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Show V 0 OGDEN DAILY COMMERCIAL: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 'MM REAL ESTATE. BEIUL oguo. Real Estate and Invest tl ,etifjM. City." !! MOTS, mi. FMtia- - fttata sm( ta Muut . Usua & T. Mr. nitii sUAmw wmt Hf mm .. m Mutt m4 em m pm rot.... inatruiBcot in Fl rod a HriU wmb lnn. M Unit, car vaiar, rtiMji, wuM aatall wk oUapaa Mr. lVtmiinl haa bate tb villi putiM ia I. IJ Bmiii Umm4uJ rui tract yropertf ot u bum of C M. Wikoa ftf tbia city, reprtMatiaf the 1 tad VMUra ... tw. !' tardAy ths &eJ i ftmounud to wcywa A I ii I ' B m i Tha nonn )cn K0.0UU in caah. dowa by Mr. Wikoo ia U CitiieM . sad tia-.bank and all tha papers wera ( and tha deal cloaed. Mr. u ia ooa of tba ttartiaa iutarbut tha principal man in tha lay, - mat-wvho- name ia requested to b id for I aw days, and who ia ftbont jO,000,OOU Urn nam aactioa with thia deal, when it ia a, wiu maka Ugden star. lanUemao. or rather, these ren- i, cava aelectad Ogdea aa tha a tha mid-wator tha location of ten of an industry which ia not i treat magnitude in tha United but one of world-vid- e fame. 'to bMat in hera will ooat JOtorxo&OO and wiU am- ' ' 100 to 300 men. - that in the particular part ' vhera these works are to be 1 Tillage of laborers' homes tunned of from 500 to L500 peo- i I Ogden's population will be in- TV, a Innraua nl t aTtii that nUnt iuua nieauw jvu- - mo uuen more it to Ogdea'i buaineea houaes and 1 thousand dollars ft month mora p circulation bare, jhard to realize what thia all M to, especially aa tha location of 3perty and the name of the ia kept back for ft while. yld theea two things be named, .: not ft business man in Ogden - 'd not appreciate the tnagni-i- e event. ttingill deserves the thanks and .ulationa, also of the people of for having so successfully com-th- e deal. f several days past this column has atd at some large deals on k and, of courtesy to the rjrincina'.a in N withheld the good newa until ere entirely closed. ' ' ir A IHft Bcmt, fMd Investments for dents a specialty. J. McCulloch Bfit WMtusdoa 1ml, Md HsUt Baildiac 240$ Wiikgioi W ww4 folkwiBC kU bMWM J&Lh mad SKA tL W fitMittrrh roda aa Qoiacr. batvw Dealers. propartiaa kaadlad. Call Koaabatnna-elaa- a A (JU0 aad Uaeota. l&zlS fmt, SUJU. Two boaM betvaaa Stk aad Mth na T.IbmiIk. Jiia lent (boiina propwty) oaljr Ik.UUU. wi iniM oa naabtaataa fewt,tsMuOL Cnw fact, 1150 BXa and W.M par foot Oa Wall Ait, aear exmer Mth, a. ln UXxlH 13iu.t f, eraoo, C11M. adL. SnxllS t VoU in Cniranitr Haicbu add.. $Mt to aatn. on aaajr parmaiua aad kmc Una . to Kxcaxvos. SniaU frnit fana m nilet froai Citr kalL far grooarr bntinaai. raaideaaa or boaiaaaa Dron-. ertjr. 12.M0 term In Baa Lnla Taller. Colorado. Bararal good (anna la Kaaaai aad Nebraska. Corner lot ia KiTantri -- f0 Reed Hotel Building, OGDEN, UTAH. ... ...cr'Tfi"Fr,-- , involving riargedeal been on Borao-Jj- O the tapis Q00 has 0f past namely, the purree View Addition ty the jiklin Mortgage Trust company. i baa been talked on the street ,v. it were a settled fact, yet it .. rm. ,.j i. omake the each payment of but on Judge Patton's re- "om the east there was found to ' e hitch which it was impossible to rv,, so last night the deal was . or so, JCP off. 2406 WASHINGTON AVE. J. D. GILL OITeri jron tbo following propertiae : I 4U. flOOO. Buy and Sell 349 Twenty-fourt- OGDEN, Motor line. $ 500. does not prevent the Conklin company from making ients here, and already the con I have a larse list of reeirience. farm and acre figuring on the purchase of a property, and handle