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Show THE PAGE SIX Thursday, November 4, 1937 NEIMII. UTAH TIMES-NEW- Interpreters of the Mode run tor. I The mo I nirwJ'T I ti at I tailor Semo ? I CALLED HIM UP AND HE SAID Hfr COULDMT PO IT IlllTlL TOMORROW BJT, WFIL. I MEAN To I N Tel I V- -! via iT a suit I liT Wt-IE- meamT To Tell VOO MEANT.HUH Y IT CLEAN you WRWiiw 7 Vol) wear IT TOPA7. WEAR V KvJ THB ) OM6?mm k I pLl)BBEBM MATTER. Jou tHS 5u,tFor. VyiTH AunTwEfc.. ' v II J fcjt C .J Ta wiULMAK'&ATie.y-,rR-pVA- ivr 7 f -- I By C. M. PAYNE 1 DUKJUo) 1 Cant 4uessKg Eata C WITHOUT CAM I CO ( - VELLyTHERfiS LOTS OP PLACES I H JtSIiISk DaVS Vona. ..Jn ' MUn "II r- 'SM'T F(T I II Ul I' V UH- VOlJ-UH-- We Got Knocked Out This Way in the Subway Once VjLaAIZUC LtWTou&tJ! S7t V yl I S'MATTER POP AT MUif 7 UMt 'A. A03T EKJD OR .wmSM THE TB0.&IC ACODEAJT 30METUIKJG OTWER TO OM6 OP TwO PfaOIKJEKjT TOWMSMEtO LATE I ."it3 tru'-- ' 7 '.AccotacrKiG to As encuusive GRaMTEO THE OF OfsiE Slj EXPLODED &V TME TUJO PRiwClBa.L5, IT SEEMS TME GEKJTS VAJERE RABBIT MUMTIIOG NORTH OP practical.lv liMOCKED TME TAP. OUT OP TWE VICE VE?5A FLAPJACK FLATS (g,P(S(Ul rv AFTER VJCOKJ. IE8 V UJUO BE.ENJ BUGLE. ANJD OS.J FOQ. WOULD WAVE OTMEKWI5E IISI A CK5UT COU- - IK1TERVIEW ME3C5,TME6UI.LErf MULtrS STRUCK. HEAD JI vjALT OOmT MOUJ w,r TMEW In COTTZ-- GOT V BULLET hkau W5 'j'SiSl Pf ? fc-- TiJ I ; rs il Yl fl? Mfvj VAJMENJ SUOOEN1L-- TME GUK) UELO BV ZE6 BOOOS EVPLODED SENlOlMG. A F rt little-bod- BULL.ET STRAI6MT FOR. rt ultra-sma- gnrlf That's What We'd Like to Know, Too L. HUNTLEY BTOU&MT A OtOTiMELVJ WWU gvnHlcal. Sew- - Milady, just so long will Yours Truly strive to interpret the mode for you. Today the trio brings you frocks for every size (from four years to size 52) for almost any occasion. Each has been designed to bring you the ultimate in style in its particular class and all claim a new high in simplicity and comfort. Dress. It's nice to know you're easy to look at even if the occasion is only another breakfast session. That's dress at the why the left Is so handy to have. Note the clever detail all the way through even to the inverted skirt pleat. See how beautifully the sleeves set-i- n you just know at a glance how simple it is to put together. Cotton, of course, is the material. Typical of Youth. y The surest way to be a big is to wear dresses that are as expertly planned as the grownups'. The little number above, center, has the smart styling of a 's frock. It is typical of youth's freshness and activity, and is one model that gets little girls' complete endorsement. It is the number one dress for the number one sweetheart in anybody's family. An Orchid to You. Do you think of a charming sorority tea with lots of atmosphere and plenty of style when you look at the handsome new above, right? Would you like it made in one color and material, or, perhaps with a topper in gold lame or satin combined with a skirt of a rich dull fabric? Why not make it yourself to suit your own fancy and step into a swell little world of glamour crowded with fans and sun and festivity? The Patterns. Pattern 1401 is designed for sizes 36 to 52. Size 38 requires material. 4'i yards of Pattern 1366 is designed for n, Ultra-Sma- IBn By S. LONG as you Your-Ow- j MESCAL IKE MIS MIAEV BA.TE'a sub-deb- f aagstt: 3 ThaTs FINNEY OF THE FORCE SLIP Lime YOUR UWIPORM,' OUTA I F Him The end nTuFP that up is oJ the VJILL IDEnTiI .THE miGr NE CAUsH- I- THE AkI' SOTTA TWO 3HUPE ARE VASRAMTf Soil AMD WEBER victim holdup COMIUCS- - IKl ylwlr! Re Dress Br OJmtm THE FEATHERHEADS 111 w rlLL Out LIME 2 MAKE V 5HUBC: . I CMDCA fimrKht. W R. I Htsmlfv, Trnt Mark Reg. V. Vml. 0Rc) I The Finger - hj two-piec- er i WILL SHTiCK 42 j sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 years. Size 8 requires 2 yards of