OCR Text |
Show LMiiJKN DAILY COMMERCIAL: a tr.ifc nUf i.rM v aa Iw Nrt as 1'1M aa caws aJfl h4 a m (aMtMa sta ftm Ami ftwrtrt Aada x m awllaa A i m i - T rr" ' "" "It awi'I 4 r Jr Poer Electric of fc--wi reo-jrtin- jf fvtUtai Traaarrn. describe a baseball and cth by mmm U aa iageviioB elee-tgas J aiparatas. TV special object of n. rirt tb afijatraUis i to eiuiliU a full of 4 um tu be mad la iB'ht uf a large nuaiiier of faeople and at t!ia earn time to duijwwwe with una or mure of tbe attiMtaU now repaired la rTrtin aU cinra This device U intituled not July tu indicate tba progrwai of to be nawl at Mai, Ulim1 actually UH tv-fnaa of th t! ..pa4te Uli ian4 attnd. la urli to etaitghtra tb ajiertatora on man point on whicli thv ara liable to b mHiirntrily in are dou'rt. 8per latum coming iu ufti nn&bi to ancertaia th nam! of inning iUye.l. til striker at the tb numT of ball and strike railed. a!rv,i iy on the th tv., and ev-to auwtiw u fiul it Ij1I.-p.lwitlicr too Kaiiirt- low railed a -- uiko or a kill. All tint weighty xu which th ban'Ml enthiua-K- t mlidmd can nxjinatU suia late an J rrKaWy tveur ituw bo can W all anxi.-t- y anil r ui vd by a kI.iuim at tha exhibition in kivut of the spvt.itrs. r1 Iboiutlicatorsou whii'li urn ebi .ri ally l co-irolled an J by an ynua loratod c'.omi to tli Us-U- nl lt lt. u t .... Il. y 1 futti aaea ur tu. THE iCA. M Yeaaailta.-T- aa ears aad Mi. at Tla ;aaea Grmad tht oricred a aeek iit the antipoibw that will Iter f that urel. aeen wholly ol the, total I vtn(j It will be otherwisa with rcl'jmo of our satellite, which will briu niiuntnt pust 10 on Nov. 15 at thirty-firwill ne:t. Tliis, ax the nliu:niiuti tell a ti, "enliri'ly visible at nwk-n- y Whither, no doubt, tho will ouea more liebilce himwlf in tiuw to witnrat the jihpnomenon. Oriy-nwich,- " 1 vill Tliero lie tvv. Klar eiliTHe one antiidnr, and vinibie in thin country ait :i on the tipiier limb, lM'in jwrtial niti at two uiinnt wt " o:i June C; tho ottier a iartial ecliixo on Dec. 1, which will bo vittiblt'i'hief.y io t'twSontli Parifio, on Ltay It), a lVi(b.,si IhixetlnTe will triMimt of Mercury over tho nn' ilihk. whicU will be otly pttrtially viiblt in thU iHrt of the flulx. Science KoUn, l, MJ Joarnsjr of a Trri. A stately elm tree i hciux movol .er-rrruilea to trnKvlanil cemetery, and ninot it begnri its which me i;liont half over, it lifts killed on uuiit wul iJitfhtly injured wcreral itheri. Tti tree grew alont thrtv miles fnmt (Jnx I'dint, and i.i (Wtiuel to ndoru a lot where a Mr. L.ithrDo i bnried. It whs luj np alMtnt a month ajjo. the ivjrth unitiii'l its roots boxed up, ati l it wait placed in ftrtaudiuctiiniiijNdin plat-f.in- n non rollers. Tho platmov?n form i.s pulled along by Imcm. Do.rin the pv of chan'iii tho btipports tlx' other day a laUr.r was crushed to doath muler a f.sllitiir le:uii. It is that when placed in the ivuii tery tho tnv will lmv 'ont not l.- thaa sfS.WO.