nothing that 1 cannot seo )f property which it, thinks equal money in for my customers. Am uloaited to lot better than Lake View. This show at all times. iro, when made, will be, in all Nity, the heaviest in the real es-r-y J. D. GILL, 2404 Wadwgbi M, OGDEX. oTthe city. . o luiuiouao 'kiua corpomuiujf fjtoOgden and its heavy mvest-- t NOW 13 THE TIME TO BfJY ire moan great things for the and also a very active j'Ogdenmarket for this coming estjte s, however, ; Real Estate T WTERDATy TRANSFERS. amounted to jeterday sale made amounted (anafors The transfers of real in Uffaen wiu enow neavier loiais hrst sixty days of 1891 for almost any time since i '. geal Estate Transfers, state transfers furnished by the hot Abstract office, 24U for Jan. 31, 1891: Wash-venu- jit to A Dunning, lots 12 and 3 University Place; $400. uk to H W Pitter, lot 36, block m'ty Place; 200. 9- - to C Mathews, lota 44 and o' ier in block 40, University s Also rod corner on Wall Avenue property below real value. 23H acres near north Washington will subdivide. 8x8 Twentv-fourt- , REED & ;ng Powell to B P Stacy, lot 7, apson & Dieter's subdivis- - i t 3r ' ( L f f dJB Arthur, all of blocks b Hill; 63,200. to R Kohn, contract! lot "C;" $1,000. I R. Kohn, (contract) lot l"C,"t708. ! j V fX lR-Koh- (or".tViwt) Addition UTAH. : I b'-M- 32, -- A. Sav telle, lote 3 Toodmansees r-p- 5. plat "A," I J S t addi- - rs aawtene, iota a j.Woodmanuoes addi- - V I "1 Sausage Works! Foot of Twentieth St. . Market. UU Waabinctoa 4, yy r" H Ufa ! A number A STECLVLTY. LOW PRICES and EASY TERMS, by R. P. HUNTER, SOLE AGENT, aiis Va U Lud T Ut rif U OUrt ud tU TfM. tAir ker fr ut ud XtrU mtct rue4 kvt nmm aU Uawaof riaea,aawaUasaayaa4 "V1'wtarUMraUnaai. otaptatod by aaiauL eabaa, tn tlajt. - aonrat ar iKla aoarar wluck fgfL maiataiiaad or WntflaT ba Baay otmud ilaiiaay Coipaay. iia aiirxaa.ma ur "(watily Kaa. aad all aad tW sutrular. ONLY 36 HOURS suprr-atrurtar- a, "" BETWEH S1H FPJL5CISC0AKD PCETU5D Ita taemaaora ti. or Oraai Toe a laa Caaaw FatsIuTwal Ua beautiful MoaaWaa c loapaay. HOUSE, ia Watifal ear rnM city W that Hvaislaatef tU BUklyoa Moaniaiaa, a4 by day U(bL urns locai, mat a nt vkul, in KXDDIKQ for Break alaoOsd fart Mt Shasta, for d!.a. Orecoa. for foacar. or tha aBaiateaaace and oocrattua of toa aims or any Pan Ujaraof : aurf alan all tha jtan mnA .11 Atl. tuck or guipoMnta, all fcnrara, mulea, banvraa. -' 1 IS, iu,aow plow, wagoaa. buggies, eablaa, forawa, fara-boxe- a, "oat, iniplenieata, furaitura ana ofliea fiitarta) of every kind; all ruda.ehaiiia aad spikes aad all other material wbalaomr Cholea MeaU of all kinda. Paoltr. Fitl, ai.4 aow owned or pOMMaed by taid Ogdea City Gam ia aeaaoo. Wa handlo aona bat the Hallway ( ompaiiy, or which shall at aay Una aerearter be acquired by iu ita toorasturt aad AMiieest good. SatMactiua aiaraataed. (rMKla JJelivenid Frea. Our order wajraai will aMigaa, for tba aat and purjiaaea or designad SOLID VESTIBULE TRAINS . for um in eoouartioa with or for the operatioa, call fur orders if ttmirvd. trial. ataiaUttauca or mraum of aaid lines of railf reach and Luclisu spokea. Uiv ways BOW or harMftA. t ba Minafwlwl K. .1 City Railway Company, its tuoeea-24th Ave. aaid wvOgdea aaaigna, wueuter uorae, caiua,electrMi or other railwtn or any part thereof. deacribed real wtaU.to-w- it : A. E. U Balt All of block'ollowing aorht IM in Si.h Hill 41.Iiiumi Ogden t ity, eorwutiug of twenty-ti- x ) lota. And also all the righta, privilege aad frinrhiaas which tha aaid Ogdea City Railway Company aow holds, possesses or Is entitled to, or which