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Show ft 1 Insert Page Ten ' . Times-New- s, Nephi, UfaK Thursday, Nov. 7, 1 938 STATE BANKING DEPARTMENT State Capitol SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Report of the Condition of the I . The THE COMMERCIAL BANK f Nephi, In the State of Utah at the Close of business on October ASSETS Loam and Discounts $484,904.86 6,866.04 -- Overdrat United States Government obligations, direct and or luuy guaranieea . stocks and securities wanning nouse, 8,i6.uo; Furniture and Fixtures Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process oi collection Other 21.550.00 bonds, . 1, 1937 K OQA , j $2,517.77 . rvi sj 10,803.77 104.588.23 TOTAL .$634,692.90 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships and corporatlons$323,491.43 Time Deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations 143,364.53 state, county ana municipal deposits 75,246.29 of certified officers' other and checks Deposits banks, etc outstanding, 17,640.96 Not secured by the pledge of loans and or investments , $559,743.21 TOTAL DEPOSITS $559,743.21 account Capital ' ' Capital notes and debentures: 2 to Sold Reconstruction Finance (1) Corporation $27500.00 Common stock, 1000 shares, par $25.00 per share 425,000.00 AmericaE , . no $52,500.00 Surplus 10,000.00 Undivided Drofits net 7,762.19 Reserves for contingencies 2,500.00 Retirement fund for preferred stock or capital notes and debentures 2,187.50 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNT 74,949.69 TOTAL, INCLUDING CAPITAL ACCOUNT $634,692.90 STATE OF UTAH, . , . ' . County of Utah Max Thomas,, being first duly sworn according to law. deposes and says that he Is cashier of the above named bank, and that the above and foregoing report contains a full, true and correct statement of the condition of the said bank at the close of business on the 1st day of ucioDer, liui. MAX THOMAS, subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of October 1937. VIVIAN H. STEWART. Seal Notary Public," Residing at Spanish Fork. My comission ex pires April zo, lmi. Correct Attest: P. P. Thomas, Jos. Hanson, A T Money. Directors. State of Utah . .. Office of Bank Commissioner i. Kuion jr. itariey.- - Bank Comissioner of the State of Utah, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct of the statement of the above named company, filed in my office oncopy October 31, i ' j Rulon F. Starley " Bank Commissioner , Uses Much Timber North America, with one-tXOx mt the world's population, uses one-ha- lf of the world timber output Where Handwriting Counts Jud Tunkins says it is possible to Judge a msn by his handwriting. A bank cashier can do it every time. Habits et the Chinese The Chinese are extra verts; they make gestures and ehatter and laugh and get angry an la pubH. John Brown's Burial Place John Brown's body is buried en a farm ha owned two miles east of Lake Placid, N. Y. w ' 1 4 JHS GYM NASIUM n Uj r uJ U if mmm QUART Wmmma agM h-- 40 We, the American Legion Members of Nephr Post Number One, extend to all men and partners, also all other dancing feet and others, a very hearty invitation to attend our eighteenth annual Carnival dance. We are sponsoring this dance for your enteratihment and pleasure. MARRIED FOLKS and YOUNG FOLKS JOIN US IN ONE MORE SWELL Ex-Servi- ce ." - BIG DANCE V 1 NOISE MAKERS AGENTS 40c FUN MAKERS LADIES 10 c |