-OacTiibnne. . iiabeard. (Tailor's "Well, on w lb. yia jr ;! If it's one ilirava tuaauiion your bKII.U!" S0L11 "lluw uho'it oit ilrawiuaVrrV I asked aa be nuns U tha Irunirrt. VESTIBULE JLincoln, St. Joseph, l.i" CHAIR CARS Amcaao to ajx Taaocea Taik. KAST 1891. No. t. SOISD TIAIXS. At Inn tic IMw Oarfm Arrire Siilt, J,k a. 11:20 a. U:(0 a. 6 HO p. P.:M p. :; . p. Li'RTe OriDil Janrtion... 9 Kl p. Arrire tilrnwooj Ji)ri'ns. 1:10 a. ArriTO IyTlilvilln 6:20 a. 1:?0 p. Arrive Puphlo Ar. I'oln. Sprinirs i p. Arrive llenver t M p. WCST . N'o. 1. BOCND THINS. : T .i nut i leave IVnver Lesve t'olo. Sprinits Leave Pueblo Leave Lendville P in a. 12:.0 p. 9:30 liVVp. T :.V) p. Leave (ileowoort Spri'ics. UM a. Arrive (irand .laietion .. 4:30 a. Leave ii rand Junction 4:40 a. 8::I0 a. Arrive Oreen River 8:.V) a. Ieave drees Kivor t:M) p. Arrie Vri.vo. Leave Provo 3:10 p. Arrive Snlt Lake t ro p. Lake 4:S p. Arrive Osilrn p. m p. m 10 :V) m m ll:: P. ra 11 i m m 5;:J m a. :! a. m a. m tin a. m S:S0 p. m a. m 3 ii a. id :4S s. m Ko. S. : i' Ti r- i i r.xpiiw!i. ro 8 ;15 p. m m 11:10 p. m m 11:24 p. m m 5:W a. ni m 10:10 a. m m S:10 p. re m 2:li p. m m 5 SO p. m m 6:10 p. ni m 1 JO a. m in 12:20 a. m m 1:45 a. m ro t CO a. m S nO a. ra . Htlpn I j LOCAL TRAINS. OODES AND SALT LASS. Leave Oirden, SSD s. m., 8 flop, m., : p. m. Ketnrnins arrive Ogden 12 -- K p. m., 6 ! p m. 3 SO a, ra. arxoBAM. Leava Salt Lake. 8 S3 a. m., retnrnias. arrive m. SoltLaka, 5SDp. auuucan roaa, raovo, srineaviLLE THIS TLB. Leava Oeden 8 SO Ovilen 14 Hi p. m, D. t:. IH)I(4K. Geo. Manacer. anb p. m., return lag, arrive HKSXETT. i. II. OeiuPaes. Act. of, ; ntte Preper. TTatk aliout the fltaeas af h1jcv' Dumley, potatiag ta a speeding vebicle. ; "ThereVi a llttitratloa of it. Dr. Ijiacet. tha aurgeoa, aut alelthiag in ' a cutter." Boston Oourler. frisls, mes-hng- l't . '. I'r' IniKx-enrr- . tonUenian There gs J'oung Bnwhall. Hia father was a very eminent man, but I nee no hope for the son. He appears to have inherited none of the element of fffeatnesa. Young Gent Why, Pawl It isu't a week since lie was acknowledjd the She Please hold my wrap. riwnipiou foot uall kicker of tho clawss. He Certainly. Shall I put it around Good New you first lsfe. , ' UM CentraMway l Short Lute la Fark tlty. V Ob aaI after October FA. tm. as4 fraifbt traiaa will raa as follows paitser t ' PASSESOft TIACiS.! leava fUlt Laka...... , s. Leava Park Citr Arrive at Park City It f a at Arrive at Salt Lake ',9 a, ' VtKtOBV HAS". ' ' TMa-- a Leave ftaH Lake 4 Leava Park Citr a. Arrive at Park Citr liB J p. a .a Arriva at gait Lake Twelve enberHan trains dily aarasen Malt Lake I'itv aad at ill Creek and Kocar Hotwe. Ail people tin to Park City will 8 it ta IMm , their interest tn taka this lias. Offices and Depnt: Corner th 8aath eaa Mais street. Salt Lake City. T. J. Vseklntaab. ft. V. and P. A. GEORGE W. JONEvS, Ifembar of the Amrric.ni Ticket Associatiou. Broker's Railroad and Steamship Ticket liiTiliT. Ticket Kailroad Bonclit. to all points. ALL 3K Twentf-fiftStreet b PoM nml 1 K'kETS (il'AK-ANTKEI- ). Telephone 20t, I. f. Baiaa. W. Wa.T. Orbv. Preidint. nai-mire- , 'akhier. and Uanaeer. Viee-Pre- Oa DKX, UTAH. CAPITAL, : $200,000. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. c. aa It Hatinaal Beak M, IT I" lab. L. fJTAl'B, a Ko en W. Cross. Lewis W Bbartiia, J oka Fias Justice SECOND OODRS PBEmCT. of the Pence B. Ternes. Juntica ooncx rsrnxCT. mipnPence A. Vorrin. of tustable Contalile Phil Fortl. tho V. O. Sullivan. rot: ht a ooDra ruTrrxcr Jnstire of tho Peace Vai Uiueoa. Constablo H. E. StecL mrsrsvn.i.B rsecnfcT. Jniitice of the Peace Angus McKay. Constable Oeortrs E. Fcrrin. . aoea rsBcrscr. Justice nf the Peace K. B. Frorer. Countable John (ioflld. KOBTtf OODKN rSBCIXTT. LAW. 93 Tveaty-foBrt- b Practicee in the IHtrit Coart and all tha eonrra. tiwetiiia civea to eollertiona. ht aiemU r lu place, in t' rj 's arooriea build-in- t. clj oe&r n.est 1mp of C. H. 4 Kroe., m 1 m.ij-fixiatreet, Oclea, I' tab. i O. bos Hi JSHtSX. KIHMM.U II1HUO H. SLLUOS ALUSOX. Ottlce. np tairs. No. Ofilea, I" tan. UC6 Waabinatoa aveooe, O. O. F, I. 0. 0. F. R. BEYWOOD, F. B.C.Saa so. Clerk ATTORN Office, 596 at Meets eeerrTneeday and Friday arenlncs Lester Park PaviUiou. Members invited. .tree, OirHeo, TVenty-fnnrt- h TJtab. a. w. saira.. ATTORNEEYS-AT-LA- rooms 3S, X aad W. C Lawia, Captain. PON'S OF ST. GFORGF. ORDER "To St. Georaa aad Merrte England. RICHARD CdUR DE LEON LODGE, Xa. 131. Meets every Fridsy evening punctually st tit First National o'clock, in the Thome buiidinc. Tweniy-lonrtsnd (rrsnt, Oirden City, Ltab. Sojourning brothers in good standine cordially Invited. Printed forms of the ''Aims and Objects of AND SURGEONS PHYSICIANS the Society" can be obtained from P. A. Cook, avenne, or of any of the 2;1 Waekinpton Tnos. s. r.CLM er. I'BSCtVSL J. Babbatt, Preeident. Haxbt Gillett. Secretary, t74 Ti'asli Ave. Doctor in, Mclicince, !s'ter is Sursrery, L. S. ' London. A., Office, tssnk bmldinir. 87, h ofti-cer- j)ii. LEGAL BLANKS SURGEON-ACCOUCHEU- Toyal Collet of Snrpefns, EcrIsuH : Fe"ow Society Arts and ieiei.re, London. Formerly onerntine ifiWT,r and wiperintenilent for New Zealand nnrl MellHiurne, ictoriu. Addresa or call at --"Jo Wa.!.iuKtm Ava. rp JL PHYSICIAN. Ia connection with general practice, aires special attention to diseaw iieciuisrto females itiiwsMw of the g enito urinaiv oraao, dis.e of tin. rectum, vfk. : Piles. etnla, fioenre and nloeratinn; dieeaeee of the car. nose, throat and client. Consultation free. Oflice over Poatoflire. Telephone 208. DENTISTS. S. SNOW DEN, Q DENTIST. Washington avetine over flarmck A Sons store. Teeth without piatea aad saving nararal teeth a upecialty. No teeth or root too bad ta be saved by flllina or crovrniag. Special attention given to children's teeth. Office, W27 CIVML ENGINEERS. " C. A. TCSH. ,W FABIS. rpVSH it FARIS, CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, Plans, specifications and estimates prepared and work snperin tended. Haps, plats, tracings, tine prints, etc., etc., executed