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Show 0U)EX DAILY COMMERCIAL: FM1MY. OCTOBER 3, tJL k4 uc ia tb r.i til(a bra -- full Uatrd xiifc I La aaaad Oajod in a fUx at4 H. Mtat&E lr. ilia. - i p a K Hat uiranl HELP ACLSCY. all ks&d. u U-- i and Kic." said a quirt suffctvr at th eUl jd a raisr tkilik o" a id tbe law) 1 ing Li vuwcl "But tla trouble is taaia taeie-fcu Laias it taber it will ring ail tb it to Jour jaw." .Nu truubk at ail: car waark. cnt jt.. rua.. tiiiu: iHaiatlatr uiuci. t-- Jit. J a U iLn. alai lasts .4i.tLat.ta. 'LU.ER A MIEAb. " Citicau limld. ! Wimiilnfl. ri all car;. V U t raa laaw ubljr liar t( k4a t laraarurr Uat-- a fc- ; 1' 1 jua.1' ' U. ia jr a tr tita fcuuaa 4. kat iunaja ataHauc aa. aa4 jtl Ul h alm. . , at a a rut-I- ttaiae urkark a. AN ORDINANCE. to H. II. HetuaerMin. S. Gratittat erii;aa-iIianvtaaal atati Jua-t- , hruiker. Ura'tt1rua1 a eaVtfllar rail ay taaer tbe t4ivetaaj ilfinai II) . of Uyvkra lie u uriaineai by tiae t it t .ua-t it). I lab : aide Wtnr.i.l..e ((map, bet. Tvriaty-A' HetaJenaaa. is H. 11at tlaem anti:ted loH auiu 1 rui tiiara tmu. rv ijnitMa aua Joreftu ramaker, tiaejr bears aiaii rtllaaM.aia Ua ralatrtart. Iball- C. a. klkai.O. . a. oatKt ta. ta.ii aiil ' auaileirkiubitMraa-; I !talae, a. t.ae aerer4r) .(rat raiiway, 1; tKKurt S k ii IIWYXH, 4'lly aua) Oeaiaruale. liM4i ail tile alrvet coaa-4i tj i. ( ity, mita lUe fuiiuaiig tern-- aud CONTRACTORS AND EUILDERS. j : lataai autl r trt--l - ork liali ta eonimeucvaj ta imm! rattu i aiativ aul tiiBiite mciiatiHa . ftaeffWnaua aui rA4ltiliUtauJ) lltlill uiuaM) (la uu H'lu-iaI antuta-r'- t tltt i.m4fcaiai i.h tva.Liitji liilieiaea and at uorW. AJ aTuarniiinl. tea n.11 af bae hail tat aa.raud in ictad lWaJrum atui Hai., Jin-- t trw4. hrtn ie-141 a aii of aaui ai .1 It ;1 tall jtanat i A'ln avtuut-r.Kiti'a'iiiU. Dae taua.tructou .iixll leianiuur Su. rZ ifuur rutinl. tvJrt", I' till. fae Januar)' j tae vtarktuanlike aud aobd, aud Itae ''1 HVWalNS. aliMii tje citJa-ikNoaii I - All track elulll be laid Ml ac to ra Itform !tli tiae irraiaevtaf tlie Kreet. at the ttn.e. j PRACTICAL WELL DRIXIR and itu lie altereat mi ah to ciauforra to n l pit Uiinic aavl punia ivtutimL Privr rliaitaft of irraie aa tiie City Caauiacd may, frt'iu tti time make, and at the tinae mate. ell U1U aild .UU 1 ui tune i,u IJlJ. ciaeaia. 1 turd i liey i.ltail keep ui foaad riair tlie uu trul.-- . tar uu pa jr. Liace tlie ran, and at irat our font ao a ue. liae outa.ide of each rail, w. a not U iiiterfere t fiar iHitilic uaie, aud if reouin-d- . nli CIVIL ENGINEERS. sliaii pave ucii ai ate and aide iManion unti tiat aute nialiTial at. tliat of aliH-i- i tlie ktrt-- t ia U. iloLLllHiK, cun wee. I, aud iu raue of aitiulue trarka, tlie J hpace Ulaeeu tlie track. t Late Aaw't ClJ Kngineer ) ruiinu nn Miau i run over tlie tioieot ucb line, or line, a often a public n - it y CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, aa ouce a ility. aiver may ntiiire, and a ift-I 'l.i us, lit-d aliole iaiurtU of each line, (unleMt etimate, irri'itiii(f ditrhea and ub- - tlieiltaxk diviaOUki. or auow or any other uuavouialalc arri iiy attaHition riven to the dent.. Nrtal laying out of allitiuua and city la its. I