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Show tin 3 wear, Lk i w ftlvavFuo.tuium c a nark in tLa Lb t 3 rtxxia. usiva rxv.1 iitfuw,e tha ai I 1 Utij. It u erkim ttit gaUtA&a f r f ruo tb I sLu ete ooe (U Had f lei UiiS w true OGDEN DAILY COMMEIXIAL: SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1531. K a V u ie&iTa. Lave uxiut ct tl. fiwt of V.4rr, etk Utt novelUe caa Bul bw fa!..t!isf fvjund w Uir. -- y AND CHILDREN, aA .. Q t tL x & COS, THE EXCLUSIVE OAAJk&J --Aw ..: W , tt Uki tUie s Lc K Is AT Art K H v I - LsrTi tLcir fArdrw. Wei W U BiJ lo o jr iiore and try SHOE DEALERS, a t V.-- a m cd JUKI GOODRICH A I H BOTH FOR LADIES'. GENTLEMEN a in 1 The Place for Fashionable Footwear! J OVKRSIl'Ofe ' yyw . ' - 9? la lad tta. 4 Ko. 31' ARCTICS. CITY IN DllIKF. Lt CoL Biachoff. of the Twenty-ocd X. '. G, atopped ia Ugdi route from the erene of the Ul Indian war to e Caldwell, Idaho, where he has a . 1?L Nearly a fuot of ico now on Th grand jury wiH eonn tomorrow. now a Jars. PuIiUo three time a Kan Francijoo, ia in J. Iirowufcton, of lh ctly. Wm. IIaJr. of inoennaa. Ioi, ia in k city. Tha aleurh bella ran merrily all tUy Tdctorday. XL Kali and wifd. of Sarramenta, ara Street. h Twenty-Fourt- FOOTHOLDf W. W. ETJNGaS. SOLE AGENT FOB busi-ne- WANT HO. mvu a poaitiuo. gita an interesting 6HOKTiUM. 1TE1 aooount of the late uostilitiea. U It Teraw rrMi tttatits Wiftrtel- AAtraxfaa m.ty All incoming trains on the loo Grand were dflayea yrterUav by a . rOR RENT, land alide near I looper. The Southern cf hundred different kin t Pacific w Lkh t her last evening fur Heating Stoves in stock and czn I AKl.E the coaat, rarrtwl out three connection, . , ru of lit cii. two of which should have been made for suit "almost anybody, both in ztyli JOXES. SEXTISfl ILZH 6MITU the early train. tMJt Watiintwi ' price. propose to I 1 Mr. Last, of the nrm of Jecnir.gn, Lact HOl'SE 11 the head of and zrr.ll Jt Thomaa. ia now in the east making procession J fro tLrer Mr. tun I coring purchases of fancy noveltiea ana Muftua. Ut IvwiHtrct nam. will V at tba l'wirtc always make prices imported and domestic dry good a, RET-Tour customers. Tha citv elaetion taka dUcc a week etc. They carry the largest line bold, at XSM. Je3nom stnwt. from tomorrow. of i ilk suiting and trimming in Ogden. them Washington call, 21 Tha Mormon primariea Uka plar to Give FOR SALE. aveoue. morrow areaing. Roi-Inland route, the favorite Th D SALE HOt'SEHOLU in Use It puvt to adortia in Tue Coumeb-iii- for eastern travel haa aent to Ogden ita Nearly m f uraitur. fuldias bed. atuies, etc i sueet. mm. and it i'ry agent, Cbarlee Guiding, a magnitioent Dhototrraph of ona of its tine veatibuled W. J. Baer. of Salt Lake, wia an TX)B SALE A (iUOD BUSINESS. 8! emprul required. traina. taken on the track at Colorado Ajlr tUL Vatkl Tirnlor yterday. Hpringa. It ia a very fine photograph, Hot of tha E.i1'. Tatrick, Sprinja taken bv Jackaon. of Denver, and ia on I VI R KALE I HATK. FOR SALE. A L I1 soand, aitd ufe family hone and t hotol, waa in town yesterday. exhibition in the window of Peebles Mted bwrey ; cheap Will (alt a food 4, cow aa part payment and bankabl JL IL Manchatiter, of Jefferson City, drug store. pm num. ommemsi r rslnee. J. Mck, ia tha guant of the racific. MADE A MCE HAI L. Mr. Edwin A. Dlx, oounty aaeaeaor, waa in from Plain City yesterday. Burglars Get off With Diamonds to Mr. Oliver, of tha Denver and Rio the Value of $7,o00. OF THE Grande, waa in tha city yesterday. Sax FaA.ncio, Jan. 3L A statement Mr. Brown, of the Rio Grande Weat-r- n is published that the diamond palace) of traffic department, win here yeater-dair T Colonel Andrews waa entered some I II I II 1.1i i r 1 1 i ' and Plated Silverware. Gold and Silver Jewelry and Novelties of every desc;!t night ago and diamond and jewelry to Sterling a tbe value of f 7kXf taken by the burg- tion. Diamond ' The young people of tha eoming Setting and Repairing attended to promptly. went on a aleigh ride to Hot Hpringa lars. last evening. More goou resolutions for tha new : j '"' Mra. T. A. Whalen, who faaa been very year: Resolved, That I will pay my way AT THE : AVE. OOPEX. WASHINGTON aiek ainoe her return from Chicago, ia as I : SIGN UTAg OF THE BIG CLOCK. and not ran In debt; also, That go now oonvalosoent 1 I won't expectorate upon the floor of SUMMONS. W.O. Child Sn aay it hoa paid any car or public conveyance, or upon ft Utah. Or?len. them to advertiae in The Commercial. Before B. Ternea, Justiea of the Peace for Jud the floor, steps or at airs of any house, Try it youraelf. It will pay you. Ugoen precinct. 