on short notice. Rooms 3 aad 4. Union hloek. No. 362 Twenty Fourth Street. Oirden. Utah. hot water boy HEATER ! The Most Improved and Eeenoaiicsl Heater in the Market, 133 COMMDa THE T A. COrTlNCHAM, Wakinacnu, 2401 J CO FLBLISII1XG (' Oadsa, Ctsli, r CONTArrwAsO BLASTS. NO. Warranty Dee , short form. . A Warranty Deo , long form ... A De rl A 42.) Quit-clai4.V) Real EstateMo t'ge.short Tnii A 375 Option Contract. A 570 571 m 300 50 100 500 3 51 Lienne A A B C A A i Bond for Deed Discharge of Mortgage Trust Deed Assignment of Mortgage. .. Bill of Sale... . PROBATE COURT BLANKS. Administrator's Bond A A Executors' Bond A Letters of Guardianship Order Appointing Hearing.. . A A Testimony of A Testimony of Applicant '-'. Order appointing Adm'r. . . 1 125 300 376 501 502 37D COMMISSIONERS COUET BLANKS. Summon Sheriff's Sale Constable's Sale Order for Deft to appear .' and show cause 78 Citation for Garnishee 2 Allidavit for Citation for Garnishee 572 Writ of Execution .. i f, 475 476 76 377 A A A A DISTRICT OOL'BT BLANKS. Affidavit for Claim and Deliv-er- y personal property 525 Undertaking on Claim and Delivery of personal property 526 Undertaking for Return to . Deft, Claim and Delivery personal property......... .. 77 Complaint On Claim and Delivery personal property.... 10 A 325 350 400 401 i . anscruXEOcs biaxxs. and Gas Plumbirjii w rrs aaAXcasa.- Fitting '. jxt, DOYLE :&liALVEllSON, a4 ; Mining Deed.....1........... Notice of Location of Claim. Proof of Labor............. Power of Atfy to Locate nd Sell........ A'sk1etaa ava. Call aad trt prices. vtlsos rtKcrvrr. Official Bond and 377 75 325 A . A A WXTXQ BLAXKSJ'. Jsstlca of tS Peace P. P. Kaabaai. tWtAOle Uaaiet X. Drake. : , ' Oath...... Chattel Mortirbge.... ....... A A A ' A , A C A Marriage Certificate Jmwaory Kotee, Books of 50 aae! lOf. Iieceinta, Books of 50. Books of 100. Rent Drafta, Books of &0. Other Blanks constaatly being a(Mei to the above list. ........ Bet-eipt- S. Ms PRESIIAW. rwrswr. roe J. W. Hurt. Jeeib Hogr. Justice af tV y F, CRESCENT LODGE NO. 13. Holds reenlar meet in a every Monday aiirht at A. O. l" W. Hail, Waiuita Is o'clock inTwenty-fourth atreet. all sojoura-ic- a avenoa near bfotbara are eordially invited to attend. F. W. Law is. N. 6. W. L. Assas, Bee. Sae'y. ( CANTON. OGDEN NO. L PATKIAKCH MILITANT, J W, Jsxtiee af tba Peace Peter L, Sbatasr. Ceastabie Jaates Bsrrovh CoanUbie O. O. y trsm: rvaftwr. wt tnsna J r. Jnirtice of the Peace -- ad UNION L0DGEN0. 6. OfHee, over t'tal. National Dank, eoraer of ill nninnuar in a. km, v. airwrfrri Wkbire1nn aveace aad Taeuty-foort- a street, n .niiuiiwiii ifniw, nrw invirirnnB .uivi, Oslen, I" tan. rVijoarninB brotbersui food .tandiiur sra W. H. MV, N. (i. invited to sttoad. K. C baaAO, tiee. JACOB S. BORKMsN, irraDAij rtamcT. - ftliaea F. Sarreiwia. Parry. i. NO a. Q.1L.E.S L01X.E I. 0. 