if th -- Tlie fare of trannnortation not Oiiicw aitu V'i'-Abstract ( oti) au, First excel i tlie cent for a continuous ride over tlie Natumal liauk huiMioaf. a.) Mi in. reerTe the right to regulate C. A, Tt H. a. , rAttis. and control the Mie,l thereof. ISeventli-Tl- ie riatlit liereby conferred ahall ex'Pl'KH A FARIS. a pire ou Septeuilier M, Udla, and be teruniiateti tin that date, and on the breach of any of the CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS. ctinditioti herein et out. ali hall he placed under exist-l lie PIhii, ffinVati.n aud etiinatea preiared ingKiflitlireculat ion, and at such place aa tlie City anit work A- - - '. KoldeUC,"-".c-o'ri.-a- . a. at. IM : J - ' a (u - a. at t wVVarl t.'ck-- aa. ,t lllrfT . lalaaaaill, ( t. .(.-al- rumew nut aa4 i i mi - . eirv-iia- c e t j mrnrn.efcA.tit n--k ..at A" Gutle)P (watrhiiiK a auntjrt iu the nortli Ah, the inlimu- - t(litrira of lit At aurh luomrut aa tbia our breu'. lwalitb littieiuM of all riarthljr thiiia, the utter wortliltfMie!- - of buntao lifo liuiUe (intrruitiuK) Say, Um, btre mmnatlie uian who'a sworn to fclioot auj one what butita on bia land. G uh Iry tJ Scot t ! Lt't'a ru a for our rt-- itun lives! like mail! It Mumy'a Wee kljr. VTaa. Owner of Horse (brushing the flit.lT f the iniiatU-u- t animal) What are you Are you really a ilwtuj me, laarr) aut of the Irmb kingitf laiifry Via, aor. "Anil uow you're ahoinj; horsa iu an F.UKli&hniitu'a !il. ksmitb aliup! It look like the irony of fate." "Yin, kor. Sl.'iud Mill, ye lutxtel I make me liviu', aor, by ironio' fate." Chicago Triliutie. tcll-lnt- Cava Him a Tip. Clwwlea Ah, my ilealt Misa Flirt. Mny I. yoifekiiiiw, ahsk you w hit it is you Cud ao HrmiMlia? Flirt an item th.it CliHwIei thmiKht miht interna yoiu Im!eel. I'm delighted, you I Wlmtinitf Mis F'lirt It my that a Dr. Thomion ill experiment in hasjiiht nnule a brain graftiug. Cbicaso Timea. know. f The Authoa-'- a Revenge. Author At last I am avenRed. The Hinhtone Mnitndne haa bought one of my articles, and they have paid for it. Wife (mystified) They have accepted and paid for a number of your maun-arriptbut none of them baa appeared yet. Lincoln, tin-tr-- St. year. New York Weekly. Only Negative Proof of Meaning. "Xow, Mr. Tintype," giggled Miss Used-ton"don't you dare tell rae to try to look ptewant." "Oh, no, Indeed," promptly responded Mr. Tintype, "in your case I ahouldn't think of such a thing. " And Miss L'sedtobe would give her best false teeth to be sure which way he nieaut it. Westborough (Mais.) Tribune. Awful, Indeedl Mrs. Kawler I'm so sorry that your husband wius caught and sent to prison for big Maa, UOdice, plata, 241 W 1 blue prints, etc., etc., Ninth-- A diiplirate power of taliall lie IU Coll. IU lou It r two, on achiiitrtuu avenue, (Vden. riit, li Said Tentli. DRUGGIST, fbTa.fr Viitjlci lv. ui TMi.y-tl- U hli Slrrtt, iiaJcr En.. The 'aey or FtaacT Sn toili;t Aimci-K- S 1J tlar Market. PGPJUr . Can u ol tli S.M.rUKMLVW, j i ui ., IViTla l! PnauauaUar j rf ,t tut td ia Territory lAf) HHtri-Ar-- NOTICE lt taav. ! eourerutu to any Ticket Ageut, or vy aVi v a r v x r a.aa.aa A K We have lately opened the Central Carriage Works, 23d and Washington Avenue, and are