1 TEKklTOKT OF UTAH tm pnblioor private. Then when goto t'otKTy or Webkb. Harry Stevena of Sacramento, travelnext summer vacation the naMrs. A. Richard, plaintiff, Tf. Wm. Dwyer, Europe of Pacific Southern the ing engineer Dmnantf. defendant. tive will not know at a glance that I am vsUtm, waa in the city yesterday. The People of Utah Territory aend ereetinj : To Wm. American and a spitter from WarDwyer, defendant: Yon are hereby directed to appear and answer Thy aay that the "Straight Liberals" ail are on the increase and that the "Citi- back. before the Justice of the Pence ri. at roMMiriKa or 'c i his office in Ovden City, in raid County, the . 1. i i. zens" have their taila down for good. ocnnuwDoacn, n.." iinrw, iw, j lieu. complaint of said Plaiut iff tiled herein, within hart, Two California a. A. R. Ileywood. Albert t. lit. of Summons five iJel, sou after this days The Union Mercantile company ia if served on yon in Oeden ( ity, within ten days Lt. u. Davidson. There are people not a few in Calidoing a rushing busineaa, even when in if served out of said City but in the County coiiniTTr.K or nrrrtATtovv fornia who indulge the hope that some which this action is brought, and within twenty A. Leiebter. B.Schwarts, politic absorb bo mucht attention. Jni Oni, if served elsewhere. days tie - Rraun, L. L, Xr.ndsatw-- i Aukin the di will state future Border, the Dr. M. N. Graven waa again called by day This action is brought to reeoverof yon the Felix Keinbold. . t : sum of CS.UU alleged to be due Plaintiff from telegraph to Halt Lake City yeatorday vided into north and south California, aKfEPTIOK. OT COMHlTTKK : room as follows hoard and or rent r yon diand Dakota as Carolina were to attend Judge Laofbourrow again. just F. J. Kiesel, A. R. Heywood, E. Elbri you by Plaintiff at yoursiwcial instance and request duriun 1MHO. Myers, Herman Kalm, h.. Kheinliart. Miaa Josie Wambole has roturuod frora vided. A Texan will fight if it is proFor furtlier particulars reference is hereby Kd. Auth, Albert Weber, L. L. JLtav a recreation trip north and taken charge posed to divide his domain, and he lives made to Plnintilf s complaint now on tile at my Meyer, Adolpn rehnnger. ollice, in this action. ot the Union Depot hotel dining room. in the biest, and what may one day be fi.v)r ,. - JiraJ it . T And you are hereby notified that unless yon a. r: neywooil. llico. do so appear and answer said complaint as The Fair apeeinl daily bulletin ia in a the greatest state in the union; but above required, Plaintiff will take judgment Hess, Gustavo Mahlimliaimt. OmTS! red ( ramer, Heury Ktav. Steinfold halt column on the Stli page of this paDakotuns did not have the same feeling neiiinft you for the sum claimed by her, Helfricli. will to and it interest and cost of suit. per pay every noueeketper of patriotism, neither do Californians. $.). To the Sheriff or any Constable of W'sber TU-kotread it fVdiniftinK Make In favor of the division of California County. Territory of Mali, (ireetini;: IcwhI service and due return hereof. Mr. Geo, V. Pipkin, who foil on the It is setbeen has state that the argued (tiven under my hand this 5th day of January nidewalk Friday, waa some better last B. Tern em, A. D. isw. tled by two distinct classes of people, Justice of the Peace for 2nd oph-- Precinct. night, but Bevere internal injury ia For sale at the office of F. J. Kl. for White Plaintiff. two i. climates and White, Attorneys inhabiting practically fearod. and L. L. Davidson's curar store, tj).u ., rv Two gonuine jack tarn were seen on interested in totally different occupaTwenty-fiftstreet yesterday, A good tions. Instead of congratulating themway from the ocean, but not fur from selves that California has thus such ault water. splendid resources within herself, the , Rev. J. B. Thrall, president of the diusionists urge these differences aa a Utah Uuion of the Y. P. S. C. E.. will reason be should states two made. why Meak at the : Congregational churehl on Northern California, the gold and iliai iv vvtniug, reu, utu, wheat country, was settled by the pioThe pipes have como and Ogden eiti-- . '40 and those who came immer.ena win now count upon having their neers of house lighted by natural gas from the diately after them. They dug gold, and in time went into wheat raising and agi nly well within a few weeks. The apread given by the "Turf" last riculture