0. F. Merta every Taeaday ereaiiw ia Odd Fellows hall. Twenty-fourtaueek Visiua brwtbrra iorited. John bar a. Jr., Sec. B..Lnv.!.G. I. JOHNSON. T 0. ENCAMPMENT TUitiac brotbeia are eardiallr iaritad. OtTt: taa Waabiactoa Ae... Ofdra. Ttab. ATTORN'EY-A- A.O.O.W. BF.Lrea.Cr. HW. ATTORNEYS AT ri.HK cm rcrscr. Jsitiee of the Pesee Cunttoble Joeiah R. Carvar. Jn' ice of fKa Paaew- Coatmaa L ASEravn.LB rtanxcr. Jnirticeof tb Peace William O. Ravnea. Constable--Jarae- a It. Taylor. Oattaiile-4'al- eb E. iatbaAO. Maeva ' aiaaioTt huwnct. J. Bea. 0. 0. F. C. W. Hatl taa tret Urn 4 Thandars of eacb atoatb, L. E. iuc.Dasa, 6mba. t. u. aamaxia. hiet Jaatiee 8apr.au Coart. Xavada. JEONAKD A bUCMIIXAX. Jnstioe of tha PesroJgnies Store'. Countable James Deamer. Richard Dye. Ceiutabla Jobs Parker. rem rBBrrxct. Jutieeof tbe Peace Timotbr Keai'll. Constable Byron L. Bjbea. KAsraniAa raECtwcr. Jnstlee a? tbe Peaea Coastaide WUsoa Potdter. rarusAjrt view wacwet. Jattiee nt tbe Peace W. T3. Oaartati. CoastaOia (jeorgvi H. Maroeck SLATEviLi.a tttrrsrn. Jasties of the Peace Jaraea BotcAias. CaiutwMe-Jo- ba J. Rntchiam , l piDaxm TjnfTaH ti Joitv--e Si'li-c- t men Piaooek, Fred Koy. Clerk J. P. Ledwidso. Recorler.rclm ii. Tyler. AsH'SMir Eita ia Dix. Treaeurer John A. Boyle, Collector John V. Hhit li. L. R. HoKem. Atarnoy Sheriff-tiilh- ert R. Hplnnp. Coroner Marvhnl AUra. R. W. Kari. Surveyor SntK'rintendent of District Scoots Jos. Perry PRECINCT OFFTCBRS rrRST OGDEM rBBTlSfT. Jiifticnof the Teace K. A. McDaniol. Countablo K. A. Koch. M- eia iBoassr-- , A aasi Taa - a. B. r. at T flA Yiaitiac BeeU lie Tmawd.; brutWrs aosaiaby tavited ta anaad. J.F.Coujaa. M.W. W. ForiABa. tec d r. L trraxaa. Fiaer. ARCHITECT. aod Read Hirtah Opaauta tba Beam I aad Kim maw lUocaa. o. asnal Baivoaa. SECRET SOCIETIES. lows 1 a . wrnr.s rorvvr omraHS. . Prooste L 0- - CO. A asKsmiD sarra A SMITH. gMITH No. 4. a. :. 0:n a. Ijn?Slt I.nke Arrive I'rnvo l'ore I'rovo ArrirHrcwn RiTer LeBre(!non liiTpr Arrire Hrsnd Junction. OS, xaoaaa baiiOins.Onxm. lOO.OOO. 01S5.OOO E. Doolv, Preeldent.' W. N. Snnxmo. Vloa Tresideut. Treo. Boaiaoa, Atlnntie Globe-Democr- a tablet This ia a country cemetery: wbo for many "Here lies the body years conducted a highly resjiettabte general business in an artjoiaiuf village, walch ' now coutlnued hy his widow.' X. B. Xa trust virea. -l- iondoa TBits. " J. L. B. Adams, Caaliinr. Kiprev - Buaiaeiw Always. Inscription waa found upoa . MKECTORS: vTsrren W. Corer. It. A. Welln. John KeeV, Tlioe. (alioon, t'. E. W nrtele.l '.('..Kohinoon, 8. .H. Schramm. Ad. Knhn, Thno. Robinson CURRENT TIME TABLE i'n-s- a m . . A. K. f. Bai.s. W. oata. ATTORN E loteraat Paid oa Time Deposits. OK stamdakdIbauge. , cl . . aaaraoeaaea Baoeta. T. ARCHITECTS, JIMBALL United States Depository. Railway. na tMd Cteluer. Rio Grande Western CITIZENS' BANK IaLffertJan. tt VHZiXCB Ogden, Utah. thtt Wasskn GKO. W. VALLERY, 1 Twscty:tb at.i afbea.OalM.,taa. ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- Oaha. capital, SUItPLUS. Our Famous Dining Cars "Never you mind! Iet your own 'i"ver! I'm fMlnRdowa titan, and to the hoane you can if I slioiildnt rniiiiui:icate nilli any lawyer yon see fit." lim lie wan hiiiue uud in bed hy 11, and glad to drip the subject. Detroit Free A P.Ellil lOW, OK ALL TRAINS. I I SI 25,000. 