it. or ita successors or aaiigua may hereafter ra or become puaaripi of or De entitled to, also rcvanoa Uills, aad income of any aad all lines tha of railway of tha said Ogdea City and Railway Company Meats, sow or hereafter to beena-straeU- d, beason. together with all and singular tba tenements, herdi laments and appnrtenaneea of the premises afurefaid,or any of them, or any FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS thereof. Orders taken at vour door, and mods deliv. part W'uica taid mortgate Indenture was on the red to any part of tha city. 1'IiOM OH ALL of 9th J A. Km4, una the boor of U : JO m aiiaasiiuir. v kv x uv Beat a. rn.,dayfiled for recordI).,in theatofliea of the Wagon it aj' Market oa wheels which calls at of deeds, in and for Weber eonnty, Utah four house ao that von mar aeLact vnur nam and duly recorded in book "i." at goods. It rant north of 3d St. on Washington Territory, UU to tto inclusive ; and page ATTACMMD TO AU. TaBOTOI TlAJitB. Avenue aad tha Bench. it is in said deed of trust provided in ease default shall be made in the paythat TeLNo.1. Ave. Washington FtW tTlrlhAP (nlAnnsHntl anntsinla ski. ment of interest or any of said bonds, and such default shall continue for thirty days, then tha Una, apply to any Ticket agent, or addraat of all of said bonds, if the trustee to gatosilalaawltWlatfa.t, principal electa, upon written notice by said trustee to the party of the first part, (meaning the Ogden I 1H rwt av.,aUaitMr 1.I I awalMalllM,kmtilTllmAy City Railway Company) shall become and be once due and payable and so held and W. hftU mytklar. W. aurt ya. H. Itok. lavtotaana; o. eaa ..Ma at avail roar UaMtatkawariL TMahaa deemed for the purimae of forecliure and tale yoarajiar.Mau, wdralr mw laadad artap waadwtal mm. t. aaav wwkat. in either of the methods hereinbefore provided, BVrtaaM. an aan,l.( tnm IU w IWrc.nt tmd aawarda, and for all other nuroosas. And ad aua. alar Uula mr.ar.. Wi ... ftmUk ika n. WllKRr.AH. the Interest mam said bonds dne the first day of November l!Yi, ia in default ambnaMaa rkkk, THt'EAtO UOUIt, UUi. on and unpaid, and such default has continued more than thirty days, and the trustee hereun-dersignhas elected to duclare the nrinrittal ALIAS SUMMONS,. of all of the bonds secured by said deed of trust due and and has given written notice payable, i uimilWHUIKT VI U1V nimun oi sticti election to Uie said Ugdon City Kail way onn or nil teai.Territory, supreme! . . rT'l- - 1 Ti l'i . i ii - i. i anu i vinpiiny. CURRENT TIME TABLE 'r ir.niuiuni AYhkkkar, it is further provided in ssid deed t'AlUNTV OP Wuti. I of trust that if the said Ogden ('ity Railway In Effect Jan. 1 1891. Thomas Maloney and John M. PerVin. nnrs as Maloney it Perkins, Plaintiffs, vt. Her Company shall fuil to pay the principal or part or or tne interest any part thereof, tiiereot, nia Monroe. ixenaam. which may become due on said bonds secured Demand. KHt.W. No. t. No. 4. BAST BOCXD TAINS. or intended to be secured by said deed of trust The Duonle of the Territorv of Vth Atlantic AOantio t lie t he where when at time and same at Monme. to Bertha place Hpfemlfint., greeting Mail press Y ou are hereby directed to nniiear an.l .n. may become due and payable, according to the tenor and effect thereof or of the coupons Leave Oeden wpr iruire me cummiwioner aoove-namo- d, 8:30 a. at p. m hisothne in Ogden City, in said County, the thereto annexed and for thirty days thereafter, Arrive Salt Lake C M 9 Ml a. d. m for this trustee in ita Leave 8nlt Lake SAO a. complaint of said l'laintuts filed herein, within then