alao. They were the typical night to ita patrons and frienda included community of an average northwestern ntariy every delicacy imaginablo ajid state. Jt was at length discovered that ' A was enjoyed by a largo number. southern California, the region south of A BECAUSE they give Sleitjh riders who neglected ordering Santa Barbara, had a climate unrivaled V 1.1. X ; their customers better their outfit yesterday will probably be for mildness and taUubriousness, and a doomed to disappointment today, aa for the and goods nioney than can be bought prices soil that nature bad made with an eye neaily every rig in the city was engaged elsewhereto growing the most gorgeous and gloriList night. ous fruits of ' countries. months old seven little the Alice, Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Underwear and 4Vi Then rich men. the millionaires from Mr. Mrs. W. and of John daughter Wilaon'a Ward, died yester- eastern states, went there and started Ramey, of Goods Will be Sold day from the elTecta of a cold, hhe will great frnit farms and vineyards started he buried today. them with combined motives of business A work train of four cars with a force and pleasure. They moved there their of men were kopt busy all day yesterand these took with them their families, Cans of Salmon, for 25c. day in clearing the Bnow from the plat- luxurious tastes and habits of idleness. To make room for the IMMENSE SPRING STOCK just purchai forms and tracks in front of the Union lt. The result is, so the divisionists say, two Hams, only SUG-A-- H depot. ji The Union Mercantile Company car- peoples as unlike as the inhabitants of One-PriBacon, ioc. a IK ries a special "ad" in thia paper every Ohio and Louisiana would be, and with ce UOID this difference they do not see how one Sunday. Don't let the day go by without giving it attention if you are a house- legislature and one governor can doz. a 15c. Oranges, please keeper. Sti-eet- , both. 3G0 Ogden, "Utah. A gentleman who keeps a large store and everything in our line Anything in this city yaterday was no interested in the political discussion he waa ia that he could not atop to w ait on customers. What next? The club haa Mozart's Quintette in hand and will make ita first public appearance with the "Merriment and Finale" from that work at the Kirmeaa ia the Grand opera house on Feb. 10. t ' W Twenty fifth street waa lively yesterday juat opposite the Novelty theatre Ssveral of "the toys congregated and were loaded with snow balls for the panning expressmen, and they received them, too. The burning out of the Broom Hotel chimney caupeJ considerable excitement on Washington avenue yesterday afternoon calling out the tire department and congregating a large crowd. Thia evening at the Methodist church Rev. J. Wesley Hill will lecture on The Duty of the Pulpit, the Press and the Patriot in Polities, It is intimated that the discourse will deal with the present pted la atuUonsof Horn w xears th Standard. political situation. t sxcvllpnre proven In million of The streets resounded hist night with hoini anporior for nnvrt tlmn n qunrtnr of a century, lt a dozen or more parties taking "straw is titwMl ty the United States tivinmnt. by the howix of the ttront Universitim rides," on the old fashioned plan of big B.KndonwJ the Ktmngprt, l'umt, and moot HetUthful. and sled. aleigh-.in"bob" box The 1 J room Hotel. IST. wagon Or. Price' I'roain linking Powder does not O U")th St.. 1st was first class and the streets were contain Ammonia. I.ime or Almn. Sold only in Cans. PK1CE BAKING POWDER t'O. to a high degree, .'""mated New York. Chicago, San Francinco St Louis. aentuv reot XiiFiuci again t inner. Geuera dr He ml TVTE HAVE NEARLY Clld Wtra k-f- and trim-ming- We the a, IsTo. 2,000,000 keci at -- t.. sat' that 2441 Washington . k h4.-- r Twwty-aevetiU- n Og-ila- i THE LEADING JEWELEES. CLOCKS. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, y. Second v LOW PRICES. Grand B rTtiTn II riTiiits Kir-mea- GOOD GOODS. "Jfi . 1 1 1 JBff ! A:o.ii.w.riLv .irtu nil uisrioisr above-name- Bj-fl,Kie- ' . Mercantile Coup y 9 ..J -- GROCERS. UP-TO-THE-TI- t: -- h A SUCCESS!.! n Yiy U rTTr GRAND 71 Slaughter Sail DDin 9 -- ... AD TA :n1ATTTrn semi-tropic- Heay FOR INSTANCE: TWO Below Cost Until Feb. Cured Breakfast nc.a m Te FINEST RIVERSIDE w 24th .AJSTD HARD WAR pes Xe4W IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH TI LE I C. g r X vIVulmeh o J. OEABTEEE, Chokers below Mixv. iVZl if) ocdem BOYLE BLQ' JRKS, |