prepared to do all kinds of Carriage and Wagon liuilding and Repairing. Are the only firm in the city prepared to Repair, l'aint or Trim a Carriage or Buggy and lr'nitit IttMiitfi for Siiitiiit. Orlni hy pnm'tljf (tmlf u. 1 1liav Complete. iu lit city. ilia imly tirtliiMi A. M. BUCK. Prop No. Hi. Vet, Wvgal. Manager. Attached to all Tasorea Taaiaa. for farther tntormatioa wTTviixrs' ) h And Funeral Director Our Famous Dining Cars ihl lu-- i OKO. W VALLKHY, Ml mm ample capacity or before April Telephone OHLV! FOR !'. ft. AND TYPEWRITING For LUBlarFAI 0 KaNEOOhl grantee hall eonatruct culvert i ... tiakll tTVi in audi manner and at t?rh Hiiuut upon ita liuea, tiuti.l'l ROSS, (iENEE Riwiw ...4 M nA I'Jwta I the t ity Council haU from time to time reof Error tor Kmoa la OU ar Yoniif . quire and detdiMiate, 1 ..I Eleventh-- 'I he aaid City Council hereby a.tiiisiii ra.nr amr.a. H.aa t t iitnt Avenue, CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS. aunt. the right to pa rkta,iiiaiuimioHiiaiaartaio any ordinance with MorirrAiN nmsioN. i.n..f anas tmrrlmm I wlrtra. HI Ika General engineering practice, ('oiihultatiuu n'ference to Call. a.i.iai, of aid atreet railway the pcclmen teasous Free, plea m taailt, fTMi u Si.Ip lnvita-u- . 214, Ofdrn, winch the comfort of the citizen of the city or ami a. trip! ai I' la. a la t yrfk aaltr alal tre by real! a specialty. Uttice. room 3 Kay block, Ottden City, Utah. tlie aftty of the paeiigerM upon such railway Aara R( MaOICAi. CO.. Btaf U, N. V. Utah. alo. indice aud legila-tiv- u may require; laiwer and functions with repert to tlie and avenue a tnetH beuaedandoccupiiMl may LAWYERS. AM IIII.I.01VH: by saiil tailway. Twelft h - The grantee shall not be ent itled to S. WUBTHMAN, any right or privileges under this ordinance Soda Ppri)K-- 8 and Return, 0.00. miles a good and eullirient bond iu the sum of ATTORNEY AT LAW, Shosliojie Falls anil Return, $17.35. Ssi'i.UW be rxecutiHlon tht.r behalf toOardcnt ity. conditioned for the commencement of work 84ftS Washington Ave, . Ogden, Vtah, HailayHot springs ami Return,15 20 bereiinder in giaad faith within ninety day from t lie pasKHge hereof . Such bond hall be delivCitt and Return, 25.00. i. Boise MUKPHY, pUNTER ered before work ahall be commenced. Thirteenth In accepting the right hereby Mont., and Return, $30.00. Helena, ATTORN r, aud confernsl, the grantees, their Portland and Return, 50.00. n agree that any of their tracks on Oflico, 2417 Wanbinirton avenue, Oardcn, Vtah. avenue from Twi'nty-eith street north to Yellowstone Nat '1 Turk and Ret urn ,57.85. and Twenty-fift- h Ogden river; Twenty-fourt- h R. W HITE, street west of Adams avenue to Wall avenue. San Francisco and Return, $05.00. and on Wall avenue, may be used for ATTORNEY-AT-LAtation iiurtxase and passage of car of other railway comuanitw. at any time, uoon C. 8. M ELLEN, Gen'l Trafflc Mgr. Practice in the Dirtrict Court and all the street and reasonable vregulution and reason-C. F. RESSE(;llE,(.en'l Mgr. courts. I'ermmal attention Riven to collections. proper I ante terms. a wooden Kourti-entnir tim--- , in i S. W. ECCLEM, enl Pa.Ant near meat aliup of C. H. (ireenwell ft Hro, Daved s'roeti!. Flat rai I only shall be used