it shall be lawful 10rii p, m discretion, ersonnlly or by its attorney, attornve aays arter service on you or tins summons 11 0 a. Arrive Pmvo 11 --' n p. said cause mortthe if served on you in Ogden City; within ten davs neys, agent or agents, to 11: 40 a. 11 A Leave Provo ., p. m gaged rail ay premises or pnnierty, rights .and Arrive Oreen River if served out of said I'itv hut in the ',,r,f i :30 p. a. n;.j m which this action is brought, and within twenty interest to bn sold hy public auction at the Leave Green Hiver fi fi a. m 5:50 p. . front door of the county court house of the Arrive (irsnd Junction... days if served elsewhere. a. m p. This action is brought to recover of yon the said Weher county in the Territory of Utah and Ijave Grand Junction... :40 p. :50 a. m sum oi w.uu auegea to De oue i lamtiUs from in said Ogden ( ity, first giving not less than Arrive Glenwood Hpri'gs. 1 :10 a. 1 Ml a. m thirty days' notice of the time, terms and uliice Arrive Lendville ft :20 d. nt you as follows : 6:20 a. On an account for work and labor done for of such sale by advertisement in some newspaArrive Pueblo 1:20 p. ml 2:i3 a.ra pnblichcd iu saiil Ogden City. And per Ar. Colo. Springs 1:H5 p. rn: U W a. ru at your special instance and request by attached Whereas, the snidinierest 'laintiffs as attorners. het.wetn t!ie (' nt iin, nt uenver Jjifi p. mi (1:4.1 a. m to ihe said bonds, due hv coujkhih their terms on the Arrive July. 1890, and the first day of September, p90. hrst of interthe Npvetnhor and day M(l, being ror rurtiier particulars reference Is No. 3. No.l, WEST BOUND TIArNS, made to Plaintiffs' coinnlaint now on rilelierehy at. mv est on said bonds' due at that date, are mid Pacific Pacifie have to this time remained unpaid. odice in tllis action. Mail El Now therefore, notice is hereby given that the press. And yon are hereby notified that nnless yon in trustee saiil mortirna-deed or undersigned do so appear and answer said complaint as Leave Denver a. 8:H p. m above required, Plaintiffs will take judgment of trim named, will on Thursday the 5th day of Leave Colo. March 1WJ1, proceed to sell all the property Springs..... 12:20 p. 11 10 p. m against you for the sum claimed by them, to- hereinbefore isn p. 11:2 p. m and in said moitraire described at Leave Pueblo wit, $50.00, interest and cost of suit. Leave Leadville 7:.V) r.. a. m To the United States Marshal of the Territorv public auction at the front door of the county 10:411 a. m Glonwood Spri'gs. 12:52 a. Lenve Welter court house of of county, Territory of Utah, or the Sheriff or any Constable of Ut-ah-, SSO a. Grand Arrive .. 2:10 Junction. iu the said city of Oguen, between the p. tt Weber tonnty, greeting: Make legal service 2:15 p. m hours of nine o'clock in theforeuoon and five Lenve Grand Junction... 4 :40 a. and aue return thereof. Arrive Green Rivor 8i a. 5:50 p. m Given under my hand this 29th day of Jan- o'clock in tho afternoon of said day, to satisfy Leave Green 11:10 p. (a River..,.. ., 8:M a. the debt secured by said mortgage and the Costs uary, A. 1). 1S01. Arrive Provo... t M p. 12 io a. m of such sale. ArarM.Es Pberis. Provo Leave VI. 3:10 J) a. ra p. J AKVIS-- t ONK1.IS MonTOAOIS TRrST ( O. Commissioner of the Supreme Court of Utah 1 45 a. m Arrive Knit Lake......... 4:30 p. Rolan?) P. CONKUN, Secy. Territory. 