OCR Text |
Show FKIDy, OGDEX DAILY COMMEKCfL: i MEft Sm Ban f COWLS. rvari, fruca a&l or ti T aKrtkwari a&l l a rtnh i cutt-tiiat- Ti lament mmum A 5r Tfaa Ry ruw ., kv- - HU " iu uij foanr I IuUub lkt M Urjr u umc ay ; Inraa 4r. W tk(M tr (or TL Ml IU Aa4 tu, bW HI Ua T Ac4 ail Tbwre A hu rf ! Mrr. 4nma,y ac4 tutu mMi u Il ft CM bly I am aw A Ti J.--y tauAil a i rit luoa i -t tli : be-- tva a auatefc rru W ofcaaii. Ukr tmr dlca ei.iiauiuA aMii a Luuj!uUi amuett u a, h fe m-it-- .ii as-in- drt mi.ti.( of buort I mu , lo em Vtmm It tuaiC ; urr! w aYritnr j a. di&jn! A SPECTKE HELMSMAN. A.., .1 : ' S fir a t.fM ax.4 4. n Mttk in O.l". A So. l AIUAKl-L 0. 0. F. rwr !! 'a lirf-L- T Tariai-aa- . o5 'Si s2 2; 3 ' -r n 2 o 2 at in Ut ft. HUt KIUIIVT. f'n.tajr La a ut. i tus--v, 2 H 6. arWkia 1 afrta. r r. s--. C'AMUS. a-- o u -u Z L'XION LCDCLNO. Avt . er ai tidrpuA ' kJ aaf thick of hnUkf fcref I iaKMiau 1. an uf tMiiuf aimm ruti. wu-m t keni. vausc Baaa. tkrrr'a a ajud oiwbiaa r fur a awa aa uVr. kait aaM moe-ttitftaaja aai bu. bui ur rmittrcuuiat aV(taNf a aaat UI Pa thrcr fantlr Maiir tunes wmea pbaH.iaua, auflrruiar. aa itx-j- r uuunu urn aiitlarr fnn Wft Rua aan. anaef frma iivta-- or fcidix-- r ammm ai 4t-- trim aer'oua rauatMiAua ur uA aiMXAer ta km or Ibera, ut. ai'ka to in ilua way tbrv ail ad Inemat-lvt- a ana tlirir t aa or over - boar diiur. artarut and datum dwaaea, for a bx ata his pilla and iMauiM, aauaiioa ara beo. In mUiif, caeia lo be au-ruiub ail uuly tyftyUMt cmuami i'J The pbyaHtaa. bmurant 'f Itaa cauaa I luffm&r, raawniiM km firao-tr-s - Lfflnl tary t'Ula an mak. Ta auf. but pntav-til- r fenca baiwot rm do worse by reaaiia of Ue drlar, wruiia' trtattmrtit and cunarunil eomOMmUiia. A pruper mrdieiiie, like Ir. Heroe s rmtriiUia dvr4 to tH4 cooat would bare removed (b diaae, diaelk-all thorn diatremina symlitiia. and inatt-tutcomfort imad of prokuairrd miarr. It's tlieoclj medicine for tbt! wtmkUMaea, s and So vna sa-t- ra. 4 (V ?ir g t Ur hK kr Ik. wkMKdi Murwrnaam.nr. (Viii ! i7 a. a. r. I. tm t-- IccLfrrvCit . U Avaaa. bar. &, ,. . a Ext A4- -J m A Jk. U o wa-traUu- KIIK trf SONS tiK ST. I. e m .KOkli" RICHARD CdUR DE LEON LODGE, a S3 1 llera wrry Wndu Ui nraibf in tW A O. . U.irk. :w VkaUmvtua arratua, tkedre H. t lak. S..uuruit brut W xl rtao linc ar curiiai( tuntr4 tu I iit ia anJ fralrrutap. for BMMulimtup abuulj to wr tu any of Ir. onk, i-- l M aiiuiatua tba udmra. Peen i. J. rmidmt. . t aakl.ES J. HiarMKiaa. IUkh.tt. 4 z: ! i I .' if'-- aue, 8 MUST BE SOLD B. F. STEACY & CO, 50x100 Real Estate, TweatT-llft- - r- riwn-taiy- 82 a; Washington Ave. between 2!)th and 30th Sts.,$(;0 per foot, $1,100 Cash, ht Of.lH, IT A II. h 011 ance March, 1891, payments. Have at the only building priperty at the Celebrated t Springs. Parties wishing to gtt a beautiful and healthful suburban residence can do so by addressing us at the above number. A. GEO. A. LOWE, Fred. j. kiesel bal- Eight percent on do-fer- nl 1 1 E. KOCH "a 1 1. A. SMITH, t20(5 AVasliiiiLrtoii Avonue. s Com D ANY, h M.TEAHEN PAINTING . at 1 V The first watch had been set, but the go below, aud huddling themselves beneath the long boat they sought the repose which they feared to seek where their companion had died; but each seemed to fear his where the conneighbor, for none knew At1 11 o'clock the be. might tagion breathings of ( the air, which seemed for the last Ww hours to have had no settled bointi began to gather V ( I! STAMP ivory was soob got c. all haste the old(.