on ..a i i nnilj'iuuriu IIIWI, vjtwu, Clan, r, II .'iftiMinlh rtaM TT Ulnniln,i, X HatW. " box m. enn and Joseph iirilkp', sIihII, witiiiu. ...Uaif lataf AXD days from the date id said aceentanco shall L. K1NGAN, within' .lid, be filed by them with ritt-lJ- . tho t it J. hlESKL. ATTORNEY-AT-LXHEAL. Mayor. J. W. McNfTT, City Becorder. ' Office, Peery Annex, Ogden, Utah. Passed, Sept. 19, L. tOIIES'KR. AlHTISI KiMiH. ID If SHORTHAND ttiiiainlw..knf ,'. lliitiaiTHi. ta !!, RunSnmnier Excursions SCHOOL Lit-Bo- III. 11111 J Wah-iugto- "y tram-iaor- & CO nuikl-ina- THE LEADING - CLOTHIER t, - i 1 JAMES N. KIMBALL. EDWABD M. ALLISON. NOTICE lf, W. E. DOYLE & CO., JR. " Careful of Hli Trouaers. Miss Cashley You have dropped your handkerh'irf on the floor, Mr. Van Dude- - kin. (preparing to get on his with a purpose, dear Miss Kiiitn, 1 love you; will you Va Dudekin knpi.s) I did it lever ml WJ wife? Puck. DENTAL SURGEON. FormerU of San Francisco, California, has opened his dental oflice at 310 Twenty-fiftstreet, up stairs, front room. Twenty-eiyears practice. Extracting and filling teeth a All work guaranteed. Bridge, crown and plate work unequaled. Dr. Meade can be found at his office at all hours, day and night. h x sjiec-lalt- Q R. SNOWDEN, DENTIST. The Quibbles Were Legal. Black Yo' honah, I rise to Office, 2427 Washington avenne over Horrock to de legal quibbles dat der prose reun- 4 Sons store. Teeth without plates and saving natural teeth a specialty. No teeth or roots too ion am bringin' up. bad to be saved by filling or crowning. Special Judge Cole Mistah Black, yo' sit right attention given to children's teeth. am legal they shall jown. Ef dem quibbles ,tnd, and de cou't allows 'em. Harper's THOMAS, WOODS A CO., ob-jec- k Lawyer gT. Batar. The Tailor's Tain Hope. "You haven't put a change pocket in this coat. Snip." , "I know it, sir. I thought rery likely If you had no pocket you might send your change to me, and that would reduce your account." Harper's Bazar. T- Western, V - 18 Ifl.L lists." New York Sun. Wanted Experience. Quizz Come now, old man, tell me. Do you think "it is better to be right than to be president?" Fits Well, I don't know. I should like to try both. Lowell Citizen. When the Honeymoon Waned. Mr. Paddock Field Remember that yon took me for better or for worse. Mrs. Field Oh, Paddyl I know that I took you for a good deal better than yon are! Puck. The Canary's Bill. iaimer Hn.'l j'v to pay for theenteiw-eu- t Clerk I will examine aun Bua. aiuiuua,VH Whatshall I have of my canary? the bird's bill and . ... .t J. S. LEWIS & STANDARD GUAGE. Ever brought to this city. Onr FINK TAILOR - MADB OARMESTS for Quality and Style, not be Excelled anywhere, while our price are Very Reasonable, rrhe Only Transcomtinental Line WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Panning IHrecliy Through SALT LAKE CITY CURRENT TIME TABLE, . In effect Aurost Boys 24, 1890, EAST BOUND TRAINS. o Raisers, STOVES! STOVES! 