00 a. m Bait 2 4:45 Leave Lake. L. R. Rhodes, Atty. p. 3KD a. m 6 KM) p. Arrive Ogden -- Uth Straat, Kaxt to Thotnaa Bros. Denver, a Chicago, i.. St. Louis, TCansas Clitv Xjincoln, St. Joseph, Fish, Poultry Omaha. IT ' nuiXI. Our Famous Dining Cars II Will I siium. i.4.a.w. Rio Grande Western Railway. STAND AMGAU GE. tiaii No trouble to show propcrtr. Call and sae ma No. UU, Wash. Are., UTAH. OGDEN, TEAR t I mtrrttkr to MHtT A tides any fairij int.dtimit pnMiof rilber md and xMtm, and who, aftr ln.lractlon.wil1 iwk lndtrtmi.lr, m ThrM TbniMui. Pntlara how to thftlrowa lKUti.wh.rrwr lhy Hva.l will .iMfaralih the aituMiou or.mili?mfnLt whioh von ran rara (hat amount. N. moaoy for an. nnitw HirtmftalH ahov.. Ra.lly and quirk I ir.mrd I drair. hat n work.r from rach dUtrict or roanty. I hv nlrrady tan!,! and provided with .niplovm.n1 a l.tre aoh. It a 9i K W numbrr, who ar. inakhttt over SStMta a and Foil tuirtlralar. PK EK. Addmaatono, $3000 .,,koMl . Trln Mi. ALI.K.V, t.NOI.Il. ltox Jt 4XO, Augusta., Alula a. SALE OF WEBEE COUNTY BOXDS. Scaled bids will he received at ths office of the conut y clrk of Weber eonnty, Utah territory, ontil 12 o'clock, noon, of the 10th day of February, 1N9T. and then opened, for the purchase of the following described bonds, issued by said Weber county, Forty bonds, of serica A"'for thesnm of one thousand dollars each, payable in fifteen years ; and fifty bonds of series "B" for the sum of one thouf and dollars each, payable in twenty years. Both series to draw interest at the rate of six percent per annum from January 1st, 1W1, payable at the Chemical National Bank in New York City. The bonds of both series are also payable wr en duo, at the same place. n Bonds to be delivered and paid for at tho State Bank in Ogden City, Utah, when the bids are accepted. Bitls will be received for the whale or any part of either, or both series. The Weber County Court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bida to be addressed "Connty Clerk of Weher County, Ojrden, Utah." and marked "Bids for Weber County Bonds." Ry order of the County Court of Webor county. January i!2ud, 1M)1. R. W. Cross, Probate Judge. t: n... MARSHAL'S SALE. Pursuant to an execution to me directed by tho First Judicial District Court, of the Territory of Utah, I have this day levied upon and shall expose at public sale, at tho front door of the County Court Hotif e, in the city of Ogden, ounty of Vbnr and Territory of I tali, on the t7th day of January, 11, atU o'clock m, all the right, title, claim and interest of Emma Clark, George Clark and Robert Lee Clark of, in and to the following described real estate, situate, lying and beinif iu tho County of Weber and Territory of Utah, and particularly deit : scribed as follows, Comm acing at a In 4S hours Gonorrtiosa ortl in block point on the east line of lot. ten fourteen Plat "A." I flii' City Snrvey, Ogden (U), il VriTulBKilrmitMi three-tentfeet north of tho sout hForty and ;j'J'""'(;'!a:iitati!iiTiisia.j east corner of said lot, and running thence north one hundred and eight nni feet, thence west one hundred and thirty-twand feet, and to tho wort line of said lot, thence south one hundred and eight, and feet, thence MARSHAL'S SALE. east one hundred and thirty-twand feot W. 3. FowW, Plaintiff, vs, to the place of beginning. To be sold as the oroperty of Emma Clark, tllis rilaiedeil and Minnie George Clark and Robert Lee Clark, at the suit Blaisdell, his wife, defend'ta. Under and by virtue of an order of snip and of H. fl. Rolapp. Terms of sale, Caph. Dated Ogden, Utnii, January 5th, WI. issued of foreclosure ort the District decree of Elias H. Parsons, U.S.MarshaL Court of the First Judicial District of the TerBy B. A. Bowman. Deputy U. S. Marshal. ritory of Utah, on the 15th day of January, 1891, in the above entitled