( 1 A i. way. it was near and wi? off, Bhip got from the northward a stood well on her cour land morning, shortly alt 1 while the ci'ew had hi I lliat 1 a they had no occasion 1 m. air v young man named 'was taken suddenly sick, 1 Young Addison was the 56nte both of the ofacers and w, aria as it was reported thut he w, arthus ill a gen- eral consternation so upon all bauds. first a giddiness The young man felt and a sickly chill, ami in the course of two hours he aanjs'into au alarming debility, the countenance assuming a deadly palouea'and his skin bearing all the apijeanlSce of a corpse. Poor Addison Buffered till noon, and then the startling announcement went through the ship that he was dead. This was the first, but who should be the next? A panic had seized upon the men; the cholera was with them, and none dared remove the form of their dead 6hipniate from his berth. . Night approached, and with it cam an almost dead calm, but the eorpse still remained in the forcastle, nor did the men dare to go thither. The captain urged that the longer presence of the body would breed more dangerous contagion, but the only answer he received was a mournful shake of the heads about him. At length, finding that all arguments were useless, he turned to his mate and aked him if he would assist himself in throwing the body of the dead man overboard. The mate at first hesitated, but in a moment he signified his consent, and together himself and the captain went down into the forecastle. They dared not remain long enough with the corpse to sew it up, nor even to attach to it a sinking weight, but throwing over it a single blanket, they managed to get it bulupon deck and lay it across the wark of the ttwboard bow. A moment Capt. Johnson hesitated he opened his lips, breathed a prayer for the soul of the departed, and then, while a shudder ran over his fr;mie. he let the cold form of young Walter Addison slid into the blue water! Instinctively he cast his eyes over the side as the deed was done, and by the pale phosphorescent light hi could just see the corpse sink, then rise and sink again, and then with a heavy step and a still heavier heart he walked 6ht HJl tir CRESCENT LCDTE NO 13 derana-efnrnt- v. other watch dared not m. at. d coi-ps- r. .M Kai.t.!-- ra-vor- UM-les- s . ar ta o. j dilT. j ., - For an instant the old sailor remained routed to the tpot, and then, nttenng a sliarp cry of fear, he let go the wheel and forward. In a moment the ship begun to fall off. and as she brought the flat kurfuce of broad canvas to the wind she heeled over alarmingly ; but soon the pale fjiecter that bad frightened the helmsman from bis pot caught the wheel, and laid the helm hard down, and ere long the ship was once more to the wind. trrvtrtilaritMw painful Shippen's cry had started all hands pxeuliar ft women, aold by drutra-wtthai it will a under positive (aaraaava from their listlessness, for they thought tn every tat, or prtoe five aaluttaetion the cholera fiend bad assailed him, but paid tor it will b proniptly refunded. ua, riKKCE's liver, aiomaehniifrom his broken ejaculations they soon and lata and ctoanas tbe pclLets learned what was the matter, and in c boweia. Ooa a doaa. Bold by orua'ri'Ha. S oeuu a viaL body they crowded aft. and by the dim light from the binnacle they saw the specter