material, plus l34 yards of machine-mad- e pleating to trim, as 39-in- pictured. Pattern 1396 is designed for sizes 32 to 44. Size 34 requires ITs material for the yards of mateblouse, Vs yards of rial for the skirt. Send your order to The Sewing Circle Pattern Dept., 149 New Montgomery Ave., San Francisco, Calif. Patterns 15 cents (in coins) each. New Pattern Book. Send 15 cents for the Barbara Bell Fall and Winter Pattern Book. Make yourself attractive, practical and becoming clothes, selecting designs from the Barbara Bell 39-in- 54-in- ch well-planne- pat- easy-to-ma- terns. WNU Bell Syndicate. Service. mm iffSi LAMPS BV?5Mi.i With thil beautiful new Coleman Man tie Lamp in your home you'rt sure of r, plenty of high s clear, white .$ . Ui i 71 NEW candle-powe- MODEL light, bo much like No. 143 natural daylight. It'i clean iafe, dependable light. No finer home light made. Fuel cost is nnlff 1 4 n iff fit. Haa modern Gtaaatex ahmdet fuel fount tinUhed In attractive ivory and gold. See Coleman Lampi and Lanterns at your dealer a. FREE FOLDERS Send a postcard now! LAMP AND STOVE CO. THE COLEMAN Ml.; Dept. WU1 89, Wichita, Kans.; Chicago,(71t& Philadelphia,Pa.; Los Angeles, Calif. 35-in- ch POP By J. MILLAR WATT Why Waste It? J? zr,- there's another WAR - F - AMD VJELL WE'RE VESi INVADED, BUT WHY DONT VOL WAIT FOR THE NEXT USE GAS.' WAR ? Bn SvnrilcaM. Walking Liver Johnny, who had been to the circus, was telling his teacher about the wonderful things he had seen. The Curse of Progress T STj Y :frS7sJ I T7 vouwq LAW. voott ME MOTHER lMPOM this that she found AMO R006E CVIMG ON YOUR OHESSER-- WHAT HAVE VOU TO R LIP-STI- VCLF x::::::::::::::::;w5ii:::w: Wjd V::::::: :'::::) Vfl I 1 I i His Tarn to Guess ; Teacher Are there any questions before we start to recite? What's the Student Yes, sir! lesson? if imit'liimrt Mfc.ni lii REAL ESTATE TO BUT SELL or TRADE HOMES, FARMS, RANCHES, or BUSINESS PROPERTIES Consult the BEE HIVE REALTY, INC. BEASON SALT LAKE BUILDING These Advertisements Give You Values IIOTEI, NEWIIOUSE Hotel Invites YOU had one big animal they called the hiphip." "Hippopotamus, dear," prompted the teacher. "I can't just say Us name," exclaimed Johnny, "but it looks just like 9,000 pounds of liver." Double Duty iitMrBniii Salt Lake's Most Hospitable By GLUYAS WILLIAMS WRAPPER FOR WARMTH .'Ii Srvlc. "An, teacher," he cried, "they The chief of police of Dinksville was also Dinksville's veterinary surgeon. An agitated woman called up bis home. "Do you want my husband in his capacity of veterinary or chief of police?" asked the chiefs wife. "We "Both," came the reply. can't get a bulldog to open his mouth there's a burglar In it" ' WMU "Quotations" The true scholar is the most practical person in the world, because he spends his time adjusting himself to reality in accordance with the evidence, and he knows what the evidence is. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler. To the eyes of art as to the eyes of affection, the unessential of life do not count. Thornton Wilder. What America needs is one great, healthy ability to say "No." Dr. Carl Jung. i .Bi The Newhquse VKIS 09 wbuppir foiD HiM ft Puf IN SYAND5 REMHIS To Which moimCR AND BED IN OH WHEN 1ftviK6 OUf TiW-- 6 1b riHD HIS WAV IN UPft rf BHD AT ftp-C0NS'TER&Bl.r 1IME fcEfS OHE ASM StfffrffcD IN . fttE 400 ROOMS IpplI Hotel 400 BATHS The Finest in Hotel Accommodations at Moderate Prices Rates It is our aim to serve you in the manner most pleasing to you. to Discovers fatf hv woolw 80fc TAILEN ODf BED 0T &E NliHf Mil RIfRlCi'Eb ICr.liM. HIT. TV. Ball HIM IN DOWN W. BOUNCIS ilRAiD f AHp 1WEN1V MlUU-- ClUftHti iMtl? 6E1i WAPRE Iririk.u. In.) TiNftiLV ON BE&IW PlAV'.WRAPprR N01 COVERING MUCH OF HIM I,CCP1 HIS AR16 $422 Dining Room Mrs. J. H. Waters, Cafeteria Pres. W. E. Duffel Sutton, Gen. ? |