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Show Thursday, November 4, 1917 THE Household Quesionr for Tea Biscuits. Fillin Sar- dines mixed with salad dressing and a few drops of lemon juice make excellent filling for tiny tea TIMES-NEW- s MtihSciene Science Service. V Science, but Makes Enormous Strides has made. it -- FOK KNEW THAT I N ACID-INDIGESTIO- WAS DISTRESSING TO ME AND OFFENSIVE TO OTHERS ALKALIZE f5'V- THE EASY w o ' jar Household words today, were unknown 43 years ago, and radium was first obtained only 39 years ago. Treatment of cancer is the chief meaning these potent have in the minds of most persons. This is perhaps their most Important field of usefulness but by no means their only one. Diagnosis of disease has been made far more certain and accurate by means of the penetrating "For example, the diagnosis of disease by has practically revolutionized the study and knowledge of tuberculosis and neardisly all cases of this ease are now diagnosed by declared Dr. Arthur C. Christie of Washington, D. C, president of the congress. "Most stomach ulcers are as are bone diagnosed by the and kidney diseases, afflictions of the sinuses, of the teeth, and even y PHILLIPS' 14AV kitty v shown above, has made quite a pal of V white rodent Both are owned V n. Tk..... -- V Marco, an Aus- tralian "horey bear," romps with his friend. Napoleon, the po- - i vr - v , ,H It " - 4 "' ,i i- - v LIGHTSHIPS, 4 r In Hollywood. ljfl.ik lax t - " 4 4437 W v"i ' fact, all organs of the body as well as the bone structures can now be made apparent to the radiologist for his diagnosis. By injection of air and gas into the ventricles of the brain, tumors or other brain diseases may be studied from the film findings. Intravenous injections of certain dyes into the lobby Is delightfully air daring the summer niontlis Radio tor Every Room 20O Room 200 Bath n .i !i outline the "Foreign bodies, such as nails, coins, and other metals occasionalr. swallowed by children, can be acso curately located by the y that the bronchoscopist may extract these dangerous objects. "Inflammatory lesions, such as boils, carbuncles, muscular arthritis, are often cured or reduced by ly y The therapy." three thousand delegates Nellie was a New York spaniel. She roamed the streets homeless and hungry. Her eight puppies all died shortly after they were born, because the poor thing had been undernourished. But in a home for stray animals Nellie found eight kittens who had lost their mother. new-bor- n She adopted them and they adopted her, proving that there is always an outlet for mother-love- . Pictured below Nellie and her feline brood is another odd animal affection. The Bible says that there'll come a time when the lion and the is the King of Beasts practicing to lamb shaU lie down together, and here his bosom pal, a little black dog. Their owner is with for occasion the up of Mrs. A. J. Nannetti, of Oakland, Calif. the congress heard of a new test Sililife made possible by cosis, which affects thousands of workers in dusty trades, is detected by these same rays. tiM.,i jwyvW.w....A'ww mnaEyww York and Los Angeles here. for talented ac reason for this New York stage Hollywood's motion picture studios are the best ac tors in the country. Geographically Los Angeles exeels New York in its facility for television broadcasts on the "line of sight" properties of the televi sion waves, also reports the commit tee. While New York and its sur rounding area can be covered from towering Manhattan skyscrapers the city of Los Angeles has its own, natural high landmarks. Cahuenga peak, for example, has an altitude of 1,825 feet, affords an eminence nearly 50 per cent greater than New York's Empire State tower, and commands the San Fernando valley on the north, the greater part of Los Angeles to the south and east and the beach cities of the west. The great need tors ,is a" primary decision. On the and radio and in Temple Square Rates $1.5Q to $3.QQ 0 Tle Ifotrl Temple Sqiinre ham m hlfihly cifialrnhl, friendly atmot phpre.You will always flnl il lmmac-- u la let. supremely comfort!.!.., and thoroughly agreeable. You can therefore understand why thla hotel lai L 111 I--1 I ItEAAJlYIMblNlibU mhto appreciate whyi 11.. 1 You can trB m mam or uistinction to clop mt thi beautiful ftoatefry ERNEST C ROSSITER, Afrr. They have repeatedly given refuge to the the shipwrecked. A German submarine raider visited Newport in 1918, before we entered the World war. Later it went out and made its lair near Nantucket lightship, where, until the alarm spread, vessels were contantly passing. The submarine sank a number of unarmed merchant ships, the crews of which took refuge on the lightship. At one time there were 115 shipwrecked men aboard the lightship, and 19 ships' boats were trailing on a line astern. As bad weather ensued shortly, and the locality is 47 miles from the nearest land, it is certain that many of these seamen would have lost their lives had it not been for the haven provided by the lightship. The only navigational aid in this country destroyed by the enemy during the World war was the Diamond Shoal lightship off Cape Hat-tera-s. LtUL-SiJp- f Furs or feathers, it really makes htUe dif- ference. Above, an Aus- trahan Tabby throws a paw about her pal, the cockatoo. At right is a hen in a Chicago suburb. Deprived of her chicks. she adopted a brood of f I- - , ff tVf A ?rVi', tf' .X'! $pF?Z - 5T. 