8TOVE8 STOVES 2431 and 2133 Washington Avenne. SECRETS OF CD -- r- -t- IF! FREE. - o GO ff afct'l WATCHES. OGDEN UTAH. J Practical Founder 16O-M- 0 Twenty-thir- d bet and Machine - Wall and Lincoln. Dealer In Bteam Engines, Boilers, Pomp, Ktc, I will furnish and erect Knglnea, Boilers, Heat?r and Machinery by contract and do my work la the best manner. Genera! machine work and repairing promptly attended to at shop. Graduated with high honoT. Twenty years experience as Profeesor, Lecturer. Autnor aua specialist we x reauueuv auu Cure of u Private, Nervous and aMWTtaaffnaTTfll Nervous Debility. Abuses of the System Confusion of Ideas Aversion to Society, Loss of Energy. Premature Decline.Varl " resulting from the damning efToctaof youthful COCle and Impoteney errors and exoeestai. You fnay be In tho nrst stagos, but remember that you are fast approaching the last. Do not let tale pridoorsham modesty dotoryou from fKT l!MN.!i1ft!i rMr.1 I UNCTION CITY MACHINE WORKS, CoiisulHldDoctor Chronic Diseases. A Private Adviser for those contemplating marriage and for men stiifer-In- e Thousands of young men and women saved from Frtvatp. Nervous or Chronic from au early Rrave; made fathers and Diseases. Sent prepaid by express. mothers; and restored to permanent manhood and womanhood. Read "Secrets of Life" sent prepaid by express ouiy. I I W. K. HOLLAND, Proprietor, & CO. CO I I- N- AND Children's Clothing EH-K- rom s STOVE STOVES! CO., Diamonds, Fine Jewelry & Mo. 2, Fast Mall STOVES, DEALERS We show by far the Largnat and CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS C. D. HAYS. National Bank J' Onr Fall and Winter Goods are now open for insiection. Most Handsome HUwk of MARKS, GOLDSMITH ARCHITECTS, Offices, rooms 18, 17 and awa vmi nrrnnnfr House Movers ARCHITECTS, street, room 10. over Standard office, Ogden, Utah. O. WHEELER A CO.. building, Ogden. Utah. F. COLLINS 4 CO., ai?AllWAY For bait Lake City, I'rovo, Leavll'e, Puenlo, Denver. :P5a.in Suitable for all ages, two to fourteen years, and at price Lower than ever before known. ana ell points East, daily No. 6, Bit" -- To Salt Lake City daily, 11:30 a.n Parents will do well to bear this in mind and give us a call THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL No. 4, Al atitlc Kipre.s For Sait Lake City, I'rovo, Pueblo, Denver, and 5:40 cm all point Hast datlv Possessing unsurpassed facilities as manufacturers, together with large experience, we are to give our customers the Heet Value for the Money. BOUND TBAINS. WEST Salt Lake City, daily, 6:40 p.m. No. 5, No. 8, Express From Denver, Pueblo, aud all points Kant, daily .. 10:05 a.m Mall Fast From Deuver. Pn- No. i, Fermerly of Denver. New Fall Styles In Dunlap's Silk and Derby Hals, and Stetson ft Co.'s Soft Hats just received. 9:40 pm eV.o, and all points East, daily Direct connection made in Union Dtpoi with all tarough line. We thank our numerous pat rons for their liberal patronage in the past, and it wil ever be onr Trains Nos.; 6 and R are mn to accommoaim to merit its continuance. Very Truly Yours, date Otrden and Malt Lake passengers. In effect June 10, IMG, traiua run betwten a and Alts, follows: Bingham Junction Leave Bingham Jnnctlou at 8.16; arrive at A new and complete moving outfit. Houses, brink or frame, moved any desired distance or Alta at 1.15 a. m. Leave A lta at 1.60; arrive at Bingham Junction at t.