action, wherein W. J. Fowlea, the above named plaintiff, obtained a tanes. AO s h b! Rad by Joss K, Uckm: wto, pjr ..V I ,.1 uK .or Judgment and decree against Willis Blaisdell yoa aty aot ittaka aa aiaca, aat wa ram and Minnie Blaisdell, his wife, defendants, on foa M la how ta loaa comyoaalrkly tha 18th day of November, l.), I am atlli. i.rt.andromi SlOad.y manded to sell all that certain lot, piece or paroa. Boik tf na, .11 asra. hi aaj part f at horn., cel of land situated, lyLnp and being in the ca I.Mawle.. aU tlnw.'W apara nnraeitl wily t. county of Weber and Territory of Utah, and pay SI Klf f. thaworlt.'.rAll la new. bounded and particularly described as follows, mrraiirto. W. af.rl T". rnroloaliir towit: F.ASII.T, SI'LHW.I wiwl. Mrrlhlnr. and thirty-thre- e l Aliril LXAIIS HiK.K. Ail jreaaatCTira, Beginning at a point thirty-fou- r STINSUil a 10., CUKTUND, BAIkS. hundredths (34.33) chains north of the south-weof corner of the north-wequarter section fourteen (14), in township S, north of range 3, west of the bait Lake Meridian, United States snrvey, and running thence north Bve n hundredths (5.67) chains, thence and east fourteen and fifteen hundredths (14.1a) degree, west five chains, thence south HOUSE AND SIGN hundredths (5.77) chains, and seventy-sevethence north 89', degrees, west fourteen nd In chains tha middle twelve hundredths (U.12) of the street to the place of beginning, contain- -' more or less. with all and singular the tenements, ALSO and appurtenances thereunto or belonging in any wise appertaining. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the PAPER HANGING and CALSOMINING. 9th day of Febmary, 1891, at 12 o'clock, noon, of that day, in front of the County Court House in the city of Ogden, county of Weber and Territory of Utah, I will, in obedience to said order HARD WOOD FINISHING A SPECIALTY. of sale and decree of foreclosure, soli the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff's judgment, with interest thereon and cost, to the highest and best bidder for cash. In lawful money of tha SHOP MAIN ST. Unittd States of America. Emas H. Parsons, U. 8. Marshal. One door Korth of the Hontz Oil and By B. A. Bowman, Deputy U. S, Maisual. Offden, Utah, January ltfta, 1891. Coniponj. to-w- il, o o t' rein LOCAL TRAIN'S. Colorado Midland Railroad "ir, cit0t irn glv-i- OGDEK' AND 8 ALT LAK8. Leave Osden, 8:30 a. m., 8:30 p.m., p. m. Keturning arrive Ogden 12 SB p. m., esw V m. 8 SO a, m. f.-t- BIKOHAX. TIKE'S PEAK ROUTE! Leave Salt Lake. 8 :25 a. m.. retnminir. arrive Bait Lake, 5:30 p. m. AXEEICA!) STANDARD GUAGE '' BETWEEK ASD ' nf.ncV PACIFIC COAST, west poiuts. vUUL.', VIA MANlTOU, LEDYTLLE. ASPEN and ... GLEN-WOO- M.TEAHEN I43 la. Leave Oirdon : Ogdon . 30 d. m.. p. m, ' returning, arrive Gen. rass. Ajzt. Utan Central Railway ; Short Line to Park City. bPlilNGS. SCENERY Vnetiualled. EQUIPMENT Unsurpassed. ' Through Pnllman Sleepers and Pullman Tourist cars between Denver and San Francisco. Through the heart of the Rocky Mountains the most comfortable, the safest, and the routes. grandest of all For rates, descriptive pamphlets, etc call on or address J. I). KKNWOKTHY, general agent, banta Fe Route, Salt Lake City. H, COLLBRAN, general manager, Colorado Springs, Colo. CHA3. 8. LEE, general passenger agent Denver, Colo. Crescent Novelty Works ! 