helmsman! Every knee trembled, THE COMMERCIAL and every tongue clove to the roof of its mouth. None dared to approach him, nor did any move back. At this juncture the captain came on deck. His eye like form that still caught the held the wheel, and he, too. was riveted Bog Irate to inform their patron that they to the spot where he stood. are entablifched here to stay, and "Shipmates, relieve me from here, or do the beat work in 1 am cold and weak!" at I shMil faint. length came from the lip of the seeming specter, in faint, agonized tunes. 'Stencils iiililifi' Slumps Capt. Johnson hesitated an instant, and then he rushed forward i.ml luid his rnn:ily ami at Low Price, hand upon the trembliug form before ce: 251 Twenty-FiftSt.. Ooden, Vtab. him. It was cold and wet, but he knew that it was a living man. One after another of the men gathered alxmt, and before long all knew that yirng Walter Addison still lived. The e,:,.!;iin had him conveyed to the cabin, where everyH0C8K AMD SIGH thing that could lie tliotiirht, of was administered for his comfort, and it was not long before he sufficiently revived to give an account of his Etrange escaje from the cold, deep grave to which he had been consigned. PAPER BANGING AND CALSGMININt It seemed that young Addison had fallen into that deathlike lethargy which not infrequently results from sudden HARD WOOD FINISHING a SPEClALT1! cholera, and which, as all who are acI quainted with the disease must be aware. i so nearl Y resembles death that even the 1 SHOP. cians havei been 'deceived by T udden imCjrsion in the cold Yived - ti Xlum m Ip the snmiutt of 1 J3 the tUip Vulcan, ninl.-- r th txrtJiiuAiiJ of Ca;t. Isaac i Johnson. on her bum ward Umuj from the Indies with hulf a cargo of tea. and the toj jied at Car Hegro, on the xast of Brn gut-la- , f u-- r a lot of ivory to nia-- e np hrr luaiL ILit-in- g gone on ahore at the Cape the captain learned from the natire contractor that he would have to go eouie fifteen mile np the Cannibal river, at the elephant hunters had all the boaU further up in the country, eo that continently they had not been enabled to bring the ivory down. Capt. Juhun was somewhat disappointed at this ccr.se for delay, but without waiting to find fault he determined to man his own boats and proceed at once np the river. It required four trips to bring all the ivory down, but a they had opportunity to take advantage of the slight tide the task was accomplished in four days. On the lat trip the captain went himself, leaving the first mate in charge of the (.hip, aud on arriving at the ttumll villas where the ivory was stored he w;:s not a little enrprWd to find that nearly all the miserable huts were deserted. Several times Capt. Johnwn inquired the meaning of this, but the natives were either unable or unwilling to give any plain answer, and it was not until the last lot of tuples had been conveyed to the boats and the natives had been remunerated for their labor that the hast clew could le cbtaiued as to the cause of this strange desertion, and then forthe first time the captain received the startling intelligence that the cholera was sweeping down the river! As soon a.i this fact became known to the seutnta they wildly huddled into their boatstes though the fearful death angel was at) their heels, and silently, yet with powerful strokes, they pulled down the fat1 stream. At length they reached theirl B'"P. and