&o p. m. raised any elevation. Office with F. C. Chapiiv, 2418 Washington D. 0. DODQK, I. H. BENNKTT, OGDEN, UTAH. Avenue, General Manager. (ten. Pass't .Art. Twenty-foort- h an." aaAsi ai man ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS, who bad separated two struggling boys. Plans and specifications supplied for all de"Why don't you keep the peacef" of buildings. "The peace don't belong to us," replied scriptions Office, room 15, Stevens building, opposite City the bigger of the two; "we ain't no monopo- Hall, Washington avenne, Ogden. Utah. ari.'fr GENTS FURNISHERS. nrA aViiMv "Cr OF iSTtM'KIloLBKKS' MELTING. ALLISON, Twenty-fourt- C J oseph, i '.u. apply Oram! Low Pi Rlrt-lil- RECLINI.u CHAIR CARS hall oiiucii JIMBALL Oti nF.x City, Utah. Sent. 2S, 1W. A meeting of the stockholders of the Ogden embezzlement of the tank's fumltit ATTORN Natural (Ins A Oil Company is hereby called, for Mrs. Ab Seonder Yea, and the worst of the of selling the Office, over L'tah National Bank, corner of considering advisability it was that incotirt they put him right into Washington h avenue and street, leases, machinery and other property of the the same pen with all the cheap, pe"y Ogtlen, Utah. company, aud for the transaction of eurh other business as may come before said meeting, to thieves! So degrading to a rnnn who stole be held at tlie office of the company, in the tlOO.OOOl JACOB 8. BOREMaN, Lowell Citizen. house, in Ogden City, Utah Terricounty court tory, at 7 o'clock p. m., on tho 20tn day of OctoATTORNEY-AT-LAShort but Sweet. ber, im. By order of the President. Jinks Wny, Dinks, what's become of No. 2408 Washington avenne Office, K. W. Cbobb, Secretary. Ogden, Utah. your watch f The Ogdea Mililarj Acadeiuj. Binks Sat in the train next t j a man R. HEYWOOD, who asked me ten times in one hour if I a At meeting of the stflckholders of the Ogdeu ATTORNEY-AT-LAhad the time. the followMilitary Academy, held Sept. 2, Jinks-W- ell? resolution was Office, 369 Twenty-fourt- h street, Ogden, Utah. ingResolved That adopted: the capital stock of the Binks Gave him the watch. Jewelers' Ogden Military Academy be and hereby is inCircular. RANHPOKD SMITH, H. W. SMITH. creased to fifty thousand dollars, tho proceeds ft from the sale of said stock to bo used in the SMITH, gMlTH Nothing to Worry About. erection of further buildings and in making Soared Neighbor Oh, Mrs. Muggins, y'r ATTORNEEYS-AT-LAnecessary improvements in the company's propA. H. Nelson, President. erty. husband is tryin' to hang himself in th' C. L. Howard, Secretary. Office, rooms Nos. 6, 7 and 8, No. 2439 Washbarn. avenue. Mrs. Muggins Ho never succeeded In ington doin' anything he tried to do so fur. Guess DENTISTS. he'll be comin' in all right w'en the dinner bell rings. Street & Smith's Good News. L. H. MEADE, L M DC Kansas Cty, OS ALL TEA1.SH. ity Talrfaa Frh aat aa4 Wavutvaaaxa AkD KcTaiA. t'er Qmaha. FREE - a Piw4 At.ta. F. H. IIU1.LBUT, CAitiiEUi il Upper Mrnunauiti, thai beau'.llal Mob;ae fall, Ca0e fciKta, alt. hata and 'he mait'.'Kt. ni ol Ui( aukiyou Muuuiaiu, ail by day lutiL 111 UT.LC 1 51 US, fltliT II TBI VklC aaLlP'Nii t r breakfast under Mt rthaata, for dl mrr. I r.'COM. for !iUller. I traruio, executed on hliort not ire. ho.vik.