7,500. TRAINS For tnnher Intormtuoa eouoeratm Una, apply to any Ticket Agent, or addreti CBAPTTB. LT. ATTORKEY-AT-LA- H. C. BIGFLOW. Preideot. A. KoYI.K, Vice Piwident JO'iX St. Louis, Kansas City. ? done it.'" - f. C. araaaaut. W. M. , ARCHrrECTS. y E. KU1TE. .... aad tbM nat HnaarMca T. f. Ixi. a. smb. Falsr - aiau. weVj-'-- Room 4. roina block. s'reet. Ogden, I" tab. UTAH NATIONAL BANK, FREE RECLINING A I p STATE Capital raid in, Surplus, Chicago, snch conduct" (Tailor's reply uuhnard. "Yea, If it c.i.ui'i ui oliarp 7, but not a minata later! Vuit folk down tliera must bave all beru eu a drunk thia week!" "la it cumlott at if" I "Certainly. I dida't ex()e"t it liefore, but wantnl to burry Vm up a little." "Well, 1 hope it will ounw." "Hofiet It wiil come, aul that's all there (a about it." Itut T o'clock nmi) without th uit. It didn't ramie at hulf past, nor at 8, and Mr. Ilowser vnllad up the cutral and ra told that the lallur hnp was abut up. He ihuieed up aud dowu, raprel un the box, kicked the rat aad told baby to nhupMip, and finally lie fell Into a chair aud looked at uie in u dd, U y wy "Well, Imw about dreaantakenif" tasked. "Xota word, Mrs. llowaer a a wold I see how ll In!" "How what Is?" ".More of your revengeful work! You wanted tu n?t even with me and you hare "Hut a bat did Brcry Cos art. H. O. HukaaM, lavid kora. Panick ILT. luuta.fardluaor Denver, lan-ft'wg- e Will Pay 111 . Xapolron McDaniet, a noted trin robber, recently convicted at Texarkaaa, Tex., and sentenced to fife iinprisonment in the penitentiary, haapseaiel from jail. Tw6 oaiiwnt criminal lawyer who nllj defended liha are now living in daily dread, liaviusr received a o from McOmiel that he intends to kill, them "because they did not do in his defense.' Philadelphia their Ledger. A. U. bVrbaiiiW. lotereet Paid oa Time and Ravines Depmita. K!?,) ky. T. A. e.fti-m.ite- d Ontraca RepiiHnl Ml . A man who inwl hinwclf "IMtaen." and who is way of on upelliiis. writes tho IiCwisfoa city niBMlial that Is lius lxeo kit by two skowIwIIs thus far thin wason, wkuli ho thinks were uialic1on II jy aimed at him by aoiiip Iwd nolifii the diy marnhal that Ihis throw in J of snowballs at ISim must iraa at oaw, or there wilt lie tumble in lh taller in tfo very fnt nr-- s f jewiubvi Joa'Aiu!. J. C AeaMroa. W hak-a- . N mm fcbedr Did at Troukle lllaa. Wlirii Sum Joiim was prem hinr in a wnntd ii towa some lime ago be was an noyed by a youus man who was to bis uirl. finally the preacher could .ttatid the interruption no lonser, n he iookiHl jtraij'.lit at the yountcmaii and mid: "I will jiRiist- unril the Toiiiia man iu the hack of the room uctn tbraugb talklnt;." '1'he silence was intense, und every eye was on the yonutf man. who was still whispering to his girl, lie had been so busy that be had not caught the preacher's