'WS1' , f S'"1' r, Vfi VV f VI' V$ jVjfl ?t Jk&1 I "7 ' 14 the Variable Stars SciCambridge, Mass. ence's many futile attempts to predict the changes in brightness of the heavens' blinking giants, the long- period variable stars, have And Just to prove once more that mother love knows no bounds been ended by the explanapresent this kitty who adopted a brood tion of two Harvard astrono- animal life, wechicks. frisky yellow mers that only the law of chance governs their irregu- I 'Z lar flarings and fadings. Leon Campbell and Dr. Theodore E. Sterne of the observatory start say no mathematician can possibly anticipate the irregular changes of brilliance. Their research has also eliminated the belief of some as tronomers that there have been important and widespread evolutionary changes of increase or diminu tion among these ables. long-perio- d L T - W I,';" v r vari Enemies by tradition, this dog and fox are friends in fact bedding. Other lifeboats arrived later with more survivors. Eventually all these people were transferred to land by the steamer Grace Dollar. This all happened during dense fog which had lasted for two days, with the station fog signals sounding regularly. Now a has been placed on Blunts Reef lightship. In 1916, Fire Island lightship, in the approach to New York, was radio-beaco- rammed rC ' ' Chance Rules Flarings of On the afternoon of August 8, 1918. a submarine raider began firing at a marchant ship about a mile and a half away. The lightship broadcast by radio a warning to other vessels in the vicinity, and this was undoubtedly the means of saving many ships. But it resulted in the submarine's firing six shots at the lightship, and later returning and sinking it by gunfire. The crew got away in boats, and. after seeing the ship go to the bot tom, they landed safely that evening on Cape Hatteras. Some Notable Life Saving Work. Blunts Reef lightship marks the outer limit of rocks off Cape Mendocino, a wild and desolate section of the California coast. At 1:30 on a June morning in 191ft, the lookout reported a boat hailing the lightship. On coming alongside, the officer in charge stated that the steamship Bear had stranded between the cape and False Cape rock. In all, nine lifeboats came alongside, and 155 people from the Bear, including many women, were taken aboard the lightship and given hot coffee and warm " HOTEL bobbing y SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY Our ,9 cooled . along our coast, warning mariners of dangerous shoals, may not stir the imagination of passengers on passing ships, but they have played an important part in guarding life and property at sea. brain. veins r- 9 : Owirraphle Society. Prepared by Natlonii! Wanhiniiton, D. C. WNU Service. New CALIF. HOLLYWOOD, Hold Secrets Los York two are the and Angeles The truly wise man should have no keeper of his secret but him- most logical choices for the beginof commercial television nings self. Guizot. broadcasting in America, reports the scientific committee of the research council of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences WNU .a K, & ... L' s. 11 iMHirrnrii U mm " - . . w- - - - .- ril . e m:'".-eX- -j P Lightships and Lighthouses Save Lives and Property Along America's Coasts Centers for Television en y- Lightship Anchored on Nantucket Shoals. Every Organ and Bone Visible. New many you have tried for your cough, chest cold, or bronchial Irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with any remedy less potent than Creomulsion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble and aids nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mucous membranes and to loosen and expel the germ-ladphlegm. Even if other remedies have failed, Creomuldon't be discouraged, try sion. Your druggist Is authorized to refund your money If you are not thoroughly satisfied with the benefits obtained from the very first bottle. Creomulsion Is one word not two, and it has no hypnen In it. Ask for it plainly, see that the name on the bottle is Creomulsion, and youll get the genuine product and the relief you want. (Adv.) Ah - ... but Buddy, the y, s. Still Coughing? medicines No matter how - r Animals, like human beings, often make strange friendships for there is little explanation. For instance, a cat usually looks upon a rat as a one- . "In The quick way to alkalize !s this: Take two teaspoons of Phillips Milk, of Magnesia 30 minutes after eating and drinking.twoOr, when Phillips' among others take Tablets