-- AJ Ojrdfii. a Author (trlnmphantlyr The lart one waa written with Ink that will fade out in ten Wawli-u:rta- hixtli-Tliec- ilea.re ETWEES SJL!i fKASCISCQAND Ta Chicago, St. .Louis, I ia E Denver, aV wherr rarr aevrr rlojs, ONLY 36 HOURS j ! ; C I waa juKt rendinK Mr. Oimp Mism VLSTim LE TKAIXS SOLID . w-- u vrt Rert foarattte. 1 1 B ( Treeaer aia4 Ml suaaia. 1 ! las V diti-anr- audJi-c.TM4- far (air t'ame4 Et laln, Ut. t-- v tA.ak i4 immJm Laa4 f tke I'lp.tlieOlhe aa4 the Viae. Uitor! raliforaia Home of Uaaauaa f tbe Padre Jaairirrw Ah Ml aa4 !uf Uawl I aa-- CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. alia-- Ordet SUarit a. Over tae the cviebrata4 Cap sirnu-p- M f ttoara uiiMUk ihm Uvr.y ol ki lel I He bealJl:Ilii av tLal naa tiaau d Kif.o w tt (reaM H:f ot Praiar-itby the &wdca . jf Jtay. atat . I.IN'K. St THenty-fouri- h P. a. aa. Malta. t.. drli.ri, rl. i at. ... C. ja4 1a,i... . . . a.. Ull au. aaI I re Tuesday lroIuce and Fruits, OrriWEST AND THE - . a- - ,ia PCRIUND a. aax. a i)a. j t.. rat arfc-- r V Ikflft., raVaM-- atute-mi.. i i . Ortaerai airliieri M. H. SOS, -J aiaj tJ ) riiiui.tMy Kkra, u aiaiiv, I urutv tt 1 aaa !d V.l - h .t ra -i - taatl.iri)- j t ark a lcuuk, )ririi H Ulll I rhCSa . -l 1 114. N J U HAfcDT -- W i J4 aitu taTr a aital aitran taf riaauw. tmr aai uiiiiaftatarl nvan trrf aaWtntaM aiaal tlar l tUaurC llat Ualkrt. or aJiiw tar aincalr jd. CCNTP.ACTORS AND. BUILDERS. Plan uh furcitdanL . O taw, tv-v-- !...A .fc-- -- ' a 1L.M.BOND&CO., Scenic Route GROCERIES av . -- Jk- - w V 41wtlttUluieiMl ko GRAND u 1". la. aaaik mi Ua ' Ut-UI- F' n tLitkivoj ff kaajnug J RAftROADS. I'LLALS CAH Amti HOI AdliLMet. latrfk-l- Uf vruii IS Tua bxati ul nwdrar adiiiiua i t: 1'aia.aa PaTal brtaw ur nMa MrUaudiM i iiiamjs) ajd laVr tlvaa im cra: aaf t eaural t-- r It a U) araa city. i t . a. i rcttrt I tar taafeiliaA. UUlMlUut I Mil. aad im A? 3XmX a fixam a LM la a e)afaiiliftrt Para " aajajiiiV au.4 IlarUaYl lla aaarilaarOamMibiliii4 taVa. aSaul Laaan. auad t aathl ttiia lMeraid Vpa-a- . Aii da4ttkaB fur tiaWtry lita ; I ill J aija anf la al' aul ajcct4a la Vartiaena iaa. lla l'lUtvala! J fcktar tjU LAk.r llate I taa taitral taW t haaB 1 u Um tM Lljcr A Hf A CONTRACTOR AND EUILtER. lj rrrv iw Kit Ukbi. " MitFitilLU, uu pMrtL" 1 "Dm K. a! J ttr tiuBuax room U I wkwa I bfiidIftliBiUirrii, bucti; f fciukeU. One evwuta; Uibs a a iim BUSINESS CARDS. ua vir Unfr X b Rsvdcd a? Kelireaa uMMlWmutfWt Li fuae-eirrcaxa mall Una) im. !Llj""uu:T v'iy. young attending to youi agonizing ailment. Many a bright and naturally giftedremorse man endowed with genius baa nermitted his case to run on and en until racked his Intellect, and de.ah oiaimed Its victim. For remember, "Procrastination is tho thief of lime." We have so arranged 3ur treatment for the finnx-- p diseases that It will notoniy tmt pfyniflfiAviteNr. HUM KM HKK, tfrtaronl tn forte "inr :.nrnvt!rl'f, s ' wt Unit vt vtuiertake and ftt to cure. All nna.-ioemm new, , so as not to excite ootiHdential. Medicine aud Icttrj mean case butone is of nilldeserltitlon sent exp.-;and personal given, sit by curiosity, interview in all oases preferred. Conulta(lon free. Send stamp for question list. OR LUCAS PRIVATE DISPENSARY. 68 Oandolob SL. Chicago, ML Inter-tlcff- r - |