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Show OGDEX DAILY COMMERCIAL: C ITY IS Wara tid HZMht at erro. It 51V.AY t2 B2!i:F. az:t 1 Fiftera xesjetizj. the VuLm JJef J I it a fL Mri JLr. Xr. , rri-- bri '..J arruis t ll C- - BOTLE EUEMTUEE CO, U k ViKnx wJ U 6.U-- f Kiuuoah etxxvn. It i J ' be Found. or abducts cf ruii.y That tf what The 11 key tuni tanlLt Baptist Well. well. Strawberries acre in 2 AUi-raio- YrrW tlri iiiJ t aauut llOUa? u- - DECEMBER 3. 1890. WEDNESDAY, u j lo - w trked. vufc 1 U41iM. br rtfciJa on TeLtv wojtkl sire Trrt4 v4jo 1 aeuaLOa.-- iter. it;T-cti- l will enpjturt a or craw Quincy would like to kaow cocMWiria uf i-aa f leen vestr old daatoe 1 a bo draw Lkh will a tWir ard, resUrJar. t- i on eiih r tid f ur Lotoe f.t--t ctiriiuiJr .li.it,f an-v- frum ti Urf Fpsa Laiatliit It umih ct Ths Wesjiu Coxxebci.u. a CI bs is- - v.lwd.iT mumin. Tb if en'.irtuan i jss, ued toiuorroar. the ffikm lfcpJt tvmijwny, um? lraw jau will U? 375 fort. The employe Fir. bt-- l ttnu iare U tiU?tf ttrrl, built The east VJ of tha B irtoa Sral .ate a hde Li wife fc a clerk ia The fr-- t k'uiA th h:U W..UT f lsIO They qkvJ here a hrt time .une frota Hock is up oa story. oa!y uf kal fyr.y DEver, aad their f Uiiiy above lw w: t. was of in ol.l uluiiter wsi tiieir Charley Crw. Linxla, Nebu, a little fjur f it raaJjf Outtxjaut the til oa tb? Crt of the aoek. ward, 2ioselt:ty it h3 baea to t wi'l be tj 1jw fcfler aud the boJM of cure the kA . fjin.!-tiaThe I)jbU 1 taUna KiJ" glove lu 5 gt-- t water t Crja j cirnr.g the Jjy a hea iu pureuu catch ceaie oj Wtjht at the N'oivity. childahout Thsre it rv!i oa a f .uuJitijn t"f . k. their zie -earnii-.il- , :r t j tUit a;xa which The mu.-iei- ! The World's Kariy yet-le- r Jjy foreca t!ie cirl aus o tirw gra il io tiie il's-ar- i Fdir, a;;jifi at th opera hou t the ireel to the pn-i- t een by a lady hviai; o leave the house, asd ante time bavins rivtr are ba.lt. TLt -- itraatii- trwtar night. without her Mara the Litter, oiil r aiil eui;.KT Mr. Vt'ji. Parrel!, the p r.alar water muct IrJ letl Lt!U.lri-- ! .f i!Hn ia iurtn ij ia. It will iue k" 134 ,thal th - l,.Ut , b.auie a'.rued ! Ju.!L 1, l v'.'. Ul.rfv t"ui car na '? a J. u :';;tllUd jkit i i:u;.rovinif rapidly. rvierai ,.v r ii. Th 1 pfio.'i xi Itr lis iU'rt.ier. iu ScJitrer," tlw Queen $ Pi.tnoa. ous;.i:.y u Mr. Ii. M. Short nil! lwivo ior Pitthour having iKid aitiiout ti lius f , 1 f.-- as nu-o at: iJ iti (live us our trade. We have the axl will taeuiis;m nir! the i!ioe utr? 'nutiiied, , b.irg this wiraing oi ar.a hllJ Kit-, but goods and can 'ret i riirbt. pru'jriWy U visit New York before to a bt hur Uit niUt mj up Ix w. II. j I not Unm lma-w;i! threat. It Lr.s now tween uh.;:t A hn'xs. , turaiai. aua b re n roasna f. auvsm 1 1 - t i t A.. .i . XheiiJveaa .1 bij-ouTKr. it H::uki'.t Dr. Hen-lej- 's Jll. .1. thtioijn'iiiit'iuiuoj iiiw uunr fi-Icl v,u: . Luluiiiluau. mi;,: net. if vuljotarj una j I.,.'! rsdo yesterJr.-- , bixht bta calleJ borae l i Iiiiiil, h.ii Ti'iiic tulifli T lii-K.w t lit ai.if!r:tu ittt Ia u.ti m.hi or euticl j either Ua 4lu'-U- i To Soltt u tl:e Skin. br iKHiw n wu- w;it stjauorei. It v. .id i 1 a theri. ;! w hose kin w subject to rough-n- e s L'idi t!ie i the 11: Mjrslnd M W .!f is working r.-the pmre h if i remewhen fiisecl to the Kir Aniiis l'orrost, against rnhaa a chiro casM? and f r fiar th.it it wu'iit inu'rfere t Li 1 i:i i'jfi-idft-.