censure. Mr. Junes repeated the reTo PlMlm-- l I.HUtp lOiilili Tho eeason i jiwt on n when bin:;) mark, aud this time the youaic man heard hiiu. Not an lu stunt did he hesitate, but cliimneys break in spite of hII prcMn-tiijn- bo immediately tried to mpiare himself. canse and lxel people t While every one wa wathiue him lie who are usaallv clion- - sn-- weak- - looked wmait'ly tit t he preacher and said: r?.y ir jm.vei)tiv(( i!". The ndnal "(io right ahead, Mr. Jouea, you are not mHiitunena'Ni u to flop a fnmnetit out botherinjt me." Yankee Blade. of the glas s to allow forep:ttt.4on. Kne PaHtenvAs. t. nics oat of tell the gir. it ;?.: !;etl by A N'politnn ueu'leiiiuH happeaed to the pnxx'M and detitrovtion 'xp.,lited. If the chimney U washed in oil ami show a beautiful waK'h to a it a winch tha: the nsvrt veu wipi'd with a damp cloth it The latter admired offered it te him. The ilite!y Keapolitau will Im and indostna'ttble, Frenchman, to his (rrat surprise, accept eI will amoke jet black beforo it will crank. it. wbereuKit the donor iruiai 1 have ifcommendd tliin ''How now, sir, where are your manners remedy to cuk-tifor yeara, and have never hrard What I so politely etered to you, yon of its failing. Interview in St. Louia should have as politely reftoied!" london Tit Bits. a araieata aca. aii." IV-j- l 75,000. OGDEN. UTAH. uu'ird J (Tailor'a . "Voa haven't! 1'bat'a a rvtty Wea! mean to tvll ate that suit bo't Co IS Pnllls, UlkECTOBS: litir the rndy. 1 CCSTRtaORS AND BUILDERS. ttm md IttSiMOa areaar. baa. Twaaty- LAWYERS. Undivided 4j BIDOIKO for BraakfaM WeauNB.BiKtar m Of- a.F.Aa.1. R.A.M. I50,000. ir lit UTiie nun. rutsr :i tu ioils. d Miitl i tl:; f uil - ffH Paid ia SujiIgs VuVu r.. wao:ryal IS bjxb leut ala ael taa SUktyou HvatMim, aJ t7 U(ht ait. !!. awiy, and It ii only in extern countries oooex, i:taii. Oaf POETUPP taa Tepar M the fcaaotifu esju-ri--u-- opf-ratv- Traaa.'Taaaa.-r- he ai fPiXaSSOASD BITWIH u-- tfu--r t't tWla. cikmclo L onlyskThours ItUl aiiuute oaTt.-E- f iea tuau. Jagtaana araani ttri sat u4 plrasare aerer rloja. MairnrrL AT de"HoaralMiut ii.illu.tg! liberately ptrjore ttaaiuarlva, wb;Ie this waa a m-- re oTcnuhL It'll be up at 6." "A ad If notr" "Uida't I any it wuald be op at Of Make all your arraiiKUMiits to go to that arty.M Mipmm la When he came up st aad failed te And Thi year's e4ipna will he pomewliat the suit be turned live had whiter. (Jo-la-a Um the On of rveuin beyimd avwug. to the phnne he yellwl to the tailor: in M.ty 33 the Biotm will rie erlij.w t "Where in linlirax l that suitut mine?" fits minute to 8, but the thnJow will I'failor's reply unbmrd.1 for the greater iMirt hurt already pa-"Stt, it linnu't! V list do yon meaa by ? lr Ui btwakiaat I qucraxl: earuia of yoor aw auit" "Do yoa "Uo I feel owtat a that 1 Ur"ba reyluxl. vita a cran 1 wava of bia band. eoma op." But It may "And tha mi a Buy bot iu bilor aod tha piexca tutuUla to earth. Tba clock will aol bare struck 'it brfura that auit is lint whrn La came