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Show SJ U SAT CK DAY, OCTOHEK 4, 1S90. l)(il)EX DAILY COMMERCIALS j T. TWO OS A TRAIL. HZ -- f 'TTTT.T R Jl4'f rift. Al rigbu jridi? is Dr.bteiaiuet llt-r-r ... hiui in ia ntmj uu a ) itr ex- - be lani Lis I a lit en Baouiiitrr 1 M . "ere bu I war. pa jron ill iu liar yon your oia iniiu in aumrang bot an mf? Mt-gji- was The dot-tu- t aiial'le fraiae 01 r ininl when his itedi- - tadaeiilT cut thort by tlii rwotfimion by ma oU ec- - jkii .jiortuue Withedxtro fr.nrn ;..., juetx's fre ..ti ami curtly ivtaninl I i the . ., mm our or me puiun . . a l -. . ... I i 01 tiw l' I"1 crown iu i lit- r:- The ... - A n - 1 - SECRET SOCIETIES. i, 1 SO. IJINTArf EM IJU HfcM I. 0. 0. F syeJ, "Whit do you mean, air. by icsulting an UiSTowrtti U4y-- " he in -- 1. jumping torrri.--1 aaj tnnu ' the dutt w a shore with violttwe as to throw ' Liu over the iron fence around t'ue Academy of Made. H? pui-beforward in front of the girl, wao imiaeJiately left, and he bouk hia tit in the face of btT as!..iii.bej acqaaintauoe. You deserve to be tbrahed within j an inch of your life." he continued. i "nui I very much inclined to give ' yon a tcrere ch&otiaeineut to teach you better manner." -t Come, get away from here. I will not stand any this nonsense," re-turned the phraiciaa. -- 1 skJl call a policeman if you interfere with uie." "1 shall in allow any one to iualt a Unly in niy presenoe," Raid the anit-t- . i who felt that be had to offer fc me jiisti- fication for his conduct to lue throng that bad already collected aro'md theui. j "This ia ridiculous! 1 oke to an old j friend of uiiue," was the final reply j Vuwhsafed to the trirr champion, who allowed huutelf to be put aaide as the furious doctor moved away. tienbball followed, thinking that he wight aaiu have the opportunity of stepping between bis iJeal and oue from whom tehe was evidently anxious to es MttrO IB lit t . m. If . ' Orl Ult I1 w.h. Mtt.r.p. Lt is. SenU-- . F. W. . l i5 Jy - rr ! I rajaojy past aiia on lower alking a-- to lo$iT?r. HTTWfEL UlartriUi by l tim as if to appeal for help. Be saw teat great, d wy tears were stealing ott a&4 Le UiUMl rpja Ler long m eurbtou and plied mm with iutmmt. What was be Wan he still duinic in New York? Where hid h? li-buried out of sight f.r so long? that be La J wttlrd down He to practice his profession in XewOr- l .n and had had no oitkrtuuitr to pieet hia former acqiuunt:tntva. lie was ..-- nil in? a few davs in the citv to trans act buKiuexa of the ntinoet import n v. and be was tlx a on hia way to keep an appointment that he conld not delay, as it waa already Retting Lite. "So," aaid Herr Steiniuetz, "bud yon iumt gome nnd see me. My guusin lleinrith Nenberger, your olt mauager, it here and be will vaut to talk vid you rile you stay in New York. Can t yon ? u d f4 mvf i O. O. J j F- -, CRLtCENT LODCE j j HJii regular tirot Ui lir - M iiu: j I. j O. O. US10N LODGENO. WnliM.ta- COHVIAXDIZIXG, or ovOTvetwr. or tiv rtakUiK of too rich a ik iixliireMil food, m a common rat m? of diactxulort and auiTeniic. To imuieiii-aii- y relieve the etotuuck auj Nta-e- t from , i ueh overloading-- a full Ir. IVroc's 1'u i (!- - iVIk-tm It tnl remedy. Tbcjr Ofvrute trendy, ret thorium lily and without myuig, uauatm, or otber unkMiiit etria. If toe t free indulrencir in meB intemperate eat 114 haa imiiml dureaiion, eaiia-tn- r dyfH"fia and Inlioittuetia, atteod"d or bhauitur alor nh a tefue of fullnras . bitter or bad laate ewttnjr, nted tofig-ueIn uiontn in the mornius. on anwnir, drowaiwat alter meals, tndenbabl fe of dmtd. or of impending' caJarutr tbm you Bt-- to f and up tbf uae of the rVUt" ilh Itr. s tioldon hwlical liaonrrnr, to tone up the atotnarn, invirnrat the livt-r- , of nd act ll tue pnnir t work. Whlk. cunnf indiireatioii. It uuri. ft'-tiw aystem fmm the btKxL no mattt-- r ail humors and or nature, or from what of what name . cause arfamg-- There is nothuir similar to it in eotupoaittoa or approachitif n in reeulta. Tberefore, don't be dup d and to take eume substitute, aaid to induced tie -- )uat as rood." that toe dealer may nakw a kuver profit Stg.Mirioiiit bru.iM-dialW uinel U k t'. MfcAP, t' j i i , ! i Mtwtt He was eroding Irving place when a carruure drove pabt He recognized it inuuediately