-It ii trtaia dy the diilleulty by applying mayis'otu a of adultery w as r ;eat!y brought by her ith bis plans the names of the parti.ni ) arnly imt Violet tVe:uu. It reMores the nutural thnt thi r.i:ici!'j if Wat:'' busbds I, ap;mrsJ j'aterdjy aiorciiij are wttilieiii. U-of ! M'.'tion cf the ekin and indueca suftnetiB t.ntim-- by t'..' li:iuiliatl" before Ja.ii3Crosj. H r husband failed to epn.ur a' ii:it her and the case waa, Take it ui:wue B.tiKrAT Dr. Hen lull. The fa t is that y.ur Fr-- w hmr.n and elasticity. in oojisi' jueuoo di.siniited. Tonic has ail tlid;:!:iu'.l c::jWly of hatred. ley' English Dand'-lio'Sohmer,'" the Queen of whi-U new paper i A A. Z. Washbjrn. with whom Jamee Frauco-Uass.- ', new at the ar.J L'nii Whv not the .a The wrap your buy Wisdom's Kobertine u nieetiug with (riilia h id hi9 auarrel on thof.ital ui'lit iu Oden? is to rake up fcta'o fictions great ruwvbs every here, and is rapidly inuin ol at M idiD", and who filiippod Urillia, only cloak . rooai 11. W RIC.IIT &, OSS, on the Enli.-.and tv invent i;ew lil-lsupplanting every other preparation of a after whie!i the letter weut out for a gun avenue. to ave.Tif the insult, has baen indicted la curious central to the vnl hko nature. Ogden druggists sell it. for assault by the irrand jury 1111 1 haa a 'miration Take it bkwkb Bukaefast -- Dr. Hen gardililie is t'ne n'niiv.r'i'"d Take it fi:fii!;e Bkf.akf.int Dr. Hengivea a boud of SV for hm appearance. ley's English Dandelion Tonic of Kn?;lili people an 1 Eni;liu custouu ley 'a English Dandelion Tonic whit h runs throuij'i the tut art circles of "Take it before breaitaxi." Dr. HenI). K. T. means Oregon kidney tea. dress from Wright Sc new (Set your TariJan society. They imitate the cut ley's English Dandiiion Tofiic, the latest Sons, 235.J Washington avenue. j Take it bkpohe Brkakfakt Dr. Hen- - of our coats and O. K. T. meins Ore- ju Ki.uiey tea. thins in Loudon hat: they buy English ey s Huglisii uaca aoa iouie. Blank ljoks of every description manh hor-- s and Euglih garni they talk If vour hair is falling out, ask your M.idm Khiae in now ia the city for a did admire ufactured to order at Tmf. Commkuimai. alwavs kIuii. They ollii". few d.iys only with a tine assortment of dru 'gist forSkoolwirn Root Hair Grower. Euglih zirU, but that was inevitable I'arisienne novelties Pattern Huts and It ill lie famous as long as beautiful Art vtH IrauMfd with gravel, diabetes. It is a InUr compliment when thy Ladies avail yourselves of lloanets. is fin object to man or woman, hair tJaJauie daudies. tt. or English copy this opportunity. Xoillol Wabhington or Buy derangement of the k:duys What? Why.Skookum Root HairUrower. Kidney lea is tvtto. urinary orgaunJ-Oreg- on avenue. a snfe, sure nnd Bpeedy reuiwly for all Cover that bald s;ot on your heud . 81,000. Sl.OiHJ. Tmiup with & 1.4 00. such troubles. by usinjt Skixikum lioot Hair tirower. The For S lie Equity in premises X.). lOt'd at iit. IViiiifaci-v,- Ro Twoaty-foiirta mixim; nouM. mr.n i.atlimic ch.in h, on IWns Hiuare, Tnke it street, t)rfdon. 