that come in a small flat tin you carry in purse or vest You do it unnoticed. pocket. Relief b almost immediate. "Gas," nausea, acid breath and other offensive symptoms leave. That '"stuffed" feeling and pains from indigestion" cease to annoy. You feel great. This is the way, we believe, more doctors use than any other when alkalizing upset stomach. i v- ' which sub-stanc- the . .1 J once-dreade- d BUTNOW-m-x - . v. 1 showed the enormous strides EMBARRASSED 11 ' WNU Service. Radiology a Young This the newost in crochet inexpensive quickly made in one or two colors (the leaf border con. trusting) add beauty to your home. Make luncheon or bullet sets scarfs or just doilies use perle cotton or just etring. Pat- - I ."i. Parade X-ra- ys WAS NEVER SO i . THREE rnexponsivo Buffet Set That's Done in a Jiffy Lightships t Uses for Beef Marrow. Beef marrow is very nutritious. Add it to the suet for meat puddings and What XRays Have Done forcemeat, and to stews and soups. Mixed with tinned tomato for Diagnosis and Cure puree, or haricot bean puree, you get excellent mixture for a savory Chicago, 111. Radiology, toast. the study and use of both and radium, is a comSave Stale Bread Crumbs Bread that has become hard and paratively young science, but stale can be ground into crumbs, it has turned out to be a prebrowned in the oven, and used for cocious youngster. Reports improving the flavor and appear- to the International Congress ance of many dishes. Store in an of Radiology in Chicago airtight tin. I PAGE Strange Pals of the Animal Kingdom biscuits, will When to Add Salt.-S- alt curdle new milk. In preparing porridge, gravies, etc., salt should not be added until the dish is prepared. NEPHI. UTAH S. in of by the steamer n Philadel-phia- n, and her side cut open for four feet below the water line. The ship was saved from sinking only by the remarkable presence of mind and quick work of her crew, who shifted weights, slung out boats, and filled them with water, so as to list the vessel and bring the damage above the water line. Lightship number one was retired from duty in 1930, after 75 years of service. This vessel was built for the station then known as Nantucket New South Shoals, and remained on this exposed station for 36 years, with only sails for power. In early days it was not easy to maintain lightships on outside stations. The first attempts in this country were made at Sandy Hook, at the entrance to New York bay. in 1823, and at Diamond Shoal, off Cape Hatteras, in 1824. In the latter case the ship broke from her moorings within a few months, and, after being replaced several times, was wrecked in 1827. It was 70 years before another lightship was placed off Diamond Shoal. Recent Improvements in Lightships. Marked advance has since been The made in lightship design. breaking strength of mooring chains has been doubled; even a West Indies hurricane passing up the coast seldom parts a mooring. In the gale of September, 1933, Diamond Shoal lightship dragged mushroom anchor her 5,500-poun- five miles, but the mooring chain withstood the tremendous strain. Our coastal lighthouse system was fairly well completed in the last Structures which house century. the great lights of today were for the most part built from 60 to 80 years ago. Progress in recent years has been more in technical improvements, making use of radio, electricity, new illuminants, and improved fog signals. Now and then, however, changes must be made in the primary stations themselves; new needs call for new stations, the abandonment of old towers, or the substitution of less expensive automatic lights. Six light stations of the first rank, recently completed, show the different needs that occasionally arise. At North Manitou, in the northern part of Lake Michigan, a station has been built in 22 feet of water to take the place of a lightship. Two other similar stations have recently been completed in this lake. At Cape Decision, Alaska, a new light and fog signal station stands in a key position for the navigation of southeast Alaska, situated as it is at an entrance from the outside and at a turning point for the inside passages. At the south end of Santa Barbara channel, off the coast of California, navigation is now safeguarded by the station on Anacapa island, a guide both to coasting vessels and to those approaching Los Angeles from the open sea. Ihe sixth of these new primary stations stands at the entrance from Lake Huron to the St. Mary's river where it was necessary to have a guide close to the channel for the Lake Superior traffic. The most powerful light in the American lighthouse system shines from a low structure atop the At lantic Highlands at Navesink, New Jersey. Its penetrating beam meas ures 9,000,000 candlepower. Vicissitudes of Lighthouses. Progress, as well as nature's assaults, sometimes dooms fine old lighthouses. Often these towers figure prominently in local history and romance. Fortunately, such