as Edward Hartiuan'a. He hoped that the occupanta would not notice him. but he was disappointed. He was walking ahead when he beard a fagome UmM?" "I think I can," returned the doctor, miliar voice calling his name. He turned who waa shifting around anxiously, and and taw Mr. Hartman beckoning to him. ridently desired to make the interview The carnage had stopped in front of the He was perfectly academy and the banker and his daughthe manufacturers as short as possible. of Dr. Bwre't Catarrh Ketnedy. for aa ta ter were alighting. willing to promise to see bis former oaae of Uelaira in the Haaa. ourabie "Lena thought she would like to goto manager, bnt if there waa any one man fee had particular reason to avoid, that the theatre this evening," said Mr. THE COMMERCIAL Hartman, after shaking hands with him. Ban was Heinrich Keuberger. "Yon must gome to my f oncert," conto, as she never saw 'The Old Home- tinued Herr SteinineU. "Id will be steed. I have brought her here. I hare grant I haf diagofered a new Camilla a box, and I want you to come in with UrsQ. a greader blayer dan Matam Urao us, unless you have tome special en'tver. She vill make her deput gagement" "I want to aee a friend." said Hen- Bes at Steinway ball You are a musician: to inform tbair patron that they her." shall. hear must ara MUbliahed her to Uy, and you "You can go out between the acts do tb beat work ia Putting the proffered complimentary ticket Into his pocket the doctor, to end and tee him. I may want to tne a man and har- myself, and 1 know that Lena will exthe interview, aaid "Oood-by,- " cuse us," said the banker with a facetious Rubber Stamps ried through the first door he noticed, through the 8chermerhorn building to wink to the young man. The artist came to the conclusion that Wall street and then down past the sul Promptly and at Low Prioea. treasury and the custom house to the the yonng lady, in whom he felt a much Bt.. Oauin, Una. i: m TwMtr-FirtHanover square station of the elevated more lively interest than he did in Lna railroad. Hartman, had probably gone too far for Henry Henshall, who had been down him to overtake her, and to he allowed town to see his father, happened to be hit fiancee to persuade him to enter the riding on the same train as the doctor, academy. "I really have tome business but he was to deeply engrossed in hie on hand, though," he remarked, "and 1 orjax amd new thoughts that he did not notice the for- shall be obliged to leave before the end mer husband of his fiancee's companion of the performance." He had teen Denman Thompson's play as he passed through the car looking fur SISO seat before, and he was far too much entake to in own his The young artist was downhearted. any thoughts grossed CALSOMlNINl and as the train sped up town he v XV' interest in the quiet rustic scene on tta PAPER HANGING AND 'C dered what to do with himself stage. In the meantime Dr. Watson, as the away the evening. evil eyed one chose to style himself for HARD WOOD rjmiSHlNG A SPECIALTY the time being, had gone along Fourteenth street sa quickly as his legs could blood-poito- 111 k'.-- xl Z u I . cr - W. Hatt. are V i. t.tHiiiluuc k .ll.Vll, 11 r. , ffr Paniiiitu. R.T. SMRAD.tVrei- -- h i ; 8. . 55' a- - - - r-- - r- ZJ MILITANT. - Q - O c -:w -z ainl Krtitaj f:ftiuie r . . - Lfc iimtt in. ' .plain. so f. WSS iK M e.Koia.K. o w CIURDE RICHARD LEON LODGE, a. S.1I Mete eerjr Wetliwlay evminie Ktevu.' I.irli, !WJ I". W. ball. in t)t A. l. -- lmurt.Hi r avenue, tiitdeu City, t'tait. Sij4uriiiutf broiunt iu icood taudiuK am cordially iutitod totiMI and fraternue. Applicants fur nienihiii.tiip tluxild apply to Ir. ( ook. ttii WahiuirUia avenue, or to any of the orticara. m to-ni- e- ,H.t)'.uriii Mnvi. ror- - 1 ll.wl. I'evrk Ciui.lt J. HtHrasica. Serretary. F. STEACY & CO. B. 6500 OFFERED RUBBER r Tii-i(- O RIjKH t.it. iu im i Pk-w'- cape. . !- Lifttr - "ti 6. tii!K Vi. I'tlKIAKt 0. 