 2 purapa 4 apcctaity of od J aim and widtha. Com T to our store and try ca. Ia tadtt' guuds Z display a profusion 4 abues aad AT- - IS a wM-r- (tut tJ apaml a: tired LO .r 1 eue otikmcf auita, oeiy a2 eArt,..w fullruotf-draas - Ob aaa, lLat om tttags tba outside of the Uak eveeiog rest la'-r- fja Oi. OVERSHOES. The Place for Fashionable Footwear! Several geetiemea or U J). It ia aridoa. that Ku'cM far li f aha eectera om can Cod ta UUwt at m and the tuait uaiite 4 guala. Y tLw m Uua Lrf ta GOODRICH A tX, tba Ej Deader, bar bought au riwii SLo laintMH stork uf the ftot of asu tba latest oJ cnutt fWiytaU anjreiiH cu L fuuad in their 4 Jbfl. DOYLE BLOCK ,' 4 |