4x'J rod; breakfast," lavause it , with improvemeuts. Address J. 11. regulate the wore osri'.ed on Saturday by tlie will give you an appi-titeVhiteside k Co.. l'JTU Wet M idison Ixnvels and cleanse the system of all l in the man U a Uae tliat organ iciieral fl.vpiiij; Coniiiij; di:;overy Ojtinion Dr. Henley's English Dandestreet, Chicngo, Ills. loft. lie was put nr.t. b.n shortly afterto Utah. Sold everywhere. lion Tonic . ain-stidward relumed, wh ii lie w;ui "Sohnior," the Queen ot fianos. The Salt Lake Stock Evclmne Jour Oil b i;ijr fearchod i.t the sintion honse Men's underwear, socks, neckwear. The pnldio is sptroiaily requested to nal, says the Park City Record, lclieves $l,O0 in Tho following price will contlnrn yon that we mean buslnrs Irlojthli K'!d was f.mnd alnmt Full lines at W. H. Wright A Sous. come enrlv nnd sou the new dinner sets that Utah is on the very threshold of Ms asked where auvertisemeut along and bee thai tie dots we offer. When lie waf perseii. ut THE F.MKjuat raceivel. a great mining boom nnd cites as reasons he got the money he pulled out ft:00 'D(ks your back aehe?" Oregon for such belief that for years thero has mor- - in Bank of r.ir,'ia:id Holes, and told Tea w ill relieve you. Sold . Heyr Chlncliilln OTereoat In Blue, IUark and Real Estate TrandVr. rroncra 10 .w, llero. Try it Brown not been such an interest sh iwn in mill-- 1 the following fctory: it H.flO. Furnishod by the Henderjhol lO.(K), lived 0.1 a farm iu England. My llesTy Clilnclillla Overcoats, fine quality. now and we are as matters having, ng t ii 15.00. 211.00, ofiic-p- , 24U Washington avenue, ft i.hort time n;o I sold mother English .Helton, vond quail!) City Directory. M furthermore that the output of our tin? farm dyins 2..')0, Kiiifhsh Melton, One qunlity one week locaover here and business ta:ne in All business, j Decembers, 1S90: changes SO.00. mines is fast increasing and from every 2.V00, t at a tion or residence will receive due atten- Ilnglish Mellon, extra line quality ;;o. On Friday liight I u a j J H and J M Phillips to P E fiardon, canon coms ine cneeritu news oi new Mi. 7.aO, Overcoats.. Cape to and cent if (ift'vri-cenat houvJ Xinta tion t ltxl.iur: immediately ii I part lot 27, blk 1, South (),'den; 8!,000. trikes and new finds. Our ejtoin ex .tO.tNl, Overcoats., Cape L. Iu Co., k Polk 14 ii 15.00. J H I'hillips to 1' ri lijr.ion, undi- pressed the same opinion that the IUc- - R.:co strriis with ihn mo.iey r.:i my jier-,o20.00, listers care of Chamber of Commerce. vided 'jof lots 27 to 31, inclusive, blk, ord has frequently heretofore, it con I don't see wlivvou tluifcit utrange . fc..v . w !Jafi'fliibdiv; 81,0X). tinues nnd we will give .flirtl.nHI ..ni,..,,,,,i,i,wtr1' II 1.41.. IU". J Hill x u.orn We hare mniif ither Overcoat and I'Mem at equally reduced prices, and you wnnt n pair of shoes, nar-id- e believe C E Xary to C E Wertelle, lot? 42 and reasons we wiiy w idth, heavy or light, look . boom is .;4.J, Mnpuiros suuuiv; tio nar at rain p. Inrltejour luf.jecrj in of our 1MMLXSK S10CM. groat mining ii ani v ne. siyj i M S Yirovmg to II J Wright, lot 19, and. ithin tho Inst few years sev W. II. Wkiout k Hons. eral millions of dollars from the east and ilkl.RiversiP.irk; 3IV). Cv,(i Wilier to L H Cjrbin, lot :f other parts of the country have found tea. lueaos Oregon si,ood. their wav into this territory for mvest- T" O 1..4. 4J I. fl li 1 LIJ O lJdU, ptll i lUb ment,principally in S iltljako and Odea., Maney on Hand The bulk ot ths money was iavestwl in at tse oa approved real estate sei'urity. to C M Liwson, lots 2, 3 real estate and after the speculative fever cii!m?re:ir3 a:TTl R. P. HrNTF.it, Wrnnn Riilt1iv". SiJIK). diod out investors have turned their at H;:,t ten feet up it- ja.Tjcd trunk. On 2411 Washington Avenue, v lv u to their ilh.im Etrso, uanaiQistr.itor, tention to improving holdings by tho esiretna ton :f th t.va r. wil l gv, c