though they mr freely- as breathed somef7 trod their ov cam ' J aft. lot ka r'a j A v d to iamsaae. axi labors uiiiAeTLt all Labis w calirj ta take La th At It o'clock 0 mid u was art. a&d all Labis vert Ur a Irw in tcrt.1 Lroegtt ii co.tai-- t witk a other. No further ynj;om of th diaded potilr&r Lad ;iwvd. aud tlarT ItrjpiB Ui tak U.m. It a Lalf last 13 oVkxL Aa oil tcaiuaa aaiutd li-- Khijea Lad th helm, a hiS the retuaindcr of the waU b er cither ia tL puigvty or for- ward. TL wind eubtinoed fnbh. bat yet steady, and the old ahip was rloa LaoM epon it. lyre soma two ui fruui Lrr troecoorM. The ship's U-Was euprodcd orer lh triiuutcle, and tdd Sioi-t- t reached ovt-- r and strmk tha n4 half boor after DiidnighL He Lad Li fuiauon. aud was g J '1st intently at tit eouipa, wbee La felt a Laud laid npon Lis shoulder, aud n tuning around be beheld by tha atruang beams of the binnacle lampthe ole. deathly features at Walter Ad- tank SCT SOCIETIES. ' 1 ' Up-actaai-V Vlfwcfcaaaui I - IW Lbe afcip'a cur a aiJ Oarw bmhroo tbe vaier. TL wiul limes OCTOBLR 3. ' J -- Ap)M - Wajrons, I load I- N- DEALER WHOLESALE Implements, UugioH, Carta, 15 Liquor and Cigar Merchants tick boards, Turbine - VJs I , r psjszzzzJp0 . f J I rY c?KiUerauie rua- tue oi hold get iiKVfno rler chainsIe tried to call for assist ance, but Ids tongue was so swollen that he found it impossible, and afterremain-in- g r.pou the chains long enough to regain more strength he worked his way up till he got hold of the lanyards of the cabin dead lights. From thence he reached the lashings of the stern boat, but here weakness again overpowered him, and after working his way into the boat he remained some time insensible, but at length he revived and came on board. He had tried to speak, Orders by Mail Promptly Attended to. but he could not. When the helmsman Fifth. St., Ne .r Young, OttDKN. fled from the wheel he had sense enough and the from to see the ship's danger, & impulse of a sort of instinct he seized C. the wheel and brought her up to the wind. Wholesalb and Retail The morning dawned, and the next day passed, then another, and another, but the death fiend came not againl He had lost his first intended victim and he DEALERS IN left the ship in peace. Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., in Yankee Blade. DCTmfS tion he f oiT BakeJ Barbed H 111 I Bros. I I VI . I Also for Wallis & Co. Mexican DEALERS IN hand-mad- e, Custom house .FEED CAE LOAD C-I-G-A-- R-S. LOT8 A SPECIALTY, Ofije. 2444 Washington avenue. Telephone No. 163 WHOLK8ALK DKALKH8 OF" ROCK! ROCK! ?OCK! Dlrt'laia ifcuarry of i,ltf Hurl. Is the Vest et. Gray the I Vprlccs delivered call at office of Brain ard. Illobitteon A I , 21UC Waglilugton At. Tier t Vt. IK Heights addition, $125-ach.- $550.earh. 8.Kt rod on Qninoy, between 23d and 2ih dp., fo5 r rd. fixl't pvt'i on Hurrifon, between 23rd rod. nr.d 24-me., 3C0 4xlt rods on 23(d. between Qdincy and .fackson, f 4"0 per rod. (14x141 ft, cor 24h and Jackon, (3000. 