2300 Washington Avenue. AND . J. H. BENNETT, V. DOIXiE. l) one-ha- lf n BPHrNOVILLB PROVO, Gen. Manager. DEXTER, COLORADO SPRINGS A PUEBLO BALTLAKECITX, and all north- - FORK, THIS TLB. L-- st sixty-seve- at 7, r Iumu. f rja-Hw(am Hlslf Ad f U runigiimipm Sr- tlmJ ENTERPRISE fcerras aaa tka ewiaWaatd r.p """" laroaga taa vaUry ml tut) CTaatawa acraaa iav.y OvtUaj uan-paa- Rinil llll fl and Garden Tracta. MERIT LINE. a taa a 8311 CHOICE LOCATIONS' in all parts of tha City. GOOD RANCHES HILL C. P. y by aau) laada. ruaoV atyOffic.CUc4-ara, traraa. rail, laid ear to ba taut, aiduaaa, taraoata. tracks, bridesa. wan OUDKK, UTAH. aa rwiiU of waya, eWtrie )iiipnaeta. dyaa- wma, orpoia, atatnaa, Car aouaaa, . bauldiaa. atructuraa. irdUMs aad leaao- MIIING CF ILL EIXDS CF 1 fculd itttenata, cajatracta, cuoaea ia actios. aa4 lariviitwas aow baluaa-inor a taMua to or awad or piuranMl or iaatrnnd for srcruLTT. Uat iMarpuat of or ia atanaaeUoa with Urn liaa of railway of toe said Odoa City Bailway 1 or tsa taaintroaac or oiwrauoa thereof, All orders b ssail or wirea-ivawIiilm vramzA attsav Or Of aa tiart shall at aay tiast beraafier bxtootj or Uam. TelttilMava Mb. P. U Boa fit. appartaia or b. Dard of prororxd with Uw design of bo l naefl for toe purpose of or ia eonnartioa JOHN WaUBH. wua Ua liura of railway bow or tarrwaftar to ba U & IXJKE, by tha taid Otrdoa City Railway a TH .NCRHiftlST ru tag afc--1 - V No. 2414 Washington Ave. 5 QUAVER. Real Mate anl Loans MB FCRTLWD AKD Au4 iitfjai IbarMal awl laxwrty. ral aai Krismi. ail tiiuw, rfttm. K"utiairtjaaa. rvctito aaf at.ratra-cwrm aad an of bvsa. Ws. uaaatila aa4 euurracu aaf ail aaal uame in 8t h (Member Baal Estata Exchange) of Choice Lots are still unsold in this Favorite Locality, and are now offered for Hther :l sale 'I Z lot - $ BTJRGITT. Thomas W Powell, lot 7, Sh mpson & Dieter's Bubdivis- - CHICAGO 0 It yon will call on us we will show and eon vince yon there is money in baying now. IX;.' 3 to n. h. e, AT M- - Scenic Route:- - vt'l , Boston Meat Market. Op-de- Experience of the past three years has tanght ns that all property bought well at thia season of the year will bring at least 50 per cent, profit during the following winter. We offer for sale the following choice property at these low prices: Sixty acres in section 10, overlooking the started to grow. Yet it has been ihatOgden is dull. Such dullness $ 100 00 mmg to a city, and these large m- - city............ between q.t)Y responsible parties mean 66x330 foot on Twenty-fonrt- h W&11 Lincoln and Avenues, per foot.... 275 00 ir future investment than a dozen LmB as other places have known, Lots on the Bench 50x130 feet eight blocks 30000 from Washington Avenue ch even Ogden has been several Two, acre lots on Tliirioth, near the Park. .3200 00 ' treatened yith. ' Lota in Nob Hill Addition Cheap. eal estate men are all happy and business property paying 13 Improved ing forward to a brisk market ..23000 00 per cent, net, leased for 4 years and there is no question as to its 165x148 feet between J ackeon and Qtiincy .. 1650 00 ' ' 15000 Lots ia Mountain View Addition -4 - H. h. The best paying property In Ogden for an.ount invested, leased for 3 years. Per foot. 25 feet on Twenty-fourt- h street business. JUmr. Ba a. Ki Real Estate. Fresh 500. $23,000. run. Wmuii. Choice Nob HiU lota. 10x137 to alley. On Twenty-fift- h (treat, SOxlS to alley, on hone ears. Per acre, H4 acre, near Unlreriilty. Will eat into tea loU at tv) per let. Auj..iuiuk acid and attlling for tM each, Bargain. 11000. MxliS with two honeea reutiug $ls.00 per month. tim Choice Nob HiU corner, 105x137 to alley. 630. 41x138 to alley on Harrieon near Twenty-Uft- h etreet. $2300. 38H acres. Prior water rights. On motor line. $2250. 