Uoed. e ! ot lot 2, all of lot 3, and se erecting elegant nnd costly buildings. vi.io Lloi.omc.1 nr.il t.u iiuit thia "Casi-adeSee-thvisiting card nt --, O, 8. This has beeu very good as far as it goes. i ofWlotHorn blkto 40,II plMitO'Haver, ofliee. lai'.i f Co.m.mkhcim. tho i urA r a The riiiuk youn trustee, but the investors are btginnuig to ro- J vr.rious times clir.)l.;:;l the tn-:part of lot 11, blk 10, South Ogdon, alizo that something niut be done to havo O. K. T. means Oregon kidney tea. Dr. E. M. Gloria's the to fn;It. fecare of fl.200. new huanei.il tide the proskeep up 7 yecrAcld, v.ti of '.loroni Skjen to Johu Knight, n Takt. it bkkore Break past Dr. Henperity. Manufacturing industries have little danglitc-ru::. Is; riaofht r ley's English Dandelion Tonic s H of 83 li of sea 13. tp (i. r 3, WM. not been established in Zion as fust as is from homo the MoroaiS.iesa to Wm Knight, i1! of desired and something else must be re diHCOvere.l h;-- r 8tandin( :ioneof the "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. s ' of so M of sea 13, tp 6. r 3, w, ;X. sorted to to provide employment for topmost limljs t UwoM h. ialo;;k, g.ith- 'M W Batier t M j iry Boyle, p:irt of lot laborers and workman, to keep up the rin- - grr.pes. Tin child ciitu down as Sr.d your orders for tine job printing 7. blk IS, plat A, IVo. boom and to keep the surplus money in Icvas a daring to Tun Commercial otlice. R3 a Bqnirr:l. F T Sinford to John C Scamaa, part circulation. To do this the now money nmiWy CTarion Republican. of S3 I4 of sec 19, tp i, r 1, w, and the surnlus of resident investors feat. Brick dust sediment in the wine ought 1 the capital city will, v.o believe, Total, gl3,13a. l to a w liming to all people. Oregon toward minint invest- Vnrhtunrn Threatrnnt by n TVatenpont. Kidney Tea be directed corrects all such ailments, Wisdom's Kjbortine is the only prep- ments and that Park which will revere pre:f(."i:i Duriu':tl:o City and cures diaaration now usod by fashinable ladies to get tho lion's searo of the invest vailed here and over the ikmnd Cot. 1!) a nrreets Bright s disease 2431 and 21-3Washington Avenue. betes. perpetuate a beautiful complexion. Ask ment seeking tuna, tor unrivaled ad i:ft ('l'.arles Wi.:i teen waterspout your druggist for it and do not be in- vantages are hero offered for safe, legiti lmjo That languid feeling will leave you as Island. A party of ITcw Il.ivcn yacht.?- duced to take anything else. mate and profitable mining investments. men were close to it iu .". naptitha soon as the kidneys are put in goixl CO is the proper thing, to our notion, lannr;!;. and for a time wci in dauber of working order. The cclebrntad Oregon It Of Takr it bepoke Breakfast Dr. Hen that every effort should be made to do the busicams Kidney Tea never fails to swnir.ped. T'ue wa'.ei-po- at ley's English Dandelion Tonic. ness. Try it. bring about this mining Ixwm, for most being directum. It drew np surely it will result in many more mill- from a southerly Her Face Her Fortune O. K. T. means Oregon kidney tea. ions of real dollars being produced at the water cf the Sound and created addiIs commonly said of famous beauties. great profit. As to Park City, the tional disturbance to the turbulent sea. CD Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic She who usos with artistic taste Wis greatest and most promising mining dis It finally broke between Charles Island S3 dom's Famous Kobertine has fortuue in