1a(s on monthly iiietall merits, $130to tr Frfrklin Place add. TO EXfcftANGE. b'mall Fruit Farm 2)a H.iles from Ci r residence ur Hiili, Inr Estate, l . ood farm1 in Kiinaas and STOCK, EED&BURG1TT W.fvhi.icton oyou y Ave;ni. wno can IcliTor fo 'lowing Ba'ijniri: re lots faciDg on the Bonlesri5 In 3.Wi lirSKfMr.. re fi lore in Block 12, Plat(.',cae!i.I.JtN PlaC'-- i4Ti 3'f p ar"; s adjoiDius llnivcrflty ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO BE ADDRESSED TO ODR "OGDEN OFFICE." , 'J53 overlKklng the oliy, peraerv KMI IJitf t icn rougii laud, ouly 3 milec. Hli) ,i,o HivUiinrc, pcraiire !M itixis trout, between Jacshou nnn lrou rod t VanBuren Areuuo, flue 'aud ouly, laiien from arr-i- , i r,n'of!io.u, r cre , 7S . -- sA feel, tm tween 0 Twenty-MH-oi- Mid Ir:rici1. l'r Mies. H'.ret, . AS&ij-- toot Orders respectfully solicited and satisfaction giar-- be- avi- - 011 leet, iniprciveJ withg')-f- l hfticc, utroet, he'wcen ' iui!ti!i and AilHmn areiiues, per ft.... 75 - 7 iroTir.ivef! (arm Ian , onl Hfrex, i ll!' fro o e,v utre :' city. J'eraere S! I toft fr.iut on SOi h utreet. berwoen '' ab- Irtcjti.n aurl Adam- - aveiiuen. per rn4..mttt 21th street, per foit....;;iH) fMlxCiO ii.S norM lu c!ly limits on (he Bene , 4V3 let-to- Brainard, Jtobiusoii & Co. BULK AND BOTTLED. ti the Teul.T-M"fi"n- 1 EXPORT, SELECT BOHEMIAN AFD HOFBRAU, CONSTANTLY IN CALL ON grr-cer- hii'-'tiP- T WAKT TO BI eal lo's between 35th and 'JCth Sis., , i.ear motor. 2 lott, on Washington ave., only $2()0 each. 3 )o'r, block 10, Lake View addition, (225 each. 2 lots in orchard, Nob Hill addition, 1(1 Colo-ra-- I I PRODUCE. BALED H ATI GRAIN. SEEDS, EGGS APPLES BUTTER We oflVr for this week the following S"pra I FLOUR REAL ESTATE! property. nd 80 ) acres Waxiiirn'on 00 acres in ian Luis Valley, III & STORM'S MEAL, CORN MEAL, Mail orders and wholesaling a special bushiest street. with us. Twenty-fourt- h $3o0 each. A $3'X) snap in I WHOLESALE Tnr our Pure Lard, mannfactnred by our selves and you will nerer use any other. 70 loto. University $2n0 to $350 each. ,8:B. CARL UPMANSWMTroN COMPANY, Meat, Poultry and Fish Barcains; - I AGF'NT9Ixr Black- - Wire, 1 BUTCHERS. him from time to time for work. One evening a tall, big boned fellow, in his shirt sleeves, asked Crane if he had any work to do. "I don't know," said the farmer. "Can you tend horses?" "Yes, iudeedy. I'vs worked about horses all my life." "Come around here to the pump." said Crane, and he led the way to a common sucker rod pump near the barn. Going inside be got a long, narrow pitcher, and placed it under th spout "There." said h, "pump that pitcher full of water." The big boned fellow complied, carefully pumping the pitcher full without spilliug a single drop. "That'll do," Raid Crane. "Go insids and get ready for supper; I'll give you a job in the morning." About a week later th big boned fellow aked Cranit what pumping the pitcher full of water had to do with hi getting a job "Well. I'll just tell you. This is mighty dry weather, and waVer is getting scarce. You must have thought that far. for you didn't spill any water. If you hadn't puuiied hard the water would have been spilled, and if you had pumped too liard the water would have gone over the pitcher. Now, the way i argue is this: If a fellow don't pump hard enough ne won't work hard enough. If he pumps too hard he'll work too hard for a little while, and I don't want either kind to work for tue. You pumped exuclly right, and you got a job." Toledi Dlado. V nninnnmnir II nnnDM II ill CIGARS. He Got tha Job. Farmer Crane, who lives over on the town line, has some very unique methods of examining the men who apply to 1 Pocatello, V re Iroa 77" H. Greenwell (WOOERS, aere ftfer Vi inilf-- from C'lty Hall on ai Hue of Eloctric Motor, per acre i- i .!. rim fj t.Kt F. J. KIESEL & CO. |