old towers sometimes can be preserved. The state of New Jersey has taken over the tall tower of Barnegat light, which is of diminished importance to navigation. The first Cape Henry tower, in Virginia, has been transferred to a patriotic organization, and that at Cape Florida is preserved by a private purchaser. When the sea encroaches, it is often difficult to save an old station. Usually it is less expensive to move it, or to build another lighthouse. Thus, along the sandy south Atlantic states and Gulf coasts, many early masonry towers have succumbed to the sea. Metal structures have been dismantled and moved back to places of safety. Eleven years ago the historic lighthouse at Cape Henlopen, Delaware, was destroyed by the inroads of the Atlantic. Henlopen was one of the early Colonial lights. Our steady change to modern automatic lights has saved the public much money. But for primary lights the maxim is, "Safety is found only in certainty," and human attention, given by lightkeepers, must be retained. An exception is the lighthouse operated by the United States government on Navassa island in the West Indies. Here the keepers were removed because of difficulty in maintaining them on this uninhabited and barren island between Jamaica and Hispaniola.' This lighthouse now has two auto1 matic flashing lights, one above the other, with independent gas supplies for each, to insure that one light will always show. Ingenious devices are utilized to save gas or electricity in burning the automatic lights. Sun valves, depending on the rate of expansion of different metals, are used to turn off the acetylene gas lights during the daytime. cell Recently the has been employed to turn on and off automatic electric lights operated from batteries. The unattended flashing light at Molokini, Hawaiian Islands, burned without failure for nearly 20 years, flashing over 200,000,000 times. Two lighted buoys each have a record of burning nearly a year and a half on one charge of acetylene gas. low-lyin- g, light-sensiti- 1 svy &iSKv 3. Pattern 1532 1532 contains detailed directions for making the des'gn shown; illustrations of it and of all stitches used; material requirements; photograph of section of work; suggestions for varied uses. Send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) for this pattern to The Sewing Circle, Needieeraft Dept., 82 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. tern Please write plainly pattern number, your name and adaress. Safe Pleasant IVay o Lose U Clt- - How would you like to lose 15 pounds of fat in a month and at the same time increase your energy and improve your health? How would you like to lose your double chin and your too prominent hips and at the same time make your skin so clean and clear that it will compel admiration? How would you like to get your at the weight down to normal and for acsame time develop that urge a work makes pleasure tivity that and also gain in ambition and keenness of mind? Get on the scales today and Bee how much vou weigh then net a bottle ot4 Kruschon Salts which will last you for weeks and costs but a trifle. Take your teaspoonful every morning modify diet get a little regular gentle exercise and when you have finished the contents of this first bottle weigh yourself again. Now you will know the pleasant way to lose unsightly fat and you'll also know that the 6 salts of Kruschen have presented you with glorious health. But be sure for your health's sake that you ask for and get Kruschen Salts. Get them at any drugstore In the world and If the results one bottle brings do not delight you do not joyfully saUsfy you why money back. one-ha- lf Point of Wisdom first point of. wisdom is to discern that which is false; the The that to know true. Lactantius. second, OWiPlillll IN DASH i which is "Applicito, ikM'BUCK LEAF 40 i "Cp-Bru- ,h GO FEATHERS . .N MUCH FAJtTHM f GET RID OF PIMPLES New Remedy Uses Magnesia to Clear Skin. Firms and Smooths Complexion Makes Skin Look Years Younger. Get rid of ugly, pimply skin with this extraordinary new remedy. Denton's Facial Magnesia works miracles la clearing up a spotty, roughened complexion. Even the hist few treatments make a noticeable difference. The ugly spots gradually wipe away, big pores grow smaller, the texture oi the akin itself becomes firmer. Before you know it friends are complimenting you on your complexion. SPECIAL OFFER for a few weeks only Here is your chance to try out Denton't Facial Magnesia a t a liberal saving. We will send you a full 6 oz. bottle of Denton's, plus a regular size box of famous Milnesia Wafers (the original Milk of Magnesia tablets) . . . both for only 60cl Cash in on this remarkable offer. Send 60c in cash or stamps todav. DENTON'S Facial Magnesia 4402 SELECT PRODUCTS. Inc. 23rd Street long Island City, N. Y. Enclosed find 60o (cash or stamp,) for which send mm your special introduotoxy combination. Namm Stmt O'ry Addrtiti . .. ..Stars m m |