trict in the west, recent developments and Btin:s' Point by the wi-i- changing cures indigestion and constipation and the t)03sei5sioa of a complexion to which and new work have astonished the most to northwest. It would have been de- tones up the entire system. nothing but the blush of the rose or the sanguine and encouraged the most hope- structive to any boat which came in its Magazines bound in all styles ut The freshness of the lily can be compared, ful. Speed the mining boom (the re Commercial ofliee. This preparation is just what it is vival) in Park City, whero are more rich path. Cor. liew Haven Register. O claimed to be the most delightful toilet and limitless mineral resources, unde-- Dr. Hen Breakfast Take before heavof it thousand land, p.cres article and only perfect beautiher veloped, than ia any section of country Eighteen Dandelion Tonic. Read the testimonials from in the world. known. HU'OVICH t ily timbered with hemlock nnd other ley's English chemists celebrated PennSTOVES I famous artiste's, hr.rd woods, tho last of the famous tea. O. T. K. means kidney Oregon "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. STOVES. and eminent physicians. conlias been hemlock belt, sylvania CO White House, Salt Lake City, K. P. Hall. Ridgway, to J. and M. E. C. by Coulter. veyed tea. puysician U, means T. K. 0. Oregon kidney Socond South. Main and CO surgeon, Washington avenue, over Andrew Kaul. of St. Mary's; Sampron Corner of Horrocks & bons. Telephone Jmj. Short, of North East, and R. S. Dullis, Most central location of any hotel in the "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. pvtofliee. Union ticket Olean, N. Y. The purchase price wan city. Oppositeoffice in the hotel. Newly The Hot Spring's are all Iiijhf. The District Court. This land lies in the vicinity and Pullman $.100,000. renxxleled and furnished throughout means Co. this take Hot Three The and St. of dis was Springs busine3s Johnsonburg. Mary's other The following Table unsurpassed. Electric light, bells, of notifying the public that the baths are railroads run into it. and all modern conveniences. Torms,f2 posed of in the district court: m as good condition as ever. All reports H. L. Hall, Proprietor. per day. United States vs. Lars. Johnson of the snrings failing being without d unsnr-veyeThere are 20.0C0.C00 acre3 of F. W. Lafrentz, pleaded not guilty. Cass set for Ben foundation. land in the state of Washington, Beautiful Women. tenne Dec. 13. General Manager, and much of that great exteut of counThe magical effects of Wisdom's Rob- Grand jury came into court and pre- cov- bertine as a beautiher and Bfinted three indictments unuer lerruo preserver of Immense sale of library lamps for this try is almost impenetrable, being ered with n magnificent growth of the the complexion have fteen attested uy nnn under United States. rial week at THE FAIR. finest kind cf timber. Surveyors have thousands of tho leading ladies of so The People vs. Nick Smith; pleaded not miiltv: bail fixed at $1,000. Case se Wisdom's Violet Cream literally to cut their way every foot, be- ciety and tho stage. It is the only ar ticle ever discovered which gives a for Dec. 15. Painter and Murphy for Is the most exquisite preparation in cause of the thick underbrush. dafAnfLint- natural and beautiful tint to the com and for world whitening the softening People vs. Dick Rogors; defendant the hands and face. It is not only a in plexion, removing