up to dioar I had to inform biui tbit ao aa.t bad arriTed. -00. aail. ta panwl bny ia tabiac it La tera txv atuw," be arurvd. fore I iro." li nt It waau't. Ha wniid tea minuU. ovrr liine.aod thea weut to the ttteptioof U(i and lul l; and cailpd tua t I snnoc auit baa aturtfd oa itv "Whr, pwia-e- t. r, c. kch tua. L. . artt klLlt r. i. M. LAS&slAJhr. l t. 0r A-- Aaraa4 iijA sat yEtrr ASD EUIIXEX anJwai i nvea a gara'iit J Sauaaaorder. tmxiru afcec tuH Kaart. tsms- )iuc ta timi ysK ta ciwait Cars latnaK aBo4 oa Tina Dapaaita. f k'.a tiara. Aomm Uubh tkc lot. aai aaermcscato arfwa aa VaaatiN' Wj taat Hvataatal HirMW rtM J. C. Asjtaraena. Baa Fraacoa ty Um mm. Caaar. rraa't. of Ua rif, the OUia aa4tkeTlaa. RlaUrie rallferala Ueoit af Kaataaa, CommcpGial National Bank, Aad af Ua fad re J altera bem far fair Reaarta where cart aJ mijt ty al Q 'CCXTRACTCE GENERAL BANKING. LIVE. a arw atut. atu pulakas taa liry wwra Co baatatap at aoua oa a ccrtaia oay.aodWa at to a party taat aiht. vara op.' riy I rii:ld Bft, Co.- Capital.'- - - - - 8200.000.00 - l.OOO.OO Buiplurf. C. P. w aa Not bbuI tomorrow. at Loci. well iii&ka up our aiiad la tic got out It waa tbe at aalf-oaof it byaayioUtat is waa a atiataa for waka Uta itrTamtV-- r would probably euasuut aakiJa. Awack lata ba orferod fcate ieSnar ft aJaea. urtn-rtaitit- coma." Trust AT MSOMIC. EUSINtSS CAOS. av KA2ii-- QGXa3C tu raa aoaH aava rnr "Tbea f turJjet abtaX Mfa. Bowr. yvi ara a vary xufl aaars. "iiut X drrm wfl fac Wre ty T." B foa la fanaa o a al! Krvr ttaaw aarthiax of joara I coaa v.p wita-l- a t jmt bir of tbm I iaas lweu-Tai Is a ajoc alau cf afaira. I aaoat aay f a-- 4 Utah Loan OGDEV. UTAH. F0R71A5C AXD TEE KCE7HWES1 Th drra mCl lut 1e4eaantr a4 mm ' Scenic Route lUa aaarwnx' (aa. an aaU m4 asaatia are r w aai mr t4 It - BANKS. A faapaetol a mew 4nm taeeaaa spaa ta um for a party vatrh u ( iaiu4. At 'ruck l:Hr. fiovaor btaa ta an oarsaaeasy and qur-v- a it hrm diiat yoa "w"fcj oa T. WM lESDAV, FEBKCAKV 3. U9I. BAIIROACS BGWSCR. MS. AkO 1 UNDERTAKER ntirvn rtancrcr. Jiwtlceef Ute Peace J.iomi Johasaa. (wtablv Francis M. Belaap. And Funeral Director L aaamklet af taforautlea aad ab- itsuaei or ua iaws,aBowtna now tor k ustaia rataaia, are.lt, Trade aaraa. uoprnfiia, sanr . AaSraa BSUNN a fi Csfkets and Wood Caskets snd Special Attention paid to Embalm in and Preparing Bodies for Shipment. Orders by telegraph promptly attended to. I hava the only flreOclase Hearse in the city. Telephone No. 11S .... , Vetallie Coftins BNSSWSf) ;3al aaw 1 ca. ROCK I ROCKI ROCK I Printers nnlPnhlihpr: Th (ViMMtltriAi. TheMcClnin Qgarry of Orfty Granite PtTonListHixo Comvaxv is carrying a snd Tlook is the Beet in tne Market. select fttx-- of Standard. Fine and larije SiirnTiine For prices delivered call at oflico of News. Poster and Job Inks. Roller and Ttthlct-in- s ComjKifition. Sizes and Varnishes alto kept WashDsAtNARD, Koni.so. Jt Co., in stock. Those in ned of inks will do well to ington Avenue. buy of Tnc Commebiial. , |