0. F. HMOS, a I T. to attnid. jfl W. Ltl. V li. ). Oh a o cz 5 M4mnr ft &loturtua avuu-r ' iiulii at ,,! ) K- - ; i nn K eniij; an? W. L. Vi4M. Rer. ' KO. 13. Real Estate. Ill Twettj-Flft- UTAH. St., h Have the only buildincr roperty at the Celebrated lit U! MUST B.E SOLD 50x100 on AVasliinjrton Ave. between 29th ana 30th Sts., $00 per foot, $1,100 ('ash, balance March, 1891 , at Kilit per cent on payments. Springs. Parties wishing to ett a beautiful and healthful subur- de-fer- ed II. A. SMITH, A. E. KOCH 2406 Wash i net on A.venno. ban residence can do so by addressing us at the above number. -- GEO. A. LOWE, rl RED .1 KlESEL Company k DEALER I- N- M.TEAHEN l- PAINTING V. . When he reached Union square he looked around in the vain hope that be might catch sijjht of Miss Crawford. She bad disaptieared. and he did not know which way to turn. People surged around in every direction, and he knew that if the girl had tried to escape she as might have taken a horse car, as long she had reached the corner ahead of On dnnr nrth rt th RoU Oil and hU eyti to SteinnuU't pif tloo fact. He did not care to go to his club, he had no reason to go home and he had told Miss Hartman not to expect him until Saturday. When the guard yelled Fourteenth street" he suddenly determined to leave the train and take a table d'hote dinner at one of the Italian restaurants in that portion of the city. After his meal he enjoyed a good cigar, and then started to walk leisurely over toward Union Square, along the north aide of Fourteenth street Before he had taken many steps his artistic eye was attracted by the well rounded figure of a girl just ahead of him, who carried a leather music roll in her hand. There was something familiar la- her appearance, and he quickened bis pace to get better look at her. The next moment he knew that she was the ideal with whom his brain had been filled since he first caught a glimpse of her in the Wagner car. Hia first impulse was to lift nis hat and address her, but be restrained himself, reknowing that she would undoubtedly sent his impertinence. He resolved to find out where the went, however, and permitted her to get several feet in advance, but not very far, as he feared to lose tight of her In the crowd that was hurrying along the amuse- thoroughfare toward the places of - At the girl reacheA ! earner of face to Irving plaoMb cam eaddenly face with a man la whom Henshall recwho ognised the younger of the two men New the oa her with had been traveling She looked down York Central railroad. and tried to pass him. "I am very glad to meet yon that unexpectedly, Miss Crawford." tarcastioally remarked the doctor, detaining her with his hand. -Let me go; I have nothing to aay to at him you," she exclaimed, looking up from Ms and shrinking appealingly . grasp. For a moment Henshall stood irresoeslute. He saw that the girl wished to deterteemed who cape from the msn, mined not to let her go; but he could not tell what their relations had been or hew bis interference would be taken. to be let Again he heard her plead toward her yes turned she lone, and WajroriH, Ii4id Caiin, J. W. McNUTT & CO., ISI Knarinefi Haw Mill!". Barbed 15 Meat, Poultry and Fish atr afrU erdn sad vholauliae especial atnaC with aa. Twaatr-tonrt- a by REAL ESTATE! We oflVr for this week the following BeresiDS : 70 Ms, CniweitT HelghU sJdition. t2&0 to 1350 eeefc. 10 loU between 36th eud Uth Sts., Mr motor. 1125 each. 2 Iota on Weahingtoa eve., only 1 200 3 lota, block $225 each. Also for VVallis & Co. Mexican C - I - G - A - R - S. 10, Lake View addition, 1 lota in orchard, Nob Bill addition, 9550 each. 8x10 rods on Qaincr, between 234 and 24th sts.. t550 Dor red. 5x10 rods on Harrison, between S3rd and 24th sis., $300 per rod. 4xlo rods on 23rd, between Qoincy end Jackaon. 1450 per rod. 64x141 ft. cor 24th and Jackaon, $3000. FEED FLOUR hand-mad- e, Custom house OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, BALED HAY GRAIN. SEEDS. BUTTER EGGS APPLES cab load lots a specialty. PRODUCE. Washington aaenna. WHOLBSALK DEAIiKRS Telephone No. 16 Of ROCK! ROCK! ROCK! busla ts STRATTON & STORM'S UTA.H. DEALERS WHOLESALE Offloe, S444 Try ear Par Lard, BBafactnr4 bm an otitsr. sad on will each. CARL UPMANN'S RBTATL BUTCHERS. DEALERS " COMPANY, NT Young, O0DEN. C.H.Greenwell&Bros. AOKNT8 Ft) It COMMISSION OGDEN Order by Mail Promptly Attended to. AMD Pocatello, Idaho. Black- - Wire, OQOKN, . CIGARS. WbOLBSALB r, Ogden, Utah. smith Tools, Et MER and T01LLT ARTICLES. Ihpobtvo and Domestic Fifth 8t, IMatrfbatlaa nee the Berth, Twnlf. ware, Iron and Steel. Baker HXE PERU SUIT raarta Wagon Material, Heavy Hard DRUGGISTS "Curse the luck." he muttered; "if it hadn't been for that young idiot on the block above 1 should have had her in safe keeping before now." He went over to the Morton House cafe, tat down at one of the tablet and ordered a glass of alwinthe. "I thought 1 had time to catch her again before she reached Unioa tquars," he mused. "I wonder if she really walked that whole block. She couldn't have taken one of the green cross town cars, as I did not notice any pass tnnre. Left see, where could she have govd Not to any of the placet on the toulh aide of the street, that't very sure. She might have entered Steinway hall By jove the must have done it" This idea impressed him at being very good, and he told the waiter to bring him tome more absinthe. As ht sipped the liqueur his mind wis active. "Of course that old fool Steinmeti ia bringing out a new fiddler, and she would naturally want to attend the concert Supposing no, it it not poetdble yet, it 4a, though the might haw sought work there herself. I do. not know but that she ia the new Camilla TJrto herself. Ill find out" He did not dream of going to the hall himself and teeing hit old friends Stein-meand Nenberger. He left the cafe, and as a first move bought an Evening World from a newsboy and turned immediately to the amusement ooluma, where he taw the announcement that Mist Louise Neville, a talented youig artiste, would make her first pablio appearance in the United Statea. "Louise Neville may be Edna Lewis," not probable that be thought, Vlt ha would appear under her own aaoxe the alias adopted, by her lausr. To settle the question to his own satis faction he walked around to the nearest florist and bought a large bouquet Then noon a blank card he wrotet "With the sincere regards of aa old 8t Louis friend who hat often enjoyed In private the accomplishments that the public are now given aa opportunity to Ebwu Sr. Lcohabo. applaud. He instructed a young man to deliver the flowers to Miss Neville off the stage, and to say that he had been sent by Mr. St Leonard. Fifteen minutes later the messenirer returned. When 1 handed her the flflwers," he reported, "she said she was surprised to hear that Mr. St Leonard was in Nsw York, and she told me to thank hint for her." "I am glad to have that much settled. Now 1 can lay my hands on EdDa," thought Dr. Watson. "Those infernal managers have hold of ber: that's the to as coitikcd. Liquor and Cigar Merchants DuckboaixlK Tt btne WIiwIh, law 0 UR0CER8, UutfgioH, X, him. Bt lifted WHOLESALE -Ii f Cray The af.c4.nale qearry Vraalta Baek le the ntoet In the Market. tcr nrlee dallvercd call at offle of Braln- mr4. BeMaeesi at Csv, tM WMhlaftoa At. ir TO! KalT T4 THaW Brewing Company's SlilwaoMeer. t7Y Real Estate, IIP0RT, SELECT BOHEMIA!! AND H0FBRA0, COHSTArTTLT IH CALL Oil STOCK. BULK AND REED&BURGITT Oa WMBtattea to yoa aay ef ATn. wee eaa BOTTLED. dUTr Ua tollowlni aargala: taa BoulaTardta arrf lotafaelM black I tor arra let la Bloci IX PlatC.caeh.nl, -- ma mmrm adtalnlu nnn paraor ee oT.rlookla ta eity. par er mew rouab land, obit I Biles lota aa monthly installments. $150 to froai PortoBoe, poraore........ I Bade Iroat, botwaaa Jacaaoa aad $300 eacb. Van Bnrn Atiiin, par froal rod....niaw A $300 snap in Franklin Place add. Uad only, f aalle. from arrre, .. DoaioOe. par acre TO SXCBAKOa. Street, feet oa Twenty-aeroitSmall Fruit Farm 2',' sailer from City ) Waahlnrtnn aad Adam ava- 97 1 anea. Improved. Per foot Hall, for grocery bosioees, residence or with rwl hoii.a, oa tTMtaAnni1 le.t, ImproTedalrML bri"iness property. hatweeD Wash 800 acres Washington land. lnrtoo and Adam Tenn. per ft.... VTS n ..mm Imnmvait farm laijll. ODlV 00 acres in ao Lais Valley, Colo-ra- d aw miiaa fro-- n centre of cltT. Per acre a SO . rod! front on 20th .ireet, between ab- 4 Neaod Severe ood farms ia Kansas yy Inrvmana Aaam. enue, per roa. .... nSOO braHka. aeT xhn feet on 24th itreet, per foot aerea In city limit, ob th Bench tper acre on th. arrea mile, from City Hall & Uiiit Un ot aTectrie Motor, per acr )4 ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO BE ADDRESSED TO OCR "OGDEN OffiCE." CaiTaraltT Plaea. af arm a Man Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction guar d Brainard, Robinson Co. i anteed. i I F. J. KIESEL & CO. |