42x163 on Twenty-fourtFine residence lot. $100. Per acre. Fine farm land: water: In tracts to suit. A BARGAIN. Feed and grist mill complete, on nam street, one mile from r. U. oa f r., ri.-- t ut cor. Near Grant St, er Brainard, Robinson & Co. J. T. MARKET lUxia ttet, tlSparfuot. naifaoraoa WaahiDCtoa Aa near Tr add. fin frail aad shad tmwa. onl C2.1UU. Bnck taooM. rooma, lot UxUt fnK, tmt add., between Ust aad 2d Bta, oidj KMU0; aarr term. luo tuna. S rhuiee loU la Sam add.. bMapaaai flat anl B1 Ku oo1iiird caah, balance ia 1 aad 1 eara at a per cent. all la fmlt, oa Ed, betwaea Ad4Sil3 ams aad Jeff CLUk '.tw-a.- - nw-t- r HMuaat or aaidat : iaci miit all aadl aaav uar uiii.t'.uKrwiaJa4 U tbaat4 0-laailaay loan pur. wbMW aarw ur atauva. awl a Ltrb Uar of railway raa. at a UK aar taa l aioa aVot ul aaud " mamac Unao aaj4 1 iraa aa lu iauncrtM--aiuag ariia aam. aauisrtMa avaaaa, auna and) aoata akc aaid amiaa U aack aawl a.l,iTB uawauf. AJao a aatorina; at a point iwaaty saroad lUwt iatavwrta said M aaluac- ; mwisi aaat im mhms tw.ii.. .soata U IvaatrHifth stnwt. thaaea Mat Cut, itiaara auulii oa I aykar atvaaa to Try aaar Para La4. auaafactaraj by c ctsaa aad yo wili amr aa aay asuaw. Mail daaaai wita aa. 1 axt-fWn- a Uim S4 aa4 UtaBta, ttta aad Jecktam. tXJXO. nap ia Fraakha flaw add. Bnek aouaa. 1 mai. aaarir aa an a raaad 1m to I ft J Hall (ll.uuu. iqun,rvioci; Hnk kouM. 1 rixxna. hu. batwaaa Grant .j'J'T1' 1m. - irust. now. Six 141 fart, eortMw a ; t.H.jSmlv.. crvaini aadHi-i- i b. ur;uci'ai lulwU liar Laa.ef li Ma.lrU trart.. U) aarua vl tM UlX .1(u. 1 is W lauaaj tuaaay. tAat ba- LAFRENTZ L POOLE, REAL ESTATES Real. Estate aBtt tab bartalact ta a GRAIiD . H. MITCHEL, Ki .J st JaVavl'waailB Moirartafw U. !". ' ai rtjit uW usaitt ""f. hmd. omtmiall urat aayurrufd bf Heat, Poultry and FisL T1 Uaar Wmafuar r1tutnd bfauek ar a4d, umti. oorupaRd by non-re- si Houses and lots for sale in all parts of the city. A thorough knowledge of location and values enables me to make safe and profit able investments in either the shape of loans or purchase. tk nuut L. h ('. trTAfctUckrrKyBUilaay '. rvaul .M EEA1XES IS Twe lots fat Lake Tiw far 43 SI Kok Hill, Goa4 barcmiaa Tir aa4 Tnmmm Hcttl iMiUuu, Cail ad T 1mc FruiMrtr M aU rU ( Lba IAij ai I nt mm for'Mt Ofie 4 or mar krnw ia Ihm city, vita us tooftunr tkr murusj laduatry. Horn faw ft trip to Cbicafo, Kuyoc !& mm Mt pwuav -- m Qraat , NOTICE OF SALE. - r trseM "Vi . tTM -- 1 CILfireemvelli-Bros- . BUTCHERS. ment Broker. ' ! MARKETS. J. A. McCiiIIocIi LH.Mitchel, Warn which mis ic j fob HEAC CSTATC- - 1. 1691. THE PANORAMIC LINE OF Ti WEST. On and after October 2A, t$0, passenger and freight trains will run as follows: TBAIKf. tASSENOBB Leave Salt Lake , Leave Park City. Arrive at Park City Arrive at Salt Lako ' Sffi.a 4 HO p. m 10:30 a ra t FREIGHT TBAIP. :3D 7 UD a. m Leave Salt Lake 4 00 a. ra Leave Pask City 120 p. m , Arrive at Park City 8 :45 p. m Arrive at Salt Lake Twelve snburban trains daily between Salt Honse. Creek Mill and Sugar Lake City and All people going to Park City will find it to their interest to take this line. Corner 8th South and Offices and LVpot: Main street, Salt Lake City. T. J. Mackintosh, G. V. and P. A. Electric Wiring and Elec- GEORGE W. American tric Supplies of all Kinds Member of the Association. JONES, Ticket Broker's Railroad and Steamship Locksmiths, Stencils Made, .Rubber Stamps to order. IRON FENCING. Models and Experimental Machinery to Order All kinds of Novelty Repairing. p. m ' Ticket Railroad Tickets clinnired. to all points. a VTL'Cn CRESCENT NOVELTY WORKS 3itj Twenty-fift- h Me Bonnht. Sold and ALL TICKETS Street. Tel |