tan, sunburn, freckles, was valued at A $5,000 bought rug of the face and arms, and all gave his name as Wm. Hardy. Pleaded substitute for, Vut in every respect suLondon lately. It was abont thirteen leaving roughness the skin soft, smooth and vel nnt, iriiiltv. S. S. Paintor appointed as vaseline cold to cream, 53 tc stitches glycerine, feet square and had abont perior counsel. vety. All remark on its delightful, cool and like preparations. Try it. tho inch. The material was wool ing nnd refreshing properties, a distinc Pnrm'.n vs. Tom Watts; pleaded not combed, not cut, from the animal, and lion not found 111 any similar prepara guilty. G.Halloway appointed attorney, O. K. T. means Oregon kidney tea. worth more than its weight in silk. Casn set for 15th mst. tion on the market, hold everywhere. The ladies of the Church of the Good People Vs. C. V. Loomis; order chang -incr Rpt.tincr for 11th. Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos, The rolling mill department of the Shepherd will hold a bazaar in the order 4. vs. C. changing December Cooper: People United States Rolling Stock company at house, Thursday, Opera RAttinir fnr 11th. Will also serve dinner and supper, Anniston, Ala., has completed a piece of A Woman Celebrated on Two Con Pnnnln vs. Chas. Turner: pleaded not oysters and ice cream. tinents, ' shafting 25 feet long, 7J inches in diameirniltv. Cass set for 12th. Two indict is U It words tells what 3,640 and well chosen ter few pounds. a j In weighs -- ATtnnnti fnr hnrfflftrv. "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. she knows of a celebrated nrticle. be nsed in tho works at Anniston. People vs. Daniel Carroll, John Daley M. Dear W. 4. Wisdom: Mr. To Hen-ley'June Take it befor Breakfast Dr. and Wm. Bonder; pleaded noi guuiy, triwl your famous "Robert-iue.- " Tho chlorination process for the ex- Sir I Case set for 12th. English Dandelion Tonic. It is excellent, and I shall be traction of gold from its ores has been United States vs. John P. Gierveson to recommend it to all my lady "Sohmer," the Queen of Pianos. case set for 22 i. greatly improved within recent years, pleased li ilievo mo, yours iruiv, friends, The Bazaar, corner Twenty fourth and and now promises to be adapted to the Rhea. Our oil pait tings just received are eye low of treatment and work Xeedle grade Grant avenue, Art openers, uive us a can ana see.-tnetea. K. T. O. Twenty-Fourt- h means kidney Oregon able ores. THE FAIR. t:-si- hr J etitu er j tje u CAUUV THE LAKGEST AND BEST LINE OF n v4 -- Jl tk t'-i-s i-- ljr a-- at-r- ! ;r,abohwba'illfr e!ail 24152 fl.",;J, -- t-- 1 0 ".t. wmi ft-r- t j U1L8 lankets and WASHINGTON AVE., 00 DEN, UTAH. 1- , hl r-- u..n ii ; J-.- U..si Iuu .; ;i. V a 4 r-- s, l'rt :.mm MARKS. y-- it j 0, i THE LlAD ING pr-K'- uja . te e n lian. j't 23-V- i CLOTHIERS, AND IMPORTERS s n e MANUFACTURERS. Sweeping Reduction in Trices of rcp.-oduc- - En-clN- Fall and Winter e h evi-i.in- En;-li;'- Overcoats ! u j j I 'I Ab-Kta- ct j it il.-p- n. il.lll 1 f xk3u,S" t !rV IST OTJTt KM OUR BOYS AND' CHILDREN'S CLOTHING - VV tu::i-c-o- nii.-.se.- l , otb-rday- . DEPARTMENT e We Are, Making Specially Low Prices. MAEKS, GOLDSMITH & CO. C. D. HAYS. STOVE STOVES! STOVES! STOVES OH AY' Have you Bought your Holiday Presents? Whether you have or not, Don't Fail y go and see the Elegant Line of Toilet Sets, !:. Aims. Christmas Cart Eira UK Ene Stationary and Artists Materials, B -- i STONE 315 & RICHARDSON, Street. |